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Ned Lundquist's Job of the Week | JOTW | Thursday, 6 March 2025 - 12:27 |
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Listen, I saw what you guys did to Madoff. I'll do anything you want, just don't hurt me.
No, really. For my last meal, I'd like scrapple on rye toast and a cup of coffee from Fern's Country Store.
Why'd I do it? I don't know – I guess after years of *reporting* on piracy, I thought I'd give it a shot…
Coming this summer to a theater near you: Ned Lundquist as Gene Hackman as Roy Tucker in “Domino Principle: The Remake”
Hey, guard! Busey's giving me that weird look again!
What?? Back home, Sherriff Taylor keeps the key on a hook right next to the cell!!
Well, any publicity is good publicity, I guess.
I'm a bad dog…
A fig leaf?? Why not flowers like you guys?
While Ned eventually came to terms with his imprisonment by the resentful pirates who discovered his Weekly Piracy Report, it was being forced to worship creepy little idols that really bummed him out.
Imagine! Lying to the omniscient. He isn't allergic, he just doesn't like our flowers!
can I has cheezburger?
“Do not be concerned. It is a Buddhist Jail as you can see. My body may be confined but my mind runs free……I think”
Dude, where's my car?
The trolls did not understand Ned's sense of humor.
Gee, I forgot the ghee.