JOTW 08-2005


The 6th National Summit on Strategic Communications returns to Washington, DC on May 4-5, 2015

Use the exclusive JOTW Discount Code (C577JOTW) to save $100 save off the early-bird rate.



JOTW 08-2015

February 23, 2015

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,054


“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.”

– Carl Reiner


***  Welcome to the JOTW network.


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at  Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


JOTW is sent out on Mondays by email with a list the jobs posted in the full newsletter, which is posted online at  This is designed to keep the size of the emails to a more manageable length.


***  The position descriptions and or follow up information on links to the jobs can be found at


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at
***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW or Ned’s other newsletters, visit this site:




***  To change your email address for JOTW, use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of your newsletter, and then subscribe with your new address at:  .


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week.


Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s top job:


PR Profesionals, GYMR Public Relations, Washington, DC


(See details below)


***  Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,  and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  The JOTW network is built upon cooperative principles.  Share, and reap the benefits.  And it feels good to help others.  I call it selfish altruism.  But this also means you need to contribute.


***  Listing a position is free.  Top jobs placement is $100, and a “Can’t Wait” posting is $300.


***  In this issue:


***  One Paragraph Pitch

1.)  PR Profesionals, GYMR Public Relations, Washington, DC

2.)  Officer, Editorial (Writing), The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC

3.)  Associate, Communications (Health Initiatives), The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC

4.)  Senior Associate, Communications, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC

5.)  Manager, Multimedia Communications, Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), Arlington, VA

6.)  Cause Related Marketing Manager, Corporate Partnerships, Save the Children, Fairfield, CT

7.)  Marketing and Communications Specialist, Save the Children, Washington, DC

8.)  Director, Advocacy, Communications & Knowledge Management, Saving Newborn Lives, Save the Children, Washington, DC

9.)  Sr. Communications Specialist, Thomson Reuters, Alexandria, VA

10.)  Director, Leadership Communications, The American Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C.


11.)  Assistant Account Executive, Stanton Public Relations & Marketing, New York, NY

12.)  TUHS – ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, COMMUNICATIONS, Temple University Health System, Philadelphia, PA

13.)  Assistant Business Editor, The Inquirer, Philadelphia, PA

14.)  Media Specialist, Comcast, Philadelphia, PA

15.)  Marketing Specialist, Triple Canopy, Reston, VA

16.)  Director, Corporate Communications, APP Annie, San Francisco, CA

17.)  Outreach Coordinator, Oregon Natural Desert Asscociaton, Inc. (ONDA), Portland, OR

18.)  Marketing/Communications Manager, Portland Metro Habitat ReStores, Portland, OR

19.)  Communications and Public Relations Assistant, Travel Portland, Portland, OR

20.)  Media Sales Representative, USN Media, Yorba Linda, CA


21.)  Communications Intern (Spring/Summer/Fall terms), Organization: National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, Silver Spring, MD

22.)  Vice President for Advancement and External Relations, Silver Lake College of the Holy Family, Manitowoc, WI

23.)  Vice President, Strategic Communications and Media Relations, Blackboard, Inc.,  Boston, MA and/or Washington DC

24.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, Truecar, Santa Monica, CA

25.)  Executive Vice President of Communication, Sohobricks, Fort Lee, NJ

26.)  Assistant Vice President of Marketing & Communications, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ

27.)  Media Relations Specialist, Farmers Insurance Group, Woodland Hills, CA

28.)  Manager of Digital Strategy/Social Media, Verisk Analytics, Jersey City, New Jersey

29.)  Public Affairs/Relations Manager, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia, PA

30.)  Internal Communications Manager, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia, PA


31.)  External Communications Manager, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia, PA

32.)  Search Marketing Specialist, ORS Partners, Blue Bell, PA

33.)  Content Marketing Manager, ORS Partners, Philadelphia

34.)  Public Relations – Media Booker, KEF Media, Smyrna, Georgia

35.)  Public Relations & Communications Assistant, SNI Inc., Orange, CA

36.)  SOCIAL MEDIA LEAD, Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, Int’l. (FMA), Rockford, Illinois

37.)  News and Content Editor – Mekong Partnership for the Environment, Internews, Bangkok, Thailand

38.)  Head of Advocacy and Communications, ECPAT International, Bangkok,Thailand

39.)  Snow plow driver, Snow removal/shovel, North Suburban Home Maintenance, North Chicago, IL


***  Weekly Piracy Report


Here’s the link for the newsletter on the website:


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


Mike SanClemente, MBA (Univ. of Texas)



Cell: 510-459-3451


Hello, I am a classically trained brand marketer with considerable experience in Analytics, Digital, & people management.  Currently I am in a contract role with Hasbro as Global Brand Manager of Monopoly, and seek a permanent position in the Boston area.  My skills should transfer well to a wide variety of industries.  Please contact me using my phone or email above.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to  You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  The 6th National Summit on Strategic Communications returns to Washington, DC on May 4-5, 2015, and we are delighted to announce that the agenda is ready for download – visit to review the latest faculty and program topics.

The 2015 Summit will provide an extensive review of the way communications and public affairs is evolving in the United States and globally, sharing best practices and setting standards for excellence in digital/social marketing, data-driven campaigns, building relationships and engaging key audiences, building effective global teams, communicating across cultures, managing crises, developing predictive techniques and measuring success.

Feel free to book online today at . Be sure to mention JOTW Discount Code (C577JOTW)  to receive an exclusive discount for being a part of our LinkedIn Group – $100 savings off the early-bird rate.

Don’t miss out on these unique features, only available at STRATCOMM2015:

• 100+ of the most senior strategic communications executives – event capped at 130 to ensure maximum interaction!
• Over 25 senior level speakers and a still-expanding speaking faculty
• Industry keynotes from C-Level executives at the United States Army and NASA
• Case studies and panel discussions from leading global corporations
• Single-tracked structure to maximize learning
• 2 full days of practical education
• Unlimited networking opportunities

To learn more about the event, and to see our global faculty list, download the brochure () or visit the event website (

We look forward to seeing you in May in Washington, DC.

Warm Regards,

Bob Grupp
Summit Director

Interested in business development solutions? Contact Andrew Sinetar at +1-212-400-6237 or e-mail for more information.


***  IABC World Conference 2015

San Francisco, California

14-17 June 2015


Come explore new ways of approaching communication with some of the most innovative thinkers and visionary leaders of our time. With this year’s theme, “Changing the Landscape: Informing the future,” you will experience sessions that will stimulate your thinking. Gain ideas you can put to work now. By attending the IABC World Conference, you will: Increase your network with over 1,200 participants in attendance.


***  We are all called to serve.


Thanks for writing and sharing this, Bob.


***  Blood, Radio and War

By Anastasia Lundquist

The American Veteran magazine

pages 41-44


***  Out for Blood


The pursuit of life for the wounded on the fighting fronts of World War II

by Anastasia Kirby Lundquist


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


March 10-12, Jacksonville, Fla.


March 15-20, Accra, Ghana


April 22-27, Los Angeles, Calif.


May 19-21, Singapore


August 3-8, East Lansing, Mich.


August 17-19, San Diego, Calif.


September 30-1 October, Tokyo, Japan


***  Your Very Next Step!


The January/February issue of  YVNS newsletter is posted at


***  Let’s get to the jobs:


***  This week’s Top Job:


1.)  PR Profesionals, GYMR Public Relations, Washington, DC


Seeking rising PR Pros. Fast-paced, award-winning GYMR Public Relations seeks whip-smart PR pros to join its talented team. DC-based GYMR communicates exclusively about health and healthcare. Since 1998, we’ve worked with supportive clients on meaningful issues in a fun and challenging environment.


Comprised of more than 30 professionals, some of whom excelled in the healthcare practices of the nation’s largest PR firms, GYMR combines the expertise and client roster of a national firm with the heart and soul of a boutique business.


GYMR is currently hiring professionals with 2-5 years of experience to work in its Dupont Circle office. Account staff at this level play a prominent role in the day-to-day management of accounts, so project management abilities and strong attention to details are required, as is a working knowledge of media and PR tactics. Excellent writing and proof-reading skills are a must, as is experience with earned media placement and social media campaigns. Successful candidates will have the demeanor and presence to serve as the firm’s liaison to clients, vendors and other agency partners. Knowledge of healthcare and agency experience are preferred.


Interested candidates should email their resume, with salary requirements, to (use “ROO-2” in the subject line).


GYMR is an equal opportunity employer. Visit us at


2.)  Officer, Editorial (Writing), The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC


3.)  Associate, Communications (Health Initiatives), The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC


4.)  Senior Associate, Communications, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC


***  From Keith Mordoff:


Hi Ned:  We have an excellent opportunity for a skilled multimedia person in our communications department.  Many thanks!


Keith Mordoff

Asst. VP – Communications

Aerospace Industries Association


5.)  Manager, Multimedia Communications, Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), Arlington, VA


Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), a non-profit corporation representing the nation’s leading aerospace manufacturers and suppliers, is seeking candidates for employment in its Communications Department. The position of Manager, Multimedia Communications reports to the Vice President and the Assistant Vice President of Communications, but is required to collaboratively interact with all members of the AIA team.


Position Description:

The accepted candidate will be working as a Multimedia Communications Manager with wide-ranging focus in the following areas:

  • Multiple Internet site functionality, features and content development
    • Social media execution and strategy
    • Intranet technical support
    • Manage external support vendors
    • Video production
    • Basic graphic design
    • Website metrics, analytics and statistics tracking and reporting


The Multimedia Communications Manager is responsible for all aspects of AIA’s primary website as well as number of related websites and social media pages. As the sole web-related position at AIA, the Multimedia Communications Manager sets strategic goals for AIA’s web presence, and ensures the website is functional, well-designed and up-to-date. This position develops and features content that promotes AIA initiatives.

Social media outreach to key targets of AIA’s advocacy efforts is a central and growing area of focus for the organization and requires proven skills. Public outreach campaigns such as the Second to None ( demand heightened proactive and reactive communication via outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flicker, AIA Blog etc. The Multimedia Manager will lead these efforts both strategically and in terms of tactical implementation.

Specific Requirements:

AIA is looking for a candidate with 2+ years of practical experience in website administration including:
• Knowledge of website usability methods and standards
• Experience with and understanding of web coding
• Experience and comfort with the following programs/platforms:
o Website Content Management Systems (CMS) (Expression Engine, Joomla!, WordPress, etc.)
o Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
o Adobe Suite (Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop)
• A four-year college degree (or practical equivalent)
• Qualified applicants must be able to communicate effectively in written and spoken English
• Personal character and integrity, matched with self-motivation and a good work ethic
• Excellent project management skills and the ability to multitask a high volume of deliverables with attention to detail
• Capitol Hill experience is a plus

If interested, please contact:

Brian Crowley

Director, Human Resources & Administration



6.)  Cause Related Marketing Manager, Corporate Partnerships, Save the Children, Fairfield, CT


7.)  Marketing and Communications Specialist, Save the Children, Washington, DC


8.)  Director, Advocacy, Communications & Knowledge Management, Saving Newborn Lives, Save the Children, Washington, DC


9.)  Sr. Communications Specialist, Thomson Reuters, Alexandria, VA


10.)  Director, Leadership Communications, The American Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C.


11.)  Assistant Account Executive, Stanton Public Relations & Marketing, New York, NY


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


12.)  TUHS – ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, COMMUNICATIONS, Temple University Health System, Philadelphia, PA


13.)  Assistant Business Editor, The Inquirer, Philadelphia, PA


The Inquirer is looking for an assistant business editor. The newspaper is in the midst of developing a new plan for business news, including new features in the Sunday section, new beats and web projects that enhance and extend those beats. Must be an excellent line editor and a good communicator who is web experienced, open to new ideas and entrepreneurial. Please send cover letter and resume to Karl Stark, Assistant Managing Editor, Business, Health & Science


14.)  Media Specialist, Comcast, Philadelphia, PA


***  From Katy Pultz:


15.)  Marketing Specialist, Triple Canopy, Reston, VA


16.)  Director, Corporate Communications, APP Annie, San Francisco, CA


***  From Mac’s List:


17.)  Outreach Coordinator, Oregon Natural Desert Asscociaton, Inc. (ONDA), Portland, OR


18.)  Marketing/Communications Manager, Portland Metro Habitat ReStores, Portland, OR


19.)  Communications and Public Relations Assistant, Travel Portland, Portland, OR


20.)  Media Sales Representative, USN Media, Yorba Linda, CA


***  From Beth Nuttall:


21.)  Communications Intern (Spring/Summer/Fall terms), Organization: National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, Silver Spring, MD


How to Apply: Send cover letter, resume, academic transcript, writing sample and 3 professional references to Beth Nuttall at

More information available at

22.)  Vice President for Advancement and External Relations, Silver Lake College of the Holy Family, Manitowoc, WI


23.)  Vice President, Strategic Communications and Media Relations, Blackboard, Inc.,  Boston, MA and/or Washington DC


24.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, Truecar, Santa Monica, CA


25.)  Executive Vice President of Communication, Sohobricks, Fort Lee, NJ


26.)  Assistant Vice President of Marketing & Communications, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ


27.)  Media Relations Specialist, Farmers Insurance Group, Woodland Hills, CA


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


28.)  Manager of Digital Strategy/Social Media, Verisk Analytics, Jersey City, New Jersey


29.)  Public Affairs/Relations Manager, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia, PA


30.)  Internal Communications Manager, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia, PA


31.)  External Communications Manager, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia, PA


32.)  Search Marketing Specialist, ORS Partners, Blue Bell, PA


33.)  Content Marketing Manager, ORS Partners, Philadelphia


34.)  Public Relations – Media Booker, KEF Media, Smyrna, Georgia


35.)  Public Relations & Communications Assistant, SNI Inc., Orange, CA


36.)  SOCIAL MEDIA LEAD, Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, Int’l. (FMA), Rockford, Illinois


37.)  News and Content Editor – Mekong Partnership for the Environment, Internews, Bangkok, Thailand


38.)  Head of Advocacy and Communications, ECPAT International, Bangkok,Thailand


***  Weekly alternative job selections:


39.)  Snow plow driver, Snow removal/shovel, North Suburban Home Maintenance, North Chicago, IL


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


025-15   31.01.2015: 0505 LT: Posn: 01:09.4N – 103:27.2E, Around 2.7nm ENE of Pulau Karimun Kecil, Indonesia.

Five robbers armed with a short gun and knives boarded a bulk carrier underway and entered the engine room. The Chief Engineer noticed the robbers and informed bridge. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Incident reported to local authorities. Investigation revealed that ship’s engine spares were stolen. Upon arriving at Eastern Boarding Ground, the Singaporean Authorities boarded the vessel for investigation.


024-15   13.02.2015: 1955 LT: Posn: 03:11N – 100:43E, Malacca Straits.

Eight pirates armed with guns and long knives in a speedboat boarded and hijacked a product tanker underway. All crew taken hostage. The pirates transferred all the fuel oil cargo and some bunker oil into another vessel. They stole crew and ship properties and escaped on 14.02.2015. All crew safe. The tanker sailed to a safe port in Thailand where the Authorities are investigating the incident.


023-15   14.02.2015: 2210 LT: Posn: 20:36.9N – 106:51.3E, Haiphong OPL Anchorage, Vietnam.

Duty AB on routine rounds noticed five robbers on the forecastle deck. He immediately informed OOW, who raised the alarm and crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped in their wooden motor boat. Investigation revealed that the paint store door was damaged and ship’s stores stolen. Incident reported to Port Control via VHF channel 16.


022-15   14.02.2015: 0254 LT: Posn: Berth 107, Belawan, Indonesia

Ten robbers armed with knives boarded a berthed bulk carrier. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Local authorities boarded the vessel. Seeing the alerted authorities the robbers escaped with stolen ship’s cargoes.


021-15   12.02.2015: 0254 LT: Posn: 20:41N – 107:12E, Hongai Outer Anchorage, Vietnam.

Five robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored bulk carrier. OOW noticed some movements on the forecastle and instructed the duty AB to check. As the AB proceeded forward the OOW directed the Aldis lamp towards the robbers who escaped in their boat. Upon investigation, it was found that ship’s stores and property were stolen.


020-15   12.02.2015: 2000 LT: Posn: 03:41S – 114:28E, Taboneo Anchorage, Indonesia.

Two robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier using hooks attached with ropes. Duty crew spotted the robbers and informed the bridge. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped in their boat. Upon investigation, it was found that two padlocks were broken but nothing stolen.


019-15   22.01.2015: 2220 LT: Posn: 05:50.6S – 106:55.8E, Jakarta Anchorage, Indonesia.

Duty oiler during routine rounds onboard an anchored ship noticed four robbers in the engine room. One of the robbers took him as hostage and threatened him with a knife. The remaining robbers stole engine spares and escaped. Alarm raised and all crew alerted. Port Authority informed.


***  Ball cap of the week: Milwaukee Sunrise Rotary


***  Coffee Mug of the week:  Crowne Plaza – Madrid


***  T-shirt of the week:   BDI USA


***  Musical guest artist of the week:   Mick Taylor and Carla Olson


***  To subscribe: 


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


“It was one of those bitter mornings when the whole of nature is shiny, brittle, and hard, like crystal. The trees, decked out in frost, seem to have sweated ice; the earth resounds beneath one’s feet; the tiniest sounds carry a long way in the dry air; the blue sky is bright as a mirror, and the sun moves through space in icy brilliance, casting on the frozen world rays which bestow no warmth upon anything.”

– Guy de Maupassant


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2015 The Job of the Week Network, LLC



The 6th National Summit on Strategic Communications returns to Washington, DC on May 4-5, 2015

Use the exclusive JOTW Discount Code (C577JOTW) to save $100 save off the early-bird rate.


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