JOTW 17-2019


2019 Silver Quill Call for Entries Now Open!

The IABC Heritage Region Silver Quill awards are a distinction of excellence within the communication profession.

Deadline: Monday, May 13, 2019



JOTW 17-2019

April 29, 2019

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,799


“People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.”

– Will Rogers


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates..


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the new listerv.  If you receive this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week.


Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


Today’s always-on media, political and regulatory environment calls for a new breed of communications pro who can craft stories, produce cross-channel content and defuse crises. I bring 10+ years of experience running communications and crisis management at Wells Fargo, Blue Shield of California, Dow Jones and in startup and agency settings. I’m a strategic and tactical leader with a knack for blending a holistic, data-driven approach with rapid execution. You can read more about me at Contact me at if you’re a purpose-driven brand in the San Francisco Bay Area and need someone in house to drive communications and content.


Johnny Wong


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  The 2019 JOTW Communications Survey…The results are in!


Check out the second annual survey of more than 200 communications professionals surfaces trends and best practices in corporate communications and public relations, conducted in partnership between Ned’s Job of the Week (JOTW) and Sword and the Script Media.


***  Stand Out



Rely upon proven tactics to move ahead of competitors in your career and job search. Visit the Stand Out section of Ned’s JOTW website today.


***  Register for the 2019 IABC World Conference in Vancouver


From 9 to 12 June 2019, more than 1,000 of your peers will gather to discuss what’s new and what’s next in communication.  The 2019 IABC World Conference takes places at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver and Hyatt Regency Vancouver in the heart of a world-class city filled with plenty to do and see before and after the conference. Special IABC World Conference rates are available at both hotels while supplies last. Book your room early, as the conference hotels tend to fill up quickly.


***  2019 Silver Quill Call for Entries Now Open!

Deadline: Monday, May 13, 2019


The IABC Heritage Region Silver Quill awards have been a hallmark of communication excellence for more than 15 years. This prestigious award is a distinction of excellence within the communication profession.


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


April 29-30                                           Abu Dhabi, UAE

May 8-15                                             Honolulu, Hawaii

May 29-30                                           Ottawa, Ont., Canada

June 7-10                                             Vancouver, BC, Canada

June 25-26                                          Lagos, Nigeria

Aug 5-7                                                 Los Angeles, CA

Aug 21-23                                            San Diego, CA

Sept 4-6                                               Copenhagen, Denmark

Nov 25-27                                            Kuwait City, Kuwait


***  Your Very Next Step!



Your Very Next Step newsletter for March / April 2019

By Ned Lundquist

This edition of YVNS was sent to our readers from Yellowknife, North West Territories, Canada


The January-February 2019 issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is now available online


  • Lots of travel and adventure news, vacation ideas, tips and features.
  • 12 cool volunteer opportunities
  • 23 travel/conservation/adventure jobs

Check it out, because your next adventure begins with your very next step.


“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listerv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned and email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


Are you a subscriber.  It’s free.  Send Ned an email (to telling him you want to subscribe.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Vice President for Communications and Public Relations, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Onna-son, Okinawa, Japan


2.)  Communications Advisor/Proposal Writer, Sentara Healthcare, Virginia Beach, VA


3.)  Associate-Scientific Communications, Lilly, Indianapolis, Indiana


4.)  Internal Communications Associate, Freddie Mac, McLean, VA


5.)  Communications Officer, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC


6.)  Internal Communications Senior, Freddie Mac, McLean, VA


***  From Kim Azcona:


Hi Ned,


Below is a new job listing from my company.


Thanks so much for posting!





Kim Azcona Castaneda

Director of Marketing Communications

United Educators


7.)  Writer/Editor (Communications Associate), United Educators, Bethesda, MD


If you’re a top-notch copyeditor who seeks variety and thrives on fast-paced environments, then join our mission-driven team of communication professionals. From creating online ads to editing extensive bulletins, your contributions will directly impact the education industry. You’ll not only serve as a consultant to internal departments as we develop a new content strategy but as a thought leader as we continue to bring words to life in new ways.,-md-jobs-j36577530.html?pbid=67801


8.)  Outreach Coordinator, Simons Foundation, New York, New York


9.)  Sr. Manager, External Communications, Moderna, Cambridge, MA


10.)  Senior Associate, Communications (Graphic Designer), Sabin Vaccine Institute, Washington, DC


***  From Samantha Donaldson:


Good afternoon Ned,


We are hiring for a Design and Web Manager at the Partnership for Public Service. Could you please include this posting in next week’s JOTW?


Thank you!


Samantha Donaldson

Vice President of Communications

Partnership for Public Service


11.)  Design and Web Manager, Partnership for Public Service, Washington, DC


12.)  Head of Communications, Press & Public Affairs, British Consulate General New York

New York, NY


13.)  Associate Director, Corporate Communications, Moderna, Cambridge, MA


14.)  Communications Officer, Multimedia Producer, World Bank, Washington, DC


***  From Barbara Ware:


Ned: Pls post this Senior Communications Specialist job at Center for Internet Security (CIS) on your PR Jobs List Serv.


Barbara Ware

CIS Director of Communications


15.)  Senior Communications Specialist, Center for Internet Security (CIS), Washington, DC area or East Greenbush, NY


We are a noprofit that works with U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security on cybersecurity services for state & local govts.  We do some private sector cybersecurity work as well. This job position is based in DC area or East Greenbush, NY, near Albany.  Job requires strong writing skills. CIS offers a generous vacation package and other good benefits.


16.)  Press Intern, House Democratic Policy & Communications Committee, Washington, DC


17.)  Editor-in-Chief, Function, American Physiological Society, Remote


18.)  Director, Corporate Communications, Roku, Los Gatos, CA


19.)  Communications Specialist, Sherwin-Williams – Cleveland, OH


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


20.)  Editor/Proofreader, SEI, Oaks, PA


21.)  Marketing Communications Specialist (#85860), Penn State Brandywine, Brandywine, PA


22.)  Public Relations & Communications Manager, NorthStar Financial Services Group, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania  / Omaha, Nebraska


23.)  Marketing Communications Specialist, Penn State Great Valley, Malvern, PA


***  From Mac’s List:


24.)  Venture Portland, Community Engagement and Communications Manager, Portland, Oregon


25.)  Marketing and Strategic Relationships Coordinator-NPP, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, Washington


26.)  Accounting Assistant For Real Access Media Placement (RAMP), Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, Lake Oswego, Oregon


***  From Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List:


27.)  PR and Communications Manager, Colorado Mountain Club Golden, Colorado, US


28.)  Director, Internal Communications, Danone Foods Broomfield, Colorado


29.)  Director of External Communications,Lockheed Martin Littleton, Colorado, US


30.)  DIVISION DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS, American Veterinary Medical Association, Schaumburg, IL


31.)  Corporate Communications Manager, Morley Companies, Inc., Saginaw, MI


32.)  Marketing Communications Manager, SC Governor’s School for Science & Mathematics, Hartsville, SC


33.)  Communications Specialist, BCS, LLC., Los Alamos, NM


34.)  Digital Communications Specialist, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL


35.)  Communications and Marketing Supervisor, Louisville/Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District, Louisville, KY


36.)  Public Affairs Specialist, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, New Orleans, Louisiana


37.)  Associate Communications Specialist, Sierra Club, Oakland, WA


38.)  Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Casualty Actuarial Society, Arlington, VA


39.)  Director of Communications (Publicity/Marketing Director), UCP 9, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT


40.)  Social Media Manager, Furman University, Greenville, SC


41.)  Manager of Public Relations, ADP, Roseland, NJ


42.)  Social Marketing Program Director, imre Health, New York, NY


43.)  Creative Intern – Summer, imre, Baltimore, MD


44.)  Associate Account Executive, Consumer, imre, Los Angeles, CA


45.)  SUPERVISOR, COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING, Vizeum, Playa Vista, California


46.)  Mass Communications Studio Aide, Harford Community College, Bel Air, MD


47.)  Digital Communications Specialist, Office of Communication & Marketing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE


48.)  Manager, Grassroots and Communications, America’s Blood Centers, Washington, DC,-grassroots-and-communications.aspx




50.)  Strategic Communications (STRATCOMM) Analyst, SAIC, Newport News, VA


51.)  Communications Department Manager, SAIC, Cambridge, MA


52.)  Public Affairs Specialist, Bureau of Prisons/Federal Prison System, Department of Justice,  Washington, District of Columbia


53.)  Director of External Communications, Council of FHLBanks, Washingon, D.C.


54.)  Multimedia Production Specialist, Roseman University of Health Sciences,

Henderson, NV


55.)  Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Army Accession Command, Department of the Army,  Columbia, South Carolina


56.)  Communications Coordinator, Maryland Association of Counties, Annapolis, MD


57.)  Instructor – School of Media and Communication – Strategic Communication, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH


58.)  Communications & Branding Specialist, The Boeing Company, Everett, WA


59.)  Mid-Level Communications Specialist, The Boeing Company, Renton Washington


60.)  Communication & Branding Specialist (Mid-Level), The Boeing Company, El Segundo California


61.)  Communications Director, St. Louis REALTORS, St. Louis, MO


62.)  Public Affairs Specialist, Southern Region, Region 8; Regional Office, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Atlanta, Georgia


63.)  Director of Marketing, Communication and Engagement, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC


64.)  Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist, HQ US Africa Command, Stuttgart, Germany


65.)  Communications Manager, ASIS International, Old Town Alexandria, VA


***  This week’s alternative job selection


66.)  Summer Camp Instructor, World of Speed Motorsports Museum, Wilsonville, Oregon


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


047-19   19.04.2019: 0535 UTC: Posn: 03:47.6N – 077:14.3W, Buenaventura Channel, Colombia.

A boat with around eight to 10 persons approached a container ship under pilotage and attempted to board via the rigged pilot ladder. Duty lookout noticed the boat and raised the alarm. Crew mustered near the pilot ladder resulting in the boat aborting and moving away. The pilot notified the coast guard and a patrol boat was dispatched to investigate.


046-19   19.04.2019: 1330 UTC: Posn: Bonny Outer Anchorage, Nigeria.

An anchored tanker was boarded by unauthorised persons who kidnapped six crew and escaped. Remaining crew reported safe. Nigerian navy notified and investigations are ongoing.


045-19   26.03.2019: 2022 UTC: Posn: 13:44N – 121:02E, Batangas Anchorage, Philippines.

Duty crew on routine rounds noticed a robber near the forecastle and raised the alarm. Crew mustered and approached the forecastle. Seeing the alerted crew, the robber escaped with stolen ships stores. On investigating it was reported that the robber gained access via the anchor chain. Incident reported to coast guard.


044-19   13.04.2019: 1006 UTC: Posn: 17:37.1N – 083:19.2E, Visakhapatnam SPM Anchorage, India.

Five boats with eleven persons approached a tanker during anchoring operations. Up on anchoring the boats came alongside, hooked on ropes to the ships rails and commenced boarding the tanker. Alarm raised, ships horn sounded, and crew mustered on deck. Port authorities notified. The unauthorised persons remained on deck as the crew prevented them from entering the accommodation. They did not confront the crew but refused to leave the tanker. Finally, on seeing the approaching pilot boat the unauthorised persons disembarked.


***  Ball cap of the week: Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy


***  Coffee mug of the week:  Djibouti


***  T-Shirt of the week:   St. Michael’s College


***  Musical guest artist of the week:   Steely Dan


***  To subscribe:  Contact Ned at


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2019 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)



2019 IABC World Conference in Vancouver

Register now for the 2019 IABC World Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.


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