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Simple Rules: This site allows noncommercial comments only. If you want to post a job opening and you're in a hurry to do so, click here right now. You may not post a comment with a job opening unless Ned has given you permission to do so. Contact Ned by email at lundquist989@cs.com if you want to post a job or to advertise to sell something on this site.
Happy New Year, Ned! Pretty clever strategy, your “most trusted person in the world” survey, for getting us spoiled JOTW e-mail subscribers to visit your new web site! I took the bait. Before clicking on the link, I started thinking who now would be most trusted? Cronkite's been off the air too long for anybody to remember how much they trusted him. Mother Teresa has gone on to her Heavenly reward. Then I started thinking, maybe Oprah, until I clicked the link and found your survey. I apologize for not thinking of you earlier, but you unquestionably are the best choice! Nice web site, by the way. God bless all your new advertisers!
Your friend in Utah,
Mark Mesesan