Area 224 is offering a virtual Social Media Marketing conference over the next three weeks, with 9 webinars in all, covering topics like “Setting the Strategy for Social Media Marketing,” “Twitter in Twenty Minutes,” “The Video Revolution and How to Maximize Your Time on YouTube.” For $349, it might be the best use of your corporate training budget yet! Click here to see the schedule and sign up: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1103403.
JOTW 49-2009
7 December 2009
“O Lord, who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.”
–William Shakespeare
This is it! This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking. JOTW is a cooperative service that relies on the contributions of its members, like you. We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life's peculiarities.
(JOTW is a cooperative service. We help each other. People find out about job opportunities and send them to me to share with the list. There's a karma factor involved, too. So, send us listings from your part of the world, and you shall be rewarded in this life and the next. We count upon your spirited participation.)
First of all, it doesn't cost you a cent. How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of opportunities each week. Did I mention it was free? Your friends can sign up by sending a blank e-mail
to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com. It's free for them, too.
November is new member month for the Job of the Week Network. It means that everyone in the network, all 11,000 plus of you, are supposed to sign up one person who is a fellow communication professional to become a JOTW subscriber. Just tell them to send a blank email to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com to join our network of professional communicators. It’s free. That’s not much to ask, now is it?
You are among 11,330 subscribers in this community of communicators.
This is newsletter number 807.
This network is all about connecting communicators and sharing opportunities. And speaking of sharing, since the JOTW newsletter was started, more than 25,000 job opportunities have been listed and shared with members of this network. 27,066 to be exact, as of this morning.
I can’t change your e-mail address for you. But you can. Send a blank e-mail from your old account to JOTW-unsubscribe@topica.com. Then send a blank e-mail from your new account to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
If you can read this newsletter, then you are on the JOTW list. If you did not receive your JOTW newsletter by email in your in box this morning, it is because you have a junk mail folder, spam filter, or capacity issues on your end.
In this issue:
(To view these jobs, scroll down to the listings in the content of this newsletter)
*** One Paragraph Pitch
1) Senior Public Affairs Associate, Government Affairs, The National Association of Realtors, Washington, DC
2.) Marketing Communications Manager, Hannover Fairs, Princeton, NJ
3.) Communications Coordinator, Global Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA
4.) Corporate Communications Manager, Rackspace, SAN ANTONIO, TX
5.) Corporate Communication Specialist, Nintendo of America Inc., Redwood City, California
6.) Director Communications, Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Deerfield, Illinois
7.) Manager Web Design – HQS, Continental Airlines, Houston, TX
8.) Director of Communications, Treatment Advocacy Center, Arlington, Virginia
9.) Vice President of Development, Marketing and Communications, Idaho Youth Ranch, Boise, Idaho
10.) Director, Communications and Knowledge Management, Family Health International, Nigeria
11.) MANAGER – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS UNIT, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Muscle Shoals, Alabama
12.) Communication Specialist, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Abuja, Nigeria
13.) Communication Specialist, Catalyzing Acceleration of Agricultural Intensification for Stability and Sustainability (CATALIST), International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Kigali, Rwanda
14.) Internal Communications Manager, Chemicals, Shell International Petroleum Company Limited, Shell Centre, London, United Kingdom
15.) Communications Specialist, Health Trust, Campbell, California
16.) Director, Corporate Communications, Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, AZ
17.) Manager, ALA Web Network, National Headquarters, American Lung Association, NY, NY
18.) Communications Associate, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, New York, New York
20.) Media Relations Intern – Spring, World Vision, Washington, DC
21.) Senior Communications Coordinator, The Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL
22.) Vice President, Marketing and Communication, HDT Engineered Technologies, Solon, OH
23.) Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Sirius XM Radio, New York, NY
24.) Corporate Communications Coordinator, General Electric Corporate, Corporate Commercial and Communications, Fairfield, CT
25.) Publications and Communications Specialist, The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), Washington, DC
26.) Director, Global Corporate Communications, Hilton Corporate – Global Headquarters, Mc Lean, VA
27.) Director of Corporate Communications, Solutia, St. Louis, MO
28.) Manager, Global Corporate Communications, Kendle International, Cincinnati, OH
30.) Director, Online Public Relations, Genworth Financial, Richmond, VA
31.) Senior Communicator – Project Leader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, Colorado
32.) Public Affairs Specialist, Defense Logistics Agency, Ft Belvoir, VA
33.) Communications Manager, US/LAC, USLAC Corporate, Houston, TX
34.) VP Corporate Communications, Fleishman-Hillard, St. Louis, MO
35.) Senior comms Consultant, boutique agency, London, UK
36.) PRT Public Diplomacy Officer, Afghanistan Support Organization (ASO), Department of State, Washington DC Metro Area, DC/TDY to Afghanistan
37.) Communications and Outreach Specialist, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), ITS Knowledge Transfer and Policy (KTP) Team, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
38.) Communications and Outreach Specialist, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
39.) College Intern-Corporate Communications, Office Depot, Boca Raton, FL
40.) Public Relations Associate, The Curley Company, Washington, D.C.
41.) Vice President – Investor Relations, Dresner Corporate Services, Chicago, IL
42.) Director of Video Production, The American University, Washington, DC
43.) Communication Specialist, Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Limited, Australia, North Ryde, NSW, Australia
44.) E-Newsletter Editor, 48 Hour Film, Washington, DC
45.) Advertising Operations Analyst, Pandora Media, Oakland, CA
46.) Director, Advocacy, Center for Economic Progress, Washington, D.C.
47.) Senior Copywriter, offered through Editech Staffing, Rockville, MD
48.) Senior Graphic Designer (temporary position), offered through Editech Staffing, Rockville, MD
49.) Communications Director, Climate Policy Initiative, San Francisco, CA
50.) AVP, Corporate Communications, Royal Carribbean Cruises, Ltd., Miami, FL
51.) Corporate Communications Specialist, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI
52.) Editor, Research Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Hong Kong, China
53.) Director of Marketing, Garden Decor Central Garden & Pet, Foxboro, MA
54.) Manager – Marketing/ Investor Relations, Hedge Fund Mooring Financial Corporation, Vienna, VA
55.) Public Relations-Account Supervisor, Pharma/Biotech, New York, NY
56.) European Public Relations Manager, State Street, London, UK
57.) Public Relations/Corporate Communications Faculty, Emerson College, Boston, MA
58.) Internal Communications Manager, RBS Coutts Bank Ltd (Singapore Branch), Singapore
59.) Digital Strategist, Category Manager at Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks Coffee Company, Seattle, WA
60.) Regional Director, Public Relations – Hong Kong, offered through EMR Recruiting, Hong Kong, China
61.) PR / Media Relations Manager, Investment Banking, McGregor Boyall, London, UK
62.) Director, Investor Relations, OneWire Inc, New York, NY
63.) Media Relations Specialist, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
64.) Investor Relations Specialist, Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA
65.) Global Vice-President of Communications, Whole Foods Market, Austin, Texas
66.) Communications Assistant (part-time), Meyer Foundation, Washington, DC
67.) Public Affairs Manager, Barclays, London, UK
68.) Senior Vice President, Investor Relations, SAIC, Mc Lean, VA
69.) Senior VP, Investor Relations & Marketing, ARI Financial, Boston, MA
70.) Finnish Language Instructor, Global Language Translation, Inc., Arlington, VA
71.) Football Head Coach for Lingerie Football League, Nashville Stars in Nashville, TN 72.) Bikini Barista, Skimp-spresso, Everett, Washington
*** Weekly Piracy Report
…and more! Scroll down and see them all!
*** One Paragraph Pitch:
Hi Ned,
Can you add my OPP to the queue? Thanks so much!
Melissa Macchiavelli
Marketing and communications leader with 15 years of success in developing and implementing integrated campaigns for a variety of top brands. Passionate, innovative and adept in traditional marketing as well as new media with stellar references and proven ability to lead teams to deliver exceptional results. Recent experience as an agency account supervisor includes devising strategies and tactics to drive awareness and generate leads with the greatest impact. Specializing in multidisciplinary approach to marketing with focus on efficiency and creativity. Strengths include exceptional project management skills, determination to exceed expectations and achieve stellar results for every project, and a strong work ethic. Interested in a broad range of opportunities from short-term freelance to full-time.
For additional information, resume and/or samples please contact Melissa Macchiavelli, melimac@gmail.com, 443-850-8125.
Thank you!
*** Arthurian gratitude:
Dear Ned,
Re: William Arthur quote…
I appreciate the hours and hours you devote to JOTW and the fact you send it to me for free.
The humor (intended and not) is the icing on the cake!
Patricia A. Fitzgerald
Vice President, Marketing
*** Kris Gallagher is envious:
Q: What is green and fluffy?
A: White fluff, green with envy over pink fluff's color-changing
*** Announcing another limerick haiku contest:
You can win a free pass for the Area 224 virtual Social Media Marketing conference (see the announcement below). That’s a $349 value. Just send Ned a winning haiku or limerick on the subject of social media. Send today, because the virtual conference begins Thursday. Send your entry to lundquist989@cs.com.
*** Area 224 — The Social Media Marketing Consultancy — asks: “What are you doing for the next 3 weeks?” And, do you feel the pressures of having to learn all this Social Media stuff — or, even more pressure — explain it to the boss? Area 224 Managing Principal Dave Van de Walle (veteran webinar guy, social media trainer to companies large and small) is holding a virtual Social Media Marketing conference over the next three weeks, with 9 webinars in all, covering topics like “Setting the Strategy for Social Media Marketing,” “Twitter in Twenty Minutes,” “The Video Revolution and How to Maximize Your Time on YouTube.” Even better — all 9 webinars can be shared among office colleagues AND, if you can't join live, they're all archived. (You'll even get the downloads.) For $349, it might be the best use of your corporate training budget yet! Click here to see the schedule and sign up: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1103403.
*** JOTW Website stats for November 2009:
Distinct hosts served: 16,989
Total page views: 93,538
*** When visiting a new place, do you sign up for the guided tour, or strike out on your own?
Send your advice to Ned at lundquist989@cs.com for the next issue of Your Very Next Step. Subscribe for free by sending a blank email to yourverynextstep-subscribe@topica.com. Invite your traveling companions and fellow adventurers to respond to this query and subscribe. You can see the answers I’ve received to date in the latest issue of YVNS. Read the newsletter at www.yourverynextstep.com.
*** Trail Ethics:
This next issue of YVNS will look at differing view of proper behavior and outdoor etiquette. YVNS wants to hear your perspectives and expectations on trail and camping ethics. What is appropriate behavior? A lot of people go far off the beaten path to do as they please, only to find somebody else there who complains about them. Others make a considerable effort to go far off the road to carry their coolers of beer, then lightening their load considerable by leaving their beer cans where they drank them (okay, maybe throwing them some distance first). Some want to enjoy a peaceful walk on a crisp autumn day only to be shot at by hunters. Some want the solitude of camping in the wilderness only to find themselves parked next to an R/V with floodlights, stereo, and a noisy generator. Some go camping with the family to find themselves camped next to an all-night party with sex, drugs and rock and roll.
We'd like to hear your thoughts on the issue, and examples where you have been in unusual or unacceptable situations, and what you did about them.
For example, what do you think about taking your dog on a long hike or backpacking trek in the back country?
Send your contributions to Ned at lundquist989@cs.com.
*** The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) is now accepting submissions for the 2010 Gold Quill Awards.
Distinguish yourself, your work and the work of your team by becoming part of the international best practices the IABC Gold Quill Awards has represented for more than 35 years. Enter this global competition to receive the highest level of professional acknowledgment within business communication and become a legend (in certain circles).
Every communication project or campaign is a potential Gold Quill Award winner–no matter how small or seemingly ordinary. Even everyday communications can have the spark of excellence. If you apply that excellence to a defined business need, identify specific goals and objectives, and back your efforts up with measurement, you could have a winner.
Seize this opportunity to display your skills to senior communicators, enhance your portfolio, accentuate your résumé and get an edge up on the competition.
View the Call for Entries at www.iabc.com/awards/gq.
Early-bird deadline: 27 January 2010
Final deadline: 3 February 2010
Step up, offer your best and get ready to join the ranks of the legendary in communication.
*** From Ted Deutsch:
Ned – Sorry if you have already did this and I missed it, but it might be
interesting to create a graph or bar chart of how many U.S. and
international jobs have been posted through your site over the past 2-3
years as a measure of trends in the job market.
Of course you may have no interest in, or time for, such an effort, but the
data would certainly be interesting.
Ted Deutsch
(The number of jobs posted is often more a result of how much time I have to spend on the newsletter that week than the available market.)
*** The Global Standard, Ned’s new accreditation blog:
ØRECOMM, the Consortium for Communication and Glocal Change, is an international research group that originated at Malmö University (MAH) and Roskilde University (RUC) for research in the field of Communication for Development and Social Change. ØRECOMM focuses on the relations between media, communication, and social change processes at both global and local levels. ØRECOMM explicitly recognises and seeks to explore and understand the interconnectedness between change processes in the Øresund region – a geographical and economic region comprising Southern Sweden and Eastern Denmark, where MAH and RUC are located – and in the world at large.
For more information, see the ØRECOMM website: http://www.comminit.com/redirect.cgi?m=bbd7292684fe058edf47f8ad48dfc540
Or contact Oscar Hemer at oscar.hemer@mah.se or Thomas Tufte at ttufte@ruc.dk
*** Is it true?
Is it true there are stupid jokes at the very bottom of “Your Very Next Step?” You’ll just have to look for the fine print at www.yourverynextstep.com to find out.
*** From Hwee Suan Ong:
my colleague's sister did this as a school project. she wrote the song and produced the video herself. i thot she is awesome.
*** New Orleans:
I was in New Orleans last week to attend the WorkBoat Show. I stayed at the InterContinental, and I must say it was a very big disappointment. I tneeded to check email when I arrived and before I went to the convention center to get my credentials. The room’s ethernet plug was broken , but I could get a signal. But I couldn’t get connected. I tried many options, and finally called the desk, where they finally answered. They finally (after several calls) sent an engineer who rebooted the TV. This didn’t fix the problem. He was frustrated and flustered because his vibrating pager kept going off with more trouble calls. “You’re probably going to have to call CoolConnect,” he said. He called the technician, who did the same reboot the TV thing. No luck. Then they suggested I go to the lobby where they had wifi. I had to get going. They assured me the problem would be fixed when I got back. “You’ll see your name on the TV, and you’ll be all set . So, after an hour of trying I left, coming back several hours later. The WorkBoat show was interesting, and I just saw a few aisles of one of the exhibit halls. I had some chicken and sausage jambalaya on rice (no shrimp or crayfish since I left me epipen behind). Of course I stopped at Café du Monde for some beignets.
Back at the hotel my TV did not have my name. More calls to the desk. Calls with the manager. The whole internet is down. Your section of the hotel is down. Why don’t you come down to the lobby. You can’t come down to the lobby to use wifi because the entire internet is down. And finally, “Call CoolConnect.” I called them, and they discovered some pesky problems, like I was not connected on their end, and other “their end” issues, and got me fixed. As long as I paid the $16.95 for 24 hours. I told him I was very disappointed, because I needed internet and I spent way too much time getting this restored. He said I should ralk to the desk and maybe they could do something.
As an early riser, I started my little coffee pot in the morning, but it didn’t work. It boiled and bubbled over, but didn’t drip through the coffee filter. I called the desk. Security brought up a different coffee pot, but without a basket for the coffee. He came back later with a basket, and I was off and brewing. At least they give you four packets of single-brew coffee, more than most hotels.
My “free continental breakfast” was a very good almond croissant from the Sweet Car.
When I checked out, to their credit, the fee for internet was removed, and I was given a card for an upgrade on my next stay at an InterContinental hotel.
*** Morgan City, Louisiana:
Ned joined Leo and Tina Grizzafi for dinner at Scully’s Cajun Seafood in Stephensville, Louisiana, on Dec 3rd. Ned and Leo are fellow board members of the National Association of Fleet Tug Sailors (Ned is a founder). See the photo at http://www.nedsjotw.com/blog/_archives/2009/12/6/4398270.html. Ned then received the Morgan City-after-dark tour. The next day Ned visited Swift Ships in Morgan City, where they are building patrol boats for the new Iraqi navy.
*** First snow:
We had the first snow of the year as we put up the Christmas tree.
*** From The Drum Beat:
The 2010 Summer Institute on Integrated Marketing Communication for Behavioral Impact (IMC/COMBI) in Health and Social Development – July 4-24 2010 – New York, NY, United States
*** From Jake Poinier:
Hi Ned:
Hope the holiday season finds you well and that business is chugging along. I've got a couple of items for Your Very Next Step but need to get off my butt.
In any case, wanted to drop you a note that the Freelance Forecast 2010 surveys have been uploaded. You were kind enough to mention it last year, and I'm hoping that JOTW readers would be interested in again opining on the State of the Union for freelancers and the clients who hire us. Motivations, money…it's all in there. Every participant receives a copy of the results and entered into the drawing for a $100 iTunes or STAPLES gift card.
I'd really like to encourage more client-side respondents, since that's vital data for us solo acts. If each FLer encouraged one buyer-of-freelance-services to participate, it would be a huge boost to the overall informational value.
The survey for freelancers is http://bit.ly/Freelancer2010
The survey for clients is http://bit.ly/Clients2010
Or, for the sake of ease, I've got them both posted on my blog page:
Thanks for whatever you can do–I'll be busy brainstorming beyond the cocktail shaker for the thank-you 🙂
P: 602.795.9919
F: 480.718.7773
Jake's Blog…http://jakepoinier.blogspot.com/
Professional writing. Marketing impact.
*** From Kristine Navarro:
Hi Ned- Please post job- thanks
1.) Senior Public Affairs Associate, Government Affairs, The National Association of Realtors, Washington, DC
The National Association of Realtors®, the largest trade association in the nation, is seeking a DC-based senior publicist. The Senior Public Affairs Associate serves as point person for all media outlets in the legislative and regulatory issues arena. The position involves counseling NAR Government Affairs staff on media outreach vehicles in addition to writing news releases and publicity materials. Must be able to identify and reach targeted, inside the beltway audiences and proactively generate coverage.
Excellent writing skills and people skills are essential. Successful candidate will have min. seven years experience in Washington-focused media and public affairs or related area, a keen understanding of the legislative and regulatory process, and a demonstrated ability to shape perceptions of public policy and build and maintain print, broadcast and online media relationships. Bachelor’s degree required.
NAR offers compelling salary, exceptional benefits and a Capitol Hill/Union Station location. Please email resume and salary requirement to: HR-DCNAR@realtors.org.
No phone calls, please. EOE M/F/V/H
*** From John Moriarty:
Hi Ned,
I have been a long time fan of the JOTW email. Thank you for this!
Here is a position we have open at Hannover Fairs:
2.) Marketing Communications Manager, Hannover Fairs, Princeton, NJ
The Marketing Communications Manager will be responsible for managing the online (email, blogs, social media sites, and SEM/SEO) and offline exhibitor marketing campaigns (including print, direct mail, PR, and partner/association). Position will be in Princeton NJ office. Telecommuting is not an option.
• Work with sales teams to create, execute and monitor the company's exhibitor promotion offers with dynamic email campaigns.
• Create, maintain and grow social media outlets.
• Discover, negotiate and implement offline marketing opportunities.
• Create and manage e-mail marketing campaigns and blogs.
• Maintain and update existing websites with current and valuable information to provide exhibitor and visitor prospects with clear communication of product value propositions and reinforce the brands.
• Copywriting, editing and proofreading.
• Maintain an understanding of industry trends and research industry related media.
• Provide ongoing reporting on results of online and offline campaigns to teams
• Media Research & Planning for Advertising
• College Degree in Marketing or Business or related field.
• At least 3 years experience in a B2B marketing role.
• Media or tradeshow experience preferred.
• Exposure to manufacturing and technology industries a plus
• HTML and current web technologies such as CSS, Ajax, etc.
• Search engine optimization to improve website performance.
• Search engine marketing – Google Ad Words. etc.
• Link building, HTML analysis, and website usability.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills.
• Organized with the ability to multi-task and meet deadlines.
• Proficiency with MS-Office.
• Proactive, detail-oriented, and a problem solver with a positive attitude.
• Proven ability to work with multiple teams in a support position
• Working knowledge of Photoshop & Acrobat Professional
Please forward resume and salary requirements to brooney@hfusa.com
3.) Communications Coordinator, Global Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA
4.) Corporate Communications Manager, Rackspace, SAN ANTONIO, TX
5.) Corporate Communication Specialist, Nintendo of America Inc., Redwood City, California
6.) Director Communications, Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Deerfield, Illinois
7.) Manager Web Design – HQS, Continental Airlines, Houston, TX
8.) Director of Communications, Treatment Advocacy Center, Arlington, Virginia
9.) Vice President of Development, Marketing and Communications, Idaho Youth Ranch, Boise, Idaho
10.) Director, Communications and Knowledge Management, Family Health International, Nigeria
*** From Scott Mall:
Please post the following in your next newsletter. I’ve attached as a document and pasted below, since I don’t know which version you prefer.
Thank you for your assistance. I’ve been a faithful member of the JOTW gang for several years; I love the information and online camaraderie. All the best for the holidays and the New Year. You do our profession a great service.
Scott Mall
Chief Communications Officer
11.) MANAGER – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS UNIT, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Muscle Shoals, Alabama
This position involves working with the Chief Communications Officer to develop public relations, communications and marketing strategies to reach IFDC's target audiences. Duties may include:
• Helping to implement the overall communications strategy for IFDC and assisting in the coordination of the communications of IFDC’s overseas offices
• Assisting in the determination of the theme(s), assembling, and editing the materials to be included in the IFDC Corporate Report (e.g., text, figures, photographs, charts and tables to be included in the publication)
• Writing articles for inclusion in various publications distributed internationally to the agriculture, scientific and development communities (e.g., interviewing staff regarding research projects, preparing news releases about the activities conducted by IFDC)
• Helping to enhance the image of IFDC by promoting its programs and services (e.g., writing brochures and booklets for distribution, developing promotional multi-media presentations)
• Editing of papers written by the worldwide staff of IFDC
• Assisting in the management of content of IFDC’s website; determining what information to include on the website; editing copy, video and photography
• Performing other related duties as necessary (e.g., maintaining donor databases, actively participating in fund-raising activities)
This position requires creativity and the ability to communicate effectively in order to disseminate information to numerous audiences. This job may involve the following:
• Ability to communicate effectively in all media outlets (e.g., print, video, Internet, etc.)
• Ability to glean information to be used in articles, video, presentations and publications (e.g., interviewing staff regarding research projects, assembling data to be used in articles, video, blogs, publications and presentations)
• Knowledge of editing skills and practices to maintain quality in IFDC's articles, publications and presentations
• Ability to conceptualize ideas for various types of promotional packages such as brochures, booklets, flyers, videos, etc. The creativity to design, develop and implement these concepts would be beneficial.
• Ability to understand and apply promotional techniques to aid in the organization's ability to attract donors for its research, development and field programs
• Minimum of Bachelor's degree in Public Relations, Journalism or English and 5+ years of relevant work experience. Degree and/or knowledge of development and/or developing nations’ agricultural/environmental needs is desired.
This position requires a general understanding of public relations and marketing principles and procedures and the ability to apply these in effectively promoting the organization's image. Occasionally these guidelines must be adapted to a given situation (e.g., using the appropriate fund-raising activities to attract donors). This position also requires the ability to detect discrepancies in technical writing (e.g., annual report contributions from various researchers) and the ability to synthesize this material prepared by scientists/other staff having varying backgrounds and writing styles.
This position assists in decisions regarding how to promote and what to include in promotional material (e.g., content distribution), and then helps generate, design and develop original promotional concepts using a variety of media. Most decisions are approved by the Chief Communications Officer prior to implementation. Work is either self-started or assigned by the supervisor. Work is reviewed by various levels of management to ensure technical content and accuracy. Weekly meetings may be held with the supervisor to discuss objectives and review completed work.
Frequent contact is made with one or more subordinate staff to give instruction regarding technical reports and promotional activities. Frequent contact is also made with staff, donors and industry to obtain and disseminate information and to promote the technical services of IFDC.
This position requires working in a normal office environment with no unusual physical demands or exposure to hazardous situations.
Forward cover letters and resumes to: small@ifdc.org
I have developed another job announcement for placement in the next JOTW. Thank you for your assistance and all you do for the public relations community.
Scott Mall
12.) Communication Specialist, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Abuja, Nigeria
Supervisors: IFDC Chief Communications Officer and Nigeria Country Representative
With support from the governments of the Netherlands and the United States, IFDC is implementing several multi-year, market-oriented projects to increase agricultural production in Nigeria and other West African nations.
These projects are headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria and operations take place across Nigeria and in neighboring nations.
The projects focus on the development of agricultural product value chains, agricultural and environmental policies, economic growth and regional collaboration. The projects facilitate interaction among different stakeholders in a participatory manner and provide support to local, regional, national and international organizations.
About IFDC
IFDC is a public international organization governed by an international board of directors with representation from developed and developing nations. The non-profit Center focuses on increasing and sustaining food and agricultural productivity in developing countries through the development and transfer of effective and environmentally sound crop nutrient technology and agribusiness expertise.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Communications Specialist(s) will work with IFDC’s Chief Communications Officer (headquartered in the US) and Nigeria Country Representative to develop PR, communications and marketing strategies to reach IFDC's target audiences in Nigeria (and global audiences as well). Among the duties and responsibilities are:
• Write articles, create audio/video progress and success stories for website and various publications
• Help manage website content (project website(s) and IFDC website)
• Produce newsletters, bulletins and other written information targeting project’s stakeholders.
• Develop and design awareness/educational campaigns that target specific project stakeholders.
• Act as a liaison with local, national and international media.
• Production of press releases, speeches, presentations and articles for IFDC publications/website.
• Assist the Country Representative in writing/editing periodic reports.
• Collect/analyze/evaluate feedback on the impact of communications activities.
• Various outreach activities as determined.
• Support IFDC training events.
• Communicate effectively in all media – print, video, Internet, etc.
• Bachelor's degree in public relations, journalism, English or similar
• Five+ years of relevant work experience.
• Knowledge of development and/or developing nations’ agricultural/environmental needs is desired.
• Computer skills in word processing, presentations, desktop publishing and other graphic software.
• Proven skills in video and audio, web/Internet.
• Skills in event management are desirable.
• Strong interpersonal relations.
This position requires a general understanding of public relations and marketing principles and procedures and the ability to apply these in effectively promoting the organization's image. This position also requires the ability to synthesize material prepared by scientists/other staff having varying backgrounds and writing styles.
This position assists in decisions regarding how to promote and what to include in promotional material (e.g., content distribution), and then helps generate, design and develop original promotional concepts using a variety of media. Most decisions are approved by the Chief Communications Officer prior to implementation. Work is either self-started or assigned by the supervisor. Work is reviewed by various levels of management to ensure technical content and accuracy. Weekly meetings may be held with the supervisor to discuss objectives and review completed work.
Forward cover letters and resumes to: Scott Mall – small@ifdc.org
13.) Communication Specialist, Catalyzing Acceleration of Agricultural Intensification for Stability and Sustainability (CATALIST), International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Kigali, Rwanda
With support from the Government of the Netherlands, IFDC “An International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development” is implementing a five-year, market-oriented project – Catalyzing Acceleration of Agricultural Intensification for Stability and Sustainability (CATALIST) in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa. The Project Headquarters is in Kigali, Rwanda with national offices in Burundi and Eastern Congo (DRC). The project focuses on integrated soil fertility management, input and output market development, development of product value chains, agricultural policy and regional collaboration. The project facilitates interaction among different stakeholders in a participatory manner and provides support to national organizations leading to the implementation of project activities.
Duties and Responsibilities
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