Your Very Next Step newsletter for December 2010

Your Very Next Step newsletter for December 2010

By Ned Lundquist

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

–Robert A. Heinlein

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

– Lao Tzu

“Your Very Next Step” newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.

This issue is being sent to you from Monterey, California.

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Contact Ned at

*** In this issue:

*** Travel news

*** December is festival time:

– Internationales Tübinger, Schokoladenfestival, Tuebingen, Germany

Fête du chocolat | Festival del cioccolato

– Terra Madre Day

– Burning the Clocks in Brighton

Brighton, UK

– 'Noche de Rábanos' (Radishes Night), Oaxaca City, Mexico

– Christmas Markets and Fairs in Edinburgh 2010

*** The snakeheads are still out there:

*** YVNS Sport Ned Has Never Heard Of: Extreme Ironing

*** Rail Trail of the Month – Vermont's Island Line

*** How to Avoid the Six Most Common Boat Winterizing Mistakes

*** How to Recycle Old Outdoor Gear

*** Virginia Conservation Police Notebook

*** Trail and Outdoors Volunteer opportunities:

*** Travel, Outdoor and Adventure Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities

1.) Executive Director, Amazon Conservation Association (ACA), Washington, DC

2.) Center Director, The School for Field Studies – Center for Marine Resource Studies, Turks & Caicos

3.) Field Research Internships, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA), Hurghada- Red Sea- Egypt

4.) Marine Mammal Research Internship, IMMS, Gulfport, MS

5.) Internship, University of New England's Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center, Biddeford, Maine

6.) Visitor Information Center Supervisor, Convention & Visitor Bureau, Billings, MT 7.) UWCA Education Outreach Coordinator, Wilderness Inquiry, Minneapolis, MN

…and much more…and it’s all FREE!!!

*** Do you have a travel adventure to share?

Send me your stories and I’ll post in the “Your Very Next Step” and on the YVNS website (

*** Here’s the YVNS Travel News for December:

*** TSA Security Crackdown Triggers Uproar

Backlash against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, including a revolt by two pilots unions, ensued this month after the Transportation Security Administration implemented more invasive pat-down procedures for travelers who refuse full-body scanners. Although many in the corporate travel realm doubt such security measures will impact the frequency of travel, some are seeking duty-of-care policies to address travelers' concerns.

(Ned notes: I’ve had the “Hold your hands in the air” scan, which apparently is monitored at another place at the airport, apart from the security line. It’s no big deal.)

*** Airport campaign targets sex tourists

CBC News

The posters will soon be up at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport in Montreal and the Jean Lesage International Airport in Quebec City. Air Canada will begin showing an in-flight video reminding Canadians they can be prosecuted at home for sex abuses they commit abroad.

Read more:

*** How to Choose the Best Seat on the Airplane

Not all economy seats were created equal. Follow these tips for choosing the best seat before you board the plane.

*** I’ll bet the economy is getting better:

Las Vegas Sees Uptick in Visitors

The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority said Wednesday that visitation is up 2.4 percent for the first nine months of the year, compared with January through September 2009. Tourism officials added that the city welcomed 3.1 million visitors in September, 2 percent more than the same month last year. Further, average daily room rates were up 6.7 percent for the month and nearly 3 percent for the first nine months of 2010.

*** AMC's 135th Annual Meeting!

Plans are in full swing for the 135th Annual Meeting of the Appalachian Mountain Club being held on Saturday, January 29th, 2011, at the Four Points by Sheraton in Norwood, Massachusetts.

This year’s keynote dinner speaker will be Dr. Char Miller, historian, award-winning author, and forest service history expert. Dr. Miller will be speaking on the 100th anniversary of the Weeks Act and how AMC played a leading role in the passing of this pivotal law.

Special Recognition – New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg will be recognized during a dinner presentation with the AMC Lifetime Achievement Award. U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from AMC in recognition of his longtime dedication to land conservation and stewardship of New Hampshire’s natural resources throughout his career as N.H. Executive Councilor, U.S. Congressman, N.H. Governor, and U.S. Senator.

We also invite you to join AMC during the day for club’s 135th Annual Business Meeting, committee meetings, volunteer recognition and educational workshops.

Workshop highlights include:

• A historical film of the early years of August Camp

• Edible wild plants and mushrooms of New England

• David Goodman – author of AMC’s newly released Best Backcountry Skiing in the Northeast – will share his love of backcountry skiing

• Learn about social networking for conservation advocacy

• Where AMC draws the line with commercial wind power development

• Cold weather hiking

• Plus much more!

To register or for more information about this event, Dr. Miller, Senator Gregg or the AMC, log onto our website at

*** What’s the rub with all of the TSA-pat down brouhaha? Search me!

I’ve been through the big scanners. They can gawk at my layered look all day long. I don’t care. If they want to pat me down, I don’t care. I do recall one flight a few years ago where the very attractive woman ahead of me was asked to take off several layers of her clothing. She looked at me and said, “Usually I get dinner and a movie before I go this far.”

*** 2010 December Festivals:

*** Internationales Tübinger, Schokoladenfestival, Tuebingen, Germany

Fête du chocolat | Festival del cioccolato

30.11 – 05.12.2010

Tuebingens Chocolate Festival offer top manufacturers and exclusive chocolatiers the opportunity to present their exquisite products to an enthusiastic audience – and the audience provides a unique opportunity to get to know the variety of chocolate and the charm of the old town of Tuebingen.

*** Terra Madre Day

December 10, 2010


In 2009 the first Terra Madre Day organized by Slow Food saw more than 1,000 events take place across 120 countries in one of the largest collective occasions celebrating food diversity and the right to good, clean and fair food ever achieved on a global scale. This year we have the opportunity to demonstrate the diversity of our network, and its connectedness and resolve, by supporting the Thousand Gardens in Africa project. Many actions for Terra Madre Day will incorporate exchanges or twinnings between their community and those participating in this Slow Food project, or raise funds to support one of these food gardens. This year will also be an opportunity to present our communities, local decision makers and media with a new document, to be developed during the international Terra Madre meeting, outlining sustainable policies to support the change we are actively working for.

*** Burning the Clocks in Brighton

Brighton, UK

December 21, 2010

*** 'Noche de Rábanos' (Radishes Night), Oaxaca City, Mexico

December 23-24, 2010

A tradition that dates back to colonial times, a great exhibition of figures made of radishes is put on display. Figures of animals, humans, saints, and other characters are made using this vegetable only, and the artists are rewarded for their ingenuity and skill. The Radish Night festival lasts only a few hours as vegetables have a limited lifespan as folk art.

*** Christmas Markets and Fairs in Edinburgh 2010

‘Tis the season to be generous… so why not impress your loved ones this year with a quirky, unique gift from one of Edinburgh’s many fantastic Christmas fairs and markets? From the famous German Market on the Mound, to the smaller craft fairs going on across town, Edinburgh residents really are spoilt for choice this Christmas. Whether you’re looking for crafty treats, tasty food, or just a festive mug of glühwein, check this out to find an event that will cater to you.

*** The snakeheads are still out there:

NOTICE: All anglers are reminded to acquaint themselves with a good description of the northern snakehead fish. If you should manage to catch one of these exotic imports, please kill it immediately and report the catch to either the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries or the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

*** The December sport Ned has never heard of: Extreme Ironing

Welcome to the home of extreme ironing – the latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt.

Extreme Ironing (or EI) is an extreme sport and a performance art in which people take an ironing board to a remote location and iron items of clothing.

Ten best “Extreme Ironing” stunts from around the world

*** How to Avoid the Six Most Common Boat Winterizing Mistakes

With winter approaching, BoatU.S. Marine Insurance has reviewed its claim files and reports the following six most common mistakes made when winterizing a boat:

1. Failure to winterize the engine: Freezing temperatures occur in all 50 states and while they are taken seriously up north, it's the balmy states of California, Florida, Texas, Alabama, and Georgia where boaters are most likely to have freeze-related damage to engine blocks. It routinely occurs to boats stored ashore here. Boats left in a slip are less susceptible to sudden freezing as the surrounding water retains heat longer than air.

2. Failure to drain water from sea strainer: If your winterizing plan calls for draining the engine, the seawater strainer must be winterized or residual water could freeze and rupture the watertight seal. Sometimes you won't know it's damaged until spring launching and water begins to trickle in.

3. Failure to close seacocks: For boats left in the water, leaving seacocks open over the winter is like going on extended vacation without locking the house. If a thru-hull cannot be closed, the vessel must be stored ashore – the sole exception is cockpit drains. Heavy snow loads can also force your boat under, allowing water to enter thru-hulls that are normally well above the water line.

4. Clogged petcocks: Engine cooling system petcocks clogged by rust or other debris can prevent water from fully draining. If one is plugged, try using a coat hanger to clear the blockage or use the engine's intake hose to flush anti-freeze through the system.

5. Leaving open boats in the water over winter: Boats with large open cockpits or low freeboard can easily be pushed underwater by the weight of accumulated ice and snow. Always store them ashore.

6. Using biminis or dodgers as winter storage covers: A cover that protects the crew from the sun does a lousy job protecting the boat from freezing rain and snow. Unlike a bona fide winter cover, biminis, and dodgers tend to rip apart and age prematurely by the effects of winter weather.

To get a free copy of the BoatU.S. Winterizing Guide full of tips to help you prepare your vessel for the winter, go to, or call 800-283-2883.

*** How to Recycle Old Outdoor Gear

by Alicia MacLeay

Depending on who you're talking to, today is either America Recycles Day (sponsored in part by major beverage and waste management companies) or Zero Waste Day (as repurposed by Treehugger).

Zero Waste is an excellent goal. Donate, sell, or pass along your outdoor gear if it's still safe and usable. Buy only what you need and what will last. (Buyer beware: we do not advise buying used climbing gear.)

But eventually, if you've been using it in the backcountry, certain outdoor gear needs to be retired and, if possible, recycled. Then what?

Your backcountry gear is ready for recycling if it's no longer safe for use and you can't repair it, donate it, sell it, repurpose it, or give it away in good conscience.

Below are a few recycling options if your outdoor gear has reached the end of its trail life. Share others below.

•Climbing ropes: Recycle your retired dynamic climbing rope from any brand through Sterling Rope's Recycling Redemption Initiative. It could become a new carpet or toy.

The Jetboil CrunchIt toolFuel canisters: Empty butane fuel canisters often can be recycled (check local ordinances), but first you'll need to puncture the canister several times with a tool like the Jetboil CrunchIt to show it's empty and ready for recycling. (The CrunchIt is launching this month; it will be available alone or you can get it now in a Greenkit with a Green Flash.)

•Metal and plastic: Check to see if your stainless steel or plastic water bottles and camp kitchen products can be recycled locally.

•Trail running shoes: Find a drop-off location near you and turn your old running shoes into sports surfaces through Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe Program.

•GoLite: The GoLite Product Take-Back Program accepts all GoLite products (except footwear, which they don't manufacture) from any season and any year. GoLite repairs, donates, repurposes, and/or recycles everything, and if the technology doesn't yet exist to recycle it, they'll hang on to it until it does. Bonus: You get a discount of 20 percent off a purchase at

•Klattermusen: In Europe, Klattermusen retailers will take back used Klattermusen products through the rECOver program. Klattermusen recycles or donates the gear as appropriate. Products from 2009 and beyond are labeled with a return value of 1 to 20 Euros.

•Patagonia: In 2005 Patagonia started taking back used Capilene through its Common Threads Recycling Program. Since then, they've expanded to accept Patagonia fleece, Polartec fleece clothing (from any maker), Patagonia cotton T-shirts, and some additional polyester and nylon 6 products that come with a Common Threads tag.

*** Virginia Conservation Police Notebook

To increase awareness of the activities of our dedicated Conservation Police Officers, previously called game wardens, the “Virginia Conservation Police Notebook” provides an overview of the variety of activities encountered by our officers who protect natural resources and people pursuing outdoor recreation in the fields, woods and waters of Virginia.

*** Trail volunteer opportunities:

Parks and Open Space Volunteer Naturalist, Boulder County, Longmont, Colo.

Be a Volunteer Naturalist and inform the public about the natural history of Boulder County. Develop and present outdoor and indoor interpretive programs, and lead nature hikes and other natural history-related field experiences.

Contact the Natural History Program Coordinator at

*** Trail Construction and Maintenance Opportunities, Natural Areas Division, Jefferson Memorial Forest, Louisville, KY

Duties: Trail Team Volunteers will improve the condition of the hiking, equestrian, and multipurpose trails within the Natural Areas of Metro Parks. Sample tasks include participation as a member of a volunteer trail construction and/or maintenance crew, assist in layout and redesign of trails, maintain safe trail conditions, patrol and complete reports on trail condition, usage and needs.

Qualifications: Individuals or groups serving as Trail Team Volunteers will have a desire to build and maintain sustainable hiking, equestrian, and multi-use trails. Background in trail contruction and design a plus. Volunteers should have training in tool safety, FirstAid and CPR, and trail design and construction techniques or be willing to gain such training.

Directions: Contact Sherry Wright, Volunteer Coordinator, at 502-380-1753

Jefferson Memorial Forest

Fairdale, KY 40118


Web site:

Minimum age: 16

*** National Rail-Trail of the month:

Trail of the Month: December 2010

Vermont's Island Line

Flanked to the east and west by Lake Champlain; the Green Mountains looming in the distance; a three-mile causeway arcing out across the bay; and you, basking in the open air on a rail-trail that defies expectations. For a trail made for movement, the 14-mile Island Line will literally stop you in your tracks.

Vermont's Island Line consists of the Burlington Bike Path and the Colchester Causeway, running from Burlington through Colchester and the edge of South Hero. The first seven miles are paved and managed by the city of Burlington. Colchester Parks & Recreation oversees the middle 5.5 miles, and the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife the final mile and a half.

Together, linking three towns and two counties, these united pathways are the rail-trail jewel in a robust outdoor recreation scene. Whether you're after transportation of the body or the mind, the Island Line serves up powerful scenery, railroading history, passionate grassroots support, community connections and more—and it has just been named to Rails-to-Trails Conservancy's Rail-Trail Hall of Fame. So put a foot onto the path at Mile 0 and experience it for yourself.

The trail starts off quietly south of downtown Burlington, home of the University of Vermont, and heads north along the water, cutting briefly inland at Mile 1 to catch up to the rail corridor. Built in 1899 by the Rutland-Canadian Railroad, the Island Line once leap-frogged its way across lakes and rivers via causeways, trestles and drawbridges, carrying passengers and freight on its route from the New England coast to Lake Ontario. The line saw its last train pass in 1961, and though it was considered for trail use at the time, it wasn't until 20 years later that the concept was embraced in earnest.

Today, the Island Line glides by spacious parks (including those exclusively for dogs and skateboarders), through bogs and woods, along public beaches and harbors, and past businesses like the nonprofit Local Motion near Mile 2. Huge proponents of the Island Line, the advocacy organization has been making Greater Burlington a biking- and walking-friendly region since 1999.

Smiling trail users—many with equally gleeful-looking dogs—pack the sumac- and maple-lined trail throughout the year, even with snow on the ground. Groups like the Silver Spokes, a collection of cycling seniors, ride the trail regularly. Children draw chalk art on the portion of the trail that's paved (Mile 0–8), and trailside neighbors use the Island Line as their front and back yards. And when links in the Island Line's chain are broken or missing, locals rally for reconnection.

In 2004, the weather-dependent ferry service across the Winooski River near Mile 7 was replaced with an infinitely more constant bridge. Additionally, the boggy, flood-prone section of the trail just beyond the bridge underwent serious reconstruction to raise the pathway several drier feet off the ground.

And then, of course, there is the causeway itself: 3.5 miles of unique rail turned incredible trail, buttressed by refrigerator-sized slabs of mottled marble and arcing gently out across the lake. American elms, spared from disease by the relative isolation of the causeway, lean sharply with the typically unrelenting wind that sweeps over the water. This spot is popular for birding warblers and kingfishers, and fishing for lake trout and walleye.

Sunsets from the causeway can be especially arresting. Even lifelong locals will stop on the trail to savor every last drop of color until all that remains is the dusky outline of Mount Mansfield far to the east, and twinkling lighthouses across the waters to the west. Standing on the causeway at the mouth of Malletts Bay, darkness comes at you fast when your eyes are riveted to the pink and purple swaths of light pouring across the waters of Lake Champlain. So be careful not to dally too long in this stunning twilight without leaving time to get home safely.

But depending on the time of year, you don't have to end your trail journey at Malletts Bay. To complete the trip from Burlington to the island of South Hero, you must cross “The Cut”—a stone's throw-gap in the causeway near Mile 12.5. For 2011, Local Motion will once again offer ferry service across “The Cut,” on weekends and holidays, from the July Fourth weekend through Labor Day Monday. The big push now is to make ferry service more regular and closer to year-round, running 70 to 80 days a year. In the meantime, check with Local Motion for schedule particulars.

On the other side of “The Cut,” the trail heads another 1.5 miles before it concludes in a parking lot. But whether you're turning around in Colchester or taking the ferry over to South Hero, the thought of a return adventure shouldn't trouble you at all. Because this trail is what a destination is all about.

*** Travel/Adventure/Outdoors/Conservation employment opportunities:

*** From Waynetta Mosley Rogers:


I’d like the following internship opportunity included in the weekly Ned’s Job of the Week email blast. Please let me know if you need additional information.


Waynetta Mosley Rogers

Recruiting Specialist

Scripps Networks

SCRIPPS NETWORKS, the Leader in Lifestyle Media

HGTV | DIY Network | Food Network | Cooking Channel | Travel Channel | Great American Country

Intern, Travel Channel, Scripps Networks, Washington, DC

Travel Channel’s DC based Public Relations team is currently looking for a media savvy, detail-oriented and energetic intern. During this internship, the ideal candidate will have the opportunity to learn various aspects of public relations. Candidate should have an interest in entertainment media and be willing to work for a fast-paced, results-oriented cable television network.

Projects and Assignments Planned for Intern:

During this internship, the ideal candidate will:

• Update entertainment and trade media lists containing contacts for print, radio, TV, online and bloggers

• Maintain and file press clipping reports of broadcast, print and online media coverage

• Organize database of talent and show specific publicity images

• Learn how to edit and update external press website for Scripps/Travel Channel

• Assist in writing and compiling programming highlights for media

• Prepare talent travel itineraries for media tours, network events, appearances, and photo and video shoots

• Stock internal supply of screeners and tapes for media distribution

• Draft, edit and update relevant press materials including: talent bios, highlights and episode descriptions, media alerts, one-sheets or press releases, if appropriate

• Participate in team meetings to foster learning and development in network PR strategy and program promotion

• Handle daily press inquiries, as appropriate

• Mail episode screeners to press contacts and populate media screening room with new video assets

• Coordinate local market press interviews with talent, if appropriate

• Other offices duties and larger projects to be assigned

Preferred Field of Study and Skills:

• Public Relations, Communications, Journalism, or English majors in their junior or senior years of study

• Demonstrate strong writing, editing and organizational skills

• Work at least a minimum of 15 hours per week, schedule can be flexible depending on intern’s class schedule

This is an unpaid internship for college credit only. Candidates must be able to receive college credit for completion of this internship.

To apply, visit the Careers section of our website,, and search for requisition 1994.

*** From Jack Duggan:

Over the transom, for those of us old enough to know what that means. 🙂

Walk in Peace – Jack

Happy Thanksgiving

1.) Executive Director, Amazon Conservation Association (ACA), Washington, DC

The Amazon Conservation Association (ACA) and its sister organization in Peru, the Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica (ACCA), have been growing steadily and are now seeking to make a qualitative leap in the efficiency of their operations. The board of directors are looking for a mission-focused, seasoned, strategic, and process-minded leader with experience in leading an executive management team, in guiding an organization’s scaling-up process, and developing a performance culture among a group of diverse, talented individuals. The Executive Director (ED) must be a leader who is able to help others at ACA and ACCA deliver measurable, cost-effective results that make our vision a reality. The successful ED will have the skills, understanding, and confidence to tap into the potential that each member of the team brings to this mission.


This position will be based in Washington, DC, with frequent travel to Peru and Bolivia.


Reporting to the board of directors of ACA/ACCA, the Executive Director will lead all internal operations and will have the following responsibilities:

• Legal representative of ACA and ACCA

• Represent Association in an official capacity

• Overall responsibility and authority for the programs, finances, administration, fundraising, and management of organization

• Delegate authority for execution of day-to-day management functions to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Chief Operating Officer (COO)

• Provide input to the board of directors on the strategic direction of the organization

• Quarterly, submit a financial and programmatic status update to the Board of Directors; base this report on the quarterly information provided by the CFO, COO, and site managers

• Develop partnerships and relationships with potential funders

• Monitor at a high-level the overall finance, program, and staffing performance (i.e., review of budget-to-actual reports, review of summary reports on program achievements, and solicit feedback from management)

• Annually, discuss employee evaluations with upper management and approve evaluation ratings and if applicable, raises and promotions

Key Qualifications

As a prerequisite, the successful candidate must share the core values of ACA/ACCA and be driven by the shared mission. Beyond that, we are seeking a candidate with proven experience in scaling up a multi-site organization and a demonstrated ability to both lead and build the capabilities of a driven, bright, and diverse team. The successful candidate will have had at least 5 years of high-level management experience with a non-profit organization, and at least 10 years of work experience. Additional requirements are:

• Language skills: candidate must be able to communicate fluently in both English and Spanish.

• Travel: candidate must be willing to travel frequently to Peru, especially to Lima, Cusco and Puerto Maldonado, and periodically to La Paz, Bolivia, up to 60% of the time.

• Results: proven track record of exceeding goals; evidence of the ability to consistently make good decisions through a combination of analysis, wisdom, experience, and judgment; the ability to balance the delivery of programs against the realities of a budget; and problem solving, project management, and creative resourcefulness.

• Adaptive management: the ability to think strategically, anticipate future consequences and trends, and incorporate them into the organizational plan.

• Capacity-building: the ability to effectively build organization and staff capacity, developing a top-notch workforce and the processes that ensure that the organization runs smoothly.

• Leadership and organization: an exceptional capacity for managing and leading people; a team builder who has experience in scaling up organizations; ability to connect with staff both on an individual level and in large groups; capacity to enforce accountability, develop and empower top-notch leaders from the bottom up, lead from the top down, and learn the strengths and weaknesses of the team so as to put people in a position to succeed.

• Action-oriented: enjoys working hard and looks for challenges; able to act and react as necessary, even if limited information is available; not afraid to take charge of a situation; calmly evaluate situations and defuse difficult situations through perspective and creative management; can overcome resistance to leadership and take unpopular stands when necessary.

• General management: a thorough understanding of finance, systems, and human resources; broad experience with the full range of business functions and systems, including strategic development and planning, budgeting, finance, information systems, and human resources.


This is an outstanding opportunity for a highly motivated professional to assume a pivotal role in the evolution of a fast-growing, highly respected organization. We are seeking an individual of outstanding quality with a respected track record. ACA is prepared to offer an attractive compensation package, including a competitive base salary as well as health, 401(k), and vacation benefits.

How to Apply

Please submit a resume, cover letter, and list of references to. Please include salary expectations in cover letter. The position will remain open until filled. Also

2.) Center Director, The School for Field Studies – Center for Marine Resource Studies, Turks & Caicos

The SFS Center for Marine Resource Studies, located on South Caicos in the Turks & Caicos Islands, seeks an enthusiastic, team-oriented Center Director to lead a resident staff in the delivery of high quality, field-based academic programs to undergraduate students from American colleges and universities.

Position Summary: This position reports to the Vice President of the School and is responsible for administering all aspects of the SFS – Center for Marine Resource Studies, including staff management and team building; and oversight of Center operations, finance and administration; academic program planning, delivery and evaluation; the Center's Five Year Research Plan and securing grant support; and representation of the Center in local, regional and international arenas.


* Demonstrated upper level organizational management experience in such areas as project management, conducting academic and/or research programs, or heading environmental issue-driven projects, programs or organizations

* Ph.D. or equivalent degree in a marine-related field with demonstrated research and field experience

* Minimum three years' experience in university teaching

* Demonstrated ability to coordinate and be part of an interdisciplinary teaching and research team

* Knowledge of U.S. higher education system

* Knowledge of Caribbean island life, including culture, history, and governmental operations

* Experience living at a field station preferred

* Scuba qualification, driver's license and boat driver's license


* Demonstrated commitment to environmental issues

* Commitment to academic success of SFS students and faculty

* Willingness to work flexible hours and live on site at the Center with a resident, full-time team of faculty and staff, groups of US undergraduate students and visiting researchers

* Ability to travel locally and internationally to support the Center's academic work and administration

* Enthusiastic approach to problem solving, collegial attitude and entrepreneurial spirit

Start Date: January 2011

Compensation and Benefits: salary commensurate with qualifications, on-site housing and meals, and excellent benefits package.

Complete job description and current course syllabi on view at

TO APPLY: Email a cover letter addressing the qualifications and expectations stated above and a curriculum vitae outlining relevant experience to Applications accepted until the position is filled. Faxes and hard copy will not be accepted. Equal Opportunity Employer.

3.) Field Research Internships, Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA), Hurghada- Red Sea- Egypt

The Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA) is a leading NGO in Egypt working in the field of marine and land conservation ( In 2010, Hepca started a three-year research

campaign in the Red Sea waters of Egypt south of Marsa Alam. One of the aims of the research project is to understand more about the abundance and spatial distribution of cetaceans in order to identify their critical

habitats. Moreover, international eco-volunteers and eco-tourists have the chance to join the team on board, making the project an important educational tool to promote awareness.

HEPCA is offering four internship positions on the research expeditions that will take place at the beginning of 2011, scheduled from the 15th of January to the 13rd of February 2011. Interns must be available for the entire survey.

Successful candidates will be responsible for their own travel expenses to Hurghada and travel insurance.

Successful candidates are expected to arrive at the base 2-3 days before the start of the expedition and will be responsible for accommodation and food. During the expedition accommodation is provided on board the Red Sea

Defender in double cabins, interns will contribute to living and research expenses with a total amount of 300 Euro.

Research activities may include, but are not limited to:

– Visual observation and use of hydrophone to investigate presence, abundance and distribution of marine mammals in relation to environmental variables;

– Use of photographic identification to estimate population size of cetaceans with a focus on sociality and site fidelity of spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) in selected areas;

– Vomit and/or scat collection to study spinner dolphin feeding ecology;

– Coral reef survey to assess coral and fish biodiversity mainly in offshore sites;

– Collection of data about megafauna, such as dugongs, sharks, turtles and manta rays;

– Data entry, management and analysis.

Applicants should be ready to work long hours (from sunrise to sunset, and occasionally also during night-time navigation), 7 days a week and are expected to participate in the following duties:

– Actively and independently contributing to the research activities, being able to run his/her shift of observation, acoustic detection, data entry, photo-ID, coral reef survey;

– Assist in running the research vessel with chores including maintaining common spaces, equipment and laboratory;

– Actively participating in lectures or activities scheduled by the research team;

– Assist in the development and implementation of education and awareness tools: interns are encouraged to propose and develop topics of common interest to promote discussion and debate.

Applicants would ideally have the following qualifications:

– Able to work independently and with limited supervision after the training period;

– Interns must be patient, adaptable and flexible as fieldwork is highly weather-dependent;

– Proficiency in English, good writing and public speaking skills are a must;

– Proficiency in swimming is required;

– SCUBA diving license is preferred but not required;

– Current enrolment in a degree-seeking program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required;

– Previous wildlife field experience is preferred;

– Basic computer literacy with a working knowledge PC operating system and proficiency with MS Office, especially Word, and Excel is required. Familiarity with software including Microsoft Access, Pamguard, Distance, GIS, Photoshop would be very helpful but not required.

Successful interns are encouraged to bring their personal laptop computer.

To apply for a Red Sea Dolphin Project internship, interested persons should send a brief email to stating name, contact information, availability and attach an updated and relevant CV.

Deadline for applications is December 3rd, 2010.

Maddalena Fumagalli

Marine Biologist

HEPCA – Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation association.

Hurghada New Marina – Building B2

Hurghada- Red Sea- Egypt

Tel:+2 065 344 50 35/ 065 3447728

4.) Marine Mammal Research Internship, IMMS, Gulfport, MS

The IMMS Research Internship Program is designed as a way for students interested in a career in marine mammal science to gain valuable research experience in a real-world setting. Interns will be trained in all aspects of dolphin photo-id research and will participate in other current research projects at IMMS. Interns will also participate in other operations at IMMS including stranding response, education, and animal care. Our goal is to give Interns a well-rounded experience in a variety of areas while providing expert training and experience in marine mammal research.

Principle Duties and Requirements

Interns must:

• Commit to a minimum of at least 12 weeks.

• Be available to work Mon-Fri from 8:30 AM to 4 PM and must be available for all boat trips.

• Have strong sense of responsibility, work ethic, attention to detail, and ability to admit mistakes.

• Produce high quality research efforts and exhibit strong interpersonal skills.

• Principle Duties include: data entry, searching and cataloging journal articles, learning all research protocols, cropping and sorting photo-id fin images, learning to use photo-id programs such as Darwin (fin matching software), and FinBase (Microsoft Access), and boat based field research.

• Secondary Duties involve: Working with animal care staff, attending marine mammal and sea turtle necropsies, responding to strandings, assisting with educational tours.

• Field days: Interns must be able to spend many hours on the water in sometimes extreme seasonal conditions. Seasonal temperatures range from over 100 ˚F in summer to 30 ˚F in winter. Field days typically exceed eight hours and occur once or twice a week. May include overnight trips.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be 18 or older and must have a genuine interest in marine research. Applicants should be actively pursuing a college degree or be a recent graduate in oceanography, marine science/biology, biology, or a related field. Previous research experience in any capacity is a plus. Applicants must be able and willing to fulfill all duties outlined for this Internship Program. This is an unpaid position and Interns are responsible for their own housing and transportation. Once accepted, IMMS staff will be able to assist Interns in suggesting suitable housing options and locations.

Institute for Marine Mammal Studies

10801 Dolphin Lane

Gulfport, MS 39503

To apply please visit

5.) Internship, University of New England's Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center, Biddeford, Maine

The University of New England's Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center is currently accepting applications for the Marine Animal Rehabilitation Internship Program. We are looking for highly motivated, dynamic candidates who will work closely in a team setting with staff and volunteers to assist with all aspects of veterinary care and husbandry of sick and injured seals, cetaceans and/or sea turtles. Other responsibilities include but are not limited to: Daily care of animals, transport of live/dead marine animals, water quality testing, maintenance of daily food and medical records, necropsy, education/docent tours and computer entry of data. Additional duties and projects may be assigned by staff.

These positions are unpaid and interns are required to find their own housing and transportation. Interns should expect to be scheduled to cover weekday shifts, as well as nights, weekends and holidays. The ideal candidate should be mature and motivated, and possess a strong work ethic and excellent observational and communication skills.

The deadline for Applications has been extended to December 1, 2010. Interested applicants can find all information and application materials at Applications and questions can be submitted to c/o Anne Watson, Volunteer/Internship Coordinator.

Submit applications/ inquiries to:

Anne Watson

Volunteer/Internship Coordinator

Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center

University of New England

11 Hills Beach Road

Biddeford, Maine 04005

*** From Mark Sofman:

6.) Visitor Information Center Supervisor, Convention & Visitor Bureau, Billings, MT

7.) UWCA Education Outreach Coordinator, Wilderness Inquiry, Minneapolis, MN

Our staff is a dedicated group of professionals who share a common goal of service to the diverse groups of people who participate in Wilderness Inquiry programs.

Our shared values include:

1.Passion for WI's mission of integration through adventure.

2.A bias toward action – we share a sense of accomplishment and efficiency.

3.A “whatever it takes” attitude toward every job – we all wash dishes here.

Before you begin, we encourage you to gather your work history, your resume (if you have one), information about your certifications (for trail staff), and the names and contact information of three references.

Part-time and Seasonal Jobs: Our staff come from a variety of backgrounds. In addition to the life experiences they bring, staff receive extensive training in leadership, wilderness skills, and natural history. What really sets WI staff apart is the energy and care they put into making every trip a fantastic experience for every participant.

Full-time Office Staff: Many elements come together to create a Wilderness Inquiry adventure. Our dedicated full-time staff play a critical role in our success.

Wilderness Inquiry

808 14th AVE SE

Minneapolis, MN 55414-1516

*** Your Very Next Step is a service of the Job of the Week Network LLC

© 2010 The Job of the Week Network LLC

Edward Lundquist, ABC –

Editor and Publisher

Your Very Next Step

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

Home office phone: (703) 455-7661

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