Category Archives: Stand Out
Free eBook Until the End of Days
If the world is ending, I think I should give away something free. Why die without getting something free from Woody Goulart in Las Vegas, Nevada? I do not think the world is ending, by the way. But, email me about getting my eBook for free anyway.
Holiday Season Job Hunting
It’s a popular myth that the holiday season during the months of November and December is the worst time of the year to continue your hunt for a new job.
Stay or Go Rides Again
In late August 2012 I wrote a blog post entitled “Should I Stay or Should I Go” after a famous song from the 1980s by the English punk rock group The Clash. This is not a rerun. This is a valuable update you will want to read today.
Free eBook Until November 30
I am extending the offer of my free eBook until Friday, November 30, 2012. Take advantage of this before it is no longer available to you.
Stand Out: Join IABC
My own experience has taught me that one of the very best ways to stand out from your competition is to join IABC.
Stand Out Today and Tomorrow
While I’m convinced we will always have books made of paper, the present and the future of books is already living in the eBook format.
Last Days of Free eBook Offer
You will be very happy to learn from my eBook how to harness key Internet powers to stand out compared to your competition! You can get my free eBook up until Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2012 when the voting booths close in your local area. Take advantage of this free eBook offer while it is still available to you!
Free Training to Help You Stand Out
After writing blog posts here at Ned’s Job of the Week website since July of this year, I have produced an all-inclusive eBook that can train you to stand out. My eBook covers how to unlock hidden powers of website and eBooks and to connect your personal brand to effective Internet outreach while you attempt to stand out from your competition. This eBook is fun and easy to read. For a limited time only, I am giving all visitors to Ned’s Job of the Week website a completely free copy of my eBook.
Your Own Place in the Future
A few days ago I posted here telling you of my enthusiasm and excitement for Amazon Kindle eBooks. I want to continue on this topic because I sincerely believe you can stand out with your own eBook that can enable you to claim your own place in the future.
Stand Out on Amazon Kindle
You have the opportunity to stand out way ahead of everyone else by your savvy use of Amazon Kindle.