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JOTW 30-2008
28 July 2008
You are among 10,063 subscribers in this community of communicators.
Happy Birthday to Barbara Anastasia Lundquist, who will be 18 on 1 August!
“You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb.”
– Andrew Carnegie
Guest Editor: Shonali Burke, ABC
shonali.burke@gmail.com; www.linkedin.com/in/shonaliburke
This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking.
JOTW is a cooperative service sharing jobs for communication professionals, including PR, Corporate Communications, Marketing, Advertising, Broadcasting, Journalism, Graphic Design, New Media, Photography, Employee Communication, Investor Relations… you get the picture.
You are receiving the newsletter because you want to be a member of this cooperative service (which entails some responsibilities as well as benefits). What are the responsibilities? If you benefit from this weekly compendium of market intelligence, then you should contribute to it. Simple as that. Have you submitted a job listing to share with this network lately? Get busy!
To get a job or comment posted in JOTW for the August 4 issue, send to Shonali Burke, ABC, at shonali.burke@gmail.com.
To subscribe for free, send a blank e-mail to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
To unsubscribe, read the instructions at the end of the newsletter.
If you are a JOTW subscriber and changing jobs, be sure to change your address for JOTW. I can't do it for you.
If you can read this newsletter, then you are on the JOTW list. If you did not receive your JOTW newsletter by email in your in box this morning, it is because you have a junk mail folder, spam filter, or capacity issues on your end.
In this issue (Remember, to see the job descriptions and how to follow up, scroll down):
*** One Paragraph Pitch
1) Public Relations Director, International SPA Association, Lexington, KY
2) Communications Specialist, Electronic Marketing, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
3) Writer-Editor, National Wildlife Refuge System, Arlington, VA
4) Assistant Corporate Communications Manager, Afilias USA, Inc., Horsham, PA
5) Communications Coordinator, SOA Watch, Washington, DC
6) Account Coordinator/Association Membership Specialist, ASCENT Management, LLC, Alexandria, VA
7) Director of Compliance Communications – Medicare, Posted by recruiter for client, Baltimore, MD
8) Vice President, Corporate Communications, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Culver City, CA
9) Manager of Marketing, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
10) Senor Account Executive for Nintendo, GolinHarris, San Francisco, CA
11) Account Supervisor, Wireless Practice, Weber Shandwick, Seattle, WA
12) Senior Account Executive, Allison & Partners, Washington, DC
13) Account Executive, Food Beverage & Nutrition Practice, Porter Novelli, Washington, DC
14) Executive Recruiter, Profiles, Baltimore, MD or Washington, DC
15) Managing Editor, Business & Media Institute, Alexandria, VA
16) Marketing Manager, Restaurant & Catering Divisions, Libre Management, Philadelphia, PA
17) Senior Program Associate, Media and eMarketing, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC
18) Web Initiatives and Development Manager, Spina Bifida Association, Washington, DC
19) Communications Consultant, Kaiser Permanente, Community Benefit, Oakland, CA
20) Account Supervisor (Food, Beverage and Nutrition), Porter Novelli, Washington, DC
21) Account Planner, Porter Novelli, Washington, DC
22) Program Coordinator II – South Carolina Enterprise Information System Project, Columbia, SC
23) Advocacy and Communications Advisor, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Kinshasa, The Democratic Republic of the Congo
24) Emergency Communications Intern, International Rescue Committee (IRC), New York, NY
25) Communication Officer, PCU, UNDP, Kenya, Nairobi
26) Programme Communication Specialist, L-4, UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh
27) Intern, Communications and Fundraising, CARE, San Francisco, CA
28) Director of Government Relations, CARE USA, Washington, DC
29) Communications Manager, Chinese American International School (CAIS), San Francisco, CA
30) Communications Associate(s), ClimateWorks Foundation San Francisco, CA
31) Director of Development and Communications, Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter New York, New York, NY
32) Communications Manager, Public Health Solutions New York, New York, NY
33) Division Director, Development & Communications, NeighborWorks America, Washington, DC
34) Media Communications Officer, Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Sydney, Australia
35) Contributing Writers – Golf Publishing, Golfer Pacific Newspapers, Work From Home
36) Managing Editor – Gulf News, Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
37) Administrative Assistant I, Tower Federal Credit Union, Laurel, MD
38) Public Relations Specialist, NAHB Research Center, Upper Marlboro, MD
39) Internal Communications Director, Ciena Corporation, Linthicum, MD
40) Press Assistant, Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington, DC
41) Director of Communications, The National Health Law Program, Washington, DC
42) Corporate Communications Specialist, XO Communications, Herndon, VA
43) Communications Coordinator, Urban Gateways: Center for Arts Education, Chicago, IL
44) Specialist Communications, Target Corporation, Minneapolis, MN
45) Communications Specialist, Hiram College, Hiram, OH
46) Manager Communications, American Express, New York, NY
47) Communications Specialist, Fayette County Health Department, Lexington, KY
48) Communications Manager, Microsoft, Redmond, WA
49) Communications Officer, The Carthage Police Department, Carthage, MO
50) Communications Specialist – 4, The Boeing Company, El Segundo, CA
51) Communications Specialist, Rackspace, San Antonio, TX
52) Communications Officer, Lockheed Martin, Atlanta, GA
53) Director of Communications, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
54) Manager – Communications, Hormel Food Corporation, Austin, MN
55) Communications Director, RESULTS Educational Fund, Washington, DC
56) Executive Assistant – Communications, Telemundo Network Group, Hialeah, FL
57) Communications Manager, MIT, Cambridge, MA
58) Manager, Public Relations/Internal Communications, Amerinet, Warrendale, PA
59) Communications Advisor, Shell, Muscat, Oman
60) Director, Corporate Communications, US Airways, Phoenix, AZ
61) Director of Communications, Planned Parenthood of Greater IA, Des Moines, IA
62) Senior Communications Specialist, Compass Bank, Birmingham, AL
63) Communications Director, Joint Congressional Committee, Washington, DC
64) Internal Communications Specialist, Bridgepoint Education, San Diego, CA
65) Director of Communications, Sutherland Institute, Salt Lake City, UT
66) Managing Editor, “Development Asia,” Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines
67) Director of Communications/Marketing, Partners International, Spokane, WA
68) Director of Corporate Communications, Kodak Gallery, Emeryville, CA
69) Manager Marketing Communications, BNSF Railway Company, Fort Worth, TX
70) Communications Specialist, Liz Claiborne, Inc., New York, NY
71) Regional Chief of Communication, UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya
72) Research Communications Officer, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, U.K.
73) Communications Officer, SIPRI, Stockholm, Sweden
74) Junior Communications Coordinator, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
75) Public Relations Manager, Richmond Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau, Richmond, VA
*** Weekly Piracy Report
…and more! Scroll down and see them all!
*** One Paragraph Pitch:
Greetings. Not to worry–it's not Uncle Sam telling you you're drafted. It's an award-winning 29-year broadcast journalist who is making a major change for his family's sake. My career has always been the driver for me, and it's been a great ride for the most part. Now, health issues among my elderly parents dictate that I move to northern Florida to be there for them. My pedigree includes anchoring and reporting at two networks (which no longer exist!)–CNNfn and All News Channel. Earlier, my 10 years as a consumer/investigative reporter in St. Louis and Indianapolis resulted in three new state laws and mucho awards. Most recently I've been an anchor and news director.
I know darn well I'm a great fit for a PR or corporate communications position. Why? Because I just turned down a bona-fide offer to do PR for a major Midwestern university and was set up for my fourth-round interview for a media relations position with a Fortune 500 firm (until I withdrew due to the family health situation). From writing to developing and nurturing relationships to being an on-camera spokesperson…I will serve you well. Do you have, or know of, a position in Jacksonville, Orlando, Daytona Beach, St. Augustine, Ocala, Gainesville, or Melbourne/Space Coast where I could put my considerable skill set to use? Please contact me ASAP. I'll thank you and so will my mother and dad.
(Mr.) Jody Davis
*** To the JOTW network:
I support the U.S. Navy's Surface Warfare Directorate, where we publish an award-winning periodical called Surface Warfare for our men and women in the Surface fleet. You can see the latest edition as well as back issues at http://surfwarmag.ahf.nmci.navy.mil/.
Thanks to the contributions of JOTW networker Uma Thangaraj at Portage Health in Hancock, Michigan, we have published a “Fit for Duty” health, fitness and wellness feature in recent issues. The article quoted experts from Portage on subjects such as diet, nutrition, exercise and hydration. Now that Uma has moved on, we would like to find a new contributor for the 400-word “Fit for Duty” column for the quarterly magazine on topics that support the other themes in the magazine.
If you represent a health organization and would like to provide this column as a pro-bono contribution, and showcase your experts and expertise, please contact Lt Gillian Medina, editor, Surface Warfare magazine, at gillian.medina@navy.mil.
Edward H. Lundquist
N86 Public Affairs
Room 5B453
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington DC 20350
(703) 692-4609
*** Shonali’s back “in the helm” for a bit:
~ From Ned: At the helm, not in the helm, landlubber!
~ From Connie Mayse: Welcome back to the helm, Shonali. I hope you have much fun assembling JOTW in Ned's absence. Thank you for taking on this huge task – again. cj
~ From Chris Johnson: How nice to receive this e-mail message. It's been a long time since we've spoken, and I hope you are well.
~ From Abbey Luterick: Thanks for filling in for Ned!
~ From Harry Wiley: Thanks for being such a good pinch-hitter for Ned.
~ From Gary Kozel: Welcome back! Let's hope that the “critics” will leave you be this time around.
~ From Dee Ellison: Thanks for taking on JOTW again!
~ From Joel Ranck: Welcome back Shonali. Very nice to have you for the next few issues.
~ From Marty Hauser: Ned doesn't deserve a vacation!! Whats that all about? 🙂 thx for keeping us going—mh
*** From Joy Lovejoy, ABC:
Pick a Reason*
(Just One Will Do!)
To Enter the 2008 Heritage Region Silver Quill Competition
1) To Polish My Resume (because you never know in today's economy)
2) To Impress Your Boss (because you deliver measurable results)
3) To Gain Credibility in Your Organization (because a Silver Quill is worth 1,000 words)
4) To Analyze a Year's Worth of Work (because you won't do it any other way)
5) To Sell Your Boss on the 2008 Heritage Region Conference (because you want to accept your Award in person)
Whatever Your Reason
Just DO IT! — Enter TODAY
Entry Deadline: July 24. Just one day remaining until Late Entry Deadline: July 29.
Call for Entries, Entry Forms and Complete Information at:
Looking forward to getting your entry!
Joy Lovejoy, ABC
Silver Quill Co-Chair
Lesley Morrey
Silver Quill Co-Chair
*For more on why you should enter the 2008 Silver Quill Competition, view a presentation by multi-Silver-and-Gold-Quill winner Deb Rieselman, ABC at:
*** Shonali takes the stage:
It’s great to be at the center of the JOTW circle for a couple of weeks; I’m always a little worried I won’t fill Ned’s shoes quite as well as he does, but how many of us can? Many thanks to all of you who’ve sent in words of encouragement and job postings—keep ’em coming! And thank you, Ned, for trusting me with JOTW.
Since Ned told me I could, I’m taking this opportunity to let you know that I’m in the job market as well, having recently moved on from my position at the ASPCA (where I was the Vice President, Media & Communications). What am I looking for? A comparable senior-level communications position in an organization (for- or non-profit) that recognizes the importance of communications as a critical business function; one where I can put my multi-faceted communications experience—which includes public/media/community relations, event management, online/social media, research and measurement, internal/corporate/advocacy/crisis/multi-media/editorial communications (yup, pretty much everything that has to do with communications)—leadership and management skills to good use. With 12+ years in the field, I’ve been both agency and client-side, and am eminently adaptable to a wide range of working environments. In December 2007, PRWeek listed me as one of the top “40 Under 40” public relations professionals in the United States, which was thrilling and humbling at the same time (you should have seen the company I was in!). Where do I want to be? The Washington, D.C. metro area. So, if you need a professional communications all-star (Ned’s words, not mine), please do let me know. I’m on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/shonaliburke, and you know how to reach me: shonali.burke@gmail.com. Thank you!
*** “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again!” A conversation between Mike and Shonali:
Mike: Congratulations on leaving ASPCA to “spend more time with my JOTW family.” But no more trips to the Playboy Mansion…you were able to do something that millions of men can only hope to achieve. (But not me—I would only go there to read the menu.)
Have you seen “Mamma Mia” yet?
Shonali: Are you kidding? I dragged my husband to opening night. He was just grateful I passed on the midnight showing. I traded in my bunny ears for hot pink boots.
Mike: I’ve gotten a free pass on Mamma Mia. My wife didn’t even attempt to ask me to go with her—if anyone, she’d take my daughter. I liked the previews, though—kind of “Sound of Music” meets “Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell.”
But it works both ways—I couldn’t get anyone to see “Wall-E” with me until my daughter came along out of pity.
Shonali: I take it you agree with Anne Thompson, then. I thought Pierce Brosnan looked great in his jumpsuit, which sort of made up for his sounding like a bullhorn whenever he tried to sing. They don't show you that in the previews.
Your daughter sounds like a trooper. A Super Trouper.
Mike: Pierce Brosnan is in this? Remington Steele? Isn’t he old enough to be Harrison Ford’s father?
Shonali: Wouldn't it be the other way around? Do I detect a tinge of green?
Mike: Of course not. I’m not at all intimidated by good-looking Irish guys who can sweep women off their feet with a mere glance.
*** Where is Ned… REALLY?
From Mark “Alternative” Sofman:
Is this what Ned and Tom might really be doing?
Traveling Amusement Carnival , Funland Marketing, Little Rock, Arkansas
Job Description:
Work and Travel. No Skills Necessary. Minimum of $300/wk salary for qualified recruits. We will train you. Must be at least 18. Living quarters and transportation provided. Traveling Amusement Company seeking Fast Food, Game, and Amusement Ride operators and managers. Licensed drivers (CDL and non CDL) and other skills pay additional. Call or e-mail for interview close to you: 501-672-0031
To apply: http://www.jobscape.net/fdetaila.aspx?Job_ID=2853&t=TravelingAmusementCarnival
(I think we will run a contest in the next issue to see what else they might really be doing. Thanks for getting it started!).
A contest. Good idea. You should lay down a rule, that in order to refute what JOTWers might assert Ned and Tom will have to provide pictorial evidence of what they were REALLY doing out west. Yippee, ki-yay!
Cattle Rustlers, Lone Grove, OK
Park Ranger VIP Coordinator, Yellowstone National Park, WY
Wind Site Manager, GE Infrastructure, Casper, WY
Probation and Parole Agent, Wyoming Department of Corrections, Laramie, WY
These 3 have job titles that would look great on a business card:
Downhole Tool Technician, Reed Hycalog Coring Services, Casper, WY
Conveyor Belt Splicers, Solid Systems Engineering LLC, Gillette, WY
Gun Loader Specialist, Rock Springs, WY
The soundtrack to this is “I've Been Working On The Railroad”
Track Laborer, Union Pacific, Kemmerer, WY
The description on this one's hilarious:
Actor / Actress, PhoneActress.com, Cheyenne, WY
That about taps me out (for now).
(So how about it, JOTWers? Send in your picks for what Ned is REALLY up to while I’m slaving over JOTW, and the winner will get something that’s … well, anyway, something.)
*** New photos from Ned:
More pics from Cape Cod have been posted at www.yourverynextstep.com.
Full details about the Wyoming trip in the August issue.
*** You never know where Ned will turn up next:
*** From Radio-Television Journalism Division of AEJMC:
Washington State University’s Glenn Johnson has been named the recipient of the 2008 Edward L. Bliss Award for Distinguished Broadcast Journalism Education. This award recognizes an electronic journalism educator who has made a significant and lasting contribution to the field in the areas of teaching, service and scholarship.
AEJMC Convention 2008
August 6 – 9 in Chicago
Convention Hotel: The Marriott
Friday, August 8
8:15-9:45 p.m.
Should Journalists Be Accredited? And Would Accrediting Them Improve
Radio-Television Journalism Division and Internship and Careers Interest Group, PF&R Panel
Moderating/Presiding: Anthony Moretti, Point Park
Pamela Caldwell, California State-Fullerton
Steve Doig, Arizona State
Mary Hills, IABC Accreditation Council
Philip Meyer, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Robert Papper, Hofstra
(Nice going, Mary!)
*** Who’s the anonymous “non-profit job seeker”?
Recently I have seen a number of mysterious and non-specific job ads generated by “nonprofitjobseeker@gmail.com.” The positions are always confidential and very mysterious—not even the industry is specified. Does anyone know who this person is and what they are really after? It doesn't seem entirely legitimate to me. Googling the address didn't turn up anything.
Carolyn Stables
(That’s a very good question, and I know exactly what you’re talking about and have no clue… I will post as a question to JOTW.)
Whoever this is is spending big bucks—1/4 page ads in PR Week and in the Post, too. Curious, very curious.
(Anyone in the JOTW network have answers for Carolyn? Email them to me at shonali.burke@gmail.com and we’ll post them in the next issue.)
*** Looking for a Chinese P.R. firm:
I wonder if you can help me. One of my clients is seeking a Chinese P.R. firm. Do you know of any good agencies that fit this parameter? The client is headquartered in Dallas and specializes in wireless networking technologies.
Thank you,
Kay Pinkerton
(Please send any leads for Kay to Shonali at shonali.burke@gmail.com, and I will pass them along).
*** Corporate marketing at its finest:
Many thanks to Katie Paine for forwarding this to me; I daresay you will find something to relate to:
*** JOTW meets Facebook:
As you know from the note I sent out on Friday, JOTW now has its own Facebook group: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=60519540332&ref=share. I was elated to see that as of COB Friday (July 25), the group already had 340 members, and at 6:55 a.m. ET today, had grown to 516 members… pretty amazing for a weekend. Many of you were energized by the creation of the group, so to everyone who’s written in/posted messages—thank you! Here are a few:
~ From Ken Frager: Thanks for setting this up and for keeping JOTW running smooth Shonali. I'm in!
~ From Pat Elliott: This is wonderful! I was just thinking about this yesterday, and you must have ESP! Thanks also for filling in for Ned again.
~ From Lisa Kindel: YAY Shonali! Bon Voyage Ned the Head!
~ From Dan Gerlach: cool thanks! is there a LinkedIn group too?
(No, but now that you’ve put it in my head, there will be.)
Even better, folks have already started posting information and using the discussion board. If you haven’t yet, what’s stopping you? It’s great to not just be able to see who our fellow-JOTWers are, but to extend Ned’s philosophy of sharing ideas and information in the social media sphere.
If you haven’t joined the Facebook group yet, do consider joining, and encouraging your friends and colleagues who work in communications to do so. It’s a great way to “work” your JOTW community—because it IS your community. And if they’re not yet part of the JOTW community, ask them to join by sending a blank email to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com – that will remain the only way to receive the newsletter. Here’s to growing our “world in communication.”
*** IABC is pleased to support the efforts of the Job of the Week network and Population Media Center to build a communication library in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by inviting members to order designated Knowledge Centre resources to be forwarded to the PMC.
Just call IABC at 1-800-776-4222 and let them know what titles you'd like to order for donation and pay by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or check. As a thank you, IABC will give you a gift certificate for 25% off your next Knowledge Centre order.
Here’s a list of the books and manuals you can buy and donate:
*** From Debra Locker:
Hello – I am an avid reader of JOTW and would love to have this posting listed next week. Thank you!
1) Public Relations Director, International SPA Association, Lexington, KY
Essential Functions:
1.Responsible for fulfilling all media requests, which involves daily calls and e-mails.
2.Develop and enhance relationships with key media.
3.Organize, facilitate, staff and follow-up on all media interviews with the ISPA President, also the Chairman and Board Members as needed.
4.Draft and enhance key quotes/messages on a regular basis.
5.Conduct daily analysis of major consumer and travel trade publications and Web sites to track stories and trends.
6.Work with writers to develop angles for ISPA/spa member involvement in current news stories.
7.Responsible for the annual public relations plan, which includes assigning timely press releases for drafting and promoting coverage of ISPA’s events to media.
8.Serve as the final approval on releases and send them to media.
9.Responsible for notifying membership of relevant media leads and assist the media in finding appropriate members to fulfill their requests.
10.Manage and grow the Public Relations Manager.
11.Through using market and industry research, analyze ISPA and the industry for media angles. Use this information to enhance and maintain a proactive campaign of targeted pitches to key contacts.
12.Responsible for media relations reports for each ISPA board meeting. Work with the Public Relations Manager to analyze trends in clips, interviews and information requests, as well as to compile the number of consumers reached through clips/media appearances.
13.Responsible for managing all aspects of ISPA’s multi-year video project. This includes arranging shoots and interviews at member properties, being the liaison with the production company, traveling to shoots, logging, writing scripts, supervising editing, and ensuring placement of video elements at ISPA events, online and for marketing opportunities.
14.Compile and update a stock of b-roll for media usage.
15.Manage ongoing media training for spokespeople.
16.Manage the media response plan and update as needed.
17.Oversee the look and image of ISPA from a media/public relations standpoint as it appears in written, spoken and cyber form.
18.Responsible for managing all media aspects for the Annual Media Event, Annual Conference and Knowledge Network Marketplaces.
19.Organize and facilitate all media aspects for the Media Event –
•Supply guidance to the event planner and sponsor contact.
•Research and compile list of qualified media.
•Work with key media contacts to ensure their attendance.
•Coordinate with sponsors on the best ways to promote their company to the media.
•Oversee production of all materials and invitations.
•Research and prepare all materials for the press conference.
•Prepare all additional press materials.
•Follow up with media following the event (both attendees and non-attendees).
20.Organize and facilitate all media aspects for the Annual Conference –
•Coordinate all materials for the press room on-site.
•Invite qualified media (international, national and local) and facilitate their registration processes.
•Interact with media on-site to ensure that they are receiving what they need during the Conference.
•Work with the sponsor contact on all aspects of the media/sponsor reception.
•Facilitate press conferences.
•Research and prepare speeches as directed.
•Write talking points/remarks as needed.
•Serve as the production assistant for the Audio/Visual company.
Additional Functions:
21.Create and manage media relations budget.
22.Write articles for Pulse as needed.
23.Serve on ISPA’s senior management team, which involves knowledge of all areas of the association and its business opportunities.
24.Draft speeches and talking points for ISPA’s spokespeople.
25.Be involved with research study development to ensure the media’s questions are answered and that newsworthy information is gathered.
26.Perform special projects as assigned by the President.
27.Travel when necessary and represent ISPA at industry functions
To apply, visit www.imgcollege.com and click on the Careers tab.
*** From Kris Gallagher: Here's one, Shonali –
2) Communications specialist, Electronic Marketing, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO
The Communications Department at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) has an opening for a communications specialist, electronic marketing. This position will develop and create multimedia presentations in various formats and venues; enhance and develop Missouri S&T's electronic media presence.
Duties will include planning, developing, and executing multimedia concepts from start to finish, often under tight deadlines; meeting with team and clients to establish project parameters, audience, goals, and priorities; identifying video and multimedia opportunities to support Missouri S&T's digital marketing communications efforts and
participating in design decisions concerning Missouri S&T's website; proactively improve the architecture and navigation of the Missouri S&T's website to meet the needs of key end audiences; leveraging Web Content Management System (CMS) and making recommendations for improving web development work flow; and other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications
A bachelor's degree in a related field (or education and experience from which comparable knowledge can be obtained) and a minimum of five years experience is web design and development, including digital multimedia presentations. A thorough knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, XSL, XHTML, XSLT, Flash, Action Script, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, and experience with enterprise level content management systems is also required. Relevant multimedia and web development experience is required.
To apply, visit the Missouri S&T Human Resources website at http://hr.mst.edu/index.html .
*** From Martha Nudel: I would like to get a job posting into the July 28 issue. I am attaching a Word document and also pasted the whole job description into this email — in case you don't want to open an attachment from a stranger.
3) National Wildlife Refuge System, Writer-Editor, Arlington, VA
National Wildlife Refuge System (part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior) is seeking an External Communications Coordinator (writer-editor) to develop and implement media relations program to seek placement of stories regarding Refuge System achievements and accomplishments. The incumbent will conceive, develop, write, and implement national media outreach plans and messages and long-term communications strategies about the National Wildlife Refuge System. The position, in Arlington, VA, and is paid at the GS-13 level.
Candidates must apply by August 5. To see the application and full job description, go to:
For more information, contact Martha Nudel, 703-358-1858.
*** From Heather Read: Shonali – I am a member of Ned’s list and I’m hoping that you can please post this job opportunity to the next JOTW newsletter. Thanks!
Heather D. Read
Director of Communications
E-mail: hread@afilias.info
4) Assistant Corporate Communications Manager, Afilias USA, Inc., Horsham, PA
At Afilias USA, Inc. (www.afilias.info), we are expanding our Communications Department in Horsham, PA and seeking to fill in the Assistant Corporate Communications Manager.
The Assistant Corporate Communications Manager, under the supervision of the Director of Communications, will be involved in implementation of global corporate marketing, branding and public relations projects, and other activities, as below:
•Assist in coordinating vendors including PR and marketing agencies, promotional vendors, graphic designers, etc.
•Assist in distributing of the firm’s press releases and pro-active pitching to print, online, and broadcast media.
•Coordinate annual speaker’s bureau, tradeshow calendar, and editorial calendars.
•Assists in all event management and corporate sponsorships.
•Coordinate company’s news updates on the website.
•Copywriting including press materials, press releases, Web site copy, articles, FAQs, presentations, and other marketing collateral.
•Assists department in data analysis, research, and writing.
•Assist in accreditation and sale promotion management.
Required qualifications for Assistant Corporate Communications Manager:
•Degree, preferably in Communications, Journalism, or English.
•1-2 years of full time experience in technology marketing and public relations. Agency experience preferred.
•Proficiency in MS Office
•Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign a plus
•Experience with PR software and basic knowledge of HTML a plus
•A good team player with initiative
•Proven excellent communication skills (a writing sample required)
•Good organization skills
About the Company:
We are the second largest provider of Internet registry services worldwide. Afilias launched its registry services in July 2001 with the top-level domain registry for .INFO. Today, Afilias provides registry services for .INFO, .ORG, .MOBI (for the mobile Internet), .AERO (for the aerospace industry), .ASIA (for the Asia Pacific region) and several country code TLDs (ccTLDs). Together Afilias supports over eleven million domain names.
We believe in a cooperative work environment and are committed to the professional development of employees. In addition to competitive salaries, we offer no-cost or low-cost medical, dental and vision insurance for employees, and life and disability insurance; and opportunities for advancement.
EOE. We are an equal opportunity employer. Reasonable accommodations may be made to individuals with disabilities able to perform the essential functions.
This is a direct-hire, full-time, non-exempt position.
Please send resumes to resumes@afilias.info or fax 267 781 0244
*** From Dee Ellison: Shonali — Thank you for taking on JOTW for these two weeks!
Forwarding a notice that appeared on the Portside list. Note Spanish language requirement.
5) Communications Coordinator, SOA Watch, Washington, DC
School of the Americas Watch is hiring a Communications Coordinator to be based in Washington, DC. The position is full-time with health benefits, paid vacation and holiday time. Salary is competitive, and there are opportunities for skills development.
– Develop a proactive media campaign – Update and maintain a database of Spanish- and English-language media outlets and reporters – Monitor news and respond to stories with an SOA/ WHINSEC connection – Send out news releases; host press conferences; develop messaging strategies – Pitch stories to mainstream and alternative, national and international, English and Spanish media – Field media inquiries and interview requests by either handling them or directing them to others as appropriate (including photos, background info, etc) – Provide media skills training sessions and resources for grassroots activists and assist grassroots activists in developing local media plans – Coordinate a volunteer media working group to assist with events and other ongoing media work – Facilitate the operations of a media office for each major event – Communicate relevant news info to research point person.
– Compose and send out mass emails to grassroots base – Maintain and update website
– Coordinate volunteer translation and interpretation working group(s) – Coordinate translation of documents – Serve as staff point person for interpretation for each major event – (Re)Organize, maintain and update Spanish sections of website – Coordinate translation of website
– Provide staff support for major events throughout the year – Respond to ongoing telephone, mail and e-mail inquiries – Maintain listservs – Help to fill requests for speakers from grassroots organizers.
REQUIREMENTS: Ability to work independently and with a team in a collective organizational model. Strong oral and written communication skills. Some experience working with the media. Spanish fluency. Familiarity with HTML and web work.
People of color, women, differently-abled people and LGBT persons are strongly encouraged to apply. Strong preference for Spanish-speaking candidate. Knowledge of the School of the Americas issue and familiarity with layout design and Photoshop and Pagemaker a plus.
HOW TO APPLY: Please send a resume, a writing sample of no more than 600 words, a cover letter explaining what qualities you would bring to this job and three references to Eric Le Compte at elecompte(at)soaw.org. Email or call 202-234-3440 with questions.
SOA Watch is a nonviolent grassroots movement that works to stand in solidarity with the people of Latin America, to close the SOA/WHINSEC and to change oppressive U.S. foreign policy that places like the School of the Americas represent. We are grateful to our sisters and brothers throughout Latin America for their inspiration and the invitation to join them in their struggle for economic and social justice.
*** From Pam Valenzuela:
Thanks for stepping in to handle JOTW for these two weeks! I am trying to fill the position listed below, as soon as possible, as I’m trying to get an overlap with the person who is leaving…which is the middle of next week. Thanks!
Thank you,
Pamela N. Valenzuela, CAE
ASCENT Management, LLC
3337 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314
Winning solutions. Strong partnerships. Sound management.
6) Account Coordinator/Association Membership Specialist, ASCENT Management, LLC, Alexandria, VA
Growing association management company in Alexandria, VA, seeks energetic, motivated, well organized, multi-tasker, team player to coordinate the membership function for our association clients. Need project management experience, preferably with an association. Ability to work independently, and also as team player. Must have good time management, organizational and client service skills.
Responsibilities include:
* Work with executive director, board & association committees, and sponsors/advertisers.
* Prepare project plans/timelines and budgets.
* Maintenance of membership database.
* Develop and issue membership reports to chapters and the Board.
* Coordinate association Job Bank, keeping it updated & developing & implementing marketing plan.
* Maintenance of non-dues revenue service relationships for association members.
* Maintain organization of client filing system (email and hard copy).
* Monitor/respond to client mail and email; forward relevant emails to other staff for follow up.
* Support outreach to members via email updates and newsletters
* Maintain membership area of associations’ websites.
* Coordinate between national association and chapters.
Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and minimum of one year of association or customer service oriented business experience, preferably in membership. Proficient in MS Office, and working knowledge of databases. Must have excellent communications skills – verbal and written. Must have excellent MS Excel skills.
Send cover letter, resume and SALARY HISTORY to info@ascent-management.com. No agencies, no phone calls. EOE.
*** From Steve Boyle,
Hi Ned,
Please include in next week’s JOTW.
-Steve Boyle
Steve Boyle
Stephen James Associates
2800 Quarry Lake Drive, Suite 2800
Baltimore, MD 21209
410-753-1424 work
410-562-9194 cell
410-753-1460 fax
Professional, Managerial &
Executive Recruitment
7) Director of Compliance Communications – Medicare, Posted by recruiter for client, Baltimore, MD
Compensation: $90k-$120k
Position Summary:
My client is a national health plan serving Medicare recipients. The Marketing Communications Director will be responsible for the development and production of federally compliant marketing and customer communications materials. This position includes oversight of the Marketing Compliance Review process, and the composition and review of marketing materials.
-Oversight of the Marketing Compliance Review Process.
-Development and execution of work plan to assure accurate, timely completion of all required marketing and member communications
-Management of Marketing Compliance managers and Marketing coordinators.
-Management of translation agency services and activities and execution of the multi-cultural focused marketing activities.
-Departmental responsibility for accreditation and regulatory compliance, audit preparation and review.
-Bachelor’s degree
-5+ years of experience in a regulated communications environment, with specific knowledge of the Medicare system
-Detailed, large scale project management and timeline development skills
-Demonstrated skill in developing internal systems and controls
*** From Alison Pipis:
8) Vice President, Corporate Communications, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Culver City, CA
Sony Pictures Entertainment is seeking a Vice President, Corporate Communications to work closely with the SVP of Corporate Communications on incoming and out going media contracts, while developing media relationships on a global scale, speaking/panel opportunities for executives, and media exposure for certain SPE groups and initiatives. Individual will assist in preparations for interviews and events, including the research and development of briefing materials, talking points, brochures, news releases, press kits and strategic communications plans.
VP, in coordination with the SVP, will be involved in media activities that involve close collaboration with such groups as the MPAA and the AMPTP as well as with executives and groups throughout Sony Pictures and Sony Corporation. Individual will assist in the maintenance of a media calendar covering all divisions of the company and monitor editorial calendars and other sources to develop short-and long-range media plans.
The ideal candidate will have:
5 years of experience in media relations (including agency or in-house)
Knowledge of/interest in the entertainment industry, including experience with the legal, financial, international and technology challenges in this arena
Outstanding academic credentials
Excellent verbal and written communications (writing samples encouraged) and strong interpersonal skills
Proven track record of success in developing and implementing innovative media strategies and campaigns, as well as experience in new media
Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information with discretion and integrity
On-the-record experience dealing with journalists at all levels and capacity to serve as a spokesman for the company in all media settings
Apply online at: http://www.resmatic.net/spe/detail.php?id=18302
*** From Marge Kumaki:
Shonali, can we run this one more time? Thanks!
Marge Kumaki
Senior Editor, Public Affairs & Marketing
Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving Street, NW
East Building 7110
Washington, DC 20010
fax: 202-877-3051
9) Manager of Marketing, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
Apply today for a rare opportunity to join one of the most award-winning hospital marketing departments in the country. Washington Hospital Center, the largest hospital in the nation's capital at 927 beds, is seeking a Manager of Marketing to develop and market the hospital's premier clinical services, oversee the operations of its call center, and create analytical marketing products that demonstrate ROI and the direct contribution of marketing to the hospital's bottom line. This department has won more than 500 top marketing and communications awards in the past 12 years. Washington Hospital Center is consistently listed on the U.S.News & World Report list of Best Hospitals and it is the “go-to” hospital in the nation's capital. The incumbent, a ten year department veteran, is being promoted to a higher position at the parent system. The successful candidate will have 5 – 10 years of marketing experience, preferably in a hospital or health care environment, they will have superb analytical skills, project management experience, excellent creative abilities and a superb personality to navigate a highly complex and exciting environment with 6,000 employees and 1,600 physicians. An MBA or MS in marketing is preferred. A minimum of a BS or BA is required. We are looking for a team player who is energetic, focused, strategic, creative and possesses an excellent managerial style. You will be joining the flagship hospital of MedStar Health, the largest health care system in the mid-Atlantic region, with 25,000 employees and 5,000 physicians. Very competitive compensation, excellent benefits, and a great team await the right candidate. Washington Hospital Center is an equal opportunity employer. Please send your resume and salary requirements to Julie Stanish, Director of Marketing at julie.a.stanish@medstar.net or to Lisa Wyatt, SVP of Public Affairs and Marketing at lisa.m.wyatt@medstar.net. No phone calls please. All email inquiries will be personally screened by one or both of these executives.
*** From Vanessa Bass:
10) Senor Account Executive for Nintendo, GolinHarris, San Francisco, CA
The San Francisco office of GolinHarris is currently recruiting for a complete superstar PR pro to join our team as a Senior Account Executive. This is the team producing never before seen results for a brand that is breaking the barriers of gaming products every day. If developing next generation PR ideas for a brand that is literally the most talked about consumer product in years is what you are all about, we want you to please apply today. Plus (we're not bragging but) GolinHarris' Nintendo team was awarded the 2007 PRSA “The Best PR Team” award…it's a best in class team and an awesome place to be. This Senior Account Executive will need to quickly develop an intimate level of understanding of the Nintendo account, its business, products, markets, personnel, outside influences, etc. This Senior Account Executive will be a media specialist with the following key responsibilities:
Games Enthusiast Media and Mainstream Media Outreach: Proactively pitch and build relationships with Games Enthusiast and Mainstream Media assignments.
New Media/Digital Media Specialist: Experience with new media techniques (e.g. pitching on Twitter). Stay on top of trends in new media and suggest appropriate new media tactics for Nintendo plans.
Industry and Competitive Intelligence: Monitor key websites daily. Use media contacts to gather industry rumors, key developments. Compile information for weekly industry intelligence report to Nintendo.
This person will also perform the fundamental PR tasks that drive the account as well as creatively contribute to the strategies of the team. This is a very important position with key responsibilities like serving as a day-to-day client contact as well as developing strategic media plans and recommendations and staying on top of media and video game trends.
Bachelor's Degree, 3-6 years related professional experience. Candidate must have PR agency and video game industry experience, be proficient in Microsoft Suite, Internet, on-line services and new media. And, you should probably think the Wii is as cool as we do. We offer a great workplace, culture, professional development opportunities, competitive salary, health care (medical, dental and vision insurance), 401k and more. For immediate consideration, email your resume and cover letter to vanessa.bass@cmgrp.com.
Vanessa Bass
Director of Recruitment
Constituency Management Group
440 Pacific Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94133
415-248-3440 direct
415-248-3401 fax
11) Account Supervisor, Wireless Practice, Weber Shandwick, Seattle, WA
Weber Shandwick, recognized as 2006 Large PR Firm of the Year by PR News and as “the gold standard” by the Holmes Group in its 2006 Agency Report Card, is a leader in global marketing public relations and corporate communications counseling. The Seattle office was named “Best Company to Work For” in 2006 by Washington CEO magazine and is headquarters to our global technology practice. Our employees are drawn from diverse backgrounds in public relations, journalism, marketing and public affairs. They are proud to have strong track records in creating awareness about products in emerging and changing markets; exceptional relationships with business, vertical and technology media; excellent partner and analyst communications; and a history of producing consistent and measurable results.
The Seattle office is currently seeking the newest member for its top-notch team. As a Senior Account Executive/Account Supervisor supporting the wireless technology practice, you will develop and oversee core public relations programs and activities for leading clients in the wireless space. Our Senior Account Executive/Account Supervisor develops and implements communications, media relations and/or marketing communications programs for technology companies and motivates and leads the account teams for success. This is an opportunity to take on a prominent leadership role to grow the staff and become a highly visible member of our media relations team, forging relationships with key press and maintaining excellent client relationships.
What we’re looking for – do you have a minimum of 4-5 years technology public relations (and agency) experience? Are you passionate about wireless technology and want to use your experience and abilities to achieve winning results for our clients? Can you tout a track record of success with consumer technology media? Is relationship-building in your blood? Do you want to be part of a sharp team and learn from some of the best and brightest? Are you eager for growth opportunities? If you answered yes to these questions, apply by submitting your resume and cover letter (as Word attachments) to vanessa.bass@cmgrp.com
We offer a great workplace culture, substantial training and professional development opportunities, competitive salary, health care (medical, dental and vision insurance), 401k and many more benefits.
Weber Shandwick is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
*** From Sonia Taylor:
HI Shonali,
Would you mind posting this for the next issue?
Sonia Taylor
Allison & Partners
1660 L Street, Suite 316
Washington, D.C. 20036
202-223-9260 x223 (office)
202-466-3077 (fax)
12) Senior Account Executive, Allison & Partners, Washington, DC
Allison & Partners (www.allisonpr.com), an independent, national PR and marketing firm, is looking for a seasoned PR professional to fill a full time role as Senior Account Executive in its DC office. Our ideal candidate is a strong writer with 4-6 years experience in PR. Fearless media pitching skills and technology experience are highly desired!! Responsibilities include writing press releases, bylines, and opinion editorials in addition to pitching national and trade media. Please send a cover letter and resume to sonia@allisonpr.com.
*** From Imani Davis:
In Ned’s absence, would you please post the following opportunity on “Job of the Week”? Feel free to call if you have questions.
A. Imani Davis
Human Resources Assistant
1909 K Street N.W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
T: 202.973.5879
F: 202.973.1392
Porter Novelli
Many Minds. Singular Results.
13) Account Executive, Food Beverage & Nutrition Practice, Porter Novelli, Washington, DC
Porter Novelli’s Washington office seeks a registered dietitian with communications expertise to join the Food, Beverage & Nutrition practice at the account executive level. Candidate will report to vice president/director of nutrition and work on communications campaigns for both commodity and branded food clients.
Responsibilities will include translating science into consumer and media messages, providing strategic support for health professional and influencer outreach campaigns and bringing tactical elements to life – including but not limited to nutrition analysis, developing educational materials, organizing symposia, managing trade shows, networking with leading nutrition experts globally, etc… Understanding of food policy and issues a plus.
Candidates must have a 4-year degree, strong writing skills and previous internships, relevant work and/or PR agency experience.
Please forward your resume with salary history to: Porter Novelli, Attn: Registered Dietitian Account Executive Position, 1909 K Street, NW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20006, Fax: (202) 973-1392, or to imani.davis@porternovelli.com PLEASE, NO PHONE CALLS.
Porter Novelli is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in any aspect of employment against any person on account of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, disability, disabled veterans, veteran of the Vietnam Era or other eligible veterans, age, marital status, veteran status, or physical or mental handicap unrelated in nature or extent to an individual’s ability to perform a job or any other characteristic protected by the employment discrimination laws in any state or political subdivision in which Porter Novelli does business.
*** From Elissa Barnes:
Please post the following job – thanks!
14) Executive Recruiter, Profiles, Baltimore, MD or Washington DC
Stimulating, exciting, people-oriented position. Opportunity for unlimited growth and income for an “outside-the-box” thinker. The right candidate should be open to a challenge and looking for a fast-paced and engaging corporate culture.
Qualified candidates should have at least 1 year of experience and a proven track record of sales success, as well as possess the ability to work both independently and in a team environment. Sales background necessary. Experience in retail, hospitality or brokerage industries is a fit for us.
Call Elissa @ 410-244-6400 or email us your contact information at ebarnes@careerprofiles.com.
*** From Dan Gainor:
Here is an ad. Do I need to do anything else? (Been a long time since I needed to post.)
Dan Gainor
T. Boone Pickens Fellow
Vice President, Business & Media Institute
325 S. Patrick St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
703-683-9733 ext. 143
(Nope. All good).
Excellent, and speaking as a long-time reader, thanks for filling in.
15) Managing Editor, Business & Media Institute, Alexandria, VA
Managing Editor sought for conservative free-market non-profit. Manage team of six including research, writers and communications. Edit daily, weekly stories; work on larger reports. Write, edit op-eds. Appear on radio, TV to analyze media coverage of business/economic issues. Be detail-oriented, have editing experience, journalism background and interest in free-market ideas.
Send resume/writing samples to Dan Gainor, dgainor@mediaresearch.org.
*** From Marina Harrison:
16) Marketing Manager, Restaurant & Catering Divisions, Libre Management, Philadelphia, PA
Hungry for an exciting opportunity? Libre Management, owner and operator of Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar and Max & Me Catering is seeking a qualified and experienced associate to work with the Director of Marketing to help grow its restaurant and catering businesses.
Responsibilities include assisting in the development and spearheading implementation of public relations, promotions, events, merchandising, e-mail communication, web design, menu development, advertising and new restaurant openings. This position calls for budget management and outstanding organizational skills.
¬Work in a corporate office with energetic, passionate and creative professionals who provide marketing, graphic arts, administrative and accounting support to all hospitality brands.
– Project management and implementation
– Print material (flyers, menus, posters) development
– Event coordination and implementation
– Budget management
– Bachelor’s Degree and 3-5 years of corporate business experience, specifically within restaurant, advertising/public relations agency or other retail/hospitality service business in a marketing and public relations capacity.
– Superior communication, prioritization and organizational skills required.
– Strong creative and writing skills.
– Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
– Enthusiasm for the restaurant & catering industries and the opportunity to grow a business.
– Passionate about service and people with a guest-focused attitude.
– Must have strong grasp of brand identity – ability to maintain and apply to all future initiatives.
– Proficiency with Microsoft Office applications required.
This position reports to the Director of Restaurant Marketing. Some travel may be required. This position does not relocate.
We recognize people as our most valuable asset. Our competitive salary and benefits package includes medical, vision and dental insurance, paid company holidays, paid vacations, free parking and casual office environment.
About the Company:
Libre Management, LLC and its affiliates own and operate a diverse portfolio of restaurant, catering and nightlife concepts in Philadelphia and Atlantic City and is preparing for growth into other metropolitan and resort markets. Its concepts include Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar, 32° Luxe Lounge, Missile Bar, Shampoo Nightclub and Max & Me Catering. Visit: www.CubaLibreRestaurant.com and www.MaxAndMeCatering.com.
Contact Information:
Please email resume, cover letter and salary requirements to Marina Harrison at marina@cubalibrerestaurant.com or fax to (570) 300-1772 and reference “Marketing Manager.”
*** From Amelia Burke:
Hi Shonali,
Ned Lundquist replied back to an email I sent for a job to be posted on “Ned's Job of the Week”. He said I should be in contact with you for this as he is away. It is below.
Let me know if you have any questions.
17) Senior Program Associate, Media and eMarketing, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC
AED is seeking a Senior Program Associate, Media and eMarketing, to help support ongoing online and traditional media efforts for the We Can! Program, a national program designed for families and communities to help children maintain a healthy weight.
• Expertise in online social networks.
• Familiarity with blogs, online video, RSS feeds, and search.
• Experience in dealing with traditional media.
• Comfortable managing corporate partnerships/sponsorships.
• Creative thinker.
• Outstanding writer for print and online.
• Successful, growing communications firm.
• Distinctive competence in science-based approaches to social marketing and communication.
• Portfolio of work includes obesity prevention, chronic disease prevention, and media literacy.
• Great relationships with high profile government clients.
You up for it? Help us create an online social movement. For more information, visit http://employment.aed.org/openings/grade5/8191.htm.
*** From Amanda Darnley:
I would like to post the following job for the Job of the Week newsletter. Description is below.
Please let me know what additional information you would need. Thanks!
Amanda Darnley
Director of Communications & Marketing
Spina Bifida Association
4590 MacArthur Boulevard, NW Suite 250
Washington, DC 20007
18) Web Initiatives and Development Manager, Spina Bifida Association, Washington, DC
The Spina Bifida Association is seeking a qualified web and online communications specialist to serve as our Web Initiatives and Development Manager. This position will lead all online initiatives including coding and management of SBA’s external and internal Web sites. A problem solving mind-set and creative web designs skills are a plus! Position reports to the Director of Communications and Marketing.
Other job duties:
•Strategic IT leadership; candidate will assist with long-term strategic planning of Web communications and work closely with other departments to develop web based solutions.
•Measure the effectiveness of all aspects of the Web site via traffic analysis, site statistics, search engine rankings, and other meaningful analytics.
•Continually evaluate and recommend appropriate new technologies that will enhance the functionality of the Web site in line with SBA’s business objectives.
•Communicate new software features, Kintera services, and release highlights to other employees.
Resumes can be emailed to adarnley@sbaa.org. No calls please.
*** From Jennifer Dunlea:
Hi Shonali,
Can you kindly post this role while Ned is away? Thanks so much!
Jennifer Dunlea
Lead Recruiter
Kaiser Permanente
Health Plan Marketing, Sales, Service & Administration
(510) 271- 5976 office
(510) 529- 9230 cell
19) Communications Consultant, Kaiser Permanente, Community Benefit, Oakland, CA
The Communications Consultant provides communications consultation, communications planning and implementation and recommended solutions for various Kaiser Permanente, Community Benefit communications programs and projects.
This Communications Consultant will develop and implement communications plans and tactics to fulfill the strategic and operational goals and objectives of the Community Benefit program developed by the communications director for his/her clients to deliver, promote and protect the organization's brand and reputation.
Provide communications consulting to internal clients on internal and external communications programs, projects and tactics. Consulting activity will vary from verbal communications or advice on communications issues to providing written customized communications plans.
Strategize with client, writes creative briefs, researches and analyzes information, prepares presentations (PowerPoint presentations, speeches, talking points, memos, fact sheets, toolkits and collateral materials), plans logistics, and manages overall coordination.
Ensure content is consistent with the Kaiser Permanente brand in terms of tone, manner, and messaging.
Manage and complete multiple assignments in short time frames and coordinate diverse projects and activities into a cohesive and strategic program for a single client or for a program.
Partner with media relations to develop newsworthy media and thought leadership opportunities for Community Benefit.
Provide website content and support maintenance of the Community Benefit website.
Acquire the input and resources of other communications staff in the organization to fulfill the objectives of communication plans and projects on behalf of communication directors clients.
Coordinates the deliverables of other communicators in the organization to ensure that special projects are in compliance with negotiated timelines/financial allocations.
Implement measures to determine effectiveness of communications programs and create plans to improve results.
Bachelor's degree in Journalism, English or Business Administration or related field or equivalent experience. Master's degree preferred.
5 years of experience working in a complex corporate communications environment with demonstrated excellence in developing, implementing and monitoring strategic communications programs. Ability to coordinate diverse projects and activities into a cohesive and strategic communications program.
This position consistently supports compliance and the Principles of Responsibility (Kaiser Permanente's Code of Conduct) by maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of information, protecting the assets of the organization, acting with ethics and integrity, reporting non-compliance, and adhering to applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, accreditation and licenser requirements (if applicable), and Kaiser Permanente's policies and procedures.
To submit your resume or find out more about this and other positions, please visit our web site at www.kaiserpermanentejobs.org. For immediate consideration, please submit your resume online at www.kaiserpermanentejobs.org and create a personal profile. Please use the Copy and Paste option to attach an unformatted (text only) resume.
*** From Chet Reisler:
Hi Ed
Hope your summer is going well. Here are two new job opportunities to share/post. Thanks for your help.
Chet Reisler, SPHR CBP CCP GBA
Human Resources Manager
Porter Novelli
1909 K Street N.W., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
Email: chet.reisler@porternovelli.com
Website: www.porternovelli.com
20) Account Supervisor (Food, Beverage and Nutrition), Porter Novelli, Washington, DC
Porter Novelli, a global public relations company, is currently seeking a full time Account Supervisor for the Washington, DC office to lead multi-million-dollar commodity marketing campaign.
Title: Account Supervisor
* Oversee multi-disciplinary team to develop and implement integrated marketing campaign for agricultural commodity.
* Strong background in consumer marketing campaigns required.
* Experience in agriculture, nutrition and/or culinary marketing preferred.
* Interface with editors and client to ideate publicity opportunities.
* Develop innovative strategies to increase product utilization domestically and worldwide.
* Leverage media and industry contacts to secure and amplify client messages.
* Manage staff, large budget and act as key client representative.
* Solid understanding of advertising and marketing principles.
* 10 years experience including agency, media relations experience, management experience.
* BS in Marketing (Public Relations or Advertising), Communications, Ag Science, Culinary, Nutrition or related field.
* Seasoned communicator: Strong written and verbal communication skills: able to articulate thoughts persuasively one-on-one, in large and small groups, in formal and informal situations.
* Ability to produce written materials of all kinds which require little/no editing.
* Excellent time management and organizational skills
* Consistently able to come up with new ideas for client project work or internal procedures and is able to reorganize thoughts and information in new ways.
* High attention to detail.
* Proven/demonstrated supervisory experience.
* Ability to help clients clarify objectives; plan methodically from objectives through strategies to tactics, with client objectives in mind.
* Ability to build effective relationships with creative and research departments using resources efficiently and producing excellent results.
* Demonstrated ability to develop and retain client confidence and rapport; ability to anticipate client needs and quickly solve problems.
* Ability to manage entire projects profitably and show concern for office profitability.
* Demonstrated initiative in developing and pursuing own leads for new business.
* Your choice among four medical plans offered
* Your choice of two dental plans offered
* Vision Coverage
* Company-Paid Short Term Disability
* Company-Paid Long Term Disability
* Email your resume to chet.reisler@porternovelli.com (preferred)
* Fax your resume to 202-973-1392
Please indicate your salary requirement.
Porter Novelli is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in any aspect of employment against any person on account of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, disability, disabled veterans, veteran of the Vietnam Era or other eligible veterans, age, marital status, veteran status, or physical or mental handicap unrelated in nature or extent to an individual’s ability to perform a job or any other characteristic protected by the employment discrimination laws in any state or political subdivision in which Porter Novelli does business.
21) Account Planner, Porter Novelli, Washington, DC
Account planning is the catalyst for all our work here at Porter Novelli Washington, and we’re looking for an energetic, creative, thoughtful, and articulate account planner to join our team. You will work closely with the account and creative teams to develop core program insights, ensure they are executed with fidelity, and help evaluate program outcomes.
Must haves? Someone who is an open-minded student of culture and anthropology, inquisitive and curious both in and out of the workplace. Someone who is both analytical and insightful, with the ability to synthesize and elevate data into a compelling and singular creative platform. At the same time, organization, attention to deadlines, and the ability to drive a project forward are essential skills.
We’re looking for a person with a bachelor’s degree and four to five years professional experience, ideally with agency background. You must be comfortable working with and presenting to clients and potential clients. Great writing is a must, as is the ability to work effectively in teams. Past experience with research tools (interviews, focus groups, and syndicated databases such as Simmons and MRI) expected, interest in and knowledge of new media uses and analytics a decided plus.
For immediate consideration, email your resume to chet.reisler@porternovelli.com or fax to 202-973-1392.
*** From Michael Sponhour:
Thanks for including this next week…
22) Program Coordinator II – South Carolina Enterprise Information System Project, Columbia, SC
$36,840.00 – $68,160.00 Annually
This position is located with the S.C. Budget and Control Board's Division of State Information Technology. Serving as a member of the SC Enterprise Information Systems (SCEIS) project, the incumbent will design and implement communications campaigns to inform all component groups of the SCEIS stakeholder audience. Uses professional-level marketing expertise to guide the SCEIS Communications Team in identifying demographic characteristics and skill levels of each audience group. Designs and delivers communications programs that address the knowledge needs of each targeted audience. Works closely with other members of the Communications Team and the SCEIS Project Team to develop multi-format communications campaigns, using both traditional communications tools (newsletters, email campaigns, website content, onsite meetings, etc.) and electronic media (such as email, static or interactive internet sites, online forums, electronic surveys, webinars, etc.).
A bachelor's degree and relevant program experience.
A Bachelor's degree in Communications, Marketing, Business or related field and at least one year of experience in developing or carrying out complex communications projects. Excellent written and oral communications skills. Proficiency in MS Office applications. Related experience may be substituted for the Bachelor's degree requirement on a year-for-year basis.
To apply:
Go to http://www.jobs.sc.gov and search for “Program Coordinator II – 144544” under job openings at the Budget and Control Board.
23) Advocacy and Communications Advisor, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Kinshasa, The Democratic Republic of the Congo
24) Emergency Communications Intern, International Rescue Committee (IRC), New York, NY
25) Communication Officer, PCU, UNDP, Kenya, Nairobi
26) Programme Communication Specialist, L-4, UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh
27) Intern, Communications and Fundraising, CARE USA, San Francisco, CA
28) Director of Government Relations, CARE USA, Washington, DC
29) Communications Manager, Chinese American International School (CAIS), San Francisco, CA
30) Communications Associate(s), ClimateWorks Foundation San Francisco, CA
31) Director of Development and Communications, Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter New York, New York, NY
32) Communications Manager, Public Health Solutions New York, New York, NY
33) Division Director, Development & Communications, NeighborWorks America, Washington, DC
34) Media Communications Officer, Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Sydney, Australia
35) Contributing Writers – Golf Publishing, Golfer Pacific Newspapers, Work From Home
36) Managing Editor – Gulf News, Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
37) Administrative Assistant I, Tower Federal Credit Union, Laurel, MD
38) Public Relations Specialist, NAHB Research Center, Upper Marlboro, MD
39) Internal Communications Director, Ciena Corporation, Linthicum, MD
40) Press Assistant, Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington, DC
41) Director of Communications, The National Health Law Program, Washington, DC
42) Corporate Communications Specialist, XO Communications, Herndon, VA
43) Communications Coordinator, Urban Gateways: Center for Arts Education, Chicago, IL
44) Specialist Communications, Target Corporation, Minneapolis, MN
45) Communications Specialist, Hiram College, Hiram, OH
46) Manager Communications, American Express, New York, NY
47) Communications Specialist, Fayette County Health Department, Lexington, KY
48) Communications Manager, Microsoft, Redmond, WA
49) Communications Officer, The Carthage Police Department, Carthage, MO
50) Communications Specialist – 4, The Boeing Company, El Segundo, CA
51) Communications Specialist, Rackspace, San Antonio, TX
52) Communications Officer, Lockheed Martin, Atlanta, GA
53) Director of Communications, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
54) Manager – Communications, Hormel Food Corporation, Austin, MN
55) Communications Director, RESULTS Educational Fund, Washington, DC
56) Executive Assistant – Communications, Telemundo Network Group, Hialeah, FL
57) Communications Manager, MIT, Cambridge, MA
58) Manager, Public Relations/Internal Communications, Amerinet, Warrendale, PA
59) Communications Advisor, Shell, Muscat, Oman
60) Director, Corporate Communications, US Airways, Phoenix, AZ
61) Director of Communications, Planned Parenthood of Greater IA, Des Moines, IA
62) Senior Communications Specialist, Compass Bank, Birmingham, AL
63) Communications Director, Joint Congressional Committee, Washington, DC
64) Internal Communications Specialist, Bridgepoint Education, San Diego, CA
65) Director of Communications, Sutherland Institute, Salt Lake City, UT
66) Managing Editor, “Development Asia,” Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines
67) Director of Communications/Marketing, Partners International, Spokane, WA
68) Director of Corporate Communications, Kodak Gallery, Emeryville, CA
69) Manager Marketing Communications, BNSF Railway Company, Fort Worth, TX
70) Communications Specialist, Liz Claiborne, Inc., New York, NY
71) Regional Chief of Communication, UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya
72) Research Communications Officer, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, U.K.
73) Communications Officer, SIPRI, Stockholm, Sweden
74) Junior Communications Coordinator, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
75) Public Relations Manager, Richmond Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau, Richmond, VA
*** Weekly Piracy Report:
13.07.2008: 0250 LT: Manila Quarantine Anchorage: Philippines.
Shore security guard noticed four robbers on the forecastle of a LPG tanker armed with knives and pipes, while the crew was busy preparing to receive bunkers. The robbers attempted to assault the shore guard who alerted the crew. On seeing the alert crew approaching, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in two waiting boats. The boats had around 12 more robbers in them. No one injured. Ship’s equipment stolen.
16.07.2008: 0028 UTC: 04:40.37N – 007:06.23E, Bonny River Anchorage, Nigeria.
Eight armed and two unarmed militants boarded a bulk carrier at anchor, via a barge that was alongside. They incapacitated the local security guards and entered the accommodation. They manhandled the crew and damaged the accommodation. Militants stole crew personal belongings, ship's cash and property. No injuries to crew. SSAS activated.
18.07.2008: 0720 UTC: 12:47.5N – 051:02.0E, Gulf of Aden.
Heavily armed pirates, in two, six-meter long yellow craft, attempted to board a container ship underway from the aft. Master took evasive manoeuvres, raised alarm and crew mustered with pressurised fire hoses. Upon seeing crew alertness, pirates aborted the attempt.
20.07.2008: 0011 UTC: 13:16.99N – 050:03.47E, SE of Al Mukalla, Gulf of Aden.
Pirates boarded a bulk carrier underway. The ship activated SSAS and sent voice message to the coalition forces indicating pirates on board. The owners are unable to contact the ship and suspect all communication equipments have been damaged. There are 21 crew onboard the ship. Further details are awaited.
*** T-Shirt of the Week: Morrissey Swimming
*** Coffee Mug of the week: Sonic Youth Goo
*** Ball cap of the week: Oakland A’s
*** JOTW Musical Guest Artist for the week: Paul Weller
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*** This is your Job of the Week e-mail newsletter, a cooperative service of professional communicators providing mutual support to one another. The JOTW serves 10,063 professional communicators. Please help contribute job opportunities so that this information can be shared with everyone in the network. The key to successful networking is living by the golden rule. Do something to help a fellow communicator, and some day they may be in a position to help you, or someone else like you.
How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of opportunities each week. Did I mention it was free?
Your cooperation is requested. Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to lundquist989@cs.com.
NOTE: Remember to send listings for the August 4 issue to Guest Editor Shonali Burke, ABC, at shonali.burke@gmail.com instead.
Feel free to share this newsletter. Feel free to forward opportunities. Do not copy words that I wrote and use them as your own. I throw these words in here just to see if someone is stupid enough to copy these words entirely from my newsletter without changing them.
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This newsletter is published by:
Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661
The JOTW Network – A world in communication
For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2008 The Job of the Week Network, LLC
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Sandra Clary
Director, Business Development & Relocation Services
SUMMARY: We need a team member with strong communication skills — written and verbal. Someone who can handle the heavy volume of calls, emails, and deadlines without losing their cool (a tall order!). Professionalism and customer service excellence are a must — a hard worker who will work well within this strong team environment, and who has a pleasant personality with a “glass is half full” perspective.
DETAILS: We're looking for an addition to our successful team — someone who wants a chance to flourish in a busy, fast-paced environment. We work very hard and you will too — but we still have fun! What you do matters, and so do you. You'll have phone and email communication daily with customers, corporate representatives, agents, vendor partners — and of course, you’ll be part of a hard-working, friendly team. We work in several web-based systems through which we communicate the status and events for our customers, so accurate and efficient typing/computer skills are A MUST, in addition to terrific people/communication skills. You also must have proven skills for keeping track of multiple tasks, and following them through to completion. We work hard in a deadline-driven environment — and we're good at what we do! If you like to be part of the heart-beat of a thriving company, we’d love to speak with you.
Positive Attitude
Motivated to Do Your Best
Attentive & Detail Oriented
Thinks “Team”
Good Listening Skills
Hard Worker
Good Written & Verbal Communication
Wants to Learn
Calm Demeanor
Has vision for the end goal
Good computer proficiency
Efficient with systems and work flow
Reliable and Timely
Driven to be helpful
Able to tackle difficult situations
Professional appearance & demeanor
Good spelling and math skills
Good problem-solving & common sense
Considerate of others and other viewpoints
Wants an opportunity to be rewarded for merit!
Real Estate license not required, but a plus
Multiple language fluencies a plus, but not a must
We're a successful real estate services company with offices through the DC Metro area and a network of partners that expands beyond the 50 states. If you’d like to join our team, please email your updated resume AND A COVER LETTER telling me why you think this is where you’d like to learn and grow. I’ll personally respond to your email, and hope to hear from our newest team member soon!