JOTW 49-2015


Turn corporate sludge into focused, compelling writing.

Writing with Clarity



JOTW 49-2015

December 7, 2015

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,634


“How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?”

– Plato


This edition of the JOTW newsletter comes to you from Tokyo, Japan.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network.


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


JOTW is sent out on Mondays by email with a list the jobs posted in the full newsletter, which is posted online at  This is designed to keep the size of the emails to a more manageable length.


***  The position descriptions and or follow up information on links to the jobs can be found at


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at
***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW or Ned’s other newsletters, visit this site:




***  To change your email address for JOTW, use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of your newsletter, and then subscribe with your new address at:  .


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week

Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week


***  Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,  and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  The JOTW network is built upon cooperative principles.  Share, and reap the benefits.  And it feels good to help others.  I call it selfish altruism.  But this also means you need to contribute.


***  Listing a position is free.  Top jobs placement is $100, and a “Can’t Wait” posting is $300.


***  In this issue:


***  One Paragraph Pitch


1.)  Chief, Web and Emerging Media, Smithsonian Institution,  Washington, DC

2.)  Communications Intern, MGM Resorts International, Biloxi, MS

3.)  Copy Editor, moviepilot, Venice, CA

4.)  Director, Consumer Products Communications, Comcast, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5.)  Associate Product Marketing Manager, SAINT-GOBAIN, Malvern, PA

6.)  Corporate Communication Specialist, BioClinica, Audubon, PA

7.)  International Intern, Communications, Scripps Networks, New York, NY

8.)  Public Relations Intern, Scripps Networks Interactive, Knoxville, TN

9.)  Assistant Professor of Multimedia Journalism, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM

10.)  Communications Manager, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, Maryland


11.)  Senior Communications Associate, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

12.)  Marketing Communications Consultant within the Restorative Therapies Group (RTG), Medtronic, position is located in either Minneapolis, MN or Memphis, TN

13.)  Digital Communications/ Marketing/ PR Manager, Construction Association of South Florida, Fort Lauderdale, FL

14.)  Graphic Designer, Checkers Drive In Restaurants, Inc., Tampa, Florida

15.)  Public Affairs Specialist, Department Of Labor, Boston, Mass.

16.)  Assistant Vice President of Communications & Marketing, CUNY Hunter College, Manhattan, New York

17.)  Digital Marketing Manager, Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA

18.)  Senior Manager of Marketing & Communications, Association of School Business Officials International, Reston, VA

19.)  Communications Intern, Stimson Center, Washington, DC

20.)  Writer/Editor, Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City, MO


21.)  Communications Coordinator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Maryland

22.)  Pathways Recent Graduate Public Affairs Specialist, Defense Information Systems Agency, Fort Meade, MD

23.)  Creative Director, MileOne Automotive, Towson, Maryland

24.)  Chief Development and Communications Officer, Project Sunshine, New York, New York

25.)  Assistant Professor (tenure-track) Journalism Studies, University of Minnesota, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN

26.)  Junior Editor, Blue Apron, New York, NY

27.)  AirWatch PR Intern, VMware, Atlanta, GA

28.)  Communications Manager, Spectrum Brands, Inc., Middleton, WI

29.)  Director, Communications, Academy of General Dentistry, Chicago, IL

30.)  Audiovisual Production Specialist, Defense Media Activity, Fort Meade, MD


31.)  Communications Manager, Trash Free Seas, Ocean Conservancy, Washington, D.C.

32.)  Communications Manager, Policy Initiatives, Ocean Conservancy, Washington, D.C.

33.)  Media Coordinator, Havas Edge, Carlsbad, California

34.)  Program Assistant for Communications, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, Camden, NJ

35.)  Account Coordinator, Assistant Account Executive and Account Executive, Vault Communications, Plymouth Meeting, PA

36.)  Supervisor, Public Relations, Allen & Gerritsen, Philadelphia, PA

37.)  Senior Client Manager, Landor, Cincinnati, OH

38.)  Director of Communications and Marketing, Active Minds, Washington, DC

39.)  Features Writer / Editorial Assistant, Billings Gazette, Lee Enterprises, Billings, MT

40.)  Publisher, Fremont Tribune, Lee Enterprises, Fremont, NE


41.)  Multimedia Journalist, The Courier, Lee Enterprises, Waterloo, Iowa

42.)  Partnership Relations Manager, Lions Clubs International, Oak Brook, Illinois

43.)  Editor, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Springfield, VA

44.)  PT Communications Coordinator (12hrs per week), Fred Davis Corporation, Medfield, MA

45.)  Biological Science Technician – Science Communications, Division of Natural Resource Management, Cape Cod National Seashore, National Park Service, Department Of The Interior,  North Truro, MA

46.)  Manager, Media Relations, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC

47.)  Editor/ Writer, American Association of University Women, Washington, D.C.

48.)  Assistant Professor Position Communication Arts, Digital Media Production, Adrian College, Adrian, MI

49.)  Copy Editor, Rockefeller University Press, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY

50.)  Lead Graphic Designer, Douglass Media Group, Houston, TX


51.)  Supervising Managing Editor (Accra, Ghana), Office of Digital & Design Innovation, Broadcasting Board of Governors, Accra, Ghana

52.)  Graphics Specialist, PeopleTec, Huntsville, AL

53.)  NON-PAID Student Volunteer Intern (External and Public Affairs), Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Washington DC

54.)  Account Supervisor, Public Relations, Healthcare Team, Golin, Washington D.C.

55.)  Director of Corporate Communications, Rakuten USA, San Mateo, CA

56.)  Digital Marketing & Multimedia Production Specialist, Audley Travel, Boston, MA

57.)  Copy Editor, Audley Travel, Boston, MA

58.)  Graphic Designer, GTM Sportswear, Manhattan, KS

59.)  Administrative and Communications Assistant, Oconee Performing Arts Society, Greensboro, Georgia

50.)  Tenure-track and Instructor Positions of Communication, Florida International University, Miami, FL


51.)  Visual Information Specialist, National Park Service, Department Of The Interior, Jensen, UT

52.)  Copywriter/Editor, Solugenix Corporation, Irvine, CA

53.)  KHTK Sports Talk Co-Host, CBS RADIO, Sacramento, CA

54.)  Director of Communications, CBS Television Network, New York, NY

55.)  Intern- The Late Show, CBS Television Network, New York, NY

56.)  Managing Editor, Periodicals, American Pharmacists Association, Washington, D.C.

57.)  Senior Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts

58.)  Executive Assistant, Communications, Consumer Healthcare Products Association, Washington, DC

59.)  Senior Specialist, External Communications, Honeywell, Morris Plains, New Jersey

60.)  Public Relations and Communications Manager, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, Pittsburgh, PA or Philadelphia, PA


61.)  Digital Marketing Specialist, Pet360, Inc., Plymouth Meeting, PA

62.)  Graphics Designer & Communications Coordinator, Eisenman & Associates, Inc., Richmond, Va.

63.)  Membership and Communications Manager, Neighborhood Funders Group, Oakland, California

64.)  Public Relations Account Supervisor, Crosby-Volmer International Communications, Washington D.C.

65.)  Outdoor Adventures, Assistant Trip Leader, Mason Recreation, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

66.)  Outdoor Center Director, YMCA of the USA, Waterbury, CT

67.)  Outdoor School Instructor, The Outdoor School , REI, Lincoln Park, IL

68.)  ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ADVENTURE LEADERSHIP, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC


***  Weekly Piracy Report


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to  You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Turn corporate sludge into focused, compelling writing.


Writing with Clarity


Your business success depends on your ability to craft messages and stories with clarity, efficiency, and focus. Whether you are writing a persuasive e-mail to an executive, an entertaining story for your intranet, a news release, or a disappointing message to a colleague, your writing needs to be precise, interesting, and convincing.


Ken O’Quinn’s Writing With Clarity workshops have helped thousands of professionals worldwide at such companies as Chevron, Visa, Oracle, Campbell’s Soup, Raytheon, Sprint, John Deere, Burson-Marsteller, and Fleishman Hillard.


***  Mochi Pounding:


I had an opportunity to see the Chief Petty Officers of both the U.S. Navy and Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force get together here in Yokosuka on the JMSDF base for the annual Mochi Pounding.  It was a family affair, with traditional Japanese and American fare (I stuck to the Japanese food, but our hosts loved the American barbeque).  I stayed away from the sake.


Mochi (餅, もち?) is Japanese rice cake, with the rice pounded into a glutiinous paste and molded into the shape, such as crackers or cakes.  It is made in a traditional ceremony called mochitsuki.  The kids got a chance to slaw the mallet into the paste.


Mochi pounding is an art form in itself…and a skill to be perfected.


I enjoyed wonderful udon noodles and takoyaki.


Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼?) is a ball-shaped snack made of a wheat flour-based batter–typically filled with octopus (tako) and other goodies, and served with pickled ginger and takoyaki sauce and mayonnaise, and sprinkled with seaweed (aonori) and dried bonito (katsuobushi).


***  Dinner on Saturday was at Sangosho ( with Darian Wilson and family/friends.  I enjoyed the mushroom and the eggplant curry, ribs and the garlic french fries.


It has kind of a cool Hawaiian decor and vibe, but the food is unique, and not Hawaiian.


***  Army thinks they have “finally found the key to victory.”  You decide which spirit spot is better?


On Brave Old Army Team – Army/Navy Spirit Video 2015


Mids use the force to beat Army in game day spirit spot


***  RISE: Innovating Global Communication


IABC World Conference 5 – 8 June 2016

New Orleans


***  Forward Fix

Keeping U.S. Navy ships repaired, maintained and modernized overseas

By Edward Lundquist


December 2015


***  Gold Quill 2016 Now Open


Imagine… What winning Gold Quill could do for your career…

Imagine… What winning Gold Quill could do for your organization…

Imagine… What you could learn by entering…

Imagine… What it’s like to be recognized for global excellence in front of your peers…


With four divisions and 28 streamlined categories, the Gold Quill Awards has never been easier to enter. And the Gold Quill website has a huge wealth of resources to help you make your entry the very best it can be.


Just imagine what it would be like to get up on stage at the Excellence Gala during IABC’s World Conference in New Orleans next year and accept an award for your work! Receiving kudos and recognition from your peers that your work is of global standard!


Find out all you need to know to get started on the path to global recognition on the Gold Quill Awards website.


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


January 27-30, 2016, Bucharest, Romania


***  Your Very Next Step!


The November / October issue of  YVNS newsletter is now posted at


***  Here are the JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Chief, Web and Emerging Media, Smithsonian Institution,  Washington, DC


2.)  Communications Intern, MGM Resorts International, Biloxi, MS


3.)  Copy Editor, moviepilot, Venice, CA


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


4.)  Director, Consumer Products Communications, Comcast, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


5.)  Associate Product Marketing Manager, SAINT-GOBAIN, Malvern, PA


6.)  Corporate Communication Specialist, BioClinica, Audubon, PA


7.)  International Intern, Communications, Scripps Networks, New York, NY


8.)  Public Relations Intern, Scripps Networks Interactive, Knoxville, TN


9.)  Assistant Professor of Multimedia Journalism, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM


New Mexico State University seeks a non-tenure track Assistant Professor to teach our news editorial and multimedia courses. Master’s degree, college teaching experience, and a minimum of 10 years professional editorial journalism experience required.. Qualified candidates will have skills in writing and editing in print and online media, print media design, Web production, multimedia (images, audio, and video), and social network design. This faculty member is expected to be an effective teacher while being engaged in service activities for the college, the university, and the professional communities.


This position requires teaching courses in print and online writing and editing, print design, multimedia techniques, and advising students while participating as a member of professional organizations and serving on college and university committees. Additional responsibilities include advising a students’ Society of Professional Journalists chapter, supervising students’ online newspaper, the department’s annual alumni magazine Scoop, and social network publications.


Applicants must include a letter of interest, a detailed CV, unofficial transcripts and a list of three references. Deadline for application is March 1, 2016. No applications will be accepted after the deadline.

NMSU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Offer of employment is contingent upon verification of individual’s eligibility for employment in the United States.

Application must be submitted online at


10.)  Communications Manager, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, Maryland


11.)  Senior Communications Associate, Georgetown University, Washington, DC


***  From Donna Marquard:


Hi Ned,


Can you please include this in your next Job of the Week newsletter?


Thanks in advance for your help.


With warm regards,


— Donna


Donna Marquard

Director| Brand/Marketing Communications


Restorative Therapies Group

Minneapolis, MN


12.)  Marketing Communications Consultant within the Restorative Therapies Group (RTG), Medtronic, position is located in either Minneapolis, MN or Memphis, TN


13.)  Digital Communications/ Marketing/ PR Manager, Construction Association of South Florida, Fort Lauderdale, FL


14.)  Graphic Designer, Checkers Drive In Restaurants, Inc., Tampa, Florida


15.)  Public Affairs Specialist, Department Of Labor, Boston, Mass.


16.)  Assistant Vice President of Communications & Marketing, CUNY Hunter College, Manhattan, New York


***  From Kim Kessler:




Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills is looking to hire a new Digital Marketing Manager.  Please post using this link to apply:


My best,


Kim Kessler

Director of Public Relations

Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills

Los Angeles, CA


17.)  Digital Marketing Manager, Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA—Four-Seasons/Digital-Marketing-Manager_REQ10081400-3


18.)  Senior Manager of Marketing & Communications, Association of School Business Officials International, Reston, VA


19.)  Communications Intern, Stimson Center, Washington, DC


20.)  Writer/Editor, Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City, MO


21.)  Communications Coordinator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Maryland


22.)  Pathways Recent Graduate Public Affairs Specialist, Defense Information Systems Agency, Fort Meade, MD


23.)  Creative Director, MileOne Automotive, Towson, Maryland


24.)  Chief Development and Communications Officer, Project Sunshine, New York, New York


25.)  Assistant Professor (tenure-track) Journalism Studies, University of Minnesota, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN


26.)  Junior Editor, Blue Apron, New York, NY


27.)  AirWatch PR Intern, VMware, Atlanta, GA


28.)  Communications Manager, Spectrum Brands, Inc., Middleton, WI


29.)  Director, Communications, Academy of General Dentistry, Chicago, IL


30.)  Audiovisual Production Specialist, Defense Media Activity, Fort Meade, MD


***  From Olivia Mahony:


Dear Ned,


I would like to post the following two jobs to Ned’s Job of the Week.


Thank you. I hope you have a great weekend!





Olivia Mahony

California Environmental Associates

San Francisco, CA


31.)  Communications Manager, Trash Free Seas, Ocean Conservancy, Washington, D.C.


Ocean Conservancy seeks a skilled strategic Communications Manager to help identify, facilitate, and manage external relationships and opportunities for organizational visibility around its Trash Free Seas® program, particularly with the media as well as corporate and international audiences. This position requires an ability to work with a spectrum of audiences (e.g., grassroots groups, corporate manufacturers, local governments in developing countries, international policymakers), each of whom has different priorities, but all of whom share a common goal of reducing or eliminating plastic pollution in communities and eventually, the ocean. Any international work, especially in Southeast Asia, is highly preferred.


32.)  Communications Manager, Policy Initiatives, Ocean Conservancy, Washington, D.C.


Ocean Conservancy seeks a talented and strategic Communications Manager to support its national policy and legislative agenda. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience in a government relations or public affairs role and have a strong understanding of how strategic communications can be used to promote policy solutions; Hill communications experience is mandatory. Providing direct support to Ocean Conservancy’s Ocean Planning and Fish Conservation teams and partnering with the Government Relations team, the Communications Manager will help identify, facilitate, and manage external relationships and will cultivate opportunities to advance Ocean Conservancy’s key policy goals through communications.


33.)  Media Coordinator, Havas Edge, Carlsbad, California


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


34.)  Program Assistant for Communications, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, Camden, NJ


The Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers is a fast-growing non-profit and a citywide coalition of over 25 hospitals, primary care providers and community organizations working together to deliver better health care to vulnerable citizens in Camden, NJ. Led by Dr. Jeffrey Brenner, 2013 MacArthur fellow, the Coalition provides direct service to frequently-hospitalized individuals in Camden through a multi-disciplinary team that addresses both medical and social needs through a short-term intervention. We work for health care system change on the local, regional and national level, through advocacy, influence, technology, data-driven research and education.


Position Summary

The Program Assistant for Communications will have the heart of an old-fashioned print journalist and the mind of a 21st century digital native, a journalistic thinker and adept writer with excellent teamwork and communications skills and a passion for digital storytelling.


The ideal candidate will be intensely curious and fearless, willing to jump in and learn about a patient’s story or research a new and complex topic. In return he or she will be engaged in the exciting work of improving access and quality of health care in Camden, and contributing to reforming the American health care system to deliver better care at lower cost for our most vulnerable citizens. The PA will also be an enthusiastic team player, supporting all aspects of our growing communications functions, from meeting planning to website, mailing list and e-newsletter management to general administrative and support tasks.


Essential functions:


  • Create and contribute multimedia blog posts, newsletter and other content highlighting patient stories and key projects and initiatives of the Coalition.
  • Write, edit and manage weekly internal e-newsletter, monthly external newsletter, and other communication vehicles as assigned.
  • Develop and maintain a lively social media editorial schedule, contributing content to Twitter and Facebook, ensuring the content reflects the Coalition’s branding and influence strategies.
  • Copywriting, research, proofreading and editing as needed. Assist in maintaining Coalition websites.
  • Track, analyze and report on e-newsletter and social media metrics.
  • Maintain Google alerts and curate stories from across the country related to our work in Camden, the movement for better care at lower cost for superutilizers and underserved communities, and the field of population health.
  • Photograph internal and external Coalition events and editing, organizing and archiving photos as needed.
  • Assist with media relations, including writing and distributing press releases and media alerts, maintaining press lists and archives.
  • Manage timelines, scheduling and trafficking for external communications vehicles.
  • Work proactively to develop relationships across the organization to highlight all aspects of the Coalition’s work.
  • General departmental administration and support as needed.

Non-Essential Functions

  • Attends relevant training as necessary to maintain professional certification and/or knowledge.
  • Adheres to the Camden Coalition’s guidelines and ensures the appropriate handling of sensitive information.
  • May work non-traditional hours based on operational needs.
  • Completes special projects specific to the function of the department or as needed for the department.
  • Other duties as assigned within the scope of position expectations.

Knowledge, skills and abilities:

  • A strategic and technical understanding of digital communications, including social media and web copy writing. Experience in and enthusiasm for content development and management.
  • A skilled writer with a clear, concise and flexible style and an impeccable grasp of grammar, spelling and AP style. Opinions on the Oxford comma are welcome, but there is only one right answer.
  • Photography skills and working knowledge of photo editing and Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Able to work both independently and as part of a team in a fast-moving environment, prioritizing multiple projects efficiently and with a high level of attention to detail.
  • An interest and/or background in the health professions, social justice or policy.
  • Ability to form strong relationships across an organization, and to exercise discretion and empathy when working with sensitive health information and in underserved communities.
  • Fluent in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Powerpoint, Excel), adept in current best practices for Twitter and Facebook. Familiar with common content management systems, MailChimp or other email marketing systems and Adobe Creative Suite.


Huge pluses but not required:


  • Spanish language ability
  • Current or former Camden resident

Experience preferred but not required:


  • WordPress
  • Final Cut Pro or other video editing software
  • Experience, Education, and Licensure
  1. Bachelor’s degree required.
  2. 2+ years of work experience; experience working in the non-profit field preferred.
  3. Experience or education in journalism, communications studies or multimedia production.
  4. Fluent in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Powerpoint, Excel), adept in current best practices for Twitter and Facebook. Familiar with common content management systems, MailChimp or other email marketing systems and Adobe Creative Suite.
  5. Spanish language ability strongly preferred but not required.
  6. Experience with WordPress or Final Cut Pro or other video editing software preferred but not required.

Nothing in this position description restricts management’s right to assign or reassign duties and responsibilities to this job at any time.


How to Apply: Please go through the Camden Coalition’s applicant portal to submit a resume and cover letter:


35.)  Account Coordinator, Assistant Account Executive and Account Executive, Vault Communications, Plymouth Meeting, PA


Vault Communications is a full service PR and marketing communications firm providing public relations, social media, graphic design and advertising/marketing services. Vault has executed compelling local, regional and national campaigns that drive results for some of the nation’s most reputable brands, companies and organizations. Recognizing that talent is our greatest competitive differentiator, Vault has established an unparalleled work environment that attracts and retains the best public relations professionals to serve our clients’ needs. Vault boasts an average employee retention rate of 7+ years and a track record for year-over-year double digit business growth.


Vault Communications is growing! We’re on the hunt for bright and enterprising candidates with 1-4 years’ experience in public relations with a keen interest in social media. Strong writing skills, ninja-like multi-tasking ability, boundless creativity, a fearless media relations approach, a penchant for social media and a general enjoyment of Chipotle is required. Job duties include media relations, materials development, media monitoring & reporting, client meetings/calls, social media content development, strategic planning and ideation and general client reporting and administration. We offer an extremely competitive salary and benefits package, a ridiculously fun work environment, generally delightful clients who just happen to be nationally-renowned brands and organizations … and a Starbucks machine. Our bold and beautiful offices are located in Plymouth Meeting, minutes from the entrance to the Blue Route, the Schuylkill Expressway and the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

How to Apply: E-mail your resume to Jessica Phelan at

Web Listing:


36.)  Supervisor, Public Relations, Allen & Gerritsen, Philadelphia, PA


As Olivia Pope would say, “It’s handled.” Or, “I’m never out of options.” And better yet, “If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, but you have to try, because if you try, if you leap and you try, and it doesn’t work out, it’s not on you.” (Yes, that’s something she actually said.)


Basically, we’re looking for the next Olivia Pope (male or female) to join our PR team as a Supervisor. Don’t worry, you won’t have to help take down a secret government agency as part of the gig. But bonus points if you have any idea what we’re talking about here because we heart pop culture.


Our new team member will be psyched to both ideate and implement – we want an innovative thinker who can see a big idea through to execution. Someone with demonstrated creative thinking in PR beyond earned media who’s intensely curious about what’s next for the industry and how we can stay ahead of the curve.


Great writing is a must. Stellar media relations skills are, too. And enthusiasm for working hand in hand with other agency practices (creative, social, etc.) is key to the success of our new team member.


The winner of this position will have a critical role on the Agency PR team, with frequent responsibility for identifying and telling agency stories. Also central to our PR growth strategy is the A&G Brand Newsroom, so if you’re excited about being a reporter and/or an editor, we’re excited to hear from you. (Not sure what Brand Newsroom is? Google “Laser Ham” + “Michael Ian Black.”)


We want someone who is aware of the idiosyncrasies of practicing PR within an advertising agency. Someone who wants to make a mark on a national level, yet who doesn’t think they’re above pitching a story or writing a conference report. Our new team member will need to do lots of both.


Think you have what it takes? Tell us why – and feel free to send along links to your Twitter, LinkedIn, blog, or any other online presence you may have. How else will we dig up dirt on you? (Definitely send it but we’ll find it anyway. Remember, Olivia Pope is our spirit animal.)


How to Apply:


37.)  Senior Client Manager, Landor, Cincinnati, OH


38.)  Director of Communications and Marketing, Active Minds, Washington, DC


39.)  Features Writer / Editorial Assistant, Billings Gazette, Lee Enterprises, Billings, MT


40.)  Publisher, Fremont Tribune, Lee Enterprises, Fremont, NE


41.)  Multimedia Journalist, The Courier, Lee Enterprises, Waterloo, Iowa


42.)  Partnership Relations Manager, Lions Clubs International, Oak Brook, Illinois


43.)  Editor, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Springfield, VA


44.)  PT Communications Coordinator (12hrs per week), Fred Davis Corporation, Medfield, MA,-12hrs-per-week/151820.html


45.)  Biological Science Technician – Science Communications, Division of Natural Resource Management, Cape Cod National Seashore, National Park Service, Department Of The Interior,  North Truro, MA


46.)  Manager, Media Relations, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC


47.)  Editor/ Writer, American Association of University Women, Washington, D.C.


48.)  Assistant Professor Position Communication Arts, Digital Media Production, Adrian College, Adrian, MI


49.)  Copy Editor, Rockefeller University Press, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY


50.)  Lead Graphic Designer, Douglass Media Group, Houston, TX


51.)  Supervising Managing Editor (Accra, Ghana), Office of Digital & Design Innovation, Broadcasting Board of Governors, Accra, Ghana


52.)  Graphics Specialist, PeopleTec, Huntsville, AL


53.)  NON-PAID Student Volunteer Intern (External and Public Affairs), Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Washington DC


54.)  Account Supervisor, Public Relations, Healthcare Team, Golin, Washington D.C.


55.)  Director of Corporate Communications, Rakuten USA, San Mateo, CA


56.)  Digital Marketing & Multimedia Production Specialist, Audley Travel, Boston, MA


57.)  Copy Editor, Audley Travel, Boston, MA


58.)  Graphic Designer, GTM Sportswear, Manhattan, KS


59.)  Administrative and Communications Assistant, Oconee Performing Arts Society, Greensboro, Georgia


50.)  Tenure-track and Instructor Positions of Communication, Florida International University, Miami, FL


51.)  Visual Information Specialist, National Park Service, Department Of The Interior, Jensen, UT


52.)  Copywriter/Editor, Solugenix Corporation, Irvine, CA


53.)  KHTK Sports Talk Co-Host, CBS RADIO, Sacramento, CA


54.)  Director of Communications, CBS Television Network, New York, NY


55.)  Intern- The Late Show, CBS Television Network, New York, NY


56.)  Managing Editor, Periodicals, American Pharmacists Association, Washington, D.C.


57.)  Senior Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts


58.)  Executive Assistant, Communications, Consumer Healthcare Products Association, Washington, DC


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


59.)  Senior Specialist, External Communications, Honeywell, Morris Plains, New Jersey


60.)  Public Relations and Communications Manager, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, Pittsburgh, PA or Philadelphia, PA


61.)  Digital Marketing Specialist, Pet360, Inc., Plymouth Meeting, PA


62.)  Graphics Designer & Communications Coordinator, Eisenman & Associates, Inc., Richmond, Va.


63.)  Membership and Communications Manager, Neighborhood Funders Group, Oakland, California


64.)  Public Relations Account Supervisor, Crosby-Volmer International Communications, Washington D.C.


***  Your weekly JOTW alternative selections:


65.)  Outdoor Adventures, Assistant Trip Leader, Mason Recreation, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA


66.)  Outdoor Center Director, YMCA of the USA, Waterbury, CT


67.)  Outdoor School Instructor, The Outdoor School , REI, Lincoln Park, IL


68.)  ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ADVENTURE LEADERSHIP, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


223-15   26.11.2015: 2300 UTC: Posn: 04:00N – 006:00E, Around 70nm SW of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Pirates in two speedboats approached and boarded a general cargo ship underway. Eleven crew managed to retreat and secure themselves in the engine room. The remaining five crew were kidnapped and taken ashore by the pirates. Further report awaited.


222-15   20.11.2015: 1115 LT: Posn: 01:10.56N – 103:40.55E, Around 2.15NM NNE of Nipah Islands, Indonesia.

Three persons in an wooden boat attempted to board a barge being towed by a tug. Master raised the general alarm followed by PA announcement. All crew gathered on the forecastle deck. Nothing reported stolen. VTIS Singapore informed.


221-15   25.11.2015: 0045 LT: Posn: 17:03N – 082:24E, Kakinada Anchorage, India.

Three robbers armed with knives in a small boat approached an anchored bulk carrier. Two robbers boarded the ship and began to collecting ship’s stores to steal. Deck crew on routine rounds noticed the robbers and notified the duty officer on the bridge. Alarm raised, PA announcement made and crew mustered. Hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped in their boat leaving the stores onboard. Incident reported to port authorities.


220-15   01.11.2015: 0635 LT: Posn: 10:43.9N – 106:45.6E, Cat Lai Container Terminal, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Three robbers, in a speed boat, armed with long knives boarded an anchored container ship using ropes. Duty AB spotted them and informed the bridge. Alarm raised, ship’s whistle sounded and crew mustered. Hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped. Nothing reported stolen and no injuries to crew. Port Authorities informed.


***  Ball cap of the week:  Surface Navy Association


***  Coffee Mug of the week: Recruit Training Center – Great Lakes, Illinois


***  T-shirt of the week:   USS Milwukee LCS 5 – November 21, 2015


***  Musical guest artist of the week: Public Image Limited


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Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


“Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.”

– David Brooks


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