Reach 11,000 communication professionals with the Job of the Week newsletter and website. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities available. See the rate card at www.nedsjotw.com, or contact Ned Lundquist at lundquist989@cs.com. Rates will not go up for 2011.
JOTW 52-2010
27 December 2010
This is newsletter number 858
“Light is God’s first creature.”
– Sir Francis Bacon
This newsletter comes to you from blizzardy Auburndale, Massachusetts.
*** Welcome to the JOTW network.
The next issue will mark ten years of JOTW newsletters emailed faithfully onto your front porch every Monday morning!
If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it with the JOTW network. Your friends can sign up by sending a blank e-mail to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
You are among 11,358 subscribers in this community of communicators.
This network is all about connecting communicators and sharing opportunities. And speaking of sharing, since the JOTW newsletter was started almost ten years ago, more than 30,000 job opportunities have been listed and shared with members of this network. 31,040 to be exact, as of today.
I can’t change your e-mail address for you. But you can. Send a blank e-mail from your old account to JOTW-unsubscribe@topica.com. Then send a blank e-mail from your new account to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
In this issue:
(To view these jobs, scroll down to the listings in the content of this newsletter)
*** One Paragraph Pitch
1.) Corporate Communication Digital Media Advisor, Collective Brands, Topeka, KS
2.) Public Relations Coordinator, thunder::tech, Cleveland, Ohio
3.) Public Relations Manager, Dolby Laboratories, San Francisco, CA
4.) Alcoa Foundation- Community Engagement Manager, Alcoa, New York, New York
5.) Director, Marketing Communications and Branding, Alcoa, NYC or Pittsburgh, PA
6.) Senior Government Communication and Marketing Specialist, GALLUP, Washington, DC
7.) Public Relations Manager, leading fashion retailer, Wisconsin
8.) Account Management Group Leader, Bader Rutter & Associates, Chicago, Illinois
9.) Public Relations Senior Account Executive, Bader Rutter & Associates, Chicago, Illinois
10.) Manager, Research, National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI), Vienna, VA
11.) Media Relations Manager (Communications Specialist 5), Siemens Healthcare, Malvern, Pennsylvania
12.) Communications Board Manager, consultant in support of client, Crawford Communications Group, San Jose, CA
13.) Part-time (20-30 hrs/week) Executive Communications Manager, Crawford Communications Group, San Jose, CA
14.) Project Manager – Marketing & Communications, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
15.) International Insight Manager, Sony Music Entertainment, New York, New York
16.) Editor, Assignment/Web Producer, FOX CT, Tribune Company, Hartford, CT
17.) Strategic Planner, McCann Detroit, Detroit, Michigan
18.) Head of Communications, Médecins Sans Frontières, Stockholm, Sweden
Closing Date – 16 Jan 2011
19.) Global Internal Communication role, APM Terminals (Maersk), The Hague, NL
20.) Local Public Relations Specialist, IKEA, Tampa, FL
21.) Marketing Manager, Smart Commute North Toronto, Vaughan, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
22.) Director of Corporate Communications, Chico's Retail Services, Inc., Fort Myers, FL
23.) Asia Pacific Marketing Director, Hill-Rom, Singapore
24.) Director, Marketing Communications, Hill-Rom, Batesville, IN
25.) Copywriter, GA Communications, Livermore, California
26.) Communications Officer, Toronto Port Authority, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
27.) Creative Talent Wanted, The ViA Group LLC, Portland, Maine
28.) VP External Communications Manager, WebsterBank, Waterbury, Connecticut
29.) Account Supervisor – Corporate Communications, MWW Group, Inc., New York, NY
30.) Manager of Community Relations (East Coast), Biogen Idec Inc., Waltham, MA
31.) Community Relations Manager, Mosaic, Colorado Springs, CO
32.) Account Supervisor – Personal Care, Ms&l Worldwide, New York, NY
33.) Account Supervisor – Corporate Media Relations, MSLGroup, Chicago, IL
34.) Communications Assistant, Coalition for the International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands
35.) Press Officer/Spokesperson P4, Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Netherlands
36.) Editorial Assistant, Times Community News, Tribune Company, Glendale, CA
37.) Senior Account Executive, integrated communications agency, Portland, Maine
38.) Senior Account Executive – Metro Boston, MA agency, B2B Technology
39.) Editor in Chief, Sunshine Media Group, Chattanooga, Tennessee
40.) Senior Financial Writer Legg Mason & Co, LLC, Stamford, CT
41.) Marketing Coordinator, Hoy!, Triubune Company, Chicago, IL
42.) Public Relations Manager, Lower East Side Tenement Museum, New York, New York
43.) Communications Coordinator (Contract), Parkland Regional Library, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada
44.) Communications Manager – Caribbean, Research In Motion Limited, Miami, FL
45.) Stagiaire communication et développement, Alliance for International Medical Action, France
46.) Manager Investor Relations, JetBlue Airways, Forest Hills, NY
47.) Manager-Investor Relations, Dick's Sporting Goods, Pittsburgh, PA
48.) Investor Relations Specialist, Coinstar, Bellevue, WA
49.) Director of HR Communications, BlackRock, New York, NY
50.) Manager, Investor Relations Job, Pepsi, Purchase, NY
51.) Communications Manager, Ingersoll Rand – Residential Solutions, Carmel, IN
52.) Media Relations Intern – 2011 Spring Semester, National Headquarters, American Lung Association, Washington, DC
53.) Campaign Director (Assistant VP), Healthy Air Campaign, American Lung Association, Washington, DC
54.) Director of Marketing & Communications, Cognosante/Fox, Scottsdale, AZ
55.) Regional Head of Corporate Communications, leading global investment bank, offered through Ambition, Hong Kong SAR
56.) Public Information Officer, Delaware Department of Education, Dover, Delaware
57.) Media Relations Manager (Communications Spec 5), Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Malvern, PA
58.) PR Account Executive: Philadelphia, PA
59.) Public Relations Intern (paid), Association Headquarters, Inc., Mount Laurel, NJ 60.) Account Supervisor, Brian Public Relations, a Brian Tierney company, King of Prussia, PA
61.) Public Relations Vice President, Vox Medica, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
62.) Account Supervisor, Vox Medica, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
63.) Cooperative Associate: Corporate Communications (Summer), PPL Corporation, Allentown, PA
64.) Public Relations Assistant, Maricopa County Community College District, Tempe, AZ
65.) Director of Corporate Relations and Individual Giving, Museum of Chinese in America, New York, New York
66.) Stassen Chair in International Relations, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN
67.) Cubs Game Analyst, Tribune Company, Chicago, IL
*** Weekly Piracy Report
…and more! Scroll down and see them all!
*** One Paragraph Pitch:
I am a results-producing marketing professional with a proven record of achievement in planning and leading comprehensive marketing strategies which support business goals and objectives. I’m accomplished in directing the creation of marketing tools and the execution of marketing programs. I’ve successfully driven growth in targeted markets through implementation of key projects. I’m adept at communicating with customers, management, internal departments, and vendors to coordinate overall marketing efforts.
For the past seven years, I worked for a commercial real estate developer: designed marketing plan aimed at increasing sales and promoting brand for commercial and mixed-use portfolio; managed annual marketing budget; established customer loyalty and awareness through the development of creative and influential communications; and managed the development of marketing communications.
I can be reached by email @ angelahughes17111 at yahoo dot com, or by phone at 240-893-1670.
Angela Hughes
(Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to lundquist989@cs.com.)
*** An Essay on JOTW’s 10th Anniversary
Mike Sorohan
Ned Lundquist, ABC, recently brought to my attention that JOTW reached its 10th anniversary. He need not have reminded me, for I’ve had it circled on my calendar for quite some time now, in red, with cartoon hearts and exclamation points. I haven’t been this excited since my first Kelly Clarkson concert.
Ten years! And to think, I was there at the birth–and what an ugly birth it was: a prolonged labor; a difficult delivery; a great deal of blood and other fluids; and lots of cursing and screaming (followed later by heartfelt apologies and “I really didn’t mean those things I said about you,” endearments).
If truth be told, the baby was ugly. It didn’t even look like Ned—the font was wrong, for one thing. But Ned didn’t care; he paraded it around the Internet like an overbearing mom on “Toddlers and Tiaras” and insisted that JOTW would fill a niche that, like a Chilean mine, needed a parallel tunnel dug next to it, then be sealed forever.
Ten years later, JOTW has not only fulfilled its mission, it has thrived. If JOTW could be on a Pee-Wee football team, it would be the overachieving quarterback who reaches puberty before everyone else, scoring seven touchdowns a game, leading the defense in tackles and interceptions and handling kickoff duties. If JOTW were a Boy Scout, it would be the youngest Eagle Scout in history. Twice.
Not that there haven’t been growing pains. There was the One-Paragraph Pitch that ran longer than a Harry Potter book (even the person’s name was long). Recently, controversy raged like a Southern California wildfire about whether whimsical non-communications jobs such as “Sewer Technician–Hastings, Nebraska” should be listed. Then there was the Canadian Border Incident, which resulted in JOTW being banned in Saskatchewan for three months. But I digress.
Over the years, JOTW has linked thousands of communications professionals to thousands of job openings. It offers advice for the lovelorn (K.I.S.S.—Kommunicators In Search of Someone); provides career advice to those who ask (thanks in part to a “Dream Team” of handpicked professionals who, when they’re not actually doing what Ned asked them, operate like a Secret Ops Oprah Book Club); and engages in meaningful philanthropy, such as collecting books for a communications center in Ethiopia. And it has alerted us to the dangers of shipping piracy, reminding us that if we ever decide to quit our communication job and buy an oil tanker, we should exercise caution while navigating the Somali coast.
It speaks volumes that many of the thousands of professionals who subscribe to JOTW aren’t even looking for jobs. They see JOTW as a networking opportunity; a chance to keep their ear to the ground about communication trends; a forum to discuss ideas; a source for advice and feedback. Employers have come to rely on JOTW as a front-line resource to reach thousands of engaged, top-notch communicators who knew what “social networking” was before Mark Zuckerberg got out of diapers.
JOTW serves as an agent of change in an era in which change is a constant. It prepares us for change; nay, it insists that change is not something to be feared, but rather, something that should be wrestled to the ground and forced into submission. Someone—I think it was me—once said, “Life is too short to be stuck in a job you don’t like.” JOTW is a tool that empowers us to take a step back and say “I deserve better.” And we do deserve better (actually, I really like my job, but I’m using “we” in a collective, networking sense).
Ned has put together issues of JOTW from all over the world—Ethiopia; India; Korea; Italy; Sweden; Iraq; even Texas. By listing jobs from all over, Ned has shrunk the world and helped communicators expand their possibilities. Why run a listing for a job in Belgium? Well, why not? Haven’t we all dreamed of moving to Belgium and speaking Phlegmish? Haven’t we dreamed of eating fresh Brussels sprouts, instead of settling for frozen?
For 10 years, JOTW has dared us to challenge ourselves, to think outside the box, to think outside the block, to think outside the confines of our current geography and to consider our role in a global context. Sure, we are just one person out of seven billion, but JOTW reminds us that we are the most important person and that we can make a difference—just as long as we remember to put the “l” in “public.”
*** Holiday cheer:
May your Christmas be merry and bright, and may you find in each day of the new year reasons to celebrate.
You are a blessing to me and so many people. Thanks for all you do!
With cheer and appreciation,
Susan H. Burnell, APR
Imagination Ink – Business Writing & Public Relations
Houston, TX
(Thank you for the poinsettia photo. I posted it at www.nedsjotw.com.)
*** Tenth anniversary observations:
You invited reflections upon the 10th Anniversary or JOTW. I offer the following musings for consideration and/or editing.
In the midst of a crisis communications scenario, I met and became friends with a mutual friend, Jim Mitchell. He told me about Ned and his labor of love called Ned's Job of the Week. I subscribed. That was 2003.
The intervening years led to submissions of job opportunities, dialogue with Ned and an unexpected crossing of paths with my father, a retired Naval officer who presents an annual award to an outstanding Chief Petty Officers in honor of an ancestor. Strange but true. (Ned has covered the ceremony commemorating the George Sirian Award and the related cruise aboard the USS Constitution.)
By far, the most extraordinary evidence of Nedworking through JOTW occurred in July 2008. I'd submitted a job to Ned and he included my name and/or city. A long lost friend with whom I'd worked during my ad agency career saw the posting. She wrote to Ned. Ned wrote to me.
“Could I be the same Heather that Geri had worked with in Princeton, NJ so many years ago???”
Yes. It was true.
I received the news on a vacation in the wilds of Canada but could not wait to find an internet connection to confirm that it was me. During vacation, I eagerly sought opportunities to catch up with Geri.
Fast forward to today: A week is not complete without Geri and I sharing our successes, tribulations, news and updates. Today, Geri enjoys a fabulous career as a media relations and PR pro. I found my niche (so far) in government public affairs and marketing. By learning, sharing and, yes — Nedworking — we become better and more valuable to our clients and/or employers.
Moral? Submit. Contribute. Chime in. Participate in the wonders of Nedworking.
Heather Murphy
(It’s what nedworking is all about.)
*** Holiday blessings:
I appreciate the opportunity for a forum to say thanks – for the fact that I am employed, and for the JOTW lifeline to the job market when I thought I would not be, for finding family that I never knew I had and being able to spend time with them, for having wonderful friends to share my joys and frustrations, for the people who share their musical talents with the world and in doing so bring such happiness to mine.
Sue Bumpous
North American Association for Environmental Education
Washington DC
*** From DF:
Can I please be added to the list?
Sent from my iPhone
(Just send a blank email to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.)
*** It works for me:
Anti-Drunk Driving Ad in South Africa Too Shocking for Some
The Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative has slammed an advertising campaign seeking to deter drunken-driving by warning male drivers they face the prospect of being raped in prison if arrested.
Link to article in the Cape Times:
*** From Bernie Wagenblast’s TCN newsletter:
Norway's Reindeer Fitted with Reflectors to Stop Car Crashes
Link to article in The Telegraph:
Consider Northeastern’s online 12-month Master of Science in Corporate and Organizational Communication.
Offered through Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies, the Fast-Track Master of Science in Corporate and Organizational Communication is a 1-year 100% online program that provides graduates with the skills to develop, manage, and evaluate global communications.
Next start dates are January 2011 and April 2011
APPLY TODAY – visit www.northeastern.edu/cps/FastTrack_MSOrgComm/
The College of Professional Studies offers 40+ graduate programs representing fast-growing fields such as education, communication, project management, and technology. Learn more by visiting www.northeastern.edu/cps
*** Think Marist!
Considering graduate school but concerned about high tuition prices? Think Again. Think Marist! The Marist College Master of Arts in Communication degree is offered 100% online with both part- and full-time study options. Graduates of our program are prepared to address communication questions from a variety of theoretical and ethical perspectives, write effectively for multiple audiences, conduct research in the field of communication, demonstrate strong analytical skills, and develop strategies for communicating during conflict. Visit us online at http://www.marist.edu/admission/thinkmarist/landing2 .html and contact us today at graduate@marist.edu or 888.877.7900 to learn more about our tuition discounts for JOTW subscribers and IABC members.
*** From Ellen Ternes:
You might want to include this link to the wonderful CBS Army\-Navy spot in your next letter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=156J3Ajxt6w
Merry Christmas,
Ellen Ternes
*** Your favorite JOTW moment:
JOTW is almost 10 years old! We certainly have had our moments. Share your favorite JOTW moment with the network. Send to www.nedsjotw.com.
Back issues are available at http://www.topica.com/lists/JOTW/read or www.nedsjotw.com.
Submit your JOTW moment or comment to Ned at lundquist989@cs.com by Jan. 1, 2011.
*** Mark Sofman’s favorite JOTW moments:
Multiple – the March 32nd issue.
*** Let’s get to the jobs:
From Hope Stover:
Please post the following position to your website. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you Hope Stover.
1.) Corporate Communication Digital Media Advisor, Collective Brands, Topeka, KS
Collective Brands is a leader in bringing compelling lifestyle, fashion and performance brands for footwear and related accessories to consumers worldwide through our fashion and iconic brands, including Payless, Saucony, Keds, Stride Rite, Sperry Top-Sider and Airwalk. Operating as a hybrid business model through our three strategic business units, Payless, the Performance + Lifestyle Group and Collective Licensing International, our powerful portfolio of brands reach a broad range of consumer segments at multiple price points and through multiple selling channels including retail, wholesale, digital commerce and licensing.
We know our associates are the ones who make our success possible. We are committed to attracting, hiring and retaining the best and most diverse talent in the industry and developing you professionally. We offer a unique blend of entrepreneurial spirit and Collective strength.
Associates describe our culture as fun, hard working and collaborative. They're attracted to the clarity of strategy and Collective alignment behind the company's vision, mission and strategy. The pace is lightning fast. Expectations are high.
We are an equal opportunity employer and committed to workforce diversity.
Our world headquarters is centrally located in Topeka, KS, facilitating easy travel to all parts of the country. And, Topeka enjoys close proximity to Kansas City and Lawrence, home of the University of Kansas, providing our Associates with multiple communities in which to reside.
This position requires you to lead, develop, implement and measure all aspects of our digital communication, including our associate portal, collectivebrands.com, e-mail communication and more. As part of our corporate communication and social responsibility team you will be responsible for partnering with clients across the organization to plan and deliver strategic communications and manage special projects.
– Utilize knowledge of current and emerging communications technologies and tools to execute communications strategies including intranet, social media, newsletters, memos and webcasts that effectively reach associates.
– Write, edit, review and oversee release of internal communication via digital vehicles, including the associate portal and e-mail.
– Serve as managing editor and gatekeeper for the associate portal. Develop and implement editorial calendar, manage content and updates, provide support to content producers and measure portal usage.
– Review and edit internal communications prior to dissemination to ensure accuracy, clarity, consistency and appropriateness.
– Manage update of collectivebrands.com. Partner with marketing and other internal clients, including HR, to regularly update content.
– Evaluate the success of online platforms, including setting key performance indicators, monitoring visitor statistics, feedback and participation.
– Partner with internal clients to identify communication plans, methods and programs to achieve organizational objectives. Advise colleagues on communications vehicles and usage.
– Manage digital asset library.
– Provide presentation and graphic support for key clients.
– Occasionally serve as a photographer or videographer for content development
– Serve as technology expert in coordination and execution of corporate meetings.
– Assist with the development and implementation of new and existing communication vehicles.
– Lead and/or contribute to the successful delivery of special projects
– Bachelor's degree in communications, digital media or marketing.
– Minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience in communication or marketing role.
– Strong portfolio demonstrating writing and content management skills
– Experience managing Web sites via a content management system.
– Advanced knowledge of digital media and technology, including graphic design skills.
– Knowledge of best practices in Web design and usability.
– Solid analytical and problem-solving skills with experience developing and analyzing metrics.
– Concrete project management and organizational skills with strong attention to detail.
– Strong interpersonal skills, a high degree of initiative and experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.
– Demonstrate and entrepreneurial approach, understanding of strategic planning and be a calculated risk-taker.
– Strong writing and editing skills
– Web management experience in a portal environment
– Experience in internal communications or marketing, and understanding of communications/marketing principles Strong knowledge of digital media and social media.
Job ID: 3177
You can view and apply for this job at:
*** From Noelle Pennyman:
Hi Ned:
We have an immediate need to fill a part-time public relations position at thunder::tech, based in Cleveland, Ohio. It would be great if you could include this in the next JOTW e-mail.
Thanks very much and have a great holiday,
::Noelle Pennyman
2.) Public Relations Coordinator, thunder::tech, Cleveland, Ohio
The thunder::tech public relations department develops and executes communications strategies in the areas of media relations, social media, corporate communication and editorial services. thunder::tech is an integrated marketing agency and the public relations department frequently interacts with design and development teams in multimedia or interactive projects.
The Public Relations Coordinator works with the public relations staff to manage client media relations campaigns and specific public relations projects/events. They are responsible for researching, designing, planning, implementing and evaluating all details of these campaigns.
Qualifications include a bachelor's degree in journalism, communications or marketing, excellent written and oral communication skills and strong organizational skills. The ability to write for interactive media as well as produce copy efficiently and creatively is essential. Knowledge of social media tools, proficiency in MS Office and familiarity with AP style is required. Working knowledge of Adobe products is a plus, as well as experience with media monitoring tools and other applicable public relations software. Other ideal credentials include knowledge of HTML, search engine optimization and video production.
Essential Qualifications:
– Excellent written and oral communication skills
– Organized work habits and ability of multitask
– Self-motivated and able to work independently
– Ability to think critically and creatively
– Understanding and experience in media relations, social media and online communication
– Bachelor's degree in public relations, journalism or communications
– Three to five years of experience preferred
– Strong writing samples
To apply, please submit your resume and writing samples to Misty Fry at misty@thundertech.com or apply online at www.thundertech.com.
*** From Sean Durkin:
Dolby Laboratories is seeking a Public Relations Manager for its broadcast and gaming businesses in San Francisco.
Thanks for posting!
3.) Public Relations Manager, Dolby Laboratories, San Francisco, CA
Anyone interested should send their resume with a brief note to Sean Durkin (sdurk@dolby.com).
4.) Alcoa Foundation- Community Engagement Manager, Alcoa, New York, New York
5.) Director, Marketing Communications and Branding, Alcoa, NYC or Pittsburgh, PA
We are looking for a Director, Marketing Communications and Branding in the New York City Global Headquarters on Park Avenue or the Alcoa Corporate Center in Pittsburgh on the North Shore.
The primary purpose of the function is to enhance and protect the Alcoa brand by leveraging marketing communications in support of all Alcoa products and businesses on a global basis. This role will be matrixed into the Growth Initiatives organization and will also support the Alcoa Sustainability Steering Committee.
Major activities/Key challenges:
• Assume overall responsibility for protecting and enhancing the corporate brand and for ensuring consistent implementation of the brand internally and externally.
• Assess Alcoa brand and ensure that the brand and the Alcoa experience are aligned.
• Drive consistency of the brand internally and externally among all audiences including employees, senior management, customers, business associations, the Board, the media, government and opinion leaders, NGOs, shareholders and the financial community.
• Leverage internal and external communications and resources in support of the brand considering earned and paid media and sponsorships.
• Specific expertise related to marketing communications efforts on behalf of all global BU’s / RU’s and associated markets. This includes communications with a global audience with extensive variations in language, culture and work environments.
• Requires extensive knowledge and interaction with various associations in order to drive industry-wide initiatives on behalf of Alcoa.
• Responsible for developing, implementating and measuring strategic communications plans that ensure proactive and timely communications, utilizing all available technology in a cost-effective manner to support business objectives.
• Conducts market research and identifies / tracks market trends in all related industries.
• Leads the development of marketing communications in support of the Alcoa brand and related messaging within the global environment.
• Ability to balance multiple priorities, projects and customers simultaneously.
• Close liaison to Growth Initiatives organization, Public Strategy organization, the Alcoa Foundation and other groups to align marketing communications strategies with all stakeholders.
• Manage internal marketing communications staff, stakeholders, outside vendors and contractors, as necessary; coordinate with other Alcoa communicators.
• Actively manage Social Media to enhance brand
About Alcoa
Alcoa is the world leader in the production and management of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum and alumina combined, through its active and growing participation in all major aspects of the industry. Alcoa serves the aerospace, automotive, packaging, building and construction, commercial transportation and industrial markets, bringing design, engineering, production and other capabilities of Alcoa's businesses to customers. In addition to aluminum products and components including flat-rolled products, hard alloy extrusions, and forgings, Alcoa also markets Alcoa® wheels, fastening systems, precision and investment castings, and building systems. The Company has been named one of the top most sustainable corporations in the world at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and has been a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for eight consecutive years. Alcoa employs approximately 63,000 people in 31 countries across the world. More information can be found at www.alcoa.com.
Basic Qualifications * Bachelor’s degree in Communications or related field, required.
• Minimum of 15+ years of relevant experience in brand and marketing communications field, required.
• Familiarity with Alcoa businesses or related industries.
• Multilingual skills are a benefit, but not required.
• Strong interpersonal skills and decision making ability.
• Strong business acumen
• Effective professional communication, technology and organizational skills
• Requires extensive experience working with all levels of management, including executives and location management.
• Requires extensive knowledge and experience in marketing communications for large Industrial corporations with multiple locations and employee groups (salaried / hourly.)
• Strong Leadership skills with successful experience supervising, developing and motivating staff.
• Multicultural awareness is essential
Preferred Qualifications Graduate level degree preferred.
6.) Senior Government Communication and Marketing Specialist, GALLUP, Washington, DC
*** From Kris Gallagher, ABC:
7.) Public Relations Manager, leading fashion retailer, Wisconsin
Our client is a leading fashion retailer with stores in 49 states, headquartered in Wisconsin. They seek to add a PR Manager with approximately 7-10 years experience to their thriving marketing department. This individual will responsible for the strategic development execution of holistic, integrated public relations strategies and crisis communications for the company's corporate, business, philanthropic, seasonal and brand programs to maximize media opportunities nationally. This person will also collaborate cross-functionally within the overall PR and marketing group to align PR strategies and best practices.
The ideal candidate will have between 7-10 years corporate PR experience from either a corporate or agency setting. Must have experience working with national media outlets on both a proactive and reactive basis. Candidates must have proven experience in development and execution of strategic plans and be able to provide samples of their work in this area along with a resume. Must have the ability to multi-task and manage multiple programs/individuals at a time. Previous supervisory experience is preferred.
Location: Wisconsin
Apply at Linked In at http://www.linkedin.com/news?viewArticle=&articleID=295040795&gid=1762277&type=member&item=38230550&articleURL=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch9.smartsearchonline.com%2Fbloomgross%2Fjobs%2Fjobdetails.asp%3Fjob_number%3D1132%26sourcename%3Dlinkedin&urlhash=yNhc&goback=.gde_1762277_member_38230550
8.) Account Management Group Leader, Bader Rutter & Associates, Chicago, Illinois
Organization Profile
Bader Rutter is an award-winning integrated marketing services agency that specializes in advertising, public relations, brand asset management, relationship marketing and digital solutions. The agency's staff of more than 170 professionals scales strategy, tactics and expertise across all agency disciplines to drive client growth and build long-term client partnerships. Bader Rutter also serves clients internationally as part of the Business Branding Network (www.bbn-international.com).
Job Overview
Exciting opportunity to join a rapidly growing agency, headquartered in Milwaukee, as it expands its Chicago office. This position involves all aspects of account management. Candidates should have a strong business sense and the ability to work closely with a multi-faceted, integrated team.
Job Description
This position involves all aspects of account management. Candidates should have a strong business sense and the ability to work closely with a multi-faceted, integrated team. Responsibilities include strategic planning, project and budget management, as well as client contact. Ideal candidate will possess 10 to 15 years of account management experience in an agency setting, in addition to a degree in marketing, advertising or a related field.
Job Qualifications
Candidates will have 10 to 15 years of account management experience, preferably from an agency setting. This person will have been involved with strategic planning as well as managing day-to-day work, as well as working with the other disciplines of the agency.
Compensation & Benefits
You'd be joining an exciting, fast-paced, dynamic and team-oriented marketing company located in the heart of downtown Chicago near Millennium Park. This position will provide variety, challenge and high visibility among internal and client teams and may also work on new business opportunities. We offer great a work/life balance, a competitive wage/benefits package and a convenient location.
How To Apply
If you have the background we're looking for and have been waiting for the opportunity to join a top-notch, growing agency, submit letter, resume and salary requirements to careers@bader-rutter.com. In the subject line, please include “Account Management Group Leader – BSN.”
9.) Public Relations Senior Account Executive, Bader Rutter & Associates, Chicago, Illinois
Organization Profile
Bader Rutter is an award-winning integrated marketing services agency that specializes in advertising, public relations, brand asset management, relationship marketing and digital solutions. The agency's staff of more than 170 professionals scales strategy, tactics and expertise across all agency disciplines to drive client growth and build long-term client partnerships. Bader Rutter also serves clients internationally as part of the Business Branding Network (www.bbn-international.com).
Job Overview
Exciting opportunity to join a rapidly growing agency, headquartered in Milwaukee, as it expands its Chicago office. The Senior Account Executive involves all aspects of public relations. Candidates should have a strong business sense and the ability to work closely with a multi-faceted, integrated team.
Job Description
Responsibilities include strategic planning, media relations and budget management, as well as client contact. Ideal candidate will possess 5 to 7 years of public relations experience in an agency setting, in addition to a degree in marketing, journalism or a related field. Candidates should also have experience with digital channels, as well as solid organizational skills, ability to multi-task and work on deadlines and an appetite to grow within an organization.
Job Qualifications
Candidates should have 5-7 years of solid public relations experience preferably in an agency setting. Candidates will have had experience in planning, media relations, writing, budgeting and client management.
Compensation & Benefits
You'd be joining an exciting, fast-paced, dynamic and team-oriented office located in the heart of downtown Chicago near Millennium Park. This position will provide variety, challenge and high visibility among internal and client teams and may also involve work on new business opportunities. We offer a great work/life balance, a competitive wage/benefits package including health and 401k.
How To Apply: If you have the background we're looking for and have been waiting for the opportunity to join a top-notch, growing agency, submit letter, resume and salary requirements to careers@bader-rutter.com. In the subject line of your e-mail, be sure to include “PR Senior AE – BSN.”
*** From Matt Brusch:
Ned – Although this is a research-titled job, it is within our Communication Department. Please let me know if you need anything else.
I have subscribed to your weekly for a number of years and really enjoy it – thank you!
Matt Brusch
Vice President, Communication
National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI)
(703) 506-3574
10.) Manager, Research, National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI), Vienna, VA
Primary Function
Support NIRI's strategic goal related to information: NIRI will grow and expand information gathering and dissemination abilities to become the primary knowledge provider for investor relations (IR) professionals and those affiliated with IR.
In consultation with the Vice President, Communication, the research manager assists with all phases of the design, implementation and production of high quality research products in support of specific member needs and to drive greater member value.
• Develop annual research calendar
• Design and format survey instruments and other data-gathering systems
• Conduct basic statistical data analysis
• Package and present findings in engaging, accessible, “C-suite ready” formats
• Coordinate with external constituencies in conducting appropriate joint research projects
• Consider and recommend improvements to research products suite, as well as suggest and develop new products
• Work collaboratively with internal NIRI departments on relevant research requests
• Other duties as assigned
• Minimum five years of professional research or equivalent experience
• Experience in investor relations, capital markets or related field desired
• Sound knowledge of basic survey design and data collection procedures including sampling techniques
• Experience developing and deploying online surveys
• Strong analytical skills and demonstrated ability to translate research findings into meaningful, succinct reports
• Excellent written and oral communication skills and demonstrated ability to communicate with professionals at all levels
• Excellent editing skills and attention to detail
• Experience with basic HTML in order to manage website content
• Superior time/process management and task juggling abilities
• Ability to take initiative and work independently with minimal supervision
• Positive attitude/excellent customer service towards membership and staff
• High degree of professionalism
• Four-year college degree with concentration in research, statistics, business
• Now in Tysons Corner but office is relocating to a Metro-accessible Arlington/Alexandria location within 12 months
Submit resumes to: communication@niri.org
*** From Lance Longwell:
Thanks for publishing Ned!
11.) Media Relations Manager (Communications Specialist 5), Siemens Healthcare, Malvern, Pennsylvania (suburb of Philadelphia)
Job description:
Company Description:
Siemens Healthcare is one of the world’s largest suppliers to the healthcare industry and a trendsetter in medical imaging, laboratory diagnostics, medical information technology and hearing aids. Siemens offers its customers products and solutions for the entire range of patient care from a single source – from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, and on to treatment and aftercare. By optimizing clinical workflows for the most common diseases, Siemens also makes healthcare faster, better and more cost-effective.
Job Description:
Reporting to the Director of Public Relations, the Media Relations Manager (Communications Specialist 5) will be responsible primarily for the development and implementation of US media outreach for the company’s broad portfolio of medical imaging and therapy products and services.
Essential Job Function:
• Plan, develop, implement and coordinate strategic media relations activities and tactical PR support for Siemens Healthcare, focused on media relations for the company’s medical imaging and therapy products and services.
• Serve as PR lead in the US for positioning and promoting the products and services of the Imaging & Therapy and Clinical Products divisions.
• Collaborate closely with the global media relations team and network of regional staff.
• Actively pursue placement in national, regional and trade media outlets, including developing pitches to various targeted media, preparation and coordination of media interviews/briefings, and response to media inquiries.
• Monitor internal and external business developments to identify and communicate synergies between industry trends and the company’s product and service solutions.
• Write/prepare press releases, backgrounders, video news release scripts, talking points, etc., as required.
• Research, develop and place bylined articles, case studies and features in key trade media.
• Manage distribution of press releases, including the maintenance of media lists, obtaining approvals and scheduling.
• Manage publicity for trade shows, including developing press kits, organizing event materials, arranging media tours, and securing pre- and post-event publicity. Some on-site PR support at trade shows is required.
• Develop and maintain positive relationships with key customers and support the customer media relations manager with PR activities as required.
• Actively manage contracted public relations agency to ensure maximum return on investment in support of the company’s business goals.
• Actively report on and promote results of PR program to key internal stakeholders.
• Collaborate with and support other PR team members on special projects as assigned.
• Ensure all Siemens Healthcare press releases issued in the United States follow established guidelines.
• Assist in the preparation of the annual PR budget.
• Target all media relations activities to support the company’s business goals
• Strong writing and editing skills. Writing samples must be provided.
• Ability to effectively multi-task in a fast-paced environment
• Related public relations experience in a corporate and/or agency environment.
• Willingness to work as part of an integrated team to provide public relations clients with friendly, timely and professional customer service.
• Knowledge of print, online, and broadcast media.
• Flexibility and willingness to travel (including some weekends and holidays).
• Ability to quickly comprehend complex business management issues and specialized market conditions.
• Knowledge of healthcare industry preferred.
• Project management experience with demonstrated success.
• Strong proofreading skills and keen attention to detail.
• 5-10 years experience and proven placement record.
• Bachelor’s degree in Communications or related field or equivalent combination of education and experience.
Apply online at: http://www.usa.siemens.com/en/jobs_careers.htm with Req. #95702
*** From Gina Anderson:
Hi Edward,
Here’s two positions for the JOTW list. Thanks for circulating!
12.) Communications Board Manager, consultant in support of client, Crawford Communications Group, San Jose, CA
Crawford Communications Group (www.crawfordgroup.com) is seeking a Communications Board Manager for one of its top clients located in San Jose, CA. The consultant will develop a strategic communications program for the clients’ Managed/Cloud Services and Cloud Corporate Boards. Additionally the consultant will act as liaise with key communications leads in Sales, Corporate Marketing and other functional groups to drive message consistency and impact. The successful candidate is a strong communications professional with Service Provider, Managed Services, Cloud and/or Data Center/Virtualization experience (must have).
Specific responsibilities include:
• Develop Managed/Cloud Services messaging strategy, positioning, content and align with Global Communications vision strategy.
• Manage the day-to-day communication needs of the Managed/Cloud Services and Cloud Boards, formulate and articulate the Board’s strategy, goals and priorities
• Develop/execute Web 2.0 communication strategy, particular emphasis on developing a new Managed/Cloud Services and Cloud IWE communities
• Inform and influence internal and external audiences (broad employee base, external influencer communities)
• Facilitate internal broad-based employee alignment in partnership with the Employee Communications team
• Facilitate external thought leadership around the Board vision and strategy and overarching collaborative management model
• Identify key stakeholders and develop / manage appropriate communication vehicles for reaching them
• Identify points of integration with other groups and serve as communications liaison
• Develop innovative approaches/best practices for Global Communications participation and engagement
• 10+ years of marketing or communications experience in the tech industry, including at least one F500 company
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills and the ability to effectively influence senior leaders and leadership teams
• Demonstrated ability to define and assess communication strategies and build / execute actionable communication plans
• Demonstrated ability to create and synthesize messaging/develop content for subject matter
• Business acumen and Managed Services, Cloud and/or Data Center/Virtualization experience
• Demonstrated ability to facilitate and engage in a collaborative work environment
• Ability to balance quality of work with deadlines, in a fast-paced, results-oriented culture
• Ability to identify risk issues affecting work progress and to recommend solutions
• PowerPoint, web 2.0 and video experience, blogging and web content management
• Collaborative, creative, innovative, analytical thinker, crisp communicator
Location: Primarily onsite in San Jose. Local S.F. Bay Area candidates only; no phone calls please.
Hours/Duration: Part time, 20 hours per week, ASAP – ongoing.
Payrate: $1,400 per week as a W2 employee of Crawford Communications Group.
Interested? Please create an online profile and upload your Word Version resume by following the link provided below:
13.) Part-time (20-30 hrs/week) Executive Communications Manager, Crawford Communications Group, San Jose, CA
Crawford Communications Group (www.crawfordgroup.com) is seeking a part-time (20-30 hrs/week)Executive Communications Manager consultant to develop and deliver a thought leadership communications platform and programs. The consultant will create storylines and written communications in support of sales executives thought leadership platforms. Partnering with core executive sales leaders, the Executive Communications Manager will determine the most effective communication messages, tools and strategy to further the objectives of the sales initiatives. Strong management and implementation skills will ensure that the communication strategies are successfully executed across multiple communication channels. Using Web 2.0/collaboration tools as a platform, the consultant will develop and deliver written communications and presentations for internal and external stakeholders. This consultant may manage outside vendors and consultants.
• 11 – 13 years of relevant communications experience
• Must have experience with speaker training and tools (PowerPoint, Flash, etc.)
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills and the ability to effectively influence senior leaders and leadership teams
• Solid influence, consulting and content development skills: must be able to partner with people at all levels of the organization and collaborate with other functions across global company
• Solid presentation skills, project management, negotiation and decision-making skills
• Demonstrated ability to define and assess communication strategies and build actionable communication plans
• Ability to develop and evolve short and long-term communications strategies while consistently driving tactical projects
• Proven success in executing global communications strategies across multiple regions and time zones
• Ability to balance quality of work with deadlines in a fast-paced, results-oriented culture
• Ability to identify risk issues affecting work progress and recommend solutions
• Experience working on virtual teams and with cross-functional organizations
• BA/BS degree in marketing and proven high-tech experience
Rate: $1750 – $2625 per week DOE as a W2 employee of Crawford Communications Group
Location: On-site/off-site at headquarters in San Jose, CA
Hours/Duration: 20 – 30 hrs/week starting ASAP – ongoing
Please note that no phone calls will be accepted.
Interested? Please create a profile and upload your resume in Word format:
14.) Project Manager – Marketing & Communications, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
The Project Manager provides support to the Director of Marketing in meeting the marketing and communications objectives of the university, supporting the business goals of the university, and advancing the university's reputation by coordinating the efficient development, production, and distribution of marketing, advertising, and promotional materials. The Project Manager will actively participate in projects across the operation, working collaboratively with the Project Manager who reports to the Director of Communications.
The Project Manager works closely with the Director of Marketing to ensure smooth daily operations within the Marketing Department: tracking all projects to assure that staff manage workloads efficiently; reviewing department priorities on a daily basis; facilitating constant and effective communication among team members and stakeholders regarding project expectations; working with staff to ensure timely follow-through; keeping staff informed of conflicts, delays, and changes in priority; convening and facilitating meetings essential to planning, execution, and delivery of various projects; and being sure all workflow and approval steps and processes are followed and completed.
The Project Manager is the chief point person for the implementation, management, and daily use of project-management software and other workflow protocols : generating daily reports and progress reports, assessing priorities, and juggling accordingly to keep workloads balanced and projects on time. The Project Manager also contributes to improving and implementing process changes as needed.
The Project Manager assists the Director of Marketing by mobilizing, tracking, and completing certain key projects within the unit.
He/she also assists the Director of Marketing in meeting the marketing needs of colleagues and external partners in ways that support Northeastern's business goals and advance the University's reputation.
The Project Manager also has various general administrative responsibilities.
Qualifications include a bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, design, or related discipline, with a minimum of 3-5 years in an office setting. Individual must be highly organized and have strong organizational, communication (both oral and written), managerial, and interpersonal skills. Must be detail-oriented, able to perform a variety of tasks, and prioritize tasks and demands. Must be able to work and make decisions independently. Must be able to think creatively and work under tight deadline pressure. Must be able to communicate professionally and effectively on behalf of the Director of Marketing. The Project Manger must possess a mix of basic editorial and research skills, particularly the ability to skillfully complete projects under tight deadlines, and have a demonstrated facility with marketing and design-related software. Experience managing multiple communications projects at one time required. Experience in a 'traffic' setting and with project-management software preferred.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Northeastern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Educational Institution and Employer, Title IX University. Northeastern University particularly welcomes applications from minorities, women and persons with disabilities. Northeastern University is an E-Verify Employer.
How To Apply
If applying from the Careers@Northeastern site:
1. Click on the 'Add to My Positions' button;
2. Click on the 'View My Positions' button;
3. Click on the 'Apply for Positions' button;
4. Follow the instructions on how to complete 'The Application Process'.
If applying from an external job site:
1. Copy the following URL and paste it into a new browser window:
2. Find the position(s) you are interested in applying for and follow the instructions available on the Careers@Northeastern site.
15.) International Insight Manager, Sony Music Entertainment, New York, New York
16.) Editor, Assignment/Web Producer, FOX CT, Tribune Company, Hartford, CT
17.) Strategic Planner, McCann Detroit, Detroit, Michigan
18.) Head of Communications, Médecins Sans Frontières, Stockholm, Sweden
Closing Date – 16 Jan 2011
*** From Mike Klein:
19.) Global Internal Communication role, APM Terminals (Maersk), The Hague, NL
This is a senior role – a different part of Maersk than the one where I work. Spec has been abbreviated to fit the space.
Also: Please email me at michael.klein@maerskoil.com if you would like me to follow your application.
All other inquiries, including requests for a full spec, to rex.jackson@apmterminals.com.
General Manager Global Internal Communications – APM Terminals, Maersk, The Hague, Netherlands
Local pos. Ref: 55062
In this position you will drive the internal communications agenda to orchestrate and produce internal electronic communications, including web-TV to further develop APMT’s ability to reach out to all of the +20.000 employees’ worldwide. In this position you will contribute to a strong APM Terminals reputation by promoting communications competence throughout the company, organizing proactive processes for managing news & information in the widest sense of the word.
This position offers an outstanding opportunity to join the global team at APM Terminals and contribute to the success of the organization. The position reports to the Head of Communications and has no direct reports.
Your Profile
Bachelor and/or Master degree in relevant field required
Some proven work experience in related field,
Good understanding of corporate communication and the tasks, needs and culture in a business
Fluent in English, both written and spoken
Proven experience in editing, speech writing, media handling
Strong inter personal, communication skills, combined with the tools and familiarity of a “journalistic approach”
Well-organized, pro-active, flexible, structured, and persistent
Ability to work independently, yet be a strong team player
Knows port and liner business
We offer
A truly international working environment in a modern working location
Value and team-based leadership
An open and engaging working environment
A wide range of international career opportunities
Opportunities for personal and professional growth in a dynamic environment
Competitive compensation packages
This position is a local position, based in The Hague and will remain posted until 14 January 2011.
Al applicants please apply through the job portal and ensure to upload/attach a recent CV. For all internal applications please note that HR will contact request your staff card upon receipt of your application.
Internal candidates please note:
Primary consideration for this role will be given to internal candidates who are currently expected to rotate and whose career development criteria match that of this position
If you have any questions or would like further information, you are welcome to contact Rex Jackson on rex.jackson@apmterminals.com (Please note: Answers will be delayed due to Christmas vacation.)
20.) Local Public Relations Specialist, IKEA, Tampa, FL
Create and implement public relations and community relations strategies for a local market or store. Represent the store externally, inclusive of the local media and local community to secure IKEA as the leading home furnishings company in the market.
Main responsibilities:
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