NED: I just saw a midge.
MIKE: It was a moth.
NED: No, it was a midge. Mike Timlin comes in to pitch and the next thing I see are bugs flying around his head.
MIKE: Did it have white, powdery wings held close to its body?
NED: I don't know. I don't have HD TV here.
MIKE: It's a moth. The Indians have no control over moths. Moths cannot be trained.
NED: Midges can be trained?
MIKE: At first, yes. But they have short attention spans, so it's basically a one-shot deal.
NED: So how did the Indians train the midges in that game agains the Yankees?
MIKE: They taught the midges to fly toward anything that smelled like burning money.
NED: Why couldn't the Yankees get rid of the midges?
MIKE: The Indians told the midges to approach the Yankees like a curve ball. Everyone knows that Yankees can't hit curve balls.
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