Kid off to college? Get them in: to U Sphere – one application –
colleges compete over them. www.usphere.com.
JOTW 07-2007
12 February 2007
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
– Albert Einstein
Welcome to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for
professional communicators. JOTW is a cooperative service that relies on the contributions of its members, like you. We share job
opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as
swapping stories about life's peculiarities.
First of all, it doesn't cost you a cent. How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me
(lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's
that simple. And we share dozens of opportunities each week. Did I
mention it was free? Your friends can sign up by sending a blank e-mail to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com. It's free for them, too.
I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.
This week is Valentine’s Day. All of you should make some meaningful gesture to the one that you love. If it is your anniversary, as it is for Laura and I, it should be even more meaningful. And if it is your 25th anniversary, like it is for Laura and I, it should be 25 times more meaningful.
In this thrilling issue:
*** One Paragraph Pitch
1) Product Marketing Manager – Business ID Products, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusetts
2) Product Marketing Manager – Marketing Products, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusetts
3) Email Marketing Manager, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusetts
4) Manager, Merchandising & Content Strategy — Marketing & Promotion, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusetts
5) Associate, Merchandising & Content Strategy Marketing & Promotion, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusetts
6) Marketing Coordinator, Jung|Brannen, Newton, Massachusetts
7.) Communications Associate, Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, Bethesda, MD
8.) Media & Employee Communications Manager, San Diego Gas and Electric San Diego, California
9.) Director of Advertising Research, St. Paul Travelers, Hartford, CT
10.) Assistant Director of Communications, Archdiocese of Washington, Hyattsville, MD
11.) Communications Associate, THE CHICAGO COMMUNITY TRUST
Chicago, IL
12.) Manager, Communications and Marketing, Airports Council International-North America, Washington, DC
13.) Communications Specialist, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD
14.) Manager of PR, Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions, Nuance, Burlington, MA
15.) Manager of Employee Communications, Nuance, Burlington, MA
15.) PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST (Speechwriter), Natural Resources Conservation Service, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, DC
16.) Marketing Communications Manager, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Boston, MA
17.) Director of International Communication and Information, Resources, American Red Cross, Washington D.C.
18.) Vice President, Worldwide Public Relations, McAfee, Santa Clara, CA or New York, NY
19.) PR Account Executive, Jackson-Dawson, Greenville, SC
20.) Water Sector Communication Specialist, Transparency International, Berlin, Germany
21.) Program Manager, Reason Foundation, Washington, DC
22.) Associate Manager, Reading Rockets, WETA, Arlington, VA
23.) Manager, Business Development, WETA, Arlington, VA
24.) Manager, Adolescent Literacy, WETA, Arlington, VA
25) Senior Events Manager, Financial Services Company, Livingston, New Jersey and NY, NY
26.) Assistant Communications Officer, Action by Churches Together International, Geneva, Switzerland
27.) Senior PR Staff Member, Environics Communications, Washington, DC
28.) Web-based communications, IFRC, Geneva, Switzerland
29.) Account Executive, Walker Marchant Group, Washington, DC
30.) Senior Account Executive or Account Supervisor, Clear!Blue, Chicago, IL
31.) Media Relations Specialist, Ventana Public Relations, Bay Area, CA
32.) Communications Program Manager / Public Affairs, Mayo Clinic/St. Luke's Hospital, Jacksonville, FL
33.) Senior Associate, Widmeyer Communications, Washington, DC
34.) Director of Public Affairs, Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Alexandria, VA
35.) Media Relations Specialist, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
36.) Global Director of Communications, Law Firm, Chicago, IL
37.) Freelance Print Production Manager, Baltimore MD
38.) Public Relations Assistant, Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation, St. Louis, MO
39.) Account Supervisors/4 Public Relations Agencies in Cleveland and Columbus, OH
40.) Marketing and Public Relations Manager, Prematics, Bethesda, MD
41.) Manager of Public Relations & Communications, The Security Industry Association, Alexandria, VA
42.) Editorial Specialist, trade association, Washington, DC
43.) Airship Public Relations Manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, POMPANO BEACH, FL
44.) Executive Director, Arthur W. Page Society, NY, NY
45.) Marketing Communications Manager, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Boston, MA
46.) National Marketing Account Director, US Census, contract position
with AD Rendon Communications, Washington, DC
47.) National Public Relations Account Director, US Census, contract
position with AD Rendon Communications, Washington, DC
48.) Marketing Specialist, software distributor, Colorado
49.) Writer, CitySavvy, London, UK
50.) Art Director, Nerland Agency, Anchorage, AK
51.) Public Affairs Specialist, Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Office of the Commissioner, Office of Public Affairs, Rockville, MD
52.) Public Information Officer, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Baton Rouge, LA
53.) Deputy Press Secretary, Majority House Committee, Washington, DC
54.) Electronic Communications Specialist, Kitchell Corporation, Phoenix, AZ
55.) Electronic Communications Manager, Kitchell Corporation, Phoenix, AZ
56.) Marketing Director, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ
57.) Senior Vice President of Brand Strategy and Marketing, Valley of the Sun United Way, Phoenix, AZ
58.) Graphic Designer, HD Communication Solutions (HDCS), Phoenix, AZ
60.) Manager, Internal Communications, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ
61.) Meeting Planner, HIBCC, Phoenix, AZ
62.) Manager – Marketing/PR, Catholic Healthcare West – East Valley, Gilbert, AZ
63.) Specialist – Marketing/PR, Catholic Healthcare West – East Valley, Chandler, AZ
65.) Internal Communications Officer, Water Corporation, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
66.) Media Relations Manager, National Restaurant Assn, Washington, DC
67.) Marketing Manager, Publishing, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Alexandria, VA
68.) Marine and Industrial Development Media Relations Manager, Public Affairs Department, Port of Portland, Portland, OR
69.) Marketing and PR Specialists, Bonner & Hindley Communications, Leeds, Yorkshire, UK
70.) Communications Department Internship Opportunities, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London, UK
71.) Head of Marketing and PR, Imperial War Museum North, Manchester, England, UK
72.) Communications Director, Massachusetts Congressman, Washington, DC
73.) Asst. Manager-Corporate Communications, Priya Ltd, Mumbai, India
74.) Healthcare Communications Director, CIGNA, Bloomfield, CT
75.) Public Relation-Sr.Executive, Innovision Inc, Bangalore, India
76.) Dynamic Designer, AgileCat, Philadelphia, PA
77.) News Officer, PENN Medicines, Philadelphia, PA
78.) Marketing Communications Consultant, Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Malvern, PA
79.) Director – Online Traffic, Comcast Spotlight, Philadelphia, PA
80.) Web Designer, Patient Marketing Group, Princeton, NJ
81.) Communications Officer, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC), Boston, MA
82.) Manager – Corporate Communication, Allied Kinesis Services, Delhi, India
83.) Communications Specialist, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL
84.) SARE communications specialist, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), Beltsville, MD
85.) Media Relations Assistant (Writer/Editor I), National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
86.) Publications Coordinator, Public Relations, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
87.) Concepts Producer, MSNBC.com, Redmond, WA
88.) Public Affairs Specialist, Military Sealift Command, Washington, D.C.
89.) General Manager, Technology Practice for Public Relations Firm, San Francisco, CA
90.) Communications Manager, College of American Pathologists, Northfield, IL
91.) Reporter, McGraw-Hill's Platts power, Washington, DC
92.) Deputy Executive Director for Communications and Funds Development, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, Kentucky
93.) Manager – Corporate Communications, ABB, Vadodara/Baroda, India
94.) Communication Internship (Paid), World Security Institute, Washington, D.C.
95.) Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Jacob's Pillow Dance, Becket, MA
96.) Microsoft Account Manager, Waggener Edstrom
97.) Senior Marketing Consultant, Marketing/Healthcare Consulting, Chicago area
98.) Coordinator, PR/Strategic Development, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Washington, DC
99.) Phlebotomist, Lourdes Hospital, Binghamton, NY
*** Weekly Piracy Report:
…and more than you expected!
*** One Paragraph Pitch:
Dear Ed:
I am a relatively new subscriber to the JOTW, and am quite impressed. It occurs to me that many of those who receive your missive might benefit from having their own personal job search web sites. I have no idea how widespread this technique is, but I've found it very helpful, when talking with recruiters or making cold calls (or sending cold letters) to refer hiring managers to my web site, where they can see much more than just my resume. Mine, for example, includes letters of reference, samples from my portfolio and more. While I cannot provide such a service for free, I know that some headhunters charge a hefty fee for it. I would be happy to build such sites for anyone who may want one at a more reasonable price. To see mine, they can visit www.arrastia.com. Contact information is included on that site.
Thanks and Best regards,
Armando Arrastia
954 Inverness Road
Frankfort, KY 40601 armando@arrastia.com
*** Juanita:
I received this message from Tom Van Leunen:
For those who may not know, longtime Fleet Hometown News Center and Navy employee and friend to countless PAOs and MCs throughout the world, Ms. Juanita Williford-Roulhac recently passed away after a long battle with cancer. Her contributions to Navy Public Affairs were many and she will be missed by all whose lives she touched during her long association with the Navy.
V/R CAPT Van Leunen
Ned’s comment: Juanita Williford-Roulhac, I can honestly say, did more to recognize the accomplishments of Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen than any one person ever. She had the difficult and tedious task of preparing one FHTN form after another, so that it could become the good news story that was printed in the local newspaper. There it meant the world to that individual and his or her family and friends, and would be cut out and posted on bulletin boards and refrigerators. Juanita's stories put a real face on the Navy. And she did this in hundreds of newspapers across America. It was hard work, and thankless. It never ended, because the forms came in as fast as Juanita and her team could process them. While I worked at FHTN with Juanita, our team produced more than
a million news releases a year. Taken together, these releases resulted in newspaper copy by the mile. We have lost a national treasure.
*** From Michael Zimet:
IABC has opened the Advocacy Commons as a forum for discussing how to promote the communications profession and the role we could play in addressing a broad spectrum of professional, ethical, economic and social issues. Here's an opportunity to have a say and influence IABC's direction! Whether you're a member of IABC or not, join in the discussion at http://commons.iabc.com/advocacy/welcome/.
Thanks, Ned!
(What are we advocating?)
Nothing yet. We're in “study” mode to explore what we can and should do to promote the communications profession to business leaders, HR types and other non-communications audiences (think Visibility, Vitality and Value). We're also exploring whether IABC should take public stands (i.e., advocacy) on a variety of issues, whether they're business- or ethics-related, social or whatever. And of course, assuming we want to proceed, we have to define “how” we'll do it all.
That's why everyone's input is so important. This shouldn't just reflect the thinking of a “committee” — we want it to be as inclusive as possible. And we want to make sure that anything we do will add value to IABC, its members and the profession.
(What would be the kind of issue we would take a stand on?)
We haven't even addressed specific issues yet — we're focusing on whether, in principle, we'd recommend taking public stands on issues. But some of the examples we've explored are in the areas of professional ethics (such as Enron or PR agencies' ethical lapses), social issues (such as literacy and hunger), or business issues (such as how effective communications might make a difference in responding to crises or special events. We'll only really examine specific issues once we decide whether IABC will become involved in issues.
(Assuming that half of the 10,000 JOTW subscribers are not IABC members, why is this important to them?)
Our primary attention isn't aimed at advocacy over issues, but advocacy for the communications profession. How can we raise the visibility of communicators? drive home the value communicators add to any enterprise? underscore how effective communication can head off some crises and deal effectively with others?
These transcend IABC because they apply to the entire profession. But if IABC decides to play a more prominent role in advocating for business communicators, it will ultimately benefit everyone, whether they're members or not.
*** Our JOTW Sponsor for February:
U Sphere: part college admissions matchmaker, part college deal finder, and all free. If you're sending a kid to college, give it a whirl at www.usphere.com. Manage the whole application process, upload transcripts, even get personalized help from our U Advisor service. If you've just started the process of looking at colleges, search em all, FREE, at www.usphere.com. If you're an adult learner, future grad student, or just someone who wants to know what school might be perfect for you, your kid, your cousin, that math whiz down the street — check it out at www.usphere.com.
*** Can’t Wait:
Is there a charge for “can't wait til Monday” job alert? If so, how much, etc? And, if you send it out special, then does it/can it appear again in the Monday blast?
(A “Can’t Wait” posting costs $200. It can appear I the newsletter if you want.)
*** Can’t Wait:
While I appreciate the urgency you're feeling, I could have waited. 🙂
(Mark, the customer paid a premium to rush this priority posting to you.)
*** Can’t Wait:
“Can't Wait” announcement. Wow, what a concept and what a positive gesture for the members of your basic audience — the teeming unemployed thousands who read JOTW. People like me.
Thanks for your support. –Connie, who misses the money associated with steady employment
509-942-0525 facsimileconnie_eckard@msn.com e-mail
*** Access to JOTW:
Ned —
How can I get the push emails containing the job listings? I keep getting links to the online newsletter when I send a blank email
(What are you sending a blank email to?)
I've sending it to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com
(I checked the list. You are on it. That means the problem is with your spam filter, junk mail folder, or something with your ISP.)
Ned, thanks. I got the problem straightened out on my end. Best, Jeff.
(What was it?)
The messages were in my bulk mail inbox. I have a new ISP, and I'm just learning my way around it. Thanks again.
*** www.nedsjotw.com site statistics
January 2007
Distinct hosts served: 14,501
Total page views: 56,656
*** Podcasting:
What is podcasting and why should you care? What do Disney, IBM, Purina and Whirlpool have in common? They're all producing podcasts to build their brands. Organizations are using podcasts internally, too, to motivate and educate employees. If you'd like to learn about podcasting, attend a free 45-minute Webinar on Tuesday, February 20 at 2 p.m. Eastern. You need just a computer and a telephone to attend, but you must register in advance. Contact Donna Papacosta at donna@trafcom.com.
*** Did this happen to you?
This email (JOTW 06-2007) was already in my inbox six times today, and I just received it again (all timed 449 AM).
Thought you'd like to know.
*** Where are the jobs?
Maybe I'm dense, but I absolutely can't find your job listings on your webpage. I have looked and looked. Not sure why this is so difficult.
(The JOTW newsletter is posted on the main page of www.nedsjotw.com.
Look for the 5 Feb issue…JOTW 06-2007.
Let me know if you found it…)
Got it now, Ned. Thanks very much. Truthfully though, your user interface is not all that intuitive. Newsletter continues to be an excellent resource. Thanks for continuing to publish it!
*** That website just isn’t right!
This was the first week in a couple years that I did not receive the
newsletter. Checked my junk mail folder and no esta aqui. I accessedwww.jotw.com using my web browser but it wouldn't open the latest newsletter without signing in. any way you can try to e-mail the newsletter to me again? Thanks.
(www.jotw.com is not my website.)
*** A remote possibility:
Hi Ned,
Just wondering if you could suggest/request that those sending in jobs for the JOTW put in the first line next to location if they require that the job be done from the corporate office, or if it can be done remotely. I assume many of the jobs will allow remote/home offices, and it would be nice to know that up front to help determine whether to apply.
Thanks! Lisa
*** You will want to attend this session at the IABC International Conference in new Orleans:
Dramatic results: One step at a time (Communication Leadership)
Monday June 25, 2007 – 10:30 – 11:45 a.m.
Soap operas, telenovelas and other broadcast programming effectively put the “mass” in mass communication. But can a daytime drama change the world without tempting viewers to change the channel? What lessons can be learned from popular programming that fosters social change and still keeps its audience coming back for more?
In this session you'll learn:
* How the strategic communication process is employed on a massive scale
* How careful research can develop believable characters to deliver key information
* How critical social messages about abuse, sanitation and HIV/AIDS are conveyed through entertainment
Moderator / Ned Lundquist, ABC / Washington, D.C., USA, is a senior
science advisor with Alion Science and Technology and supports the U.S. Navy Surface Warfare directorate as senior communications counselor. He is a past recipient of IABC's Jake Wittmer and Gold Quill(r) Awards and PRSA's Silver Anvil Award.
Panelists / Esta de Fossard / Maryland, USA, is the author of How to
Write a Radio Serial Drama for Social Development and Writing and Producing for Television and Film. She has more than 20 years of experience using both radio and television serial drama for behavior change.
William N. Ryerson / Vermont, USA, is president of the Population Media Center. He has been involved in targeting key audiences in developing nations regarding such sensitive subjects as sexually transmitted diseases, infidelity, physical abuse and
Negussie Teffera, Ph.D. / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is the former director of the National Office of Population of the government of Ethiopia. He has overseen production and broadcast of four very successful serial dramas on Radio Ethiopia.
*** Qualified leads:
Hi Ned/Ed,
Here's one for your books –
I'm a long time subscriber (I think since 2001 but who's counting…)
I'm the literal person who when you were musing out loud about the value of the newsletter, I took you literally and sent you a check – we've never met but I think you remember that. My older son is also in the Navy so I am regularly telling him how nice the military family is and what diverse jobs you all do.
So, remember that robust newsletter on January 22? I actually responded to three positions for the Maryland – DC area that Monday – guess what? I heard from all three & almost immediately.
I got some really funny comments – one, the CEO of a PR firm, said “you mean I've just posted this position on all these paid sites and you (the most qualified person) found me through a free site??”
Anyway, I'm now one of your many success stories – I am taking one of the three positions – I'm a senior level person so it's also confirmation that we do get hired at an “older” age – to anyone who's plugging away, underappreciated and frustrated, change can happen!
*** Think this really works?
*** Have you thought about social marketing?
I asked John Cass of PR Communications just what is social marketing, and what would a job description in this new field look like? He developed this social media evangelist job description to help you find the right person in-house or externally who can help you craft the right social media strategy:
Here is the definition and job description as you requested. Let me know if that is what you had in mind?
Definition of social media
Social media describes websites that allow the active participation and sharing of information among a community. Blogs, podcasts, YouTube, Flickr and forums are all social media websites. Members and owners can publish their own content but also communicate and share ideas with other community members. Companies can connect with their audience and community by developing social media websites and participating within other social media websites.
Social Media Evangelist Job Description
A social media evangelist is someone who establishes a social media
strategy for a company; the evangelist would need to do the following in order to implement social media strategy:
– Experience with developing a social media plan for a company. The
plan would involve conducting an assessment of the company's audience,
determining where the company's audience is located on the web
currently; in blogs, forums, or websites like YouTube or Flickr.
– Conduct a social media assessment that includes an estimate of the
size of the community, its participants, the level of interaction,
sophistication, and an understanding of the current issues discussed by the community within each social media website or community.
– Be able to develop an assessment of the company's capabilities that
describes who at the company would be able to participate and contribute content in the community, but also who the audience would want to interact with in a social media website.
– Be able to assess the openness of a company to determine if the
company is culturally prepared to react to developing stories quickly if the company becomes involved with social media websites.
– Be able to determine if the resources and capabilities of the company are such that the company will gain some benefit from taking part in social media.
– Be able to encourage and evangelize the use of social media throughout the company, both on internal blogs and wikis, on public websites and external sites to the company.
– Monitor and evaluate social media tools and strategies for their
benefit to the company.
The candidate will need the following skills and experience.
– Experience with developing a community using conversational marketing tactics.
– Able to build and train a team of people to participate in social
media communities.
– Teach workshops on blogging, podcasts, and social media websites.
– Ability to lead and guide the development of company policies and
– Experience with finding the tools and building blogs, podcasts, wikis.
(Ned: What should we as communicators be thinking about?)
Well as your audience is in marketing and communications, I think one
interesting question for them is if their organization is thinking of
conducting social media marketing is their organization prepared to use the right strategy to produce good results without causing harm to their brand.
An excellent example of this is Dell. Jeff Jarvis of BuzzMachine became the center of the controversy around customer services issues with Dell machines, the phrase 'Dell Hell' was coined to describe the poor customer service problems. Jeff was not a lone voice, but the catalyst that sparked wide commendation of Dell's customer support issues, I don't know if they were any worse or better than competitors but the perception was that Dell had problems, plus the company did not care to answer a customer's questions on a blog. The controversy affected the company's stock and performance, maybe even the replacement of its last CEO with the founder Michael Dell.
Dell launched a blog, and was again criticized because the blog's
guidelines stated that customers were not to post customer support
questions on the blog. Jeff Jarvis roundly criticized them again, Dell
finally got it, and not only started to answer questions, but actively
went out into the blogosphere and answered support questions on
customer's blogs. Dell even managed to turn Jeff Jarvis around, by
resolving a relative's support questions with another Dell computer.
The Dell case study illustrates the dilemma for companies thinking of
entering into social media and blogging, if you don't join the
conversation, there may be harmful consequences and if you do, are you
going to know how to properly build a strategy that will work for your
culture, and your audience.
Hope that helps
*** Size doesn’t matter:
Still wearing an XL shirt?
(Yes…i can still squeezee into it…I used to be an M at one time in my life.)
Ned, dear, we ALL used to be mediums…
*** Mike Klein, our JOTW research guru, has been quite busy with his internal communication blog, CommsOffensive325.
Following an interesting look at how the term “engagement” is being used in the industry, Mike landed an exclusive interview with two of the most powerful (and feared) communications advisers in the world.
The interview, and the rest of the blog, can be found at http://commsoffensive325.blogharbor.com .
*** From Larry Bearfield, on the suspicious object in Boston:
What was not widely reported was that
1) Purely by coincidence there was a disgruntled employee at a hospital who left a pipe bomb at the same time all of the “LightBright” crap was going down… it made the public officials respond to everything with a tad more than casual interest
2) After seeing the reaction in Boston, the firms responsible immediately sent word to the other cities letting them know what was going on and where the light panels were in their cities. That's why there was no hoopla elsewhere.
Clearly Turner Broadcasting is responsible AND the PR firm who thought it all up. It was irresponsible, ill-conceived and a sophomoric marketing program reeking of inexperience.
(The company agreed to pay a substantial sum to compensate the city for their emergency response. And somebody had to “jump in front of a bus.”)
*** Attention Surface Navy Association Greater Washington Chapter Shipmates:
The Greater Washington Chapter is commencing a campaign to raise funds to purchase Portable DVD Players to be donated to the Sailors and Marines at the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda. Your individual or corporate contribution will be used towards the purchase of the DVD players that will help entertain our wounded shipmates while they are recovering. Last year the chapter donated more than 400 DVD movies. The GWC Board of Directors has authorized spending $500 to purchase players. At the February 7 Chapter Join-Up at Sine's in Pentagon City the chapter raised an additional $200. In addition, the chapter has received two generous corporate contributions to date. If you would like to donate to this special fund, donations will be accepted at the February 28 chapter luncheon meeting at the Hyatt Regency in Crystal City or accepted online with credit card at https://www.navysna.org/Events/dvd/dvddonation.asp .
You may also forward this notice to your friends, colleagues and shipmates to invite them to contribute. You do not have to be an SNA member to contribute. Anyone can participate. We will accept contributions up until March 15, 2007.
Thank you for your support!
*** We went to the Georgetown – Marquette game at the Verizon Center on Saturday. Both teams were ranked in the top 25 going into the contest. We attended a crowded alumni reception at Clyde’s before the game and saw lots of nice people, none of whom I knew but it felt good to be around so many Marquette people. Our seats were the very highest up you could get in section 419. There were no seats behind us. Marquette couldn’t penetrate the GU big guys, and they couldn’t shoot over them (Marquette made only 4 of 21 three-pointer attempts). They didn’t rebound very well and they picked up too many fouls. It was a one point game at halftime. It was an 18-pont loss at the buzzer.
*** From John Cass:
1) Product Marketing Manager – Business ID Products, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusetts http://careers.amaboston.org/c/job.cfm?site_id=217&jb=1113028
2) Product Marketing Manager – Marketing Products, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusettshttp://careers.amaboston.org/c/job.cfm?site_id=217&jb=1113025
3) Email Marketing Manager, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusettshttp://careers.amaboston.org/c/job.cfm?site_id=217&jb=1103650
4) Manager, Merchandising & Content Strategy — Marketing & Promotion, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusettshttp://careers.amaboston.org/c/job.cfm?site_id=217&jb=1106347
5) Associate, Merchandising & Content Strategy Marketing & Promotion, VistaPrint, Lexington, Massachusettshttp://careers.amaboston.org/c/job.cfm?site_id=217&jb=1106387
6) Marketing Coordinator, Jung|Brannen, Newton, Massachusettshttp://careers.amaboston.org/c/job.cfm?site_id=217&jb=1102972
*** From Martha Plotkin
We are re-opening the search for a communications associate. Could you feature in your JOTW next week? Thanks so much, Martha
7.) Communications Associate, Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, Bethesda, MD
Justice Center projects develop consensus among stakeholders with
varying perspectives who are brought together to solve difficult
community problems-legislative leaders, other policymakers, judges,
prosecutors, defense attorneys, police, corrections officials, victim
advocates, and many others. Staff then translates this consensus into
state and federal legislation, model policies and innovative programs.
Duties include helping to develop media and product dissemination
strategies for the organization; overseeing content of the website;
preparing information kits; drafting written project materials;
researching policy issues such as immigration; tracking media coverage on priority topics; working with state legislators and other
stakeholders on local media efforts; editing publications on domestic
policy issues; disseminating CSG products to myriad audiences using
compiled databases and other resources; assisting with outreach to the media; preparing op-eds, advisories and press releases; organizing media events; preparing talking points; and developing mechanisms to raise the visibility of the organization, its goals and products.
The candidate must work well independently and as a team player; possess excellent (not simply good) writing and research skills; have strong oral presentation skills; be computer-savvy; and be well-organized, detail-oriented and able to prioritize quickly and confidently.
Candidates must have a bachelor's degree and at least one year of
experience working in journalism, communications or public relations.
Experience editing with Chicago or other style manuals, while not
required, is a plus.. Starting salary is between $41,000 and 50,000,
commensurate with experience, and includes excellent benefits.
Go to www.justicecenter.csg.org and click on “job opportunities” for
application requirements.
The CSG Justice Center is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Martha Plotkin
Director of Communications
Justice Center
Council of State Governments
4630 Montgomery Ave., Suite 650
Bethesda, MD 20814
240.482.8579 (direct line)
202.577.9344 (cell)www.justicecenter.csg.org
8.) Media & Employee Communications Manager, San Diego Gas and Electric San Diego, California
Preference given to those applicants who have earned the Accredited Business Communicator designation. http://jobs.iabc.com/c/job.cfm?site_id=65&jb=1141034
*** From Dave Imre:
St. Paul Travelers has asked us to help fill an opening for an Advertising Research Director…to oversee the research-related aspects of their advertising. Position will be located in Hartford, CT. Job description is below.
9.) Director of Advertising Research, St. Paul Travelers, Hartford, CT
Dynamic Fortune 100 company seeks advertising research professional.
St. Paul Travelers is a leading property casualty insurance company, serving millions of customers, primarily under the highly regarded Travelers brand. We’re a growing company. We’re investing in our brand. And we are looking for a new member of our Corporate Communications advertising team to be a strategic thought partner in advertising research to help us manage our corporate brand and our corporate brand advertising program. The person who fills this position will report to Corporate Communications, will have a strong tie to the company’s market research staff and will manage external vendors who conduct research on our behalf.
Summary of key responsibilities:
• Direct research efforts related to the company’s advertising, including managing the company’s ongoing Brand Tracker study, including reporting results back to senior management and business unit marketing representatives;
• Serve as a critical team member in managing the company’s brand and brand advertising efforts;
• Design and maintain a dashboard of metrics, in collaboration with research partners and business unit marketing staff, that will provide a snapshot of results regarding the company’s advertising efforts;
• Translate research findings into actionable ideas and programs that can support corporate objectives;
• Serve as a liaison with the company’s advertising agency research department, with research vendors and with the company’s internal research group to ensure the greatest return on our research investment;
• Apply consumer insights gained from research implemented by the corporate research group and vendors to ensure that our advertising is targeted and appropriate.
• Advertising market research experience including tracking studies, advertising effectiveness studies, copy testing research, image studies, brand equity or satisfaction studies, and brand awareness studies.
• Experience in and contemporary understanding of advertising and marketing fundamentals and strategies; experience in brand development in a complex, multi-product company;
• Ability to interface with all levels of corporate management;
• Superior organizational, verbal, written and presentation skills and the ability to act independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
• Bachelor’s degree required; master’s degree preferred
• Minimum 7-10 years of related experience;
• Position is based in the Twin Cities or Hartford, Connecticut (no relocation package).
• Familiarity with financial services industry a plus.
Interested candidates can email resumes to Joan Palm at JPALM@stpaultravelers.com
*** From Susan Gibbs:
If you could post the following, it would be great! Thanks very much,
Susan Gibbs
Director of Communications
Archdiocese of Washington
10.) Assistant Director of Communications, Archdiocese of Washington, Hyattsville, MD
The Assistant Director of Communications has primary responsibility for directing Archdiocesan school marketing, public relations and media, and assists the Director in implementing broader strategies and initiatives to promote the programs, services and activities of the Archdiocese of Washington. A member of the Office of Communications staff, the Assistant Director also works closely with the Superintendent and staff of the Catholic Schools Office, school leadership and the Archdiocesan Board of Education. Primary responsibilities include:
Marketing and public relations: Manage marketing strategy and implementation for Catholic schools, including overall marketing strategy and assistance, guidance and resources to support individual school marketing efforts. Manage annual advertising campaign, publications and special events, etc. Assist with broader Archdiocesan efforts.
Media relations: Serve as media contact for Archdiocesan Catholic schools and Catholic Schools Office and support broader Archdiocesan media efforts; write press releases, pitch stories and respond to media requests; develop and maintain positive relationships with the media.
Writing: Prepare written materials such as briefing materials, fact sheets, web content and other special projects as needed.
Board of Education: Staff the Communications Committee of the Board of Education, and other advisory committees as needed.
Budget: Recommend programming and develop and implement budget for school marketing efforts.
• College degree, preferably in marketing, public relations, communications or related field
• 5+ years of related professional experience
• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• Self-motivated, creative, detail-oriented, able to handle multiple tasks and work well in fast-paced environment
• Committed to Catholic teaching
• Experience with Catholic schools a plus
• Fluency in Spanish a plus
• Familiarity with Word, Excel, Access; PC Quark or InDesign a plus
Send resume, references and writing sample to Director of Human Resources via e-mail, HR@adw.org; fax, 301-853-7680; or by mail at PO Box 29260, WDC 20017-0260.
*** From Jennifer B. Jobrack:
Dear Friend:
The Chicago Community Trust is now accepting applications for the position of communications associate. A description and application procedures are attached. We would appreciate if you would consider circulating this announcement. We are looking for someone who is interested in philanthropy and who has great Web, writing, and marketing experience. The information on how to submit one's resume is included in this job description.
Thanks so much!
Jennifer B. Jobrack
Associate Vice President of Communications & Community Relations
The Chicago Community Trust
111 East Wacker Drive, Suite 1400
Chicago, IL 60601
312.616.8000 x 113
312.616.7954 Fax
312.856.1703 TTY http://www.cct.org
11.) Communications Associate, THE CHICAGO COMMUNITY TRUST
Chicago, IL
The communications associate has responsibility for implementation of significant elements of the Trust’s public relations and marketing plan. Key responsibilities include the production of print and electronic materials, particularly the Trust’s Web site; as well as supporting the development of marketing materials for Trust programs, and internal public relations consultation. The communications associate is a staff member of the Communications and Community Relations Department, which helps the Trust communicate its story to key audiences in the Chicago metropolitan area, and provides communications, marketing, and public relations support for all Trust activities.
Job Duties:
Electronic Media
• Initiate, write, and manage design and content of Trust’s web site, www.cct.org.
• Develop and implement plan to effectively target appropriate audiences and increase their level of interaction with the Trust by providing new web service options and by marketing Web site.
• Develop a Web strategy that broadens the existing Web site tools while incorporating new functions into the site and implementing a strategy to launch these tools.
• Develop and help manage content of Web sites of affiliates, operating funds, and related activities, in collaboration with colleagues.
• Develop and implement means of monitoring Web site usage and audience to address questions such as: how it affects demand for Trust information, how it communicates Trust messages, how it affects interactions with Trust constituents, and how it affects internal procedures, including publications and staffing demands.
• Disseminate inquiries from Web site to appropriate departments and individuals.
• Work with external Web vendors to implement requests and be responsive to internal requests for site updates, additions and changes.
• Ensure that print publications and Web site have complementary and related content.
• Coordinate and produce Trust printed and electronic materials such as the Trust’s annual report and the Chicago Community Connections newsletter. This work includes: writing, editing, scheduling and coordination of photography, supervision of publication, working with vendors, and ensuring accuracy and that timeline and budgetary objectives are met.
• Update and maintain The Chicago Community Trust’s style guide
Marketing and Internal Public Relations Consultation
• Participate in the development and execution of marketing messages, materials, and tactics
• Continuously explore ways of extending multiple use/added value of current and new materials.
• Assist and prepare Trust staff for communication with external audiences, including speaking engagements, large mailings, announcements, etc
• Actively participate in interdepartmental committees and external activities related to the field
• Other duties as assigned
This description should not be construed to contain every function or responsibility that may be required to be performed by an incumbent in this job. Incumbents are required to perform other related functions as assigned.
Job Qualifications:
At least two years paid experience in communications, Web design or Web marketing, public relations, community relations, marketing or related experience.
Web site design and Web marketing experience strongly preferred.
College degree required.
Outstanding written and oral communication skills.
Strong organizational skills and demonstrated ability to manage multiple tasks.
Demonstrated ability to work under pressure.
Proven writing, editing and production skills and experience working with printers, graphic designers, photographers, and other vendors.
Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain effective and professional working relationships with individuals, not-for-profits, and media organizations throughout the community.
Excellent people skills and ability to work with people from all socio-economic backgrounds.
An ethic of service to the organization, its staff, volunteers, constituents, partners, and communities.
About The Chicago Community Trust
For more than 90 years, The Chicago Community Trust has connected the generosity of donors with the needs of the community by making grants to organizations working to improve metropolitan Chicago. With assets of $1.5 billion, the Trust gave its billionth dollar in grants in 2006. Last year, it made more than $81 million in grants. From strengthening community schools to assisting local art programs, from building health centers to helping lives affected by violence, the Trust continues to enhance our region. To learn more, please visit the Trust online at www.cct.org.
Interested individuals should submit resume, cover letter, names of references and salary history to: resumes@cct.org
NOTE: Please put the job title of the position that you are applying for in the subject header of the email.
Posting Date: February 9, 2007
Deadline: March 9, 2007
*** From Scott Winter:
Hi Ned,
We are looking for an energetic and enthusiastic candidate to fill the position of Manager, Communications and Marketing. We'd love to be included in upcoming issues of your newsletter.
12.) Manager, Communications and Marketing, Airports Council International-North America, Washington, DC
Major aviation trade association seeks a Manager, Communications and Marketing. The Manager will be responsible for activities to enhance the Association’s public image and to advance the government affairs agenda of the organization. The Manager supports the public relations needs of member airports and other departments in the Association. Major responsibilities include editing the weekly e-newsletter; coordinating and copy editing quarterly magazine; writing Web site content; marketing the Association’s educational and annual conferences; managing airport customer service and aviation education subcommittee and programs. Position reports to Sr. VP, Communications and Marketing. Candidate’s skills and abilities should include:
– excellent writing, proof reading and editing skills
– project management experience
– familiarity with iMIS a plus
– familiarity with e-communications tools (e-mail broadcasting, ListServs etc.)
– experience marketing member programs and events
– manage internal clients
– volunteer development experience a plus
– manage outside magazine editor and other vendors
Candidates should have 3 years of experience in communications, public affairs or public relations positions. Forward cover letter, resume and salary requirements to Nancy Zimini, Vice President, Human Resources, at nzimini@aci-na.aero.
ACI-NA Communications and Marketing
Airports Council International-North America
1775 K Street, NW • Suite 500
Washington, DC 20006
Main: (202) 293-8500
Direct: (202) 861-8080
Direct Fax: (928) 543-7047 swintner@aci-na.aero www.aci-na.aero
*** From George Cathcart:
Hi Ned, please include the following listing in the next JOTW. This job is open until filled and is a great opportunity for a broadly skilled communicator to work at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Thanks.
13.) Communications Specialist, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD
The Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is seeking a contract Communications Specialist (through JHT) who will develop and implement strategies for raising the visibility and improving the understanding of the issues-based mission of OCRM. Target audiences include National Ocean Service and NOAA leadership, Capitol Hill, media (through NOAA Public Affairs), state and federal partners, and other stakeholders. Other responsibilities include:
Prepare, edit and distribute substantive official OCRM documents, including strategic plans, biennial reports to Congress, etc.
Advise OCRM Director on communications strategies and tactics for a variety of audiences, including NOAA leadership, Capitol Hill, media, etc.
Represent OCRM communications interests to NOS and NOAA communications officials, including public affairs.
Provide communications support for national programs and events such as the annual program managers meeting.
Provide communications support to OCRM divisions and program offices.
Coordinate OCRM Communications Team.
Coordinate constituent database information, weekly reports, OCRM outreach materials.
Serve as managing editor for OCRM Web site and coordinate with OCRM Web Editorial Board to maintain site.
Required abilities and skills:
Strategic communication planning skills and experience.
Excellent written and oral communications skills, including editing.
Ability to work on multiple projects and shift priorities as needed.
Ability to work well individually and cooperatively with a wide range of individuals and within teams representing different constituencies.
Ability to communicate with a variety of audiences, including constituent groups, Congress, the media, federal and state agencies.
Work effectively with graphic and Web designers to achieve strategic communications goals.
Organizational skills and attention to detail.
Education and Experience:
Required: Bachelor’s degree in communications or a related field with a minimum of three years experience in a communications position in a complex organization.
Preferred: Master’s degree with five years experience in communications or a related field, especially in a government agency with marine science responsibilities.
To apply on-line for this position, go to http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/Jobs/JobDetails.aspx?Job_DID=J8D2D06C65TG4FT1G59
*** From Paul Filippone:
You were referred to me through networking.
14.) Manager of PR, Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions, Nuance, Burlington, MA
15.) Manager of Employee Communications, Nuance, Burlington, MA
Nuance is seeking to fill two positions within Corporate Communications. We have interviewed strong viable candidates, but have not come across the closets to ideal. Both are newly created positions within Corporate Communications – Manager of PR, Dictaphone Healthcare Solutions and Manager of Employee Communications.
Both positions have similarities for type of candidate. For the PR Manager, we are seeking a dynamic, assertive, take charge type of personality – high energy, mission-driven, a “doer” to champion our advancements and progression to national and niche media, technology analysts, investors, etc. The individual must possess superior interpersonal communications and presentation skills, plus strong writing and editing ability. He/she will be very visible, proactive, and maintain dependable follow-up and influencing skills as liaison with internal and external audiences.
For the PR Manager role, we prefer a candidate currently in the Healthcare IT/SW Solutions arena. Each position reports to the Director of Corporate Communications and works within a team of peer Communications Managers. The Manager of Employee Communications will have cross functional relationships with HR as far driving communications strategy internally.
Please let me know if you can assist with posting to your website, or other leads.
Paul Filippone
Corporate Recruiter
781-565-5356 (d)paul.filippone@nuance.com
Nuance Communications, Inc.
One Wayside Drive
Burlington, MA 01803
The experience speaks for itself
15.) PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST (Speechwriter), Natural Resources Conservation Service, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, DC
Vacancy Ann.#: NRCS 07-BL-098B
Pay Plan: GS-1035-14/14
Closes 2/16/2007
Salary: From 93,822.00 to 121,967.00 USD per year http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/getjob.asp?JobID=52420223
*** From Bill Seiberlich:
16.) Marketing Communications Manager, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Boston, MA
The Marketing Communications Manager will drive the Chamber’s marketing initiatives for both prospects and members in order to increase new member recruitment and current member retention.
• Marketing strategy development: Working with the Vice President, take a lead role in driving the marketing strategy for the organization and ensuring alignment between the strategy and the resulting solutions.
• Marketing execution: Work with internal business development and member relations teams to drive consistency and leverage messaging across a range of marketing vehicles, including direct mail; e-marketing; print, online, and electronic advertising; printed collateral; press releases; and the Chamber’s website.
• Collateral development: Working with graphic designers and printers, oversee the creation of the Chamber’s marketing collateral.
• Writing and editing: Manage a variety of writing, editing, and publishing projects, including printed collateral, reports, bylined pieces, and executive-level scripting.
• Measurement and data generation: Conduct market research and prepare analytical data regarding marketing program effectiveness.
• Media placement: Work with existing media partners and research new vehicles in print, online, and electronic media that will deliver our message to the market and showcase the Chamber as a must-join for all companies within Greater Boston.
• Communications coordination: Work closely with Chamber’s policy, programs, and membership teams to develop, coordinate, and distribute written communications to respective audiences.
• Website management: Working with internal teams and external IT provider, help support content additions and changes to bostonchamber.com.
• Bachelor’s Degree required. Three+ years related experience.
• Ability to think strategically and execute tactically.
• Very strong writing, editing, and proofreading skills that demonstrate the ability to be concise, fast, and accurate.
• Experience in pre-press printing process.
• Familiarity with local business and government communities.
• Ability to liaise between multiple internal and external constituencies.
• Ability to manage multiple projects on short deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Successful candidate will be a high-energy, high-output, highly-organized individual with keen attention to detail. Salary commensurate with experience.
To Apply:
To apply for this job, please send cover letter and resume to applicants@bostonchamber.com.
17.) Director of International Communication and Information, Resources, American Red Cross, Washington D.C.http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/res.nsf/db900SID/OCHA-6XYVZ5
*** From Mike Klein and Geri Wilson:
Hi Ned:
Pulled this off another network: a serious role…
18.) Vice President, Worldwide Public Relations, McAfee, Santa Clara, CA or New York, NY
The position requires a candidate who thinks strategically, has
excellent writing skills, the ability to multi-task projects and a
proven track record in consumer, business and trade media relations.
Responsibilities include managing and directing all PR activities;
developing and implementing media relations, marketing communications;
conducting spokesperson and media tours; handling special events,
sponsorships and announcements; drafting written materials, including
presentations, press kits, releases and pitch letters; trade shows and
industry events; as well as other public relations and marketing
activities. The Vice President position requires exceptional
management skills as well as the ability to manage and direct PR
Personnel globally.
• 12-15+ years of public relations experience in an agency and
in-house setting required
• Experience providing public relations support to technology
• Deep knowledge of the technology industry, security industry
• Strong multi-tasking and project management skills with a
demonstrated ability to balance a significant load of work with
business activities
• Broad PR background that includes experience with issues
management, media relations, and managing public relations initiatives
in Consumer, SMB and Enterprise markets
• Proven ability to work within a team environment, and across
offices, functions and practice areas
• Strong relationship building, and management skills
• Excellent written and verbal communications skills
• Ability to work with tight project timelines
• BA/BS in English/Journalism preferred, MBA or equivalent
experience preferred
Reports to: Vice President, Worldwide Corporate and Executive Communications
Email resumes to siobhan_macdermott@mcafee.com
19.) PR Account Executive, Jackson-Dawson, Greenville, SChttp://www.talentzoo.com/spots/64153/003db5e9828942eab56b77d4b0f3bc7c.aspx
20.) Water Sector Communication Specialist, Transparency International, Berlin, Germany http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/res.nsf/db900SID/OCHA-6Y5K9V
*** From Mike Klein:
21.) Program Manager, Reason Foundation, Washington, DC
Reason Foundation, a national nonprofit research and education organization and publisher of *Reason*, the nation's leading libertarian magazine, seeks a Program Manager to bring Reason's message of free minds and free markets and policy change ideas to new audiences in the nation's capital.
The ideal candidate will be have an exciting vision for building Reason's brand among diverse influential audiences in Washington, possess strong organizational skills, be versatile and flexible, and have a clear record of accomplishing tangible objectives while working independently.
The Program Manager will conceptualize, organize, and execute a program of Reason events featuring Reason journalists, policy staff, and outside personalities. Events will include seminars, debates, briefings, press conferences, receptions, and more. The Program Manager will work closely with other Reason staff in developing specific events and will be responsible for all elements of event planning, marketing, and implementation.
The candidate will also identify and help carry out new strategies for
bringing Reason's ideas to policymakers, journalists, scholars, activists, supporters, and other audiences through print and Internet based communications, audio, video, and other means.
The Program Manager will also be responsible for managing Reason's new
Washington office, including outfitting work and event spaces, overseeing day-to-day operations, managing applicable service contracts, working with building management, and more.
If you see yourself in this exciting role working for Reason and are eager to advance free minds and free markets in Washington, DC, please e-mail Mike Alissi at pm-position@reason.org.
*** From Dale Brown:
I just read that great article on you in the Wall Street Journal Career Networker and have to tell you that I like your website.
I don't know if you remember me- if you do, it's because I coauthored a book with Richard Bolles called Job Hunting Tips for the So-Called Handicapped and you kindly put in a one paragraph pitch for me right after I retired from government service.
Well I did choose to enter the workforce full time and found a job at WETA as the senior manager of LD OnLine (www.ldonline.org) which was a job I turned down when I was still with the federal government but it opened up again and I am now back in the workforce. It is an unbelievable opportunity—-I am managing a website and learning new technology every day.
22.) Associate Manager, Reading Rockets, WETA, Arlington, VA
23.) Manager, Business Development, WETA, Arlington, VA
24.) Manager, Adolescent Literacy, WETA, Arlington, VA
I wanted to let you know that WETA has lots of openings http://www.weta.com/about/jobs.php. Three of them (Associate Manager, Reading Rockets; Manager, Business Development and Manager, Adolescent Literacy) are in my department, Learning Media, where I would be a peer, not a hiring official. So I would be glad to talk to anyone who wants the lay of the land before, during or after their application. I love helping people find work. You can publish my e-mail dbrown@weta.com
Let me know if you need me to reformat these- I have some vague memory that you need it to be sent in a different way than a link- but couldn't find the info.
And, congratulations for all you do…
Dale S. Brown
*** From Barry Piatoff:
25.) Senior Events Manager, Financial Services Company, Livingston, New Jersey and NY, NY
Our client is a very well-established, well-known, global consumer and commercial services firm. Due to growth, they have just reorganized their Marketing team and are looking to add a Senior Events Manager. This is for a seasoned and sophisticated professional in the events field that will bring outstanding expertise and leadership to this organization. This position will work out of Livingston, New Jersey and midtown Manhattan.
Be responsible for establishing and overseeing a process for planning and executing all internal and external client hospitality events, conferences, seminars, and meetings. Support desired corporate and business goals and brand positioning. Manage a centralized team of event professionals responsible for an extensive calendar of high-level national and international events and for relationships with approved outside event management companies that provide additional resources for large scale events.
The ideal candidate is a highly motivated and pro-active professional with a proven record of accomplishment to manage the day-to-day operations of a centralized events team. The individual should be results-oriented, a good communicator with a strong ability to strategically plan, manage and implement a multitude of programs across the firm
Requires 7 to10+ years experience as a manger in events, conference or meeting planning with specific experience in an association/industry organization or corporate marketing department with demonstrated client and project management experience. Experience in leadership and employee communications, promotional materials as well as interactive media. 20%-30% travel required. Previous experience managing a team. Very profesional work environment. You must be very corporate and polished.
Salary $125K-$150K, 4 weeks vacation, excellent benefits.
Must be able to currently work in Livingston, New Jersey and Manhattan. No relocation.
We will meet all potential candidates in Manhattan and share a detailed job description with them.
To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in the future, e-mail your resume and cover letter as a Word Document attachment to:
Barry Piatoff, Vice President, Peter Bell & Associates, LLCbarry@peterbellassociates.com
No calls please.
26.) Assistant Communications Officer, Action by Churches Together International, Geneva, Switzerland
Closing Date – 16 Feb 2007
*** From Sara Pick, who got it from David Groobert:
would you post in next issue of JOTW – thanks!
Begin forwarded message:
Here's the job description – as we discussed, please feel free to forward this on to anyone you know who might be interested and appropriate for our position!
Keep in touch,
– Dave
27.) Senior PR Staff Member, Environics Communications, Washington, DC
Environics Communications (www.environicspr.com) a full-service North American public relations agency, is looking for a senior-level staff member to join its Washington technology/telecommunications practice.
The ideal candidate has 8-15 years of public relations experience, including agency work and technology/telecommunications experience. Environics is a management-owned firm offering competitive salaries, benefits including fully paid employee health insurance and profit sharing. The agency is a friendly, dynamic environment where teamwork, results for clients and a creative, entrepreneurial approach to business is recognized and rewarded.
Please e-mail resume and cover letter to Dave Groobert, General Manager, at drg@ecius.net. No telephone calls please, and we regret that we are not able to acknowledge or respond to every inquiry.
28.) Web-based communications, IFRC, Geneva, Switzerland
Closing Date – 13 Feb 2007http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/res.nsf/db900SID/OCHA-6XXEDR
*** From Almina Khorakiwala:
Would you mind posting this on your JOTW? Thanks so much!
29.) Account Executive, Walker Marchant Group, Washington, DC
The Walker Marchant Group (WMG), a fast growing, Washington, DC based public relations firm is seeking a talented and motivated Account Executive to join our team. With our focus on corporate communications, we have been able to build an impressive client list and are searching for AE who will help execute our mission and move toward our vision of:
Superior Communications Partners:
Strategic, Smart, Rapid and Targeted
Account Executive responsibilities include:
• Write communications plans
• Write press releases and related materials
• Place pitch calls to media
• Begin building leadership skills
• Conduct media monitoring
• Conduct research for current and potential clients
• Attend client meetings
• Interact with clients on a regular basis
• Contribute to creative brainstorm sessions
• Begin to understand financial aspects of projects
• Support WMG’s mission and vision
The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree in communications, public relations, journalism or a related field. He/she must have excellent verbal and written communications skills. A minimum of 1-2 years agency experience required. The candidate must be a team player and be able to work under pressure.
Candidates interested in applying should send a cover letter and resume to almina@walkermarchant.com. No phone calls please.
The Walker Marchant Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
30.) Senior Account Executive or Account Supervisor, Clear!Blue, Chicago, IL
Clear!Blue mission is to deliver the “!” in everything we do. We make it fresh, make it cool, make a point, and make a difference. Now we’re looking for more great people to expand our team in Chicago.
We’re looking for a Senior Account Executive or Account Supervisor with 4-7 years experience in public relations and a focus on media relations. In addition, this person should have strong writing skills and excellent communication skills. We’re looking for a creative, smart and fun candidate to join our team.
Clear!Blue offers great benefits, an incredibly collaborative work environment, many growth opportunities, and cool open offices. If you’re ready to work hard and have fun doing it, please visit our website at www.clearblue.biz to submit your resume.jointheteam@clearblue.biz http://www.bulldogreporter.com/prjobmart/
31.) Media Relations Specialist, Ventana Public Relations, Bay Area, CA
Ventana Public Relations is looking for PR pros with strong media relations skills. Candidates should have experience with emerging technologies and relevant publications, strong writing/pitching skills, a proactive approach to securing press interest, and high self-motivation. For more information send an email and resume to hr@ventanapr.com or call (925) 837-6277.hr@ventanapr.com http://www.bulldogreporter.com/prjobmart/
32.) Communications Program Manager / Public Affairs, Mayo Clinic/St. Luke's Hospital, Jacksonville, FLhttp://www.nationjob.com/job/macj2984/pj/1254364
*** From Laura Hamra:
Hi Ed,
Can you please post our position for senior associate with your new email blast? Please click on the attached link for more details.
33.) Senior Associate, Widmeyer Communications, Washington, DChttp://www.widmeyer.com/who/SnrMngr.asp
Thank you,
(Which new email blast? Job of the Week? I've been blasting JOTW since 2001.)
*** From Katie P. Butler:
Hi Ned—
Below is a posting for your JOTW newsletter. It's a great service—I enjoy reading it!
Thanks so much—
Katie P. Butler (katie.butler@iiaba.net)
Assistant VP, Communications
Editor in Chief, Independent Agent magazine
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Americawww.independentagent.com
34.) Director of Public Affairs, Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Alexandria, VA
Seeking Director of Public Affairs
Combine your pitching, writing and pr strategy skills for an association ranked by the Washington Biz Journal as one of the 50 largest associations in the DC area. The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA) seeks a director of public affairs to lead our proactive press outreach strategy. As the nation’s largest insurance industry association and a leading voice for small business on Capitol Hill, we’re looking for a high-energy person to continue to make IIABA a top of mind media source. This position serves as the primary media contact for a communications shop of 7 people and it’s a great opportunity to lead a fast-paced, high profile pr effort.
Duties include: developing overall media relations strategy; managing daily inquiries from national news outlets; serving as a spokesperson for the association; pitching story ideas to national consumer, trade and Capitol Hill press; writing press releases; developing consumer research campaigns; developing press and source relationships; assisting with the association’s consumer branding program and contributing to internal publications.
Undergraduate degree in journalism, communications, public relations or English with 5-8 years of professional media relations experience required. Capitol Hill communications or pr agency experience strongly preferred; insurance industry experience a plus. Working knowledge of the legislative process with strong pitching, writing and copy-editing skills a must.
Metro-accessible Old Town Alexandria location, flexible work environment and great benefits. Please send resume, cover letter, press release samples/clips and salary requirements to: Katie Butler, AVP, communications; IIABA, 127 South Peyton St., Alexandria, VA 22314; katie.butler@iiaba.net. No phone calls, please.
*** From Kris Gallagher:
35.) Media Relations Specialist, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Rensselaer is currently seeking a Media Relations Specialist to join the Division of Strategic Communications and External Relations. The Media Relations Specialist is responsible for publicizing research and
educational programs to news media and the campus community, with a
particular emphasis on covering news of national interest from
Rensselaer's School of Engineering. The position reports to the Manager of Media Relations in the Division of Strategic Communications and External Relations.
Bachelor's degree in an appropriate field such as journalism,
communications, or a science-related discipline, plus 2-4 years of
professional experience as a science writer. Experience at a university, research laboratory, or scientific society is a plus.
Interested individuals must apply on-line at http://rpijobs.rpi.edu, job number #20060533. You will have the opportunity to attach a resume, cover letter and three writing samples
during the on-line application process. Please call 518-276-6994 with
any questions about the application process.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer.
*** From Lynn Hazan:
36.) Global Director of Communications, Law Firm, Chicago, IL
Global Director of Communications- most senior staff communications position within global law firm, reports to Chairman. 70 offices in 40 countries.
Utilizes best practices in internal and external communications. Develops and implements strategic global communications program to position firm as premier global law firm. Supervise global staff and first in class communications function. Will Relocate. Interviews will be held in Chicago for the top 3-5 candidates the week of Feb. 19, 2007.
Bachelor¹s degree in Communications, Journalism, English, or PR; Master¹s degree desirable plus 15+ years¹ progressive Communications experience in similar top level management position, from global law firm (ideal) or professional services firm. Experience with global organizations and international business. Proven track record with global PR, media, executive and internal communications, marketing. Expertise in PR and media relations, Internal communications/marketing, brand/change management.
Past experience working with senior executives in communication strategy, plans and messaging.
Background in employee engagement, culture and organizational development.
Personal Attributes:
• Critical thinker at strategic and conceptual level; able to
comprehend, absorb and synthesize complex ideas.
• Highly professional and trustworthy ¬ demonstrates sound judgment and discretion.
• Unquestionable ethics and integrity.
• Thrives in decentralized, matrix structure, in fast paced and high pressure work environment.
• Team oriented, collaborative and affiliative.
* Outstanding attention to detail; able to juggle priorities and bring
closure to work under tight deadlines.
1.Manage, oversee, support and facilitate internal and external Firm
communications, especially strategy and execution.
Initial focus-communications generated from and to Firm leadership; i.e., Executive Committee team, global practice/industry group chairs, client service Directors, office managing partners and other designated partners and senior professional staff.
a. Develop Firm¹s communications strategy, identify appropriate
communication platforms. Craft key messages to support and enhance Firm¹s brand and position.
b. Ensure that leadership¹s voice, vision and strategy are integrated into all communications.
c. Facilitate communication from Firm¹s key constituencies to Firm¹s leadership on matters important to achieving Firm¹s vision.
d. Develop and implement initiatives to improve understanding and
awareness of Firm¹s vision and strategy. Implement and communicate
initiatives and Firm¹s dramatic successes in achieving them among
appropriate constituencies.
1. Manage Firm¹s media relations and PR activities to develop world-class media relations capability. Utilize staff and engage outside agency resources when and where needed. Manage Global Press Office and cultivate relationships with journalists at top-tier legal, business and trade publications. Initially, develop global PR messages and story angles to reinforce strategic initiatives and raise Firm¹s international profile.
Collaborate with professionals in major offices, global practices and
industry groups to develop more cohesive team of PR resources. Develop
effective systems or protocols to facilitate exchange of transaction and dispute-resolution information for use in media materials.
1. Implement ³best-in-class² internal communications function. Build upon existing infrastructure and enhance internal resources to deploy more consistent, high-impact communications team throughout Firm. Support and collaborate with Talent Management professionals on communications related to employee recruiting and retention and cultural issues. Understand and anticipate emerging needs of Firm¹s internal audiences. Create and manage ³best-in-class² internal communications program. Communicate with leaders throughout Firm [CSD, ROOs, EC liaisons] to determine what information adds
value to their functions.
1. Offer professional development services such as presentation training, media training, business writing and other communications skills. Work with Talent Management to identify communication gaps and provide resources to develop courses and facilitate workshops to strengthen core skills.
1. Advise Firm leaders in global practice and industry groups, Global 200 client teams, ROOs and Office Managing Partners on major communication initiatives, including important announcements, regional meeting agenda topics, development of templates and tools [in conjunction with the Knowledge team] and individual communication coaching.
1. Empower senior staff to leverage Firm¹s assets to produce maximum
results. Supervise five or six global communications staff. Success measured on ability to leverage attorney leadership and marketing team to mine content for communication materials. Foster teamwork and collaboration with individuals who have no direct reporting relationships into communication function.
1. Oversee or share responsibility for Web site to ensure consistent
communication standards for the brand.
1. Speechwriter for Chairman or other Firm leaders. Function as Firm
1. Develop communications materials for Firm-wide branding
related to recruiting, diversity, pro bono; responses to global or national surveys (e.g., AmLaw, Chambers and Martindale).
Please forward your resume as a .doc with writing samples, detailed cover letter including salary and state how you fit the specs. The client is on a tight deadline. Your assistance in providing all necessary information will help move the process. Send materials to Lynn Hazan, Lynn Hazan & Associates, lynn@lhazan.com and call 312-863-5401 to follow up. Resumes without cover letters, samples and salary information will not be accepted.
Lynn Hazan & Associateslynnhazan@mac.com
*** From Kathleen Shakrey:
Hi Ned,
Below I have pasted a job description in hopes of making it in your
newsletter! Please let me know if the formatting is suitable. Hope you
have a wonderful weekend.
Katie Shakrey
37.) Freelance Print Production Manager, Baltimore MD
Our client, a downtown Baltimore-based ad shop, has an overflow of print projects that command the need for a Freelance Print Production Manager.
Working onsite with a senior print production manager, you'll help with print buying, coordinate with printers, letter/mailshops, etc. You'll be handling production needs many of the shop's accounts, with a good amount of your efforts dedicated to financial-related accounts and some with pharma accounts. Experience in those fields is always a plus, but not a deal-breaker.
* Solid 4 to 5 years of print production experience within an
agency environment. If last job was on the client-side, or at a printer, that's ok, just as long as that within the last few years of your last position you've done production management within an advertising agency.
* Direct mail savvy, understand how to work with mailshops,
postage rules, etc.
* Print buying experience
* PC and SAP efficient
* Able to prepare all projects for press, but will be doing
* Friendly, personable, able to work well within “agency
* Able to commit to long-term open-ended assignment onsite
Please send resumes to Kathleen@careerprofiles.com
*** From Terri Lynn Johnson, ABC, APR:
38.) Public Relations Assistant, Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation, St. Louis, MO
The Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation is seeking a full-time Public Relations Assistant. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to preserve and restore the sight of Missourians through a variety of vision-related programs.
Job Description:
This position reports to the Public Relations Manager, and assists in carrying out promotional and publicity tactics for the Foundation. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: fulfilling informational requests on the Foundation, writing news articles and press releases, assisting in planning special events, and producing other marketing and public relations materials to support our mission.
– Bachelor's degree, preferably in Communications, Journalism, Marketing, or English
– 1-2 years in PR or fundraising preferred
– Excellent writing and proofreading skills
– Strong written and verbal communication skills
– Ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects is a must
– Strong computer skills are necessary, preferably with Mac OS X. Knowledge of MS Office is also necessary and graphic design skills are a plus
The Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation offers a competitive salary with an excellent benefits package. For more information on the Foundation, please visit www.mlerf.org.
Application Information:
Please send a resume, cover letter and 2-3 past writing examples to:
Attn: Annie Kuhl, PR Manager
4482 Woodson Rd., #7
St. Louis, MO 63134
or, email: annie@mlerf.org, with attachments in PDF or Word format.
*** From Laurie Mitchell:
Thanks, Ned for posting this:
39.) Account Supervisors/4 Public Relations Agencies in Cleveland and Columbus, OH
Four Public Relations Agencies in Cleveland and Columbus, OH have retained us to identify and place Account Supervisors who excel in general client service including strategic PR campaign planning, media relations, reputation management, and crisis communications. Of course, stellar writing skills are mandatory. Leadership skills are also required. All four positions offer competitive compensation packages, and all four positions are for prominent national pieces of business. If you are specifically interested in living in Cleveland or Columbus, please email us your resume as a single MS Word file to: MitchellCo17@aol.com. Please name the file with your name, and include a thoughtful cover note telling us why you wish to relocate to Ohio in the email message. Also, please put your name in the subject line. We will respond very quickly to all suitable submissions. Thank you, Lauriewww.LaurieMitchellCompany.com
Laurie Mitchell, CPC (Certified Personnel Consultant)
Laurie Mitchell & Company, Inc.
Marketing Communications Executive SearchMitchellCo17@aol.com
*** From Shira Harrington:
Please post the following positions on JOTW:
• Marketing and Public Relations Manager
• Manager of Public Relations & Communications
• Editorial Specialist
Job announcements are below.
Shira Harrington
Sr. Recruiting Consultant
Positions Inc.
919 Eighteenth St. #230
Washington, DC 20006
202-659-9270 (ph)
202-659-9245 (fax)sharrington@positionsincwdc.com
40.) Marketing and Public Relations Manager, Prematics, Bethesda, MD
Are you a marcom professional who gets results? Do your public relations skills get your product in front of consumers fast? Take your PR savvy and marketing determination to a company that will skyrocket your career: Prematics, which provides the ‘ipod of electronic prescribing’ for healthcare practitioners. If you’ve been looking for a company that truly will make the world a better place, this is it. Their revolutionary service, a hand-held electronic prescribing device, can save the health care industry over $65 billion a year from today’s ineffective paper-and-pen prescribing system and can dramatically reduce the lives lost to erroneous prescribing, currently estimated at over 200,000 per year! This position will combine your marketing, public relations and web content development experience as you network at a grass roots level to generate awareness among doctors in new markets. Bring to the table at least two-three years of successful marcom experience, preferably marketing a new product or service. Salary is competitive. Travel component. Office is located in downtown Bethesda. For immediate consideration, email resume, cover letter and writing samples to Shira Harrington, Sr. Recruiting Consultant, Positions Inc. at sharrington@positionsincwdc.com with subject line: “Marketing & PR Manager”.
41.) Manager of Public Relations & Communications, The Security Industry Association, Alexandria, VA
Groundbreaking opportunity! The Security Industry Association (SIA) (www.siaonline.org), located in Old Town Alexandria, VA, has developed a mission-critical position for a Manager of Public Relations & Communications. This strategic role will advance the organization’s media and communications goals in support of membership acquisition and retention programs while firmly establishing SIA on the media landscape. Partnering with the Director of Marketing and Member Services, the successful candidate will play a lead role in developing and implementing the organization’s public relations initiatives.
With a primary focus on developing a comprehensive media relations plan, this role will promote SIA to potential members and stakeholders through trade and business press. As a secondary goal, the Manager will strategize with, and support, other departments in their efforts to create a market for SIA’s many products and services, such as cutting-edge research and regulatory initiatives. This will involve the development and design of marketing and communications materials to include writing, editing and disseminating publications and HTML emails, managing publication budgets and leading the association’s website activities. As a new initiative, there will be an opportunity to participate in a comprehensive visual identity and re-branding program to include all aspects of collateral marketing and communications materials.
This newly restructured position is poised to grow significantly in responsibility as the PR role is established. Ideal for a ‘rising star’, this dynamic role is designed for an ambitious public relations practitioner who has proven results in media relations and communications within an agency or association setting.
• Four year college degree in communications, public relations, marketing, creative services, and/or other relevant fields.
• A minimum of five (5) years communications, PR, marketing experience required.
• Agency experience preferable, particularly having worked with association clients.
• Public affairs experience from a lobbying or Capitol Hill setting is a plus.
• Extremely strong interpersonal, written and oral communications skills necessary; manager must be able to win and retain the confidence and support of SIA staff and member companies.
• Competency in MS Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
• Familiarity with basic graphic design and/or HTML is a plus: PhotoShop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver and/or other design software.
• Attention to detail, ability to meet deadlines and manage budgets.
• Must be a team player, self-motivated, and able to work with limited supervision.
• Some travel required.
For immediate consideration, email resume, cover letter and salary requirements to Shira Harrington, Sr. Recruiting Consultant, Positions Inc. at sharrington@positionsincwdc.com with subject line: “Manager PR & Communications”. This is an exclusive, retained search. Fee paid 100% by client company.
42.) Editorial Specialist, trade association, Washington, DC
Build on your editorial skills in this fast paced, project driven position. In this team oriented trade association in downtown DC, you will provide overall editorial support for the department director and his staff of six writers. Your numerous responsibilities will include quality checking and proofreading weekly, monthly and bimonthly newsletters, fact sheets, policy briefs, brochures, PowerPoint presentations and technical documents. You will also write brief mentions of industry transitions for weekly newsletter. Additionally, you will maintain all web postings, proofing and quality-checking them. A small portion of your job will include light administrative work such as compiling a speaker’s book and preparing occasional letters. Your flexibility and initiative will both be put to use! What you need to apply: impeccable editing and proofreading skills and the ability to summarize brief new items for NEI’s weekly newsletter (these skills will be tested during the interview process); ability to juggle numerous projects in a fast paced, deadline driven environment; an easy going attitude that is not easily flustered by last minute changes; a pleasant disposition and a great sense of humor! For immediate consideration, email resume to Karen Minor at kminor@positionsincwdc.com with subject line “Editorial Specialist” and your resume will be forwarded to the appropriate search consultant.
*** From Mark Sofman:
43.) Airship Public Relations Manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, POMPANO BEACH, FL
Be a part of the famous Goodyear tradition.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is as famous for our blimps as we are for our tires and other automotive products…if not more so. Join us at our Pompano Beach, FL Airship Operations facility as an Airship Public Relations Manager and be a part of the Goodyear tradition.
Goodyear offers a highly competitive compensation package commensurate with education and experience, as well as the opportunity to work with an industry leader. Please note that this position does not offer relocation assistance.
If you have a Bachelor's or higher level degree in public relations, journalism or a related field (an advanced degree would be great), have five or more years of experience in the corporate communications department of a marketing oriented Fortune 1000 company, or a similar number of years of experience with a top flight
communications or PR agency in an account management position (with significant clients), we want to talk to you about joining our team! Our Airship PR Manager plans and executes traditional PR, media outreach, marketing support communications and customer relations programs to expand awareness, understanding and appreciation for the Goodyear brand within the airship's travel region. The Spirit of Innovation is essentially a marketing and sales tool we use for increasing sales, enriching customer relationships, expanding
brand awareness and creating opportunities for differentiating the Goodyear brand from its competitors, so the individual selected for this exciting opportunity must develop and maintain a strategic and tactical tie with the North American Tire marketing and sales organizations to integrate the airship into the marketing and sales planning process. If you are chosen to fill this vital position, you'll manage the airship's engagements at nationally televised events, orchestrate dealer and other VIP flights, establish close working relationships with key local, regional and
national media, place stories with the media, serve as a spokesperson for the blimp and Goodyear, issue appropriate press releases, develop PR programs, seek and secure community relations opportunities that include the airship, arrange for night sign messaging, support the regional sales team with all PR-related needs (including customer flights) and act as an instrumental player within Global Communications. Experience planning and executing complex and holistic communications programs is highly desired.
Our ideal candidate will possess solid knowledge of PR planning processes along with exceptional writing and editing skills and the fundamental knowledge of the needs and practices of both the print and electronic media. Do you have knowledge of “new” media and “social media”? If so, that's a real plus! You must be articulate, comfortable engaging the media at all levels, able to manage senior executive media interaction as needed, and, possess strong media relationships on a national level.
If you're selected to be our new Airship Public Relations Manager, you will definitely have a great time traveling with the Goodyear Blimp to a variety of venues throughout the United States that can include NFL, NBA, MLB, college football and NASCAR events!
Sound exciting? It is! If you meet the above criteria and are interested in working in a rewarding, yet challenging, environment, please apply online.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is an Affirmative Action and Equal
Opportunity Employer. Applicants must be lawfully authorized to work in the US. http://jobview.monster.com/getjob.asp?JobID=53575163&aid=25022000-927
44.) Executive Director, Arthur W. Page Society, NY, NY
As you may know, the Arthur W. Page Society has just initiated a search for an Executive Director of the organization. This position will play a key role in working with membership leaders from the corporate, agency, non-profit, and education arenas in advancing both the principles upon which the Society was founded as well as shaping the increasingly strategic role the profession is playing.
Ideally, the Society is looking for a seasoned professional who has been a practitioner and understands the unique demands its members face, but who also may have a passion for the profession and an interest in transitioning to this type of role.
Contact Richard Marshall
Senior Client Partner
Korn/Ferry International
200 Park Avenue, 37th Floor
New York, NY 10166
(212) 973-5816richard.marshall@kornferry.com
45.) Marketing Communications Manager, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Boston, MA
The Marketing Communications Manager will drive the Chamber’s marketing initiatives for both prospects and members in order to increase new member recruitment and current member retention.
• Marketing strategy development: Working with the Vice President, take a lead role in driving the marketing strategy for the organization and ensuring alignment between the strategy and the resulting solutions.
• Marketing execution: Work with internal business development and member relations teams to drive consistency and leverage messaging across a range of marketing vehicles, including direct mail; e-marketing; print, online, and electronic advertising; printed collateral; press releases; and the Chamber’s website.
• Collateral development: Working with graphic designers and printers, oversee the creation of the Chamber’s marketing collateral.
• Writing and editing: Manage a variety of writing, editing, and publishing projects, including printed collateral, reports, bylined pieces, and executive-level scripting.
• Measurement and data generation: Conduct market research and prepare analytical data regarding marketing program effectiveness.
• Media placement: Work with existing media partners and research new vehicles in print, online, and electronic media that will deliver our message to the market and showcase the Chamber as a must-join for all companies within Greater Boston.
• Communications coordination: Work closely with Chamber’s policy, programs, and membership teams to develop, coordinate, and distribute written communications to respective audiences.
• Website management: Working with internal teams and external IT provider, help support content additions and changes to bostonchamber.com.
• Bachelor’s Degree required. Three+ years related experience.
• Ability to think strategically and execute tactically.
• Very strong writing, editing, and proofreading skills that demonstrate the ability to be concise, fast, and accurate.
• Experience in pre-press printing process.
• Familiarity with local business and government communities.
• Ability to liaise between multiple internal and external constituencies.
• Ability to manage multiple projects on short deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Successful candidate will be a high-energy, high-output, highly-organized individual with keen attention to detail. Salary commensurate with experience.
To Apply:
To apply for this job, please send cover letter and resume to applicants@bostonchamber.com.
*** This position also appeared as a JOTW “Can't Wait” announcement, with a priority job opportunity announcement that is too important to wait until Monday when the JOTW newsletter will come out.
US Census Key Positions:
Key US Census positions beginning fall of 2007 for a four year period, agency seeking potential candidates for US Census RFP.
46.) National Marketing Account Director, US Census, contract position with AD Rendon Communications, Washington, DC
The National Marketing Account Director, will provide executive
oversight to the overall account management services program and ensure US Census satisfaction of an integrated marketing program to include advertising related services. Minimum 10 years experience preferred.
Contact: Susana McHugh (smchugh@adrendon.com)
47.) National Public Relations Account Director, US Census, contract
position with AD Rendon Communications, Washington, DC
The National Public Relations Account Director will provide executive
oversight to the overall account management services program and ensure US Census satisfaction of an integrated marketing program to include public relations related services. Minimum 10 years experience preferred.
Contact: Susana McHugh (smchugh@adrendon.com)
*** From Amy Cline:
Dear Edward,
Can you post the following ad? Thank you..
48.) Marketing Specialist, software distributor, Colorado
Marketing Specialist for a fast developing software distributor working the Colorado market. The company has historically doubled in revenue every year. They currently are needing a Marketing Specialist who has their finger on the heartbeat of the organization, and without this specialist they could lose market share.
Marketing degree and 3-5 years experience.
For more information please call Amy Cline with Volt Services Group at 303-721-8400.
Amy Cline
Professional Placement Recruiter
Volt Services Group | 7720 E. Belleview Ave., Ste. 325| Englewood, CO 80111acline@volt.com | t:(303) 721-8400 | f:(303) 721-8947 www.volt.com
*** From Michael Klein:
Could this be just up your chicane?
49.) Writer, CitySavvy, London, UK
Writer sought for London-based role. Experience needed in financial services writing; enthusiasm for Formula 1 racing also required.
Full-time candidates only please; pay said to be good by local standards.
Interested applicants please send details to:
Jana Sanchez, Managing Director
Financial and Corporate Communications
Churchill House
142-146 Old Street
London EC1V 9BW
+44 20 7253 3434www.citysavvymedia.com
50.) Art Director, Nerland Agency, Anchorage, AKhttp://www.talentzoo.com/spots/64165/940cc686972b442eb80d4158a7d5a506.aspx
*** From Robert Ali:
Ned! Hope you are well!
Would like to submit two GS-14 Public Affairs Specialist job opportunities to JOTW:
Anyone interested should follow the instructions on the job announcement website.
FDA Public Affairs
51.) Public Affairs Specialist, Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Office of the Commissioner, Office of Public Affairs, Rockville, MD
SALARY RANGE: 93,822.00 – 121,967.00 USD per year
OPEN PERIOD to Friday, February 16, 2007
SERIES & GRADE: GS-1035-14/14
PROMOTION POTENTIAL: 14http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/getjob.asp?JobID=53369653
*** From Robin Mayhall, APR:
Hi Ned!
Here’s yet another job opp in Baton Rouge – an entry-level one. I know the chief PIO at the DHH here, and he’s a great guy – a newbie to the PR profession would learn a lot from Bob.
Take care,
52.) Public Information Officer, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Baton Rouge, LA
DHH is seeking a Public Information Officer for its LaCHIP & Medicaid programs. The vacancy is an entry level Communications position.
Medicaid Public Information Officer/Webmaster
Public Information Officer 1/2
40% Manages content for the Bureau of Health Services Financing (BHSF) web pages for LaCHIP, LaMOMS, Medicaid Purchase Plan, Medicare Savings Program, Long Term Care, Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, and General Medicaid which have an average of nearly 10,000 unique visitors per month.
Develops new pages and updates existing pages to assure that information is current and accurate. Coordinates with other BHSF sections to ensure that content is appropriate and easily navigable for consumers, providers and researchers. Gathers information including events, contact information, frequently asked questions, links, media coverage, outreach photos, forms, flyers, presentations, media campaigns, and reports for posting for public
consumption. Serves as BHSF liaison to the DHH webmaster.
20% Responds to web inquiries from the public regarding Medicaid eligibility and services. BHSF provides health coverage to nearly one million Louisiana residents through the services of over 30,000 providers. In addition to these established relationships, BHSF receives on average 35,000 applications a month. Serves as the main point of contact for answering inquiries from these individuals who contact BHSF through the website. Ascertains the appropriateness of additional web page content as a result of questions submitted.
20% Researches and assists in writing public education materials for LaCHIP and Medicaid programs such as newsletters, directories, brochures, billboards, and posters. Designs and develops these items and multimedia presentations for informing the public about various Medicaid programs and services.
15% Tracks and evaluate the effectiveness of media coverage. Identifies additional opportunities for disseminating public information about various BHSF programs.
Researches and assists in writing news releases. Contacts media
representatives to inform them of public events geared towards informing Medicaid clients/applicants.
5% Assists with other special projects as assigned by Program Manager or Deputy Medicaid Director
Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals
628 N. 4th Street
P.O. Box 629 (Zip 70821-0629)
Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Phone: (225)342-9500
Fax: (225)342-5568
Anyone interested in applying, please contact Kyle Viator at kviator@dhh.la.gov by February 15th.
*** From Mike Klein:
53.) Deputy Press Secretary, Majority House Committee, Washington, DC
Majority House Committee seeks Deputy Press Secretary to become part of an active three-person press shop. Responsibilities include assisting communications director in responding to media inquiries, drafting press materials, developing and maintaining website content, staffing press table at committee hearings and markups, and creating press strategies. Ideal candidate should possess strong writing skills, creativity, and a sense of humor. Web experience is a plus. One year of press experience is required to be considered for this job; previous Hill experience is preferred. Please send cover letter, resume and 2 writing samples via email to allyson.groff@mail.house.gov.
*** From Ken Jensen:
54.) Electronic Communications Specialist, Kitchell Corporation, Phoenix, AZ
Works with Director of Corporate Communications and internal and external technical and creative resources to maintain corporate Web site, intranet, and other electronic communications tools. Supports external and internal communications objectives and branding initiatives within time frames and budgets.
Reports to the corporate Director of Communications. Key interactions with the I.T. department, marketing business-development and human-resources personnel across various corporate companies and divisions and external vendors. Serves as a mentor for network of “ace reporters” and other content contributors and communications liaisons throughout corporation.
COMPLY with all of Kitchell’s personnel and procedural policies
PRESENT a professional and efficient image in internal and external interactions
MAINTAIN confidentiality of corporate matters
EXERCISE considerable judgment and initiative
USE tact and diplomacy in dealing with individuals and groups
PROVIDE support to the Director of Communications in the overall accomplishment of her/his responsibilities
WRITE print and online content for internal and external audiences; SUPPORT other print- and Web-based projects as needed
MAINTAIN content on corporate Web site, intranet and various company portals
GATHER, EDIT and PUBLISH content for weekly internal e-newsletter
GROOM corporate-wide network of “ace reporters” (ENCOURAGE regular interaction and contributions; ASSIST in developing and delivering skill-building and confidence-building for untrained contributors)
In conjunction with marketing liaisons (marketing coordinators, administrative assistants and departmental secretaries) throughout corporation, TRACK opportunities for publicity, DRAFT routine news releases, ROUTE for approvals and PUBLISH to Web site
MONITOR external clipping service, CREATE and maintain electronic clip books, WRITE summaries of external articles; POST to Web site and internal newsletter
SUPPORT marketing liaisons in applying InDesign corporate template to marketing fact sheets
DEVELOP and MAINTAIN storage and retrieval system for corporate communications assets (logos, photos, etc.)
DEVELOP and UPDATE PowerPoint presentations
MONITOR visitor traffic on Web site, Intranet and e-newsletters
MANAGE electronic and print mailing lists and DISTRIBUTE sanctioned e-mail messages to internal and external audiences; UPDATE Access database; COORDINATE with Excel mailing lists
Bachelor’s degree in English, journalism or similar field
Ability to handle numerous detailed projects simultaneously and to meet regular deadlines
Excellent interpersonal communications skills; customer-service and people-oriented; proactive, flexible team player with excellent interpersonal communication skills and ability to articulate ideas at all levels of the organization.
Superb writing, grammar; meticulous proofreading skills and attention to detail
Intermediate to advanced proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, In Design and HTML (preferably Dreamweaver, Contribute)
Interest in new and emerging technologies
Proven Web-editing skills and eye for design; familiarity with both Mac and Windows a plus
Three to five years prior experience within corporate environment is a plus Prospective candidates may be required to participate in tests involving writing and editing skills, and other evaluation instruments.
Interested parties should contact:editor@kitchell.com
Kitchell Corporation
1707 East Highland, Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Kindly refrain from telephoning. Thank you!
55.) Electronic Communications Manager, Kitchell Corporation, Phoenix, AZ
The Electronic Communications Manager will help develop and maintain online content and electronic publishing tools that support strategic business goals and a well-established corporate brand. The company is a highly diversified $750-million, employee-owned construction/real-estate company with over 1000 employees.
This individual must think strategically and creatively, while demonstrating hands-on skills such as content organization, writing, editing, technical skills and project management.
Position reports to the Director of Corporate Communications and resides within a small (4-5 person) corporate communications department reporting to the corporate CEO.
Individual must forge effective working partnerships between the corporate communications department and senior executives, marketing personnel, the H.R. and I.T. departments, and internal clients across multiple corporate companies and business units.
COMPLY with all of Kitchell’s personnel and procedural policies
PRESENT a professional and efficient image in internal and external interactions
MAINTAIN confidentiality of corporate matters
EXERCISE considerable judgment and initiative
USE tact and diplomacy in dealing with individuals and groups
PROVIDE support to the Director of Communications in the overall accomplishment of her/his responsibilities
CONTRIBUTE to development of policies, procedures and standards for building and maintaining Kitchell’s Web, intranet and other electronic communications vehicles; COLLABORATE with multiple internal managers, I.T. department, external developers and other vendors to execute plan
MONITOR search-engine optimization strategies to ensure they effectively promote Kitchell Corporation and its varied business units; EVALUATE e-communications priorities and strategies through analysis of statistical data and objective feedback
TRAIN identified content owners to use Web-conversion tools, such as Word internet Assistant, to convert their own documents to HTML and otherwise be effective contributors
CREATE graphics for lower-level pages and COLLABORATE with I.T. to develop interactive databases and forms; USE Adobe Acrobat to deliver forms through the intranet
ASSIST director in developing and communicating corporate policies for use of electronic communications media (e-mail blasts to internal and external audiences, blogging, new media)
KEEP up-to-date on new communications technology, RESEARCH electronic communications and presentation tools (DVDs, video, blogs, streaming video, etc.), and RECOMMEND how tools can be implemented to support strategic business goals of the corporation and its various business units
May SUPERVISE online communications specialist, college intern and/or temporary support personnel
PROVIDE periodic communications support (writing, content editing, project management) for traditional print media
TRAVEL occasionally
Minimum 8 years of communications experience, including web-content management and employee and marketing communications
Bachelor’s degree in e-business, journalism, communications or marketing
Creative, strategic thinker who thinks pragmatically about how new technology and how to apply them in support of branding, marketing, recruiting, training, employee communications and other operational goals
Must be able to initiate relationships; ability to understand and articulate internal client needs and influence diverse stakeholders at all levels of the organization
Interest in applying technology to improve existing processes
Ability to work independently or as part of a team
Exposure to construction, development or commercial real-estate industry is a plus
Proven ability to apply analytical and strategic thinking, marketing principles and proactive project-management tools
Superior written and verbal communications and presentation skills; knowledge of AP style
Ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks to timelines and budgets
Demonstrated knowledge of HTML coding
Intermediate to advanced ability in PowerPoint, InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Web design (Dreamweaver, Contribute); experience with other electronic presentation and communications tools is a plus.
Prospective candidates may be required to participate in tests involving writing and editing skills, and other evaluation instruments.
Interested parties should send their resumes to: editor@kitchell.com
Kitchell Corporation
1707 East Highland, Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Kindly refrain from telephoning. Thank you!
56.) Marketing Director, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ
The Marketing Director will oversee and advance comprehensive marketing and public relations strategies, programs, and initiatives for audience building and revenue generation. This position is responsible for maintaining the artistic/intellectual integrity of marketing and public information efforts to promote the values and mission of the Museum, and managing the marketing and PR budget, staff and activities of the Department. Must improve public awareness of the Museum as a vibrant destination, and help develop brand recognition.
Requirements: bachelor’s degree in marketing, business administration, arts administration or related field. Minimum five years progressively responsible marketing experience, including demonstrated managerial and supervisory experience. Knowledge of budgeting practices. Knowledge of analytical marketing tools. Strong leadership, interpersonal, planning, organization, written and oral communication skills. Proficient in Microsoft Office and the Internet. Ability to organize and oversee multiple projects concurrently. Nonprofit experience preferred; art history background helpful. Ability to work effectively, tactfully and professionally with a wide variety of Museum supporters, visitors, members, volunteers and staff.
For best results, apply directly to Phoenix Art Museum. Salary requirements must be included in resume or cover letter. Send to job code ASU-MRK. Email: hr@phxart.org. Fax: 602-257-2127. Mail: 1625 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Attn: HR Dept.
57.) Senior Vice President of Brand Strategy and Marketing, Valley of the Sun United Way, Phoenix, AZ
Incredible opportunity to impact the top human care priorities of Phoenix area communities, as part of a dynamic team in an environment of business transformation. Valley of the Sun United Way seeks a highly skilled brand and marketing leader to direct the evolution, creation and execution of branding and marketing strategies in support of its new business model. S/he will be accountable for a broad base of functional areas responsible for educating, informing and engaging specific investor, stakeholder and customer segments, and for leading the integration of all branding and marketing activities for the Annual Campaign, Foundation, and products and services of Community Impact.
Ideal candidate will have: 8-10 years of progressively responsible experience in steering diverse functions including brand and image positioning, market segmentation and research, product development and delivery, advertising, public and media relations, and direct and e-marketing; technical expertise in developing and executing multi-year branding and marketing strategies; success in cultivating high performance teams; track record in evaluating, realigning and building infrastructure; understanding of resource development marketing; skills in cultivating strong, productive relationships; and superior leadership qualities. Bachelor’s degree required, graduate degree a plus; nonprofit and sector experience in health and human services desirable. Compensation includes competitive salary plus outstanding benefits and relocation assistance.
Email resume to palmercom@cox.net or fax to 602-604-9045.
58.) Graphic Designer, HD Communication Solutions (HDCS), Phoenix, AZ
HD Communication Solutions (HDCS) is a full service communications company offering graphic design, writing/editing and consulting services. HDCS prides itself in handling all of the communication needs of our clients and to that end, is now hiring a graphic designer position on a contract basis with the potential to become a full-time position within 90 days.
Qualified candidates must be able to work from home with minimal supervision and have all of their own equipment/computer programs ( MAC or PC). Responsibilities will include handling a wide variety of graphic design projects in a team oriented, creative, fast-paced environment. Projects may include ad creation, logo/illustration designs, brochure/newsletter design/layout, collateral design, and more. Web design experience is also desired.
To be considered for this position you must be creative and able to produce materials that support the variety of design styles/needs of our clients. Other qualifications include:
Ability to balance competing priorities, manage multiple tasks/assignments and meet firm deadlines
Must have strong organization skills and attention to detail
Must be able to work fast paced flexible hours and meet with clients as needed
Must be proficient in Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, and InDesign (QuarkXpress experience desired but not required)
Please send your resume, a sample of your work and contract rates to Holly Dean at hdean@hdcommsolutions.com or HDCS, P.O. Box 28287, Tempe AZ 85285.
This position serves as a speechwriter for the Governor's Office and ADOT Director's Office to write and edit remarks for executives to deliver during dedication ceremonies, public speaking events, public presentations and press conferences. This position researches, writes and edits print and online communication materials about ADOT that inform various audiences about the Department's activities, projects and services; writes and edits communication materials for distribution to media outlets and the public statewide; provides guidance and oversight on the communication services and materials prepared by consultants retained by the agency to facilitate public involvement, public information and communication duties of the Communication and Community Partnerships Division. In addition this position reviews and edits communication materials prepared by consultants to ensure consistent communication strategies, language and writing styles are utilized on ADOT print and online publications; and works as part of a collaborative team to develop communication guidelines and a variety of community outreach programs for ADOT.
Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities: The position requires excellent oral, written and interpersonal communication skills, including working knowledge of journalism and Associated Press style. Candidates will be skilled in mass communication, journalism, writing, speechwriting, editing and presentation development. Candidates must have the ability to concisely communicate the department's position on transportation related issues and use mass communication techniques to reach diverse audiences through verbal, written and visual communications.
Ideal Candidate: This position requires a Bachelor's Degree studying all areas of Journalism or Public Relations including print reporting, writing, broadcast journalism and mass communication OR a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration with additional studies in mass communication, journalism, marketing or related fields to develop the necessary written, oral and interpersonal communication skills and requires two years of work experience in journalism, publication writing and editing, public relations, mass communication, marketing or public administration.
Salary range: $35,742-$60,867
To apply please visit our website at www.azstatejobs.gov
The State of AZ/EOE/ADA/Reasonable Accommodation Employer
60.) Manager, Internal Communications, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ
This position within Public Relations and Communications is responsible for writing and executing a strategic internal communications plan to support the company’s business objectives of attracting and retaining an informed and motivated workforce dedicated to delivering excellent service to our customers. This position will plan, write and edit communications for internal audiences using a full-range of tools, including print and electronic vehicles.
In addition, the individual will support the company’s overall communications function by serving as a consultant to other company departments, recommending and implementing strategies and tactics to meet their goals, keeping in mind the company’s brand identity, mission, vision and values. The individual will also participate in a variety of special projects and corporate initiatives, leading cross-functional teams to support the Human Resources and Employee Development and Marketing departments.
Specific Duties & Responsibilities
Create and execute a strategic internal communications plan, including measurable goals and objectives, in concert with key organization stakeholders.
Supervise team member(s) and outside freelancer/vendors to achieve objectives.
Write and/or edit communications for online and print vehicles for internal audiences, including the employee intranet, newsletter and other channels as appropriate.
Create and execute communications plans to achieve department and company goals, including meeting with key stakeholders in the organization to obtain necessary approvals.
Assist in the development, production and delivery of department communications, including newsletters, brochures, fliers, posters, calendars, scripts and other support materials; write and produce materials as required.
Serve as a liaison between the Human Resources and Employee Development and Marketing departments, attending and/or leading team meetings and other cross-functional workgroups as appropriate.
Acquire a working knowledge of BCBSAZ, including product offerings and industry trends within the disciplines of health care marketing and employee communications.
Assist with other duties not detailed here to further enhance the success of the company’s communications efforts.
Comply with BCBSAZ Computer Responsibility Agreement. Employees with Internet access are required to comply with the Internet Policies Agreement.
Apply appropriate security and privacy measures to all tasks.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
Position Description: Internal Communications Manager
Education & Experience
Bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications or related field. Must have at least seven years of professional public relations and/or communications experience, with a strong emphasis in internal communications. A minimum of two years of professional experience in internal communications is preferred.
Knowledge and Abilities
Internal communications expertise, including demonstrated knowledge of the strategic communications planning process.
Ability to work successfully in a collaborative and team environment.
Superior writing and editing skills, including knowledge of Associated Press style.
Strong organizational skills with attention to detail and quality.
Demonstrated management/supervisory experience.
Excellent professional and interpersonal skills, including the ability to interface with all levels of employees and external vendors.
Strong project management and time-management skills.
Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment, while coordinating multiple projects within the assigned deadlines.
Knowledge of basic computer programs, including word processing, communication design and the Internet.
To apply, email your resume and coverletter to: resumes@phx1.bcbsaz.com
61.) Meeting Planner, HIBCC, Phoenix, AZ
Qualifying Skills:
1. Must have 3+ years of relevant meeting planning experience;
2. Mature individual, independent, self-starter;
3. Excellent written and verbal communication skills;
4. Exceptional organizational skills/attention to detail;
5. Ability to exercise sound judgment in absence of supervision;
6. Proficiency with multiple computer applications (MS Office, Desktop Publishing, Internet, Web); and
7. Experience with volunteer management and Boards of Directors.
Job Duties:
Primary responsibilities will include, but not be limited to:
Development of all marketing/advertising materials to promote meeting;
Negotiation of contracts with service providers and suppliers such as hotels and speakers;
Management of hotel/vendor staff;
Development and administration of banquet and A/V event orders;
Coordination and selection of speakers and program;
Organization and oversight of registration processes;
Management of exhibitor relations;
Maintenance of records including financial details; and
Management of on-site production.
Salary competitive and commensurate with experience. Eligibility for benefits package including medical, paid vacation and retirement plan occurs after probationary period.
Please forward resume and salary requirements to: phxazjobs@yahoo.com
62.) Manager – Marketing/PR, Catholic Healthcare West – East Valley, Gilbert, AZ
This position combines service line management and marketing roles with heavy responsibility and involvement in facilitating startup projects; evaluation of service enhancements; developing and executing marketing strategies, which include interaction with internal and external key stakeholder groups.
This position also will include:
Responsibility for linking overall East Valley strategic and operational objectives to a strategic marketing and communications plan
Successful implementation and project deliverables
Timeliness and the creation of detailed project(s)/service line plans
Demonstrated ability to define and lead the development of service area strategic marketing and communications programs, including setting priorities and developing timeliness.
Complete the on-going development of and overall CHW East Valley strategic brand management and positioning strategy identifying the overall value of the CHW East Valley brand as a strategic asset and a primary source of competitive advantage in the East Valley market.
Additional functions include:
Evaluating existing marketing research and positioning
Managing internal discussions and agreement of proposed brand direction
Reviewing and developing creative strategies
Participating in brand and positioning discussions with CRH senior management and board to review positioning recommendations and rationale as well as gain insight on creative strategy
Supporting overall brand strategy plans
Organizing and controlling service lines including Urgent Care sites from conceptual stages through lifecycle to optimize profit and meet strategic, marketing, financial, and system growth objectives.
Establishing priority project deliverables
Building and managing external team to execute service line lifecycle
Identifying and coordinating preferred vendors
Setting direction for build-vs-buy decisions
Establishing media relations and communication plan deliverables
Developing crisis communications procedures
Developing competitor assessment process to include:
Positioning strategy
Medium of attack
Counter position
Conducting customer visits to gather voice of the customer and product/service requirements
Researching industry and consumer trends for the purpose of conceptualizing enhancements to current service offerings or new market opportunities
Working with internal and external senior managers, key service line leaders, customers and partners to develop and execute strategic and tactical plans to ensure objectives are achieved throughout lifecycle
Working closely with program managers to ensure their respective program information is accurate and current
Establishing and maintaining operational budget
Identifying items to be included in annual budget with goals of cost-containment
Providing and directing maintenance of on-going communications needs to include:
Employee newsletter
Sponsorship coordination
Community calendar
Web site
Provide on-going support of CEO and senior management communication needs to include:
Speech format
Talking points
Media training
Resolving conflicts in an honest, direct manner
Negotiating effectively across boundaries
Providing first-stage response to issues of quality and crisis communications
Taking immediate steps to minimize risk and negative customer outcomes
Documenting conclusions, actions and recommendations for problem resolutions
Bachelor of Arts degree in business or marketing, MBA preferred, with four to five years of applied marketing management and/or service line experience in healthcare, consumer products or software development.
Applicant also should demonstrate:
Excellent communication/interpersonal skills for internal coordination and external image
complex, abstract problem solving capabilities to maintain system-wide functions
Understanding of the complexities of the healthcare environment
Comfortable as a team member and informational leader
Demonstrated ability to manage, develop, plan and deliver projects with minimal direction
High level of initiative and strong business judgment
Strong analytical abilities, organization and project/process management skills and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and achieve goals
Ability to apply creative thinking to service line themes, content and strategic solutions in a fast-paced environment
Professional demeanor; team player orientation
Ability to interface with internal/external partners at all levels
Compensation based on professional experience.
Interested candidates please go to www.chwcareers.com to apply. Pick Mercy Gilbert Medical Center as the facility.
63.) Specialist – Marketing/PR, Catholic Healthcare West – East Valley, Chandler, AZ
This position combines public relations, marketing, administrative duties, media relations, hospital events and internal and external communication.
This position also includes responsibilities for various writing assignments including:
media advisories
internal newsletter submissions
clip reports
targeted and general pitches to national and local media
development of collateral and other publicity materials
Additional responsibilities include administrative duties of the marketing department including scheduling, filing, directing phone calls, and other clerical tasks as necessary.
This position requires demonstration of organization, initiative, ambition, timeliness, prioritization and knowledge of Phoenix media and hospital branding strategies.
Build and assist in managing media relations for CHW – East Valley Market.
Develop writing materials on an at-needs basis and pitch to corresponding media.
Manage tasks as given by the Public Relations, Marketing, and Communications Manager.
Produce a weekly clip report of the weekly healthcare news
Develop and assist in the implementation of timely projects and presentations.
Take initiative and be able to work on projects without much oversight and guidance.
Maintain office and administrative duties.
Schedule appointments and reservations for VP of Marketing without oversight or direction.
Answer and respond to phone calls and media inquiries.
Provide assistance of on-going communications needs.
Employee newsletter
Community calendar
Web site
Video production
Bachelor of Arts degree in business, marketing, public relations, journalism or communication.
3-5 years of applied marketing/public relations experience with interest in marketing healthcare.
Demonstration of communication/interpersonal skills for internal coordination and external image.
Problem solving capabilities and the ability to respond to feedback.
Professional demeanor with team player orientation. Ability to interface with internal/external partners at all levels.
Self motivated, creative and energetic, displaying the ability to motivate others.
Compensation based on professional experience.
Interested candidates please go to www.chwcareers.com to apply.
Pick Chandler Regional Hospital as the facility.
*** From Margaret A Graham:
Armstrong World Industries, Inc., is a global leader in the design and manufacture of floors, ceilings, and cabinets. In 2005, Armstrong's net sales totaled $3.6 billion. Founded in 1860 and based in Lancaster, Pa., Armstrong has 42 plants in 12 countries and approximately 14,000 employees worldwide. Lancaster is a vibrant community in south central Pennsylvania, home to a variety of colleges and universities, located approximately 60 miles west of Philadelphia and approximately 35 miles east of the state capital, Harrisburg.
64.) COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST, Armstrong World Industries, Lancaster, PA
Armstrong’s Corporate Communication Department is searching for a Communications Specialist to assist in the writing, production, and distribution of communication materials to internal and external audiences, coordinate special events and meetings, and provide administrative support to the VP Corporate Communication and the department. To be considered, please visit the Careers section at Armstrong.com and submit your resume electronically, following the instructions on the site.
Elements of the work include:
Research, develop, write, edit, and distribute a wide variety of communications to internal and external audiences. These include news releases, presentations, intranet articles, memos, letters, announcements, speeches, bulletins, newsletters, etc.
Assist in the development of templates and style guidelines to ensure effective and consistent communications company-wide.
Work with graphic designers, photographers, video producers and other personnel on development of communication materials.
Conduct Intranet audits, provide training and direction to Intranet content editors.
Serve as a news coordinator working with Armstrong’s international locations to gather, write and disseminate business news via Armstrong Communications Network.
Assist with Armstrong Television postings.
Disseminate news releases, and
Key contact for corporate communication translations, ensuring key messages are translated into languages applicable to the employee base.
Coordinate events including but not limited to Management Meetings, Retiree Meetings, and Campus Employee Meetings
Responsible for meeting, event and logistics planning for large events, including development of presentation material
Provide administrative support to VP Corporate Communication and staff
Our profile defines the ideal candidate as having:
A Bachelor's Degree (B.A.) in Communications, Public Relations, Journalism or similar field OR
2-3 years related work experience in Corporate Communications
Excellent administrative and organization skills, with superb attention to detail
Ability to grasp technical communications disciplines
Ability to work well individually and cooperatively with a wide range of individuals
Excellent oral and written communications skills.
Ability to work well under deadlines.
Competitive pay, benefits, training and support our opportunities.
Simpler, faster, better together…that’s the commitment of Armstrong World Industries, a global leader in the design and manufacture of flooring, ceiling and cabinets products.
At Armstrong, we strive to have a workforce as diverse as our customers and products. The foundation of respect, integrity, diversity and service that the Armstrong family is built on makes our company a very engaging place to work. Armstrong is an equal opportunity employer.
To be considered, please visit the Careers section at Armstrong.com and submit your resume electronically, following the instructions on the site.
65.) Internal Communications Officer, Water Corporation, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
* Opportunity to showcase your creativity in a corporate environment
* Pivotal role providing strategic advice to primarily internal clients
This exciting fixed term 12 month position provides corporate information to promote One Company thinking, change management initiatives and achievements through regular internal corporate publications and communications. Accountabilities include production and delivery utilising electronic media, combined with contributing to the development of processes and strategies through fostering and facilitating good internal networks.
Ideally you will have degree level qualifications in Communications, Media Management, Public Relations, Marketing or other relevant discipline and relevant experience in journalism/communication within or for a large multi disciplined organisation. Your well developed creative writing and verbal presentation skills and the ability to summarise complex issues for common usage will facilitate success in this role.
* Demonstrated ability to build and maintain networks in the community that assist in the achievement of goals.
* Demonstrated knowledge of mass media publicity and advertising.
* Demonstrated knowledge of newsletter production and publication
* Relevant experience in stakeholder management
* Demonstrated advanced level of computer competency of common communication tools
* Knowledge and understanding of relevant issues facing the water industry in Australia desirable
For more information contact Water Corporation – Recruitment, 08-9420-2291.
Please forward your applications to: recruitment@watercorpration.com.au quoting Ref No. MM11.
*** From Mike Pina:
66.) Media Relations Manager, National Restaurant Assn, Washington, DC
— Trade association seeks proactive, organized individual for busy media relations division. Main responsibilities: research/respond/pitch media inquiries & write press releases/op-eds. Excellent writing skills a must.
Public policy background a plus. Minimum qualifications: 4 years MR/PR experience, Capitol Hill experience preferred , agency exp a plus; spokesperson exp; college degree in communications, journalism, English preferred; juggle multiple tasks. Send resume, cover letter w/ salary requirements & writing samples to National Restaurant Association, HR , 1200 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20036; email: jobs@dineout.org. WHEN APPLYING, PLEASE STATE APPLICATION IS FOR THE HR/MM01 POSITION.
67.) Marketing Manager, Publishing, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Alexandria, VA
Join a growing team of marketing professionals who support ASCO's mission of developing new treatments for cancer. ASCO offers you an exciting, progressive work environment that is fast-paced, collaborative and entrepreneurial. Your experience in publishing for a commercial and/or association publisher is your entry into ASCO's growing, dynamic Marketing Department.
Responsibilities include:
Supporting and developing new publishing products and enhancing revenue through market expansion
Creation of strategic and tactical marketing plans
Implementation of marketing tactics including catalogs, direct mail, e-mail, web marketing, trade shows, etc.
Collaboration with publisher, business operations manager, marketing
analysis, finance staff, product content developers
Analyzing data with a focus on converting into actionable marketing
Development, with other stakeholders, of pricing strategies and tactics
To qualify for this position, the candidate must possess:
Bachelor's degree in marketing or equivalent experience
Experience with publications/scientific journals at a publishing company or publishing department of an association
Proven project management skills with ability to execute and deliver on multiple projects and meet deadlines
Excellent interpersonal skills that leads to effective communication as part of a team
Strong written and verbal communications skills
Consultative approach to problem-solving
Strong business acumen with ability to think both strategically and
The ideal candidate will also possess:
Knowledge of the physician marketplace, specifically oncology
Experience with journal publishing in addition to books and electronic mediums
Understanding of the licensing and permissions environment
Knowledge of the complexity and changing nature of the publishing
A curious mind that embraces challenge, seeks to expand current knowledge, and look beyond “what is” to embrace new possibilities for marketing success
Suzanne Brach
Senior Director of Marketing
American Society of Clinical Oncology
330 John Carlyle St., Ste 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
*** From Brenda Patrick:
Hi there. The Port of Portland has a current opportunity for a Media Relations Manager. We would like to find out how to get this opportunity posted on your website. I have attached a copy of the job flier for your review. Please let me know what the cost would be, and what the process is for getting this advertised.
Thanks for your assistance.
Brenda Patrick
Human Resources
Port of Portland
Ph: 503/944-7539
Fax: 503/548-5859
68.) Marine and Industrial Development Media Relations Manager, Public Affairs Department, Port of Portland, Portland, OR
Serves as spokesperson for Marine and Industrial Development department, responding to media calls and inquiries in timely manner. Occasionally requires attending community meetings and events to coordinate media outside of normal working hours.
• Develops proactive positive media opportunities for Marine and Industrial Development initiatives. Includes actively seeking earned media placement in national and international trade and local media. Writes news releases, media advisories, speeches and talking points for executive directors as needed.
• Serves as editor and publisher of Port Dispatch, the marine division’s monthly newsletter to staff and stakeholders.
• Prepares articles for other Port publications, including Portside and Portsmouth.
• On-call 24/7 for media needs, also charged with assisting in coordination of emergency preparedness and response. Provides back-up for aviation media relations team providing one weekend of on-call 24/7 pager duty per month.
• Assists in the preparation of corporate news releases as needed.
• Bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications, marketing or related field, or an equivalent of education and work experience is required.
• Minimum of 5 years experience in a communications field is required. Specific experience in media relations is desirable.
• Previous experience in transportation or logistics field is preferable.
• Expert knowledge and understanding of communication principles and practices, current trends and techniques, including websites, podcasts, blogs, etc.
• Extensive and comprehensive knowledge, experience and understanding to advise and guide line-of-business communication and public affairs issues that impact the Port both internally and externally.
• Expertise and experience managing several diverse projects concurrently.
• Must demonstrate clear writing and verbal ability.
• Ability to think and act quickly and anticipate and resolve complex problems by utilizing extensive and expert communications, business and marketing abilities.
• Must possess excellent problem solving skills to address often conflicting demands of varying customers.
• Ability to work in an environment ranging from deskwork to working at an outdoor construction site or on the river.
• Must possess strong computer skills including experience working with Microsoft Office software, as well as general office equipment, telephone pager, PDA, and cell phone.
• Ability to occasionally lift and move heavy boxes and display materials with a hand truck.
• A valid Oregon or Washington State driver’s license is required.
SALARY RANGE: $55,021 – $85,237
Application materials are available on our website, www.portofportland.com, and from the 7th floor reception in the Port of Portland building, located at 121 NW Everett Street. You may also call 503-944-7400 to request that an application be mailed to you. Pre-employment drug screening is required. Applications received after February 23, 2007 may not be considered. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer
(Brenda, it is free. Your submission is perfect. Thanks for sharing.)
*** From Patty Hilton-Johnson:
Hi Ned,
Here are three UK jobs for upcoming newsletter—thanks.
69.) Marketing and PR Specialists, Bonner & Hindley Communications, Leeds, Yorkshire, UK
Bonner & Hindley Communications is a specialist marketing and PR agency, working with clients predominantly in the heritage, tourism, hotels, leisure and cultural industries.
Established in 1996, B&H has a strong track record and a reputation built on delivery. With a number of roles to fill, we are seeking highly motivated communications specialists to join our team at various levels.
Applicants should hold relevant qualifications in marketing/PR/media/communications and possess a proven ability to work to multiple deadlines under pressure. With excellent inter-personal and project management skills, you will be able to demonstrate past success and be keen to contribute to our future development. If you already have experience in the tourism, leisure, arts or hotels sector, even better.
If you are a team player who’s ready for a new challenge, with the ambition and determination to succeed, then we would really like to hear from you.
For an informal discussion, please contact either Sheralyn Bonner or Deborah Hindley on 0113 279 9909, or call for an information pack. sheralyn@bandhcommunications.co.uk
Applications should be made in writing (closing date is Wednesday, February 21, 2007) and examples of your work would be welcomed. Web Site: www.bandhcommunications.co.uk
70.) Communications Department Internship Opportunities, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London, UK
The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London's foremost centre for a dynamic range of multi disciplined art forms and an essential meeting place for anyone interested in contemporary culture is offering internships in the Communications department.
The ICA Communications office is currently looking to recruit interns for a minimum period of three months, 3-4 days per week, to start immediately.
The position offers the opportunity to become involved in and learn about the workings of a communications office on a day to day basis, experiencing a range of activities in PR and marketing which support the whole of the ICA's creative programme.
We are a very busy and lively office and we require someone able to think and react fast, working closely with members of the team on general administrative and office duties whilst gaining an overview of a highly regarded arts organisation. Successful candidates have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of the ICA's activities and events during their internship. Although we encourage creative approaches to contribute to any aspect of our work, our interns most often support with:
Office administration – an essential part of a busy office, by helping run the day – to – day working of the office, assisting with such tasks as mail outs, photocopying, press cuttings and first contact to the office.
Research – Working on an individual projects which can building up contacts, or generating ideas of communication for a talk/film etc using literary and web research.
Prospective interns should be able to commit to the full agreed period and show reliability and punctuality, be a good team worker, pro-active and independent with a friendly manner, and possess good verbal and written communication skills, as well as computer skills. An interest in PR and marketing and contemporary arts is essential.
Internships are offered on a voluntary basis, however all travel expenses between zones 1-4 are reimbursed and ICA staff benefits are provided.
Please follow the instructions and fill in the application form under 'Downloads' on jobs page at www.ica.org.uk and send it to:
ICA Internship Department
Pamela Jahn
Institute of Contemporary Arts
12 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AH
or email it to interns@ica.org.uk.
Closing date for applications is Thursday 15th February.
Please note: due to the volume of applications we receive and in an effort to keep our administration costs to a minimum we will only contact successful applicants. If you have not heard from us within three weeks please consider that you have not been selected for interview.
71.) Head of Marketing and PR, Imperial War Museum North, Manchester, England, UK
Housed in Daniel Libeskind's stunning building beside the Manchester Ship Canal in Trafford, IWM North, the fifth branch of the world-famous Imperial War Museum, has welcomed over 1.3m visitors in its first four years. Now firmly established as one of the leading cultural venues in the North, the museum won the North West's Best Large Visitor Attraction Award in 2006.
We are currently looking for new members of staff in our Marketing & PR Department:
As Head of Marketing and PR, you will use your professional expertise and inter-personal skills to plan, develop and deliver specific, targeted marketing campaigns which support the Museum's strategic direction.
As Head of the Department, it is essential that you are able to motivate, support and develop your team, and you will have first-class communication, management and leadership skills.
Educated to degree level, you should also hold an appropriate qualification in marketing, and have relevant marketing experience in a similar field, including some at a senior level.
The closing date for applications is 5pm, 16th February 2007. Interviews are provisionally arranged for 27th February.
To apply for vacancies, detailed Job Descriptions and application forms are available from our website, www.iwm.org.uk (Recruitment) or send an A4 SAE (45p) to
Personnel Adviser,
Imperial War Museum North,
The Quays,
Trafford Wharf Road,
Trafford Park,
Manchester M17 1TZ,
quoting the reference number: HMPR0107.
*** From Mike Klein:
72.) Communications Director, Massachusetts Congressman, Washington, DC
Rep. Markey seeks an experienced, aggressive Communications Director to oversee press and Internet message on a broad range of progressive issues. Excellent writing skills required. Duties include proactively pitching stories to TV, radio and print outlets, responding to media inquiries, overseeing Internet operation, drafting op-eds, letters to the editor, and producing e-newsletters. Salary based on qualifications. Please forward cover letter, resume and references via e-mail only, no calls, to David at MA07jobs@mail.house.gov
73.) Asst. Manager-Corporate Communications, Priya Ltd, Mumbai, Indiahttp://corp.naukri.com/mynaukri/mn_newminnernew.php?filename=080207001095&othersrcp=2315&searchloc=yahoofeed
*** From Christine Santeusanio:
74.) Healthcare Communications Director, CIGNA, Bloomfield, CT
Chaloner Associates is recruiting a Healthcare Communications Director for CIGNA. The position is located in the Bloomfield, CT office and reports to the Senior Director of Business & Internal Communications. The Director will work closely with the CIGNA Healthcare’s President and his senior management team on all communications required within the division as well as enterprise-wide communications driven by healthcare.
Key responsibilities:
Develop and maintain a comprehensive internal communications strategy for the healthcare division that is aligned with the enterprise-wide strategy.
Provide speechwriting assistance for Healthcare President
Oversee and manage team members (the Director will build a team down the road).
Write for and serve as managing editor for relevant employee publications.
Establish and implement measurement protocols, working to continually improve healthcare communications.
Influence and shape change; create higher performance through building strong relationships.
Key requirements:
Demonstrated experience leading communication strategy and a communication function. Evidence of having developed, executed and measured communications.
Success at working with senior management, including getting their buy-in to communications strategies and approaches.
Strong leadership, management and mentoring skills.
Speechwriting experience with senior management.
Strong interpersonal, people management and persuasive skills.
Exceptional writing and editing skills; familiarity with technology as a communications channel.
Ability to see the “big picture” as context for all communications activities.
Superior organizational, project management and creative skills.
Ability to work successfully in a fast-paced environment.
Contact: Rich Young, rich@chaloner.com, 617-332-3081
75.) Public Relation-Sr.Executive, Innovision Inc, Bangalore, Indiahttp://corp.naukri.com/mynaukri/mn_newminnernew.php?filename=090207000237&othersrcp=2315&searchloc=yahoofeed
*** From Bill Seiberlich:
76.) Dynamic Designer, AgileCat, Philadelphia, PA
AgileCat, a branding, design, public relations agency founded in 1999,
is searching for the best of the best to find a brand-centric Designer
to join our awarded creative team and handle the ever-increasing volume of design projects, with an emphasis on web design.
The position is perfect for the type of person who…
– has 5+ years agency or related design experience.
– is proficient in programs such as: Quark Xpress, Adobe Photoshop,
Adobe Illustrator, Dreamwaaver, Flash.
– can prepare “perfect files” for printing.
– has experience in creating database-driven / client-updatable
– wants to design identities, brochures, direct mail, and more with an
emphasis on website design and flash animation.
– wants to design in a “no room for egos”, zero-politics environment on a variety of nationally recognized and regional brands.
– thrives in an ultra-busy, purposeful, well-managed creative
– wants to challenge themselves to consistently deliver their best
– wants to work at a true branding agency whose work increases top line image and bottom line sales.
– believes that it's ok to get excited about where you work when it
results in impacting our clients and your artistic growth.
– believes that being an artist isn't a 9-5 thing.
– embraces our core values: creativity, integrity, leadership.
Center City Headquarters opening in May 2007!
Contact: If you think you're Agile material (or know someone who is),
send your work to gigs@agilecat.com .
77.) News Officer, PENN Medicines, Philadelphia, PA
PENN Medicines Department of Communications is seeking a mid-career
communications professional to act as a liaison between PENN Medicine
and its key internal and external audiences. PENN Medicine consists of
the University of Pennsylvania Health System and the University of
Pennsylvania School Of Medicine. The News Officer we are seeking would
be responsible for conveying strategic messages to targeted audiences in support of the institutions reputation for excellence in clinical care, medical education and biomedical research. Among the key goals of the Department of Communications is to proactively secure media placements regarding the clinical care, education and research achievements of our faculty and staff in local, regional, national and international media.
Our News Officers exhibit a passionate interest in medical subjects and issues, and an avid curiosity in biomedical discovery that is
commensurate with working at one of the worlds leading medical
institutions. Candidates should have experience in all facets of
strategic communications to ensure successful allocation of
institutional resources and attainment of communications objectives. An ability to translate technical scientific information into interesting, accessible stories is essential. An understanding of the Internets role in disseminating information to patients and professionals is also important. Furthermore, a demonstrated understanding of the potential synergies among third-party patient and professional organizations and the communication office is also critical.
News Officers may be assigned to several different medical beat areas
and work with key researchers, physicians, nurses and other medical
staff to gather information on new discoveries, projects, and
interesting patient stories to be developed into pitches for key
audiences. The News Officer may also plan and host media events. Working to maintain relationship with PENN Medicine staff is key to the successful development of future story media placements.
The News Officer also handles on-call (24 hours) duties on a rotation
basis and assists as necessary in crisis communications situations. The News Officer should be expected to monitor major media outlets for
national trends and keeps up-to-date on all reading pertinent to health care issues.
Four to six years experience is required in healthcare communications.
Contact: Please go to: www.pennhealth.com/jobs and type 17562 in the
Job Code field to pull up the job description and directions to apply.
78.) Marketing Communications Consultant, Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Malvern, PA
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Malvern, PA, is seeking a
Marketing Communications Consultant.
Siemens Medical Solutions is one of the largest global suppliers of
healthcare equipment, renowned for innovative products, services and
solutions including diagnostic imaging systems, therapy equipment for
treatment and electromedicine and IT solutions to optimize workflow and increase efficiency in the healthcare industry. Siemens is an Equal Opportunity Employer encouraging diversity in the workplace.
– Develop and drive integrated marketing communications initiatives for Siemens Medical Solutions Computed Tomography (CT) business in the USA.
– Develop and execute integrated marketing communications campaigns
that measurably improve awareness, preference and business stimulation.
– Assess and strengthen positioning in a competitive market
– Provide counsel on marketing communications mix and manage vendors
and budget – Measure and report on outcomes to improve processes and results
– Create effective, progressive and integrated marketing communications
strategies aligned to specific business targets.
– Develop tactics that are compelling, competitive, and result in new
business generation.
– Manage all campaign components, including persuasive messaging
development, vehicle mix analysis and selection, budget, timeline,
adherence to corporate and quality standards.
– Provide exceptional account management across a highly matrixed team, clearly communicating objectives, expectations, deadlines, roles and responsibilities to all team members and project stakeholders and keeping all consituents informed of progress, challenges and obstacles.
– Develop, manage, and report on all aspects of an integrated campaign, including results tracking, reporting, and follow up activities.
– 5-10 years of experience in business to business marketing and or
– Strong business acumen.
– Bachelor's degree in marketing, business and or communications is
– exceptional persuasive writing, editing skills and verbal
communication skills is required.
– e-marketing campaign experience is required.
– Strategic thinker and tactical planner
– Strong creative concepts
– Excellent project and people management skills
– Goals and results oriented
– Customer driven and focused
– Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills
– Ability to work in a fast paced and dynamically changing environment
Contact: Apply online at:http://careers.peopleclick.com/jobposts/Client40_Siemens/BU1/External/PCK221-181093.htm
79.) Director – Online Traffic, Comcast Spotlight, Philadelphia, PA
Comcast Spotlight, Center City, Philadelphia, is seeking a Director –
Online Traffic.
Founded in 1963, Comcast has grown from a single-system cable operation into one of the world's leading communication companies-focusing on broadband cable, commerce and content. Comcast Spotlight is the advertising sales division of Comcast Cable. Our mission is to harness the enormous impact of cable television on behalf of our national advertisers. Comcast Spotlight serves nearly 90 of the nations 210 designated market areas (also called DMAs) – including eight of the top 10 television markets — and is the largest cable company in America.
Comcast Spotlights goal is to make cable television easy to buy, and to enhance the value of spot television via new technologies. Comcast
Spotlight is headquartered in New York City with 3,500 professionals
located across the country, providing companies and their agencies with local, regional, and national spot advertising opportunities.
The Interactive Team seeks a sharp, experienced Traffic Professional to lead the Online Ad Systems through various traffic and reporting
interfaces for Comcast.Net and its related portals.
Specific duties include:
– Oversee the management of online advertising systems and initiatives
through various traffic and reporting interfaces in a high volume
Internet environment. Properties to include (but are not limited to)
Comcast.net, Ziddeo.com, Game Invasion, Fancast, and Vehix.com.
– Interface with Comcast Spotlight sales and production teams and
Comcast Interactive Media group (CIM) to establish best
practices/processes to achieve campaign fulfillment, site optimization, and reporting delivery.
– Develop and coordinate distribution of appropriate
advertising/revenue reports to department stakeholders.
– Maintain knowledge of industry standards and developments to provide
input and recommendations for product development.
– Prepare, deliver and present regular overviews (reports,
presentations, trends) to various audiences
– Oversee and train traffic/reporting staff.
– Punctual, regular, and consistent attendance.
Minimum Requirements:
– Bachelors Degree and a minimum of 5-7 years large scale internet
operations experience, with at least 3 years in a supervisory capacity.
– Experience with Online Advertising systems (DoubleClick/DART, Atlas,
RealMedia 24/7, Pointroll, Eyeblaster, etc.)
– Additional technical knowledge/experience preferences include:
internet development, database administration, HTML, streaming media,
website construction, web design & scripting (HTML, JavaScript, cgi,
perl, Flash), graphic design, and web analytics products.
– Computer experience in Windows and MAC environments.
– Advanced Excel and Powerpoint experience required.
– Should be comfortable speaking in group environment with ability to
effectively explain/demonstrate technical processes and detail to a
variety of audiences.
– Strong project management skills as well as training/development
skills and the ability to adapt to new technologies.
– Strong understanding of online sales and marketing, interactive
architecture and media technologies is essential.
– Ability to work in a fast-paced, multi-tasking, deadline-oriented
environment; ability to prioritize workload
Comcast is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.
Contact: Apply online at http://careers.comcast.com – use Req number
80.) Web Designer, Patient Marketing Group, Princeton, NJ
The Patient Marketing Group, a marketing-solutions company located in
Princeton, NJ, offers leading-edge services to pharmaceutical
manufacturers. Members of PMG have the opportunity to participate in
formulating best in class health communications in the exploding and
dynamic field of pharmaceutical direct-to-patient marketing! Most of our patient communications-based programs use interactive and print media.
We currently have an opening for a Designer seeking an environment that fosters autonomy, innovation and creativity, and rewards achievement.
Responsibilities will include creative development, design and
execution of innovative visual materials for integrated campaigns that
include web sites, email, newsletters, and advertising.
– 5 years experience in web-based interactive design with demonstrated
expertise in interactive and visual design
– On-line portfolio required
– Flash, Photoshop, and Illustrator expertise essential; Quark/InDesign preferred
– Director experience a plus
– Online design sensibility, ability to create a strong visual
presentation based on overall campaign
– Ability to transfer design skills to multiple channels
– Smart use of typography-keen eye for type as a strong design element
– Ability to reduce complex user interface/experience issues to simple, intuitive solutions using the latest design and technology tools
– Expert in various media formats in internet, CD ROM, and DVD
– Interactive video experience/knowledge of Final Cut Pro or After
Effects beneficial
– Detail oriented
– Self-motivated with a positive attitude
– Strong communications skills
– Minimum BA/BFA in Design, Advertising, Communications or similar
Relocation is not available.
An Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V
Contact: Qualified applicants are encouraged to send their resume with
salary history by: Fax: 609-452-2437, E-Mail: hr@patientmarketing.com or Mail: HR Manager, Patient Marketing Group, Princeton Forrestal Village,
155 Village Boulevard, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540
81.) Communications Officer, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC), Boston, MA
The Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC) is seeking candidates for a Communications Officer who will report into the Senior Vice President for Research. The position has primary responsibility for planning, developing and implementing all the internal DF/HCC communications strategies as well as activities for selected external constituencies (e.g. donors). The Communications Officer will develop communication vehicles that meet the highest editorial standards and follow the tenets of communications etiquette. He/She will add services and materials that demonstrate to internal and external audiences the added value of DF/HCC and contribution of Administration to their success. The Officer will create written materials as requested by the DF/HCC Development Officer. The successful candidates will develop and evolve publications in support of the DF/HCC mission and organizational goals, including electronic communications, web site, scientific articles, electronic quarterly newsletters, and hi-profile stories.
Requirements: The Communications Officer must hold at least a bachelor's degree in medical communications or related field, with a minimum of five years professional work experience (preferably in a healthcare environment). Demonstrated expertise in scientific writing and working effectively with leading medical researchers is a must. Experience facilitating communications with M.D. and Ph.D.-level research professionals across a broad range of domain of science and technology backgrounds. Proven ability to identify and promote excellence of research. Strong verbal, written and electronic communications skills, and a working knowledge of the Web environment and marketing principles are required. Ability to effectively oversee IS tech support systems is required. Outstanding professional demeanor, collaborative style, ability to work effectively with diverse styles and perspectives and strong work ethic are highly desirable. Attention to detail, positive attitude, maturity and diplomacy are essential.
To Apply:
To apply for this job, go to http://www.dana-farber.org/abo/working/open/job_detail.asp?jobID=14278
82.) Manager – Corporate Communication, Allied Kinesis Services, Delhi, Indiahttp://jobs.monsterindia.com/details/2970239.html
83.) Communications Specialist, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL http://www.prattcareers.com/job_detail.asp?JobID=842519
*** From Beth King, APR:
Here’s another PR lead.
Beth King, APR
Communications Manager
Society of Professional Journalists
84.) SARE communications specialist, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), Beltsville, MD
The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, a
USDA-funded grants and education program, is seeking a national
communications specialist to advance knowledge about the benefits of
sustainable agriculture to a variety of audiences, particularly farmers
and educators. The position is based at SARE's national branch office,
which is part of the University of Maryland.
Relying on a wealth of SARE-funded research, the successful candidate
will craft creative communications vehicles from publications to
podcasts and everything in between. At its core, the job requires a
person who can take complex subjects and translate them into readable,
informative stories that encourage farmers, ranchers, agricultural
educators and others to try something new that's potentially more
profitable and environmentally friendly.
The communications specialist should be comfortable managing the
soup-to-nuts of publication management. He/she should enjoy science
writing and have a strong interest in the environment. The successful
candidate also should have excellent oral communication and
team-building skills, as the job also requires raising the issue of
sustainable agriculture among diverse groups, such as nonprofit
organizations and government agency representatives. Finally, SARE looks
to its national communications specialist to act as a liaison with other
key SARE staff and work closely with colleagues and advisory teams in a
truly collaborative environment.
Send cover letter and resume to Kim Kroll (assoc_dir@sare.org) by March
2. To learn more, go tohttp://www.sare.org/about/comm_specialist_job.htm.
*** From Kris Gallagher, ABC:
85.) Media Relations Assistant (Writer/Editor I), National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
We're searching for a media relations assistant to join our media office at the National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. The person in this new position will report to David Hosansky, head of media relations. We're an enthusiastic, team-oriented, multi-tasking office.
About NCAR/UCAR and UCAR Communications:
http://www.ucar.edu/news/ <http://www.ucar.edu/news/>
Please direct procedural questions to the Human Resource department:
The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research manages the
National Center for Atmospheric Research under sponsorship by the
National Science Foundation.
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 USA
[Job #7058, at Foothills Lab]
This is a new, full-time position. The application deadline has been
extended. Initial consideration will be given to applications received
prior to Friday, March 2, 2007. Thereafter, applications will be
reviewed on an as-needed basis.
Basic Job Function:
Staffs the NCAR/UCAR Press Office. Supports the media relations head in fielding press calls, filling requests, creating visuals, and targeting interested reporters. Researches and writes press releases. Organizes logistics for special events. Schedules media visits. Creates background materials for reporters.
Duties Include:
Staffs the NCAR/UCAR Press Office. Fields calls from the press,
including eliciting reporters' needs, matching requests for scientific
information and interviews, pointing reporters to relevant Web sites,
supplying research papers, creating packages of background materials,
and referring questions to appropriate scientific staff. Under guidance of the media relations head, works with visiting reporters and film crews, including scheduling and accompanying visiting media.
Researches, writes, and edits press releases, including interviewing
scientists and reviewing their research papers. Assists the media
relations head in coordinating the process of approving and distributing news releases. Conducts research to target reporters and media organizations interested in NCAR and UCAR news. Monitors media coverage of NCAR/UCAR as well as that of comparable organizations.
Posts press releases to electronic media outlets. Crafts appropriate
captions and blurbs. Serves as a member of the Communications news team, gathering news, prioritizing potential stories, and deciding on
promotional strategies. Works with photographers, illustrators,
videographers, and animators to implement the creation of visuals to
accompany media materials. Ensures that creation of visuals is
accomplished to deadline.
Organizes the logistics for special events (teleconferences and press
conferences, media days, Web casts, press rooms at professional
meetings, etc.). Duties may include scheduling, arranging technical
support, acting as a liaison with collaborating institutions, and
coordinating production of supporting print and electronic products.
Helps create content for Web pages and/or print products that provide
background for reporters on research topics, such as climate change,
severe storms, etc. Oversees Web posting of press clips and creation and distribution of monthly clip books, including editorial oversight and knowledge of the production process.
Assists with media training, including helping interview subjects to
craft messages and respond appropriately to journalists' requests.
Participates as a member of the Communications group in planning
activities and goals.
Requirements Include:
Education and Experience:
* Bachelor's degree in journalism or communications; and
* two years' experience in journalism or science communication; or
* an equivalent combination of education and experience.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
* Understanding of media practices and procedures, including print, broadcast, and online media.
* Experience working with reporters, including an understanding of
their needs.
* Highly developed news sense.
* Excellent oral and written communication skills, including
composition, grammar, and spelling.
* Interest in the atmospheric and related sciences.
* Familiarity with scientific and technical concepts and ability to translate them into lay terms.
* Ability to work with new and emerging communications technologies.
* Highly developed interpersonal skills. Ability to work as a team
member and with people at all levels both within and outside of the home institution.
* Ability to handle a wide range of requests independently.
* Ability to juggle multiple priorities on short notice and meet
tight deadlines.
* Ability to handle confidential and sensitive material with
Desired (but not required):
* Experience working in the field of environmental science.
* Experience working with media relations databases such as Vocus.
* Experience in coordinating special events.
* Familiarity with Photoshop or similar tools for image
* Familiarity with Dreamweaver or similar tools for editing Web
Options for applying for this position:
Online: Apply through WebHire: http://resumebuilder.webhire.com/resume_add.asp?company=ucar.ncar
Standard Mail:
Send your paper resume to:
UCAR Human Resources
3065 Center Green Drive
Boulder, Colorado 80301
86.) Publications Coordinator, Public Relations, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
Job Description:
The Publications Coordinator is responsible for researching, writing and editing various publications intended for both internal and external audiences. Assist in production of brochures on hospital programs and practices. Assist in science writing for the public relations department. (AC)
Job Qualifications:
A Bachelor's degree in Communications, Journalism or related field.
Minimum three (3) years experience in a related field. Extensive
writing background, preferably in employee publications. Experience
using InDesign, pagemaker software and ability to conduct story
interviews. Knowledgeable of publication layout/design with experience working with graphic designers and photographers. Experience writing, editing and producing weekly newsletters and feature articles is strongly desired.
Knowledgeable in all aspects of public relations helpful.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 N. Lauderdale
Memphis, TN 38105
For more information:http://aseexternal.stjude.org/ASEPage_JobDetail.ASP
87.) Concepts Producer, MSNBC.com, Redmond, WAhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3303596/#ConceptsProducer
*** From Tim Boulay:
I have a posting for JOTW. I'm in the market for a GS-9/11 junior public affairs specialist. This posting is to all U.S. citizens and is open from Feb. 7 through Feb. 21.
88.) Public Affairs Specialist, Military Sealift Command, Washington, D.C.
Duties include developing internal and external information products concerning the mission, programs and accomplishments of the Military Sealift Command (MSC) for release through print, electronic and broadcast media. The incumbent will write articles and press releases; respond to media queries; serve as media escort when necessary; monitor news coverage of matters impacting MSC activities; edit material submitted by others; and assist in planning and executing ship-related special events and observances. The incumbent may be required to travel within the continental United States or oversea in response to crises related to MSC's wartime and humanitarian missions. The incumbent will work with the command's subject matter experts to ensure that material developed is factually and technically accurate.
The Military Sealift Command provides ocean transportation of equipment, fuel, supplies and ammunition to sustain U.S. armed forces around the world. This position is located in the Office of Public Affairs, Military Sealift Command (MSC), Washington, D.C. The Public Affairs Office is responsible for planning and executing multi-faceted communication programs that reach both the MSC workforce and external audiences worldwide.
The announcement can be found at http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/ or https://chart.donhr.navy.mil/jobsearch/jobdetail.asp?vid=72695 and the announcement number is EA7-1035-11-MJ535719-DE.
Timothy Michael Boulay
Director, Public Affairs
Military Sealift Command (N00P)
914 Charles Morris Court, SE
Washington, DC 20398
*** From Barry Piatoff:
89.) General Manager, Technology Practice for Public Relations Firm, San Francisco, CA
Our client is one of the largest independent, multi-practice public relations firms in the USA. They are known for their great work and client satisfaction. They have a small, but growing technology public relations practice in San Francisco. There are some big name technology accounts ready for you to manage. They are looking to bring on a General Manager to run the office and the business. This is truly a great opportunity for an entrepreneur/builder!
Looking for someone who is high-energy, smart, strategic, with 10+ years of public relations agency experience and has an expertise in technology pr. Requires excellent writing skills, ability to offer strategic counsel, strong ties with the national, technology and consumer media.
You will work closely with clients and provide them strategic counsel, build new business, manage accounts, develop/execute communications programs and manage, develop, mentor and grow your staff.
Salary up to $200K-$250K + some bonus potential. Will relocate people so this is a great opportunity to move to San Francisco.
To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in the future, e-mail your resume and cover letter as a Word Document attachment to:
Barry Piatoff, Vice President, Peter Bell & Associates, LLCbarry@peterbellassociates.com
No calls please.
*** From Dan Conners:
Dear Ned,
A friend of mine suggested that I share our opportunity with your subscribers:
90.) Communications Manager, College of American Pathologists, Northfield, IL
Grade 17
Reports to: Director, Advocacy Communications
Join a team dedicated to “Advancing Excellence”!
Due to tremendous growth, the College of American Pathologists has an excellent opportunity, within our DC Advocacy Office, for an effective Communications Manager.
Who are we?
Founded in 1947, and headquartered just North of Chicago, the CAP is an established organization dedicated to improving patient care through advocacy, education and laboratory quality assurance. We understand that every employee plays an important role in achieving our mission and offer highly competitive compensation and comprehensive benefits packages. We are a team of professionals who are driven by and dedicated to the shared values of Quality Service, Teamwork, Diversity, Lifelong Learning, and Change!
The Position:
As Communications Manager you will be responsible for the development and dissemination of advocacy communications to CAP members through a variety of communication mediums and assist with national and local media relations. You will also serve as editor of our biweekly newsletter STATLINE, editor of a column in our monthly periodical CAP Today, and exercise a key role in the content that is included on the CAP website’s (www.cap.org) Advocacy section. Your tasks will include developing talking points, issue papers, testimony, and press releases that present a consistent CAP image on public policy issues. Writing op-ed pieces and letters to the editor. Pitching story ideas to media, and fielding media calls will also be your responsibility.
What We Require:
You will possess a Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 6 years of experience in communications/journalism. You will be able to work creatively and effectively under tight deadlines.
Who Is Our Ideal Candidate:
Ideally, you will have strong editorial and written communication skills. In addition, you will have a background in healthcare.
To submit your resume and begin an awesome new chapter in your career life, please visit our website at www.cap.org. You may also click on or cut and past this URL into your web browser: http://recruitingcenter.net/clients/cap/publicjobs/
The College is an equal opportunity employer.
Dan Conners (dconner@cap.org)
Staffing Specialist
College of American Pathologists
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL 60093
Direct: 847.832.7021
Mobile: 703.599.7304
Fax: 847.832.8172
*** From Daniel W. Guido:
Hi, I hope all is well. Let me know when you are in downtown DC during the work week one day and we'll have lunch.
Can you include this in your supercalifragilistic newsletter JOTW?
Thanks! 🙂
Here is a reporting opening at a great company. I am just the messenger, so please contact Mike Wilczek for more information:
91.) Reporter, McGraw-Hill's Platts power, Washington, DC
McGraw-Hill's Platts power (electricity and gas) market group has an opening for a reporter who will concentrate on electricity markets. The position involves analyzing, assessing and writing about forward electricity markets, both in market commentary and news stories. For more information, please contact Markets Editor Mike Wilczek at mike_wilczek@platts.com or call 202-383-2246. Please note: there is an underscore in the email between his names — Mike_Wilczek.
92.) Deputy Executive Director for Communications and Funds Development, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, Kentuckyhttp://www.pcusa.org/pcnews/2006/06639.htm
93.) Manager – Corporate Communications, ABB, Vadodara/Baroda, Indiahttp://corp.naukri.com/mynaukri/mn_newminnernew.php?filename=080207001831&othersrcp=2315&searchloc=yahoofeed
*** From Carla Lochiatto, who got it from Ashley Hoffman:
Could you please distribute this job announcement? We are seeking to fill an intern position as soon as possible.
Ashley Hoffman
Ashley Hoffman
Communications Assistant
World Security Institute
1779 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Suite 615
Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel. 202.797.5273ahoffman@cdi.org
94.) Communication Internship (Paid), World Security Institute, Washington, D.C.
Created over 15 years ago, the World Security Institute's (WSI) internship program has been an integral part of the organization's success.
Communication Intern – General Description
Our organization's communication and outreach intern will play an important role in providing support for the World Security Institute's communication team.
Communication interns may assist with some or all of the following tasks:
• Assisting with editing short analyses and op-eds and posting articles to websites; (Prior experience or knowledge of AP Style is helpful)
• tracking, expanding, and optimizing our online advertising campaigns;
• tracking press coverage of policy analysts in the news;
• may also assist with web and graphic design, depending on level of interest and skills;
• database management of journalists in appropriate fields, suggesting new journalists to contact;
• administrative support as needed; and
• writing and/or editing press releases and assisting in the development of outreach materials.
Regular hours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. are required, 5 days a week; the internship position will last 3-5 months from your start date, depending on the desired length of the internship. We would prefer the availability to start on or before March 15, 2007.
Internships are open to recent graduates, graduate students, and undergraduates. We encourage anyone who is interested in a career in public relations, communication, journalism, or the work of WSI to apply. Some familiarity or prior course work in related fields is highly desirable. Knowledge of AP Style is strongly desired. Excellent writing skills and attention to detail a must!
U.S. citizenship is not required; however, interns must be able to provide proof at the time of their application that they may work legally in the United States.
WSI interns are paid $1,000 per month. In some cases by pre-arrangement, interns may earn academic credit.
Interns are responsible for obtaining their own housing.
Applicants with Non-U.S. Citizenship
All new hires, when applying, are required to present appropriate identifying documents and documentation of authorization to work in the United States.
Interns are responsible for obtaining their own travel and visa arrangements; WSI does not serve as a sponsor for intern work authorization. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please inform yourself as to the options available for gaining work authorization, the costs, and the time frame.
How to Apply
A complete application includes:
? e-mail address
? resume
? cover letter (please include desired length of internship and available start date)
? a short writing sample (3-5 pages is sufficient)
? your country of citizenship and, if not the United States, the availability of appropriate work authorization
WSI may conduct interviews as part of the application process.
Deadline to Apply: Feb. 28, 2007. Selected candidate(s) will be notified by March 10, 2007. Expected start date: March 15, 2007.
Where to Direct Your Application
Submit application materials to:
Whitney Parker, Director of Communications
World Security Institute
1779 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-2109internships@cdi.org
202.462.4559 (fax)
No phone calls, please.
*** From French Clements:
Hello Ned,
Is it possible to post the attached doc on your site? Thanks for your help!
French Clements
French Clements
Media Coordinator
Jacob's Pillow Dance
Festival, School, Archives, Community Programs
358 George Carter Road
Becket, MA 01223
Fax: 413.243.4744www.jacobspillow.org
95.) Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Jacob's Pillow Dance, Becket, MA
Jacob’s Pillow seeks an experienced, energetic, sophisticated professional who understands and can lead the Marketing efforts for this unique organization. The Pillow is a National Historic Landmark and encompasses the ten-week Festival presenting dance from around the world, The School at Jacob’s Pillow which trains professional-track artists, the extensive and rare Archives open to the public, the Creative Development Residency Program to support new choreography, and year-round Community Programs serving local schoolchildren and community members. In 2007 the Pillow celebrates its 75th Anniversary Season.
Major responsibilities:
• Serve as a member of the Senior Management team; as the principal representative of and advocate for institutional positioning, audience development, marketing, public relations; and as participant in Senior Management strategic and operating decisions.
• Work seamlessly as a partner to support fundraising efforts of Development department.
• Lead a comprehensive special marketing effort for the 75th Anniversary Season in 2007, including an unprecedented PR campaign, and substantially contribute to the overall planning for the 75th.
• Lead planning and execution of all marketing strategies such as institutional branding and positioning, and tactics such as advertising placement and creation; copy, images, design and distribution of publications and target marketing pieces; press relations and pitching; promotions; website; internet and e-mail marketing; analysis and research.
• Deliver over $1.6 million in subscription and single ticket sales and attract audiences to free audience engagement programs, through developing and implementing marketing and PR campaigns.
• Oversee publications, including effective strategy, creative concept and design, printing and distribution of all marketing publications. Major annual marketing publications include Season Brochure, Festival Program Book (including bringing in more than $50K in program ad sales), and Free Events Brochure. Consult as needed on Development publications and communications, and supervise creation and production of all Education materials and food venue printed materials, including posters, catalog, flyers, menus, and signage. Work with outside graphic designer on major publications.
• Spearhead special projects related to institutional prestige, positioning, and audience.
• Oversee public relations, including PR strategy, press relations, news releases, targeted pitches, and special events. Specifically target new television, radio, magazine, and newspaper media outlets, and work with freelance writers.
• Oversee all Box Office functions and customer service as it relates to ticketing and on campus audience engagement, and support earned income streams such as merchandising, dining services, and rental packages.
• Oversee photography for marketing, development, institutional, and preservation purposes.
• Oversee creation of annual video productions, including the Season Overview Video.
• Manage and mentor Marketing and Box Office staff and interns.
• Plan and oversee the Marketing budget, carefully monitoring expenses against budget.
• Serve as liaison with Development staff for all Marketing and Audience Engagement grant proposals and reports.
• Act as community representative to outside groups such as Berkshire Visitors Bureau, Chambers of Commerce, Berkshire Cultural Alliance, and other community, regional, and national venues as appropriate.
Interested candidates should send resume, cover letter, writing sample and salary range/requirements to:
General Manager
Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival
358 George Carter Road
Becket, MA 01223
Phone: 413.243.9919
Fax: 413.243.4744
Email: info@jacobspillow.org
All inquiries will be held in strictest confidence
*** From Elaine Marshall:
Hey Ned:
To answer your previous question, I dropped out of sight for a few months as I had a baby in June (our first) and took some time off. I am now back to consulting and am “back in the loop”. My son, Brendan, is such a joy and is almost 8 months already!
Love your website! Glad to see you being such a success!
Here's a job lead for the masses….
96.) Microsoft Account Manager, Waggener Edstrom
Microsoft Windows Server and Storage Business: This team’s work represents the core of Microsoft’s efforts for the IT Pro (the Information Technology Pro). The products and solutions we represent help IT Pros make better, more informed business decisions and help move them from reactive help desk to proactive and strategic efforts with their IT infrastructures. This group is seeking an Account Manager to drive news efforts for products/milestones within the Microsoft Windows Server and Storage group. Responsibilities will include development of strategic communications plans for various product and thought leadership efforts; media relations; execution of strategic news announcements, team management, overall planning, creating strong client relationships and helping to position our client well against the competitive landscape.
– Drive some day-to-day management of specific accounts, including planning and execution, and project management.
– Write background materials, organizing briefing bookings, developing presentations.
– Implement account programs and maintaining regular contact with client.
– Develop a thorough understanding and knowledge of clients’ business and their competitive environment.
– Develop editorial/journalistic/media contacts and develop relationships with key media.
– Implement media events, press conferences/briefings and media tours.
– Prepare a full range of written materials including press releases, byline articles, client correspondence and reports.
– Contribute to the development of account plans.
– A BA/BS degree in communications or marketing is preferred.
Experience Preferred:
– At least 3 years experience in PR, preferably in an agency setting and/or within the high tech industry. 4-5 years experience preferred.
– Strong presentation and research skills.
– Ability to drive client relationships, providing strategic and tactical advice, drafting and implementing plans, providing thoughtful analysis, identifying proactive opportunities, crafting briefing materials, tracking coverage.
– Demonstrated ability to establish strong client relationships.
– Solid media relations experience.
– Strong organizational skills and demonstrated ability to multi-task and balance priorities.
– Demonstrated client service orientation.
– High level of initiative.
Ara Vallaster
Staffing Partner
Waggener Edstrom Worldwide
*** From Lynn Hazan:
97.) Senior Marketing Consultant, Marketing/Healthcare Consulting, Chicago area
Boutique marketing consulting firm serving healthcare industry seeks full time Senior Marketing Consultant to develop marketing strategies, tactics and implementation plans for clients. Company, founded in 1996, develops strategic marketing recommendations that deliver bottom-line results and helps its clients to construct innovative, profitable marketing strategies that provide foundation for transformational marketing initiatives.
Consultants provide insight into factors that drive coverage, reimbursement, formulary management and product prescribing and utilization decisions.
Survey topics include: message/concept testing, market intelligence and profiling, pricing and reimbursement evaluation, product
development/customer needs assessment, brand awareness, etc. Clients include large pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies, such as Amgen, Baxter Healthcare, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Takeda etc.
Company is located in NW Chicago suburbs with casual, deadline-driven and client-focused environment. Company¹s growth has created this new position, which reports directly to President/CEO. <10% travel.
MBA, preferably from top school. 3-5 years¹ post-graduate experience in pharma/managed care required, additional healthcare expertise a plus.
Strong quantitative analytical skills and ability to develop strategic
recommendations from analyses. Demonstrated problem solving, decision
making, project planning and strategic thinking skills. Excellent oral and written communication a must. Client service orientation; ability to build relationships and consensus as well as stand by the findings and influence change. Must be able to manage multiple projects simultaneously and keep all on time and on budget.
Team player who enjoys teaching and learning from others. Ideal candidate will understand how to apply intellectual power, sense of humor and stamina to thrive in a deadline-driven environment. Candidates with entrepreneurial spirit, intellectual curiosity, diverse backgrounds and interests, and strong personalities will thrive.
Develop marketing strategies and plans for clients. Projects include market potential, product development and brand awareness/image assessments; pricing evaluations; market intelligence; and message/concept testing.
Oversee and deliver quality results for all assignments. Manage one direct report and multiple indirect reports. 30% report writing, 20% interviews, 20% client management, 10% analysis, 10% marketing, 5% organizational development, 5% other.
Ref. #0451
Please forward your resume as a .doc, writing sample and cover letter
including salary information, and state how you fit the specs. Send
materials to lynn@lhazan.com and call 312-863-5401 to follow up. Resumes without cover letters and salary information will not be accepted.
Lynn Hazan & Associateslynnhazan@mac.com
*** From Mike Pina:
98.) Coordinator, PR/Strategic Development, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Washington, DC
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the research affiliate of AAA, is seeking a team member to support its communications, public relations and strategic development activities. Conveniently located in DC near a Metro stop, the Foundation works on enhancing traffic safety by conducting research and developing educational products. This entry-level opportunity provides substantial room for growth. BA/BS plus good writing, speaking, and computer skills (MS Office Suites) desired. Competitive salary and benefits available.
For consideration, please submit resumes and salary requirements to www.aaa.com/jobs. EOE M/F/D/V.
*** Mark Sofman sends this week’s alternative selection, when you just say the heck with it and leave the communications sector for something totally different. Yes, mark, we’ve had phlebotomist postings before.
99.) Phlebotomist, Lourdes Hospital, Binghamton, NYhttp://www.lourdes.com/Employment/Job_Listings/default.aspx?jobid=1181
*** Weekly Piracy Report:
30.01.2007 1945 LT in position : 10:15.4N – 064:42.5W, Bahia de Pozuelos, Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela.
Two robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. Duty crew spotted them and informed Duty Officer on bridge. Alarm raised and a search was carried out. All doors, access into the ship was closed down and locked. Duty to stringent security measures onboard, the attack was unsuccessful.
29.01.2007 0030 LT at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Despite active anti piracy measures, a container ship berthed alongside was boarded by robbers armed with knives. They took one of the watchman hostage, placed a knife at his throat and threatened him. Robbers stole ship's stores and escaped by jumping overboard. Port authorities informed and a patrol boat arrived 30 minutes later and a search carried out but no one was caught.
27.01.2007 2310 UTC in position 02:03S – 106:54E, Tg. Priok anchorage, Indonesia
Armed robbers boarded a container ship at anchor from the stern. They broke open locked steering room door and entered the engine room via watertight manhole. They stole ship's stores.
*** Ball cap of the week: Navy – Beat Army!
*** Coffee Mug of the Day: National Air Traffic Controllers Association AFL-CIO (Thanks to David Church)
*** T-Shirt of the day: Farmland Forever – American Farmland Trust – Saving the Land that Sustains Us – www.farmland.org (thanks to Jennifer Morrill)
*** Today's featured musical accompaniment: Shannon Brown
*** CD of the week: The Beatles “Love” (thanks to Sean Durkin at Dolby Laboratories, who also sent a very cool Dolby pin)
*** The recommended, optional, suggested JOTW policy that asks people who submit listings on behalf of their employer consider maybe possibly sending a company hat, mug or shirt to JOTW, maybe, perhaps.
*** This is your Job of the Week e-mail newsletter, a cooperative service of professional communicators providing mutual support to one another. The JOTW serves 10,155 professional communicators, and growing every week.
Please help contribute job opportunities so that this information can be shared with everyone in the network. The key to successful networking is living by the golden rule. Do something to help a fellow communicator, and some day they may be in a position to
help you, or someone else like you.
How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of opportunities each week. Did I mention it was free?
Your cooperation is requested. Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to lundquist989@cs.com.
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You can view JOTW online at www.nedsjotw.com CornerBarPR also posts my newsletter at http://www.CornerBarPR.com/JOTW/jotw.cfm.
This newsletter is published by:
Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
Captain, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661lundquist989@cs.com
(703) 692-4609elundquist@alionscience.com
The JOTW Network – A world in communication.
For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2007
“Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.”
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