JOTW 38-2022


Participate in the 2022 Communication Leaders Survey from now through 30 September.


JOTW 38-2022

September 19, 2022

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,964


“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.”

– Henry David Thoreau


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


You are one of more than 5,970+ members in the JOTW subscriber network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the JOTW listserv.  If you received this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  Participate in the #WeLeadComms 2022 Communication Leaders Survey from now through 30 September.


***  How Comms and PR Work Is Changing

by Ayaz Nanji


***  Mike Klein: Masterclass Series


Measurement: Putting it on Rails



***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


None this week.


Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Jobs:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business any way you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  Or, if there is, the queue is pretty short.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Free defense industry jobs newsletter





DEFCON 1 – the Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – is a weekly listing of all types of jobs in the defense-related industries.  Subscribe for free.  To sign up, send Ned an email to and tell him you want to get on the DEFCON 1 listserv.  (Note:  JOTW is a list of communication jobs in all industries.  DEFCON 1 is a list of all types of jobs in one industry.)


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


Oct. 20-24                            Los Angeles, CA

Nov. 7-10                             Miami, FL


***  Your Very Next Step!




The latest issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is available online NOW!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for July / August 2022


By Ned Lundquist

This edition of YVNS comes to you from Helsinki, Finland


Lots of travel and adventure news, vacation ideas, tips and features.

7 cool volunteer and internship opportunities

16 travel/conservation/adventure jobs


Check it out, because your next adventure begins with your very next step.

“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listserv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


1.)  Communications Manager, Biodynamic Demeter Alliance, Flexible (Remote)


2.)  Communications Center CSR, Colorado Parks And Wildlife, Denver, Colorado


3.)  Marketing and Communications Coordinator, BARC Electric Cooperative, Lexington, Virginia


4.)  Junior Associate Swiss Public Affairs (50%), Novartis International AG, Basel, Switzerland


5.)  Senior Communications Advisor, Credence Management Solutions, LLC, Washington, D.C.


6.)  Intern – Corporate Communications, Frontdoor In Little Rock, Little Rock, AR


7.)  Director of Employee Communications, Herman Miller, Inc., New York, NY


8.)  Director, Public Affairs, Zillow, Remote, United States


9.)  Communications Specialist, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia, PA


10.)  Communications Advisor, BRS, Washington, D.C,22_KE23,26.htm?jl=1008006085910


11.)  Communications Sr Specialist, Genus PLC, DeForest, WI


12.)  Sr. Communications Specialist or Communications Specialist (Hybrid Position), Prince George Electric Cooperative, Waverly, Virginia


13.)  Senior PR Manager Asia, Wise (formerly Transferwise), Singapore


14.)  European PR Manager – France, Wise (formerly Transferwise), London, UK


15.)  Public Relations Coordinator, Crawford Electric Cooperative, Bourbon, Missouri


16.)  Marketing and Communications Specialist, Christian Brothers College High School, Saint Louis, MO


17.)  Communications Officer, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Berkshire, Massachusetts


18.)  Senior Account Supervisor – PR & Corporate Communications (Fully Bilingual), Edelman, Mexico City, Mexico


19.)  Assistant Vice President, Corporate Communications, Malaysian Technology Development Corporation, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur


20.)  Senior Communications Writer, American Council of Engineering Companies, Washington, DC


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


21.)  Digital Communications Manager, Acts Retirement-Life Communities, Fort Washington, PA


22.)  Internal Communications Specialist, Burlington Stores, North Burlington NJ


23.)  Senior Public Relations Manager, Clutch Creative, Paoli, Pennsylvania


24.)  Communications Director, Hanna Lee Communications, Hialeah, FL


25.)  COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER (MANAGEMENT), Concero, St. Louis, MO!/job-details


26.)  Sr. Manager, Communications, Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisco, CA


27.)  Communications Manager, Citizens For Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES), Washington, DC


28.)  Director, Marketing & Communication- Academic, BJC HealthCare, Saint Louis, MO


29.)  Marketing Communications Manager, Verto Solutions, Washington, DC


30.)  Senior Communications Writer, American Council of Engineering Companies, Washington, DC


31.)  Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Tricentis, Austin, TX–Corporate-Communications_JR101666


32.)  Communications Specialist, Benton Rural Electric Assn., West Richland, Washington


33.)  Marketing Communications Director, Recourse Communications Inc., Accokeek, MD


34.)  Communications Coordinator, 340B Health, Washington, DC


35.)  Social Media Specialist, Humane Rescue Alliance, Washington, DC


36.)  Sr. Manager, Public Relations, Dechert LLP, New York, NY


37.)  Director, Communications, Association of Children’s Museums, Arlington, Virginia


38.)  Communications Director, Morreale Communications, Chicago, IL


39.)  MANAGER, GLOBAL MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS, Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc., Plainsboro Township, NJ


40.)  Communications Specialist, NYC Independent Budget Office, New York, NY


41.)  Public Policy Communications Manager, CPS Energy, Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX


42.)  Communications Director, American Chemistry Council, Washington, DC


43.)  Communications Specialist, Ursus, Inc., Morgan Hill, CA


44.)  Lead Communications Relationship Manager for Banking, Lending and Trust, Wells Fargo, St. Louis, MO


45.)  Director, Communications, Segment Communications, Gaithersburg, MD


***  Your JOTW Alternative Selection(s) for this week:


46.)  Winter Animal Care Internship, The American Bald Eagle Foundation, Haines, Alaska


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


084-22   17.04.2022: 1905 UTC: Posn: Port of General Santos, Philippines.

Duty AB on routine rounds onboard a berthed container ship noticed one unauthorised person near the gangway and alerted the OOW. Seeing the alerted crew the person escaped without stealing anything.


083-22   17.04.2022: 1630 UTC: Posn: Port of General Santos, Philippines.

Duty officer on routine rounds onboard a berthed container ship noticed two unauthorised persons attempting to board and alerted the other duty crew. Seeing the alerted crew, the persons aborted the attempted boarding and escaped. A search was made and nothing reported stolen.


082-22   26.08.2022: 0330 UTC: Posn: 01:17.30N – 104:20.30E, Singapore Straits.

Alert crew on board a tug notice several unauthorised persons boarding the barge under tow. VTIS informed and searchlights directed towards the barge and persons. A coast guard patrol boat responded. Seeing the patrol boat the persons escaped. The patrol boat escorted the tug and barge and inspected the barge to ensure no unauthorised persons remained onboard.


081-22   03.08.2022: 0800 UTC: Posn: 01:13.96N – 103:30.53E, Singapore Straits.

While underway, a barge under tow was boarded by unauthorized persons. Master informed VTIS and a coastguard patrol boat was sent to investigate. All crew reported safe.           2022-08-03


080-22   07.09.2022: 0215 UTC: Posn: Suez Canal Southern Anchorage, Egypt.

Alert duty crew onboard an anchored container ship noticed two unauthorized persons attempting to board via the anchor chain and directed the searchlight towards the persons resulting in the boarding attempt being aborted and the persons moving away.


***  Ball cap of the week:                             National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial – Washington, D.C.

***  Coffee mug of the week:                     Managed Objects

***  T-shirt of the Week:                               Petrified Forest National Park

***  Musical guest artist of the week:     The Saints


***  To subscribe:  Send an email to Ned at, and mention the JOTW newsletter.


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2022 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)



The Volume and Variety of Communications Work is Shifting, Finds 5th Annual Survey of Comms Pros


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