Ned: Speaking of people looking at you funny in the exhibit hall, why do you think they would do that?
Mike: People often mistake me for the comic book shop owner on “The Simpsons.”
Ned: Do you plan to go on the Tuesday night Dine-Around?
Mike: Are you paying?
Ned: What are your criteria for restaurant selection?
Mike: I have a craving for shrimp ettouffe. Do you think there are any places in New Orleans that serve shrimp etouffe?
Ned: How many ribbons do you think you'll have dangling off your badge this year?
Mike: My personal record is nine. I’m hoping for double-digits this year. I want to look like a Soviet general at a May Day parade.
NED: Can't too many ribbons pose a trip hazard?
MIKE: Not for me. I'm 6'5″. It would take a lot of ribbons.
NED: A sanitation issue?
MIKE: Depends on the height of the urinal.
You guys are great! The tears are spilling down my face as I read this in my cubicle!
Mike Sorohan