It’s Ned-Vember!

I don’t ask for much.  But this is November.  And November begins with an N.  And every month that begins with an N is “Ned’s JOTW New Member Month.”  And that makes this… “Ned-Vember!”  That’s right.  I’m asking each of you to reach out to your network of communicators and do a little directed “ned-working,” to encourage your colleagues to sign up for the free Job of the Week newsletter.    If they contact me by sending me an email at and mention “Ned-Vember,” they will get 50 percent off the free price, as well a free copy of the world-famous March 32nd special edition.  Even a journalism major like me knows that’s a great deal.

You can use this message below to send to every communicator in your network during the month of Ned-vember.

     Dear colleague,

     My conscience dictates that I show a modicum of the immense gratitude I have in being a member of the Job of the Week network to keep me apprised of the communications job market.  I acknowledge my responsibility as a communication professional and a fellow human being to reach out to others, especially in this time of pandemic, to provide access to the free Job of the Week newsletter to those who may not yet have found the joy and contentment of being a member of this most worthy network.  So, I invite you to join the network and begin receiving the free newsletter.  It’s free.  Here’s how to order:  Send an email to Ned at and mention my name and email address.  Use the magic word “Ned-Vember,” and save 50 percent off the free price.  But wait!  There’s more.  Act now during Ned-Vember and you will also receive the world-famous March 32nd edition, absolutely free. Act before midnight tonight and Ned will waive shipping and handling fees!


Write a clever invitation yourself, and share it with Ned to post in JOTW during Ned-Vember!


Remember…I don’t ask for much.  But this Ned-Vember!




Edward Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow
Captain, U.S. Navy (retired)
Editor and Publisher
The Job of the Week newsletter
Springfield, Virginia


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