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Where in the world is the Great White Fleet?
JOTW 43-2008
27 October 2008
You are among 10,308 subscribers in this community of communicators.
Issue number 757
“I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand, shadowless like Silence, listening
To Silence.”
– Thomas Hood
This is the award-winning free Job of the Week e-mail networking
newsletter for professional communicators, dedicated to the positive
unanticipated consequences of networking.
JOTW job count through last week’s issue: 23,123
To subscribe for free, send a blank e-mail to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
To unsubscribe, read the instructions at the end of the newsletter. If
you are a JOTW subscriber and changing jobs, be sure to change your
address for JOTW. I can't do it for you.
This is a cooperative newsletter and network. That means the success of this network relies on the contributions of its members.
To submit a job, send the title, organization, location, a brief description and details on how to follow up or who to contact to lundquist989@cs.com.
In this issue (Remember, to see the job descriptions and how to follow up, scroll down):
*** One Paragraph Pitch
*** Rock and Roll Trivia
1.) Vice President, Communications and Marketing, Washington, DC
2.) Media Relations/ Communications Specialist, Red Bull North America, Santa Monica, CA
3.) Manager, Communications, Black Hills Corporation, Golden, CO
4.) Account Executive, Global Advertising Strategies, New York, NY
5.) Assistant Manager – Marketing & Communications, Explocity Private Limited, Bangalore, India
6.) Director of Corporate Communications, Nel Net, Lincoln, Nebraska
7.) Director of Corporate Communications; Cenage, Farmington Hills Michigan
8.) Group Director, Communications, Foley and Lardner, Chicago, IL
9.) Director of External Relations & Strategic Communications, Global Health Programs, Global Health Sciences (GHS), School of Global Health (UCSGH), University of California San Francisco, Laurel Heights, CA
10.) PR and Corporate Communications, Child Rights and You – CRY, Mumbai / New Delhi / Kolkata, India
11.) Communications Specialist II, ITS CUNA Mutual Group, Madison, WI
12.) Strategic Communications Specialist, Cubic Applications, Inc. Suffolk, Virginia
13.) Communications Specialist, QSG, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL
14.) Senior Writer / Editor, MITRE, Bedford, Mass., or McLean, VA
15.) Mid-to-senior level communications professionals, PR agency, NY, NY
16.) Assistant Account Executive, MRB Public Relations, Tinton Falls, NJ
17.) Communications Intern, Center for Reproductive Rights, New York, New York
18.) Director of Marketing Communications, Westwood College, Denver, CO
19.) Communication Associate, AED, Washington, D.C.
20.) Communications Associate, Urban Habitat, Oakland, California
21.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Atlanta, Georgia
22.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, New York, New York
23.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Oakland, California
24.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Chicago, Illinois
25.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Denton, Texas
26.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Denver, Colorado
27.) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, Global Advertising Strategies, New York, NY
28.) Interactive Marketing Officer, U.S. Fund for UNICEF, New York, New York
29.) Corporate Communications Specialist, ModusLink, Waltham, Mass.
30.) Internal Communications Manager, Luton, UK
32.) Journalism Assistant Professor, Full Time, Tenure Track, College of Communication, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
33.) Senior PR/Communications Specialist, Harris County Hospital District, Houston, Texas
34.) Media Relations, Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India
35.) Product Portfolio Manager, Rohm & Haas Company, Newark, Delaware
36.) Technical Writer/Editor, Science Applications International Corporation, Washington, DC
37.) Director, Corporate Relations, The Bagg Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
38.) Marketing Communications Manager, Cordis Corporation, Brussels, Belgium
39.) Marketing Communications Coordinator, Haig Point, Hilton Head, SC
40.) Communications Coordinator, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
41.) Internal Communications Consultant, Canwest, Winnipeg, MB Canada
42.) Communications Director, Department of Children and Families, Madison,
43.) Director of Corporate Communication (Possible VP-level), Blue Shield of
California, San Francisco, CA
44.) Public Relations & Promotions Director, Unique Vacations, Miami, Florida
45.) Events Officer – Communications Directorate, European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy
46.) Public Affairs Intern, Muslim Public Affairs Council, New York City, NY
47.) News & Public Affairs Reporter/Producer, WV Public Broadcasting,
Bethany, WV
48.) COMMUNICATIONS ASST., National Beer Wholesalers Association, Alexandria,
49.) Radio Presenter: Easy FM – Nation Media Group, NAIROBI, Kenya
50.) Marketing & Publicity Manager, Gospel Light Publishing, Ventura, CA
51.) Assistant, International Publicity, The Walt Disney Company – Miramax, West Hollywood, CA
52.) Manager, Publicity, NBC Universal, GE, Universal City, CA
53.) Project Publicity Manager, Lucasfilm, Ltd., San Francisco, CA
54.) Specific duties include: Publicity Assistant, Warner Bros. Entertainment Group, Time Warner, Burbank, CA
54.) Publicity Assistant, Warner Bros. Entertainment Group, Time Warner, Burbank, CA
55.) Stagiaire Communication, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
56.) Publicity Manager – Retail Marketing Publicity, Meyer Corporation, Vallejo, CA
57.) Resident Journalism Advisor, Gender-Based Violence, Internews Network Inc., Chad
58.) Publicity Assistant, MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
59.) DDR Public Information & Outreach Advisor, United Nations Development Programme, Khartoum, Sudan
60.) Content Producer/Digital Media Advisor, media-match, Denver, CO
61.) Communications and Outreach Internship, FilmAid International, NY, NY
62.) Senior Manager, Public Relations, Atlantic Media Company, Washington,
63.) Internal Communications Consultant, Canwest Global Communications Corp, Winnipeg, MB
64.) Digital Media Planner, VitroRobertson, San Diego, California
65.) Communication Associates, IQ Solutions, Rockville, Maryland
66.) Media Planner/Buyer, St. Claire Group, Carmel, Indiana
67.) Herdsman (K-2552), Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT, Colorado
68.) Driver, Good Thunder, MN
69.) Sow Breeding Manager, Agri-Tech Personnel, Oklahoma
70.) Manure Nutrient Mgmt Technician, SENECA SWCD, Tiffin, OH
71.) Facility Manager, Material Recovery Facility “MRF,” NC
*** Weekly Piracy Report
…and more! Scroll down and see them all!
*** One Paragraph Pitch:
Hi Ned,
I just discovered your site through a friend–what an amazing resource!! If you have room for a new OPP, I would be most grateful! Here goes:
Why You Should Hire Me.
My name is Virginia Williams, and I'm a “Want to Change the Worldaholic.” I've been told I have a “colorful” resume: sprinkled with a mix of management, creative and marketing experience that drives those executive search firms' automated computers crazy. Then again I've also been told by real people that this is a good thing. I've run my own media company for the last 12 years, producing specials and series for network television, as well as social marketing and advocacy multi-platform media campaigns for corporations, non-profits and pr firms. I've decided to “take the shingle down” to pursue a position as Creative Director or Communications Director for a socially/environmentally conscious organization or PR firm in the San Francisco Bay area. I will gladly meet you for a virtual or real coffee to discuss why I might be the perfect person for your empty chair in the corner office. : ) My respect for proper English grammar propels me to say that these sentences should be in separate graphs, but I'm sure you'll understand my enthusiasm. Please contact me at virginia@newviewfilms.tv.
Thanks so much for reading!
Virginia Williams
New View Films, LLC
P: 202.722.7103
M: 202.297.1777
*** The Population Media center’s Resource Library in Addis Ababa:
I asked Bill Ryerson for report on how many books have been contributed to the PMC Media Center in Addis Ababa?
I am guessing it comes to about 15 cartons. A very successful effort. Many thanks.
Best wishes,
*** Tom and I worked at the Old Dominion Chapter Order of the Arrow Ordeal, held at Camp Moss Hollow in Markham, Va. It rained all night Friday and all day Saturday, so we were both soaked from head to toe. We still accomplished a lot, including gathering am impressive pile of walnuts from the trees in front of the dining hall. Did I tell you I got wet? We saw some deer up close on numerous occasions. One would bound off in leaps and bounds with her white tail high in the air. As wet and awful as the weather was on Saturday, it was beautiful, crisp and clear on Sunday. October is my favorite month, I think.
*** Wounded Warrior Project:
Help the Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface navy Association raise $30,000 to buy a wheelchair conversion van for Operation Second Chance, and help our wounded warriors get out of Bethesda and Walter Reed and out to sporting events, entertainment, dining and medical appointments. Your donation will make a difference for a day or a lifetime.
You can start by checking in here:
You can also mail a check.
Please mail check payable to Operation Second Chance, Inc. and include SNA in memo field.
Mail donation to Citigroup Smith Barney
Attn: Debbie Sacramo
18310 Montgomery Village Avenue, Ste. 740
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
*** Site stats for www.nedsjotw.com, for October 2008 as of 26 Oct 08:
Distinct hosts served: 12,859
Total page views: 62,525
*** Kathy Lewis comments on Ned’s Facebook profile photo:
Kathy: Why the half face????
Ned: Better that than two-faced or half-assed.
*** Rock ‘n roll trivia:
What 1969 number 1 hit was such an “embarrassing…insult” to performers Gary DeCarlo, Paul Leka and Dale Frashuer (who recorded the song as B-side fodder in one session) that they didn't want to take credit for the record. A fictitious band name was selected instead. Name the song and the band. Now sing it out loud.
(Answer? The answer is posted now on the JOTW webpage. Visit www.nedsjotw.com.)
*** October is IABC Accreditation Month
Accreditation Month begins in October! Submit your accreditation
application and fee any time during the promotional event of 1
October-15 November and enter to win one of the following prizes:
* Regular Conference registration to IABC World Conference in San
Francisco, 7-10 June 2009. (Valued at US$895)
* One-year IABC membership.
* IABC Knowledge Centre Resource.
* HP Photosmart C7280 All-in-One Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier
* Adobe(r) Photoshop(r) Elements 6 & Adobe Premiere(r) Elements 4
In addition, those who apply or refer an applicant during this
promotional event will receive a US$20 gift certificate to the IABC
Knowledge Centre. View more details on Accreditation Month
*** From Chelsea Marti:
Hi Ned,
Just wanted to let you know that through your newsletter I found out about my newly acquired job with Intuit! My new boss posted the position with you all and we began our conversation from there.
Anyhow, when it is possible for me, I'll find a way to give back to Ned's JOTW. You've really created a community for communicators many social media gurus would salivate over. It is based on valuable content that is hard to find elsewhere, plus participation of members.
I'm unsubscribing from all of the alerts, etc. I set up for job searching since grad school (took 10 months to find a really good fit) but I'd never think of keeping your newsletter
from my inbox. I think your communication savvy really shines through
here because you provide value to all of us communicators everywhere.
The newsletter is more about networking than jobs (though that is a big
value for job seeking communicators, for sure).
Thanks again for helping me make a connection with a wonderful company,
Chelsea Marti
*** “Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause
between the opposing miseries of summer and winter.”
– Carol Bishop Hipps
*** “Footnotes” – You and Your Very Next Step:
Send a photo of you in footwear as you step out on a new adventure, and tell us a little about where the photo was taken and something about your experience, to Ned at lundquist989@cs.com.
Visit YVNS at www.yourverynextstep.com
*** Political commentary from the otherwise apolitical Ned Lundquist:
I voted yesterday. Because I will be underway on a U.S. Navy ship on election day (what a great excuse to vote absentee, hey?), I voted at the Fairfax County satellite government center in West Springfield. Even there I encountered people trying to hand my candidate materials, days before the actual election.
I have my “I voted” sticker, but that won't stop the calls coming to my house, or the people trying to jam something into my hands.
For weeks I had to navigate a swarm of people trying to register me to vote at the Franconia-Springfield Metro station. I was, of course, already registered. And I applaud efforts to get people to register. But if I were not registered, I sure wouldn't give my personal data to a stranger at the Metro station.
I'm glad I'm done with this election. The rest of you have to wait a few more weeks. I haven't been what you would call undecided, but I am a middle of the road American, and a centrist if there is such a thing. You would think not by this campaign. Everyone is being torn from the center to the right or the left. The campaign has gone on way too long, and now there is nothing to do but scare us voters.
Last June, my Canadian friend Eric Bergman, told me that the American presidential campaign just went on forever. And that was last June. By now I'm sick of it and sick of them. What benefit is there at this point to continue this campaign. The process is not helpful to the electorate, not to mention the waste of money. Imagine what could have been accomplished with that money. Hundreds of millions of dollars that go for TV ads to slay what a jerk the other guy is. The waste is obscene.
This election turns friends into offensive boors. Both sides show irrefutable evidence that their candidate is right, and the other soooo wrong. They are preaching to their own congregations. Nothing is accomplished. If you don't agree with their position, you are negatively categorized. I'm being diplomatic because these are my friends I'm talking about.
The pols say the battle is for the undecideds, but I cannot think of any promises or slurs coming out of either candidate now that would change my mind. I've said all along that this game will be decided on a fumble, or a blocked kick, and I think I may be right.
To listen to these candidates gives me a headache. Both call for change. But this is Washington. The debates resolved nothing. If i want to watch an argument I don't need to turn on a TV in my house. Change is by design hard to accomplish, because all change must be approved and paid for by the Congress. The only way to get something through Congress is to rub shoulders and scratch backs, and the people we are thinking about electing are part of that process. So much for change.
And what if there was change. Big change. There is no scenario that will make all of you change-seekers happy. Change will not mean change the way you want it for you and your own interests. So be careful for what you ask for.
As for me, I just ask for this election to be over.
(Posted last week at and at www.nedsjotw.com (check out some of the interesting comments); and at “Nedworking with JOTW: A World In Communication” on Facebook. To join, visit:
*** From Celeste:
Unlike in some states where campaign fatigue is an epidemic, here in Texas you would almost wonder if there is actually an election going on. The biggest campaign down here in SAT is whether or not to extend term limits for city council members. The presidential campaigns agreed that Texas was a foregone conclusion (red state, I'd have to assume) and have ignored us completely. Well, except for the numerous fundraising “opportunities” we've been offered.
My concern about the evolving and ever-increasing sophistication of political campaign strategy is that entire swaths of the country that are not considered to be “in play” are left out of what should be a national discussion on issues that matter to all of us as a country. The campaigns have largely ignored Texas, and many other states, leaving the average person here uninvolved and causing young people to miss out on the opportunity to engage in a civic dialogue.
The price we will pay for better campaign strategy is the demise of a shared sense of responsibility for civic involvement and participation in the processes that sustain America's true ideals… liberty, justice and dignity… freedom AND responsibility… in one nation, filled with opportunity for all. Watching the circus into which our political leadership has devolved causes me to fear that the ideals on which America was founded are no longer those for which we still stand today.
*** From Bill Salvin:
Candidate fatigue weighs heavily these days. In the mail today, we got three notices from candidates begging for our vote and one pamphlet urging us to protect marriage. I would donate to either party, provided they agreed to stop campaigning. My sense is that will probably not become a sustainable model. Enjoy being at sea.
*** When it comes to Eagle Scout service projects times sure have
changed! (Look at the other video section for the Boy Scouts….)
*** Real news:
Here’s a release that came to my attention. Is this news? You be the judge.
“…our website is getting close to a re-launch, and should be ready to share with the marketplace in early December.”
*** Advice for Sahor (See questions and comments in last week’s JOTW, available at www.nedsjotw.com:
Temple University has a robust Career Services department along w/ alumni in various fields. She should contact the Careers Svcs office at Temple and network with alums at Companies at which she'd like to work. The H1-B visa can be a problem. Another thought–has she contacted the Ogilvy PR Worldwide? They have offices in Asia and the Pacific Rim. Perhaps she could work for a global PR firm in Japan, put in a couple of years, and then transfer to an office in the States.
Good luck!
*** “October's poplars are flaming torches
lighting the way to winter.”
– Nova Bair
*** This was posted as a JOTW “Can't Wait” job announcement from Voices for America's Children from George L. Askew, MD, FAAP:
1.) Vice President, Communications and Marketing, Washington, DC
Voices for America's Children (www.Voices.org) is a national, nonprofit,
nonpartisan network of child advocacy organizations committed to
speaking out for children at the local, state and federal levels of
government. Founded in 1984 and based in Washington, DC, we support 60
member organizations located in nearly every state. VOICES supports
members advocating for children in their states, advocates directly for
effective national public policies, and leads national campaigns to
improve public policies affecting children throughout the United States.
Reports to: President & CEO and Deputy CEO
Do you have a passion for children, deep interest in public policy and
desire to make an impact on both the national and local levels? If you
are a communications professional who can answer yes to all three
questions, you may be a strong candidate for an organization that is a
true nationwide network advocating for kids.
Voices for America's Children is in search of a seasoned communications
pro who can direct all of our internal and external communications. We
are a 25-year old organization engaged on the most crucial issues
affecting children and families. Our new VP of Communications and
Marketing has the opportunity to work with a dynamic Washington, DC
staff and experts in member organizations throughout the country to make
an immediate and strategic impact on our objectives
Desired Qualifications
• Minimum 7-10 years of communications experience, including
writing, message development, media relations, event planning,
marketing, and Web site development
• Degree in communications, public relations or journalism, or
equivalent experience
• Experience in advocacy, campaign, social justice, civil rights
and/or political communications work
• Experience in the use of strategic advocacy communications for
public interest and/or policy issues
• Expertise with electronic advocacy for fostering network
communications and for use in advocacy
• Ability to lead initiatives, multi-task and work within teams
and/or coalitions
• Familiarity and understanding of key policy issues affecting
children and families
• Exemplary writing and editing skills
• Demonstrated skills as a strategic and tactical thinker
• Supervisory experience
Essential Functions / Responsibilities
The Vice President for Communications and Marketing will:
• direct and supervise the communications team;
• develop and execute strategic communications and marketing
• work closely with both the Government Affairs and Policy and
Development teams
• lead the effort to provide communications guidance and support
to VOICES' staff, member organizations, general public and media.
The Communications team is responsible for using communications vehicles
and strategies to both 1) support the organization's policy objectives
and 2) raise awareness for, and increase visibility of, the organization
and its key spokespersons.
Specific responsibilities include:
Position the organization as a national voice for children with the
capacity to effect change in Washington and beyond
Develop, coordinate and execute comprehensive communications and
marketing plans to support the implementation of the organization's
strategic plan and/or campaigns
Working with VOICES members and their communications directors in
developing a VOICES strategy for supporting members in sharing
communications ideas, strategies, and resources and identifying and
responding to needs for additional communications and messaging work.
This may include
1. Developing a resource clearinghouse of member communication and
messaging strategies on specific policy goal areas;
2. Developing a resource clearinghouse of member communications
and messaging strategies regarding electoral advocacy;
3. Participating in and providing direct consulting and technical
assistance to member advisory committees in developing their policy
agendas; and
4. Staffing a member communications network and learning
Develop, write, edit and/or produce: communications components of
reports; news releases; statements; talking points; speeches; letters to
the editor; opinion-editorials; e-newsletters; brochures; annual
reports; grant proposals; marketing, and other collateral materials
Ensure branding strategy is integrated into all aspects of
organization's work
Oversee all proactive and reactive media relations efforts
Work with team to enhance the communications capacity within the VOICES
Provide communications and marketing counsel to VOICES' president and
executive team
Develop and maintain relationships with key media covering issues
relative to the organization's mission and policy objectives
Identify and develop external partnership relationships
Act as communications liaison to external coalition partners
Produce and manage press events
Collaborate with IT team on web site content and development
Travel on an as-needed basis
Represent VOICES in a professional manner
Status: Full-time; exempt
To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, references, and writing sample to
Nothing in this job description restricts management's right to assign
or reassign duties and responsibilities to this job at any time.
Speaking up for America's children on Capitol Hill, in State
Legislatures and in City Halls
2.) Media Relations/ Communications Specialist, Red Bull North America, Santa Monica, CA
3.) Manager, Communications, Black Hills Corporation, Golden, CO
4.) Account Executive, Global Advertising Strategies, New York, NY
5.) Assistant Manager – Marketing & Communications, Explocity Private Limited, Bangalore, India
*** From Laura Perry:
Ned – Here are some opportunities for the next JOTW. Thank you for your wonderful, excellent work! Your karma must be coming back to you 10,000 fold.
6.) Director of Corporate Communications, Nel Net, Lincoln, Nebraska
7.) Director of Corporate Communications; Cenage, Farmington Hills Michigan
8.) Group Director, Communications, Foley and Lardner, Chicago, IL
9.) Director of External Relations & Strategic Communications, Global Health Programs, Global Health Sciences (GHS), School of Global Health (UCSGH), University of California San Francisco, Laurel Heights, CA
10.) PR and Corporate Communications, Child Rights and You – CRY, Mumbai / New Delhi / Kolkata, India
11.) Communications Specialist II, ITS CUNA Mutual Group, Madison, WI
12.) Strategic Communications Specialist, Cubic Applications, Inc. Suffolk, Virginia
Address key communication gaps and actions:
* Stakeholder Analysis – Segment audience groups affected by the disparate training applications, and identify perceived stakeholder issues, concerns, and benefits.
* Key Themes and Messages – Develop and tailor key themes and messages to articulate the JDTC vision, goals and objectives, training mission and linkage to other related programs. Convey the benefits and capabilities of the JDTC, while engaging stakeholders and managing expectations.
* Conduct Communications Assessments – Determine what communications tools and tactics exist, their effectiveness, and recommend new techniques to most effectively reach, inform, and engage stakeholders.
* Recommend Communication Tools and Tactics – Employ a variety of innovative communications products and tactics to cultivate JDTC identity, propagate key messages, and build awareness. An optimal communications mix will be used to reach stakeholders, based on their preferences as determined in the assessment phase.
Contingent on task order award
Mental/Physical Requirements:
Applicant selected will be subject to a government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information. Must be able to travel unassisted to US and foreign locations. Must be able to move, carry, and operate personal computer equipment and related material.
Education/Experience Requirements:
Required: Years of experience (min) 3-5
Required: Degree Bachelors
Required: Skills Experience in development, production, distribution, integration of communications materials.
Desired: (candidates with these additional skills are preferred):
Desired: Degree Masters
Desired: Skills Experience with corporate type communications media.
13.) Communications Specialist, QSG, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL
14.) Senior Writer / Editor, MITRE, Bedford, Mass., or McLean, VA
Senior communications staff writing and consulting for a variety of corporate communications products for MITRE, a Fortune 100 Best Company to Work For.
Key Functions •Consult with internal customers at all levels, understand their needs, and recommend appropriate communications solutions.
•Select and develop the right mix of practical communication channels to meet audience needs and achieve customer goals.
•Interview senior management, engineers, and researchers to write articles explaining company goals, objectives, work programs, and value.
•Write clear and simple messages to employees for internal products and services, including new versions and updates to desktop software and systems.
•Work closely with corporate organizations including HR, Finance, and IT to promote their services, programs, and activities.
•Research, write, and edit stories for employees about company goals and strategy, technical projects, and company news for print and online distribution.
•Review and edit materials submitted by engineers, software developers, and other writers for employees.
•Work closely with graphic designers and photographers to create effective employee communication pieces for print and online media.
Required Education/Experience: Bachelor's plus 4 years experience or the equivalent in job-relevant work experience
Desired Education/Experience Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Journalism, English, Business, or related discipline.
At least 4 years of related experience in an employee communications or corporate communications environment.
Required Skills: Excellent writing and editing skills.
Proven ability to write and edit feature stories and articles for employee news magazine and online news site.
Ability to write in a variety of styles for different topics and audiences.
Proven ability to research and write about technical subjects.
Ability to write clearly and concisely.
Ability to develop, organize, and write content for intranet and internet sites.
Demonstrated ability to plan and manage multiple writing assignments to meet strict publication deadlines with minimal supervisory oversight.
Good interpersonal communication and team skills.
Desired Skills Strong project management skills.
Knowledge of business processes and terms helpful.
Experience with developing or implementing communications plans helpful.
Experience using a content management system helpful.
*** From Julie Watson, who got it from Christian McLean:
15.) Mid-to-senior level communications professionals, PR agency, NY, NY
Looking for PR professionals in NY with consumer products experience
My client, a PR agency in Manhattan, currently seeks mid-to-senior level communications professionals to work on Fortune 50 consumer brands. Experience managing large budgets and consumer PR programs required. If you, or anyone in your professional network would like to discuss this opportunity in detail please contact: Christian McLean at christian@cmarecruits.com. All inquiries will be held in strict confidence.
Ned, I got this from a recruiter. Thought it might work for JOTW.
16.) Assistant Account Executive, MRB Public Relations, Tinton Falls, NJ
17.) Communications Intern, Center for Reproductive Rights, New York, New York
18.) Director of Marketing Communications, Westwood College, Denver, CO
*** From Coleridge Collymore:
Good Morning Ned –
Attached is a job opportunity for the next JOTW newsletter. Also, is
there a website that I can post this to?
Thanks in advance for including it.
19.) Communication Associate, AED, Washington, D.C.
Driven by Passion. Guided by Respect. Focused on Results. We believe these values are essential to AED’s ability in making a difference in individual lives.
AED seeks a dynamic Communication Associate to assist with a broad range of communications projects and activities, with emphasis on writing for traditional and new media, as well as desktop and Web publishing. Additionally, products and tools developed may include case studies, backgrounders, brochures, fact sheets, and brief feature articles for print and online dissemination, as well as reports.
Well qualified candidates will have:
• Bachelor’s in job-related Field required or equivalent combination of education and work experience; Master’s preferred.
• Three (3) years relevant work experience in a position that regularly required the applicant to write for an external audience (3 samples of work required).
• Familiarity with print production processes as well as desktop and Web publishing using software such as Quark Express, Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop either through work experience or personal Web site design; experience in Web page design and transfer of materials designed for print to Web pages.
• Familiarity with HTML, XHTML, CSS, or Javascript helpful.
• Experience and/or knowledge of USAID and international development a plus.
Located near DuPont Circle Metro, we offer an attractive compensation package that includes medical, dental, paid holidays, personal and vacation leave, employer-sponsored retirement plan, educational benefits, health club memberships compressed work week schedules, and more!
Interested applicants should send resume with cover letter referencing position #CC8391jotw to: AED/HR, 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20009; fax: (202) 884-8413 or email: employ@smtp.aed.org. For additional information, visit our website at http://www.aed.org.
We thank all individuals for their interest in AED; however only those selected for interviews will be contacted. AA/EOE/M/F/D/V
20.) Communications Associate, Urban Habitat, Oakland, California
*** From Butch Kinerney:
Some fodder for you. Have to find you a t-shirt. 😉
Butch Kinerney
Chief of Communications
FEMA Mitigation Directorate
500 C Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20472
I wanted to bring to your attention and request your help in passing along information regarding FEMA External Affairs positions that are currently open in our regional offices. We are currently recruiting for GS 15 supervisory external affairs specialists to serve as the Regional External Affairs Directors in FEMA’s Regional Offices in Atlanta, New York, Oakland, Chicago, Denton and Denver. The announcements for these newly created positions opened today, October 23, and close on Thursday, November 6.
The direct links to each position are at:
21.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Atlanta, Georgia
22.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, New York, New York
23.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Oakland, California
24.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Chicago, Illinois
25.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Denton, Texas
26.) Supervisory External Affairs Specialist GS 15, FEMA, Denver, Colorado
27.) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, Global Advertising Strategies, New York, NY
28.) Interactive Marketing Officer, U.S. Fund for UNICEF, New York, New York
29.) Corporate Communications Specialist, ModusLink, Waltham, Mass.
*** From Alex Berger at Melcrum:
Hi Ned,
Here is this week’s Internal Comms job of the week. I hope you’re keeping well. I’m visiting your country in a month and am quite depressed about the the amount of dollars I’m going to get for my pound while I’m there. Is there any way you could look into this?
30.) Internal Communications Manager, Luton, UK
Working at a strategic level, you will be liaising closely with senior leaders to provide communications advice and consultancy, as well as ensuring that delivery is to the highest of standards.
Within both of these roles, you will have the opportunity to work across a wide range of channels and to provide advice on improvements and measurement. Being in a very fast-paced environment, you will need to be flexible and resilient and should feel excited about working in an international context.
You should have strategic level internal communications experience, backed up with excellent delivery skills, particularly writing. Experience of the travel sector would be an advantage.
£ 40,000 to £ 50,000 (full-time).
This role is based in Luton, within easy reach of Central London.
*** Another from Alex Berger at internalcommsjobs.co.uk:
32.) Journalism Assistant Professor, Full Time, Tenure Track, College of Communication, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
The Journalism (JOUR) department at Marquette University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in the magazine sequence of Journalism in the J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication beginning Fall 2009.
As the department moves forward with its curriculum revision to incorporate convergence, this faculty member will be expected to play a significant role, especially in the magazine area.
The J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication includes departments of journalism, advertising/public relations, communication studies, and performing arts, as well as broadcast and electronic communication. A $28 million gift from the Diederich family has made possible renovations of Johnston Hall, the college's home; up-to-date laboratory and studio technology; and generous support for faculty development and travel.
Marquette is an urban Catholic, Jesuit university dedicated to principles of excellence, leadership, faith, and service.
Essential Functions The ideal candidate will be expected to teach and conduct research within a college that is encouraging converged applications of media. The candidate will have the opportunity to teach in both the undergraduate and graduate programs.
Duties and Responsibilities In addition to essential functions the candidate will be responsible for advising undergraduate and/or graduate students, contributing to university, college and departmental committees and establishing a personal/collaborative research agenda and may supervise a teaching and/or research assistant. The successful candidate will provide leadership in the magazine program by incorporating new technologies in the magazine sequence as well as teaching design and theory at undergraduate and graduate levels. the successful candidate my teach writing classes.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Earned doctorate or a terminal degree. Demonstrated potential for teaching excellence and high quality research.
Preferred Knowledge, Skills and Abilities The ideal candidate will hold a Ph.D. or be ABD, and have substantial experience in magazine publishing or in trade publications or special interest magazines.
Department College of Communication
Job Open Date 10-09-2008
Closing Date Open Until Filled
Special Instructions to Applicants Review of applications will begin on January 1, 2009 and will continue until position is filled.
Applications must include:
1. A cover letter that addresses interest in and qualifications for the position, including a statement explaining how the candidate's teaching and research will contribute to the department,
2. A curriculum vitae,
3. Evidence of teaching (teaching evaluations as collected across the candidate's experience), and
4. Three letters of reference (letters can be uploaded with application materials or mailed to: Chair, Journalism Search Committee, Johnston Hall Rm. 019, PO BOX 1881, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-1881).
Visit us at: http://www.marquette.edu/comm/departments/journalism.html
Posting Number 0600724
33.) Senior PR/Communications Specialist, Harris County Hospital District, Houston, Texas
34.) Media Relations, Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India
35.) Product Portfolio Manager, Rohm & Haas Company, Newark, Delaware
36.) Technical Writer/Editor, Science Applications International Corporation, Washington, DC
37.) Director, Corporate Relations, The Bagg Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
38.) Marketing Communications Manager, Cordis Corporation, Brussels, Belgium
The Marketing Communications Manager will manage the development of the company's marketing communications efforts within EMEA. He/she will report to the Events & Communications Director, Cordis EMEA. He/she will create and maintain efficient communication channels that will support the messaging tools from Cordis EMEA Marketing, Professional Education and Medical Affairs. Develop detailed understanding of internal and external communication channels and become a driving force behind a communication strategy that utilizes new and traditional media tools.
He/she will develop internal and external e-business strategy in support of the strategic plan of Cordis EMEA. Manage the CordisCircle (intranet portal) as the major internal communication channel. Manage the continuous update and ensure further development of this media. Collaborate with Medical Affairs and Professional Education Team to provide advanced e-learning opportunities via the WWW.CCVI-ONLINE.COM (internet portal). Develop detailed understanding of Cordis Professional Education programs, become a driving force behind a professional education strategy that utilizes new and traditional media tools and advanced communication technologies. Ensure a consistent image across web-based and traditional media communications and ensure that product- or procedure-focused communication materials balance electronic and traditional media tools
He/she will collaborate with Marketing, Medical Affairs, and Professional Education Teams to establish corporate communication plans and objectives for documentation, training, advertising and promotion of marketing campaign materials. Selection and management of external communication agencies for the development, production, and printing of marketing materials including brochures, technical documents, multimedia presentations, promotional literature, slide presentations, etc. Develop and ensure placement of all journal advertising and electronic marketing activities. Direct, through staff, the inventory control, storage and distribution of printed materials.
He/she will manage internal and external resources in the development and technical writing of advertising, promotional and technical multimedia applications, which support company products. Assist in the development, modification and execution of corporate graphic standards. Follow all corporate and regulatory policies and procedures regarding graphics, and other customer printed material. Maintain extensive knowledge about Company products, competitor products and customer requirements. Interact with new product development, field force and customers to develop in-depth product market knowledge to anticipate market changes/trends and seek new ideas to improve existing communications.
He/she will be responsible for the development of brand strategy and activation plans within Cordis EMEA. Provide brand direction, activity details, budget allocations, pricing etc…in market activities and tools to develop Cordis/product branding. Drive the transformation of Cordis EMEA congress presence into an opportunity for customer education (prof ed, clinical evidence sharing), product promotion and internal learning and knowledge sharing.
Job Accountabilities
Oversee the development, execution and evaluation of marketing communication activities
Manage/Co-ordinate external agencies to deliver activities on time, on budget, on standard
Able to translate strategic business goals into operational strategies and work plans
Effectively manage relationships with EMEA team – to ensure alignment, transparency and trust
Manage communications with key internal stakeholders to ensure alignment, understanding and action towards a common goal
Ensure all marketing expenditure is effective and under agreed budget
Master degree (preferably with marketing / communications or business related major.
Min 8-10 years of relevant experience within medical enterprise – with innovative / creative experience and marketing related positions.
Excellent English language skill (written and spoken).
Good knowledge of functional areas of marketing.
Genuine and demonstrated interest in and understanding of e-business, technical orientation, web tools and technologies
Extremely innovative/creative personality – willing to challenge the status quo.
Strong communication and influencing skills.
Team player and able to build good interpersonal relationships.
Business Acumen but with entrepreneurial spirit.
Highly Autonomous with ability to be self-motivated.
Flexible and able to multitask.
39.) Marketing Communications Coordinator, Haig Point, Hilton Head, SC
40.) Communications Coordinator, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
41.) Internal Communications Consultant, Canwest, Winnipeg, MB Canada
Canwest, Canada's largest international media company is seeking an experienced and dynamic Internal Communications Consultant.
The Internal Communications Consultant will be responsible for leading a comprehensive internal communications program, supporting the ongoing transformation of the business and facilitating an improvement in employee engagement and communication to staff throughout the organization.
o Provide strategic direction and support to the CEO and senior leadership team in their communications efforts. This includes developing key messages and materials for a wide range of announcements, speeches, town halls, face to face meetings, online communications and other related channels/techniques.
o Provide coaching and counsel to senior leaders and managers across the organization. Build capacity and excellence throughout the company regarding internal communications tactics and activities.
o Provide direction and support to the internal communications team.
o Lead organizational-wide programs that ensure Canwest employees are informed about the organization’s strategy, business goals and key initiatives in order to deliver on business imperatives and drive overall organizational alignment and engagement.
o Develop and implement programs that will inspire and engage staff and that reflect the company’s brand, core values, and culture.
o Working closely with HR and the leadership team, play a critical role in facilitating and driving the change process.
o Working closely with the public affairs team, contribute to the strategic planning and execution of both internal and external communications strategies.
o Oversee key communications vehicles, including the company intranet and employee publication.
o Provide strategic direction and support to operations on crisis communications, change management, employee and union issues.
o 10+ years of related communications experience.
o Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications or related field.
o Superior written and verbal communications skills.
o Track record of success in deploying communications processes, programs and related activities in support of building employee commitment and alignment, supporting business transformation and change management.
o Experience providing counsel to senior executives and C-level suite.
o Excellent team building, collaboration and lateral leadership skills. Strong interpersonal skills, e.g. persuasion, listening, cooperation, tact, diplomacy, problem solving, negotiation, internal consulting.
o Strong business acumen.
o High energy and comfort in a fast-paced environment of change.
Interested applicants should send their resume and letter of interest quoting posting number CGHO-16-08 by November 1st to:
One-Year Contract
Vice President, Internal Communications
We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those candidates under consideration will be contacted.
42.) Communications Director, Department of Children and Families, Madison,
43.) Director of Corporate Communication (Possible VP-level), Blue Shield of
California, San Francisco, CA
44.) Public Relations & Promotions Director, Unique Vacations, Miami, Florida
45.) Events Officer – Communications Directorate, European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy
46.) Public Affairs Intern, Muslim Public Affairs Council, New York City, NY
47.) News & Public Affairs Reporter/Producer, WV Public Broadcasting,
Bethany, WV
48.) COMMUNICATIONS ASST., National Beer Wholesalers Association, Alexandria,
49.) Radio Presenter: Easy FM – Nation Media Group, NAIROBI, Kenya
JOB REF: HR-RP-07-08
Ever considered a job as a radio presenter?
Easy FM is looking for interesting people with a nice speaking voice and something to say! If you're outgoing, fun and talkative then Radio Presenting could be for you!
Previous experience is preferred but not essential. Boring people need not apply.
Competitive remuneration and career growth awaits you.
If you meet the above criteria, send your application together with a detailed CV, a short audio demo, two referees, a day-time telephone contact and quoting the job reference on the envelope to:
The Group Human Resources Director
Nation Media Group Limited
P. O. Box 49010 – 00100,
50.) Marketing & Publicity Manager, Gospel Light Publishing, Ventura, CA
51.) Assistant, International Publicity, The Walt Disney Company – Miramax, West Hollywood, CA
52.) Manager, Publicity, NBC Universal, GE, Universal City, CA
53.) Project Publicity Manager, Lucasfilm, Ltd., San Francisco, CA
The Lucas companies include Lucasfilm, Industrial Light & Magic, LucasArts, Lucasfilm Animation, Skywalker Sound, Lucas Licensing and Lucas Online. Our headquarters are in San Francisco's historic Presidio National Park, with other business locations in nearby Marin County as well as in Singapore. We're in the business of telling great stories and making magic. We produce really cool films, video games and television programming. We create amazing visual effects and sound design. We market, distribute and license our products and services around the world. We're constantly striving to push the envelope.
The project Publicity Manager will oversee day-in, day-out publicity for the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, working closely with Cartoon Network's publicity department. Please note that this position is based in our headquarters in San Francisco.
Specific duties include:
Produce twice-weekly media updates for TV and genre reporters, both in traditional and online news media.
Identify and assist the planning of two to three regionally driven publicity events to sustain interest in the series.
Develop and make publicity pitches to youth, teen and family media (both traditional and online).
Work with the Fan Relations and Special Events teams to keep the 501st Legion of fans “mobilized” and informed, and assist 501st members with identifying local publicity opportunities.
Assist with international publicity efforts from individual broadcasters on an as-needed basis
Job Requirements
B.A. degree in English, communications or related field is required.
7-10 years of professional PR experience is a must. Experience in the entertainment field is required, and experience working on executing PR plans with TV networks is a big plus.
Exceptional organizational skills.
Excellent oral and written communication skills with emphasis on diplomacy a must.
Computer literacy in Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and with database software.
Must be willing to work additional long hours when the job requires.
We're looking for the best and the brightest, both in the US and globally. We want people who come to work every day with new ideas. We're an equal opportunity employer – we believe that creating a diverse workplace helps us attract the best talent and foster creativity. Get to know our company and discover what great career opportunities are available here for you.
54.) Publicity Assistant, Warner Bros. Entertainment Group, Time Warner, Burbank, CA
55.) Stagiaire Communication, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
56.) Publicity Manager – Retail Marketing Publicity, Meyer Corporation, Vallejo, CA
57.) Resident Journalism Advisor, Gender-Based Violence, Internews Network Inc., Chad
58.) Publicity Assistant, MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
PUBLICITY ASSISTANT, MIT Press, to help promote exciting trade and scholarly publications. Will log, scan, file, and circulate all media reviews and other coverage of MIT Press titles; maintain a log of all media coverage and generate weekly and monthly reports on both major and minor review coverage, maintain media and author database, and send copies of published reviews to the author; fulfill review copy requests from journalists; handle all publicity filing and photocopying; assemble press kits; process publicity mailings; distribute in-house copies of new titles; manage department interns; post excerpts from book reviews on the MIT Press web site; process bills for the department; and gather and design covers for all advance galleys and work with an outside vendor to produce them. May also assist the marketing director with projects as needed.
This is an entry-level job.
REQUIREMENTS: excellent oral and written communication skills and basic computer competency. Seek highly organized, detail-oriented individual who is able to coordinate and prioritize multiple task demands. Bachelor's degree preferred. Publishing experience a plus. MIT-00006009-4
59.) DDR Public Information & Outreach Advisor, United Nations Development Programme, Khartoum, Sudan
Closing Date – 29 Oct 2008
60.) Content Producer/Digital Media Advisor, media-match, Denver, CO
61.) Communications and Outreach Internship, FilmAid International, NY, NY
62.) Senior Manager, Public Relations, Atlantic Media Company, Washington, DC
63.) Internal Communications Consultant, Canwest Global Communications Corp, Winnipeg, MB
64.) Digital Media Planner, VitroRobertson, San Diego, California
65.) Communication Associates, IQ Solutions, Rockville, Maryland
Interested in working at a firm whose mission is to improve the nation’s health and is committed to delivering quality products? Want to work with a team of professionals who thrive on creativity and innovation? Then join IQ Solutions (www.iqsolutions.com ), a health communication and information services firm, with over 300 employees, located in Rockville, Maryland, outside of Washington, DC. We are seeking communication professionals at all levels from entry level communications associates, including interns and bi-lingual associates, to senior-level communications advisor with a range of skills from media outreach to communications advocacy to social marketing.
For some of our clients, we are looking for media outreach and communications advocacy experts with experience developing and implementing strategic plans around the promotion of complicated scientific publications. This includes developing promotion plans, analyzing scientific publications to determine their newsworthiness, working with researchers to draft a news release, pitching the health and science media including the trade press and major media, developing online promotion plans, developing and leading media trainings, working to develop and implement a strategy for reaching federal, state and local opinion leaders. Prior experience working with foundations and on the Hill is highly desirable.
For other positions, we are looking for candidates who have an understanding of how to create and implement social marketing campaigns around public health issues. This includes developing research-based messages and materials and conceptualizing and implementing outreach plans to disseminate the messages using a range of tactics from media outreach to partnership development to interactive marketing. Prior experience working with the National Institutes of Health and other Federal health agencies is highly desirable.
All positions require strong written and verbal communications skills. Individuals must be able to work well with others in a collaborative, team environment, to think creatively, and to exercise good business judgment, flexibility, and responsiveness to changing requirements and conditions. Strong client relations skills leading to high client satisfaction required. Ability to set priorities, meet deadlines, pay attention to details, and handle a variety of responsibilities efficiently and effectively is required for all positions.
Please apply for the communications positions at http://iqsolutions.balancetrak.com
66.) Media Planner/Buyer, St. Claire Group, Carmel, Indiana
*** JOTW’s alternative selections for the week (contributed by Mark Sofman), when it’s time to make a life change:
67.) Herdsman (K-2552), Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT, Colorado
Industry Type: Dairy
Career Type: Production
Job Type: Full Time
Minimum Years Experience Required: N/A
Salary: $50,000+
# There is NO closing date on this position. This position will remain open
until a suitable candidate is found.
Large commercial dairy searching for an experienced working herdsman to be
responsible for dairy barn management and manure systems management. Primary
responsibilities will include the reproductive management program, management of
the AI/Breeding and Outside Crew, BST, vaccination, ovsync program, corral
maintenance, pen organization, and mechanical maintenance. This Herdsman will
need to communicate with the Upper Management, Feed Manager, Parlor Manager, Breeding Crew, and other Operations Personnel. There will not be a lot of
hospital work or treatments involved with the position.
To be considered for this and other positions, please visit
www.hansenagriplacement.com and register on-line.
If you feel that you are not a candidate for this position, but know someone
that is, we do offer a Referral Bonus if we place your referral into this
All Inquiries Are Kept Confidential; No fees to applicants
# In order to be considered for this position, you must currently be authorized
to work in the United States.0 To be considered for this position, please refer
to Job Order #K-2552 and contact Kirk Hansen at:
Kirk Hansen
Hansen Agri-Placement
P. O. Box 1172
Grand Island, NE 68802
Fax: 308/382-7427
kirk@hansenagriplacement.com Herdsman (K-2552) – (Colorado, West United States,
Company: Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT
Website: http://www.hansenagriplacement.com
See: http://www.agcareers.com/job.cfm?task=view&id=120048
68.) Driver, Good Thunder, MN
Key responsibilities of this position will be driving trucks from different
locations hauling liquid hog manure. You will be driving a CDL truck and trailer
around the area hauling for a local farming operation. The manure is being used
for fertilizer and other agricultural needs. They are in need of 2 additional
people to help out during this busy season from the beginning of October through
the beginning of December. You will be driving company semi truck hauling liquid
manure, and helping with loading and unloading the product. A Class A CDL
license is REQUIRED for this position and the pay rate will be between
$13-13.50/hour. The work hours will be from 7 am until 4-6 pm with overtime
possibilities if wanted.
See: http://jobs.expresspros.com/controls/jobDetail.asp?jid=4198385
(Mark Sofman comments: Did they say the incumbent would be driving a truck hauling
liquid hog manure?)
*** Perhaps more interesting than hauling hog manure?
69.) Sow Breeding Manager, Agri-Tech Personnel, Oklahoma
Sow Breeding Manager: Large farrow to wean operations management needed. You
will be working for a leading Swine management company directing the successful
breeding program of over 6000 sows. Proven AI protocal, health and body
condition knowledge required. Oklahoma location. 28-35k
See: http://www.agcareers.com/job.cfm?task=view&id=120311
(Can't tell if you have to haul the manure in this job…)
70.) Manure Nutrient Mgmt Technician, SENECA SWCD, Tiffin, OH
Fulltime position. Responsible for working with producers on Manure and nutrient
mgmt, Farm Bill
programs, water quality issues and writing CNMPs. Will work with producers in
Crawford, Sandusky,
Seneca and Wyandot Counties but will be based in Seneca County. Full benefits. 3
years agronomic and/or Farm Bill program experience and Associates Degree
Applicant must complete an employment application available at Seneca SWCD, 3140
S. SR 100, Suite D, Tiffin. Applications must be received by October 31, 2008 by 4:30 pm.
Pleasesubmit the bill and proof of printing to:
Seneca SWCD
Attn: Tia Rice
3140 S. SR 100, Suite D
Tiffin, OH 44883
See: http://tinyurl.com/6dyw4t
*** There's actually a PR and communications component to this one:
71.) Facility Manager, Material Recovery Facility “MRF,” NC
Reports to: Regional Manager of Operations
Supervises:Assistant Facility Manager, Maintenance Manager, Office Manager
Indirectly Supervises: All plant supervisory personnel and lead-people
1. Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Operation Management, Business
or Management, or the equivalent in practical and specialized training in
Material Recovery Facilities”MRFS” or Co Generation Facilities (Recycling).
2. A broad and in-depth knowledge of such matters as labor relations,
manufacturing/operations methods, production planning, and quality programs.
3. Possesses excellent oral and written communication skills.
General Description:
Plans, directs, and coordinates all plant processing related services to achieve
efficient and economical operations to conform with established objectives and
goals. Work encompasses responsibility for all aspects of the manufacturing and
manufacturing planning activities. Works from broad objectives and guidelines
require considerable independent judgment, creativity, and motivation. Refers
to supervisor only during clarification of objectives, policies, or priorities.
Material Recovery Facility”MRF”(Recycling Facility) Managers e-mail your resume
NOW to:
Sam Vinci
*** Weekly Piracy Report:
16.10.2008: 1700 UTC: Posn: 12:44.0N – 045:52.0E: Gulf of Aden.
A VLCC underway noticed, via radar, the echo of three high-speed boats approaching. Master increased speed, commenced evasive manoeuvres and altered course to prevent the speedboats from getting closer. Master attempted to contact the coalition warship via VHF Ch. 16 but failed to get any response. Later coalition warship responded and advised master to take evasive manoeuvres. As the speedboats approached the vessel, master noticed one speedboat with three men armed with machine guns. The evasive manoeuvres of the vessel prevented the boats from coming closer and later the speedboats aborted their attempt and disappeared.
15.10.2008: 0409 UTC: Posn: 13:33.92N – 050:10.70E: Gulf of Aden.
Armed pirates in speedboats boarded and hijacked a bulk carrier underway along with its 21 crew. The pirates are sailing the vessel to an undisclosed location in Somalia. The vessel was enroute from Aqaba, Jordan to a port in China.
13.10.2008: 0600 LT: Posn: 10:14.6N – 107:26.3E: Vung Tau anchorage, Vietnam.
Robbers boarded an anchored container ship unnoticed by crew. They stole ship’s stores and escaped. Crew on routine patrol noticed store padlock was broken and ship’s stores stolen. Authorities informed.
10.10.2008: 0900 LT: Posn: 15:10.0N – 051:45.0E: Gulf of Aden.
Armed pirates in a speedboat chased a bulk carrier underway from astern. Master increased speed and made evasive manoeuvres to prevent boarding and contacted coalition warship on VHF Ch. 16. Later, the boat aborted the attempt. Coalition warship was monitoring the situation.
09.10.2008: 1700 UTC: Posn: 014:04.52N – 050:52.24E: Gulf of Aden.
Armed pirates in speedboats boarded and hijacked a general cargo ship underway. They hijacked the vessel and sailed it to an undisclosed location in Somalia. Eleven crew members taken hostage. The vessel was enroute from Salalah to Bossaso, Somalia when hijacked. Further details awaited.
*** Facebookers: Join the “Nedworking with JOTW: A World In Communication” group. We have 1,024 members!
To join, visit:
*** Hat of the week: ArrowCorps5
*** T-Shirt of the Week: Matsumoto Shave Ice – Haleiwa, Hawaii
*** Coffee Mug of the week: Bonatt’s Bakery
*** JOTW Musical Guest Artist for the week: The Five Stairsteps
*** How many job listings have been shared for the benefit of the JOTW network:
As of JOTW 42-2008: 23,123
*** Here’s what you need to do to change your JOTW email address. I cannot do this for you. Send a blank email from your OLD account to JOTW-unsubscribe@topica.com. Then, send a blank email from your NEW account to JOTW-subscribe@topica.com.
*** “What do you want to be a sailor for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics.”
– David Lloyd George quotes (British Prime Minister. 1863-1945)
*** This is your Job of the Week e-mail newsletter, a cooperative
service of professional communicators providing mutual support to one
another. The JOTW serves 10,308 professional communicators. Please help
contribute job opportunities so that this information can be shared with
everyone in the network. The key to successful networking is living by
the golden rule. Do something to help a fellow communicator, and some day they may be in a position to help you, or someone else like you.
How does it work? If you find out about a job opportunity in
communications, send it to me (lundquist989@cs.com), and I'll share it
with the JOTW network. It's that simple. And we share dozens of
opportunities each week. Did I mention it was free?
Your cooperation is requested. Please send job opportunities to share
with all JOTW members to lundquist989@cs.com.
Feel free to share this newsletter. Feel free to forward opportunities.
Do not copy words that I wrote and use them as your own. I throw these
words in here just to see if someone is stupid enough to copy these
words entirely from my newsletter without changing them.
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You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators. You are
welcome to look at the previous issues. To read this list on the web,
please visit:
http://www.topica.com/lists/JOTW/read or www.nedsjotw.com.
This newsletter is published by:
Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661
The JOTW Network – A world in communication
For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2008 The Job of the Week Network, LLC
“All things on earth point home in old October; sailors to sea, travellers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken”
– Thomas Wolfe
“Youth is like spring, an over-praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes.
Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.”
– Samuel Butler
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