Aligning Communications with Leadership
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ambassador Hotel, Churchgate, Mumbai, India
8:30 am to 9:15 am Registration and Coffee
9:15 am to 9:30 am Welcome and Introductions
9:30am to 10:15 am Keynote Session
Edward Lundquist ABC, Senior Science Advisor, Alion Science &
Technology, Navy Pentagon, Washington DC
Aligning Communications with Leadership's Vision and Goals
Ned Lundquist shares leadership lessons from the United States Navy that
you can apply to your company or organisation. Learn how leadership and
communication are inseparable, and how your leadership needs your help
to make stakeholders aware of, understand and believe in the vision.
. How to convince management that better communication will help achieve
the company's goals;
. Ways to lead effectively in turbulent times; and
. Key factors that can make you stand out as a good (and maybe even
great!) leader
10:15 am to 11:00 pm
Session II
Shael Sharma, Vice-President & Head of Corporate Communications, Kotak
Mahindra Bank Limited, Mumbai
Aligning Communications with Leadership: Leveraging Apex Industry
bodies, Awards and Endorsements for building brand reputation and recall
A successful communication strategy needs to be aligned with senior
management. This buy-in and commitment for the organization's brand can
be achieved by innovatively motivating and supporting top management to
pursue thought leadership through the lecture circuit, awards and other
endorsements. In this session learn
. How to ensure that top management stay congruent to messaging and
positioning in public forum presentations
. Sponsorship versus invitation, how to position and pitch your
leadership for through leadership opportunities
. Effectively using media relations support around speaking
opportunities, awards and other platforms
11:00 to 11:15 Tea / Coffee Break
11:15 pm to 12:00 pm
Session III
Shravani Dang, Group Head of Corporate Communications
Avantha Group, New Delhi
Aligning communications with leadership: Matching communication
strategies with the organisation's bottom-line
In this session Shravani will talk about understanding what leaders mean
and want, why strategic communications, which impact bottom lines, is
imperative, and about managing stakeholders and getting buy-ins for high
impact communications. Delegates will take back
. Understanding corporate strategy from bottom line perspectives, why
this is imperative
. The business case for translating corporate strategy into aligned
communications strategy
. The art and science of influencing and buy ins from all stakeholders,
and its execution
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
Session IV
Captain Ned Lundquist ABC, Publisher, Networking Newsletter Job of the
Aligning Communications with Leadership: The Positive And Unanticipated
Consequences Of Networking
Ned will lead a discussion on power-networking for success and share his
insights on how to position yourself as a leader in your profession.
. He will provide a case study on the virtual JOTW community, which has
grown from 38 subscribers in 2001 to 11,000 members of what he calls a
“cooperative network” providing mutual support and assistance
. Ned will discuss how networking – or “nedworking” as he calls it – can
have profound and unanticipated results beyond your imagination
12:30 pm to 1:15 pm Networking Lunch
1:15 to 2:00 pm
Session V
Meena Vaidyanathan, Head, External Communications
HCL Technologies Ltd, New Delhi
Aligning Communications with Leadership- How should strategies adapt to
a challenging economic environment
Through a few real-life examples (from a couple of industry sectors)
Meena will demonstrate how communicators can create strategies that work
in creating business impact. Three learnings that participants would
take back will be:
. How is leadership itself changing in today's environment? Trends and
. What communication strategies can impact business and help leadership
in giving their organisations a competitive edge
. What are the new emerging communication channels that leadership
should be aware of
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm
Session VI
B Sudhakar, Chief Human Resource Officer
Tata Chemicals Ltd, Mumbai
Aligning Communications with Leadership: The nexus between HR and
Communications and how this alliance can work wonders for the
Sudhakar will use a TCL case study wherein the company integrated the HR
and Communication functions structurally. He will show how building
Process skills in communication professionals helped them contribute
significantly to the organisational transformation agenda in close
partnership with the HR functionaries. Learn
. how one can use structure as an effective delivery vehicle to realize
organisation's strategy
. the competencies that communication professionals need to focus on to
impact organisational change agenda
. how HR and Communication professionals partner and design
organisational interventions
2:45 pm to 3:00 pm Tea / Coffee Break
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm
Session VII
NS Srinivasan, Executive Mentor, Medha Mind Enhancement Pvt Ltd, Chennai
Aligning Communications with Leadership: Experience Excellence by
Demystifying Leadership through Brain Re-engineering
The current economic situation demands rigorous quantification so that
leaders continue to succeed even in adverse conditions. A technological
solution to the problem is undergoing brain function training for
leadership skills. Also see how effective your media spend could be
using cutting-edge neuroscience linking advertisements leading to
purchasing power. In this practical session, find answers about
. Defining leadership in terms of neuroscience
. How can leaders at the “Bottom-of-the-Pyramid” support those at the
“Top-of-the-Pyramid” in terms of communication
. What is the mental state that facilitates leaders to maintain their
leadership position?
3:45 pm to 4:15 pm
Session VIII
Ned Lundquist ABC, Incoming Accreditation Chair, IABC
Aligning Communications with Leadership: How to become an Accredited
Business Communicator
Lundquist will tell us about the value of becoming accredited, and
explain the application, portfolio and examination process. ABCs say
they gain new knowledge and skills going through the process, and are
accorded greater respect and credibility in their work. They report that
they use the strategic planning process better as a result of the
accreditation experience. As the global standard credential program,
becoming an ABC offers a way to master and demonstrate the skills
essential to effective organizational communication.
4:15 pm to 5:00 pm
Session IX
Krishna Mariyanka, Director-Consultant, Aikya Global, Bangalore
Aligning communications with leadership: The vital link – crisis and
There's a very thin line between issue and crisis. What role do
communicators have to play in sensitizing leadership about an emerging
crisis and what are some of the must-do actions in the process. Get
communication tips that will work during hours of crisis and be
well-informed, well-prepared and well-enabled to act when need arises.
. How to better foresee crises
. Ways to communicate effectively during pre-crisis, in-crisis,
post-crisis situations
. Practical tips to develop a street-smart crisis-communications plan
that keeps you on the top of your duty and ensures business resilience
and continuity
5:00 pm to 5:15 pm
Closing Comments
Rs 5900 per delegate
Rs 4900 for IABC members
Rs 9900 Banner sponsorship (one complimentary registration)
Pay for 2 delegates from the same organisation and the 3rd delegate gets
a complimentary registration
Fees include morning/afternoon tea/coffee, lunch, pads, pens, handouts
Please courier your cheques in favour of Misha Network PR
To: B24 Appasamy Towers, 17 Sir Thyagaraya Road, T Nagar, Chennai 600017
Telephone: (0)9884063009
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