JOTW 32-2008


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JOTW 32-2008

11 August 2008

You are among 10,097 subscribers in this community of communicators.

“You can never conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself.”

– James Whittaker

Special thanks to our JOTW Guest Editor, Shonali Burke, ABC, who did a great job for the past two weeks while I was tramping around the Wyoming Wilderness or listening to jazz in San Francisco.

And a special thanks to Shonali for starting the JOTW Facebook community that grew like a beanstock while I was away. I should take off more often.

You should join!

Who's the cat that won't cop out

When there's danger all about?


Right On!

This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking

newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive

unanticipated consequences of networking.

JOTW is a cooperative service sharing jobs for communication professionals, including PR, Corporate Communications, Marketing, Advertising, Broadcasting, Journalism, Graphic Design, New Media, Photography, Employee Communication, Investor Relations,…you get the picture.

You are receiving the newsletter because you want to be a member of this cooperative service (which entails some responsibilities as well as benefits). What are the responsibilities? If you benefit from this weekly compendium of market intelligence, then you should contribute to it. Simple as that. Have you submitted a job listing to share with this network lately? Get busy!

To subscribe for free, send a blank e-mail to

To unsubscribe, read the instructions at the end of the newsletter. If

you are a JOTW subscriber and changing jobs, be sure to change your

address for JOTW. I can't do it for you.

If you can read this newsletter, then you are on the JOTW list. If you did not receive your JOTW newsletter by email in your in box this morning, it is because you have a junk mail folder, spam filter, or capacity issues on your end.

In this issue (Remember, to see the job descriptions and how to follow up, scroll down):

*** One Paragraph Pitch

1.) Manager, Special Events & Sponsor Relations for Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ

2.) Director of Marketing, Team Joyner USA, Tempe, AZ

3.) Editor-in-Chief, Whitaker's Almanack, A&C Black Publishers, London, UK

4.) Marketing Assistant, The Poetry Society, London (Covent Garden), UK

5.) Communications Intern, Women's Campaign Forum, Washington, D.C.

6.) Brand & Media Relations Director, Heifer International, Little Rock, Arkansas

7.) Chief Strategic Communications, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Arlington, Virginia

8.) Sr. Corporate Communications Specialist, Toyota Financial Services, Torrance, CA

9.) Director, Internal Communications, Estee Lauder, New York, NY

10.) Senior Account Executive, Image Media Services, McLean, VA

11.) VP for Public Information, Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), New York, NY

12.) Manager of Internet Services, Communications Consortium Media Center, Washington, D.C.

13.) Coordinator, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA

14.) Outreach Specialist, PanZOu Project, North Miami Beach, Florida

15.) Managing Director, Social Media Group, Washington, DC


17.) Interactive Developer, archer>malmo, inc., Memphis, TN

18.) Publicist, WMHT Educational Telecommunications, Troy, NY

19.) Audiovisual Communications Officer /P.3, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Geneva, Switzerland.

20.) Sr Technical Writer, Alchemy, San Diego, CA

21.) Senior Copywriter/Journalist/Sub-editor, McCarthy Club Magazine (Spice), Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

22.) Associate Dean, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, New York

23.) Account Supervisor – Consumer practice (Thought Leadership), GolinHarris, Arlington, Virginia

24.) Account Supervisor – Consumer practice (B2B/B2C), GolinHarris, Arlington, Virginia

25.) Account Group Supervisor – Consumer, GolinHarris, Arlington, Virginia

26.) Internal Communications Director, Elkridge, MD

27.) Intern, Public Affairs Office, Military Sealift Command, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C

28.) Team Coordinator, Social Marketing and Communication, Gallup, Washington, DC

29.) Communication Specialist, Gallup, Washington, DC

30.) Manager, Corporate Communications, CSL Behring, King of Prussia, PA

31.) Online Communications Manager, Bread for the World, Washington, DC


33.) Director of Communications, Stop Prisoner Rape, Los Angeles or Washington, DC 34.) Manager, Marketing Communications Manager, Aditya Birla Minacs, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

35.) Communications Officer-Electronic Media, Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii


37.) Public Relations Manager, National Automobile Dealers Association, McLean, VA

38.) Communications Manager, West Pharmaceutical Services, Lionville, Pennsylvania

39.) Manager, Health & Science Communications, Hackettstown, NJ

40.) Public Relations Specialist, Health Advocate, Plymouth Meeting, PA

41.) Sr. Marketing Communications Specialist, ELISE communications, Philadelphia, PA

42.) Communications Adviser, National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges, Wellington, New Zealand

43.) SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Boston, MA

44.) Audiovisual Communications Officer , The Global Fund, Geneva, Switzerland

45.) Senior Writer, Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), Philadelphia, PA

46.) Senior Public Information Officer – Speech Writing and Internal Communications (P-5), World Food Programme, Rome, Italy

47.) Communications Project Officer, Temporary full-time, State

Council of Rural Lands Protection Boards, Orange, NSW

48.) Communication Specialist, Flatiron, Longmont, CO

49.) Communications Manager, National Corn Growers Association, Washington D.C.

50.) Director, Defense Media Activity, Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA

51.) Journalism & Research, Afromedi@net, Seyssel, France

52.) Director, Communications, ITT Night Vision, Roanoke, VA

53.) Communication Assistant, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Brussels, Belgium


55.) Communication Officer, MSF, Brussels Belgium

56.) Online Public Relations & Communications Manager, Quicken Online Division, Intuit Inc., San Diego, California

57.) Intern in the Public Information Unit of the UNHCR Office, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Vienna, Austria

58.) Associate Director/Director, Corporate Communications (EGC), Eisai , Ridgefield Park, NJ

59.) Director of New Media, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C.

60.) Program Manager, North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation, Raleigh, N.C

61.) Communications Manager, North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation, Raleigh, N.C

62.) Regional and National Media Relations Coordinator, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC

63.) Morning Host/Announcer, WUWF-FM, Pensacola, Florida

64.) Research and Communications Intern, International Rescue Committee, Sierra Leone

65.) Public Policy & Communications Coordinator, Solid Ground, Seattle, Washington 66.) Director, Corporate Communications, Lime Wire, New York, NY

67.) Development & External Affairs, Robert F. Kennedy Children's Action

Corp., Boston, MA

68.) Special Events & Communications Manager, Alexandria Red Cross, Alexandria, Virginia

69.) Marketing and Communications Manager, Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF), Silver Spring, MD.

70.) Program Associate, Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families (GCYF), Silver Spring, MD

71.) Corporate Communications Manager, Christiana Care Health Systems, Wilmington, DE

72.) Science Writer, Yeshiva University, New York City, NY

73.) Station Manager, KABF-FM, Little Rock, Arkansas

74,) Press and Communications Manager, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, New York, New York

75.) Media Communications Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Los Angeles, Torrance, CA


77.) Communication Specialist, Young People¹s Chorus of New York City, NY, NY

78.) Director of Development and Communications, Wende Museum, Los Angeles, California

79.) Afternoon Announcer Sought, WINN, Columbus, IN

80.) Corporate Communications Manager, RMT, Madison, WI

81.) Senior Marketing Communication Specialist, UnitedHealth Group, Edina, MN


83.) Senior Media Relations Specialist, leading biomedical research and treatment center, Los Angeles, CA

84.) Script Editor, Howcast Media, Inc. , New York, NY

85.) FRONT END WEB DEVELOPER, software development firm, Washington, DC

86.) Director, Online Communications/Webmaster, BMI, New York, NY

87.) Manager, Media Relations, American Lung Association, Washington, DC

88.) Copywriter, Roundtable, Champaign, Illinois

89.) Marketing Director, Hazelden Foundation, Newberg, Oregon

90.) Spokesperson & Media Relations Manager, International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines

91.) Technical Writer-Editor, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Department Of Health And Human Services, Hyattsville, MD

92.) Communication Specialist, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

93.) DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS, Nuclear Energy Institute, Washington, DC

94.) MANAGER OF MARKETING, Security Industry Association, Alexandria, VA

95.) DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS, Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay, FL

96.) Public Relations/Media Relations Leader For Top Life Insurance Company, New York, NY

97.) Communications Specialist-Financial Services Company, New York, NY

98.) Statistical Technical Communication Specialist I, Minitab, State College, PA

99.) Communication Specialist, BJC HealthCare, St. Louis, MO

100.) Account Executive, Blanc and Otus, San Francisco, CA

*** Weekly Piracy Report

…and more! Scroll down and see them all!

*** One Paragraph Pitch:

A Jack of All Trades specializing in the hospitality, restaurant and tourism industries, I am a freelancing hipster. To keep this pitch short and sweet, like me, let's just say I'll take everything on – from Internet Marketing and SEO to web content writing and press release creation. I can set up a content management system in 10 minutes, traffic your online media campaigns through DART in a snap, and come up with copy that will make you smile. I drink more coffee than is healthy for any human being and I'm available 24 hours a day (weird side affect of the coffee habit)..

Contact me any time via my web site at, LinkedIn at, or through email at

*** You never know where Ned will turn up next.

*** There were many more Red Sox hats compared to Yankees hats at ArrowCorps5. I only saw one person with NY garb, and that was a person going into the latrine with Yankees pajamas.

*** Can you handle this?

Robert Holland, ABC, posted a great question to our Facebook group:

Question of the Week: What is the one thing they never tell you in a job

interview, but you always learn after you start the job? Send your

responses to Ned. He's gonna love me for this. Trust me.

(He will indeed. Email your responses to Ned at

Answer: The Truth!

Heather Murphy

*** Website stats for July 2008:

Distinct hosts served 17,655

Total page views 75,389

(I believe that total is an all-time high.)

*** Hilton for President: “I'm not from the olden days”

*** My shipmate Dennis Stokowski salutes Manny Ramiez:

Ramirez salute, good riddance!

*** New 2009 IABC World Conference Dates

The dates for IABC's 2009 World Conference have been changed to 7-10 June. The change was prompted by a generous offer to IABC by the Marriott San Francisco that will help offset budget increases and keep costs competitive. IABC is also rebranding its international conference to the IABC World Conference to better reflect the program's global emphasis. The World Conference program and registration will be online in December 2008 with the lowest registration rates offered through 31 January.

Please update your chapter websites and any other listings to reflect these changes. We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco!

*** From Bernie Wagenblast’s Transportation Communications News:

Mom: Fisher-Price Walkie-Talkie Picks Up Trashy Trucker Talk

Link to AP story:

*** Ned was in Alameda, California, for the commissioning of the Coast Guard’s newest and largest cutter, USCGC Bertholf. Ned can be seen in this photo. Can you find him?

More on that event in the Wednesday edition of DEFCON 1, the Defense career Opportunities Newsletter. Subscribe by sending a blank email to Visit on Wednesday and check out some of the photos.

*** You can never have enough carabineers. We haven’t had a limerick contest in a long, long time. So how about snapping to it and submitting your indispensable and handy carabineer limericks to

*** Scout and I went for a walk along Pohick Creek yesterday morning. We had to take advantage of the unseasonably pleasant weather. We had the Cross-County Trail to ourselves, and the goldfinches. Only saw one other person. And he was watching a large whitetail buck with a big rack. I only saw the tail.

*** Wyoming:

I will post a full account of the Wyoming trip in the next issue of “Your Very Next Step,” the travel and adventure newsletter. You can subscribe for free by sending a blank email to

I’ll post some photos, too, but I might not get to them today. If you check tomorrow I’ll post some pics for people to ponder. And there is one picture there already, along with some shots from the Cape Cod venture. Oh, and there’s a coupon for 20% off one item at REI. At least there was this morning.

*** Facebookers: Join the “Nedworking with JOTW: A World In Communication” group. We have 746 members!

*** From Heather Murphy:


Thanks for sharing your Order of the Arrow/ArrowCorps5 photos from Yellowstone and the Bridger-Teton region. If my heart had a home, it would be there…until winter comes. (Hey, there’s a reason I live in Arizona!)

Congratulations to you and your son for helping with these great service projects. The Forest Service and our beautiful park lands benefit from the dedication of scouts and their parents.

For those of you who wonder what it’s all about, Ned probably included a link to the ArrowCorps site in a prior JOTW, but if you’re still wondering, check out:

Shonali, you did a superb job as a stand in for Ned. Thank you and best wishes on your search for a great new career opportunity!

Here is a listing for your next edition:

1.) Manager, Special Events & Sponsor Relations for Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ

(Midwestern University is a not-for-profit university that trains medical professionals and osteopathic physicians. The Glendale, Arizona campus is a rapidly-growing branch of the university’s original Illinois campus.)

2.) Director of Marketing, Team Joyner USA, Tempe, AZ

The Team Joyner USA website doesn’t give much information on the job itself. The company imports, manufactures or customizes ATVs for pleasure, adventure or law enforcement applications. I am told the company is about a $24 million company, based in Tempe with a second US office in the Carolinas. They need a Director of Marketing. Additional info at

*** From Patty Hilton-Johnson:

Welcome back, Ned. Hope you had a good break!

Here are two UK jobs for next newsletter. Thanks,


3.) Editor-in-Chief, Whitaker's Almanack, A&C Black Publishers, London, UK

Responsible to: Publishing Director – A&C Black. Responsible for: Two project editors and two editorial assistants

1. Nature and Scope

The essence of the job is the preparation of each annual edition of Whitaker's Almanack (see related products for publication. This entails total responsibility for editorial content and standards of factual accuracy, managing the content, input and output of the editorial authoring system and spreading the team's workload evenly throughout the year.

More precisely the job will require

the management of:

* Information research and fact-checking

* Information input, storage, manipulation and retrieval systems

* Editorial output (content and quality)

* The editorial team

* Editorial contributors

* Editorial schedules

* Editorial budgets

* The relationship with the typesetters and printers

* The development of new titles at “micro” level

and contribution to:

* The development of new titles at “macro” level

* The development of the list

* Compiling content for Bloomsbury/A&C Black projects as required

In addition to these skills, the Editor-in-Chief must have an awareness of current affairs and the ability to respond appropriately. This requires a mindset which combines the instincts of a journalist with the approach of a reference work compiler.

2. Key Accountabilities

– To contribute effectively to the development of Whitaker's Almanack and related products.

– To schedule the preparation of the content of each title and ensure that the editorial deadlines are met.

– To contribute to the annual budgeting process and exercise cost control of editorial budgets.

– To ensure the highest standards of factual and editorial accuracy are met.

– To ensure accurate records of information sources and work procedures are maintained.

– To maintain productive relations with outside sources of information and suppliers.

– To develop and agree marketing and promotional strategies for titles and series with Sales and Marketing departments.

– Other tasks as required.

3. Knowledge, Qualifications and Experience

Essential skills: experience of managing research/editorial teams; proven ability to achieve deadlines and budgets and maintain quality; first class written and oral skills; comfortable with XML content management systems.

Essential personal traits: exhaustive knowledge of current affairs, drive and commitment to complete task, sound judgement, customer awareness, analytical power, numeracy.

Desirable skills: editorial and information handling experience; XML; ability to think creatively and maintain effective interpersonal relationships.

To apply please send your CV with a covering letter and current salary details to Emma Wainwright, Human Resources Manager at

Closing date: 5 September 2008

4.) Marketing Assistant, The Poetry Society, London (Covent Garden), UK

The Poetry Society is a national arts charity that aims to advance public education in the study, enjoyment and use of poetry. We are seeking a part-time Marketing Assistant who will play a vital role in supporting the Press and Marketing Manager in the delivery of marketing campaigns and events co-ordination as well as provide administrative support. The role requires flexibility along with excellent organisational and communication skills. The successful candidate will join the team at an exciting time leading up to our centenary in 2009.

Job Description:

• To play a vital role in supporting the Marketing Manager

Reporting to:

• Marketing Manager

Principle Duties:

– Administrating the National Poetry Competition. This will include processing and filing entries, responding to queries about the competition, collating and processing competition fees.

– Co-ordinating and overseeing the placing of adverts for the Poetry Society in external publications/websites as directed by Marketing Manager

– Co-ordinating and overseeing the placement of adverts in the Poetry Review by outside organisations.

– Co-ordinating the logistics of events (both ticketed and invite) in consultation with the Marketing Manager. Where applicable establishing and running an Excel system box office.

– Maintaining and updating the Marketing databases

– Carrying out all marketing mailings for the Poetry Society both postal and electronically.

– Working to a marketing schedule for all relevant projects and events under the direction of the Marketing Manager.

– Maintaining and updating press clippings on an Excel spreadsheet

– Updating the marketing activity against the marketing plan and event reports.

– Co-ordinate commissioned podcasts as directed by the Marketing Manager and upload on Poetry Society website.

– Upload events, National Poetry Competition information, and media room updates onto Poetry Society website.

– Research potential marketing outreach sources as directed by the Marketing Manager.

Person Specification:

The person appointed will demonstrate the following skills and experience:


– Experience in an administration role

– Efficient with Microsoft Office especially Excel, Word and Access.

– Excellent organisational skills, with the ability to work across the organisation to each department's priorities.

– Accuracy – highly attentive to detail

– Numeracy skills

– Proficient in new media such as web 2.0, blogs, social software, podcasts and CMS


– Ability to produce marketing graphs and table from Excel documents for reporting purposes

– Outgoing and confident personality

– Demonstrable knowledge of contemporary poetry


£17,000 per annum basis, pro rata 3 days a week (21 hours/week – preferred schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

A pension is also available on an opt-in basis.

Application Procedure:

There is no form to fill out. Please e-mail your cv and a covering letter (up to two pages if it were printed out) describing why your skills make you the best candidate for this post.

Send to the attention of Ms Rebecka Mustajarvi, Office Assistant at the Poetry Society, c/o

Deadline for applications: Noon, Friday 29 August 2008


Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by Monday 1 September and asked to come in for an interview Thursday 4 September 2008.

Please note, due to our interview panelists schedules, no exceptions can be made to this interview date of 4 September.

Due to anticipated volume of applications, if you have not heard from us by 1 September please consider your application to be unsuccessful.

5.) Communications Intern, Women's Campaign Forum, Washington, D.C.

6.) Brand & Media Relations Director, Heifer International, Little Rock, Arkansas

*** From Michelle Mrad:

Good Morning Mr. Lundquist!

This is Michelle Mrad from IIT/ an EWA Company in Herndon, VA. I have posted past job opportunities with you and was hoping to post three jobs on your site. I have attached the positions and if you have any questions please let me know. Have a great day!


Michelle Mrad

Michelle Mrad

Administrative Assistant

EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC.

13873 Park Center Road

Suite 200

Herndon, VA 20171

P-(703) 478-7644

F-(703) 478-7654

7.) Chief Strategic Communications, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Arlington, Virginia


Special Knowledge Required and Experience.

Pentagon staff, preferably, Army Staff, experience, and a strong background in strategic communications. Be able to coordinate and communicate using a network of communicators within the DoD organization. Candidate should have specific experience in military public affairs and media relations. Expertise at developing broadcast-interview (live or taped) and discussion-style media engagements is preferred. A wide range of written communication products targeted at audiences from the general public through Congress/Cabinet levels. Applicant should be able to quickly integrate into a small staff that mimics the major duties of the Army Staff's Public Affairs Directorate.

Candidate for Senior Strategic Communications Chief must have a total of at least 15 years of experience in DoD programs/projects.

Candidate must have a postgraduate degree in engineering, scientific, technical or business management disciplines from an accredited college or university.

Candidate will be subject to a Government Security Investigation, and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information.


Specific Duties and Responsibilities Performed.

Develop communication strategies and effectively coordinate and communicate the organization’s story, both proactively and in response to query or crisis by using a network of communicators within the organization, other HQDA staffs, Army combatant commanders, TRADOC, OSD, the Joint Staff, JFCOM and other Services. Expand awareness and understanding of the organization’s vision, mission and goals to key stakeholders within the Army, Congress, the Joint Staff, OSD and other Services. Author an annual communication strategy to serve as the foundation for all organization communication activities. The strategy will include initiatives such as:

– Public Affairs Plan

– Legislative Outreach Plan

– outreach to key stakeholders, Soldiers, civilian employees and families

– media engagement

– media training

– product and brand development

– analysis

Lead the development and improvement of effective communication products specifically: brochures, calendars, annual review booklet, display materials, and maintain organization website for both classified and unclassified systems. Provide effective communication counsel to the leadership and communicators within the organization. Coordinate and attend relevant worldwide conferences to promote organization’s interests. Keeps customer informed of emerging policies and programs. Coordinate and attend worldwide conferences as required. Present briefings to higher authority to gain active support of asymmetric warfare concepts, doctrine and policy.


To apply for this position, please email your resume demonstrating education, experience, and salary requirements to the IIT HR Department (, or via fax (703-478-7665). Please include Reference Number IIT-0729 when applying. EEO. Principals Only.

IIT does not accept or retain general applications for employment. Individuals must apply for specific open positions. An IIT representative will contact those individuals that have the required skills and qualifications. No phone calls please.

8.) Sr. Corporate Communications Specialist, Toyota Financial Services, Torrance, CA

9.) Director, Internal Communications, Estee Lauder, New York, NY

*** From Matt Taylor:

10.) Senior Account Executive, Image Media Services, McLean, VA

An expanding advertising agency in Tyson's Corner has an immediate opening for a Senior Account Executive. You will be responsible for day-to-day coordination with the client for advertising and PR campaigns, strategic planning, and coordination with Creative and Media. The agency has a great growth potential, and we'd like you to grow with us.


•Bachelor's degree in advertising or other communication related field

•Minimum of 3-4 years of experience in advertising, marketing, public relations or related field

•Excellent written and verbal communication skill

•Understanding of Chinese and/or Vietnamese language and culture preferred

•Excellent client relationship building skill

•Ability to multitask and prioritize

•Strong interpersonal skills and a positive attitude

•Experience with government clients a plus

Send your cover letter and resume to

*** From Jill Sarah Moscowitz:


I'd like to include the following post in the JOTW. Please let me know if you will need anything else from me. Thanks! Jill Sarah

11.) VP for Public Information, Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), New York, NY

Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), New York, NY seeks VP for Public Information

This is an exciting opportunity for a talented and creative communications professional to work for Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR). AmfAR is one of the world's leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the support of HIV/AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy.

The Vice President for Public Information will conceptualize and lead the implementation of a strategic communications plan intended to raise the global profile of amfAR and support the goals of amfAR's programs.

In support of these efforts, the Vice President will build domestic and international media relationships and nurture existing contacts in order to shape global coverage of the organization's work.

Reporting to the CEO, the Vice President will work to recruit, train and manage a communications team of 15. The Vice President will collaborate closely with the senior executive team, high profile celebrity spokespeople, other key stakeholders, and amfAR's communications consultants.

Jill Sarah Moscowitz

Recruitment Associate

Development Resource Group

104 East 40th Street, Suite 304

New York, NY 10016

(212) 983-1600 x118

(212) 983-1687 Fax

12.) Manager of Internet Services, Communications Consortium Media Center, Washington, D.C.

*** From Penny Olson:

Good Afternoon,

Please include the below job position in your Job of the Week information.

13.) Coordinator, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA

The City of Virginia Beach is seeking a coordinator to provide public relations, media relations and issues management services for city officials and departments. This position is temporary for ten months, and does not include benefits. The coordinator promotes programs, events and services; writes news releases, articles and other materials; and works with controversial issues. Requires direct experience in public relations. Starting salary depends on qualifications. Closes on 8/11/08. Position #2353. For more information about the position and instructions on how to apply, log on to EOE.

Thank you for your assistance.

Penny Olson

Media & Communications

Office Assistant

2401 Courthouse Drive

Building 1, Room 220 – Municipal Center

Virginia Beach, VA 23456-9080

(757) 385-4679 (Office)

(757) 385-5665 (Fax)

14.) Outreach Specialist, PanZOu Project, North Miami Beach, Florida

*** From Larissa Y. Fair:


Please post this for next week’s JOTW email blast.


~ Larissa

Larissa Y. Fair


15.) Managing Director, Social Media Group, Washington, DC

Responsibilities: Manage Washington Office’s day-to-day accounts, team and operations, and work with Executive Vice President to significantly grow revenue. Specific responsibilities include:

• Serving as strategic account supervisor on several marquee accounts.

• Manage and mentor a team of four social media communicators ranging in experience from zero to seven years.

• Work with Toronto office to ensure Washington, DC Office’s smooth operations.

• Support Executive Vice President in efforts to build the office.

• Continue branding local office as a leader in social media expertise.

Compensation includes a salary greater than 100k, depending on experience, full benefits, and incentives to reward general office growth. Prior management and social media experiences helpful. Please send resumes and cover letter to

*** From Ryan Michel Greenberg:


Could you please post the following opening on your job of the week email.


Ryan Michel Greenberg



-A Fortune 117 integrated energy company with more than $21 billion in revenue

-North America’s largest competitive electricity and third-largest natural gas supplier, with offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia

-Located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The Baltimore area features excellent quality of life, reasonable cost of living, and a culturally rich environment, all within easy driving distance of Washington DC, Philadelphia, and New York City


-Comprehensive benefits package includes company-paid training and tuition reimbursement

-Stimulating, dynamic and balanced work environment

-Excellent growth potential

Constellation Energy has two openings:

– Corporate Communications Consultant – for our generations communications group and is focused on external communications

– Corporate Communications Consultant – for our corporate communications group and is focused on internal/employee communications

Both positions involve working in a high energy corporate communications department of one of the nation’s fastest-growing, most successful energy companies. These internal staff positions offer high-visibility and are focused on national and energy industry media relations, message development, business and internal communications. Will provide strategic and tactical external and internal communications for the corporation and its businesses. Specifically developing and executing comprehensive communications plans, including development of press releases, speeches, op-eds and presentations for senior level executives.

Must have proven writing, media relations and organizational skills and ability to interact effectively with senior management. Demonstrated experience in research and implementation of leading edge internal communications is required for the internal role. Must have a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of 3 years of corporate communications experience, or the equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience in the energy, environmental, or financial sectors is desirable.

For detailed job descriptions or to apply, please visit us at:

Please reference requisition #3635 (external/generation role) or #4420 (internal/employee role)

17.) Interactive Developer, archer>malmo, inc., Memphis, TN

18.) Publicist, WMHT Educational Telecommunications, Troy, NY

*** From Beatrice Bernescut:


Don’t seem to be getting my JOTW anymore….guess I need to go to my old issues and read to see what I’ve been missing…in the meantime, here’s a job listing at the Global Fund that might be of interest. Location: Geneva, Switzerland.

19.) Audiovisual Communications Officer /P.3, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Geneva, Switzerland.

Dates of posting 25/07/08 – 17/08/08

Contract type / Duration Fixed-term / two years

Reports to Manager, the Print and Audiovisual Communications Team

Cluster / Unit Partnerships, Communications and Resources Mobilization Cluster/ Communications Unit

The Global Fund The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a global public/private partnership dedicated to raising and disbursing large amounts of additional finance to prevent and treat the three pandemics. The Global Fund has so far committed more than US$10 billion to over 520 programs in 136 countries.

The vacancy is in the Secretariat of the Global Fund. The Secretariat manages the grant portfolio, including executing Board policies, disbursing money to grant recipients and implementing performance-based funding of grants. The Secretariat is also tasked with resource mobilization; providing strategic, policy, financial, legal and administrative support and overseeing monitoring and evaluation. It is based in Geneva and has no staff located outside its headquarters.

The Global Fund is looking for staff with a strong commitment to health and development, an open mind-set, entrepreneurial and flexible attitudes as well as strong interpersonal skills.

Role Summary & Key results expected Under the general supervision of the Manager of the Print and Audiovisual Communications Team, the Audiovisual Communications Officer is responsible for all activities related to photo selection and visual representation of the Global Fund, and undertakes tasks related to video footage selection and editing. This member of the communications team also is responsible for maintaining and improving the quality of the Global Fund photography archive, including planning and executing new photographic assignments to expand the archive.

Key Responsibilities

and Accountabilities The Audiovisual Communications Officer will:

Undertake key activities relating to audiovisual production:

• Oversee and maintain use of the Global Fund’s video editing capability, particularly as related to its web-based news alert platform;

• Facilitate distribution of Global Fund-related stock footage for use by Broadcasters, partners and advocates of the Global Fund, and where these materials will serve donor relations efforts.

Undertake key activities relating to photographic documentation:

• Undertake photo selection for Global Fund documents and website;

• Commission photographers to assignments related to fulfilling the photographic needs of the Global Fund, and oversee logistics of these assignments;

• Maintain the photographic quality and refine the organization of the Global Fund photo archive;

Other Duties:

• Assist with long term photography project tasks as time allows.


Qualifications and Membership Essential:

• Advanced University Degree in communications, journalism or humanities or equivalent professional training or self-study/work experience.

Experience Essential:

• Three to six years experience in photo archiving and photo editing

• Excellent video editing skills (on Avid or Finalcut)

• Experience in graphic design desirable

Technical skills and competencies Skills:

• Excellent visual judgment

• Excellent video editing skills

• High production capacity

• Ability to work independently and to deadline under high pressure

• An eye for detail and accuracy

Languages An excellent knowledge of English and preferably a good working knowledge of French or one of the following: Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish. Knowledge of other languages an asset.


Mandatory cover letter A covering letter not exceeding one and one half pages must accompany all applications. The letter should describe your ability to meet the essential requirements set out in the vacancy notice.




Your online application will be acknowledged and a confirmation sent to the e-mail address that you have provided. Due to the sheer quantity of applicants, we will only contact candidates whose applications are of interest for this position and who are to be invited to participate further in the selection process.


THE POSITION will have a competitive compensation package net of tax. The position would correspond to P.3 in the UN system. The person selected for this position will be appointed for a period of two years.

The current arrangement under which Global Fund Secretariat employees have the status of WHO staff will terminate on 31 December 2008. After that date, all staff of the Global Fund will be covered under a new contractual arrangement directly with the Global Fund.

20.) Sr Technical Writer, Alchemy, San Diego, CA

21.) Senior Copywriter/Journalist/Sub-editor, McCarthy Club Magazine (Spice), Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

National motoring lifestyle club magazine (Spice) is looking for a senior experienced copywriter/journalist/sub editor.

Please send CV to


Must have strong writing/copy-writing skill and no less than three years experience in either magazine or in-house environment. Content will range from editorial, website, club newsletter to reworking content for magazine use. Able to work under tight deadlines.

Must have an extensive and creative portfolio.


Team player positive, enthusiastic and has a 'can do' attitude.


Remuneration: 14000

Job level: Senior

Own transport required: Yes

Travel requirement: Occasional

Type: Permanent

Reference #clubmc


Sven McCarthy Club Magazine

22.) Associate Dean, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York, New York

*** From Christina Lopez:

Dear Ned:

Can you please post the attached three positions on your listserv? Thank you!

Christina Lopez

Director of Recruiting

Constituency Management Group

919 Third Avenue, 15th FL

New York, NY 10022

Phone: 212-445-8278

Fax: 212-445-8093


23.) Account Supervisor – Consumer practice (Thought Leadership), GolinHarris, Arlington, Virginia

GolinHarris, one of the world's leading public relations firms with offices in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, is seeking an Account Supervisor for the Marketing Brand Strategy team in our Arlington, Virginia, office.

The Account Supervisor will implement thought leadership activities for a principal consumer account. The primary responsibilities include: assisting in positioning the client as a thought-leader in its field; orchestration of a C-level speaker’s bureau; influencer and media outreach; targeted international relationship development; monitoring the account budget to ensure staying within parameters; and provide leadership, coaching, and development for account staff. This position reports to a Vice President.

The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 5 years of related professional corporate marketing and/or corporate communications experience; excellent oral, written and interpersonal skills; superior writing and client presentation skills; experience managing a team; and an understanding of how to direct media relations efforts successfully.

If you would like to apply for this position, please apply on-line at

GolinHarris is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

24.) Account Supervisor – Consumer practice (B2B/B2C), GolinHarris, Arlington, Virginia

GolinHarris, one of the world's leading public relations firms with offices in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, is seeking an Account Supervisor for the Marketing Brand Strategy team in our Arlington, Virginia, office.

The Account Supervisor will oversee the business to business and business to consumer marketing activities for a principal consumer account. The primary responsibilities include: overseeing the implementation of strategies and ideas designed to accelerate growth among the client's key business and consumer segments; building education partnerships and leveraging the client’s event sponsorships; managing an account team to ensure that objectives are achieved and program execution is on strategy; monitoring the account budget to ensure staying within parameters; and provide leadership, coaching, and development for account staff. This position reports to a Vice President.

The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 5 years of related professional experience in B2B/B2C consumer and/or corporate brand marketing; excellent oral, written and interpersonal skills; superior writing and client presentation skills; experience managing a team; an understanding of how to direct media relations efforts successfully; and experience executing successful business to business and business to consumer marketing efforts.

If you would like to apply for this position, please apply on-line at

GolinHarris is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

25.) Account Group Supervisor – Consumer, GolinHarris, Arlington, Virginia

GolinHarris, one of the world's leading public relations firms with offices in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, is seeking an Account Group Supervisor for the Marketing Brand Strategy team in our Arlington, Virginia, office.

The Account Group Supervisor will serve as the day-to-day contact for one of our principal consumer accounts, managing the strategy and implementation of marketing and public relations tactics. The primary responsibilities for this position include: developing and supervising the implementation of strategies and ideas designed to accelerate growth among the client's key business and consumer segments; overseeing the account team to ensure that objectives are achieved and program execution is on strategy; developing tactics to position the client as a thought-leader in its field; managing the overall account budget; and providing leadership, coaching, and development for account staff. This position reports to a Vice President.

The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 6 years of related professional experience in consumer and/or corporate brand marketing; excellent oral and interpersonal skills; superior writing and client management skills; proven experience as a team builder and leader; self-motivated; dedicated to achieving the highest level of client satisfaction; experience executing successful business to business and business to consumer marketing efforts; and proven media relations expertise.

If you would like to apply for this position, please apply on-line at

GolinHarris is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

*** From Steve Boyle:

Hi Ned,

Please include the following description in your next JOTW.

Thanks so much!

-Steve Boyle

26.) Internal Communications Director, Elkridge, MD

COMPENSATION $100k-$150k


The Internal Communications director is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive internal communications program for the corporation. Working under the direction of the VP Corporate Communications and in close cooperation with the company’s Human Resources organization, responsibilities will include:


• Working with VP Corporate Communications to develop and determine opportunities, optimum timing and vehicles and developing content for corporate-driven internal communications, including the CEO’s quarterly all-hands global webcast.

• Driving the development, distribution and follow-thru of corporate-driven internal communications campaigns and programs.

• Partnering with the company’s functional and organizational leaders to implement effective employee communications campaigns and tactics throughout the corporations fast-paced, diverse, global employee base.

• Managing the corporate intranet site; recasting the site as a primary internal communications vehicle. This includes working with IT to redesign the site to be more employee friendly, as well as writing and editing content, and soliciting timely and relevant content from organizations within the corporation.

• Serving as the company’s official internal spokesperson and cheerleader, championing the Company’s strategy, brand, culture and values.

• Facilitating honest and timely two-way communication with one of company’s most important audiences, our employees.

• Establishing the role of employee communications as a credible, trustworthy employee resource.

• Formalizing, managing and internally publicizing corporate Community Outreach activities globally and working with public relations to identify external publicity opportunities.

• Identifying, developing and distributing newsworthy information to the company’s global employee base via multiple communication vehicles.

• Providing a “safe” sounding board for employee concerns and questions.


• Excellent written and verbal communication skills (written samples requested)

• Ability to prioritize and tackle several high priority projects simultaneously

• Ability to interact confidently with all employees including senior execs, engineers etc.

• Ability to “translate” technical or complicated concepts for non-technical audiences


• Creative self-starter/takes initiative

• Credible and able to quickly engender trust

• Thorough, detail-oriented, resourceful

• Ability/desire to travel globally (50% travel)


• Bachelor’s Degree in communications-related major or relevant experience

• 5+ years experience in internal communications or closely related communications field

• Experience writing about business issues, product strategies and corporate initiatives

CONTACT Steve Boyle:

Steve Boyle


Stephen James Associates

2800 Quarry Lake Drive, Suite 2800

Baltimore, MD 21209

410-753-1424 work

410-562-9194 cell

410-753-1460 fax

*** From Tim Boulay:


I have another posting for JOTW, this time for an intern.

27.) Intern, Public Affairs Office, Military Sealift Command, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C

The public affairs office at the Navy's Military Sealift Command, headquartered at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., has a paid internship opportunity for the upcoming school year.


– The intern will serve as an editorial clerk and will assist with media searches and clippings, weekly internal publications, press releases and feature stories.

– The timeframe is approximately Sept. 15, 2008, through May 2009.

– Pay is $13.60 per hour for 20-30 hours per week.

– Desired majors: communications, journalism, mass communications/media studies, political communications or public relations. Graphics design experience in Quark, Pagemaker and/or Adobe Illustrator is a plus.

Applicants must be full-time undergraduate or graduate students and should forward their resumes to Include the days and hours that you would be available, based on a five-day workweek with office hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Applications must be received by Sept. 5.

For any questions, call (202) 685-5055.

*** From Christina Zurla:

Hi Ned,

Can you please post the following job opening in your next newsletter? It's for an entry level position in our new Social Marketing and Communication group at Gallup. It's a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new venture, so there's lots of room for growth.

Thank you!

28.) Team Coordinator, Social Marketing and Communication, Gallup, Washington, DC

Gallup seeks a talented, organized, and creative self starter to join its Social Marketing and Communication team as a full time, entry level Team Coordinator.

Gallup's Social Marketing and Communication team is a new, fast growing group currently leading a high profile Government project to promote mental health and prevent youth violence—and looking toward rapid client expansion. The chosen candidate will learn from experienced managers and grow within a flexible, fast-paced, and dynamic work environment. S/he also will have the unique opportunity to further build the team's impact both inside and outside of the company.

The ideal candidate will have:

• An interest in social marketing, communication, and mental health issues;

• Solid writing skills;

• Superior attention to detail;

• Experience conducting in-depth online research;

• Experience or familiarity with public relations techniques, including media relations, working with third parties, writing for a variety of audiences, and event planning; and

• Excellent proficiency with Microsoft Office tools, including Excel spreadsheets.

Administrative duties will include setting up and maintaining systems; invoice and budget tracking; note taking; and coordination of team/client travel and meetings.

A Bachelor's degree in Communication, Public Relations, Journalism, English, Marketing, Psychology, Public Health, or a related field is preferred, but only “smarts” and a desire to make a difference are required.

Gallup World Headquarters

The Gallup Building

901 F Street, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004

Interested candidates should send a resume, cover letter, and one writing sample to: Christina Zurla,

This is for the same group and in the same location as the last position I sent you; it's just for a more senior position. Feel free to post this and the previous “Team Coordinator” listing together – or let me know if you'd like me to do the cutting and pasting for you – happy to oblige.

Thank you Ned!


29.) Communication Specialist, Gallup, Washington, DC

A truly unique opportunity! Known as the world-leader in polling and survey research, Gallup recently began expanding its breadth of services by creating a now burgeoning Social Marketing and Communication group. We are looking for passionate, creative, smart, and dedicated communication professionals to join our new team in Gallup's Washington, DC office.

Currently, we lead a high profile and large Government project to promote mental health and prevent youth violence—and we're looking toward rapid client expansion. The chosen candidate will have the flexibility and autonomy to own a substantial part of this project, while making a meaningful contribution to our dynamic group. S/he also will have the chance to help further growing the team's impact and scope both inside and outside of the company.

Specifically, the position will provide communication and social marketing training and support to communities across the country that are working to reduce youth violence in their schools and school systems.

Our ideal colleague will have:

• 6+ years experience with communication and marketing projects for Government, non-profit, and for-profit clients

• Strong, substantive writing experience

• A proven track record of team/project leadership

• The ability to juggle multiple projects at once

• Meticulous attention to detail

• An entrepreneurial spirit

• Excellent presentation skills

• Experience responding to and pitching new business opportunities

• Self management skills and a knack for working autonomously as well as with larger teams

• An infectious attitude and passion for helping others

Prior agency experience, teaching experience, and a strong knowledge of social marketing are highly preferred. Some travel is required.

Gallup offers competitive benefits, including healthcare and 401K.

Interested candidates should send a resume, cover letter, and two writing samples to: Christina Zurla,

*** From Kelly Fox:

30.) Manager, Corporate Communications, CSL Behring, King of Prussia, PA

CSL Behring is a global leader in the plasma protein biotherapeutics industry. Passionate about improving the quality of patients' lives, CSL Behring manufactures and markets a range of safe and effective plasma-derived and recombinant products and related services. Our therapies are used in the treatment of immune deficiency disorders, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, other bleeding disorders and inherited emphysema. Other products are used for the prevention of hemolytic diseases in the newborn, in cardiac surgery, organ transplantation and in the treatment of burns.

General Accountabilities for this role:

• Works closely with the head of Corporate Communications to develop and manage the implementation of annual strategic communication plans.

• Designs, edits and produces quarterly employee magazine. Manages corporate and public affairs content on the company intranet; counsels other groups on content and structure and facilitates their content management as needed.

• Provides communications counsel and support for HR initiatives, including communicating changes in benefits, change management and organizational effectiveness.

• Provides internal communications support for business leaders to support effective communications and support of the strategy, values and culture development. Advises on proper usage of design guidelines.

• Establish and maintains ongoing relationships with communications professionals across the company, assuring internal message consistency globally.

• Supports communications initiatives in public relations, corporate branding, crisis communications and on the corporate Web Site.

See full details and apply online at

31.) Online Communications Manager, Bread for the World, Washington, DC

*** From Tim Fitzpatrick:


Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), Juno Beach, Florida, is seeking a director of media relations to lead its nine-person media team.

The director of media relations is responsible for delivering stakeholder support for FPL business initiatives and for helping to create a favorable business environment through public relations efforts that strengthen FPL’s reputation.

Critical success elements for the job include: the ability to think strategically about reputational risks and opportunities for the company; the ability to plan and execute comprehensive communications campaigns; superlative writing ability; the ability to forge effective working relationships with members of the print and electronic media; strong leadership skills that motivate the media relations team to peak performance; and a commitment to message discipline and rigorous process controls.

Other responsibilities include: initiating, directing and executing programs to accurately communicate the company's positions, policies and actions to the media; directing timely crisis and emergency communication responses as head of a 24-hour information bureau; and managing internal budget and external public relations agencies.

As a member of the lead team within the marketing & communications department, the director of media relations provides strategic counsel across the organization and assists the vice president of marketing & communication in advising senior corporate executives on reputational and media matters.

The position requires a bachelor’s of arts degree and at least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in a corporate communications setting.

Compensation is commensurate with experience.

FPL is the largest investor-owned electric utility in Florida, serving approximately 4.5 million customer accounts. It is one of the largest electric utilities in the United States and ranks No. 1 among electric utilities nationwide in energy-efficiency programs (

Its sister company, FPL Energy, which operates outside Florida, is a leader in producing electricity from clean and renewable fuels. FPL Energy is the No. 1 wind energy company in the United States and is the nation’s leading operator of solar power generation (

Ranked #1 in its category among Fortune’s “most admired” companies, their parent company, FPL Group (NYSE: FPL) has annual revenues of more than $15 billion and a presence in 27 states (

Contact Heather Shugard in Recruiting at

33.) Director of Communications, Stop Prisoner Rape, Los Angeles or Washington, DC

34.) Manager, Marketing Communications Manager, Aditya Birla Minacs, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Salary: $60,000.00 – $65,000.00 (Yearly Salary)

Preference given to those applicants who have earned the Accredited Business Communicator designation.

The Manager, Marketing Communications will participate as a core team member in the design and proposal portion of the sales process through dynamic communications, enthusiastic facilitation, and accurate information support. Working with the most senior managers in the company to forge new international client relationships, this position will design, write, and produce the company´s Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Information (RFI) responses and qualified unsolicited proposals on a timely basis while ensuring high quality and consistency with potential client and Minacs standards.Between proposal projects, the Manager, Marketing Communications will continue to assist with other phases of the business development cycle, from conducting competitive research; to writing and creating fact sheets, brochures, and other marcom copy; to coordinating and executing other proactive marketing and lead generation activities, such as preparing for conference attendance.

Specific Responsibilities:

Proposal Creation:

Develops RFP, RFQ, and RFI written responses, sometimes simultaneously, with Minacs employees, parent company employees, and go-to-market partners

Develops tables of contents for unsolicited proposals in conjunction with sales leads and then prepares the written responses

Proactively contributes to proposal solution design alongside other cross-functional design team members

Acts as the proposal project manager – interprets proposal requirements and shares with team members, develops proposal work-back schedules, creates compliance matrices, manages design team member input timeline requirements, schedules kickoff and status meetings, participate in bid/no-bid meeting, and works to proposal deadlines

Ensures, with the sales lead, compliance to RFP/RFI requirements (e.g., that all client formatting and solution design requirements), as well as applying Minacs´ quality and style standards

Monitors and manages “look and feel” of final proposal document by creating graphics and editing for style, professionalism, and content

Edits, proofreads, and rewrites final output to as well as quality of grammar, context, organization, consistency of message, and presentation

Keeps standard text (boilerplate) current and accurate in conjunction with subject matter experts and then populates proposals with the standard text; assists in keeping proposal content library organized

Collaborates with sales staff to identify win themes and discriminators and incorporates these elements into the proposal

Writes proposal cover letters and executive summaries in conjunction with sales staff

Produces final proposal documents (e.g., creates PDFs and duplicates and binds proposals for submission and distribution)

Occasionally interfaces with clients and RFP issuers on proposal clarifications (missing or incomplete information) and attends bidder´s meetings

Occasionally delivers proposals to clients and courier depots and travels to Minacs sites to work with partners and sales staff

Marketing Communications:

Interviews subject matter experts, reviews marketing plans, surveys business development staff, and then writes case studies, white papers, fact sheets, brochures, web pages, and other materials used to promote Minacs to new and existing clients

Assists with the creation and execution of internal communication plans (e.g., for special events such as the silver anniversary celebrations, the launch of a new facility) as necessary

Sales Support:

Creates and edits PowerPoint presentations during various phases of the sales cycle

Prepares speaking notes for business development staff for client presentations

Assists in the preparation for Minacs´ sales conferences

Manages, maintains, and applies corporate client data for proposal and marcom usage

Marketing Support:

Assists in upholding the company brand standards across all sites

Conducts periodic research on competitors, potential call center locations, and prospective clients

Reviews, synthesizes, and applies contact center market research to proposal submissions

Assists with the creation of award submissions

Assists in the preparation for conference participation

Essential Qualifications:

Minimum 3+ years of technical writing, editing, and/or proposal management experience

Advanced MS Word, PowerPoint, and keyboarding skills; Intermediate Excel, Visio, and Acrobat skills

Familiarity with Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Project, desktop publishing, or other graphics software

General business administration, IT/networking terminology, and call centre exposure would be a definite asset

Degree in English, Communications, General Arts, or Business Administration

Ability to travel to various Minac's sites, as needed

Interested candidates are invited to apply directly on-line to and refer to the Toronto location, Job # 573750 and attach their resumes in MS Word format.


Contact Person: Lisa Storey

Email Address:

Fax: (416) 380-3825

Apply URL:

35.) Communications Officer-Electronic Media, Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii


*** From Tom Rippinger:

37.) Public Relations Manager, National Automobile Dealers Association, McLean, VA

Manage public relations programs and special events within the Public Affairs Department, such as, organizing and overseeing the Press Rooms at the NADA and ATD conventions. Handles media calls; writes news articles; writes and distributes press releases; manages major PR campaigns; helps to organize and implement other media and public outreach programs; monitors and summarizes news coverage and pitches stories to reporters. Also assists with general administrative and operational business of the department. Supervises or assists with other programs and projects as assigned.


Research, write, edit and lay out e-newsletters, including NADA Headlines and ATD Insider. Monitors print and broadcast news coverage nationwide using Lexis/Nexis and other electronic search tools on a daily basis. (SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must have access to home computer and Internet in order to meet daily deadline for writing first draft of NADA Headlines by 8:30 a.m. EST.)

Serves as a point of contact for media inquiries and coordinates follow up with Public Affairs execs.

Writes press releases and news announcements.

Conducts industry research to answer media inquiries.

Uses a variety of electronic and other means to distribute press releases and other media materials, including Bacon's Media Source and PR Newswire.

Works with the NADA Web site staff to maintain and update media center on

Updates other NADA Web pages as needed with content and NADA-TV video reports.

Plans, coordinates and manages press rooms at NADA's and ATD's annual conventions. Duties include floor layout, catering, scheduling and managing press conferences and media registration.

Manages administrative and promotional aspects of major PR campaigns, including child passenger safety, tire and seat belt initiatives, etc.

Handles PR for NADA's Charitable Foundation.

Provides necessary support and PR counsel for Automotive Retailing Today (ART), an industry-wide coalition.

Maintains up-to-date subscriber list for NADA Headlines and ATD Insider.

Maintains and updates electronic public affairs files (news releases, news clips, photos, special reports, etc.).

Produces Microsoft PowerPoint presentations as needed.


Three to five years experience working in communications position. Background in public and media relations and/or journalism is desirable. Excellent writing, editing and proofing skills required. Bachelor's degree in public relations, journalism, English, marketing, communications or other related field preferred. Experience in event management and managing PR activities at conferences and conventions a plus. Must be detail oriented with ability to handle multiple tasks under deadline pressure. Experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint required.

Contact Human Resources at 703-821-6259 or apply online at

*** From Bill Seiberlich:

38.) Communications Manager, West Pharmaceutical Services, Lionville, Pennsylvania

West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. is a global manufacturer of

components and systems for injectable drug delivery, including stoppers

and seals for vials, and closures and disposable components used in

syringe, IV and blood collection systems. The Company also provides

products with application to the personal care, food and beverage

markets. Headquartered in Lionville, Pennsylvania, West Pharmaceutical

Services supports its partners and customers from 50 locations

throughout North America, South America, Europe, Mexico, Japan, Asia and


Our Corporate Communications group has an immediate opportunity for a

Communications Manager. This individual will be responsible for

writing, editing and proofreading text for a variety of media such as

sales and marketing materials, employee communications, customer

newsletters, video scripts, web pages, by-line articles, trade

publication ads and product promotion and news releases.

The Communications Manager will ensure that content is clear, specific,

appropriate for the intended audiences and aligns with product or

project strategies. Travel is required, which may include international



Act as managing editor and writer for company publications. Responsible

for researching, writing and editing articles; managing copy approval;

managing language translations; working with the Art Director on


* Westworld, a global employee magazine

* The Source, newsletters for biotechnology customers in North

America and Europe/Asia-Pacific

* Q&S Report, a newsletter for customers in North America

Primary copy writer and editor for product brochures, trade journal ads,

product news releases, by-line articles, web site content and investor


* Meet with internal clients to determine copy platform for each


* Proofread documents to ensure correct grammar, spelling and


* Determine accuracy of data and facts in manuscripts by

thoroughly checking references and consulting with subject matter


* Manage the production process

Provide communications support for corporate meetings and events

Provide communications support for trade shows

Manage corporate video projects

The skills we are looking for include:

* Strong writing – from planning and organizing content through

creative drafts

* Strong editing – integrating revisions into copy, reviewing copy

from others and making constructive edits for grammar, format and

overall style

* Strong proofreading – including advanced grammar, style and

spelling knowledge; distrust of automated spell check is a must

* Strong interpersonal skills – for managing drafts through the

review process, discussing edits and building consensus, asking

questions in the information-gathering phase, working in

multidisciplinary teams and providing responsive service to both

Corporate Communications staff and clients

* Strong time management – to balance multiple projects, meet

deadlines and provide prompt project turnaround

* Strong administrative, project management and leadership skills

and the ability to interact with professionals at all levels of the


The requirements for success:

* Bachelor degree in English, journalism, business, mass

communications or a related field

* Minimum five years corporate experience writing sales and

marketing collateral and employee communications in the pharmaceutical

and health care industries

* Exceptional proofreading skills.

* Demonstrated ability to collaborate with multi-functional teams

to develop effective sales and marketing materials in a specialized


* Demonstrated ability to write clear and persuasive messages and

content for a variety of business audiences and communications media.

* Demonstrated ability to explain complex technical and scientific

subject matter clearly and concisely.

* Experience handling a variety of writing/editing projects

simultaneously in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.

* Experience working with graphic designers, photographers,

printers and video producers.

* Knowledge of grammar and composition principles and the ability

to use these skills to create effective business writing.

* Knowledge of corporate branding, trademark usage and styles


* Strong business relationship and communication skills, enabling

collaboration and consensus-building among diverse colleagues.

* Strong skills in Microsoft Office products including Word,

PowerPoint and Excel.

Candidates must provide a sample portfolio that includes examples that

demonstrate the ability to write for different audiences. Samples

should include marketing material and employee communications.

To apply online, visit our careers page at or send

resume along with salary history to

An Equal Opportunity Employer

39.) Manager, Health & Science Communications, Hackettstown, NJ

Mars, Incorporated is a family owned company that produces some of the

worlds leading confectionery, food and pet care products and has growing

beverage and health & nutrition businesses.

Responsibilities: Develop programs and execute strategy for individual

scientific and nutrition communication projects to support the Snack,

Food and Pet business units, and will provide support for the Directors

corporate health and science programs. Manage agencies and consultants

to execute tactics. Organize and manages exhibition program at health

professional annual meetings, including building and maintaining booth,

managing exhibit company, organize presence, select and order materials

and product samples, identifies and suggests speaking opportunities and

sponsorships to enhance our leadership presence. Serve as media

spokesperson on a limited number of health & nutrition topics, and serve

as a nutrition & health expert presenting at health professional

meetings. Actively participate as a member of key industry association

committees related to health & nutrition topics. Communicate nutrition &

health information to internal audiences including Sales associates.

Serve as principal interface with Consumer Care relative to nutrition

and health inquiries, and review and update information for consumer

response. Work closely with other Corporate Affairs team including

Public Relations, Public Affairs, Corporate Communications and Internal

Communications to implement projects.

Knowledge and Skills: Demonstrated success in developing nutrition

communications programs, existing relationships with nutrition

professionals and media, ability to work collaboratively on a team of

people including agency personnel and/or consultants. Organized and can

work in a high-pressure environment, managing multiple projects, being

able to dovetail high priority projects. Assertive, can sell ideas and

professionally represent the company; good public speaker. Can translate

scientific studies to health professional and consumer level

communications. Excellent verbal and written skills, good familiarity

with public relations tactics, demonstrated expertise with public

relations tactics and event management.

Education: Nutrition, public health or food science background in

combination with a Journalism or communications degree preferred; will

consider significant communications/public relations experience to

substitute for Journalism degree/coursework.

Experience: Minimum 5-7 years experience in public relations/media,

with a background in health & nutrition issues within the food industry,

public health, industry association or government agency.

Relocation package available if qualified.

Contact: Paul Tocco at

40.) Public Relations Specialist, Health Advocate, Plymouth Meeting, PA

Health Advocate is seeking a public relations specialist to join their

growing marketing team. This new position will be responsible for

reaching out to key media outlets to expand awareness of Health Advocate

and to introduce its new consumer division, Health Proponent.

Health Advocate is the nations leading healthcare advocacy company.

Headquartered in Plymouth Meeting, PA, with field sales offices around

the country, Health Advocate currently serves more than 12 million

Americans nation-wide through relationships with 3,800+ employers,

unions, third-party administrators and insurers, including some of the

nations largest companies as well as a wide range of local and regional


Job Description

– Proactively reach out to key media outlets to introduce Health

Advocate/Health Proponents unique story

– Develop and maintain relationships with the media

– Developing media relations materials, including press releases, pitch

letters, articles and press kits

– Fields media inquiries and directs interview requests to appropriate

staff members

– Track trends and identify opportunities to receive media coverage.


– 3-5 years media relations experience

– Bachelors Degree

– Strong communication skills

– Proven writing skills with ability to develop a wide range of

communications: such as press releases, news articles and briefing


– Strong relationship building/networking skills

– Proactive and self motivated

– PC skills a must, with a proficiency in Microsoft Office – Word,

Excel, PowerPoint, Access

Salary and Benefits: Health Advocate offers a competitive benefits

package including health and wellness benefits, 401k plan as well as

opportunities for career growth and development.

EEO Statement: Health Advocate is an equal opportunity employer.

Contact: Email resumes to:

41.) Sr. Marketing Communications Specialist, ELISE communications, Philadelphia, PA

ELISE communications, a Philadelphia-based public relations agency, is

seeking to fill an account manager position.

We are looking for a candidate with 2-5 years of industry experience.

Candidates must have a college degree and excellent communications

skills including verbal and written. Candidate must be detail-oriented.

In addition, applicants should demonstrate proven project management

skills and client experience.

Job responsibilities include: Research, writing and client development

activities. Specifically, the staff member will manage the development

of media lists; write and distribute media alerts, press releases and

associated marketing collateral; pitch stories to local, regional and

national media outlets; help create media measurement reports; seek out

new opportunities to promote clients and execute project-based work.

This staff member must also contribute to the development of annual

marketing and PR plans for ELISE clients.

About ELISE: ELISE offers marketing strategy and media relations

services and works with clients focused on socially-minded businesses

and innovative products. For more information, please visit .

Salary will be commensurate with experience. ELISE offers healthcare

benefits and paid vacation.


42.) Communications Adviser, National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges, Wellington, New Zealand

This is your opportunity to take on a critical and stimulating

communications role at the National Collective of Independent Women's

Refuges (NCIWR).

The National Office is based in Wellington and is the umbrella

organisation for 50 Refuges throughout the country.

The Communications Adviser is a key member of the team, working directly

to the Chief Executive.

You will be responsible for ensuring our messages are communicated

effectively both internally and externally. You will have experience in

the media and a demonstrated ability to work with a range of


Your written and oral skills will be outstanding and you will be able to

work well under pressure.

Any understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence would be an

advantage, along with a sound knowledge of the political environment

that we operate in.

In return, we will provide you with a competitive remuneration package,

the opportunity to work flexible hours and a healthy working


As an EEO employer we welcome applications from all suitably qualified

people. So don't hesitate!

For a copy of the job description and application pack please contact or phone Janet Symonds 04-801-2704.

Applications can be posted or emailed to:

Janet Symonds

National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges Inc PO Box 11-074



Applications close 5pm, 18 August 2008.

*** From Christopher Nichols:

Dear Sirs:

Please post the following job to your website.

Thank you,

43.) SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Boston, MA

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company is a leading educational publisher in the US. Our programs and services are dedicated to assisting today's educators in defining the school classrooms of the 21st century. Through our programs, we help stimulate students’ intellectual and creative growth, whatever their background. For more information about Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, please visit our website at

The Senior Communications Associate plays an integral role in the development of Company-wide communications initiatives. He/she is responsible for working closely with internal stakeholders to deliver effective communications across various channels, including e-mail, print, web, and the media. Working within a small, but agile Communications team, the Senior Associate must be able to handle multiple projects, oftentimes within a short timeframe, all while developing strong client service relationships and delivering thoughtful and creative work.


• Work directly with Manager of Communications to coordinate, develop, and support a wide variety of communications activities. Provide writing, copyediting, and proofreading support for all communications deliverables, including company-wide initiatives, press releases, web content, and corporate announcements.

• Serve as editor of company-wide employee newsletter by managing the overall schedule and publication process; conducting interviews; writing, copyediting, and proofreading articles; and ensuring technical delivery.

• Develop strong knowledge of K–12 educational publishing industry and work across various departments and business units to service internal clients effectively.

• Coordinate broadcast e-mail messaging and maintain related corporate policy and procedures.

• Oversee departmental mail databases and respond to internal and external customer inquiries.


• Exceptional written and oral communications skills

• Good working knowledge of the Chicago Manual of Style and AP Stylebook

• Strong project management and client service skills

• Ability to work effectively in a team environment and collaborate with a variety of

functional groups

• Must be well organized, with a high attention to detail

• Demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft Office

• Familiarity with HTML, web production, and Adobe Photoshop

• Bachelor's degree in Journalism, English, Communications, or Marketing

• Minimum 3–5 years of professional work experience, with at least 2 years in communications, marketing, or related field

Salary $35,000 plus benefits (medical, dental, vision, 401K, vacation and other time off and more)

Please apply to :

44.) Audiovisual Communications Officer , The Global Fund, Geneva, Switzerland

*** From Scott Fuhr:

Hi Ned,

We just started advertising for a senior writer position in our corporate communications department in Philadelphia. If you have room in your issue next week, could you kindly include it?

Thanks so much,

Scott Fuhr


45.) Senior Writer, Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), Philadelphia, PA

Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) is the largest business-to-business media organization serving the promotional products industry, providing award-winning publishing, marketing and e-commerce services to over 25,000 members in North America. We produce catalogs, directories, newsletters, magazines, web sites, databases and cutting-edge interactive business tools.

Awarded one of the 'Best Places to Work' by the Philadelphia Business Journal, ASI offers exceptional benefits and programs for our employees. We also utilize the latest technologies, while maintaining a family-friendly environment for nearly 400 employees in Philadelphia. We offer on-site day care, café, dry cleaning services, and more. Visit us at

We are currently seeking a senior writer for the corporate communications department. The senior writer will provide writing services for senior management, other internal clients and for external communications.

The candidate should possess 3-5 years of progressive writing experience, with a particular focus on drafting, editing and composing press releases. Additional responsibilities include writing for blogs, human resources communications, speeches and event and video scripts. Some trade show travel is possible, up to 10%.

**Three writing samples of press releases must be submitted at time of application.


– Bachelors degree, with a concentration in journalism, writing or marketing.

– Intensive writing experience at a B2B company, publication or agency.

– Comfortable interfacing with senior leaders and drafting speeches.

– Excellent editing and proofreading abilities.

– Must be comfortable with concept development.

– Demonstrates initiative.

– Should have a thorough knowledge of MS Office.

– Knowledge of basic HTML, digital photo editing, Adobe Photoshop or other imaging software.


– Journalism background or editorial experience at a newspaper, magazine or other publication.

– Experience writing for a corporate communications department or public relations practice.

ASI offers a comprehensive benefits package, including: medical, dental, 401(k), profit sharing, seven paid holidays, paid time off (PTO) and much more. Visit our company career web site at Email your resume and three writing samples of press releases, to Miranda Filer, employment manager, at Or, fax to 215-942-8730. Take this opportunity to join our successful team! Apply today! EOE m/f/d/v.

46.) Senior Public Information Officer – Speech Writing and Internal Communications (P-5), World Food Programme, Rome, Italy

47.) Communications Project Officer, Temporary full-time, State

Council of Rural Lands Protection Boards, Orange, NSW

The State Council of Rural Lands Protection Boards, based in Orange, is

seeking a project officer with demonstrated writing skills for a

fast-paced internal communications position. The RLPB is embarking on a

series on exciting changes which will strengthen the organisation into

the future and the State Council seeks a highly motivated person with

exceptional time management skills to help communicate these changes.

The role involves coordinating and writing a range of quality documents

for a range of audiences, primarily internal. It also involves

coordinating events and activities to assist in the implementation of

communication initiatives.

The successful applicant will hold tertiary qualifications in

communications or a related discipline and have or two years experience

in a similar role. Exceptional attention to detail and an ability to

prepare quality written documents in plain English and to deadline are


To obtain an information package please contact Stephanie Huysmans on


Applicants must address the selection criteria listed in the information

package. Applications should be marked confidential to the attention of

the CEO, Locked Bag 21, Orange NSW 2800 and must be received by Monday

18 August 2008.

48.) Communication Specialist, Flatiron, Longmont, CO

*** From Rodger Mansfield:

We would appreciate it if you would include our job opening in your next newsletter. – Rodger

Rodger Mansfield

Director, Administration

National Corn Growers Association

49.) Communications Manager, National Corn Growers Association, Washington D.C.

National agricultural trade association seeks Communications Manager based in Washington D.C. Successful candidate is highly motivated, holds a Bachelor’s degree or higher in journalism, communications or related area, and has a minimum of 5 years experience in public & govt. relations and Capitol Hill experience. Must function well independently and in fast-paced environment. Full benefits and compensation package. Non-smoking environment. Send resume & salary history by August 22, 2008 to:

National Corn Growers Association, Attn: HR, 632 Cepi Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63005, email: hr@ncga.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it or FAX: 636-733-9005. EOE

*** From Bruce Cole:

This might put a cramp in your current style, but I wanted to be sure

you knew about this opportunity. — Bruce.

A new vacancy listing for the Director, Defense Media Activity position


been posted on the USAJOBS website.

50.) Director, Defense Media Activity, Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA

SALARY RANGE: 114,468.00 – 172,200.00 USD per year This is a Tier 3

position with a salary range from $114,468 to $172,200.

OPEN PERIOD: Friday, July 25, 2008 to Monday, September 08, 2008 SERIES



DUTY LOCATIONS: 1 vacancy – Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA

WHO MAY BE CONSIDERED: Applications will be accepted from all groups

of qualified individuals. (you must be a U.S. citizen).

Please pass the link along to those you think may be interested in

applying for the position.


51.) Journalism & Research, Afromedi@net, Seyssel, France

*** From Vicki Winger Shrewsbury:

I would like to submit the following position to be posted in your next issue:

52.) Director, Communications, ITT Night Vision, Roanoke, VA

ITT Night Vision, a value center of ITT Corporation's $6 billion global defense group, is seeking a Director of Communications to lead all public relations, employee communications and marketing communications activities. As a member of ITT Night Vision's leadership team, s/he will report to the value center president, will lead a team of communications professionals in two locations and will be responsible for developing and executing long-range and annual communications plans that help the business meet its objectives. Experience in leading a team and in a wide range of disciplines, including public relations, advertising, issues management, special events, electronic media and employee communications, is mandatory to meet the demands of this multi-faceted leadership role. Req Number: 08-063.

Experience Requirements:

The candidate should have a bachelor's degree in a related field and have at least 10 years of public relations/marketing experience. Candidates must be US citizens and be able to obtain a DOD Secret security clearance.

Thank you,

Vicki Shrewsbury

Vicki Winger Shrewsbury

Recruiting Specialist

ITT Night Vision

7635 Plantation Road

Roanoke, Virginia 24019

Direct Dial: (540) 561-9749

Cell: (540) 521-3024

53.) Communication Assistant, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Brussels, Belgium

Closing Date – 18 Aug 2008

*** From Andrea Holmes:

PAID INTERNSHIPS, GYMR Public Relations, Washington, DC


GYMR is an award-winning communications firm specializing in healthcare and social issues. Our clients include many of the nation's most respected associations, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, philanthropic organizations and health initiatives. We create award-winning campaigns to educate key audiences on important health issues. Visit to learn more.

Fall '08 Internship Description

GYMR Public Relations in Washington, DC is looking for paid, full-time interns for Fall 2008. Interns work closely with account teams and participate in a variety of client-related activities. Responsibilities may include preparing targeted media lists, conducting research, assisting in partnership development, monitoring issues in the national media, participating in brainstorms and providing administrative support, as needed. GYMR interns gain valuable media relations; partnership building and health policy experience and often contribute to and provide support for national campaign launch events, and press conferences. Applications will be accepted until August 22, 2008.


• Exceptional organizational and time management skills, attention to detail

• Ability to juggle multiple assignments

• Proficiency in Lexis-Nexis, Factiva, and other online searchable databases

• Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint

• Excellent verbal and writing skills – a writing test will be administered at the time of the interview

• Strong interpersonal skills

• College degree (or near completion) in communications or related field preferred.


• The position is full time – 40 hours a week at $12/hour; $480 a week. Unpaid leave for vacations, appointments, etc. can be arranged.

• September 2, 2008 through December 24, 2008. Start and end dates are somewhat flexible. Business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Send resume to:

Tamara Parr

GYMR Public Relations

1825 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 300

Washington, DC 20009

P: 202-745-5100

F: 202-234-6159


55.) Communication Officer, MSF, Brussels Belgium

*** From Scott Gulbransen:

Please add…thanks very much. Looking for someone with a lot of social/online media experience.



Scott Gulbransen

Sr. Manager, Public Relations

7535 Torrey Santa Fe Road

San Diego, CA 92129

(858) 430-3941 – eFax

56.) Online Public Relations & Communications Manager, Quicken Online Division, Intuit Inc., San Diego, California

Primary Responsibilities: Handles day-to-day communications activities to advance the Quicken Online brand and products aimed at customer acquisition. This will include direct management of media relations, public relations, social media interaction and others as identified.

Qualifications: Must have demonstrated ability to perform independently; 4-6 years experience in a start-up or small agency or corporate environment.

Must be deeply ingrained in online/social media platforms with experience interacting with customers and influencers online. Must be highly collaborative with experience working cross-functionally.

Has to posses outstanding written and verbal communications skills with experience in consumer packaged goods and online services.

Please visit to apply.

57.) Intern in the Public Information Unit of the UNHCR Office, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Vienna, Austria

58.) Associate Director/Director, Corporate Communications (EGC), Eisai , Ridgefield Park, NJ

59.) Director of New Media, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C.

*** From Susan Clizbe:

Hey Ned –

I hope all is well up yonder, always fun down here.


Susan Clizbe

Communications Manager

North Carolina State Ports Authority

P.O. Box 9002

Wilmington, NC 28402

Tel: (910) 343-6482

Mobile: (910) 367-3559

Fax: (910) 343-6225

60.) Program Manager, North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation, Raleigh, N.C

Established statewide non-profit in Raleigh, N.C. is seeking qualified

applicants for a new created Program Manager position. Full-time

position reports to the Director of Programs.

We’re looking for a creative writer who can manage a budget and staff. A

team leader and a team player. A person with vision who can also get the

job done. Some travel in N.C. required.


* Develop and manage scope of work and budget for educational

campaigns and other projects

* Supervise program coordinators and program assistant

* Convene project teams

* Represent the agency at meetings, conferences, exhibits

* Develop new women’s health initiative and convene advisory group

* Write/edit educational materials and messages

* Manage design for print materials

* Develop Web-based tool kits for community education

* Develop media scripts and storyboards

* Enhance usefulness and content of agency Web site

* Assure Web content is updated


* Masters degree in communications, marketing or related field

* Experience with social marketing a must

* Minimum of 5 years experience in an upper-level position

* Supervisory, planning, evaluation and budget management experience

* Experience working with racial/ethnic communities

* Knowledge of Web-based communications, on-line education and

training a plus

* Familiarity with women’s health issues preferred

* Bilingual (English/Spanish) a plus

*Compensation:* up to mid-fifties a year with full benefits.

*Send resume by August 29, 2008 to:


* (Write PROGRAM MANAGER in the subject line)

North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation

1300 St. Mary’s St., Suite 204

Raleigh, NC 27605

Fax: 919-828-1446

61.) Communications Manager, North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation, Raleigh, N.C

Established, statewide non-profit agency in Raleigh, N.C. seeks

qualified candidates for a new position to coordinate statewide

communications and information activities. Full-time position reports to

the Director of Programs.

We’re looking for someone who can do a lot … and do it well. A strong,

creative writer who can manage a budget. A knit-picky editor with media

buying know-how. A team leader and a team player. Some statewide travel



* Develop and manage annual scope of work and budget for agency

communications, information and education activities

• Supervise Webmaster, distribution/shipping staff and communications


• Guarantee communications/graphic standards

• Serve as in-house editor

• Consult with program staff to reach their communication objectives

• Write annual report, fact sheets, tool kits, press releases,

electronic newsletters and Web pages

• Place media and coordinate media buys

• Supervise radio, television and video production


* Masters degree in communications, marketing or related field;

knowledge of social marketing a must

* Minimum of 5 years experience in an upper-level position with

supervisory and budget management experience

* Experience with web-based communications, web design, on-line

education and use of new technology

* Familiarity with health issues and racial/ethnic communities preferred

* Bilingual (English/Spanish) a plus

*Compensation:* up to mid-fifties a year with full benefits

*Send resume and writing sample by August 29, 2008 to: *

North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation

1300 St. Mary’s St., Suite 204

Raleigh, NC 27605

Fax: 919-828-1446

62.) Regional and National Media Relations Coordinator, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC

* The desired recruitment range for this position is: $43,769 – $53,496. This position is being recruited at the Journey Level. If no applicants apply who meet the required competency and training & experience requirements, then management may consider other applicants. Salary would be determined based on competencies, equity, budget, and market considerations.

Experience as a news reporter or editor.

Experience working in higher education.

Experience and demonstrated success in regional and national media placement.

63.) Morning Host/Announcer, WUWF-FM, Pensacola, Florida

64.) Research and Communications Intern, International Rescue Committee, Sierra Leone

Closing Date – 31 Aug 2008

65.) Public Policy & Communications Coordinator, Solid Ground, Seattle, Washington

66.) Director, Corporate Communications, Lime Wire, New York, NY

*** From John Woodhouse, APR:

67.) Development & External Affairs, Robert F. Kennedy Children's Action

Corp., Boston, MA

Required Experience:

Ideal candidates will have 10 years of successful experience in

fundraising with knowledge of public relations, marketing and

communications. This person must have persuasive written and verbal

skills, strong interpersonal, organizational skills and the demonstrated

ability to supervise staff and manage a department of at least five.

Strategic thinker and planner with demonstrated ability to be a team

leader and team player.

Duties / Expectations:

This position will oversee all agency fundraising, public relations,

marketing and communications efforts, including capital campaign with

$3.5 million goal, annual fund, foundation and corporate grants, majaor

gifts and special events with an overall fundraising goal of $4.5

million. This requires a commitment to the Agency's brand, ensuring

consistent messages and communications. Responsible for all agency

publications, annual report, external newsletter, etc. This position

will help develop and manage the Department's budget.

Primary Skill


Critical Skills


Event Planning

Fund Raising


Staff Team Supervision

Volunteer Dev/Mgmt

Over $100,000 Salary Negotiable Outside Range


To respond to this posting, use any of the following methods:


Fax: 617-227-2069

U.S. Mail:

Irene Yachminski Executive Assistant 11 Beacon Street Ste 200 Boston, MA

02108 Organization Website:


68.) Special Events & Communications Manager, Alexandria Red Cross, Alexandria, Virginia

*** From Betsy Glick:

I thought JOTW readers might be interested in this interesting Marcomm position at a DC area nonprofit. A former colleague sent it to me, and asked me to pass it along.


Betsy Glick

Glick Communications Strategies

69.) Marketing and Communications Manager, Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF), Silver Spring, MD.

Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF) is a national membership organization representing funders of programs for children, youth, and families. It serves as a forum for the nation’s foundations to develop collaborative grantmaking strategies, share information about effective programs, stay abreast of public policy developments, and encourage dialogue with national leaders in a range of fields. The organization involves over 400 family, corporate, private, and public foundations; public charities; and individuals of wealth just beginning their philanthropic activities.

GCYF seeks to fill a newly created position: Marketing and Communications Manager. The person will work cooperatively with GCYF’s Executive Director and Program Staff to create and implement a strategic communications plan to raise the visibility of the organization within the philanthropic community. The ideal candidate will pay meticulous attention to detail and demonstrate the capacity to work independently and as an important part of our small staff.

GCYF is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified ethnic, racial, and cultural minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

Major Responsibilities:

GCYF’s strategic communications goals include: enhancing the visibility of our programs, services, and role within philanthropy; increasing awareness of the unique challenges of vulnerable CYF populations (i.e., children of the incarcerated, immigrant children and youth, and African American males); generating positive media coverage for GCYF in the philanthropic trade press; and increasing the awareness and involvement of a broader network of CYF focused foundations in GCYF.


1. Responsible for editorial content of GCYF website and all other GCYF publications and

external communications (i.e., Insights) as needed.

2. Lead website re-design/upgrade in 2008-2009.

3. Draft press releases, oversee distribution, and works on placement. Also fields all news

media inquiries and tracks coverage of GCYF activities.

4. Oversee development and production of the GCYF Annual Report.

5. Manage donor relations (i.e., creating thank you letters and Member Kits for new and

renewing members).


1. Develops, implements, and evaluates dissemination strategy, in collaboration with the

Program staff, to ensure that GCYF products are disseminated effectively.

2. Works with Administrative staff to develop and maintain mailing lists for members,

colleague organizations, news media, the policy community, and other key audiences.

3. Maintains working relationship with graphic design and print consultants.

Media and External Relations

1. Develops and maintains relationships with philanthropic trade press including The

Chronicle of Philanthropy and Foundation News & Commentary.

2. Works with other organizations in the public and private children, youth, and family

community to advance GCYF’s communications goals and needs.

This is a 12-month grant-funded position with strong possibilities for an extension beyond initial grant period.


A minimum of 5-7 years experience in communications is required. Knowledge and work

experience in children, youth, and family issues is highly desirable. The most qualified

candidate will also have experience working with private foundations, public charities, and corporate giving programs. Finally, he/she will be a creative and strategic thinker and be a willing participant in ongoing efforts to strengthen GCYF and our progress towards the organization’s strategic objectives.

Skills and Experience:

• Experienced in project management and supervising interns and junior staff.

• Demonstrated capacity managing multiple projects/deliverables simultaneously.

• Strong writing and editorial skills with keen attention to detail.

• Exceptional computer skills; including proficiency in a content/contact management software program (i.e., FileMaker Pro or iMIS) and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, and Explorer). Proficiency in updating web pages, posting text, and documents, etc.

• Outstanding written and verbal communication skills.

• Capacity to work cooperatively with staff and members.

• Efficient, accurate, and organized; able to prioritize work and meet deadlines.

Reports To: The Executive Director

Compensation: Commensurate with the candidate’s experience and education. Excellent

benefits package.

Application Procedure: BY SEPTEMBER 1, 2008, please submit: 1) cover letter describing your skills and experience and salary requirement; 2) resume; and 3) writing sample to:

Marketing and Communications Manager Search, Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, 8757 Georgia Avenue, Suite 540, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Fax: 301-589-4289 or E-Mail: NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

My colleague passed along another opening as well. Thank you.


Betsy Glick

Glick Communications Strategies

70.) Program Associate, Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families (GCYF), Silver Spring, MD

Program Associate Position Description

Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families (GCYF) is a national membership organization representing funders of programs for children, youth, and families. It serves as a forum for the nation's foundations focused on children to develop collaborative grantmaking strategies, share information about effective programs, stay abreast of public policy developments, and dialogue with national leaders in a range of fields. The organization involves over 400 family, corporate, private, and public foundations.

GCYF is looking for a Program Associate with a background in children's issues, excellent organizational and writing skills, and meticulous attention to detail who will support the organization's programming. GCYF is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified ethnic, racial, and cultural minority candidates are encouraged

to apply.

Major Responsibilities:

• Assist the planning and implementation of GCYF's Learning Circles, Conference Calls, and other special meetings and reports, as assigned.

• Draft articles and reports for GCYF publications; including Just the Facts-monthly electronic news bulletin and Insight.

• Manage the GCYF's website.

• Assist with membership development and outreach tasks.

• Provide resource and referral services to members on an as-requested basis.

Characteristics Desired in the Program Associate

1. Organizational Skills: Capacity to effectively and efficiently manage the numerous small and large tasks

associated with providing GCYF membership services.

2. Writing/Editing Skills: The Program Associate will be responsible for writing and editing a variety of materials such as reports, promotional materials and newsletters.

3. Computer Skills: Microsoft Office, including Word, Access, Excel, Internet Explorer, and PowerPoint.

4. Collaboration/Interpersonal Skills: Capacity to work cooperatively with the staff of other organizations, and the personal skills to be responsive to a diverse membership, and to connect members and with each other and with other resources.

5. Interest in Children's Issues: Specifically the service systems and policies affecting the well-being of children, youth, and families.

Reports To: Executive Director.

Compensation: Mid 40s to low 50s; commensurate with the candidate's experience and education.

Excellent benefit package.

Application Procedure: Please submit by September 2, 2008: 1) Cover letter describing your skills and experience relative to the characteristics listed above, 2) Resume; and, 3) A brief (≤5 pages) writing sample.

Send Your Materials To: Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, c/o Program Assistant, 8757 Georgia Avenue, Suite 540, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Fax: 301-589-4289 or E-Mail: NO


71.) Corporate Communications Manager, Christiana Care Health Systems, Wilmington, DE

72.) Science Writer, Yeshiva University, New York City, NY

73.) Station Manager, KABF-FM, Little Rock, Arkansas

74,) Press and Communications Manager, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, New York, New York

75.) Media Communications Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Los Angeles, Torrance, CA


*** From Terri Johnson:

77.) Communication Specialist, Young People¹s Chorus of New York City, NY, NY

(Upper East Side)

The Young People¹s Chorus of New York City (YPC) is a world renowned and

award winning choir specializing in after-school music education program for

young people in New York City¹s five boroughs. YPC¹s mission is to provide

children of diverse backgrounds with a creative outlet that encourages

personal growth and artistic expression.

Position Overview

YPC has been extremely successful, well received and has grown

significantly. The organization has an immediate requirement for a

Communications Specialist that will be a primary driver for external and

internal communications. This candidate will handle and supervise all

communications- related activities for YPC which can include but is not

limited to designing and distributing promotional brochures, post cards

pamphlets, marketing and training materials, newsletters, websites and

E-bulletins; monitoring media, resource and communications archives;

facilitating the company¹s internal surveys and developing internal

messaging on behalf the Artistic Director. The Communications Specialist

will also be responsible for editing and proofreading copy while assuring

editorial standards, and must be fluent in AP style writing. This position

has an opportunity for managerial growth.

General Position Responsibilities

Operational Specifics:

* Create selected marketing materials using in-house desktop publishing


* Update YPC's website, including content development, maintenance of

bulletin boards, etc.

* Assist in media planning, promotion, image branding, creating direct mail

promotions and special campaigns.

* Gather information from fan community and give advise/feedback to the YPC


* Conduct market research and convert information into intelligence as


* Contribute towards the development of marketing plans that position YPC as

a leader in the after-school music education program.

* Copywriting, revision and proofreading

* Manage relationships with outside PR agency.

Qualifications/ Requirements:


* Candidate must have a Bachelors degree in Communications

* A minimum of 2 to 5 years marketing experience is required

Required Skills:

* At least 2 years Communications experience

* Bachelor's Degree in Communications and / or English

* Strong understanding of enhanced graphic design skills utilizing desktop

publishing programs: Adobe Creative Suite, In Design, Photoshop and


* Expert in encouraging communication within social media applications

(forums, blogs, etc.)

* Proven superb verbal, interview, and written communication skills

* Ability to think, plan and execute resourcefully, with minimal


* Outstanding planning and communications skills, result focused

* Strong writing and editing skills.

* Strong computer skills: Microsoft Suite Word, Outlook, Excel, Access,

PowerPoint & internet savvy a must

Core Competency Requirements

* Solid integrity and devotion to team efforts

* Ability to multi task and exceptional organizational skills

* Pro-active approach, flexibility, and positive attitude extremely


* Ability to learn new procedures on the job without formal training

* Excellent interpersonal skills and attention to detail required.

* Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and quality expectations,

willingness to push limits of existing abilities of the department to meet

changing needs

* Ability to work calmly within a high-pressure and fast-paced environment


The YPC offers an attractive compensation package, which includes a

competitive salary and an excellent benefit package.

Position: Communication Specialist (Req. ID# 008-07-01)

Status: Full time

Work Experience: 2-5 years experience in a fast-paced marketing team

Career Level: Experienced (non-manager) level

To Apply:

Please send your cover letter, writing samples and resume to:

Careers at YPC

The Young People¹s Chorus of New York City

1395 Lexington Avenue

New York, NY 10128

For additional information on the YPC organization visit:

This is at a non-profit organization.

78.) Director of Development and Communications, Wende Museum, Los Angeles, California

79.) Afternoon Announcer Sought, WINN, Columbus, IN

80.) Corporate Communications Manager, RMT, Madison, WI

81.) Senior Marketing Communication Specialist, UnitedHealth Group, Edina, MN

*** From Katy Murphy:

Please post in next Monday's issue and let me know if there is anything else you need. Thanks!

Katy Murphy

Assistant Vice President

Executive Recruiting


127 Public Square

Cleveland, OH 44114

Fax: 216.357.6281

Our most valuable assets are people just like you.

Join us at Key.


Cleveland-based KeyCorp is one of the nation's largest bank-based financial services companies, with assets of approximately $100 billion. Key companies provide investment management, retail and commercial banking, consumer finance and investment banking products and services to individuals and companies throughout the United States and, for certain businesses, internationally.

Currently, KeyBank has an opportunity in Cleveland, Ohio for an experienced Senior Manager, Internal Communications to join the team.

Your responsibilities will include:

– Setting and guiding the strategy for our internal communications program

– Managing the Internal Communications team

– Developing integrated internal communications plans

– Counseling executive and senior-level managers on achieving their business objectives through internal communications

– Producing written content via internal newsletter, video, email, broadcast voicemail and other media to achieve desired communications goals

– Providing leadership of, and support for, the organization-wide effort to enhance the Key reputation

Qualifications for this position include:

– Extensive experience in the field of internal communications

– The ability to manage freelance and contract workers

– Excellent editorial writing ability

– Master’s degree in business, with significant coursework in communications (preferred)

– Experience in the financial services industry (preferred)

– Experience in management consulting (preferred)

Life at Key is exciting, challenging, and rewarding. Just as we help our customers reach their financial goals, we’re committed to helping you achieve your personal and professional goals. We offer competitive compensation and comprehensive benefits that will help you fulfill a healthy work/life balance.

For more information about KeyBank and to complete an online application and submit your resume, go to Be sure to reference position number: PS236699.

KeyCorp is an equal opportunity employer M/F/D/V. We’re proud to be one of DiversityInc magazine’s “Top 50 Companies for Diversity” in 2008.

*** From Allison Collins:


This is a current opening…

PALADIN staffs the marketing, advertising, PR, media, communications and creative industries providing both temporary staffing solutions and direct-hire recruitment services to leading corporations and agencies nationally —

83.) Senior Media Relations Specialist, leading biomedical research and treatment center, Los Angeles, CA

Our client, a leading biomedical research and treatment center for cancer and other life-threatening diseases, is seeking a senior media relations specialist to support the organization’s Development and fundraising initiatives.

The position reports to the Senior Director of Public Relations and is responsible for national, regional and local media relations. Responsibilities include cultivating consumer and trade reporters, developing press materials and messaging, conducting media outreach, writing and executing targeted public relations plans and providing strategic counsel on public relations issues.

This position supports the Development side of the house, so PR for events, cause marketing partnerships, major gifts and foundations. There will be a little bit of spillover and integration with the campus media team but the position is really dedicated to company’s fundraising campaigns.

Additional Responsibilities:

þ Support company’s clinical, research and fundraising goals through the development and implementation of targeted PR strategies and plans

þ Conduct proactive media outreach to national and regional consumer media, trade publications

þ Respond to media inquiries

þ Provide on-site support at press conferences, events

þ Develop; edit press releases and related PR materials

þ Media train appropriate spokespersons

þ Develop stories for publications and the Web


þ Minimum 5 years related media or public relations experience

þ Established relationships with national, regional news media

þ Solid verbal, written and communication skills

þ Experience managing multiple accounts and client interaction

þ Ability to multi-task and adapt in a fast-paced environment

þ Understanding of health care, nonprofit industries

The ideal candidate does not need nonprofit or healthcare experience. We are interested in someone with solid media relations experience (both national and local) who is experienced juggling a lot of projects at one time. Agency experience is helpful. The ideal candidate should also have experience in bringing together different divisions of an organization together for projects – i.e, knowing how to fold in legal or finance or marketing, building consensus with those groups and accomplishing the task.

If you are qualified and interested, please send a WORD copy of your resume, a brief summary of your related experience, along with writing samples and your salary history to No phone calls please.

Allison Collins



Marketing Creative Communications |

Office: 310.442.0134 | Fax: 866.858.2538

84.) Script Editor, Howcast Media, Inc. , New York, NY

*** From Adam Sidel:

Hi Ned.

I have included an announcement below re: a position I am currently looking to fill. I would greatly appreciate it if you could post the announcement to the JOTW listserv.


-Adam Sidel

85.) FRONT END WEB DEVELOPER, software development firm, Washington, DC


Brainstorm Creative Resources ( is supporting a Washington, DC-based software development firm that is seeking a Front End Web Developer.

In its official recruiting announcement, this firm asks: “Do you have a passion for producing efficient code and can communicate and work well with others in a fast-paced, politically liberal, software product environment?”

If this sounds like the job for you, please review the details immediately below and then inquire online with Brainstorm Creative Resources, by following the directions included at the bottom of this job announcement.


You will be this firm’s presentation layer guru, collaborating with their User Experience Designer, Product Managers and Software Engineers to build a rich internet application for our suite of web products.

Core competencies should include:

* Deep understanding of XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

* Experience implementing AJAX or existing AJAX libraries/frameworks.

* Strong command of cross-browser development techniques, browser degradation strategies, page/CSS/JavaScript optimization.

* Attention to detail, ability to collaborate and communicate clearly, and the willingness to offer alternative opinions.

* Ability to perform against demanding agile/iterative deadlines.

Bonus Points:

* Experience integrating server-side logic (ASP.NET Controls, Classic ASP) into markup, and vice-versa.

* Experience creating UI for distributed applications with high scalability requirements.


* BS/BA, related field preferred.

* 4+ years web development experience, preferably in a fast-paced, professional web application/product environment.


Commensurate with experience and market requirements. A broad range, defined by Brainstorm Creative Resources, is: $55,000 – $100,000. This salary range encompasses possible salaries for candidates at the junior-, mid-, and senior levels, who bring to the table varying previous experience with the responsibilities and technologies outlined above.


This employer is located in downtown Washington, DC. The workplace is highly Metro accessible. Work hours will be roughly 9am-6pm.


Please follow these steps to apply:

1) Visit

2) Click the “Search” button in the “Job Search” section at the top of the “Apply Online” page.

3) All available opportunities will be listed. Please click on the appropriate position title.

4) Read the Employer Overview and complete Job Description.

5) Apply at the bottom of the page. During the application process please make sure to:

-> Complete your personal profile,

-> Provide answers to all short questionnaires provided,

-> Indicate your specific software application skills,

-> Upload a resume – as well as any other documents you consider relevant (ex: work

samples, cover letter, references).

Only candidates currently residing within a commutable distance of Washington, DC should apply. Applicants not currently living in Washington, DC, Maryland or Virginia, or who inquire without a cover letter, resume and/or work samples should not expect to receive a response.

Brainstorm Creative Resources and the hiring organization are EEO employers.

86.) Director, Online Communications/Webmaster, BMI, New York, NY

*** From Sandra Barros:

Good morning,

Please post the following job listing on your next issue (Monday morning – 8/11/08) and on

Manager, Media Relations – (based in the Washington, DC Office)

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Sandra Barros

Assistant, Human Resources

Human Resources

American Lung Association

61 Broadway, 6th Floor

New York, NY 10006

Fax: (212) 315-8872

87.) Manager, Media Relations, American Lung Association, Washington, DC

Job # 0708-25

The National Headquarters of the American Lung Association is seeking a Manager, Media Relations. Manage the execution of media relations strategies for American Lung Association advocacy and policy change priorities, including some of the most important public health issues facing our nation: tobacco control, air pollution and lung disease. Build visibility around other mission-related activities such as life-saving research on the causes and treatments for diseases such as lung cancer, emphysema and asthma; and education programs such as asthma management and smoking cessation.


Manage media relations activity on American Lung Association advocacy and policy issues. Work proactively to secure coverage of the organization in print, online, radio and on television. Create media relations strategies and plans to advance advocacy and policy issues; manage media outreach calendar; collaborate with regional communicators to ensure coordinated nationwide press outreach. Write and edit media relations deliverables, including press releases, media alerts, fact sheets, position statements, and letters to the editor. Work closely with the National Policy & Advocacy Division to develop targeted communication deliverables in reaction to breaking news and/or opinion pieces. Manage relationships with spokespersons within the organization; book and schedule interviews; respond to press inquiries; and update key messages and talking points when appropriate. Respond to crisis communications needs with appropriate strategies and deliverables. Build and update media database; build targeted media lists and manage relationships with reporters that cover mission-related areas. Seek out and schedule media opportunities for senior leadership. Update and seek out new policy and advocacy content on the public and internal websites. Monitor daily news and disseminate it throughout the organization, prepare media coverage reports and analysis.


Bachelor’s degree with three to five years experience in related field. Writing and editing skills essential. Experience working with Congress or an advocacy organization is highly desirable. Ability to assimilate information from a variety of sources, analyze that information and recommend courses of action to be taken. Ability to plan, organize and effectively present ideas and concepts to groups. Ability to work under deadline pressure. Ability to multi-task, manage multiple deadlines, take initiative, research and understand business practices and processes. Ability to work successfully with senior leaders.


Please send/ e-mail letter of application and resume (indicating position title and/or job number) with salary requirements to:

Maria Vanegas-Zea

American Lung Association

61 Broadway, 6th Floor

New York, NY 10006



88.) Copywriter, Roundtable, Champaign, Illinois

89.) Marketing Director, Hazelden Foundation, Newberg, Oregon

90.) Spokesperson & Media Relations Manager, International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

is seeking a Spokesperson and Media Relations Manager to work in its

Communication and Publications Services, based in the Philippines. IRRI,

the oldest and largest international agricultural research institute in

Asia, has a staff of around 1,000 and representative offices in 14


Preferred candidates are persons at an early stage of their careers, who


1) at least 5 years of national experience looking to gain greater

experience in an international environment

2) knowledge of the latest developments in agricultural research and

issues related to such developments, and

3) understanding of the roles of the many different stakeholders

involved in international rice research and development.

This position, in general, is responsible for media relations, public

affairs, and leadership in further developing a communications policy

and strategy to guide IRRI in all its communication activities.

Complete details about this position and more about IRRI can be found at or contacting Selene

Ocampo at

91.) Technical Writer-Editor, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Department Of Health And Human Services, Hyattsville, MD

92.) Communication Specialist, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

Duties and Responsibilities of the Job:

This person will be responsible for generating story ideas and writing news releases, articles, online copy and/or media pitches that reinforce and elevate the university's academic reputation and other strategic priorities. The communication specialist will work with other members of the communication team on projects that include internal publications, an experts' directory, and communication initiatives for colleges and departments.

Duties and Responsibilities 1. Work with members of the communication team to utilize interactive media to support the university's overall marketing/communication priorities, including enrollment and fundraising.

2. Maintain regular beat contacts with members of the university community to identify newsworthy programs, activities and other developments.

3. Work closely with members of the interactive media team to update and expand Web content.

4. Develop collaborative social media strategies.

5. Identify, monitor and interact with blogs that correspond to university priorities.

6. Based on information developed on beats, write items for the Web, magazine and other communication vehicles as appropriate.

7. Provide communication counsel to university offices and departments, including assisting in the development of communication plans for major initiatives.

8. Edit and/or proofread the work of other members of the communication team.

Experience/Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in communication, marketing, journalism or other similar background. Candidate should have: three to five years of substantive public relations and/or media experience; significant experience with online media and ability to identify online media opportunities and effective online tactics; strong oral and written communication skills; ability to translate the needs of university clients into multiple communication formats, including print, broadcast, and interactive vehicles; proven ability to work in a team environment; and a demonstrated ability to handle multiple projects. Writing test required.

Marquette University has been educating people of faith to be leaders in their professional lives, their communities and in society for more than 120 years. Since the first graduating class of five men were awarded Bachelor of Arts degrees in the 1880s, Marquette has grown into a modern coed campus serving more than 11,000 students and delivering nationally admired undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. The university's Catholic, Jesuit tradition is reflected in these outstanding academic opportunities as well as in the university's active and committed partnership with the surrounding community

You must apply online through the careers site at: htt:// and refer to the posting number 0600675.

*** From Judi Spann, who got them from Shira Harrington:


I’m conducting 2 new communications searches – a Director of Communications ($120K) and a Manager of Marketing (upper $60s + 100% paid benefits and 30 days vacation). The full job announcements are below which you can forward to colleagues or post on any listservs. Thanks for referring any qualified candidates.

Please note: The Director position requires candidates with solid leadership and editorial management expertise. It is a unique role blending traditional communications knowledge with a strategic, visionary approach to directing a team of 6 writers and editors. Leadership and staff development skills will be strongly emphasized during the interview process.

Thanks in advance for any referrals.

p.s. Please remember to Link-In with me if you haven’t done so already:

Best regards,


Shira Harrington

Sr. Recruiting Consultant

Positions Inc.

919 Eighteenth St. #230

Washington, DC 20006

202-659-9270 (ph)

202-659-9245 (fax)

“A leading professional search firm in the DC metro area for more than 40 years”

93.) DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS, Nuclear Energy Institute (, Washington, DC

With a “greening” environment on the forefront of our national and global agendas, the need for advocating the importance of nuclear energy as a vital electricity source to policymakers has never been greater. The Nuclear Energy Institute ( is the leader in effectively communicating the benefits of building carbon-free nuclear power plants and promoting the safety of existing plants to members of Congress and Capitol Hill staff, policymakers, media outlets and NEI members.

As a mission-critical role, NEI is seeking its next Director of Communications, a seasoned communications leader who will direct, manage and inspire a team of six (6) writers and editors. Strategically partnering with the Vice President – Communications, the ideal candidate will bring to the table superior leadership and management skills along with an innovative and analytical approach to communications strategy and staff development. While the nuances of nuclear policy can be learned, the aforementioned leadership skills are paramount to success.


• Direct editorial and Web-based programs so that they define the organization’s corporate identity, promote its legislative and regulatory policy, and enhance member value.

• Shape editorial policy for editorial products and specialized printed materials: reports, strategic direction documents, booklets, brochures, source documents, policy briefs, fact sheets, testimony, legislative summaries and other materials. Provide focused weekly, monthly and quarterly strategy on issues covered in newsletters.

• Direct editorial staff, manage work flow, and identify training and development opportunities. Directly supervise two senior writers, three staff writers, Web project manager and editorial specialist. Manage coverage of some 40 issue areas by writers, ensuring continual coverage and updates on developments. Note: upon hire, will recruit for vacant Staff Writer opening.

• Assist in the shaping NEI’s branding strategy and manage relevant editorial products.

• Collaborate with Creative Services Department to shape editorial products.

• Manage development and maintenance of public and member Web sites.

• Serve as principal liaison with the Governmental Affairs Division to properly reflect policy

positions in editorial products.

• Streamline compendium of approximately 120 policy briefs, fact sheets, legislative summaries

and Web-based materials needed for outreach efforts by the membership, NEI and

external audiences.

• Oversee quality assurance for all editorial products.

• Identify, hire and direct contractors to support editorial, speechwriting services and

placement, and Web products, as needed.

• Represent NEI before member and industry organizations.


• Bachelor’s degree in English, journalism, communications or related field. Master’s degree preferred

• Minimum 15 years managing editorial programs, with demonstrated experience in staff development. Note: leadership and management skills will be highly emphasized during interview process

• Expertise in corporate and policy communications strategy, branding, planning and administration. Background in scientific or technical industries helpful, but not required.

• Ability to implement a strategic communications plan, including managing, shaping and coordinating multiple projects.

• Hands-on knowledge of editorial, design and Web development processes.

SALARY: $120,000 + solid benefits package


This is an exclusive search. Send cover letter, writing samples and resume to: Shira Harrington, Sr. Recruiting Consultant, Positions Inc. at with subject line: “Director of Communications”.

94.) MANAGER OF MARKETING, Security Industry Association (, Alexandria, VA

Blend your diverse marketing and communications skills into a fast-paced branding opportunity with the Security Industry Association (SIA), the leading association representing manufacturers of security products. In this creative role, you will be responsible for promoting SIA products, services and events around four core areas: government relations, standards, education and training, and international market research. Your marcom skills will be used to develop collateral pieces, content for the SIA website, advertisements, trade show booth materials, webinars and events. In addition, you will be responsible for managing external resources (i.e. event planner) and a creative services and graphic designer on a variety of strategic projects.



• Support SIA staff in development and implementation of comprehensive marketing plans for core area programming in order to engage members and drive “external” sales.

• Cultivate external relationships and potential channel partners in order to drive product sales and services for core areas.

• Support and partner with manager of marketing and member services on Interest Groups (IGs) activities and proactively develop marketing plans.

• Partner with creative staff member and other SIA staff to make sure all creative executions meet objectives and are consistent with SIA Brand.

Event Management & Promotion

• In collaboration with event planner, develop and manage Association events, meetings, trade shows and other venues and activities, including:

o ISC Expos, exhibits, meetings, etc.

o End-user event at ISC West

o SIA Board meetings

o Annual gala at ISC East


• Assist with development and management of SIA’s website and online strategies

• Help write and disseminate HTML emails and other member communication as needed.

• Support staff in editing, updating and maintaining website pages and content.


 Bachelors degree, preferably in marketing, communications, or creative services.

 Minimum six (6) years work experience in marketing and/or communications and advertising.

 Association experience preferable, Advertising/PR agency experience also desirable.

 Extremely strong interpersonal, written and oral communications skills necessary; manager must be able to win and retain the confidence and support of SIA staff and member companies.

 Competency in MS Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

 Knowledge of netFORUM (Avectra) database a major plus.

 Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines and budgets very important.

 Must be a team player, self-motivated, and able to work with limited supervision.

 Some travel required.

SALARY: upper $60s + outstanding benefits including 100% paid medical coverage for single and family, 30 days vacation, 401K match up to 6% and FREE parking


Email cover letter, resume and design samples to Shira Harrington, Sr. Recruiting Consultant, Positions Inc. at with subject line: “Manager of Marketing”

95.) DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS, Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay, FL

*** From Barry Piatoff:

Thank you.

Barry Piatoff, SVP, Peter Bell & Associates, LLC

96.) Public Relations/Media Relations Leader For Top Life Insurance Company, New York, NY

Our client is a leading, well-known, established life insurance company headquartered in downtown Manhattan. They are looking to add a public relations professional with a background of working at financial services or insurance companies, or having them as clients. This is a great opportunity to continue your corporate career or move from a public relations agency to a corporate position.

Identify media outlets for which the company’s story can be told to key constituents, identify and develop compelling story angels, develop and implement a strategic media relations program, cultivate mutually beneficial relations with key journalists, direct public relations efforts for corporate media relations efforts, serve as company spokesperson when appropriate, pitch stories to print and broadcast media, write clear and compelling copy for pitch letters press releases, articles and other editorial deliverables.

Requires financial services and/or insurance industry public relations experience, knowledge of current media trends, good business acumen, ability to work independently or with a team and strong experience working with top tier business and financial media.

8+ years experience. Salary $95K-$120K.

To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in the future, e-mail your resume and cover letter as a Word Document attachment to:

Barry Piatoff, SVP, Peter Bell & Associates, LLC

Please include your current base salary. It’s important information for us to have for this job search and others we may consider you for.

Peter Bell & Associates, LLC is a search firm specializing in public relations, communications and investor relations recruiting. We encourage anyone in these fields to e-mail us their resume. Be assured it is confidential and we will not send your resume anywhere without your permission.

No calls please. Local candidates only.

97.) Communications Specialist-Financial Services Company, New York, NY

Our client is a very well-established, well-known global consumer and commercial financial services company. They have reorganized and are building up their internal communications function. They are looking to add a Communications Specialist to their midtown Manhattan office.

You should be a good, sharp writer who wants to focus on internal communications. This includes writing, editing and researching articles for employee publications, executive letters, memos, intranet content and special projects. Should be mature enough to work on your own or as part of a team. Have strong organizational, analytical and time management skills. Reports to VP, Internal Communications who is a very good boss.

Some project management work is a plus but the company will train the right person. About 2-5 years experience is ideal. Financial services experience preferred and salary is in the $50K-$70K range. Excellent benefits.

The corporate culture is smart, fast-paced, focused, energetic, collegial. You should be professional and polished. Extremely corporate environment.

To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in the future, e-mail your resume and cover letter as a Word Document attachment to:

Barry Piatoff, SVP, Peter Bell & Associates, LLC

Please include your current base salary. It’s important information for us to have for this job search and others we may consider you for.

Peter Bell & Associates, LLC is a search firm specializing in public relations, communications and investor relations recruiting. We encourage anyone in these fields to e-mail us their resume. Be assured it is confidential and we will not send your resume anywhere without your permission.

No calls please. Local candidates only.

98.) Statistical Technical Communication Specialist I, Minitab, State College, PA

99.) Communication Specialist, BJC HealthCare, St. Louis, MO

100.) Account Executive, Blanc and Otus, San Francisco, CA

*** Weekly Piracy Report:

31.07.2008: 2015 LT: 10:16.36N – 107:02.85E, Vung Tau Anchorage, Vietnam.

Robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor. D/O raised alarm and crew rushed to forecastle. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores in a small boat.

25.07.2008: 2130 LT: Go Dau, Vietnam.

Two robbers armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier. They broke open the padlocks to the forward store. Duty crew noticed the open stores and raised the alarm. Hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped in a waiting boat. Authorities and local agents informed.

*** T-Shirt of the Week: San Gorgonio Wilderness – The top of Southern California

*** Coffee Mug of the week: ASI (Advertising Specialty Institute) (Thanks to Scott Fuhr, who sent a grab bag of stuff)

*** Ball cap of the week: ArrowCorps5

*** Backpack of the Week (filled with cool stuff): Bowhead (Thanks to Amy Abernathy)

*** JOTW Musical Guest Artist for the week: Roy Brown Quartet (

Chris Johnson, Molly Walker, Michaela Hayes and I saw Ray at the Les Joulins Jazz Bistro ( ) in San Francisco last Monday night.

*** Here’s what you need to do to change your JOTW email address. I cannot do this for you. Send a blank email from your OLD account to Then, send a blank email from your NEW account to

*** This is your Job of the Week e-mail newsletter, a cooperative

service of professional communicators providing mutual support to one another. The JOTW serves 10,097 professional communicators. Please help contribute job opportunities so that this information can be shared with everyone in the network. The key to successful networking is living by the golden rule. Do something to help a fellow communicator, and some day they may be in a position to help you, or someone else like you.

How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in

communications, send it to me (, and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of

opportunities each week. Did I mention it was free?

Your cooperation is requested. Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to

Feel free to share this newsletter. Feel free to forward opportunities. Do not copy words that I wrote and use them as your own. I throw these words in here just to see if someone is stupid enough to copy these words entirely from my newsletter without changing them.

To subscribe, or to add a new e-mail address for your subscription, send

a blank e-mail to:

To unsubscribe:

To change your address, do both. I can't do it for you.

I can repeat this process again if it helps.

You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators. You are

welcome to look at the previous issues. To read this list on the web, please visit: or

This newsletter is published by:

Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661

They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother


I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft.


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2008 The Job of the Week Network, LLC

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– Dag Hammarskjold


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