JOTW 10-2023



May 1-2, National Press Club, Washington, DC

See the full agenda and register at

JOTW subscribers use code “JOTW-2023” when registering online and save 10% off early-bird rates.



JOTW 10-2023

March 6, 2023

The Free Job of the Week Newsletter

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,986


“You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.” 

– Bob Marley


This edition of JOTW comes to you from Springfield, VA.


***  Welcome to the JOTW network!


You are one of more than 5,970+ members in the JOTW subscriber network.


This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive unanticipated consequences of networking, or as we call it, “nedworking.”  JOTW is a cooperative service.  That means JOTW relies on the contributions of its members, like you.  We share job opportunities, news and information about the job market, as well as swapping stories about life’s peculiarities.  We connect you with others who are like you, and together we help each other.  What a concept.  Did I mention it’s free?


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at   Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


***  Posting a job is free.    Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  Please limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).  “Can’t Wait” blast email priority listings are $300, and “Top Job” placement is $100.  Just send to me at


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW’s new Google Groups list, send an email to Ned at and request to join the JOTW listserv.  If you received this as an email from, then you are on this list.


***  This week’s Can’t Wait postings:


Can’t Wait jobs:  These jobs are forwarded to the entire list as soon as they are received, and do not wait for the Monday newsletter, and are posted prominently on the JOTW website.  Then they are posted first in the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Can’t Wait postings cost $300.  Contact Ned at


***  This week’s Top Jobs:


None this week.


Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (,   and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.




Connect • Innovate • Inspire

May 1-2, National Press Club, Washington, DC


StratCommWorld identifies strategies to enhance engagement and shares methods to improve communication in corporations, the military, government agencies, universities, and non-profit organizations. See the full agenda and register at

JOTW subscribers use code “JOTW-2023” when registering online and save 10% off early-bird rates.


***  IABC 2023 World Conference

Toronto, Canada

4-7 June 2023




Harness The Power of Communication.


As communication professionals, we have remarkable stories to share, that illuminate the intersection of people and of business, showing courage and true leadership throughout incredible change. Those stories showcase the power of how Communication Can Deepen relationships, impact, curiosity, and so much more.


Join us in Toronto, Canada for four days of learning, networking and socializing with communication professionals and executives from around the globe!


***  Here’s the link for the JOTW newsletter on the website:


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


None this week.


***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to   You can pitch yourself or your business any way you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  You can include a photo, too! There is no waiting list.  Or, if there is, the queue is pretty short.  And it’s free!  Submit yours today!


***  Free defense industry jobs newsletter


DEFCON 1 – the Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – is a weekly listing of all types of jobs in the defense-related industries.  Subscribe for free.  To sign up, send Ned an email to and tell him you want to get on the DEFCON 1 listserv.  (Note:  JOTW is a list of communication jobs in all industries.  DEFCON 1 is a list of all types of jobs in one industry.)


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


20 Mar – 28 Mar               Guam, Marianas

6 -10 June                           Chania, Crete, Greece


***  Your Very Next Step!





The latest issue of Your Very Next Step newsletter is available online NOW!


Your Very Next Step newsletter for January / February 2023


By Ned Lundquist

This edition of YVNS comes to you from Oostende, Belgium


Lots of travel and adventure news, vacation ideas, tips and features.

7 cool volunteer and internship opportunities

21 travel/conservation/adventure jobs


Check it out, because your next adventure begins with your very next step.

“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to


To subscribe to YVNS for free: Join our Google Groups Listserv.  If you are already a Google Groups member, just sign up for the “Your Very Next Step” group.  Otherwise, send Ned an email and he’ll get you on the list.  Contact Ned at


Do you have any interesting travel and adventure stories, tips, suggestions, adventures or destinations to share?  Send to Ned at for the next issue of YVNS.


***  Here are your JOTW job opportunities for this week:


***  From Nancy Levesque:


Hello Ned,


I hope you are well! Can you post this position on JOTW? Thanks!




Nancy Levesque (she/her)

Communications Director

Future of Privacy Forum

Washington, DC


1.)  Senior Communications Manager, Global, Future of Privacy Forum, Washington, DC (hybrid)


2.)  Communications Manager – Alaska Earthquake Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK


3.)  Communications Coordinator, Alaska Center for Rural Health, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK


4.)  Term Assistant Professor of Communications, University of Alaska Ketchikan, Ketchikan, AK


***  From Bridget Serchak:


5.)  Democracy Specialist (Senior Media Advisor), Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, District of Columbia


6.)  Director of Media Relations, Moyer Strategies, Washington, DC


7.)  Public Affairs Specialist (Direct Hire), NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD


8.)  Community Relations Specialist, Manh Choh Project, Kinross Gold Corporation, Tok, AK


9.)  Director, Leadership Communications, The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, GA


10.)  Corporate Communications Specialist, Modine Manufacturing Company, Racine, WI,-WI-jobs-j72518099.html?pbid=68291


11.)  Associate, Public Affairs, SKDK, Washington, DC


12.)  Communications Specialist, IES Abroad, Chicago, IL


***  From Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List:


13.)  Marketing Communications Generalist, Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, Colorado


14.)  Sr. Director, Communications, Newmont Mining, Denver, Colorado


15.)  Director of Communications & Engagement (Hybrid), Jefferson County Public Libraries, Lakewood, Colorado


16.)  Senior Communications Specialist, Introba USA, St Louis, MO


17.)  Senior Writer, Executive Communications (US), TORONTO-DOMINION BANK (TD), MT LAUREL, NJ,-Executive-Communications-(US)/-in-Mount-Laurel,NJ?jid=42457fb4961315cf


18.)  Assistant Director, Executive Communications, American Jewish Committee Flexible, New York or Washington DC


19.)  Senior Director, Communications, Families USA, Washington, DC


20.)  Digital Marketing Manager, Museum of New Mexico Foundation – Santa Fe, NM


***  From Burt Edwards:


Hello – I wanted to share an opportunity for the Job board that just opened at ReThink Media to head up our Inclusive Democracy Team. More on the opening is below and I encourage any intrigued to apply and/or share with any others you might know who might be interested (Note: ReThink is virtual, but many of the staff this position will manage are on eastern time).

Hope all are well and warm …




Burt Edwards

Director of Programs

ReThink Media


21.)  Program Director, Inclusive Democracy, ReThink Media, Remote


Now hiring! ReThink Media seeks a talented, visionary, and accomplished media strategist to assume the leadership of our Inclusive Democracy team.


The Opportunity

ReThink Media seeks a talented, visionary, and accomplished media strategist to assume the leadership of our Inclusive Democracy team. With a pivotal election on the horizon in 2024 and active ongoing efforts to change key elections and voting laws in around the United States, the ideal candidate will be an experienced leader who is ready to seize this historic moment and work alongside groups campaigning to strengthen American democracy and voting rights, both nationally and on a state-by-state basis.


Organizational Description

ReThink Media is a unique, nonprofit organization that strengthens movements through building the collaborative media and communications capacity of state and national advocacy groups; increasing the voiceshare of their spokespeople, experts, and allies; and providing in-depth media, messaging, and opinion research to inform movement strategy. Working with our funding partners, we focus on long-term engagement with the groups we work with and the issues we take on—all driven by a belief that the stronger the groups are across an issue sector and the tighter their collaboration, the more likely they are to win real and lasting policy victories. At present, ReThink works in three distinct, yet interconnected, issue areas: the protection of human and civil rights, strengthening our democracy, and for a more constructive U.S. foreign and national security policy.


ReThink’s Inclusive Democracy team works with leading state and national organizations across the country to build a more inclusive, representative, and reflective democracy. We provide money-in-politics,  voting rights, and fair courts groups and their campaigns with ongoing training and capacity-building in critical media skills, direct rapid response and media relations support (Including op-ed and editorial campaigns), strategic messaging guidance, assistance with digital and social media campaigns, as well as the latest in public opinion and media analysis. Our democracy collaborative is uniquely positioned as a partner and a connector in informing movement strategy through its work with leading local, state, and national researchers, journalists, and advocacy groups across the country.


Position Overview

The Inclusive Democracy Program Director serves as the organizational lead for all of our work within this sector, directly  supervising the Democracy team staff (currently five professionals) and works with ReThink’s larger team, including the organization’s Co-Founders and our unique Research & Analysis team. The Inclusive Democracy Program Director is supervised by ReThink’s Director of Programs and works in coordination with the Director of Strategy, Executive Director, and other management team members on cross-organizational management initiatives and engagement with key funders, partners, and allies.


The Democracy Program Director also works with partner organizations to coordinate joint rapid response campaigns informed by extensive news coverage monitoring and utilizing tailored press lists. They help facilitate social media campaign work, monitoring and analyzing online metrics, providing groups with training in the use of social media tools, and the crafting and disseminating of content in support of existing initiatives.


Working alongside our funding partners and nearly 100 state and national groups, our goal is to help move our country toward an inclusive, just democratic system where all citizens are equally engaged and where both discriminatory practices and economic barriers to participation have been eliminated. This currently involves three primary threads of work:

  • Challenging the corrosive influence of campaign money on our electoral system, which currently gives disproportionate power to wealthy interests while systematically excluding poor, working-class, and middle-class citizens as well as communities of color and religious minorities.
  • Working to expand voter participation through better access to the ballot, strengthening voting rights, and challenging the suppression of voting rights in communities of color.
  • Strengthening the independence of the judiciary, by both raising public awareness of the growing corporate influence on the courts and by increasing public understanding of the courts role in advancing and defending civil and constitutional rights.

Cutting across these three threads of work is ReThink’s efforts to amplify the diversity of voices working to create a safer, more just, and more reflective democracy. This includes leading efforts to develop new training programs, media engagement strategies, and digital communications resources to uplift and empower Spanish-speaking community advocates working on voting rights, fair courts, and election integrity issues across the US.


Our experience has proven that by providing shared resources, eliminating duplication of efforts among organizations, developing agreed-upon overarching messages, and providing consistent high-quality consulting advice and staff support, we can successfully impact media discourse and move issues forward. While we value and affirm the importance of differentiation amongst advocacy organizations, we work to reduce competition for media attention because it often detracts from a sector achieving its maximum potential.


Principal Duties


The ideal candidate will be a highly ambitious and motivated communications strategist with seven or more years of experience working in the field of advocacy, political or campaign communications, and/or public relations and will have a strong understanding of the workings of the nonprofit research and advocacy community. They will have direct experience and/or demonstrated commitment to the issues of the collaborative and an understanding of the organizations working in this field. They will have a proven track record of project management and a demonstrated pattern of innovation and creativity. Strong personnel and work plan management is critical.


Specific goals will be set quarterly, corresponding to the following duties:

  • Play a leading role in guiding ReThink’s Democracy team—including managing team meetings and staff check-ins.
  • Recruit, train, supervise, and review staff with the support of the management team.
  • Craft communications strategies—including rapid response to breaking news—to meet the needs of democracy and voting rights partner organizations; build the communications capacity of the field as a whole, as well as within individual organizations; and identify communications priorities that will have the greatest positive impact across the sector.
  • Draw upon the extensive expertise of our partner organizations and the key reporters and outlets covering democracy and voting rights issues in order to: assist and train groups in building and maintaining tailored press lists; supervise the updating of ReThink’s press lists; and quickly connect reporters and spokespeople during breaking news opportunities.
  • Liaise with funding partners in support of the Director of Programs, Director of Strategy, and/or the Executive Director. Help ensure that all grant applications and reporting deadlines are met.
  • Oversee the drafting of timely and effective strategic communications guidance, talking points, messaging advice, commentaries, or media statements at rapid-response moments or ahead of known media opportunities.
  • Support the individual media work of aligned groups. This often includes assisting groups in developing a strategic communications plan, implementing media strategies, building press lists, assisting in the editing and development of media content, assisting with pitching and placement, providing media training, and conducting audits of coverage.
  • Collaborate with the Research & Analysis Team on longer-term research projects such as media and public opinion audits and coverage analysis of specific issues, frames, and outlets, message-testing, and the development of media accountability campaigns.
  • Provide expert training to member organizations and spokespeople in media skills such as conducting effective broadcast interviews, writing op-eds, engaging editorial boards, and driving social media strategies, among others.


Essential Skills and Qualifications

  • A commitment to social and racial justice and equity.
  • 6–9 years of experience working in communications strategy, community or political organizing, advocacy and public engagement campaigns, or all of the above.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and background in the major democracy issues identified above with excellent news sense and political savvy.
  • Ability to communicate clearly and promptly, both verbally and in writing, with varying levels of organization staff, partners, contractors, foundations, and the media.
  • Strong training, mentoring, and/or supervisory skills with the demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and move work forward effectively with concrete workplans.
  • Superior writing, editing, communications, and public presentation skills.
  • Experience monitoring and analyzing news coverage, writing press materials, developing media strategies, and pitching stories.
  • A creative and strategic ability to frame ideas, develop stories, and synthesize complex policy issues in a way that appeals to the news media and a wide variety of audiences across an array of channels, including digital and social media.
  • Desired But Not Required
  • Fluency in Spanish or another second language.
  • Demonstrated experience in communications strategy and campaign management, with a strong preference for experience in advocacy/political public relations and state level organizing.
  • Experience with Muck Rack (or Cision), MailChimp, CRMs, Canva, Social Media monitoring tools (such as Torch or Sprout Social), and/or Zoom.


Location & Salary

This is a remote, full-time position. The position will require occasional travel to staff and planning meetings, and to presentations and trainings. ReThink aims to recruit the best people for every position, and we have recently moved to an all-remote staffing model. Applicants are welcome from across the country but in all cases, ReThink requires employees to live within 90 minutes of a major airport to facilitate occasional travel. The salary range listed below pertains to employees in Washington, DC and may potentially be adjusted for candidates in locations with significantly lower costs of living.


ReThink Media is committed to pay equity and transparency in our salary, raise, and benefits structure. All staff receive an annual 360º performance review and ReThink is strongly committed to internal and external professional development. We aim to attract, develop, and retain diverse, talented, and growth-minded staff.


This is a mid-level position that comes with generous benefits, vacation, health savings, sabbatical, and a retirement package. Salary is commensurate with experience and the starting salary range for a Program Director is $97,500–108,000 a year.


Application Instructions

To apply, please follow the application link and upload your resume as a PDF attachment with your name in the title of the attachment (e.g. Your Name-Resume.pdf). Please include in the provided textbox a cover letter stating the reason for your interest in the position and providing a summary of your professional experience including management and supervision. Qualified applicants will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire prior to the scheduling of interviews.


Starting Salary: $97,500 – $108,000 per year


22.)  Director Public Affairs and Communications, Amex, Minato-ku, Tokyo-To, Japan


23.)  Senior Manager Corporate Communications (Remote), KBI Biopharma, Durham, North Carolina—NC—Remote/Senior-Manager-Corporate-Communications_R00004708


24.)  Communications & Administrative Director, Access Alaska, Fairbanks, AK,42_KE43,56.htm


25.)  Communications Associate, Sustainable Conservation, San Francisco, California


26.)  Senior Program Officer, Program Advocacy and Communications, Global Education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Washington, DC


***  From Juliet Glassroth:


Hi Ned,


I am hoping you can include this posting in the next JOTW newsletter.


Thank you so much!



Juliet Glassroth


27.)  Advocacy Coalition Manager, Global AIDS Policy Partnership, AVAC, Washington, D.C.



Founded in 1995, AVAC uses communication, education, policy analysis, advocacy and a network of global collaborations to accelerate the ethical development and global delivery of HIV prevention options as part of a comprehensive and integrated response to the epidemic.



We’re seeking a Policy Manager to ead & coordinate our coalition of 70+ HIV/AIDS advocates, CSOs, donors & implementers. Core responsibilities include:

– Providing critical policy and data analysis

– Building & maintaining bipartisan relationships with Congress & the Administration

– Distilling complex information, translating technical language into concise summaries, policy briefs and visual presentations.

– Tracking, synthesizing & packaging information, results, lessons learned & information

– Research, writing & editing


If you have experience in advocacy for global health, international development and/or the U.S. government, we want to talk to you!



Send cover letter and resume to


28.)  Writer/Copy Editor, Society of the Sacred Heart, St. Louis, Missouri


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


29.)  Social Media Specialist, Gregory FCA, Ardmore, PA


30.)  Senior Marketing Specialist (REMOTE), Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, PA


31.)  Communications and Engagement Coordinator, Teck Resources Limited, Anchorage, AK,


32.)  Vice President, Corporate Communications, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Boston, MA


33.)  Communications Specialist – Disney Parks, Experiences & Products, Disney, Anaheim, CA


34.)  Global Business Communications Leader, Chemours, Des Moines, IA


35.)  Director, Marketing and Communications, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri


36.)  Development & Communications Specialist/Senior Specialist, National Network to End Domestic Violence, Washington, DC


***  From Erin Bonesteel, PHR:




I have attached the job description for an Editorial Production Manager position at SNMMI located in Reston, VA. Please have applicants email their resume to


Thank you!


Erin Bonesteel, PHR

Human Resources Manager



37.)  Editorial Production Manager, Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology (JNMT), Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), Reston, VA


The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) is seeking an Editorial Production Manager for The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) and the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology (JNMT).


Essential Duties and Responsibilities

The Editorial Production Manager works closely with the Managing Editor and staff of SNMMI’s journals to ensure the smooth flow of the journal production process.

  • Performs daily JNM and JNMT editorial production management.
  • Performs issue-related JNM and JNMT production management; reviews and approves final proofs and bluelines.
  • Proofreads all scientific manuscripts; copyedits manuscripts as necessary.
  • Serves as a contact for the editorial office, printer, consultant copyeditors, and (on editorial questions) SNMMI authors.
  • Manages manuscript copyeditors for JNM and JNMT.
  • Creates production schedules.
  • Maintains effective communication with the Managing Editor and staff.
  • Maintains standard operating procedures related to editorial production.


Required Experience, Education, and Skills

  • Baccalaureate degree required.
  • Minimum of 6 years of experience with production management, copyediting, and proofreading for medical/scientific publications; experience with peer-reviewed medical journals is a plus
  • Excellent editorial judgment, organizational and project management skills, and attention to detail; proficient in AMA style (copyediting test required).
  • Ability to handle multiple ongoing projects and manage work of freelancers.
  • Excellent position-related computer skills.
  • Ability to work under deadline pressures associated with production of a monthly journal.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills, internally and externally, as necessary.
  • Candidates must be self-starters who can be highly proactive while also being strong team players.


Work Mode: Hybrid; 2 days/week in Reston, VA.

Benefits: SNMMI offers a comprehensive and competitive benefit package that includes medical, dental, vision, disability and life insurance, retirement savings, compressed work week, and flexible work hours.

About SNMMI: The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), headquartered in Reston, VA, is a nonprofit scientific and professional organization supporting the science and practice of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. SNMMI’s flagship journal, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, was founded in 1960 and ranks #4 among all medical imaging journals worldwide.


Forward resumes to Erin Bonesteel, PHR (


38.)  Sr. Manager of Marketing and Communications, Bozzuto’s Inc., Cheshire, CT


***  From Mac’s List:


39.)  Communications Coordinator, Kôr Community Land Trust, Bend, OR


40.)  Communications Manager, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon, Portland, OR


41.)  Visual Communications Manager (Hybrid), Washington Conservation Action, Seattle, WA


42.)  Internal Communications Specialist, Xerox, Norwalk, CT,CT?jid=1559e34ade33625e


43.)  Director of Communications, Kum & Go, Des Moines, IA


44.)  Director of Development And Communications, Central Missouri Community Action, Columbia, MO


45.)  Senior Advisor, Corporate Communications, Phillips 66, Houston, TX


46.)  Corporate Communications Manager, Allegacy Federal Credit Union, Winston-Salem, NC


47.)  Development and Communications Coordinator, GreenWave, New Haven, Connecticut


48.)  Internal Communications Specialist, U.S. LawShield, Houston, TX


49.)  Director of Communications, Chinati Foundation, Marfa, Texas


50.)  Communications Specialist, John Deere, Waterloo, IA


51.)  Director of Advancement Communications, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT


***  Your alternative job selections:


52.)  Nature Based Therapeutic Mentor, Whole Hearts, Minds and Bodies Department, Gateway Mountain Center, Truckee, California


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


014-23   28.02.2023: 0245 UTC: Posn: 00:05N – 050:58W, Macapa Anchorage, Brazil.

Five robbers armed with long knives boarded an anchored bulk carrier. Duty crew on routine rounds noticed the robbers near the forecastle and informed the duty officer. Alarm raised, ship’s horn sounded, crew mustered, and port control notified. Hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped with the stolen ship’s stores.


013-23   21.02.2023: 0548 UTC: Posn: 12:01.4S – 077:13.2W, Callao Anchorage, Peru.

Three robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored tanker, stole ship’s stores and escaped. Alarm raised, ship’s horn sounded, and crew mustered. Incident was reported to the Port Authorities and a patrol boat was dispatched to search the waters around the ship.


***  Ball cap of the week:                             Nave Lupo F564

***  Coffee mug of the week:                     AMSEC

***  Polo-shirt of the Week:                        In and Out Burger

***  Musical guest artist of the week:     Weather Report


***  To subscribe:  Send an email to Ned at, and mention the JOTW newsletter.


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2023 The Job of the Week Network, LLC


***  Ha’ina ‘ia mai ana ka’puana

(And So The Story Is Told)




May 1-2, National Press Club, Washington, DC

See the full agenda and register at

JOTW subscribers use code “JOTW-2023” when registering online and save 10% off early-bird rates.

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