JOTW 44-2016


Turn corporate sludge into focused, compelling writing.

Writing with Clarity



JOTW 44-2016

October 31, 2016

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,677


“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.”

– Dalai Lama


***  Welcome to the JOTW network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


JOTW is sent out on Mondays by email with a list the jobs posted in the full newsletter, which is posted online at  This is designed to keep the size of the emails to a more manageable length.


***  The position descriptions and or follow up information on links to the jobs can be found at


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at

***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW or Ned’s other newsletters, visit this site:




Be advised that I am transitioning away from Topica and relocating the list with Google Groups.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the new listerv.


***  To change your email address for Topica delivery of JOTW, use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of your newsletter, and then subscribe with your new address at:  .


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week.


Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Job:


None this week.


***  Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,  and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  The JOTW network is built upon cooperative principles.  Share, and reap the benefits.  And it feels good to help others.  I call it selfish altruism.  But this also means you need to contribute.


***  Listing a position is free.  Top jobs placement is $100, and a “Can’t Wait” posting is $300.


***  In this issue:


***  One Paragraph Pitch


1.)  Internal Communications Writer (part-time), General Dynamics Mission Systems, Fairfax, VA

2.)  Editorial Manager, National Geographic Bee, National Geographic Society, Washington D.C.

3.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, SERCO INC., Columbia, MD

4.)  Communications Specialist 4, Insitu, San Mateo, CA

5.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, CNH Industrial, Burr Ridge, IL

6.)  PR & Marketing Manager, VisitBritain, NY, NY

7.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, Flexjet, LLC, Cleveland, OH

8.)  DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING, Golden Triangle Business Improvement District (BID), Washington, DC

9.)  Alumni Relations Communications Specialist, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York

10.)  Senior Vice President, Social Marketing, Ketchum, Washington, D.C.


11.)  Advocacy Communications Specialist, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC

12.)  Account Executive- Public Affairs, Racepoint Global, Washington, DC

13.)  Assistant Account Executive-Public Affairs, Racepoint Global, Washington, D


14.)  Vice President | Public Affairs, Porter Novelli, Washington D.C.

15.)  Director of Communications, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, San Francisco, CA

16.)  Director of Corporate Communications, Health Care District of Palm Beach County, Miami, FL

17.)  Communications Strategy Director, Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, CA

18.)  Communications Officer, The World Bank, Washington D.C.

19.)  Public Relations Officer, Beneficial State Foundation, Oakland, California

20.)  Director of Corporate Communications, Benchmark Senior Living, Waltham, MA


21.)  Communications Coordinator,  retained executive search firm, Media, PA

22.)  Director of Public Relations, Zoological Wildlife Foundation, Miami, FL

23.)  Health Communications Analyst, LMI, McLean, VA

25.)  Creative Manager, Gulfstream Park, Hallandale Beach, FL

26.)  Technical Writer/Editor- Communications, LMI, McLean, VA

27.)  Marketing and Communications Manager, Stratos Product Development, Seattle, WA

28.)  Media Relations Manager, Cato Institute, Washington, DC

29.)  Marketing Communications Manager, One Mind, Seattle, WA

30.)  Media Relations Manager, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Washington, DC


31.)  Public Relations & Thought Leadership Manager, MedBridge, Seattle, WA

32.)  Director of Media & Communications, Carillon Assisted Living, Raleigh, NC

33.)  Sr Communications Manager, HERE, Berkeley, CA

34.)  Director Member & Marketing Communications, Kaiser Permanente, Honolulu, HI

35.)  Content Editor, WFAA-TV, TEGNA, Dallas, TX

36.)  (Multi-Skilled Journalist, WVEC-TV, TEGNA, Norfolk, VA

37.)  Meteorologist / Multiskilled Journalist, 13WMAZ, TEGNA, Macon, GA

38.)  Director of Communications and Events, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, Albuquerque, NM

39.)  OPS Marketing and Communication Assistant, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

40.)  Marketing Communications Specialist II, Clontech, Mountain View, CA


41.)  Marketing Communications Specialist, Murata Power Solutions, Mansfield, MA

42.)  Media Relations Manager, African Wildlife Foundation, Washington, DC

43.)  Media Specialist, City of Takoma Park, Takoma Park, MD

44.)  Customer Communication Strategy – Summer 2017, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX

45.)  Outreach Coordinator/DirectorHope Leadership Foundation, San Diego, CA

46.)  Vice President, Communication & Public Affairs, American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC

47.)  Political Communication Intern – Summer 2017, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX

48.)  Communication/Public Relations Intern – Summer 2017, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX

49.)  Vice President – Public Affairs, Porter Novelli, Washington D.C.

50.)  Communications Manager, Grunley Construction Company, Inc.,  Rockville, MD


51.)  Senior Communications Associate, WETA, Arlington, VA

52.)  Strategic Planning Outreach Coordinator, AmeriCorps, Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation, Greeley, Colorado

53.)  Director of Business Development, Goodwill Industries of Upstate/Midlands SC, Columbia, SC

54.)  Sr. Manager – Corporate Communications, National CineMedia, Centennial, CO

55.)  Communications Specialist, Municipal District of Greenview, Valleyview, Alberta, Canada

56.)  Audi Social Media Lead, Audi of America, Herndon, VA

57.)  Equestrian/Horse Farm Help, Whispering Hope Stables, Raleigh, NC


***  Weekly Piracy Report


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


Introducing First Story Strategies! First Story ( is a one-stop for strategic communications, writing, editing, multimedia production, event support and more. Founder Randy Ford ( has decades of experience in news, PR, nonprofits, agency environments, and politics. His passion is finding simple, people-focused stories to convey complex information. This First Story approach is just as effective in a video highlighting a community service project as it is in a CEO’s internal newsletter memo or a novice speaker’s keynote remarks. Based in Chicago, First Story can work remotely or come to you, and we have partners across the country. Drop us a note ( to see how we can help tell your first story.
***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to  You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Turn corporate sludge into focused, compelling writing.


Writing with Clarity


Your business success depends on your ability to craft messages and stories with clarity, efficiency, and focus. Whether you are writing a persuasive e-mail to an executive, an entertaining story for your intranet, a news release, or a disappointing message to a colleague, your writing needs to be precise, interesting, and convincing.


Ken O’Quinn’s Writing With Clarity workshops have helped thousands of professionals worldwide at such companies as Chevron, Visa, Oracle, Campbell’s Soup, Raytheon, Sprint, John Deere, Burson-Marsteller, and Fleishman Hillard.


***  JOTW is back!  Back again.


Hi Ned:


It’s great to see JOTW back in my inbox. Thanks for providing such a valuable service.


Thanks again,



***  JOTW is back.  Tell a friend.


Hey Ned,


It’s great to get the emails again. I’ve been a subscriber since around 2006 (woah – 10 years), and missed seeing it in my inbox on Monday mornings. I am incredibly grateful for this service you provide the PR/comms community; it gave me hope that there were jobs out there when I was laid off during the recession. I’ve sent in a few things I’ve found and will be sure to pay it back when I can.






***  Enter the 2017 IABC Gold Quill Awards


Are you ready to inspire and be inspired? Share your best work by entering the 2017 Gold Quill Awards program. As the premier program for communication professionals (the “Pulitzer Prize” of our field), Gold Quill recognizes excellence in communication, and honors the dedication, innovation and passion of communicators on a global scale.


Visit the Gold Quill website on details on how to enter


***  Buzz Community Online


A new, free online community launched in January 2016 for people in advertising, marketing, communications, public relations, and related fields.Built upon 21st century online community-building best practices, this new website is free for you to use. No required membership in any association. No commitments to attend meetings or events. No limits to a particular geographic area. This is a multi-generation online community open to people anywhere with Internet access whether they are currently a student, an intern, a contractor, a part-timer, or a full-time professional. It is for people like you who generate buzz in your everyday work. Be among the first to get in on this new, free online community. Just visit https:/ to see the possibilities for yourself.




October is IABC Member Month: Join, renew or refer a friend today!




Join IABC or reinstate your membership during October and we’ll give you 10% off international dues AND waive the US $40 application fee.

You’ll also be entered to win one of two US $500 Amazon gift cards, exclusively for new and reinstating members.

Why should you join IABC? Check out the many reasons here.


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


November 29-30              Singapore

January 24-26                    London, UK

March 7-9                            Galveston, Texas


***  Your Very Next Step!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for September / October 2016


***  Here are the JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Internal Communications Writer (part-time), General Dynamics Mission Systems, Fairfax, VA


2.)  Editorial Manager, National Geographic Bee, National Geographic Society, Washington D.C.


3.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, SERCO INC., Columbia, MD


4.)  Communications Specialist 4, Insitu, San Mateo, CA


5.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, CNH Industrial, Burr Ridge, IL


6.)  PR & Marketing Manager, VisitBritain, NY, NY


7.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, Flexjet, LLC, Cleveland, OH


***  From Leslie Ribakow:`


Good Morning Ned,


I hope this email finds you well; I have reached out to you in the past regarding other communications related opportunities and would love to share the attached job description on Ned’s JOTW.  I have attached the Director of Communications & Marketing job description for the Golden Triangle Business Improvement District in Washington, DC.  Please let me know if you need any additional information.  Thanks again for your networking help!









Leslie Ribakow

Senior Vice President

Arthur Diamond

Bethesda, MD


8.)  DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING, Golden Triangle Business Improvement District (BID), Washington, DC




Founded in 1997, the Golden Triangle Business Improvement District (BID) encompasses 43 square blocks in Washington DC’s central business district. Situated just north of the White House, the BID implements a wide variety of programs and initiatives to support the neighborhood’s status as a premier business destination and a global attraction. The BID’s programs include fundamentals such as street cleaning, emergency preparedness, and homeless outreach, as well as others such as events and activation, capital projects, urban planning, retail attraction, and economic development.

The BID is a non-profit 501(c)(6) corporation with twelve employees and a broad mission. It is funded by assessments on commercial properties, and is governed by an elected Board of Directors. The Golden Triangle is currently one of 10 business improvement districts in the District of Columbia.




The Golden Triangle BID is seeking a strategic, high energy, results-oriented, and experienced communications and marketing professional who believes strongly in the BID’s mission. The Director of Communications & Marketing will develop and manage a comprehensive program that promotes the BID’s many programs to a wide group of audiences. The Director of Communications & Marketing reports to the Executive Director and manages two staff persons and several contractors who provide graphic design, web, and media relations support.




– Develops and manages a strategic and comprehensive communications program that includes marketing, media relations, digital media, and community relations to support BID goals.

– Tells the story of the BID area and organization to a wide range of audiences and through a wide range of outlets, including the media, printed collateral, social media, annual reports, and visual identity/branding on the street.

– Manages two direct staff and several contractors including graphic designers, media relations firm, website support, and others.

– Works with other BID personnel to understand the BID’s many programs and initiatives in order to identify communications opportunities. These other programs include planning, sponsorship and development, operations, emergency preparedness, and events and activation.

– Reviews all BID messages, events, promotions, and partnerships to ensure that they align with the BID’s strategic goals and reflect a positive brand image.

– Works with the real estate community, including developers and brokers, to support economic development and attraction of office and retail tenants.

– Builds relationships with retailers, media, government agencies, and other key partners such as Washington DC Economic Partnership and Destination DC.




– 7 years of related professional experience (not including internships) that includes a mixture of marketing, public relations, electronic communications, and publication production.

– At least 2 years of experience directly managing full time staff; proven experience managing contractors and projects.

– Excellent verbal and written communication skills; strong editing skills; strong eye for design; strong interpersonal skills.

– Demonstrated ability to produce high quality, well designed marketing materials on a tight timeline.

– Strong leadership skills, a proactive self-starter, and a strong commitment to the BID’s mission.

– Flexibility and ability to respond to a crisis; ability to work in a high-energy, face-paced environment, where priorities are constantly changing.

– Journalism experience and/or public relations experience supporting a government organization or a utility is a plus. Public relations experience in the areas of economic development, urban planning, or agency operations a plus.

– WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign a plus.


– Bachelor’s Degree in journalism, communications, marketing or a related field.





Leslie Ribakow

301-654-9879 – Direct

301-657-8876 – Fax |


9.)  Alumni Relations Communications Specialist, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York


10.)  Senior Vice President, Social Marketing, Ketchum, Washington, D.C.


11.)  Advocacy Communications Specialist, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC


***  From Gia Giambrone:


Racepoint Global would like to post 2 job openings.


Thanks so much,


Gia Giambrone


Racepoint Global


12.)  Account Executive- Public Affairs, Racepoint Global, Washington, DC


Named a 2014 and 2015 “Best Place to Work” by PRWeek Magazine, Racepoint Global is looking for a talented, team-oriented Account Executive (AE) to join our Corporate and Public Affairs team in Washington, DC. In this role, you will be delighted and challenged every day in learning the many new facets of our rapidly evolving industry — we are one of the few agencies “walking the walk” on integrated programs and our earned media teams are also experts in digital, advertising and advertising services.  You will also have an opportunity to quickly assume additional responsibility within our rapidly growing organization and grow with us.

Our Account Executives (AE) help oversee the day-to-day operations of client programs with a primary focus on developing quality press materials and media relations.  They work closely with Assistant Account Executives and Senior Account Executives to execute the deliverables and tactics as specified within client programs. The AE possesses an in-depth understanding of the client’s business and industry and knows how to translate that knowledge into solid PR counsel.


  • Bachelor’s degree plus 2-4 year of public relations, public affairs, advocacy or communications experience
  • Hill and/or advocacy campaign experience recommended
  • Ability to create and deliver sound communications counsel in client settings
  • Strong writing and proofreading skills, effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to take ownership of projects and execute effectively
  • Strong team management experience
  • Strong problem-solving, collaboration-building, analytical and budget-management skills
  • Mastery and use of standard office technologies such as MS-Office, Internet and online services, PowerPoint, Media Map, Factiva News Retrieval, etc. required


Contact:  Gia Giambrone [].


13.)  Assistant Account Executive-Public Affairs, Racepoint Global, Washington, DC


Named a 2014 and 2015 “Best Place to Work” by PRWeek Magazine, Racepoint Global is looking for a talented, team-oriented Account Executive (AE) to join our Corporate and Public Affairs team in Washington, DC. In this role, you will be delighted and challenged every day in learning the many new facets of our rapidly evolving industry — we are one of the few agencies “walking the walk” on integrated programs and our earned media teams are also experts in digital, advertising and advertising services.  You will also have an opportunity to quickly assume additional responsibility within our rapidly growing organization and grow with us.


Racepoint Global Assistant Account Executives are responsible for working collaboratively with account team(s) to execute deliverables and tactics as specified within client programs.  This position requires pro-active, well organized individuals with enthusiasm and motivation to succeed in a fast pace environment, as well as a solid understanding of public relations.

The successful Assistant Account Executive candidate will have strong written and oral communications skills, a dedication to consistently meeting deadlines, the ability to prioritize multiple tasks and deliver the highest quality work.




  • Bachelor’s degree plus 1-2 year of public relations, public affairs, or communications experience preferably in an agency setting
  • Hill and/or advocacy campaign experience recommended
  • Demonstrated social media expertise
  • Strong writing and proofreading skills, effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to take ownership of projects and execute effectively
  • Ability to manage client resource materials
  • Ability to manage time effectively and multi-task
  • Proficient in MSWord, Excel and PowerPoint


Contact:  Gia Giambrone [].


14.)  Vice President | Public Affairs, Porter Novelli, Washington D.C.


***  From Pamela Berkowitz:


Dear Mr. Lundquist:


Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, based in San Francisco, has a job opening for Director of Communications. The full description is attached.


Could  you please post the position in JOTW?


Thank you.


Pamela Berkowitz

Associate Director of Finance & Operations

Out & Equal Workplace Advocates

San Francisco, CA


15.)  Director of Communications, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, San Francisco, CA


Do you believe in LGBT equality? Would you like to work with a dynamic team of coworkers? Are you

interested in a career where you can make a difference?


Out & Equal Workplace Advocates is the pre-eminent non-profit organization dedicated to winning

global workplace equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.


Out & Equal is seeking to hire a Director of Communications to lead and execute the marketing and

communications of Out & Equal. This individual must be a creative, experienced self-starter with an

understanding of LGBT and business media marketing. This position reports to the Deputy Director.




The Director of Communications is responsible for planning, organizing and directing Out & Equal’s

communications strategies and public information activities.

The Director is responsible for fostering and maintaining relationships with news media editors,

reporters, other governmental elected officials and their staff, other communications directors,

community leaders, donors and sponsors and partner organizations involved with the organization.


Duties include but are not limited to:


  • Planning, organizing, and directing overall communications strategies and public information

activities for the organization;

  • Analyzing, developing, and articulating media policies;
  • Keeping management and staff apprised of relevant current events on a daily basis;
  • Strategizing and implementing CEO and organization visibility;
  • Coordinating, overseeing and attending press events;
  • Overseeing internal and external communications and presentations through visual displays,

production of newsletters and web sites and occasional public events;

  • Maintaining extensive and positive relationships with local and national media;
  • Supervising communications team of three resources providing clear direction and oversight;
  • Supervising resources performing the duties associated with public information, video

production, web site development and maintenance, photography, collateral support materials,

and internal and external events;

  • Developing and managing department budgets;
  • Participating in executive strategic planning with the executive management team;
  • Proactively pitching story ideas on a local and national level, seeking out additional media

opportunities and coordinating local and national media sponsorships and funding for all Out &

Equal programs;

  • Managing, planning, directing, controlling, and implementing public relations strategy with an

aggressive communications program in the media markets including social media with an

emphasis on Out & Equal programs, media advocacy, and support for fundraising events;

  • Providing consultation and training for board and staff to ensure effective implementation of

communications initiatives, including the branding of Out & Equal.


  • Bachelor’s degree (Masters preferred), in public relations, journalism, communications or a

related field and a minimum of seven years’ experience with at least two years in a nonprofit

organization, as well as a portfolio of journalism, public relations or communications materials;

  • Experience managing a team, excellent communication skills, ability to handle multiple projects

under deadline pressure, be detail and results-oriented and have strong knowledge of budget


  • Comprehensive knowledge of media operations and expertise in the field of public relations and

release of information for publication;

  • Proven ability to develop communication strategies related to organizational policies in

collaboration with a diverse team

  • Extensive knowledge and experience in the application of theories, principles and practices of

journalism and mass communications as they relate to public information services;

  • Experience working with elected officials and CEO-level leadership, an ability to work

comfortably and efficiently under tight timelines and strong, effective written and verbal

communication skills;

  • Demonstrated experience producing high quality graphic materials essential;
  • Knowledge of the latest advances in effective use of Internet technologies;
  • Strong media relations experience, including media sponsorship negotiation and pitching to

local TV, print and radio on an on-going basis.


Join Out & Equal’s dedicated team of employees who believe in our organization’s mission of

encouraging everyone to bring their best self to work every day. We strongly encourage people of all

backgrounds, ethnicities and gender identities to apply.


For more information, visit our website




Salary is dependent on experience.


Benefits include 3 weeks paid vacation but 6 personal/discretionary days, a comprehensive employer paid health and welfare program, commuter discount program, life insurance, and 401(k). Details of

each program, including waiting periods and eligibility criteria, are available for review. This is an FTE

position that can be located in either our San Francisco or Washington, DC location. The position reports

to our Deputy Director.




Interested candidates should submit resume and cover letter to No phone

calls please.


Out & Equal Workplace Advocates is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on any of the following: race, religious creed, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or gender characteristic, national origin, religion, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, military service or veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, or any other classification protected by federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.


16.)  Director of Corporate Communications, Health Care District of Palm Beach County, Miami, FL


17.)  Communications Strategy Director, Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, CA


18.)  Communications Officer, The World Bank, Washington D.C.


19.)  Public Relations Officer, Beneficial State Foundation, Oakland, California


20.)  Director of Corporate Communications, Benchmark Senior Living, Waltham, MA


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


21.)  Communications Coordinator,  retained executive search firm, Media, PA


22.)  Director of Public Relations, Zoological Wildlife Foundation, Miami, FL


23.)  Health Communications Analyst, LMI, McLean, VA


25.)  Creative Manager, Gulfstream Park, Hallandale Beach, FL


26.)  Technical Writer/Editor- Communications, LMI, McLean, VA


27.)  Marketing and Communications Manager, Stratos Product Development, Seattle, WA


28.)  Media Relations Manager, Cato Institute, Washington, DC


29.)  Marketing Communications Manager, One Mind, Seattle, WA


30.)  Media Relations Manager, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Washington, DC


31.)  Public Relations & Thought Leadership Manager, MedBridge, Seattle, WA


32.)  Director of Media & Communications, Carillon Assisted Living, Raleigh, NC


33.)  Sr Communications Manager, HERE, Berkeley, CA


34.)  Director Member & Marketing Communications, Kaiser Permanente, Honolulu, HI


35.)  Content Editor, WFAA-TV, TEGNA, Dallas, TX


36.)  (Multi-Skilled Journalist, WVEC-TV, TEGNA, Norfolk, VA


37.)  Meteorologist / Multiskilled Journalist, 13WMAZ, TEGNA, Macon, GA


38.)  Director of Communications and Events, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, Albuquerque, NM


39.)  OPS Marketing and Communication Assistant, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida


40.)  Marketing Communications Specialist II, Clontech, Mountain View, CA


41.)  Marketing Communications Specialist, Murata Power Solutions, Mansfield, MA


42.)  Media Relations Manager, African Wildlife Foundation, Washington, DC


43.)  Media Specialist, City of Takoma Park, Takoma Park, MD


44.)  Customer Communication Strategy – Summer 2017, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX—summer-2017/job


45.)  Outreach Coordinator/DirectorHope Leadership Foundation, San Diego, CA


46.)  Vice President, Communication & Public Affairs, American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC


47.)  Political Communication Intern – Summer 2017, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX—summer-2017/job


48.)  Communication/Public Relations Intern – Summer 2017, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX—summer-2017/job


49.)  Vice President – Public Affairs, Porter Novelli, Washington D.C.


50.)  Communications Manager, Grunley Construction Company, Inc.,  Rockville, MD


51.)  Senior Communications Associate, WETA, Arlington, VA


52.)  Strategic Planning Outreach Coordinator, AmeriCorps, Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation, Greeley, Colorado


53.)  Director of Business Development, Goodwill Industries of Upstate/Midlands SC, Columbia, SC


54.)  Sr. Manager – Corporate Communications, National CineMedia, Centennial, CO*98E11E3B543150A6


55.)  Communications Specialist, Municipal District of Greenview, Valleyview, Alberta, Canada


56.)  Audi Social Media Lead, Audi of America, Herndon, VA


***  This week’s JOTW alternative job selection:


57.)  Equestrian/Horse Farm Help, Whispering Hope Stables, Raleigh, NC


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


154-16   21.10.2016: 0400 LT: Posn: 12:02S – 077:31W, Callao Anchorage, Peru.

While crew onboard an anchored product tanker were busy in bunkering operations, robbers boarded the vessel, stole ship’s properties and escaped. The theft was discovered by the duty crew during routine rounds. Incident reported to local police through the agents.


152-16   20.10.2016: 1347 LT: Posn: 04:32.9N – 119:33.5E, Around 8.2nm SE of Sibutu Island, Philippines.

Six persons armed with guns attacked and boarded a general cargo ship underway. SSAS alert activated and all non-essential crew retreated to the citadel. The unidentified persons stole crew personal belongings, kidnapped two crew members and escaped. The IMB Piracy Reporting Centre relayed the incident to the Philippine and Malaysian Authorities. A Philippine naval vessel had responded and boarded the ship.


151-16   20.10.2016: 0001 – 0400 LT: Posn: 01:42.45N – 101:27.52E, Dumai Tanker Anchorage, Indonesia.

An unknown number of robbers boarded and anchored tanker. They stole engine spare parts and escaped unnoticed. The incident was discovered during routine rounds and was reported to the port control. No response received.


***  Ball cap of the week:  Joint High Speed Vessel


***  Coffee Mug of the week: Combined Federal Campain


***  Polo-Shirt of the week:   Naval Media Center


***  Musical guest artist of the week: John Butler Trio


***  To subscribe:  Contact Ned at


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”

– Helen Keller


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2016 The Job of the Week Network, LLC



Turn corporate sludge into focused, compelling writing.

Writing with Clarity





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