JOTW 41-2008


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Apply now during Accreditation Month and receive a US$20 gift certificate to the IABC

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Where in the world is the Great White Fleet?

JOTW 41-2008

13 October 2008

You are among 10,263 subscribers in this community of communicators.

Issue number 755

“For in this modern world, the instruments of warfare are not solely for waging war. Far more importantly, they are the means for controlling peace. Naval officers must therefore understand not only how to fight a war, but how to use the tremendous power which they operate to sustain a world of liberty and justice, without unleashing the powerful instruments of destruction and chaos that they have at their command.”

Admiral Arleigh Burke, CNO, 1 August 1961, Change of command address at Annapolis, MD

Today is the 233rd birthday of the United States Navy

“Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.”

– Walter Landor

This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking

newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive

unanticipated consequences of networking.

JOTW job count through last week’s issue: 22,999

To subscribe for free, send a blank e-mail to

To unsubscribe, read the instructions at the end of the newsletter. If

you are a JOTW subscriber and changing jobs, be sure to change your

address for JOTW. I can't do it for you.

This is a cooperative newsletter and network. If you derive benefit, you need to contribute some equity. Have you recently submitted a job opportunity for sharing with the others? If not, I suggest in all fairness to Ned should help out and find an opportunity to share.

If you can read this newsletter, then you are on the JOTW list. If you did not receive your JOTW newsletter by email in your in box this morning, it is because you have a junk mail folder, spam filter, or capacity issues on your end.

In this issue (Remember, to see the job descriptions and how to follow up, scroll down):

*** One Paragraph Pitch



3.) National Director of Development and Communication, Funding Exchange, New York, New York

4.) Communications/Project Manager, The Arthur W. Page Society, NY, NY

5.) Staff Science Writer, JPL, Pasadena, CA

6.) Senior Copywriter, Prudential Investments Division – Creative Services, Hartford, CT or Woodbridge, NJ

7.) Director of Development and Communications, Young People's Project, Boston, Massachusetts

8.) Special Events & Communications Officer – Habitat for Humanity, East King County, Redmond, WA

9.) Continuing Lecturer Position in Audio Production, Department of Radio, Television and Film, The University of North Texas, Denton, TX

10.) Donor Relations/Communications Associate, National AIDS Fund, Washington, DC

11.) Webmaster, non-profit, Washington, DC

12.) Corporate Communications Director, Absorbent Technologies, Beaverton, Oregon

13.) Communications and Publications Co-ordinator, Law Firm, Dubai, UAE

14.) Director of Marketing, Shippensburg University Foundation, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania

15.) Public Relations Manager, Troncossi Public Relations, Paget, Bermuda

16.) Communications & PR Division Manager, Abu Dhabi Education Council, Abu Dhabi, UAE

17.) Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Hachette Filipacchi Media, New York, New York

18.) Director of Content and Publishing, Collaborative Communications Group, Washington, DC

19.) Account Supervisor, Technology Practice, Ketchum Public Relations, New York, New York

20.) Senior Director, Strategic Communications, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

20.) Sr. Director, Corporate Communications – Endo Pharmaceuticals, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania

21.) Associate Editor for SCIENCE Magazine, AAAS Science Publications, Washington, DC, or Cambridge, UK

22.) Senior Web Designer, Illumina, San Diego, California

23.) Marketing Manager, Flight Services & Systems, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio

24.) Director of Media Relations, Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington, Vermont

25.) Assistant Managing Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah

26.) Community Engagement Specialist – Chevron, Grand Junction, Colorado

27.) Junior Associate, Rational PR, Washington, DC

28.) Associate, Rational PR, Washington, DC

29.) Chief Editor – Nature Climate Change, Macmillan Publishers, London, England, United Kingdom

28.) Senior Vice President – Lifestyle Division, Rubenstein Public Relations, NY, NY

29.) PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER, International telecommunications / data communications firm, DALLAS TEXAS

30.) Chief Communications Officer, TAP-IN, East Brunswick, New Jersey

31.) Editor – Vetscript, New Zealand Veterinary Association, Wellington, NZ

32.) VP/AVP, Healthcare/Technology PR Agency, New York, NY

33.) Account Supervisor – Edelman Corporate Communications/Environmental Business Strategies Team, Edelman, Washington, DC

34.) Corporate Communications Executive, Corporate Image Group, Memphis, TN

35.) Senior Account Executive, DBC PR+New Media, Washington, DC

36.) Program Coordinator for the Office for Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

37.) Major Gifts Officer, American Lung Association, Washington, DC


39.) Change & Engagement Consultant, HR Consultancy, London, UK

40.) Public Relations Account Director, O'Keeffe & Company, Alexandria, VA or Bethesda, MD

41.) Publicity & Marketing Specialist, Arizona Public Media, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

42.) TV Director of Operations, 9-TV / 88.3-FM, Evansville, Indiana

43.) Radio Broadcast Specialist, South Dakota Public Broadcasting, Vermillion, SD

44.) Account Supervisor, Imre Communications, Baltimore, MD

45.) Graphic Designer, Imre Communications, Baltimore, MD

46.) Account Director – Digital Communications, Imre Communications, Baltimore, MD 47.) Public Affairs/Media Analysis- SECRET, Avisar, Arlington, VA

48.) Public Affairs/Media Analysis- SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

49.) Broadcast Journalists and Broadcast Engineers- SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

50.) Webmaster- SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

51.) Graphic Designer/Desktop Publisher – SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

52.) Information Operations – SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

*** Weekly Piracy Report

…and more! Scroll down and see them all!

*** One Paragraph Pitch:


Love the weekly reading you provide and thought I’d take you up on the One-Paragraph Pitch, so here it is:

I have more than 20 years of experience on “both sides of the editor’s desk” – from Senior Vice President at two of the world’s largest public relations agencies to Executive Vice President at an IT industry-focused ad agency to senior-level journalist in both the trade and consumer press. Presently, I head my own strategic communications firm that helps companies raise their visibility and lower their overall cost of sales through clear, more consistent and compelling communications to their customers and other key audiences.

During my career, I have proven my ability to participate as a key member of a company’s executive management team, providing senior-level counsel to “C”-level executives, including positioning and key message development as well as market analysis and competitive intelligence. In addition, my strong writing skills have ensured consistency of message across executive speeches, bylined articles, Web content, case histories, newsletters, product brochures and other collateral.

Am looking for companies that need to align their communications programs with their business goals either through retainer, project or full-time work. I look forward to hearing from you soon at



Randy Savicky


Strategy + Communications

Gain Mindshare, Win Market Share

21 Brierbrook Lane

Weston, CT 06883

T: 203-226-6156

F: 203-227-4263

M: 203-571-8151

*** Delayed newsletter:

We camped out on the North River in the George Washington national Forest this weekend. Today is a holiday in the U.S., and so we left Friday and got back today, thus no newsletter on your doorstep this morning. Beautiful fall weather for camping. Virtually no water in the river, only in a few pools or a few spots where the water trickled by. We also went on a day hike up Ramsay’s Draft in the wilderness area. I watched ravens and nuthatches, and listened to the screech owls at dusk. The Raven’s were noteworthy because you could hear the “whoosh whoosh whoosh” beat of their wings as they whooshed by. Some maples were at peak red color.

*** Google Ads on JOTW:

Since I started running Google Ads on the JOTW website in March I have earned $77.28. Thank you all so much.

*** From the JOTW LinkenIn group, regarding last week’’s JOTW:

Hmmm, three airline PR jobs in today's (6 Oct) JOTW. Is this a trend? A sign of things to come?

John Peters

Ned’s response. NFW.

Read the interesting dialog at

There are now 307 communicators (as of Friday) in the JOTW LinkedIn group. Join us.

*** Wounded Warrior Project:

Help the Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface navy Association raise $30,000 to buy a wheelchair conversion van for Operation Second Chance, and help our wounded warriors get out of Bethesda and Walter Reed and out to sporting events, entertainment, dining and medical appointments. Your donation will make a difference for a day or a lifetime.

You can start by checking in here:

Operation Second Chance has lowered the minimum for credit card donations. They have done so. It is now $20.

You can also mail a check.

Please mail check payable to Operation Second Chance, Inc. and include SNA in memo field.

Mail donation to Citigroup Smith Barney

Attn: Debbie Sacramo

18310 Montgomery Village Avenue, Ste. 740

Gaithersburg, MD 20879

*** Rock ‘n roll trivia:

What’s the shortest song ever to break into the top ten?

(Answer? I’ll post the answer on the JOTW webpage today. Visit

*** October is IABC Accreditation Month

Accreditation Month begins in October! Submit your accreditation

application and fee any time during the promotional event of 1

October-15 November and enter to win one of the following prizes:

* Regular Conference registration to IABC World Conference in San

Francisco, 7-10 June 2009. (Valued at US$895)

* One-year IABC membership.

* IABC Knowledge Centre Resource.

* HP Photosmart C7280 All-in-One Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier

* Adobe(r) Photoshop(r) Elements 6 & Adobe Premiere(r) Elements 4

In addition, those who apply or refer an applicant during this

promotional event will receive a US$20 gift certificate to the IABC

Knowledge Centre. View more details on Accreditation Month

*** From Andrew Hudson:

If you have folks who are looking for PR jobs in the Rocky Mountain region, please send 'em my way. I post between 50-60 pr/marketing jobs each week at



Andrew Hudson


Andrew Hudson's Jobs List

*** “Footnotes” – You and Your Very Next Step:

Send a photo of you in footwear as you step out on a new adventure, and tell us a little about where the photo was taken and something about your experience, to Ned at

Visit YVNS at

*** Communications Overtones:

Good morning on this beautiful Columbus Day to you all!

I was recently asked to guest blog on “Communications Overtones,” an excellent PR/communications blog by Kami Watson Huyse. My guest post went live today and discusses one of the communications areas I'm passionate about: measurement. Here's the link: For those of you who work in the industry (or a related one), I hope you find it a stimulating read. For the few of you who don't, I just thought you'd get a kick out of it.

I'd love it if you would click through, leave a comment, and pass it along to those of your friends and colleagues who might find it interesting, encouraging them to read it via email, Twitter – however you want. If you have a PR/communications related blog, a link back would be much appreciated.

Thank you! Have a wonderful week ahead –


Shonali Burke, ABC

Skype: sburke15 | Follow me on Twitter:

*** From Bulldog Reporter’s Daily Dog:

When “Thought Leadership” Isn't: The Oxymoron of “Subject Matter Experts” and the Dark Secret about White Papers

By Edward Lundquist, ABC

(What are your thoughts about Ned’s point of view? Agree? Disagree? Too vapid to have a point of view? Let’s hear from you!)

*** From Ben Lesser:

Ned, et al, I can't find anywhere on the Bulldog site your paper: When

“Thought Leadership” Isn't: The Oxymoron of “Subject Matter Experts” and

the Dark Secret about White Papers.




Ben Lesser, Chief

Analysis and Information Branch

Hazardous Waste Minimization and Management Division

Office of Solid Waste

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(Try going to the page I suggested then using my last name and search. This is what I came up with:

1. When “Thought Leadership” Isn't: The Oxymoron of “Subject Matter Experts” and the Dark Secret about White Papers

10/2/2008, Previous Stories

By Edward Lundquist, ABC; Editor, Job of the Week

2. The Power of Nedworking: JOTW Founder Ned Lundquist Tops 10,000 Members, Wins Kudos — and Shares Job Hunting Advice for Senior Execs

11/15/2006, Previous Stories

This week's profile: Edward H. Lundquist, Founder and Editor, “Job of the Week” Email Network By Brian Pittman )

*** Change of address:

I look forward to your Monday morning newsletters and was hoping I could now receive them via my personal email. Hope this correction can be made!



(Here’s what you need to do to change your JOTW email address. I cannot do this for you. Send a blank email from your OLD account to Then, send a blank email from your NEW account to

*** From Brian R. Salisbury:

Hi Ned:

I am a Long Island, New York-based public relations and communications consultant and freelance writer. I've been a JOTW reader for about five years and, during that time, I've sent numerous leads and openings appearing in your bulletin to friends and colleagues.

I recently launched my own modest bi-weekly e-newsletter titled Public Relations Pearls of Wisdom. I've devoted it to providing tips, insights, techniques and war stories from the front lines of public relations, media relations and communications to professionals in the field and to business people seeking to generate publicity for their own organizations. My inaugural issue appears below.

If possible, I'd like JOTW readers to be aware of my free newsletter's availability and to give them an opportunity to subscribe. All subscribers receive my free report titled “Ten+ Key Components of a Successful Public Relations Program.”

Anyone can subscribe by going to my website's sign-up page via the following link: .

I greatly appreciate your assistance.

Best regards,


Brian R. Salisbury

Communications Consulting,

Copywriting & Editorial Services

Phone: 631. 261. 3486 (New York)


*** From Stafford Ward:

Hi Mr. Lundquist,

I'm really finding your JOTW emails very useful. I'm currently in a public relations job in Jakarta, Indonesia working at the U.S. Embassy. I was hoping to find a media relations/communications job in Jakarta with a U.S. company here. How do you get notifications to post international jobs in communications?



*** CumberbUnderwear:

Mike Sorohan:

Normally I don’t ask people for money, but I’ve got an idea. My wife was telling me about something called a “Tuxedo bra” (apparently it involves satin and other luxury materials) and it got me to grumbling that women always get the best undergarments.

So while I was moping about this I decided that men needed some luxury undergarments as well. I’m going to start a company called CumberbUnderwear (“A Waist of Good Satin”) and I need $100,000 to get started. Small bills please. Thanks.

Robert Holland, ABC:

Didn't George Costanza's father already take care of this?

Joel: Ned?

Elaine: What is wrong with Ned?

Joel: Ned's a guy who buys irregular underwear. Next!

Kramer: Hey Jerry, you ever wear silk underwear?

Jerry: No.

Kramer: Put that on the top of your list.

Jerry: No, not for me. A little too delightful.


Jerry: Uncle Leo!!! Hello!!

Leo: Jerry!! What's this I hear about your lunatic neighbor going silk on us?


Jerry: Why don't you ask my lunatic neighbor?

Kramer: Ask me what?

Leo: What's this I hear about you going silk on us?

Kramer: Oh yeah. I'm all about the silk underwear!

Leo: Aren't you afraid of sliding right out of it?

Jerry: Suddenly I don't want to be part of this conversation any more.

Kramer: Oh yeah! I'm out there — and lovin' every minute of it!

*** Take your worst shot:

My contribution to the shooter collection:

1 oz vodka

1/2 t Tang drink powder

Pinch cayenne pepper

Don't have a name for it – how about Fire in the Hole?

Connie J. Mayse

(The tang is interesting. But look up Fire in the Hole. That name’s taken.

Fire in the Hole

1/2 oz habanero pepper sauce

1/2 oz Everclear® alcohol

1 dash cayenne peppers

Pour habenero sauce into a shot glass; add Everclear. Dash cayenne pepper on top and serve.)

Ouch – makes my mouth hurt just thinking about it. Okay, let's call it Orange Fire.


(Drink responsibly. Which means never drink any of the above.)

*** A JOTW subscriber said some nice things about our network in the Ask Liz Ryan blog, and a bunch of people joined the JOTW network as a result. I know nothing about Ask Liz Ryan, so Jean Comparetti told me this:

This is what we say about the Ask Liz Ryan Group:

Ask Liz Ryan is the online community based on the workplace, work/life and networking advice of author, speaker, commentator and advisor Liz Ryan. Our members use this group to get advice from Liz and from one another on careers, business, networking and work/life issues. Our mission is to support working people at the intersection of work and life.

TO JOIN this group: send a blank message to Your friends and colleagues are welcome!

*** From Jamison Gosselin:

Hi Ned,

Can you please post the following two positions in your next JOTW?

Qualified people may apply through our Web site using the instructions

provided at the bottom of each position description. Thanks for your



Jamison Gosselin

Senior Director

Marketing Communications

Sunrise Senior Living

With two decades of successful service, Sunrise Senior Living (NYSE:SRZ)

is known industry-wide as a premier provider of senior care in the US.

We are also one of the fastest-growing companies in the country and have

been chosen as one of the top 50 “Great Places to Work” by the



We are currently seeking a Marketing Communications Coordinator at our

International Headquarters in McLean, VA to serve with our Marketing

Communications team. The position is a new role with a lot of latitude

to bring new ideas to the table.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities include:

1. Work with Marketing team to coordinate Sunrise campaigns and

marketing channels, especially the company's various online channels

such as its Web site

2. Find opportunities online to engage with e-communities interested in

seniors and their families

Assist in the conceptualization and drafting of articles, press releases

and marketing programs

3. Coordinate various marketing resources such as photos, brochures,

plans and programs to most effectively serve the company and sales force

4. Coordinate relationships with agencies, third parties, vendors and

others to ensure accurate and timely communications and assist with

submitting and monitoring payment

5. Coordinate marketing program council meetings and help set the

council agenda along with other meetings

6. Serve as the front line for the Marketing Communications team by

screening companies interested in providing marketing services to


Minimum/Required Qualifications

1. Bachelors degree and at least 2 years of applicable work experience

in a marketing agency, company or association.

2. Knowledge and experience with marketing methods and programs with

some expertise with online channels and e-communities and an interest in


3. Creative thinker and clear communicator with good project management

skills and ability to manage several deadlines at once

4. Ability to collaborate with fellow marketing and sales professionals

inside and outside the company and a commitment to provide excellent


5. Detail oriented and thorough

6. Must be comfortable and effective working in a fast paced changing


7. Ability to serve in a dynamic environment with a supportive and

collaborative team

8. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office and basic experience with

creative software programs.

In addition to working in a rewarding and enriching corporate

environment, this position offers competitive compensation and excellent

benefits. Team Members at our corporate office receive a free gym

membership, complimentary parking, as well as access to an on-site

daycare center, deli and convenience store.

Apply online on the Careers page of our website,, search for keyword 87480.


We are currently seeking a Marketing Communications Manager to serve

with our Marketing Communications team. The position is a new role with

a lot of latitude to create and manage regional and national marketing

campaigns and promotions designed to initiate, develop and maintain

relationships with target audiences and build awareness about Sunrise

services and communities.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities include:

1. Campaign Design and Management. The manager will develop, implement

and manage the life cycle of campaigns designed to give Sunrise

communities and markets quarterly ?turn-key? fully integrated marketing

communications programs. Additionally, you will create and rollout

awareness campaigns for the company in order to increase interest and

engagement in Sunrise using both paid and earned media, events, seminars

and other activities. Develop methods to monitor progress and measure

success of campaigns and determine areas of improvement and more

efficient uses of resources.

2. Promotions. Develop effective and creative promotions and calls to

action the company and its communities can use to drive prospective

customers and referral sources to Sunrise. Also, work with Sales

leadership to develop internal sales contests and campaigns.

3. Brand Management. Manage Sunrise logos, branding, image, style

guidelines, template materials and usage across the company.

Also, manage creative partners, work on partnership marketing projects,

write and edit electronic and printed marketing materials, articles and

e-mails, work on customer engagement programs and other duties as


Minimum/Required Qualifications

1. Bachelors degree and 6-8 years of applicable work experience in a

marketing or public relations agency and in a corporate, association or

similar environment

2. Broad knowledge of integrated marketing communications and experience

with advertising, direct mail, promotions, events and public relations

3. Strategic and creative thinker and communicator with excellent

project management skills and ability to manage several deadlines at


4. Ability to collaborate with fellow marketing and sales professionals

inside and outside the company to make campaigns and programs successful

5. Experience building budgets and methods for allocating expenses

across a distributed business

6. Must be comfortable and effective working in a fast paced changing


7. Ability to serve in a dynamic environment with minimal supervision

8. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office and basic experience with

creative software programs.

In addition to working in a rewarding and enriching corporate

environment, this position offers competitive compensation and excellent

benefits. Team Members at our corporate office receive a free gym

membership, complimentary parking, as well as access to an on-site

daycare center, deli and convenience store.

Apply online on the Careers page of our website,, search for keyword 87479

3.) National Director of Development and Communication, Funding Exchange, New York, New York

4.) Communications/Project Manager, The Arthur W. Page Society, NY, NY

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC AFFAIRS, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

5.) Staff Science Writer, JPL, Pasadena, CA

Will Statement

Will: Serve as a primary science writer for JPL Global Climate Change and Solar System Exploration Web sites. Develop online content projects, from conceptualization, research and writing to implementation and final delivery. Serve as primary point of contact for JPL online climate change communication projects. May also write for other JPL outreach products, including video and documentary scripts, vodcasts, image captions, and educational materials. Develop story ideas through interactions with Earth science mission teams and the wider Earth science community. Research, write and provide visuals describing the wide variety of Earth science elements. Will be working independently and with teams.


Required Skills: Typically requires a BA/BS in English, journalism, technical writing, or similar discipline with 5+ year’s related experience; MA/MS with 3+ years experience. Significant ability to write, edit, and interview. Creative, adaptable and comfortable with new media trends. Ability to develop contacts and relationships with scientific and technical divisions and to mine for news and feature content. Demonstrated ability to self-manage, work under pressure and meet commitments. Demonstrated experience in translating complex concepts into compelling, public-friendly feature articles. Ability to effectively handle diverse responsibilities and multiple tasks in parallel. Must be a team player with excellent customer orientation, express good rapport with people, and a willingness to travel.

Desired Skills: Experience in writing about science or technical subjects for non-scientists. Familiarity with Earth science, NASA missions and projects and global climate change science. Familiarity with at least one standard style manual (e.g., Associated Press Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style). Ability to conceptualize, assign and locate related graphics. Familiarity with HTML, content management systems, or graphics software knowledge helpful.

If you'd like to discover new worlds with our innovative team and enjoy a competitive salary and impressive benefits with the renowned leader in space exploration, apply now!

Great minds are open minds. Equal opportunity employer.

*** From Tamie Pitman:

6.) Senior Copywriter, Prudential Investments Division – Creative Services, Hartford, CT or Woodbridge, NJ

Award-winning Creative Services team seeks a seasoned copywriter based in Hartford, CT or Woodbridge, NJ. Under the general direction of clients and business partners, the successful candidate will draft copy for various promotional, financial, educational, and/or direct-response communications. The candidate will report to the Creative Director and will ensure that copy complies with corporate standards to effectively communicate stated goals.


– 4 year College degree

– Minimum five years of professional writing experience.

– Working knowledge of retirement industry.

– Excellent communication skills (ability to work with diverse project-mgmt styles).

– Strong conceptual, proofreading, and partnering skills.

– Ability to effectively counsel internal partners.

– Understanding of creative process—from the creative brief to delivery of benefits-oriented, polished copy scrutinized for grammatical defects.

– 1 to 2 yrs project management experience.

– Editorial background should include different media and different communications disciplines, from collateral and product literature, to direct-mail and e-marketing.

– Ability to work well under tight deadlines, with an attention to detail.

– Experience in a corporate environment.

– Proficiency in Word, PowerPoint, and Adobe.

– Experience in financial services or highly regulated industry with multiple layers of approvals preferred


Prudential is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and is committed to diversity in its workforce.

Apply to: job posting # 5631

7.) Director of Development and Communications, Young People's Project, Boston, Massachusetts

8.) Special Events & Communications Officer – Habitat for Humanity, East King County, Redmond, WA

*** From Denise Dowling at The University of Montana

9.) Continuing Lecturer Position in Audio Production, Department of Radio, Television and Film, The University of North Texas, Denton, TX

The Department of Radio, Television and Film at the University of North Texas is seeking candidates for a Continuing Lecturer position (non-tenure track) beginning September 1, 2009. Responsibilities include teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses and departmental service. Candidates will be expected to teach a broad range of courses in audio production from basic skills to advanced techniques. A masters degree is required, as well as teaching and/or a minimum of 5 years of professional experience in audio production. A doctoral degree or MFA is preferred, as well as expertise in the latest technologies of digital audio production and distribution, and a proven record of teaching both studio and on location (field and sound for film) audio recording.

The University of North Texas, with an enrollment of 34,000 and a faculty of more than 800, is located in Denton, a college town with a population of about 100,000. Also in Denton is Texas Woman’s University with an enrollment of 11,000. Denton is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth “Metroplex,” the nation’s fifth-largest media market. The Department of Radio, Television and Film operates extensive audio, video, and film production laboratories as well as KNTU, a 100,000 watt student-staffed radio station and North Texas Television (NTTV), a cable outlet. The Center for Spanish Language Media is also housed within the RTVF Department. The Department seeks candidates interested in educating our students to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse, multicultural, technology-driven society.

Send a letter of application, vita, and contact information for three references (reference letters are required prior to employment) to Dr. Sam Sauls, Audio Search Committee Chair, University of North Texas, Department of Radio, Television and Film, 1155 Union Circle #310589, Denton, TX 76203-5017. Screening of applications will begin December 1, 2008, but will continue until the search is closed. The University of North Texas is an ADA/AA/EOE institution committed to diversity in its educational programs, thereby creating a welcoming environment for everyone. For more information, visit our web page at or e-mail us at .

10.) Donor Relations/Communications Associate, National AIDS Fund, Washington, DC

11.) Webmaster, non-profit, Washington, DC

Established small non-profit looking for a high-energy, outside-the-box junior level WEBMASTER who wants a shot at viral marketing and “center stage” web responsibilities. Salary commensurate with aptitude and attitude.

Responsibilities include:

• Developing, programming, and testing organization's multiple web sites and mini-sites

• Producing online promotions, ad banners, landing pages, micro-sites and newsletters

• Working with copywriter and marketing manager to translate print and online campaign requirements into stellar web pages

• Generating and manipulating graphic images, sound, text, and video into consolidated and seamless multimedia programs

• Developing, documenting and maintaining web standards and web site structure

• Optimizing the website for search (SEO)

• Providing technical support for frequent web authors

• Working knowledge of ASP and PHP, along with Content Management Systems such as DotNetNuke

• Other technical responsibilities as needed

Competitive salary, excellent benefits, convenient Metro-accessible downtown Washington, DC location. Knowledge of science and medicine a plus. Please send cover letter, resume and samples to

12.) Corporate Communications Director, Absorbent Technologies, Beaverton, Oregon

13.) Communications and Publications Co-ordinator, Law Firm, Dubai, UAE

*** From Bill Seiberlich:

14.) Director of Marketing, Shippensburg University Foundation, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania,

15.) Public Relations Manager, Troncossi Public Relations, Paget, Bermuda

16.) Communications & PR Division Manager, Abu Dhabi Education Council, Abu Dhabi, UAE

17.) Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Hachette Filipacchi Media, New York, New York

*** From Jackie Darden:

Hello Ned,

Patrick Riccards suggested that I contact you because your website has enormous reach in the communications community to post a job opening at Collaborative Communications Group. The position is Director of Content and Publishing and I would like to include it in your next edition.

If you have any questions and/or require additional information please contact me. (see contact information below)

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Jackie Darden

Office Administrator

Collaborative Communications Group

1029 Vermont Ave. NW

Ninth Floor

Washington, DC 20005


Learn more about us at

18.) Director of Content and Publishing, Collaborative Communications Group, Washington, DC

Looking to put your proven track record in print and online publishing to work toward improving one of the nation’s—and world’s—most important policy areas? You can take the reins of an expanding division within a reputable and thriving consulting firm.

Collaborative Communications Group— a DC-based consulting firm working to create and sustain solutions that can improve public education and learning—is looking for someone special to develop and expand a key area of product and service delivery within our team. If you are a self-starter, a problem-solver and systems-thinker who can manage people and products and can thrive in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment, then we are eager to hear from you.

The Director of Content and Publishing will oversee multiple concurrent print publications, Web sites and interactive tools, as well as print, electronic and video documentation reports. The Director of Content and Publishing will manage a team of electronic and print product designers, writers and editors, while also leveraging the talents of numerous freelancers. The position reports to the firm’s partners, and the Director is part of the firm’s Leadership Team. In addition to serving client needs, the Director will execute a content strategy that reflects Collaborative’s position in the marketplace and promotes the character and brand of our strategic objectives.

This full-time, on-site position includes several capacities:

Product developer. Oversee product development process for print products and tools that provide state-of-art technologies and knowledge.

Team builder. Ability to build, manage, develop and lead teams, including client engagement and engagement of client networks, as well as staff and consultants.

Information architect. Experience organizing and structuring complex and elegant Web sites and publications.

Writer/Editor. Excellent writing, editing and proofreading skills in a variety of formats.

Quality controller. Review and approve print and electronic content before it is published or posted to ensure accuracy and that all products meet client and firm expectations for quality. Build and manage internal systems for efficient delivery of quality.

Business and market developer. Ability to identify and leverage business development opportunities. Ability to position products for use, not just distribution, to track that use and to incorporate insights into client and firm strategy.

Entrepreneur. Ability to envision and develop new products, tools and markets.


1. MA, MFA, MBA and/or seven years of experience in print and electronic publication, tool and product development, management, writing, editing and communications.

2. Commitment to public education and an understanding of education issues, particularly related to an understanding of issues regarding leadership, teacher quality, out of school time, literacy, community and parent engagement, arts education, early childhood education, data-based decision making and secondary school reform.

3. Excellent project manager with orientations toward superior customer-service and consistent delivery of quality, systems thinking and problem-solving.

4. Superior written and oral communications capabilities and some broader communications experience beyond publishing (i.e., events organization, web management, etc.).

5. Demonstrated ability to lead, manage and mentor staff; lead team projects and work in a team environment.

6. Management skills should include the ability to manage multiple projects each on varying timelines; see and implement methods, protocols and standards for improvement of the practice; make decisions effectively that are consistent with firm values and behaviors regarding quality delivery, budgets, timelines and professional development of staff.

7. Willingness and ability to travel when needed.

Salary will be commensurate with experience.


Please visit to find more information about Collaborative Communications Group’s corporate capabilities, philosophy, practice areas and client base. Collaborative believes in the power of diversity and is an equal opportunity employer.

Please combine a cover letter and resume into a single file and send to Search, Director of Content & Publishing, by October 31, 2008. No phone calls please. Applications can be sent via:


Fax: 202-986-4958

Mail: Collaborative Communications Group, Inc.

1029 Vermont Ave, NW

Ninth Floor

Washington, DC 20005

19.) Account Supervisor, Technology Practice, Ketchum Public Relations, New York, New York

*** From Angela Jacobs:

20.) Senior Director, Strategic Communications, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

General Summary:

As an integral member of the senior management team of Strategic Communications, advance the University of Chicago's fundraising and alumni engagement efforts by supervising the creation of superb multimedia, print, and other materials within the context of a distinctive and consistent branding program. Lead the creation and execution of communications that target donors and alumni, creating a seamless and integrated experience for the University's stakeholders. Work with all areas of a growing and dynamic alumni relations and development team to ensure readiness for the University's next fundraising and alumni engagement campaign, especially in terms of communications.


Bachelor's degree or higher required, preferably in marketing, communications or a related field; a minimum of seven years of relevant experience in an area such as consumer marketing, brand management, product development, or marketing communications required; a minimum of four years of supervisory experience required; experience successfully providing strategic direction and vision, setting priorities, managing budgets, developing and implementing projects and programs, and identifying opportunities for improvement required; proven skills and expertise in all manner of communications, personal and interpersonal required; previous project management experience required.

Requisition 080652

For more information and to apply:

To be considered, all job seekers must meet the requirements and apply online.

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.

Angela Jacobs

Executive Recruiter

The University of Chicago

20.) Sr. Director, Corporate Communications – Endo Pharmaceuticals, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania

21.) Associate Editor for SCIENCE Magazine, AAAS Science Publications, Washington, DC, or Cambridge, UK

22.) Senior Web Designer, Illumina, San Diego, California

23.) Marketing Manager, Flight Services & Systems, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio

*** From Colleen Decker:

Please post the attached job description on your website.

Thank you.

Colleen Decker

Colleen Decker Media Services

1898 Kenyon Road

Richmond, VT 05477

802-434-2651 p, 802-434-3197 f

24.) Director of Media Relations, Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington, Vermont

Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, Vermont, has an opening for a Director of Media Relations.

Based in Burlington, Vermont, Fletcher Allen, together with the University of Vermont, is Vermont’s only academic medical center and the sole community hospital for the greater Burlington area. We are a unique integrated health care delivery system and serve as the region’s only Level I Trauma Center. All of this and a great location on the shore of Lake Champlain between the Adirondack and Green mountains! Burlington, Vermont offers year-round outdoor recreation and a vibrant music scene.

The Director of Media Relations is a rewarding opportunity for a strategic-minded media professional who will be responsible for developing, implementing and measuring a media relations program that supports the mission and goals of Fletcher Allen. The Director reports to the Vice-President, Marketing & Communications and works with media to increase positive visibility of the system and its entities; educating the public about health and wellness by cultivating story ideas, responding to media inquiries, and managing a media relations team.

In addition to being able to lead and inspire a great team, the ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in journalism, public relations, communications or equivalent knowledge, along with 7-10 years of effective experience, working in a media department and/or health care industry.

Apply online at, posting # 4834.

Fletcher Allen proudly offers a non-smoking work environment. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.

25.) Assistant Managing Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah

26.) Community Engagement Specialist – Chevron, Grand Junction, Colorado

*** From Beth Dozier:

Could you please post the following positions? Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Beth Dozier

Rational Public Relations

1155 15th Street, NW

Washington, D.C. 20005


27.) Junior Associate, Rational PR, Washington, DC

A small, quickly growing Public Relations firm in downtown DC is hiring a Junior Associate to support several client accounts. The ideal candidate will be a quick learner and ready to work in a fast paced environment. Junior Associates will provide daily research, communications and administrative support to senior team members. Recent college graduates are encouraged to apply. Our firm is committed to high quality, personal service and we specialize in strategic public affairs communications, reputation management, business and consumer public relations, and interactive communications.


• Strong written and verbal skills

• Proven ability to effectively organize and manage multiple responsibilities

• Strong commitment to understanding public relations concepts, tactics and media relations

• Efficiency in word processing, database management and online research

• Demonstrated ability to work well with others

• Positive, flexible attitude that will lend itself to client service

• Bachelor’s degree

Contact: (Please send cover letter and resume.)

28.) Associate, Rational PR, Washington, DC

A small, quickly growing Public Relations firm in downtown DC is hiring an Associate to manage and support several client accounts. The ideal candidate will have some experience in public relations, be eager to work in a fast paced environment, and be able to manage a diverse workload.

Associates play an active role in coordinating and implementing daily account activities including producing high-level communications materials and managing media relations campaigns. Our firm is committed to high quality, personal service and we specialize in strategic public affairs communications, reputation management, business and consumer public relations, and interactive communications.


Two plus years of communications or public relations experience

Strong media relations experience with proven results and demonstrated experience in working with reporters

Results-focused approach and commitment to going the extra mile for clients

Excellent verbal and written communications skills a must

Strong attention to detail, with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously

Ability to develop and edit high quality written materials, including:

o Press Materials

o Marketing Materials

o Fact Sheets

o Talking Points

o Other Essential Internal & External Communications

• Bachelor’s Degree

Contact: (Please send cover letter and resume.)

29.) Chief Editor – Nature Climate Change, Macmillan Publishers, London, England, United Kingdom

28.) Senior Vice President – Lifestyle Division, Rubenstein Public Relations, NY, NY

*** From Camille K. Hedrick:

29.) PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER, International telecommunications / data communications firm, DALLAS TEXAS

International telecommunications / data communications firm seek to hire a


Specific responsibilities include:

* Directly manage PR agency relationship, with high-level direction

from Director, Global Press & Analyst relations

* Obtain speaking slots at key regional industry trade shows,

conferences, exhibitions and forums through coordination with the North

American marketing events team;

* Publish press releases, including management of wire services,

distribution to local and regional media and analysts;

* Directly manage PR agency relationship, with high-level direction

from Director, Global Press & Analyst relations;

* Obtain speaking slots at key regional industry trade shows,

conferences, exhibitions and forums through coordination with the North

American marketing events team;

* Attend telecommunications industry trade shows, including booking

interviews with industry journalists and analysts;

* External customers include industry analysts, trade press and

business press. Internal customers include local sales and business

management teams, Director, Global Public Relations, global marketing

communications, investor relations, PR agency and others.


* Experience with technology and/or telecommunications and / or data


* University degree in business, communications, journalism or similar

field from a leading University

* Experience interacting with external customers include industry

analysts, trade press and business press

* And internal customers investor relations, PR agency and others.

* Extensive working knowledge and experience with all Microsoft

software applications, in particular Word, PowerPoint and Excel

* Five to eight years experience in a media, analyst communications or

public relations position with a business-to-business focus required.

* Minimum three years in an international environment or foreign

country recommended, with high-tech industry experience required.


Helen Faber

Office: 201.862.9300

Cell: 201.952.7007

30.) Chief Communications Officer, TAP-IN, East Brunswick, New Jersey

31.) Editor – Vetscript, New Zealand Veterinary Association, Wellington, NZ

The New Zealand Veterinary Association's (NZVA) mission statement is to promote veterinary excellence through service to and on behalf of members.

NZVA require an Editor for Vetscript, our flag ship monthly member magazine.

Communication through our monthly member magazine is one key way NZVA meets its objectives in the areas of education, leadership, standard-setting and member welfare. Under the skilled hand of its current editor, Vetscript has become the most widely read and valued member publication of the NZVA – with a target audience of over 2000 veterinarians, technicians, veterinary nurses and industry partners.

With the pending departure of our editor overseas, we are seeking a candidate with the range of skills and experience to ensure this magazine continues to be a highly regarded communication. Scientific and technical knowledge as well as editorial expertise are required, which leaves this role open to a range of employment options including full-time, part-time, job share and possibly a contractual relationship.

Applicants must have an eye for detail and the proficiencies required of an editor, as well as a knowledge and passion for our profession, an interest in and ability to network effectively with a range of stakeholders, and an understanding of ethics, confidentiality and sensitivity to political issues.

The responsibilities include production (sourcing material, planning, editing, writing and coordinating articles), advertising in conjunction with our advertising manager, layout, publication (in conjunction with our publications company) and distribution (currently coordinated in-house). The role also includes budgeting, promotion and sales, with support provided by existing employees in our Wellington and Palmerston North offices.

The successful candidate(s) will preferably be Wellington based, with an ability to travel on occasion within New Zealand.

If you are interested in a role where you can educate, inspire, challenge and entertain through a unique and highly regarded publication, please contact Julie Hood on 04-495-1149 to discuss further, or email Applications close on 31 October 2008.

Communications and Special Events Coordinator, Volleyball Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

*** From Barry Piatoff:


Please post the following job in your next issue.

Thank you.

Barry Piatoff, SVP, Peter Bell & Associates, LLC

32.) VP/AVP, Healthcare/Technology PR Agency, New York, NY

Our client is an established (about 10 years old), mid-size (about 25 people) communications agency. They have been known for IR but have always had a PR presence. They are now looking to “beef-up” their media relations efforts and add a VP/AVP to continue their growth. This is a new position and is located in their beautiful midtown Manhattan offices.

They’re looking for an aggressive, charismatic, public relations agency professional to manage accounts, manage and service clients, manage a team and lead projects. You’ll be at client meetings and new business pitches.

If you are mature enough to work independently, are ready for a challenge, have judgment and professionalism, it could be a great place for you. You’ll be able to take on responsibility quicker than anywhere else and will be compensated for your efforts which is very important in this economy!!

Use your creativity to institute public relations efforts for surveys, symposiums, medical meetings, building advocacy groups and other new ideas that you will institute to benefit their clients.

A background in any of these sectors would be a fit; medical devices, technology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, science or technology but also open to meeting a wide range of solid media relations and public relations professionals. Strong leadership, media relations, written communications skills, with a solid work ethic and doing what is necessary to get the job done.

About 7-10 years experience, some which must be with a public relations agency. Benefits are “better than most,” salary commensurate with experience with some bonus potential. Get a chance to work for one of the real pros in public relations and get lots and lots of exposure as you bring a broader perspective to their practices and advance your career.

To be considered for this position, and other opportunities in the future, e-mail your resume and cover letter as a Word Document attachment to:

Barry Piatoff, SVP, Peter Bell & Associates, LLC

Please include your current base salary. It’s important information for us to have for this job search and others we may consider you for.

Peter Bell & Associates, LLC is a search firm specializing in public relations, communications and investor relations recruiting. We encourage anyone in these fields to e-mail us their resume. Be assured it is confidential and we will not send your resume anywhere without your permission.

No calls please. Local candidates only.

33.) Account Supervisor – Edelman Corporate Communications/Environmental Business Strategies Team, Edelman, Washington, DC

34.) Corporate Communications Executive, Corporate Image Group, Memphis, TN;_ylc=X3oDMTEwcXNsMHJpBF9TAzM5NjUxMDMzNQRjYXQDQURWBHBjb2RlAzU0OTI2?source=partner&scode=54926

*** From Jessica Kenderian:

Hi Ned,

Can you post the below job opening in next week’s newsletter? Thanks in advance for your help!

35.) Senior Account Executive, DBC PR+New Media, Washington, DC

DBC PR+New Media is a hip, fast-growing public relations and new media firm specializing in consumer public relations. We are seeking a Senior Account Executive to manage clients, conduct media relations and mentor team. Ideal candidates will have at least 5 years of solid consumer PR experience and proven results in media relations and account management. Additional requirements includes:

– Developed public relations skills in working with known consumer companies and products

– A strong ability of conducting media relations and forming relationships with the media

– Superior client relations and customer service experience

– Excellent organizational skills

DBC PR+New Media combines button-down organization with highly creative ideas to offer marketing strategy and media relations to a variety of consumer clients. DBC offers competitive salary and benefits. Only candidates that provide a resume and cover letter will be reviewed. Please e-mail and put “SAE” in subject line to No phone calls please.

*** From Debra Bethard-Caplick:

The good news is, there are still positions being filled. The bad news? None of them are good fits for me. Ah, well, I keep watching. Here's another one for you. Enjoy your weekend. I'm going back to McKendree University for Homecoming, 20 years after graduation. My sorority is putting me on their float – possibly as a warning of what's in store?


Debra Bethard-Caplick, MS, MBA, APR

Strategic Communications


The PR Curmudgeon

36.) Program Coordinator for the Office for Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

One of the top-ranked universities in the country, Northwestern University, combines innovative teaching and pioneering research in a highly collaborative environment that transcends traditional academic boundaries. Northwestern provides students, faculty and staff with exceptional opportunities for intellectual, personal, and professional growth.

Job Summary:

The Program Coordinator for the Office for Research at Northwestern University (NU) operates the Homeland Security Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (HSIEC) for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and the Center for the Commercialization of Innovative Transportation Technology (CCITT) for the US Department of Transportation. This position writes annual reports and newsletters, liaises with US Department of Transportation, provides project management support to two grant programs, and manages web maintenance for both Centers.

Specific Responsibilities:

-Writing annual reports for CCITT for submission to the US Department of Transportation and for HSIEC;

-Writing and publishing newsletters for each Center, including email and print versions;

-Managing web page development and maintenance completed by third party web developers and performing web page maintenance and updates for HSIEC and CCITT web pages;

-Acting as business liaison between CCITT and the US Department of Transportation;

-Assisting Director with a grant solicitation and review process for US Department of Transportation funded research projects at Northwestern University;

-Assisting the HSIEC Assistant Director with management of a small business grant program including coordinating with Office for Research to facilitate payment of grant funds, working with clients to gather appropriate grant paperwork, and managing a grant tracking database;

-Coordinating networking events, industry events, grant review meetings and advisory board meetings for each Center;

-Performing other related duties as required or assigned.

Minimum Qualifications:

-A bachelor's degree in business, marketing or communications or the equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and abilities can be acquired;

-2 to 5 years of experience;

-Experience in newsletter, report writing or marketing communications;

-Ability to communicate effectively one-to-one, in small groups and in public speaking contexts;

-Ability to write precise, well-organized emails, letters and proposals while using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.

To Apply:

Northwestern University offers a comprehensive benefit plan, including tuition discounts. All resumes for this position must be received through the electronic recruiting system. For consideration, please click on the link below. You will be directed to Northwestern University's electronic recruiting system, eRecruit, where you will search and apply for current openings. To apply for this position in eRecruit, enter the Job Opening ID number 13912 in the appropriate search field. Once you apply, you will receive an email confirming submission of your resume. For all resumes received, if there is interest in your candidacy, the human resources recruiter or the department hiring manager will contact you. Job Opening ID number for this position is #13912.

Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

*** From Sandra Barros:

Good afternoon,

Please post the following job listing on your next issue (Monday morning – 10/14/08) and on

• Major Gifts Officer (based in the Washington, DC Office)

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Sandra Barros

Assistant, Human Resources

Human Resources

American Lung Association

61 Broadway, 6th Floor

New York, NY 10006

Tel: (212) 315-8814

Fax: (212) 315-8872

37.) Major Gifts Officer, American Lung Association, Washington, DC

The National Headquarters of the American Lung Association is seeking a Major Gifts Officer. Responsible for initiating and developing relationships and executing strategies that result in major gift income to the American Lung Association from individual, corporate, and foundation donor prospects. The Major Gifts Officer promotes ALA priorities in collaboration with National Headquarters staff, field staff, and volunteer leaders to high level prospects and donors.


Successfully manage a portfolio of major donors and prospects along a continuum of identification, cultivation, and solicitation of major gifts. Establish personal relationships in order to link donors and prospects with the priorities of ALA. Create and implement personalized strategies that progressively move donors and prospects through the stages of moves management. Develop and present gift proposals, as appropriate, for major gifts. Identify and engage volunteers in the cultivation and solicitation of major gifts. Initiate partnerships with field staff on special projects and related fundraising activities. Implement annual program improvements based on knowledge of best practices. Assist in the development and coordination of cultivation and stewardship events. Coordinate donor solicitations with National staff and, where appropriate, the field. Act as liaison between prospects and National Headquarters staff. Draft proposals and solicitation materials for consideration by foundation, individuals, and corporate funding sources. Conduct research on major gifts prospects and stay abreast of new ALA projects and ideas. Undertake and oversee the collection of data and preparation of reports related to the Major Gifts program. Maintain information systems on donor contributions, including schedules for solicitation and reporting. Prepare and monitor the major gifts budget, reporting monthly on income from donors.


Bachelor’s degree with five years’ related development experience with at least two years in the area of major gifts. Knowledge of donor identification, solicitation and cultivation techniques; and successful history of closing gifts. Demonstrate diplomacy, tact, and a professional demeanor. Strong organizational, analytical, and prioritization skills. Possess a high level of professional maturity, judgment, decisiveness, and the capacity to deal with a wide range of relationships and situations. Demonstrated success in relationship building. Computer literate and working knowledge of software applications (word processing, spreadsheet, and database). Proven fund raising performance. Ability to travel as required by the position (30% of time).


Please send/ e-mail letter of application and resume (indicating position title and/or job number) with salary requirements to:

Maria Vanegas-Zea

American Lung Association

61 Broadway, 6th Floor

New York, NY 10006



*** From Laurie Mitchell:

Thanks, Ned, for posting this. I appreciate it.

Laurie Mitchell, CPC


Laurie Mitchell & Company, Inc, a Marketing Communications Executive Search Firm, has placed 1150+ Marketing professionals over the last 24 years. We staff Public Relations/Advertising Agencies and scores of large & small, public & private companies.

A Houston, Texas Plastics/Chemicals company seeks an exceptionally bright, high-EQ Marketing Communications Manager to enhance the company’s image via external and internal web sites, collateral materials, trade show participation, media relations and the management of numerous outside advertising/public relations/ marketing vendors.

The ideal candidate must be degreed with at least five to seven years' FT ad/pr agency and/or corporate MarCom experience. Stellar oral and written communications skills, poise, presence, moxie and excellent presentation skills are imperative. As this position will also work closely with engineers and scientists at the top of their game, we’ll be looking for keen minds eager for constant intellectual challenge and exchange. A competitive compensation package is offered. No relocation is offered for this position located near the Houston airport.

Please note these specific instructions:

To apply for this or any of our many other AD/PR/Marketing positions, please email your resume as a single MS Word file to: Name the file with your name (Jones, Mary 10-08.doc), and put your full name in the subject line with your thoughtful cover note (including current compensation) in the email message only. Laurie will personally respond quickly to all qualified submissions. Thank you.

Laurie Mitchell, CPC (Certified Personnel Consultant)

Laurie Mitchell & Company, Inc.

Marketing Communications Executive Search

*** From Alex Berger:

Job of the week:

39.) Change & Engagement Consultant, HR Consultancy, London, UK

A leading HR Consultancy is seeking to recruit a Change and Engagement Consultant to join their successful Human Capital team. This role will be responsible for managing and delivering change and communications projects to clients as well as developing client relationships and coaching more junior members of the team. The work will cover a broad range of change projects including strategic change resulting from M&A, HR transformation, change and communication of reward structures, and developing and running leadership workshops and training.

£55,000 -70,000, full-time.

Our client is looking for a skilled change and communications professional with a track record of successful project delivery. Excellent interpersonal, relationship building and

*** From Stephanie Danti:

40.) Public Relations Account Director, O'Keeffe & Company, Alexandria, VA or Bethesda, MD

O'Keeffe & Company, a technology public relations and marketing agency, seeks ambitious professionals with 10+ years of marketing/PR experience and a proven track record delivering results on business-to-business and/or business-to-government marketing and public relations programs. Our account directors possess excellent writing/editing, media relations, and project management skills as well as a fanatical attention to detail. Responsibilities include client, event, and media outreach management as well as strategic plan development and implementation. Qualified candidates must possess 10+ years experience, business development skills, and proven ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment.

Work with blue-chip clients in an intense, rapid-growth environment. O’Keeffe & Company has a supportive, collaborative, and non-political culture, as well as a strong commitment to professional development and career growth. We offer competitive salary, excellent benefits, and a fun “work hard, play hard” atmosphere. For flexibility, we have two DC-area locations – Alexandria, VA and Bethesda, MD. Choose your commute. Learn more about us and our open positions at To apply, send resumes to with your name and AD in the subject.

41.) Publicity & Marketing Specialist, Arizona Public Media, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

42.) TV Director of Operations, 9-TV / 88.3-FM, Evansville, Indiana

43.) Radio Broadcast Specialist, South Dakota Public Broadcasting, Vermillion, SD

*** From Dave Imre:


I have some openings for the next newsletter. Hope you are well in DC. Thanks.


David Imre

Imre Communications

909 Ridgebrook Road Suite 300

Baltimore, MD 21152-9451

Phone: 410.821.8220

Fax: 410.821.5619

Mobile: 410.591.5500

Imre Communications, an integrated communications agency located in Baltimore, is seeking the following full time positions to join our growing team. We offer an inspiring and supportive work environment, competitive salary and benefits package including health, dental, vision, 401k, and paid time off.

Please send resume with salary requirements to

44.) Account Supervisor, Imre Communications, Baltimore, MD

We are seeking an Account Supervisor to join our growing agency team. Requires strategic thinker, creative and passionate about their work, seasoned team and project manager. Must possess 8+ years’ experience with increasing responsibility, driving and directing marketing efforts and managing staff. Ideal candidate will have agency experience and a Bachelor's degree in marketing, advertising, public relations or related field. We are looking for a strong team player with proven success in developing research-based, results-driven campaigns.

For more information on any of the above,

45.) Graphic Designer, Imre Communications, Baltimore, MD

The role will be expected to create designs that address business, brand and market challenges from conception to completion. The ideal candidate will have an inspiring portfolio and the ability to produce assignments within budgeted hours.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

• Be the design gatekeeper for assigned clients and have an understanding & knowledge of the client’s business needs.

• Participate in brainstorming sessions with Art Director and/or Creative Director and client feedback meetings

• Maintain job jackets and ensure all phases of projects are recorded.

• Work with Production Manager to provide timely updates on status of creative

• Work with traffic coordinator for status of projects and account management

• Manage the timeline during internal account reviews


• BA or BS in graphic design or related field

• 2 to 4 years experience in design

• Strong design skills, artistic ability and creativity

• Fluency in Adobe Suite

• Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment

• Good interpersonal and communication skills

• Ability to work in a team atmosphere

For more information on any of the above,

46.) Account Director – Digital Communications, Imre Communications, Baltimore, MD

This position will be responsible for the overall leadership and guidance of account teams in the development, implementation and evaluation of strategic communication initiatives for agency clients. The director will serves as liaison between the client, creative and technical teams during the development and evaluation of efforts and play a major role in new business development from existing clients as well as new prospects. The position will also have direct report management of a hungry team of digital account team members.

The ideal candidate will have 10 to 15 years of experience – preferably in an agency setting and have strong client relationship and communication skills. Exceptional knowledge and extensive experience with marketing, digital and public relations strategies and techniques is required. In addition, a working knowledge of basic graphic design and software engineering techniques and terminology is also required.

For more information on any of the above,

*** From Donovan Beauchamp:

The Avisar HR Team

47.) Public Affairs/Media Analysis- SECRET, Avisar, Arlington, VA

Fantastic opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of DOD customers. We are seeking senior practitioners with broad experience in public affairs, media analysis, strategic communications, media relations, and media production within the DOD arena. Work location is Iraq. This is a classified work environment and candidates must have active SECRET clearance minimum.

Avisar is an EOE, offering a competitive salary with an excellent benefits package that values excellence and rewards effort. If interested, please send a resume along with a cover letter, salary requirements, date of availability and security clearance information to, Please put “DC Area – Public Affairs/Media Analysis” in the subject line of your email. No phone calls please.

48.) Public Affairs/Media Analysis- SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

Fantastic opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of DOD customers. We are seeking senior practitioners with broad experience in public affairs, media analysis, strategic communications, media relations, and media production within the DOD arena. Work location is Iraq. This is a classified work environment and candidates must have active SECRET clearance minimum.

Avisar is an EOE, offering a competitive salary with an excellent benefits package that values excellence and rewards effort. If interested, please send a resume along with a cover letter, salary requirements, date of availability to deploy to Iraq, and security clearance information to, Please put “IRAQ Teams – Public Affairs/Media Analysis” in the subject line of your email. No phone calls please.

49.) Broadcast Journalists and Broadcast Engineers- SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

Fantastic opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of DOD customers. We are seeking senior practitioners with broad experience in the broadcast career field within the military. Work location is Iraq. This is a classified work environment and candidates must have active SECRET clearance minimum.

Avisar has the following openings in Iraq:

1. Broadcast Studio Manager

2. Broadcast Technicians

3. Broadcast Journalists

Avisar is an EOE, offering a competitive salary with an excellent benefits package that values excellence and rewards effort. If interested, please send a resume along with a cover letter, salary requirements, date of availability to deploy to Iraq, and security clearance information to, Please put “IRAQ Teams-Broadcast Specialist” in the subject line. No phone calls please.

50.) Webmaster- SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

Fantastic opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of DOD customers. We are seeking an experienced webmaster with broad experience in multimedia web applications. Work location is Iraq. This is a classified work environment and candidates must have active SECRET clearance minimum.

Experience: Individual must have a verifiable experience developing and maintaining commercial websites. Requires strong creative and graphic design skills with a demonstrated talent for solving color, font and user interface challenges. Must have expert knowledge of Flash, Dreamweaver, DHTML, Fireworks and PhotoShop in a cross-browser environment. Requires BSCS (or related–advanced degree preferred), as well as familiarity with web technologies for front-end and back-end development, i.e. XML, JavaScript, ASP, SQL server and Windows NT in a cross-browser environment.

Avisar is an EOE, offering a competitive salary with an excellent benefits package that values excellence and rewards effort. If interested, please send a resume along with a cover letter, salary requirements, date of availability to deploy to Iraq, and security clearance information to, Please put “IRAQ Teams-Webmaster” in the subject line of your email. No phone calls please.

51.) Graphic Designer/Desktop Publisher – SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

Fantastic opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of DOD customers. We are seeking senior practitioners with graphic design, publishing, and media production within the DOD arena. Work location is Iraq. This is a classified work environment and candidates must have active SECRET clearance minimum.

Must be expert in Adobe Creative Suite: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator as well as Acrobat and other graphics, multimedia, and desktop publishing tools.

Prior service in the military and certification in the 25M MOS a plus.

Avisar is an EOE, offering a competitive salary with an excellent benefits package that values excellence and rewards effort. If interested, please send a resume along with a cover letter, salary requirements, date of availability to deploy to Iraq, and security clearance information to, Please put “IRAQ Teams-Graphic Designer” in the subject line. No phone calls please.

52.) Information Operations – SECRET, Avisar, IRAQ

Fantastic opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of DOD customers. We are seeking senior practitioners with broad experience in information operations, psyop activities, and media analysis within the DOD arena. Work location is Iraq. This is a classified work environment and candidates must have active SECRET clearance minimum.

Avisar is an EOE, offering a competitive salary with an excellent benefits package that values excellence and rewards effort. If interested, please send a resume along with a cover letter, salary requirements, date of availability to deploy to Iraq, and security clearance information to, Please put “IRAQ Teams-Information Operations” in the subject line. No phone calls please.

*** Weekly Piracy Report:

02.10.2008: 23.05 LT: Callao anchorage No.12, Peru.

Five masked robbers attempted to board a container ship at anchor via the anchor chain. Alert crew used fire hoses and flashlights to scare off the robbers.

27.09.2008: 2140 UTC: Posn: 06:17.8N – 003:24.0E: Lagos fairway buoy, Nigeria.

One robber boarded a container ship at anchor. Duty crew spotted the robber and raised the alarm. Crew mustered. Robber jumped overboard and escaped in a waiting boat with accomplices. Ship’s stores stolen.

03.10.2008: 0230 LT: Off Mangkai Island, Indonesia.

Six pirates armed with long knives boarded a LPG tanker underway. They stole ships and crew cash before escaping. Further details awaited.

02.10.2008: 0220 LT; Posn: 03:11.50N – 105:22.23E, Off Mangkai island, Indonesia.

Eight pirates armed with guns and knives boarded a chemical tanker underway. Pirates took hostage 2nd mate and a duty AB. Pirates took second mate to captain's cabin. They held a knife at to the captain’s throat, stole ships cash, and escaped. Master was kicked in the chest.

02.10.2008: 1215 UTC: 20nm south of Bonny signal station, Nigeria.

About ten pirates armed with submachine guns and hand grenades boarded a refrigerated cargo ship drifting. Ship contacted authorities and enforced preventive measures. Pirates escaped in their speedboat. No injuries to crew and nothing was stolen.

01.10.2008: 0300 UTC: Gulf of Aden.

Two speedboats approached a bulk carrier underway on port and stbd bow with intentions to board. Master adopted evasive manoeuvres to prevent boarding. One boat approached on stbd bow and pirates hooked a ladder in order to board. Ship's crew were able to remove it. Master contacted coalition warships on VHF Ch.16 for assistance. The boats continued their attempts to board on both port and stbd bow. Master kept altering course to avoid the boats. A coalition navy helicopter arrived at location, after surveying the area, informed the ship that there were no pirate boats around / ahead. Ship continued her normal passage.

01.10.2008: 0523 UTC: Posn: 13:13:59N – 047:57.52E: Gulf of Aden.

Pirates in speedboats attempted to board a tanker underway. Master took evasive manoeuvres to avoid boarding. Later, the speedboats aborted the attempt and moved away.

01.10.2008: 0345 UTC: Posn: 13:10N – 047:43E: Gulf of Aden.

Pirates in speedboats attempted to board a chemical tanker underway. Master took evasive manoeuvres and informed owners who contacted the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre for assistance. Duty officer informed authorities to render assistance to vessel. A warship arrived at location and chased the boats away.

01.10.2008: 1435 UTC: Posn: 12:42.08N – 049:09.09E, Gulf of Aden.

Four pirates armed with rifles attempted to board a container ship underway. Master raised alarm and vessel took evasive manoeuvres. The crew mustered and activated fire hoses. The pirates fired upon the ship and aborted their attack after ten minutes.

30.09.2008: 0350 LT: Posn: 02:48.0N – 105:09.2E: Vicinity of Anambas island, Indonesia.

About eight pirates armed with long knives boarded a bulk carrier underway. They tied the captain’s hands and stole cash from him. Then they went to chief engineers’ cabin and stole cash money. They took the captain to aft deck and tied him to the bollard before escaping.

20.07.2008: Beau Vallon Bay, Mahe, Seychelles.

One robber boarded a yacht at anchor. He was spotted and chased away by the crew. Master informed that several other boats were also attacked on that night.

The piracy reporting centre advises all vessels / yacht / boats to be cautious when visiting Mahe, Seychelles islands, and to report all such incidents to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre.

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Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

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+1 703 455-7661

The JOTW Network – A world in communication

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© Copyright 2008 The Job of the Week Network, LLC

“Anyone can become angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way – that is not easy.”

– Aristotle


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