Surface Navy Association
30th Annual National Symposium
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
January 9-11, 2018
Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter
DEFCON 1 newsletter for November 15, 2017
Issue # 529
“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.”
– Winston Churchill
This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.
*** Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.
DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.
*** NOTE: I am migrating this newsletter to a new Google Groups List (Defense Career Opportunities Network). If you didn’t receive this newsletter directly by email, you can be included in the group so you can continue to receive this newsletter for free. Just send an email to lundquist989@cs.com requesting to be added to the DEFCON 1 list.
When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share. This is a cooperative network. That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.
*** Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:
December 1-8 Honolulu, Oahu/Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii
January 29-February 1, 2018 London, UK
*** Surface Navy Association
30th Annual National Symposium
2018 Tue Jan 9th – Thu 11th
Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202, USA map
Where: Hyatt Regency Crystal City
When: January 9-11, 2018
Theme: Surface Forces & Cross-Domain Integration
*** Surface Warships
29 – 30 – 31 January – 1 February 2018
London, UK
*** Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:
1.) Sr. Subcontracts Administrator, MCR, McLean, VA
2.) Senior Military Intelligence Analyst Army G2, MCR, Arlington, VA
3.) Sr. Earned Value Management Analyst, MCR, El Segundo, CA
4.) RF Engineer, AMEWAS, Inc., Patuxent River, MD
5.) Business Association PRESIDENT & CEO, Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC), Portland, OR
6.) Public Affairs Communications Specialist, Program Executive Officer for Submarines (PEO SUB), Alion Science and Technology, Washington, DC
7.) Strategic Communications Officer, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Springfield, Virginia
8.) Public Affairs Specialist, Headquarters, AMC, Department of the Army, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
9.) Missile Defense Threat Analyst, Millennium Engineering and Integration Company, Huntsville, AL
10.) Senior Radar Engineer, Corvid Technologies, Huntsville, AL
11.) Engineer, Electronics/Electrical (RF), PAE, Patuxent River, MD
12.) INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST, Department of the Air Force, Langley AFB, VA
13.) Systems Analyst, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA
14.) Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer, Resource Management Concepts, Inc., Patuxent River, MD
15.) Research Analyst – MATLAB / Python / C++, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Laurel, MD
16.) Radar Test and Evaluation Analyst, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Laurel, MD
17.) Air Force ICBM Weapon System Analyst, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Laurel, MD
18.) Missile Warning Systems Analyst, LinQuest, Colorado Springs, CO
*** Sponsorships and combination packages are available with www.nedsjotw.com and www.yourverynextstep.com. To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at lundquist989@cs.com.
This newsletter is published by:
Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661
Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.
For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2017 Job of the Week Network, LLC
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