JOTW March 32nd issue


***  IABC/Reykjavik – mánaðarlega fundi

Markaðssetning á demographically hreinu Íslendinga

April 15, 2014

Nauthólsvegur  room, Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura



JOTW 13-2014

March 32, 2014

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,008 3/4


“It may be seem like its really hard for an egg to turn into a bird that can fly, it’s kind of a miracle, right?  But it would be a harder for a hardboiled egg to turn into a bird that can fly really hard.  Either way, the bird can’t fly while it’s still an egg, right?  If you poached and egg right out of the nest and pitched it up in the air, it would sort of be flying, in a way, right, but not really, because it hasn’t hatched and spread its wings and all.  So eventually an egg has to change, and usually that means hatching and learning to fly, or stay an egg and be eaten.  Although, you can shoot a bird that’s flying and eat it, as well.

— C. S. Lewis


***  Welcome to the JOTW network.



***  This edition of JOTW comes to you from ???


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at  Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.  Don’t just send incomplete info and expect Ned to take time to look it all up and figure it out because you think he doesn’t have anything better to do with his time.


JOTW is sent out on Mondays by email with a list the jobs posted in the full newsletter, which is posted online at  If you don’t know how to look something up online you don’t deserve to be paid for employment.


***  Posting a job is free.    The newsletter is posted at  Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free.  But don’t push your luck too hard.


***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  So what does this really mean?  Does it apply to you?  What do you think, jerk breath?


***  To sign up for JOTW or Ned’s other newsletters, visit this site:



***  Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (, and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  In this issue:


(To view these jobs, visit


1.)  Associate Director of Institutional Giving, Association of Directors of Institutional Giving, New York, New York

2.)  Editor, the Miner’s Almanac, Frackville, PA

3.)  Public Information Officer, National Transponder Administration, Washington, DC

4.)  Obnoxious person need to shout down everyone else and belittle those choose to disagree with our unassailable point of view.

5.)  FOREIGN RELATIONS LIAISON, Vladimir Putin, The Kremlin, Moscow U.S.S.R. Russia

6.)  NEWS ANCHOR, RT Network, Washington, D.C.

7.)  Meth Teacher, Crystal Community College, Lancaster, California

8.)  Publicist, Kathie Lee Gifford’s “It’s a Koryou Christmas,” Pyongyang, North Korea

9.)  Communications and Public Affairs, Ignorance Protection Association, Militia Mountain, Montana

10.)  Corporate Communications, The Muppets, Burbank, Calif.

Preference given to puppets.


11.)  Publicist, Amy Winehouse World Tour, NY, NY

Preference given to holograms.

12.)  Community Relations Professional, DeSean Jackson, Philadelphia, PA

13.)  BRAND MANAGER, National Association of Bad IT Professionals, Arlington, Va.

14.)  PEST CONTROL TECHNICIAN, Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, U.K.

15.)  FACT CHECKER/RESEARCHER, Fox & Friends, New York




19.)  SENIOR COMMUNICATOR/CHOREOGRAPHER, National Twerking Association, Los Angeles

20.)  KARDASHIAN, Hollywood, Calif.


21.)  PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR, New Jersey Transportation Authority, Trenton, N.J.

22.)  AMERICAN FRIEND, Kim Jong-Un, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

23.)  Publicist, Battlestar Lardotica, Glendale, Calif.

24.)  PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCATE, The Thigh Gap Foundation, Philadelphia, PA

25.)  ENFORCER, The Spoiler Alert® Institute, Hollywood, Calif.

26.)  “Chemistry Teacher,” Walter White High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico


(You can find the jobs descriptions and/or links at


***  Weekly Piracy Report


***  One Paragraph Pitch:



***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to  You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  There is no waiting list.  Submit yours today!


***  IABC/Reykjavik – mánaðarlega fundi

Monthly meeting

“Marketing to the demographically pure Icelandic people”

Markaðssetning á demographically hreinu Íslendinga

Special Guest Speaker – Moeisha LLCoolJsdottir

April 15, 2014

Nauthólsvegur  room, Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura



***  Stand Out


“Stand Out” is available for those who want to take a stand on standing up against those who refuse to stand out in job searches.  Go to and look around. “Stand Out” is researched and written by Woody Goulart.


***  Let’s get to the jobs:


1.)  Associate Director of Institutional Giving, Association of Directors of Institutional Giving, New York, New York



2.)  Editor, the Miner’s Almanac, Frackville, PA


Must accurately write underground weather forecasts for the next fifty years.


3.)  Public Information Officer, National Transponder Administration, Washington, DC


Experience communicator sought to help the National Transponder Administration (NTA) achieve its goal of embedding government services transponders (GTAs) in all Americans.  The brief surgical procedure implants a transponder that is connected to the NTA Public Entitlement Database.  The transponder can charge fees to citizen accounts for toll lanes, public transportation, parking meters and pay-per-view movies and sporting events.  Citizens in arrears on tax accounts can be denied public services as the chip can trigger “denial of services” warnings.


4.)  Obnoxious person need to shout down everyone else and belittle those choose to disagree with our unassailable point of view.


5.)  FOREIGN RELATIONS LIAISON, Vladimir Putin, The Kremlin, Moscow U.S.S.R. Russia

On second, thought, we don’t really need you. Never mind.


6.)  NEWS ANCHOR, RT Network, Washington, D.C.


Read the news. That’s all. Do not think. Thinking = dangerous and useless. Just read what we put in front of you and all is well. We pay you for that. You happy; we happy. Happy happy happy. If you’ve worked previously for Roger Ailes, you already know how this works. Clips to


7.)  Meth Teacher, Crystal Community College, Lancaster, California


Must be able to demonstrate ability to elevated mood and increase alertness, concentration, and energy in fatigued students.


8.)  Publicist, Kathie Lee Gifford’s “It’s a Koryou Christmas,” Pyongyang, North Korea


We need a top-notch professional to help generate buzz for Kathie Lee’s beloved annual holiday tradition.  Watch Kathie Lee handing out bottles of Slim Fast to starving North Korean children at a concentration camp while singing “If my friends could see me now!”  Several of those children were selected at random and offered jobs in Kathie Lee’s garment factory.  Special guests include Dennis Rodman, and a duet with Andy Williams and Bing Crosby holographically singing “All I want for Christmas is a f*&king cup of cabbage soup.”  Watch the “Cody and Kim” in an arm wrestling death match, as Kathie Lee tearfully implores the Dear Leader not throw her kids to the dogs.  See Frank have his pick of Kim’s concubines.  And there’s that wonderful skit with Regis Philbin as the magical Christmas elf shouting, ““I’m trying to salvage what’s left of your career!”




9.)  Communications and Public Affairs, Ignorance Protection Association, Militia Mountain, Montana


10.)  Corporate Communications, The Muppets, Burbank, Calif.

Preference given to puppets.


11.)  Publicist, Amy Winehouse World Tour, NY, NY

Preference given to holograms.


12.)  Community Relations Professional, DeSean Jackson, Philadelphia, PA

Preference given to gang members.


13.)  BRAND MANAGER, National Association of Bad IT Professionals, Arlington, Va.


Trade association representing IT professionals seeks Brand Manager to develop and implement awareness campaign and ongoing brand support. For detailed job description or more information, call 1-888-HELPDESK, ext. 3488, leave a message we will get back to you within 72 business hours; if your request is urgent, dial “0,” ask for “Brandon.”*


*Not his real name.


14.)  PEST CONTROL TECHNICIAN, Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, U.K.


Iconic world landmark seeks qualified Pest Control Technician to assist us with huge infestation of Druids. We’re seeking a service professional who enjoys freedom and flexibility, building relationships, helping others, solving problems and new challenges. The ideal candidate is highly motivated, reliable, detail oriented, independent, confident and customer-oriented with good time management skills, strong communication ability, and a desire to help promote environmental health and safety.


Summary of Duties

•             Performs Druid management and fumigation procedures and tasks on a daily basis.

•             Maintains outstanding quality of service. Complies with all legal and Company guidelines, SOP and safety requirements.

•             Meets or exceeds goals as determined in conjunction with the Territory Manager.

•             Serves as regular contact with customers and other pest management related agencies.


Required Experience

•             Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in the performance of pest management operations activity preferred.

•             Previous pest management experience and familiarity with pest control methods and equipment is preferred.

•             Working knowledge of Gaelic, Cymraeg or other Druid languages helpful.

•             Valid driver’s license with proof of insurability and safe driving record required.

•             Candidate must be able to pass pre-employment drug screening.


Candidates may present their credentials at 15 N. Swindon Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 between 8:00-15:00 GMT.


15.)  FACT CHECKER/RESEARCHER, Fox & Friends, New York

Ha-ha! Just kidding! Just go to the next job listing.



Ha-Ha! We’re also just kidding! Move along, nothing to see.



See? We have a sense of humor, too! No job here, carry on.




Nation’s oldest television news network, founded in 1832 by Arthur Columbia, William Broadcasting and Aaron System, seeks experienced Fact Checker/Researcher to uphold the highest standards of news integrity and credibility.


Candidate will possess a deep knowledge of American and world history; a keen sense of business; a flexible approach to a variety of news; and studious work habits with the ability to shift gears quickly and efficiently.


One moment you might be confirming the causes of the Spanish-American War (1950-1953); the next moment, you might be providing tidbits about the late House Speaker John Boehner (1954-2011) or who won Super Bowl XXXIV (the Cleveland Browns). Other times, you might be asked to team up with a network correspondent to do extensive research on a single topic, such as notorious Mexican warlord Dale Earnhardt, Jr., or Academy Award-winning actress Kim Kardashian.


If you have what it takes to perform this highly important role, send your resume and clips to: ABC News, 234 W. 45th Street, New York, NY 10045. Or, email your vitals to


19.)  SENIOR COMMUNICATOR/CHOREOGRAPHER, National Twerking Association, Los Angeles


Can you work it?

I mean, can you REALLY work it?

Can you twerk it?

I mean, can you REALLY twerk it?

If you can shake that thing,

And make it swing,

And make bells ring,

And flash some bling

(among other things),


Then join the mob,

With this cool job,

To make folks move,

And find their groove

(and be so smooth.)


Don’t be a jerk;

Just make it twerk!


Send a video showing your best moves to: National Twerking Association,* P.O. Box 333, Los Angeles, CA 90025.


*Not to be confused with the National Association of Twerking, which, in our opinion, is just a bunch of butt-shakers.


20.)  KARDASHIAN, Hollywood, Calif.

Famous family seeks additional members for various events and TV shows. No experience necessary. Resume/cover letter to: Kardashian@E!.com


21.)  PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR, New Jersey Transportation Authority, Trenton, N.J.


Busy state transportation agency serving more than five million consumers daily seeks creative* Public Relations Director to oversee** communications department.


Summary of Duties:


•             Responsible for all department communications, i.e, press releases, white papers, public affairs, media relations, speech writing (as needed), legal opinions (as required)***

•             Prompt notification to media outlets of any lane closures on state-owned roads, tunnels and bridges.****

•             Coordination with nearby state and local transportation authorities.*****

•             Serve as liaison to Office of the Governor on all transportation issues within state.******

•             Serve as point person******* for agency on all public/media matters.


*And boy, do we mean “creative” (wink-wink)

**Meaning, “we will throw you under the bus to save our own butts.”

***This will entail about 90 percent of your job. Trust us.

****Even the ones you don’t know about until later.

*****Just the Republican ones.

******See “**.”

*******See “**.”


Candidate should send resume/cover letter/legal history/name of personal attorney to: NJDOT, The Little Toll Booth By the George Washington Bridge, Paramus, N.J. 08820 or email to


22.)  AMERICAN FRIEND, Kim Jong-Un, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, i.e, North Korea in popular decadent western culture, seeks a high-profile American to serve as a “friend” for our Dear Leader, Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, to replace the previous “friend,” Mr. Rodman, who is no longer available to perform such duties.



•             Famous movie/television celebrity, and/or

•             Famous sports star (active desired, will consider retired if of recent vintage), or

•             Famous news personality, and/or

•             Famous politician, or

•             Famous undercover spy (privacy respected)

•             WILL NOT CONSIDER: reality show stars of any genre; minor league baseball players; game show hosts; Vince the ShamWow guy.



•             Make frequent trips to Pyongyang to accompany Dear Leader on variety of public events to demonstrate to both the workers of the DPRK and the exploited workers of the United States seeking to raise up against their tyrannical oppressors the popularity of and example set by our Dear Leader.

•             Help to undermine fragile, tenuous relationship between the imperial United States government and its fake “allies,” including the South Koreans, the British, the French and especially the Belgians. God, do we hate the Belgians.

•             Serve as official spokesman for the United States when on North Korean soil.

•             Provide Dear Leader with DVDs of recent first-run Western movies, especially action movies and Pixar.


If you believe that you meet these important criteria, please forward your resume along with a 500-word essay on “Death to America and Its Pig-Dog Oppressor Class Elite” to: Friend, People’s Palace, Pyongyang, and DPRK 98805. Please include the ZIP Code to guarantee proper delivery.


23.)  Publicist, Battlestar Lardotica, Glendale, Calif.


The blockbuster Sci-Fi series is back in a big way.  Battlestar Lardotica defies gravity with a huge cast who get chased by a cybernetic race of food administering robots who try to subjugate humans to fast food outlets throughout the galaxy.  As the overindulging humans expand in girth they must modify their starship with wide doors and sturdier chairs.  Hilarity ensues when Lorne Greene, as Commander Odometer watches Dan Blocker make a guest appearance on the show and fall on hiss duff when he tries out the Captain’s chair on the bridge.  One unusual feature of the show is that each broadcast is essentially the same as the previous one, true to the series motto of “That which does not repeat itself will be destined to repeat itself.”


24.)  PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCATE, The Thigh Gap Foundation, Philadelphia, PA


National foundation promoting reasonable, healthy thigh gaps has immediate opening for Public Policy Advocate to develop and implement programs and awareness campaigns.



•           Create and implement Foundation’s “It’s a Matter of Inches” public policy campaign calling for a national thigh gap standard, based on height/weight/body shape, that promotes healthy lifestyle choices and proper nutrition.

•           Work with media, legislators, regulators and other stakeholders in creating awareness and promulgating appropriate federal, state and local standards on appropriate thigh gap.

•           Serve as foundation spokesperson with media/talk shows.

•           Other related duties.


Candidates should forward their resume to No phone calls, please.


25.)  ENFORCER, The Spoiler Alert® Institute, Hollywood, Calif.


The Spoiler Alert Institute, creator and owner of the phrase “Spoiler Alert®” and “Spoiler Alert!®,” seeks aggressive, dedicated Enforcer to monitor and as necessary prosecute cases in which media use these phrases without proper attribution.


As owner of these phrases, SAI is entitled to written permission to use these phrases and compensation for such use. As Enforcer, you will:


•           Create and maintain list of media who use Spoiler Alert® and Spoiler Alert!® on a routine basis, with or without permission, i.e, Billy Bush: “Spoiler Alert! Snape kills Dumbledore!”

•           Track illegal usage of Spoiler Alert® and Spoiler Alert!® and follow up with transgressors on proper permissions and usage.

•           Send cease and desist letters to chronic violators, advising them on legal alternatives to SAI for recompense and satisfaction.

•           Initiate lawsuits and civil suits as necessary.



•           You need to be one bad-ass attorney. Will also consider nightclub bouncers.


Resume/CV to: The Spoiler Alert® Institute, 258 Westwood Boulevard, Hollywood, Calif. 90078.


26.)  “Chemistry Teacher,” Walter White High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Award-winning community college seeks experienced “chemistry teacher” to “teach classes” and oversee “laboratory” work. Advanced degree preferred with working knowledge of “complex formulas.” This is a “hands-on” position with “unlimited budget potential.” Candidates should have clean record and concealed weapons permit. Resume/curriculum vitae to: P.O. Box 51, Albuquerque, NM.


***  Weekly Alternative Selections:


None this week.



***  Weekly Piracy Report:


043-14  23.03.2014: 0630 UTC: Posn: 13:18N – 042:52E, Red Sea.


Five skiffs with three persons in each approached a chemical tanker underway at high speed. Used spray paint to write the words “Mohamed Abdi Hassan was here, but rejects illegal activities at sea which detain ships, crews and their cargos for financial gain.”  The pirates later issued a statement saying they wanted the world to see the softer, more human side of the pirates as “just regular fisherman who wants to impress girls.”


042-14  31.01.2014: Singapore Straits.


Robbers boarded a barge under tow, broke open two containers and escaped with four tons of rubber duckies. The theft was only noticed by the tug’s crew after seven days while handing over the barge at the destination port.


***  Ball cap of the week:   Bearded Clam State Beach


***  Coffee Mug of the week:     Decaf is evil


***  T- shirt of the week:   I got old so I could save a buck at Ihop  (Thanks, Connie.)


***  Musical guest artist of the week:   The Elvis Presley Revue, featuring Kim Jong Un


***  To subscribe: 


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)



The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2014 The Job of the Week Network, LLC




JOTW 13-2014


2014 Gold Quill Awards

Check out the Gold Quill website to learn about all 47 entry categories, find one that suits you, and to submit your entry. We can’t wait to see your submissions!



JOTW 13-2014

March 31, 2014

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,009


“The only mystery in life is why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.”

– Al McGuire


***  Welcome to the JOTW network.



***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at  Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


JOTW is sent out on Mondays by email with a list the jobs posted in the full newsletter, which is posted online at  This is designed to keep the size of the emails to a more manageable length.


***  Posting a job is free.    The newsletter is posted at  Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  I may limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).

***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW or Ned’s other newsletters, visit this site:



***  Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  This week’s top job is a JOTW “Can’t Wait” job announcement from AstraZeneca:

Director – Managed Markets Communications, AstraZeneca, Wilmington, Delaware (See details below)

***  A JOTW Top Job from Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP

Communications Advisor, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, The Woodlands, Texas

(See details below)


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (, and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.

***  The JOTW network is built upon cooperative principles.  Share, and reap the benefits.  And it feels good to help others.  I call it selfish altruism.  But this also means you need to contribute.


***  In this issue:


(To view these jobs, visit


***  One Paragraph Pitch


1.)  Director – Managed Markets Communications, AstraZeneca, Wilmington, Delaware

2.)  Communications Advisor, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, The Woodlands, Texas

3.)  Employee Communications Advisor, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, The Woodlands, Texas

4.) Communications Assistant, Data Visualization, Climate Policy Initiative, San Francisco, California

5.)  Writer/Editor, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC

6.)  MarCom Manager, Actian Corporation, Redwood City, CA

7.)  COMMUNICATION COORDINATOR, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

8.)  Director, Corporate Communications, Fcb Health, Draftfcb Healthcare, New York City, NY

9.)  Communications Manager – Content Publicity, Hulu, Santa Monica, CA

10.)  Copywriter, Hulu, Santa Monica, CA


11.)  Vice President, Corporate Communications & Marketing, Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), New York City, New York

12.)  MarCom Specialist (Copywriter) 065272, Philips Global, Somerset, NJ

13.)  Advocacy and Media Consultant, Social Science Research Council, Brooklyn, New York

14.)  Marketing & Event Coordinator, McFadden’s Saloon, Washington, DC

15.)  Corporate Communications Manager Alcoa, New York City, NY

16.)  Director, Corporate Communications, Walt Disney Company, Burbank, CA

17.)  Internal Corporate Communications Specialist, Prime Therapeutics, Minneapolis, MN

18.)  Director of Communications and New Media, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, Ambler, PA

19.)  Communications Specialist, client, offered through Fidato Partners, Bryn Mawr, PA

20.)  Director of Communications, Covance, Indianapolis, IN or Princeton, NJ


21.)  Social Media and Marketing Specialist, Susquehanna International Group, Philadelphia, PA

22.)  Public Relations and Communications Associate, JAM Promotions, Inc., Blue Bell, PA

23.)  Strategic Marketing Communications Project Manager, Covance, Madison, WI

24.)  Manager, Affiliate Partnerships Communications, National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia

25.)  Sr Vp Corporate Communications, Harland Clarke, San Antonio, TX

26.)  Senior Communications Manager, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA

27.)  Public Relations Director, University Communications, American University, Washington DC 28.)  Corporate Communications, Director – 13 month Fixed Term Contract, Fitch Ratings, London, United Kingdom

29.)  Writer/Editor for “The Where There is No Doctor,” Hesperian Health Guides, Berkeley, California

30.)  COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA


31.)  Content Marketing Specialist, Henny Penny, Eaton, Ohio

32.)  Director, Multicultural Communications, The College Board, New York, NY

33.)  Digital Publishing Coordinator, AlphaMed Press, Durham, NC

34.)  Circulation Database Specialist, AlphaMed Press, Durham, NC

35.)  Account Manager/Senior Social Media Strategist, Sparkloft Media, Portland, OR

36.)  Economic Issues Media Representative,  National Association of Realtors, Washington, D.C.

37.)  News Producer, KCRG-TV9, Cedar Rapids, IA

38.)  Public Relations Account Supervisor, GKV, Baltimore, MD

39.)  Web Marketing Coordinator, Handwriting Without Tears, Cabin John, MD

40.)  Sr. Associate, Outreach & Engagement, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD


41.)  Corporate Communications Manager, IFF CDFI, Chicago, IL

42.)  Manager of Marketing Communications, Bay Area Local Initiatives Support Corporation, San Francisco, California

43.)  Social Media Manager Ad, Donovan Advertising And Marketing Services, Lititz, Pennsylvania

44.)  Craftsman – Life Support, Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, IL

45.)  Dolphin Care Specialist III, Mirage, Las Vegas, NV

46.)  Feedmill Mixer, New Fashion Pork, Estherville, IA

47.)  Butcher, Thunder Valley Casino Resort, Lincoln, CA

48.)  Laborer (Skinner), Baker Commodities, Inc., Phoenix, AZ

49.)  SprayChic Airbrush Tanning Expert, SprayChic Airbrush Tanning, Farmington, MI


(You can find the jobs descriptions and/or links at


***  Weekly Piracy Report


***  One Paragraph Pitch:



***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to  You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  There is no waiting list.  Submit yours today!


***  Polar Tech: Arctic Ship Model Tank Tests World’s Icebreakers

By Edward Lundquist

Seapower April 2014


***  The Extreme Littoral: Sweden’s Naval Forces Must Dominate in a Challenging Environment

By Edward Lundquist

Seapower April 2014


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


April 11-13, Boston/Bath, Maine


June 9-10, Abu Dhabi, UAE


June 11-12, Bahrain


August 18-19-22, Tacoma, Wash.


August 22, 23, 24, San Diego, Calif.


November 3-6, Nassau, Bahamas


***  Your Very Next Step!


The March  2014 YVNS newsletter is posted at


***  Stand Out


“Stand Out” is available for those who want to stand out in job searches compared to the competition. Go to and look around. “Stand Out” is researched and written by Woody Goulart.


***  Toronto and IABC. World Conference is just around the corner.


8–11 June 2014

Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada


The 2014 IABC World Conference is full of opportunities for you to grow professionally. This year’s Employee Engagement track not only fosters personal growth, but encourages you to become the kind of leader who inspires others to greatness.


Our sessions include an exciting presentation on the neuroscience of employee engagement that provides all-new insights into the minds of your staff. You’ll learn why brains resist change and what to do about it when change is necessary, how our brains are wired to be social, and the five domains that can lead to employees being engaged or disengaged.


Learn more about all the sessions taking place at the 2014 IABC World Conference, June 8-11 in Toronto, Canada


Register Now!


***  Let’s get to the jobs:


A JOTW “Can’t Wait” job announcement from AstraZeneca

1.)  Director – Managed Markets Communications, AstraZeneca, Wilmington, Delaware


A strategic communications partner to the Managed Markets organization (supports market access and managed care organizations) and its leadership, tasked with leading development, integration and execution of external customer and internal stakeholder communications plans for organized customer strategies across all segments.

Typical Accountabilities:

* Work with VP, Managed Markets, to develop key themes and messages for managed markets vision, strategies, business objectives and change management initiatives

* Work with Customer Marketing to develop AZ branding campaign to organized customers

* Manage communications for AstraZeneca engagement at and follow-up after major customers’ meetings, e.g., Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP), Pharmaceutical Care Management Association (PCMA), Armada, National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP)

* Recognize key customer collaborations through communications to customers and internal stakeholders

* Collaborate with Sales Communications, and other Corporate Affairs functions as appropriate, to ensure customer and field-based communications regarding impacts to the business, brand milestones, and other information relevant to our customers, are aligned across customer-facing functions

* Establish standing customer roundtables to solicit input on key trends and implications for our business, market or policy changes, customer segment strategies, and so on.

* Facilitate customer forums focused on bringing external customer insights to internal stakeholders

* Develop and execute communications plan to support organizational changes and achievement of key Managed Markets milestones

* Provide counsel to the Managed Markets Leadership Team regarding pro-active communications regarding evolving business model

* Explore and recommend personal and non-personal options and appropriate channels for communicating with organized customers, including development and maintenance of an accurate data base of customer contacts for this purpose

* Serve as communications lead for planning and execution of annual AstraZeneca Managed Markets National Meeting

Requirements   Required:

* Bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, marketing or similar liberal arts major

* 7-10 years’ communications experience in corporate, managed care and/or government work environment

* Demonstrated ability to interact with, counsel and influence senior executives effectively

* Proven ability to develop and execute results-driven communications strategies that are aligned with business goals and objectives

* Demonstrated ability to set and manage priorities, resources, goals, and project initiatives

* Experience coordinating with communications professionals, vendors and agencies

* Strategic planning skills

* Excellent writing, editing, copywriting and proofreading skills

* Ability to establish and meet deadlines, work under pressure and handle multiple priorities

* Strong and demonstrated organizational skills with high level of attention to detail


* Master’s degree

* Experience with managed care customers and/or practices

* Experience supporting senior leadership

Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities/Women/Protected Veterans/Disabled

AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory, inflammation, autoimmune, oncology, infection and neuroscience diseases. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. For more information please visit


Making a Difference

AstraZeneca is an equal opportunity employer


***  A JOTW Top Job from Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP


2.)  Communications Advisor, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, The Woodlands, Texas


Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC, one of the world’s top producers of olefins and polyolefins and a leading supplier of aromatics, alpha olefins, styrenics, specialty chemicals, piping, and polymer resins. Chevron Phillips Chemical employs over 4,700 professionals at manufacturing sites and research/technology centers around the world. Chevron Phillips Chemical has the people, assets, and technology to pursue chemical opportunities on a global scale.


The award-winning Public Affairs team has an opening for a communications advisor. The successful candidate will be results oriented, flexible, and a team player. Aptitude in managing project deadlines in a fast-paced environment is essential. Strong writing skills are a must, and candidates must provide three writing samples with their resume. As a member of the Public Affairs team, the successful candidate must be willing to assist other team members as needed during peak periods.


This opening is a full-time position based in The Woodlands, Texas.


Position responsibilities:


  • Conceptualize and create communication collateral for the company’s workforce development initiatives.
  • Write and produce videos for internal and external use.
  • Plan and execute company events, including Town Halls, Camp Chemisphere (aka Take Your Child to Work Day, National Chemistry Week Assembly, Company Picnic, etc.
  • Assist in planning and executing community outreach initiatives.
  • Work closely with facility public affairs representatives to provide guidance and support on local PR efforts.
  • Coordinate photo/video shoots to update corporate photography/videography.
  • Serve as a utility player on the Public Affairs team leading internal, marketing, digital media, and external communications projects as needed.
  • Perform other Public Affairs duties as assigned.




  • Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, Public Relations, Journalism, or a related discipline from an accredited university
  • Minimum of seven years full-time communications experience
  • Petrochemical/oil/gas industry experience a plus
  • Working knowledge of SharePoint, Microsoft Office suite and Adobe Photoshop


All applicants must apply online at   In addition to the online application, all candidates must submit 3 writing samples via email to: with the subject line Communications Advisor.


Chevron Phillips Chemical offers competitive salaries, a comprehensive benefits package and at most locations, alternate work schedules. To learn more about Chevron Phillips Chemical and to be considered for a position, please visit us online today at


Paper resumes will not be accepted. All job seekers must go to the web site to be considered for positions. If you are interested in applying for this position and need an accommodation to apply, please contact our Human Resources Service Center at 1-800-446-1422, option 4.


Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP is an equal opportunity employer.


Travel Requirements: Up to 20%

Eligibility for Relocation: Yes

Closing Date: 04/09/2014


The position closes April 8 and applicants must apply online at and submit 3 writing samples via email to


3.)  Employee Communications Advisor, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, The Woodlands, Texas


4.) Communications Assistant, Data Visualization, Climate Policy Initiative, San Francisco, California


***  From Anne Merrill:


Hi Ned,

Could I please include the following listing in your upcoming Jobs of the Week?
Thank you,

Anne Merrill


5.)  Writer/Editor, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC


The Communications Division of the Marketing Office of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is seeking to hire a creative and innovative writer/editor to support the Museum’s marketing promotional needs and fundraising communications by leading the development of appropriate, consistent and complementary messaging, as well as assisting in the design and implementation of  marketing and fundraising communications materials.



–Serve as a writer/editor, under the direction of the Communications Director and Editorial Director, leading the conceptualization and execution of comprehensive marketing communication materials that support the Museum’s online and offline fundraising programs. In addition to fundraising collateral, the candidate will write materials promoting the Museum’s public programs and educational and scholarly initiatives that raise awareness about the Museum through print and online channels.

–Ensure integration, consistency and appropriateness of messages in the Museum’s Comprehensive Campaign, Annual Fund, year-end fundraising campaign and all Museum communications.

–Work directly with the Editorial Director and Director of Membership on the development of copy for membership appeal and acquisition campaigns, both print and electronic.

–Serve as writer and/or editor of Museum publications, including the biannual magazine and newsletter(s) and promotional collateral for major fundraising events.

–Perform other related duties as assigned.



–At least five years experience in non-profit or similar fundraising organization where you served as a writer/editor and conducted editorial reviews, prepared briefings and other correspondence, implemented communication plans for an organization, developed written communications to analyze information program materials, and made modifications or recommendations to improve work products or delivery programs.

–Excellent written and verbal communication skills and ability to work well with others.

–Excellent organizational ability with a demonstrated track record of managing multiple projects.


Interested applicants should send their resume to Anthony Richardson, Human Resources Specialist, at:  This job opportunity will close on April 9, 2014.  The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.


6.)  MarCom Manager, Actian Corporation, Redwood City, CA


7.)  COMMUNICATION COORDINATOR, University of Washington, Seattle, WA


8.)  Director, Corporate Communications, Fcb Health, Draftfcb Healthcare, New York City, NY


9.)  Communications Manager – Content Publicity, Hulu, Santa Monica, CA,Job


10.)  Copywriter, Hulu, Santa Monica, CA,Job


11.)  Vice President, Corporate Communications & Marketing, Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), New York City, New York


12.)  MarCom Specialist (Copywriter) 065272, Philips Global, Somerset, NJ


13.)  Advocacy and Media Consultant, Social Science Research Council, Brooklyn, New York


14.)  Marketing & Event Coordinator, McFadden’s Saloon, Washington, DC


15.)  Corporate Communications Manager Alcoa, New York City, NY


16.)  Director, Corporate Communications, Walt Disney Company, Burbank, CA


17.)  Internal Corporate Communications Specialist, Prime Therapeutics, Minneapolis, MN


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


18.)  Director of Communications and New Media, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, Ambler, PA


19.)  Communications Specialist, client, offered through Fidato Partners, Bryn Mawr, PA


20.)  Director of Communications, Covance, Indianapolis, IN or Princeton, NJ


21.)  Social Media and Marketing Specialist, Susquehanna International Group, Philadelphia, PA


22.)  Public Relations and Communications Associate, JAM Promotions, Inc., Blue Bell, PA


23.)  Strategic Marketing Communications Project Manager, Covance, Madison, WI^s_slp_rhc_1ili_slp_rhc_d73JWbnm5aMi9Q2wwCvVWz0E3ULM0N_slp_rhc_YLLk2EeqvEIN6tD0fp_slp_rhc_3hYv4e7&jobId=400173&type=search&JobReqLang=1&recordstart=1&JobSiteId=5090&JobSiteInfo=400173_5090&GQId=0


24.)  Manager, Affiliate Partnerships Communications, National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia


25.)  Sr Vp Corporate Communications, Harland Clarke, San Antonio, TX


26.)  Senior Communications Manager, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA


***  From Camille Lepre:


27.)  Public Relations Director, University Communications, American University, Washington DC
Position #11488.
For information on working at American University, visit:

28.)  Corporate Communications, Director – 13 month Fixed Term Contract, Fitch Ratings, London, United Kingdom


29.)  Writer/Editor for “The Where There is No Doctor,” Hesperian Health Guides, Berkeley, California


***  From Theresa Hoyle:


Please post the attached job in your next newsletter.



Theresa Hoyle

Fiscal Technician, Sr.

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA


30.)  COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA


Virginia Tech is seeking a communications manager for its Graduate School and, more broadly, graduate education. The successful candidate will plan, facilitate and evaluate a comprehensive communications program that effectively articulates the goals, priorities, initiatives and services of The Graduate School and graduate education at the university. The communications program will include elements of media relations, publications management, use of Internet and other forms of news/social media, and the effective use of graphic design to enhance the public’s understanding of and appreciation for the division.

For more information and to submit an application access our web site at  Search on posting #AP0140066 under Administrative and Professional Faculty. Review of candidates will begin April 23, 2014.

Individuals desiring assistance/accommodation in the application/interview process should contact us at 540-231-9331 or 540-231-7227 TDD. VT is an EO/AA employer committed to diversity.


31.)  Content Marketing Specialist, Henny Penny, Eaton, Ohio


32.)  Director, Multicultural Communications, The College Board, New York, NY


***  From Tina Belle, NCCP:




I would like to submit the following advertisements (below) for two positions that we have available for your next job posting.  Please let me know if you should have any questions.


Thank you,


Tina Belle, NCCP

AlphaMed Press

Publisher of STEM CELLS, STEM CELLS Translational Medicine, and The Oncologist

Durham NC


33.)  Digital Publishing Coordinator, AlphaMed Press, Durham, NC


Reporting to the Marketing and Communications Manager of AlphaMed Press, a premier publisher of peer-reviewed medical journals based in Durham, NC, the Digital Publishing Coordinator is responsible for managing the digital publishing calendar and efforts for all journals, in conjunction with the Journal Content/Communications Manager and Editorial Managers.


Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for development and publication of journal newsletters
  • Manage digital publishing calendar, including establishing closing dates and coordinating with Sales, Marketing, and Editorial departments
  • Develop targeted products as needed, including European and Chinese digital marketing efforts
  • E-mail marketing
  • Develop content and write/manage copywriting as necessary for publication of digital products
  • Documentation of digital publishing policies and procedures as requested/required
  • Become fully trained on Vocus; assist with issuance of press releases to media via Vocus and media contact database, assist internal departments with special projects,  assist sales team with lead management
  • Develop and manage internal ad production policies and procedures, including oversight of external agencies and attending production meetings
  • Manage ad layout for print/digital products in conjunction with content layout
  • Manage ad inventory and scheduling for digital products, identify opportunities for digital house ads
  • Sales support
  • Social media: develop LinkedIn and other B2B social media tools.
  • Identify and develop B2B content for websites, including Oncology 360.
  • Continually gain competitor intelligence to maintain our competitive advantage and report findings monthly with recommendations.


Submit resumes to:


34.)  Circulation Database Specialist, AlphaMed Press, Durham, NC


AlphaMed Press, a premier publisher of peer-reviewed medical journals based in Durham, NC, has a need for a Circulation Database Specialist.  AlphaMed Press publishes The Oncologist, STEM CELLS, and STEM CELLS Translational Medicine.  Journals are published in print and online, and content is also published in digital formats for iPad and smartphones as well as emails, newsletters and other efforts.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Maintain an accurate and up-to-date, extensive subscriber database
  • Point of contact for subscription fulfillment company
  • Email/newsletter list/production
  • Analytics/reporting
  • Development/management of ongoing subscriber acquisition methodology (vs. campaign based
  • Audit oversight/management
  • Customer service
  • Monthly journal publication


Submit resumes to:


35.)  Account Manager/Senior Social Media Strategist, Sparkloft Media, Portland, OR


***  From Desiree Crawford:


Please post this job and let me know you received the request.




Desiree Crawford

Senior Event Planner and HR Associate
National Association of REALTORS®


36.)  Economic Issues Media Representative,  National Association of Realtors, Washington, D.C.


The National Association of Realtors®, the nation’s largest trade association, is seeking an Economic Issues Media Representative. The Economic Issues Media Representative serves as the primary media contact for NAR’s extensive real estate data and research reports. The position involves working closely with NAR’s research staff to develop media communications strategies and tactics and craft messaging to secure coverage. S/he determines mechanisms and sources for promoting NAR’s housing data series and research and identifies relevant issues while reaching targeted real estate and economic media audiences.


The Economic Issues Media Representative will also be responsible for:

  • Writing statistical and major research news releases
  • Arranging deskside briefings and interviews
  • Identifying opportunities to expand the influence and coverage of NAR’s economic insights in traditional and social media
  • Responding to media inquiries about long-term housing data and economic issues
  • Writing and updating talking points
  • Helping prepare spokespeople for interviews
  • Acting as spokesperson of record, when appropriate


Excellent writing skills and people skills are essential. Successful candidate will have experience in media and public affairs or related area (minimum of 7 years is preferred); a team-oriented work ethic; and a demonstrated ability to build and maintain print, broadcast and social media relationships. A Bachelor’s degree preferred. Economic or real estate knowledge desirable.


NAR offers compelling salary, exceptional benefits and a Capitol Hill/Union Station location. Please apply via our website:

No phone calls, please. EOE M/F/V/H

***  From Larry Burkum:

37.)  News Producer, KCRG-TV9, Cedar Rapids, IA

KCRG-TV9, the ABC affiliate in Cedar Rapids, IA, is looking to hire a news producer. KCRG dominates in the ratings with an experienced news team. You can find information about the position at

***  From Kemi Ijaola:


38.)  Public Relations Account Supervisor, GKV, Baltimore, MD


39.)  Web Marketing Coordinator, Handwriting Without Tears, Cabin John, MD


40.)  Sr. Associate, Outreach & Engagement, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD


41.)  Corporate Communications Manager, IFF CDFI, Chicago, IL


42.)  Manager of Marketing Communications, Bay Area Local Initiatives Support Corporation, San Francisco, California


43.)  Social Media Manager Ad, Donovan Advertising And Marketing Services, Lititz, Pennsylvania


***  Weekly Alternative Selections:


***  From Mark Sofman:


44.)  Craftsman – Life Support, Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, IL


45.)  Dolphin Care Specialist III, Mirage, Las Vegas, NV


46.)  Feedmill Mixer, New Fashion Pork, Estherville, IA


47.)  Butcher, Thunder Valley Casino Resort, Lincoln, CA


48.)  Laborer (Skinner), Baker Commodities, Inc., Phoenix, AZ


49.)  SprayChic Airbrush Tanning Expert, SprayChic Airbrush Tanning, Farmington, MI


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


043-14  23.03.2014: 0630 UTC: Posn: 13:18N – 042:52E, Red Sea.


Five skiffs with three persons in each approached a chemical tanker underway at high speed. Master raised the alarm, crew mustered, fire pump activated and the on board armed security team took their position. Ladders were noticed in two skiffs as they closed to a distance of 1nm from the tanker. The security team immediately fired one rocket flare towards the skiffs and showed their weapons resulting in the skiffs aborting their approach.


042-14  31.01.2014: Singapore Straits.


Robbers boarded a barge under tow, broke open two containers and escaped with some cargo. The theft was only noticed by the tug’s crew after seven days while handing over the barge at the destination port.


041-14  20.03.2014: 0040 LT: Posn : 05:59S – 105:55E, Cigading Anchorage, Indonesia.


Three robbers boarded an anchored container ship using a rope. The duty A/B spotted the robbers and reported to D/O on the bridge. The ship raised the alarm and all crew mustered. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the boat. The Master reported to Port Authority.


***  Ball cap of the week:   @TheKnow – Chevron Phillips Chemival Company LP (thanks to Kammy Reece)


***  Coffee Mug of the week:     Sea gulls


***  T- shirt of the week:   Kauai – Hawaiian Islands – Got Rooster?  (Thanks, Connie.)


***  Musical guest artist of the week:   Arctic Monkeys


***  To subscribe: 


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


“Any jackass can kick a dead lion; but he better be sure that it’s dead.”

– Al McGuire


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2014 The Job of the Week Network, LLC



2014 Gold Quill Awards

Check out the Gold Quill website to learn about all 47 entry categories, find one that suits you, and to submit your entry. We can’t wait to see your submissions!







Hospitality and Event Planning Network (HEPN) for 29 March 2014

Hospitality and Event Planning Network (HEPN) for 29 March 2014

Welcome to the Hospitality and Event Planning Network, a career and
relationship building newsletter network for all who work in the hospitality
and event planning industries, published by Sonja Johnson. The objective of
this network is to build relationships and help each other with career issues
and other professional and personal challenges.

Here’s how to participate: Send any issue or job opportunity to and I will post
it in the weekly newsletter sent to you and all other subscribers. If you are
sending a job opportunity, please include the title, organization, and
location, as well as a brief description/link/contact information. We also like
to hear if you got a job as a result of this network!

Some of the older HEPN editions are now listed at:

Issues from November 27, 2006 onward are also posted at

This network thrives on sharing. Invite your friends! Anyone can sign up by
clicking here:

To unsubscribe, click the “unsubscribe from this list” link at the bottom of
this email.

Changing your email address? Click the “update subscription preferences” link
at the bottom of this email.

I do not rent, sell, or give out your information on this list.

This week’s edition includes:

*** The Short Self-Pitch (SSP)

*** Upcoming Conferences

1. CVB Sales Director; Santa Fe CVB; Santa Fe, NM

2. Director, Corporate Events; Technology Association of Georgia; Atlanta, GA

3. Senior Director, Signature Events; The College Board; New York, NY

4. Medical Meeting Manager-CME; Talley Management Group, Inc.; Mount Royal, NJ

5. Director of Venue Ops; Events DC; Washington, DC

6. Catering Events Operations Manage;r Sodexo USA; GLENCOE, IL

7. Senior Manager, Event Development; New York Road Runners; New York

8. Account Manager; SEI Meetings & Incentives; Irving, TX

9. Event Coordinator (Part time position); HKS, Inc.; Dallas, TX

10. Corporate Programs Manager; CLINK; Austin, TX

11. Creative Services Manager/Director; Inspired Hospitality Recruiting;
Washington, DC

12. Bilingual Trade Shows & Events Planner; Visit Orlando; Orlando, FL

13. Production Manager, Event Design and Production; Cantrav Services;
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

14. College & Community Relations Coordinator; Clackamas Community College;
Oregon City, OR

15. Catering Sales Event Designer; Prom Management Group, Inc.; Oakdale, MN

16. Event Coordinator; Kansas State University Department of Grain Science;
Manhattan, KS

17. Sales Manager; ProExhibits; San Jose, CA

18. Event & Sales Development Manager; DBA International; Sacramento, CA

19. Director, Events & Outreach; Moody’s Corporation; New York, NY

20. Senior Director, Signature Events; The College Board; New York, NY

21. Manager, Training Events; Align Technology (Invisalign); San Jose, CA

22. Program Coordinator; Corporate Events Organizers, Inc.; Phoenix, AZ

23. Sales Manager; The Omni Homestead Resort; Hot Springs, VA

************ The Short Self-Pitch (SSP) *********************

The HEPN offers a special feature: the Short Self-Pitch (SSP). If you are looking
for a job opportunity or offer free-lance services, send a brief paragraph to One SSP will be
included each week.

************* Upcoming Conferences *************

Do you know of an upcoming conference that the HEPN readers should be aware of?


1. CVB Sales Director; Santa Fe CVB; Santa Fe, NM

2. Director, Corporate Events; Technology Association of Georgia; Atlanta, GA

3. Senior Director, Signature Events; The College Board; New York, NY

4. Medical Meeting Manager-CME; Talley Management Group, Inc.; Mount Royal, NJ

5. Director of Venue Ops; Events DC; Washington, DC

6. Catering Events Operations Manage;r Sodexo USA; GLENCOE, IL

7. Senior Manager, Event Development; New York Road Runners; New York,%20Event%20Development/__company__/?vnet=0&max=25#sthash.o1GeN8gu.dpuf

8. Account Manager; SEI Meetings & Incentives; Irving, TX

9. Event Coordinator (Part time position); HKS, Inc.; Dallas, TX

10. Corporate Programs Manager; CLINK; Austin, TX

11. Creative Services Manager/Director; Inspired Hospitality Recruiting;
Washington, DC

12. Bilingual Trade Shows & Events Planner; Visit Orlando; Orlando, FL

13. Production Manager, Event Design and Production; Cantrav Services;
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,%20Event%20Design%20and%20Production/__company__/?vnet=0&max=25#sthash.ienD6Bpm.dpuf

14. College & Community Relations Coordinator; Clackamas Community College;
Oregon City, OR

15. Catering Sales Event Designer; Prom Management Group, Inc.; Oakdale, MN

16. Event Coordinator; Kansas State University Department of Grain Science;
Manhattan, KS

17. Sales Manager; ProExhibits; San Jose, CA

18. Event & Sales Development Manager; DBA International; Sacramento, CA

19. Director, Events & Outreach; Moody’s Corporation; New York, NY,%20Events%20&%20Outreach/__company__/?vnet=0&max=25

20. Senior Director, Signature Events; The College Board; New York, NY,%20Signature%20Events/__company__/?vnet=0&max=25

21. Manager, Training Events; Align Technology (Invisalign); San Jose, CA,%20Training%20Events/__company__/?vnet=0&max=25#sthash.2si6jhvP.dpuf

22. Program Coordinator; Corporate Events Organizers, Inc.; Phoenix, AZ

23. Sales Manager; The Omni Homestead Resort; Hot Springs, VA


Today’s theme song: “Dance Again (feat. Pitbull)”, Jennifer Lopez, “Dance
Again… The Hits (Deluxe Version)”

Past issues through October 2012 can be read at
Issues from November 27 onward will be posted at

To contribute your job opportunities or questions/issues for comments by the
network, send an e-mail to

Share the love! Invite your friends and colleagues to join the network by
clicking here:

To unsubscribe, click the “unsubscribe from this list” link at the bottom of
this email.

Changing your email address? Click the “update subscription preferences” link
at the bottom of this email.

This network is brought to you by:

Sonja Johnson

Woodbridge, VA

DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 26, 2014


Naval Shipbuilding and Maintenance Summit Middle East 2014


09 – 10 June 2014

Westin Hotel, Abu Dhabi, UAE



Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 26, 2014

Issue # 355


“War is politics for everyone but the warrior.”

– Tiffany Madison


***  This issue of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Monterey, California.


***  You can also subscribe to this and my other two newsletters at .  The Job of the Week serves communication professionals.  Your Very Next Step is my travel/outdoors/adventure/conservation newsletter.  They’re all free!


***  Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by visiting and selecting DEFCON 1.


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  Senior Engineer, MCR, Washington, DC

2.)  Financial Management/Comptroller Senior, MCR, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

3.)  PROJECT CONTROL ANALYST, General Atomics, San Diego, CA

4.)  EXPERIENCED LEVEL GCS ENGINEER, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, San Diego, California

5.)  Procurement Analyst 3, Northrop Grumman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

6.)  Program Cost & Schedule Analyst 4, Northrop Grumman, Palmdale, CA

7.)  Air Force Financial Analyst, Colorado Springs Operations, Colorado Springs, CO

8.)  Junior Earned Value Management Analyst, Tecolote Research, Inc., El Segundo, CA

9.)  Senior Pricing Analyst, MCR, Albuquerque, NM

10.)  ELECTRICAL ENGINEER – ANALOG DIGITIAL SYSTEMS, McLaughlin Research Corp., Middletown, RI

11.)  Contingent Operations Research Analyst, EHS Technologies Corporation, Orlando, FL

12.)  Instrumentation and Control Technician – Lead Technician, EHS Technologies Corporation, Indian Head, MD

13.)  Mine Warfare – Manager Programs, Northrop Grumman, Panama City, FL

14.)  Sr. Principal Cyber Engineer, Raytheon Cyber Products, Herndon, VA

15.)  Sr Program Cost Sched & Cont – Torpedo Programs, Raytheon, Keyport, WA

16.)  Transducer Engineer, Ultra Electronics, Columbia City, Indiana

17.)  Accountant, Ultra Electronics, Braintree, MA


…and more!


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


March 25-26-27, Monterey, Calif.


April 11-13, Boston/Bath, Maine


June 9-10, Abu Dhabi, UAE


June 11-12, Bahrain


August 18-19-22, Tacoma, Wash.


August 22, 23, 24, San Diego, Calif.


November 3-6, Nassau, Bahamas


***  Upcoming events:


***  The National Summit on Strategic Communications May 8-9 in Washington DC

Book online today or call 866-207-6528. Be sure to mention priority code C442JOTW to receive $100 off early-bird registration.

For more information, please visit


***  Naval Shipbuilding and Maintenance Summit Middle East 2014

09 – 10 June 2014

Westin Hotel, Abu Dhabi, UAE


***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Senior Engineer, MCR, Washington, DC


2.)  Financial Management/Comptroller Senior, MCR, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH


MCR is the trusted leader in integrated program management solutions. For 36 years, we have provided objectivity, smart thinking and the highest levels of support to help our clients get the job done, and done right. Our vast experience and knowledgeable people are our greatest assets. Their subject matter expertise, commitment to excellence and the high quality of their work, combined with our full suite of services, allows our clients to accomplish their missions and support national priorities. Our corporate values are based on integrity, excellence, honesty, service and trust. It is through these values that we form long-term client partnerships, build expertise, and attract and retain talented employees. For more information about MCR, LLC career opportunities, please visit


Description of Duties:

•Accomplish financial management tasks as necessary to support day-to-day operations within ISR/SOF Med UAS.

•Provide financial management and accounting functions, processes, and analytical methods to gather, analyze, evaluate, and present information required by the government.

•Assist with program reports and financial documentation and ensure compliance with DoDD 5000.1/DoDI 5000.02, AFI 65 series, and DoD/AFMC/DFAS financial management instructions and associated regulations.

•Assist in performing fact-finding, analytical, cost and advisory functions using automated financial management information systems.

•Research and recommend options to the government concerning unliquidated obligations and negative unliquidated obligations (ULO/NULO) and canceling year funds.

•Assist in the analysis of financial management processes, concepts, policies, procedures, systems, and provide to the government recommendations for improvement.

•Assist with transformation, process re-engineering, and/or AFSO21 FM initiatives.

•Analyze changes required for compliance, assessing the impacts of the proposed changes. Assist with the identification and development of program requirements related to cost, schedule, technical, and program risk.

•Research/update government-approved financial data in systems including MOCAS, ABSS, BQ (H069), EDA, SDW, FM Suite System, CRIS, CCars, and wInsight.

•Assist with financial analysis with narrative justification for quick-turn budget exercises.


Requirements for the Position:


•Ten years of financial management/analysis support experience; three years must be in a DoD acquisition program.

•Bachelor’s degree in a related field can substitute for two years of experience.

•US Citizenship is required. Applicants selected will be subject to a Government investigation and must meet eligibility requirements to obtain and retain the designated Government clearance (Secret). Must have an active Secret Clearance.




MCR, LLC’s compensation and benefits package is very competitive. It is designed to help employees meet varying needs throughout their careers and to reward employee’s skills, experience, and potential.


Equal Opportunity Employer


MCR is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor. M/F/V/D


3.)  PROJECT CONTROL ANALYST, General Atomics, San Diego, CA


4.)  EXPERIENCED LEVEL GCS ENGINEER, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, San Diego, California


5.)  Procurement Analyst 3, Northrop Grumman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


6.)  Program Cost & Schedule Analyst 4, Northrop Grumman, Palmdale, CA


7.)  Air Force Financial Analyst, Colorado Springs Operations, Colorado Springs, CO


8.)  Junior Earned Value Management Analyst, Tecolote Research, Inc., El Segundo, CA


9.)  Senior Pricing Analyst, MCR, Albuquerque, NM


10.)  ELECTRICAL ENGINEER – ANALOG DIGITIAL SYSTEMS, McLaughlin Research Corp., Middletown, RI


11.)  Contingent Operations Research Analyst, EHS Technologies Corporation, Orlando, FL


12.)  Instrumentation and Control Technician – Lead Technician, EHS Technologies Corporation, Indian Head, MD


13.)  Mine Warfare – Manager Programs, Northrop Grumman, Panama City, FL


14.)  Sr. Principal Cyber Engineer, Raytheon Cyber Products, Herndon, VA


15.)  Sr Program Cost Sched & Cont – Torpedo Programs, Raytheon, Keyport, WA


16.)  Transducer Engineer, Ultra Electronics, Columbia City, Indiana


17.)  Accountant, Ultra Electronics, Braintree, MA


…and more!


***  Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities


Reach the defense industry professionals in the DEFCON 1 Network!

You can find qualified job candidates or motivated customers with DEFCON 1.


*** One-time “Can’t Wait Announcement”


A one-time job listing or announcement sent immediately to the entire DEFCON 1list.


Cost: $200


*** One-time “Top Job” announcement


If you want your job to run as one of the first five listings, you can be a “Top Job” for $100 per week. This is also the best way to have your job listed in consecutive or multiple newsletters.


Cost: $100


*** One time monthly sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1newsletter for that month; one free “Can’t Wait” announcement.


Cost: $600


*** Two-week sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for two issues, with 20-word text ad at top of the DEFCON 1newsletter for those two weeks. One free “Can’t Wait” announcement.

Cost: $500


*** Annual DEFCON 1 sponsorship


Two one-month DEFCON 1 sponsorship ad placement package, which includes banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month. ($1,200 value), plus: ad placement in side margin of for entire year (an $900 value); two free “Can’t Wait” postings ($400 value)


Cost: $1,800


*** Sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website:


175×350 pixel sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website


One month: $150

Three months: $400

One year: $900


Combination packages are available with and To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2014 Job of the Week Network, LLC




A JOTW “Can’t Wait” job opportunity from AstraZeneca

AZ_logo2A JOTW “Can’t Wait” job announcement from AstraZeneca

Director – Managed Markets Communications, AstraZeneca, Wilmington, Delaware


A strategic communications partner to the Managed Markets organization (supports market access and managed care organizations) and its leadership, tasked with leading development, integration and execution of external customer and internal stakeholder communications plans for organized customer strategies across all segments.

Typical Accountabilities:

* Work with VP, Managed Markets, to develop key themes and messages for managed markets vision, strategies, business objectives and change management initiatives

* Work with Customer Marketing to develop AZ branding campaign to organized customers

* Manage communications for AstraZeneca engagement at and follow-up after major customers’ meetings, e.g., Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP), Pharmaceutical Care Management Association (PCMA), Armada, National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP)

* Recognize key customer collaborations through communications to customers and internal stakeholders

* Collaborate with Sales Communications, and other Corporate Affairs functions as appropriate, to ensure customer and field-based communications regarding impacts to the business, brand milestones, and other information relevant to our customers, are aligned across customer-facing functions

* Establish standing customer roundtables to solicit input on key trends and implications for our business, market or policy changes, customer segment strategies, and so on.

* Facilitate customer forums focused on bringing external customer insights to internal stakeholders

* Develop and execute communications plan to support organizational changes and achievement of key Managed Markets milestones

* Provide counsel to the Managed Markets Leadership Team regarding pro-active communications regarding evolving business model

* Explore and recommend personal and non-personal options and appropriate channels for communicating with organized customers, including development and maintenance of an accurate data base of customer contacts for this purpose

* Serve as communications lead for planning and execution of annual AstraZeneca Managed Markets National Meeting

Requirements   Required:

* Bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, marketing or similar liberal arts major

* 7-10 years’ communications experience in corporate, managed care and/or government work environment

* Demonstrated ability to interact with, counsel and influence senior executives effectively

* Proven ability to develop and execute results-driven communications strategies that are aligned with business goals and objectives

* Demonstrated ability to set and manage priorities, resources, goals, and project initiatives

* Experience coordinating with communications professionals, vendors and agencies

* Strategic planning skills

* Excellent writing, editing, copywriting and proofreading skills

* Ability to establish and meet deadlines, work under pressure and handle multiple priorities

* Strong and demonstrated organizational skills with high level of attention to detail


* Master’s degree

* Experience with managed care customers and/or practices

* Experience supporting senior leadership

Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities/Women/Protected Veterans/Disabled

AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory, inflammation, autoimmune, oncology, infection and neuroscience diseases. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. For more information please visit



Making a Difference

AstraZeneca is an equal opportunity employer


JOTW 12-2014


2014 Gold Quill Awards

Check out the Gold Quill website to learn about all 47 entry categories, find one that suits you, and to submit your entry. We can’t wait to see your submissions!



JOTW 12-2014

March 24, 2014

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,008


“Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends.”

– Gabon proverb


***  Welcome to the JOTW network.



***  This edition of JOTW comes to you from Monterey, California. (Nine flights in ten days)


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at  Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


JOTW is sent out on Mondays by email with a list the jobs posted in the full newsletter, which is posted online at  This is designed to keep the size of the emails to a more manageable length.


***  Posting a job is free.    The newsletter is posted at  Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  I may limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).

***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW or Ned’s other newsletters, visit this site:



***  Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (, and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  The JOTW network is built upon cooperative principles.  Share, and reap the benefits.  And it feels good to help others.  I call it selfish altruism.  But this also means you need to contribute.


***  In this issue:


(To view these jobs, visit


***  One Paragraph Pitch


1.)  Fundraising and Communications Manager, Restless Development USA, New York, New York

2.)  Community Outreach Specialist, Sound Transit, Seattle, WA

3.)  Junior-level Public Relations Specialist, CIGNA, Hartford, CT or Philadelphia, PA

4.)  Communications Manager, Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order, New York, New York

5.)  Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Alexion, Cheshire, CT

6.)  Director, Communications & Public Affairs, Systems Technology International, Boston, MA

7.)  Director of Communications and Content Strategy, Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York, New York

8.)  Corporate Communications Director, Solazyme, Inc., San Francisco, CA

9.)  Senior Corporate Communications Manager, Vodafone Ghana, Accra, Ghana

10.)  Head of Marketing and Communications, Rubin Museum of Art, New York, New York


11.)  Marketing Specialist, Alexander’s Mobility Services, Baltimore, MD

12.)  Corporate Communications Manager, Plato Consult Limited, Accra, Ghana

13.)  Senior Manager Strategic Communications, Scotiabank, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

14.)  Manager Government Communications Canada, Scotiabank, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

15.)  Senior Resident Journalism or Production trainers, Internews, Juba, South Sudan

16.)  Communications & Lifestyle Director, Celebration Town Hall, Celebration, FL

16.)  Vice President, Development and Communications, PenFed Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia

17.)  Corporate Affairs Manager, Global R&D, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, Chicago, Illinois

18.)  PR Account Director, PR Agency, Chicago, IL

19.)  Deputy Chief of Party – Technical Advisor for Behavior Change Communication, FHI 360, Accra, Ghana

20.)  Senior Communications Associate, Food & Water Watch, Washington, D.C.


21.)  Director, Marketing and Communications, Teach For America, Atlanta, Georgia

22.)  Marketing Strategy Officer, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, California

23.)  Global Communications Director, Momentive, Albany, New York

24.)  Chief Communication for Development, P-4, UNICEF WCARO, Bamako, Mali

25.)  The Manager, Federal Relations, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Washington, DC

26.)  Instructor in Communication and Assistant Debate Coach – College of Undergraduate Studies, Colorado Christian University, Lakewood, Colorado

27.)  Director, Corporate Communications & Editorial Services Hyatt, Chicago, Illinois

28.)  Assistant Professor of Public Relations & Media Writing, Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Bartlesville, OK

29.)  Communications Director; Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne, Wyo.

30.)  Mass Communications Specialist, Bowheand, Patuxent River, MD


31.)  Director R&D Communications, Sanofi, Bridgewater, NJ

32.)  Director of Enrollment Communications, Eastern University, St. Davids, Pennsylvania

33.)  Regional Communications Manager, Dow Pharma & Food Solutions, DOW, Philadelphia, PA

34.)  Investment Communications Manager, Wilmington Trust wealth and trust management subsidiary, M&T Bank, Wilmington, DE

35.)  Unified Communications Lead, KPMG US, New York City, NY

36.)  College Co-op (Tech) — Intranet Writer, Dow Chemical Company, MIDLAND, MI

37.)  Assistant Professor of Public Relations or Lecturer in Public Relations, Lee University, Cleveland, TN

38.)  Digital Communications Account Manager, Didit, Mineola, NY

39.)  Public Relations / Advertising Account Executives, RMD Advertising, Columbus, OH

40.)  PR Account Coordinator, 300Brand, Alexandria, VA


41.)  Creative Director for Web Design, 3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC

42.)  Volunteers/Interns, Northcoast Marine Mammal Center, Crescent City, CA

43.)  Marine Mammal Aide, National Aquarium in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD

44.)  Marine Endangered Species Observer, REMSA, Inc, United States

45.)  Asst. Head Groundskeeper – Miami Dolphins, National Football League, Miami Gardens, FL


(You can find the jobs descriptions and/or links at


***  Weekly Piracy Report


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


Ellen Ternes, – Freelance Web/Print/Video Writer
My writing has taken me up in a Blackhawk helicopter, down in a Navy submarine, and on the trail of a snake man through rattlesnake dens. I helped University of Maryland experts let the world know the cicadas were coming and put reporters in a wind tunnel to show them how 115 mph hurricane blasts will ruin even the slickest hairdo. I write to the audience, to motivate, educate, or entertain – print, web, and video, for marketing, fundraising, training, features, press releases. I can talk to anyone about anything.  I never miss a deadline. I’m based near Washington, DC, but I can travel on quick notice. Check out my website,, to see how I make even complex topics understandable and interesting. Contact me at, 301-318-4208.


Ellen Ternes



***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to  You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  There is no waiting list.  Submit yours today!


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


March 25-26-27, Monterey, Calif.


April 11-13, Boston/Bath, Maine


June 9-10, Abu Dhabi, UAE


June 11-12, Bahrain


August 18-19-22, Tacoma, Wash.


August 22, 23, 24, San Diego, Calif.


November 3-6, Nassau, Bahamas


***  Your Very Next Step!


The March  2014 YVNS newsletter is posted at


***  From Paige Brown:


In August, 2013, I started conducting a wide online survey of science journalists and bloggers to better understand why and how science research is translated into news. Nearly 1,000 science journalists and bloggers participated in this survey last year. As a continuation of a science communication project for my PhD research at Louisiana State UniversityI am now introducing Part II of this survey – a follow-up to answer more questions and confirm some intriguing results from Part I. (But you needn’t have participated in Part I to participate in Part II now!)


If you are a journalist, blogger, freelance writer, magazine writer, TV producer, radio announcer, podcast producer, or anything in between, I’m asking you to participate in this online survey. By participating in this survey, which only takes 15 minutes to complete, journalists, bloggers and other communicators can help me understand when and why science makes its way from research publication to news story.

Once you’ve completed this survey, you will also have the chance to read an abstract and summary of the results from Part I, which have now been submitted for publication. I will also hopefully be blogging about the results of Part I and Part II soon at Scientific American blogs!

To participate, simply copy and paste the following URL into a new browser window:

***  Stand Out


“Stand Out” is available for those who want to stand out in job searches compared to the competition. Go to and look around. “Stand Out” is researched and written by Woody Goulart.


***  Toronto and IABC. World Conference is just around the corner.


8–11 June 2014

Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada


The 2014 IABC World Conference is full of opportunities for you to grow professionally. This year’s Employee Engagement track not only fosters personal growth, but encourages you to become the kind of leader who inspires others to greatness.


Our sessions include an exciting presentation on the neuroscience of employee engagement that provides all-new insights into the minds of your staff. You’ll learn why brains resist change and what to do about it when change is necessary, how our brains are wired to be social, and the five domains that can lead to employees being engaged or disengaged.


Learn more about all the sessions taking place at the 2014 IABC World Conference, June 8-11 in Toronto, Canada


Register Now!


***  Let’s get to the jobs:


1.)  Fundraising and Communications Manager, Restless Development USA, New York, New York


2.)  Community Outreach Specialist, Sound Transit, Seattle, WA


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


3.)  Junior-level Public Relations Specialist, CIGNA, Hartford, CT or Philadelphia, PA

We are looking for a junior-level, Public Relations Specialist to join our team in either Hartford, CT or Philadelphia, PA! We are seeking a candidate with experience working with all types of media; including print, online and broadcast with an emphasis on social media and direct to consumer campaigns. Strong writing skills and the ability to write for a variety of audiences is a must. Interested? Learn more and apply at (ID 94482) or email

4.)  Communications Manager, Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order, New York, New York


***  From Mark Sofman:


5.)  Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Alexion, Cheshire, CT


6..)  Director, Communications & Public Affairs, Systems Technology International, Boston, MA


7.)  Director of Communications and Content Strategy, Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York, New York


8.)  Corporate Communications Director, Solazyme, Inc., San Francisco, CA


9.)  Senior Corporate Communications Manager, Vodafone Ghana, Accra, Ghana


10.)  Head of Marketing and Communications, Rubin Museum of Art, New York, New York


***  From Pam Deem-Hergan:


Would you please list this job? It is located in Baltimore, MD. The company is Alexander’s Mobility Services. Applicants can apply by sending an email to this address:





Pam Deem-Hergan

Director, Marketing and Sales

Alexander’s Mobility Services.


11.)  Marketing Specialist, Alexander’s Mobility Services, Baltimore, MD


• Lead the design, development, and delivery of responses for RFPs and related proposals

• Work with a team to create marketing pieces for a largely corporate audience

• Support an internal and external communications program




• Bachelor’s degree required.

• Ability to effectively manage the proposal process

• Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to own and manage a project with multiple participants.

• Ability to handle several projects simultaneously and provide regular status reports.

• Excellent Microsoft Word skills

• Must be organized, flexible and self-directed to meet deadlines.

• Self-starter with ability to learn independently, reach out for information proactively, and work with all levels of the organization in a collaborative team environment.

• Experience working with remote team members and stakeholders.

Applicants can apply by sending an email to this address:



12.)  Corporate Communications Manager, Plato Consult Limited, Accra, Ghana


13.)  Senior Manager Strategic Communications, Scotiabank, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


14.)  Manager Government Communications Canada, Scotiabank, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


15.)  Senior Resident Journalism or Production trainers, Internews, Juba, South Sudan


***  From Marnie Schubert:


Hello Ned,


Hope you’re having a wonderful week! Below is a new job opening at Celebration Town Hall in Celebration, FL. I hope one of your readers is the perfect fit! Thank you so much for including in your JOTW notice!




16.)  Communications & Lifestyle Director, Celebration Town Hall, Celebration, FL


Do you have a passion for building community? Do you love writing, social media and special events? Want to lead a great team to success? We have the next step in your career here in Celebration, Fla.


The position is responsible for all internal and external communications for the community, oversees a passionate recreation team, and assists in the coordination and marketing of special events and projects.


This is not a 9 to 5 desk job. This position requires passion, enthusiasm, a team spirit and strong sense of humor. You need to be a creative and analytical writer, a cheerleader, a team player and have a desire to make a difference in the lives of residents. Success will be measured in the quality of the communications program and the satisfaction of Celebration’s adults, teenagers and children participating in the opportunities presented by the Lifestyle Department. This is an executive leadership position with all of the responsibilities attached.


Salary: The salary range begins at $64,900 DOE


Essential Duties:


Specific Responsibilities Include:

•    Serve as the Communications consultant to the Executive Director, attend meetings and assist with written and broadcast correspondence for events, establish and advise the Executive Director of communications needs both internally in the community of Celebration and externally to the public.

•    Produce monthly Celebration News, which includes: coordinate, write and edit articles and photos for newspaper, with input from civic groups; oversee advertising sales and design/layout of newspaper; cross-promote content on website and social media. Negotiate printing contracts for all community printing/mailing and serve as primarily liaison with the printer vendor.

•    News Media Relations: serve as primarily contact for all media inquiries; work with Executive Director to manage and respond to news media; proactively engage and pitch media, including writing and distributing news releases; assist onsite media and TV crews, as well as commercial film/photography crews; provide tours of the community to media and VIP visitors.

•    Electronic media: coordinate, edit, design and post information and videos to the community website, Community Broadcast Channel, and social media sites, including meetings, special events and public service announcements. Monitor the online community forum. Write, edit, design and distribute weekly community-wide e-mail updates. Coordinate and maintain all of Celebration’s official social media sites, including multiple Facebook pages.

•    Marketing: support special events and recreation programs by purchasing advertising in local and national media and writing and distributing press releases. Work with Sales Representative to sell event sponsorships. Responsible for researching and applying for grants. Proactively pitch media to generate interest in the Celebration community as a tourist destination, including generating marketing content for public-facing portions of the website.

•    Liaison with Communications Committee, which serves to evaluate and improve current forms of communication to residents. Attend meetings and report back to Executive Director. Assist with production of television programming including community meetings, Parks and Recreation activities and community events. Serve on Community and events committees as needed. Any other duties or responsibilities within reason assigned by the Executive Director

•    Work with the Lifestyles Manager to develop and promote a full complement of activities and events for the various age groups within the community, including special events, games, sports activities, cultural / health / education programs and a complete aquatics program.

•    Train, mentor and supervise the Lifestyle Department staff and Communications Department staff, including a graphic designer, sales person, lifestyles manager, park and recreation manager, aquatics staff and park monitors.

•    Develop promotional strategies for Town Hall sponsored activities and events and assist in the development of revenue-generating activities, including rentals, unique programs, special events, sponsorships, grants, etc.




The Communications & Lifestyles Director should have the following skills and abilities:

•    Exceptional writing and verbal communications skills.

•    Experience working with media, creating multi-media communications and marketing plans, generating strong content for social media sites, and serving as an advisor to executive and community leadership as well as a liaison to outside organizations.

•    Experience with at least one Web-based content management system (CMS) and knowledge of current Web design standards.

•    Proven success maintaining social media sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube).

•    Experience writing, filming, lighting and editing video content for broadcast.

•    Special event planning/promotion.

•    Ability to work independently and within a group.

•    Self-starter who can seek out opportunities, juggle multiple projects simultaneously and provide strong customer service.

•    Flexible with community changes, project changes and working “outside the box.”

•    Strong management and leadership skills, including previous supervisory experience.

•    Strong computer skills.

•    Flexible schedule working some evenings and occasional weekends.

•    Good character, integrity, and adaptability.

•    Enthusiasm, sense of humor, patience and self-control.

•    College degree in journalism, public relations, or communications



•    Four to six years experience in public relations, community relations, marketing and/or journalism.

•    Strong communication skills.

•    At least four years of supervisory experience.

•    Proven ability to professionally administer Web and social media sites.



•    BA degree in public relations, community relations, marketing and/or journalism.

•    Broadcasting experience, including lighting, filming and editing.

•    HTML experience.

•    Accounting and budgeting experience.



Send resume and cover letter to by Friday, April 11, 2014.


16.)  Vice President, Development and Communications, PenFed Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia


***  From Allison Murphy:


Good Afternoon,


I’d like to post the following job.  Please let me know if you need any other information.


Thank you,

Allison Murphy

People & Organization

Talent Acquisition Coordinator- Global


17.)  Corporate Affairs Manager, Global R&D, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, Chicago, Illinois


***  From Chris Devadatta:




Lynn asked me to forward these job specs to you for posting.


Thank you,


Chris Devadatta


18.)  PR Account Director, PR Agency, Chicago, IL


19.)  Deputy Chief of Party – Technical Advisor for Behavior Change Communication, FHI 360, Accra, Ghana


20.)  Senior Communications Associate, Food & Water Watch, Washington, D.C.


21.)  Director, Marketing and Communications, Teach For America, Atlanta, Georgia


22.)  Marketing Strategy Officer, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, California


The Marine Mammal Center, an equal opportunity, non-profit employer, is seeking a Marketing Strategy Officer to join our team. The Marine Mammal Center’s mission is to expand knowledge about marine mammals—their health and that of their ocean environment—and to inspire their global conservation. Our core work is the rescue and rehabilitation of sick and injured marine mammals, supported by state-of-the-art animal care and research facilities, a corps of dedicated volunteers, and an engaged community.


Job Summary

The Marketing Strategy Officer is a full-time, exempt position with competitive benefits. This management position is responsible for setting and implementing the marketing, branding and communications strategy for the Center. The objectives of this position are to increase visibility and awareness of the Center and as a result increase the potential to raise critical operating funds through the creation and execution of targeted marketing initiatives. The overarching goal is to increase on-site and on-line visitation at the local level, and improve on-line visitation and awareness on the regional, national and global level. This position manages the Center’s two largest fundraising events, the annual Run For The Seals, and the Gala. The position reports to the Director of Development and Marketing but works across divisions in support of integrated programming and initiatives.


Reports To

Director of Development and Marketing






  • Ability to brand and market the Center, its varied programs and events
  • Vast understanding of marketing, branding and communications
  • Excellent project management skills – including the ability to create and implement complex marketing campaigns and meet tight deadlines
  • Excellent strategist with the ability to evaluate programs within all departments and advance the mission of the organization through targeted marketing
  • Ability to produce small to medium-sized fundraising events (30-3,000 people)
  • Ability to multi-task while being very efficient with time
  • Skill and ability with using marketing databases (Convio) and ability to record, manage, report and analyze data
  • Ability to be entrepreneurial – envision and create new programs and utilize mutually agreed decision making tools
  • Ability to take initiative and see projects through to completion with minimal supervision
  • Embodiment of the following leadership attributes sought by the Center for its personnel. These include:
  • An articulate person with creative and strong organizational skills
  • An initiator who functions effectively without being autocratic or political; a team player who is inclusive and flexible, creative, energetic and fair minded
  • A strong interpersonal and communication skill set and demonstrated ability to work effectively with, and gain the respect and support of, varied and changing constituencies including staff, board members, potential donors, volunteers and the like
  • An individual who is equally comfortable to lead and delegate, when appropriate, and who has the sense and humility to dive into and address the most mundane of details, as is warranted by the situation
  • A person who is decisive and resourceful, with the willingness to accept responsibility and take charge of results
  • Imagination, vision, leadership, integrity and an entrepreneurial “can do” attitude.
  • Ability to function well in a balanced culture that combines the richness and relevance of programs with the efficacy of best business practices, fiscal accountability, and institutional impact
  • A self-starter who is confident in expressing opinions, has the foresight to forge ahead when appropriate and alternatively hold back when necessary, employing either tactic with a sensitivity to the feelings and opinions of others
  • An energetic person who is emotionally mature and dependable; a collegial individual
  • Ability to manage contractors and key stakeholders and manage and mentor staff
  • Excellent communication, writing, inter-personal, and presentation skills
  • Ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary, integrated team to advance the mission of the Center



Lead the Marketing and Communications Team (70%)

  • Define, shape and execute the marketing/communications strategy for the Center
  • Ensure that marketing strategies and goals are incorporated into the Center’s visitor programs and on the Center’s website
  • Create strategy and implementation for increased visitation in conjunction with education team and other stakeholders
  • Set annual revenue goals and suggest annual long term revenue goals with input from the Director of Development and Marketing
  • Analyze metrics on a regular basis to determine ongoing progress of online activity
  • Oversee the creation and implementation of marketing content online
  • Work closely with the Direct Response Membership Officer to help manage the relationship with the web strategy consultant; communicate and disseminate data results and trends and utilize data to drive decision-making
  • Manage partnerships with key organizations to promote visitation
  • Manage advertising and agency relationships for the Center
  • Manage public relations consultant, and serve as liaison to appropriate staff
  • Oversee creation of long-lead PR strategy with agency and Event and Marketing Assistant
  • Serve as a center PR spokesperson or delegate to staff
  • Help Story and Communications Curator manage volunteer Social Media Manager (oversee relationship as necessary)
  • Work closely with the Website Specialist and the Direct Response Membership Officer to ensure membership campaigns and all web content is integrated into overall marketing strategy
  • Work closely with the Director of Development and Marketing to strategically create and implement new initiatives for the Center
  • Work closely with Education and Retail departments and other stakeholders to drive visitation and improve visitor experience, and provide advice and tactical ideas to help retail sales

Personnel Management (20%)

  • Manage the Event & Marketing Assistant, Story and Communications Curator, and volunteer Social Media Manager and set goals and metrics for each position
  • Measure success through assessment of duties on a routine basis

Major Event Management (10%)
Direct the annual Run for the Seals event:

  • Set gross and net revenue goals for the event
  • Manage and oversee the creation and implementation of all event logistics, budgeting and marketing elements i.e. event plans, staffing briefs, timelines, expense and revenue budgets, marketing plans, fundraising tactics etc.
  • Work with other departments, contractors and volunteers to ensure event success
  • Manage and work closely with Direct Response Membership Officer and other key staff to implement a sponsorship plan
  • Manage live event

Manage the gala:

  • Set gross and net revenue goals for the event
  • Devise a theme that threads through the entire event and all marketing
  • Create and implement a marketing plan and collateral tied to the theme
  • Serve as staff point person to the venue, AV, caterer and other logistics suppliers
  • Utilize other departmental staff as production back-up
  • Hire external events person if needed



  • Bachelor’s degree
  • 7+ years marketing/advertising/branding experience
  • Communications/PR experience a plus
  • Demonstrated experience with implementing a marketing plan
  • Ability to optimize automated systems; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), and experience with relational databases.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills


DOE and excellent benefit package

How to Apply

Please send a cover letter and resume attention Human Resources Director & I.T. Manager to Please put “Marketing Strategy Officer” in the subject line. Deadline for applications is March 28, 2014. We hope to hire this position as soon as possible. Please no phone calls or faxed submissions.

Marine Mammal Center



23.)  Global Communications Director, Momentive, Albany, New York


24.)  Chief Communication for Development, P-4, UNICEF WCARO, Bamako, Mali


***  From Bridget Serchak:


25.)  The Manager, Federal Relations, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Washington, DC


25.)  VP of External Relations, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.


26.)  Instructor in Communication and Assistant Debate Coach – College of Undergraduate Studies, Colorado Christian University, Lakewood, Colorado


27.)  Director, Corporate Communications & Editorial Services Hyatt, Chicago, Illinois


28.)  Assistant Professor of Public Relations & Media Writing, Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Bartlesville, OK


***  From Amber Leberman:


Hello, Ned,

Thanks in advance for your consideration of a job opening at my agency for “Jobs of the Week.” Details below.


29.)  Communications Director; Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne, Wyo.



Serving as Public Information Officer (PIO) directs and guides public information campaigns and strategies; develops media, marketing and communications plans and strategies to guide overall outreach efforts; works closely with Director’s and Governor’s office, addressing important information and education issues and priorities; serves as a member of Game and Fish Department staff which collectively addresses management issues, polices and overall budget. Working under the Deputy Director of External Operations, supervises the following programs: Conservation Education Services; Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation of hunters and anglers; Publications; Video Production; Graphic Design; Human Dimensions; Volunteer Program; and Customer Outreach Services.

– Works closely with Director’s office, other agency administrators and regional personnel coordinating media contact; guides public information campaigns and strategies.
– Develops media, marketing and communications plans and strategies, guiding agency in its overall outreach efforts; works closely with agency Director’s and Governor’s office to address important information and education issues and priorities (PIO functions).
– Directs, supervises and delegates supervision to subordinate personnel.
– Evaluate and report on the effectiveness of communications activities.
– Hire, evaluate and develop staff to support the achievement of the objective and goals related to communications, media relations, and partner cultivation and events.
– Works continuously to gain a deep understanding of stakeholder needs.
– Demonstrates effective oral, written and interpersonal communication skills that keep our clients, partners and colleagues informed and engaged as we operate in a fast-paced and rapidly changing environment.
– Administers Education functions, including Conservation Education Services, Publications and Customer Outreach Services (Publications, Customer Outreach).
– Create continuity and clarity in communication across all departments.


-Preference will be given to those with experience or training in communication, marketing, public relations and/ or media relations.

– Must have a valid drivers license.

– The ability to take knowledge and transform into exciting and useful messages, and disseminate it to the right audiences through the best distribution channels.
– Highly collaborative style; experience developing and implementing communications strategies.
– Excellent writing/editing and verbal communication skills.
– Strong track record as an implementer who thrives on managing a variety of key initiatives concurrently.
– High energy, maturity, and leadership with the ability to serve as a unifying force and to position communications discussions at both the strategic and tactical levels.
– Self-starter, able to work independently, enjoys creating and implementing new initiatives.
– Knowledge of public information and media practices; knowledge of marketing principles, brand creation and integrity, and targeted messaging.
– Knowledge of conservation education programs; knowledge of publication production; knowledge of recruitment and retention principles; knowledge of principles, concepts and current practices of Wyoming State Government, including budget development and management and purchasing.
– Knowledge of personnel management; knowledge of wildlife management and state wildlife agency operations.
– Skill in communicating issues to a wide array of professional and lay persons.
– Skill in oral and written communications; skill in interpersonal relations; skill in fiscal control and budget preparation.
– Skill in decision-making and directing and delegating work activities; skill in prioritizing allocation of finite personnel and financial resources to meet intra- and inter-departmental needs.
– Open to and thoughtfully considers the ideas, input, and perspectives of others.
– Demonstrates flexibility to adapt to changing situations, needs and environments.


***  From Mark Sofman:


30.)  Mass Communications Specialist, Bowheand, Patuxent River, MD


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


31.)  Director R&D Communications, Sanofi, Bridgewater, NJ


32.)  Director of Enrollment Communications, Eastern University, St. Davids, Pennsylvania


33.)  Regional Communications Manager, Dow Pharma & Food Solutions, DOW, Philadelphia, PA


34.)  Investment Communications Manager, Wilmington Trust wealth and trust management subsidiary, M&T Bank, Wilmington, DE


35.)  Unified Communications Lead, KPMG US, New York City, NY


36.)  College Co-op (Tech) — Intranet Writer, Dow Chemical Company, MIDLAND, MI


37.)  Assistant Professor of Public Relations or Lecturer in Public Relations, Lee University, Cleveland, TN


***  From Kemi Ijaola:


38.)  Digital Communications Account Manager, Didit, Mineola, NY


39.)  Public Relations / Advertising Account Executives, RMD Advertising, Columbus, OH


40.)  PR Account Coordinator, 300Brand, Alexandria, VA


***  From Roxy McMahon:


41.)  Creative Director for Web Design, 3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC


***  Weekly Alternative Selections:


***  From Mark Sofman:


42.)  Volunteers/Interns, Northcoast Marine Mammal Center, Crescent City, CA


43.)  Marine Mammal Aide, National Aquarium in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD


44.)  Marine Endangered Species Observer, REMSA, Inc, United States


45.)  Asst. Head Groundskeeper – Miami Dolphins, National Football League, Miami Gardens, FL



***  Weekly Piracy Report:


No new reports this week.


***  Ball cap of the week:   MOAA (Thanks, Connie!)


***  Coffee Mug of the week:     Maidstone State Park – Vermont  Forests, Parks & Recreation


***  T- shirt of the week:   Old is Cool (Thanks, Connie…I mean, really.)


***  Musical guest artist of the week:   Hank Ballard and the Moonlighters


***  To subscribe: 


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

– African proverb


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2014 The Job of the Week Network, LLC



2014 Gold Quill Awards

Check out the Gold Quill website to learn about all 47 entry categories, find one that suits you, and to submit your entry. We can’t wait to see your submissions!







Hospitality and Event Planning Network (HEPN) for 23 March 2014

Hospitality and Event Planning Network (HEPN) for 23 March 2014

Welcome to the Hospitality and Event Planning Network, a career and relationship building newsletter network for all who work in the hospitality and event planning industries, published by Sonja Johnson. The objective of this network is to build relationships and help each other with career issues and other professional and personal challenges.

Here’s how to participate: Send any issue or job opportunity to and I will post it in the weekly newsletter sent to you and all other subscribers. If you are sending a job opportunity, please include the title, organization, and location, as well as a brief description/link/contact information. We also like to hear if you got a job as a result of this network!

Some of the older HEPN editions are now listed at:

Issues from November 27, 2006 onward are also posted at

This network thrives on sharing. Invite your friends! Anyone can sign up by clicking here:

To unsubscribe, click the “unsubscribe from this list” link at the bottom of this email.

Changing your email address? Click the “update subscription preferences” link at the bottom of this email.

I do not rent, sell, or give out your information on this list.

This week’s edition includes:
*** The Short Self-Pitch (SSP)
*** Upcoming Conferences
1. Senior Sales Manager; PSAV Presentation Services; Amelia Island, FL
2. Manager of Conference Services; American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Downers Grove, IL
3. Convention Sales Manager: DC & Multicultural; VISIT Milwaukee; Milwaukee, WI/Washington, DC
4. Senior Convention Services Manager/Senior Account Executive; Baltimore Convention Center; Baltimore, MD
5. Manager Exhibits & Sponsorship; The Sherwood Group,Inc.; Deerfield, IL
6. Manager, Meetings and Expositions; Kellen Company; Atlanta, GA
7. General Manager, Events and Conferences; Boston University; Boston, MA
8. Conference Content and Coordination Manager; FHI 360; Washington, DC
9. Assistant Director for Meeting Management; American Case Management Association;  Nashville, TN
10. Association Management – Director of Meetings; Confidential; Trenton, NJ
11. Meetings and Events Manager; American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; Washington, DC
12. Conference Center Coordinator; Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Annapolis, MD
13. Senior Event Planner; kCura; Chicago, IL

************ The Short Self-Pitch (SSP) *********************

The HEPN offers a special feature: the Short Self-Pitch (SSP). If you are looking for a job opportunity or offer free-lance services, send a brief paragraph to One SSP will be included each week.

************* Upcoming Conferences *************

Do you know of an upcoming conference that the HEPN readers should be aware of?

1. Senior Sales Manager; PSAV Presentation Services; Amelia Island, FL

2. Manager of Conference Services; American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Downers Grove, IL

3. Convention Sales Manager: DC & Multicultural; VISIT Milwaukee; Milwaukee, WI/Washington, DC

4. Senior Convention Services Manager/Senior Account Executive; Baltimore Convention Center; Baltimore, MD

5. Manager Exhibits & Sponsorship; The Sherwood Group,Inc.; Deerfield, IL

6. Manager, Meetings and Expositions; Kellen Company; Atlanta, GA

7. General Manager, Events and Conferences; Boston University; Boston, MA

8. Conference Content and Coordination Manager; FHI 360; Washington, DC

9. Assistant Director for Meeting Management; American Case Management Association;  Nashville, TN

10. Association Management – Director of Meetings; Confidential; Trenton, NJ

11. Meetings and Events Manager; American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; Washington, DC

12. Conference Center Coordinator; Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Annapolis, MD

13. Senior Event Planner; kCura; Chicago, IL

Today’s theme song: “Dance Again (feat. Pitbull)”, Jennifer Lopez, “Dance Again… The Hits (Deluxe Version)”

Past issues through October 2012 can be read at Issues from November 27 onward will be posted at

To contribute your job opportunities or questions/issues for comments by the network, send an e-mail to

Share the love! Invite your friends and colleagues to join the network by clicking here:

To unsubscribe, click the “unsubscribe from this list” link at the bottom of this email.

Changing your email address? Click the “update subscription preferences” link at the bottom of this email.

This network is brought to you by:
Sonja Johnson
Woodbridge, VA

Your Very Next Step newsletter for March 2014

Your Very Next Step newsletter for March 2014


By Ned Lundquist

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering.”

– Saint Augustine


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
– Lao Tzu
This issue of YVNS comes to you from Accra, Ghana.

“Your Very Next Step” adventure/outdoors/conservation newsletter, published by Ned Lundquist, is a cooperative community, and everyone is invited, no…encouraged, no…urged to participate.   Share your adventures with the network today!  Send to

***  To subscribe for free: 


Send us your comments, questions, and contributions to

Contact Ned at


*** In this issue:

***  Ned’s upcoming travel

***  Safe!  Or not?  Baseball on donkeys?

***  Reforesting your land in Virginia

***  Top 10 wackiest hotels

***  Are airlines right to change their miles programs?

***  America’s 10 Best Spots for Seeing Wildflowers

***  10 Best All-Inclusive Resorts for Families in the US

***  Eight islands you’ll never set foot on

***  My Ghana adventure

***  The Top 10 Weird Restaurants Around the World

***  What’s a Lasher?

***  World’s 20 Most Stunning Libraries


*** National Rail-Trail of the month:

Trail of the Month: March 2014

Georgia’s Atlanta Beltline


*** Trail/Outdoor/Conservation volunteer opportunities:


1.)  Volunteer opportunities, The New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors, Albuquerque, NM

2.)  Volunteer opportunities, The Museum of Indian Arts & Culture is a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe, NM


*** Travel/Adventure/Outdoors/Conservation employment opportunities:

1.)  Philadelphia Community Conservation Crew Leaders, Student Conservation Association (SCA), Philadelphia, PA and Camden, NJ

2.)  Facilities Coordinator, Special Events, National Audubon Society, Inc., Audubon, PA

3.)  Marketing Strategy Officer, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, California

4.)  The Manager, Federal Relations, National fish and wildlife foundation, Washington, DC


…and much more…and it’s all FREE!!!

*** Do you have a travel adventure, conservation or outdoor update  to share?

Send me your stories and I’ll post in the “Your Very Next Step” and on the YVNS website (


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


March 25-26-27, Monterey, Calif.


April 11-13, Boston/Bath, Maine


June 9-10, Abu Dhabi, UAE


June 11-12, Bahrain


August 18-19-22, Tacoma, Wash.


August 22, 23, 24, San Diego, Calif.


November 3-6, Nassau, Bahamas


***  Safe!  Or not?  Baseball on donkeys?

Katie Rosenbrock,


***  Reforesting your land in Virginia:


Tree Seedlings Selling Fast—Order Yours Before They’re Gone Each year, the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) grows and sells more than 24 million tree seedlings. And every year, many of the more than 40 species sell out before the harvest season ends in April. If you are looking to plant tree seedlings or reforest your land this year, you still have a few weeks remaining to order your seedlings. Landowners may still purchase seed mixes, shrubs and quality bare-root tree seedlings in specialty packets for wildlife habitat enhancement, stream bank stabilization, Christmas tree plantations, fall and spring colors, timber stand establishment, urban forests, biodiversity and improvement of watersheds management. Learn why Virginia trees are your best choice. Order yours today by visiting the VDOF Web store, calling the Augusta Forestry Center at (540) 363-7000, or contacting your local VDOF office.


***  Top 10 wackiest hotels


Our compilation of the world’s most unusual places to stay


***  Are airlines right to change their miles programs?

Christopher Elliott , Special for USA TODAY



***  America’s 10 Best Spots for Seeing Wildflowers


***  10 Best All-Inclusive Resorts for Families in the US!1-intro


***  Eight islands you’ll never set foot on


***  My Ghana adventure:


My flight from Washington to Addis Ababa on Ethiopian was aboard a new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.  Originally I was booked on a 777 flight connecting to a 767.  When it was changed to a 787 connecting to a 757 the seat assignments were mixed up.  (I believe now that my return flight will be on a 767 connecting to a 787.)


I watched a couple of movies because I couldn’t plug in my laptop.  I saw The Departed and looked for—and saw—Scot Cregan who was an extra in the film.


It was my second time on a 787 (my first was on Air India between Delhi and Bangalore).  I sat next to a young lady from Accra now living in the U.S. going back to visit family, and an elderly woman who was not an experienced traveler.  The woman spoke no English, but that didn’t stop her from talking to me.  I occasional asked the flight attendant to interpret in Amharic.  The various containers on her meal tray, such as salad dressing, butter, yoghurt, jelly, were mysteries and challenges to her.


I had a short connection time in Addis, with no time to check on my seat assignment at the transfer desk.  When I got to the gate, I noticed that the temporary toilets in the Gate 1 area were over flowing.  I cleaning woman finally showed up with a dustpan, bucket and mop and started scooping.  One of the passengers from my DC flight who was also continuing on to Accra jumped in to help the lady sent to try and clean up the mess, but together they could barely keep up.


I did manage to get myself a bulkhead exit row seat, and promptly fell asleep.  I woke up a couple of hours into the flight, but then realized we hadn’t taken off yet.


I was met upon arrival at Accra by a member of the Ghana Army, helped me through “diplomatic” passport control, helped me retrieve my bags, and then representatives from the Ghana Navy repos took me to my hotel and made sure I was settled in.


The Novotel pool was warm, but not too warm.  It’s the hangout for the Delta crews that layover at the Novotel.


The Sunday buffet at the Movenpick hotel in Accra is the place to be.  After a long walk in the hot sun it was a cool and appetizing way to enjoy the afternoon.


Our Monday agenda featured a flight to Takoradi aboard a Ghana Air Force C295, and a visit to the Naval Dockyard at Sekondi and the base at Takoradi.


I moderated the third day of the Coastal and Maritime Surveillance Africa 2014 conference.  I thought the Ghana Navy and IQPC produced a fabulous event and was delighted to be a part of it.


Ghana is a beautiful country with warm and friendly people that make youy feel safe and welcome.  It is an English-speaking nation surrounded my Francophone countries.  It has a transparent busiess and governance environment and is much more conducsive to investment because of it.  There are many valuable resources here, so the question is why is Ghana still relatively a poor country.  I see great opportunity and a bright future for Ghana.


***  The Top 10 Weird Restaurants Around the World


***  What’s a Lasher?


By Laughing Dog


In the last couple of years, the term “Lasher” has wormed its way into the long-distance hiker’s vernacular. It’s an acronym for Long-Ass-Section-Hiker, meaning one who hikes a long trail in, uh, really long sections. While that seems lacking in clearly defined parameters, distances hiked are apparently greater than yer run-of-the-mill section hiker, which is not, in itself, defined by any distance parameters.


But, in the words of Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart “I know it when I see it.”


Neville, of Woods Hole Hostel, told us a story about a hiker who, upon hearing the distance a self-proclaimed section hiker was hiking, said “that’s a long-ass section, dude!” (Or words to that effect.) Neville spontaneously suggested that made him a “Lasher.” Now, in her characteristically unassuming way, she allowed that she’s subsequently heard that others have claimed to have made up the term. But I give credit to Neville.


And it has come to define how I am hiking the Appalachian Trail.


In spring of 2012, I started out like most, hiking north from Springer Mountain in Georgia in a thru-hike attempt. A bursitis in my knee cut that short just across the North Carolina border . I went home, treated the pain, and saw a physical therapist who found the underlying cause. That summer I climbed Mt Katahdin, and headed south on another thru attempt. 538 miles later, I was in a hostel looking at a big lump in my abdomen. The doctor said I needed hernia surgery, stat …


With 644 miles of the trail behind me, I redefined myself as a section hiker, got back on where I got off the previous spring, sprained my ankle 3 hours in, and hiked north, slowly, till it was time to go to our family’s reunion. That took me 674 miles to the James River Bridge. Just shy of Shenandoah. That’s a long-ass section if ever I seen one.


1318 miles down, 867 to go …


In between sections, I saved my pennies and tweaked my gear. My pack’s base weight is now just short of 15 lbs, and a good deal of that can be sent home when the mountains warm up.


This spring I’ll get back on at James River bridge, and hike north. Barring injury, emergent surgical needs, vector-borne diseases, hurricanes, or government shut downs, I may just finish the AT in one last, Long-Ass Section Hike.


(Note: All distances were taken from the appropriate year’s database at  Who in turn get theirs from the ATC’s annual publication “Appalachian Trail Data Book.”


***  World’s 20 Most Stunning Libraries


***  Learning to Lead


Inside AMC’s Mountain Leadership School


Story by Ty Wivell


AMC Outdoors, March/April 2014


*** National Rail-Trail of the month:


Rail Trail of the Month: March 2014

Georgia’s Atlanta Beltline

By Laura Stark


Railroad corridor: Southern Railway, Seaboard Air Line Railroad, Atlanta and West Point Railroad, and Louisville and Nashville Railroad


Trail website: Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (


Length: A total of 33 miles are planned for the Atlanta BeltLine. Currently, 6.8 miles are paved and open in four disconnected segments: Eastside Trail, West End Trail, Northside Trail, and Southwest Connector Trail. An additional three segments awaiting development (totaling about four miles) are available as unpaved hiking trails in the interim.


Start Point/End Point: The Atlanta BeltLine will form a loop around the city from Lindbergh Drive in the north to Lee Street in the south, and from Marietta Boulevard in the west to DeKalb Avenue in the east.


To navigate the area with an interactive GIS map, and to see more photos, user reviews and ratings, plus loads of other trip-planning information, visit RTC’s free trail-finder website,


Rentals: Near the BeltLine’s Eastside Trail, bicycle rentals are available from Atlanta BeltLine Bicycle (151 Sampson Street NE; 404-588-9930) and Skate Escape (1086 Piedmont Avenue NE; 404-892-1292).


Spring is upon us, and perhaps no region is more thankful than the South, hit especially hard by an unusually brutal winter. Residents of The Big Peach are more than ready to head out on the Atlanta Beltline to soak up the warmer weather. In a city once known as Terminus, the BeltLine trail network is a re-envisioning of its railroad past for a new wave of pedestrian and bike-friendly urban design.


“We have an electric counter on the Eastside Trail, and it logged 9,700 people on the trail this past Sunday,” says Lee Harrop, program management officer for Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. “There was no one in Atlanta sitting on their couch.”


The two-mile Eastside Trail, which starts at Piedmont Park, the crown jewel of Atlanta’s park system, is one of the most popular segments of the BeltLine. And perhaps there’s no prettier time to enjoy it; this month, showy pink and white blossoms—the stars of the guided Magnolia Tree Walks hosted by Trees Atlanta, which has planted hundreds of trees along the BeltLine—will be on full display.


Three other BeltLine trails, West End, Northside and the Southwest Connector, have also been built around the city and total about seven miles. All are paved. Another three trail segments awaiting development (totaling about four miles) are available as natural hiking trails in the interim. Eventually, the trail will connect more than 40 neighborhoods.


“The minute we start connecting them together will be an incredible day for the city,” says Ed McBrayer, executive director for the PATH Foundation, which manages the construction of the trail. “People are starting to exercise that never used to, and the trail’s proximity to their houses seems to be the key. The BeltLine has a significant impact on the health of the people around it, no doubt about it.”


Even at this stage, with only a handful of its proposed 33 miles completed, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc., which implements the project, estimates that the annual trail usage exceeds a million people.


“People love the BeltLine,” says Curt Soper, Georgia/Alabama state director of the Trust for Public Land, which helps acquire the land for the trail. “The neighborhoods that are touched by it see the value it brings. It improves their quality of life.”


Rather than the straight line of a typical rail-trail, the growing BeltLine will form a 22-mile loop around the city, with another 11 miles of spur trail that tie in to neighborhoods and parks. While not precisely a circle—it was once dubbed the “green ghost” for its shape—the rail-trail at the core of the project comprises four different inactive freight lines.


“Atlanta has always been a railroad town,” says Ryan Gravel, senior urban designer for Perkins+Will, the firm that designed the Eastside Trail. “There were railroads everywhere.”


Gravel, whose 1999 master’s thesis helped the BeltLine concept take wing, grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta, where he remembers enjoying the sound of the trains at night. For him, the “adventurous quality” of railroads was captivating. A culmination of his experiences exploring the city’s old rail corridors, and a trip abroad, where he was inspired by Paris’s rail-trail greenbelt known as the Promenade Plantée, planted the seeds for his exposé on reusing Atlanta’s ring of freight railroad to meet modern public transportation needs.


“At the end of the 1990s, the idea was emerging that a lot of this industrial land laying fallow could be repurposed for a new way of life,” says Gravel, who is now a Board member of the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership, a nonprofit organization that raises awareness and support for the trail.


As a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Gravel’s thesis focused on utilizing the rail corridor for a new light-rail system. The idea took hold when he sent the proposal to city officials and caught the eye of Cathy Woolard, who immediately championed the idea and pushed it forward when she became president of the Atlanta City Council. This spring, the long-awaited first phase of the Atlanta Streetcar will open downtown, just five blocks from the Eastside Trail. Future expansion is planned to connect the streetcar with the BeltLine. The trail and active rail line will form a parallel loop around the city in what is known as a rail-with-trail.


More than two decades ago, when Marianne Fowler—then new to Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (now senior VP of federal relations)—was tasked with visiting Atlanta to survey the city’s aging railroad corridor for potential conversion to rail-trail, she was “astounded by what a connector it was.”


Seeing the startling potential of the city’s ring of railroads that were likely to soon be abandoned, she wrote in her 1991 report, “As Atlanta surveys its sobering lack of open space and its diminished prospects for linear greenways, the 20 miles of rail line circling downtown gain significance… To encircle a major American city with a combined 20-mile rail rotary and rail-trail park would be a feat of extraordinary vision and brilliant engineering.”


Today, such a feat is becoming reality. To provide people with a peek at the trail’s progress, the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership offers free, narrated bus tours of the developing trail on Friday and Saturday mornings, and the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition leads guided bicycle tours on the weekends.


“In the beginning, we were selling air, we had nothing to show,” says Harrop. “So we started giving three-hour tours that zigzag around the proposed BeltLine. The tours are so popular now, they book up within a couple of hours.”


Not only is the BeltLine itself a recreational amenity, it’s spurring the development of new parks and improvements to existing parks throughout the city. The trail’s open segments already link to several of these parks, and more are on the way. In 2004, the Trust for Public Land commissioned an urban planner at Yale University to address the need for more park acreage in the city and investigate opportunities for green space along the BeltLine.


“Alexander Garvin took Ryan’s thesis and added to it,” says Soper. “He added nodes of parks so the BeltLine would be more than just a rail-trail loop. It’s helping Atlanta move up the list of world-class cities as far as parks are concerned.”


After the study’s publication, the Trust for Public Land began acquiring land for the parks outlined in the report. The first major city park built on the BeltLine was completed in 2012. “Historic Fourth Ward Park is built on what was a dilapidated, run-down area,” says Soper. “Now that neighborhood is booming. It’s ground zero for the economic recovery in Atlanta.”


Harrop agrees, “You walk down the Eastside Trail, and there’s so much construction it’s unreal. There’s been $1.1 billion in private investment along the trail: a 3-to-1 return on investment.”


Gravel lives along the Eastside Trail and could not be happier with all the growth stemming from the trail. “When we’re out on the trail, there are always mobs of people. The BeltLine is changing the way that people live in a really profound way.”


Another emerald on the trail’s necklace will be Westside Reservoir Park, estimated to open within the next five years on the northwest stretch of the BeltLine. At 300 acres, it will be the city’s largest park. The site—due to its towering granite walls nearly 450 feet high, the remnants of a quarry more than a century old—was used for the filming of the second Hunger Games movie. And like that film’s revolution, the BeltLine and the revitalization of Atlanta that it brings are truly “catching fire.”

*** Trail/Outdoor/Conservation volunteer opportunities:


1.)  Volunteer opportunities, The New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors, Albuquerque, NM


The New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors is an all-volunteer, non-political organization that is dedicated to improving trails and outdoor facilities throughout the state.


The NMVFO is an all-volunteer group so there are lots of ways to volunteer, both on and off the trail. You can help us make outdoors great even if you can’t get to the outdoors!




Contact the project leader for a specific project to sign up


Project Volunteer: help with the physical aspects of building or improving a trail or public land area. No experience necessary.  All tools provided.


Assistant  Project Leader:  Assist the project leader in organizing work crews, gathering tools, gathering project materials. Contact the project leader on a specific project to sign up.


Cook or Assistant Cook:  Multi-day or weekend projects require a cook to prepare food for volunteers.  Contact the project leader to sign up.


Photographer:  Record the project’s events to be posted on the website, newsletter or used in future promotions.


BEHIND THE SCENES – Contact us if you are interested in helping with one of these positions


Project Planning Committee: Help with developing our yearly schedule of outdoors projects.


Membership Committee: Assist the membership committee in recruiting new volunteers. This may include attending events to promote the NMVFO, distributing brochures, helping with writing for the website, newsletter & local newspaper, placing ads or presenting to other organizations.


Tool Team: Trail tools need cleaning, sharpening and organizing! Best suited for an Albuquerque area volunteer.


Office management: We need help with collecting mail and other office duties. Best suited for an Albuquerque area volunteer.


Website Administrator: Help with updating and maintaining the website.


Board Member: Board members make the decisions that direct the NMVFO. Positions are best suited for people in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe/Bernalillo/Belen area, but we do welcome long-distance board members as well.


2.)  Volunteer opportunities, The Museum of Indian Arts & Culture is a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe, NM


Seasonal or occasional Volunteer needs:


Laboratory of Anthropology Library Annual Book Sale Fundraiser:


Donations or inquiries to volunteer can be made by calling or e-mailing the Librarian Allison Colborne at (505) 476-1264 or To see a listing of the better books LOA Library has for sale throughout the year, please visit the MIAC-LOA Library Bookstore by searching MIAC-LOA at . Book donations are accepted throughout the year.


Native Treasures Indian Arts Festival:


Memorial Day Weekend: Help is needed for all days, all shifts and all types of jobs


Native Treasures: Indian Arts Festival benefits the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture. Each artist generously donates a portion of sales to the Museum’s programs. So you can support your favorite artists and the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture at the same time!


Regular Volunteer needs:


For more information about any volunteer needs please contact Dawn Kaufmann, Docent Coordinator and Educator, at 505-476-1271.


(Please Note: All volunteer areas require some availability during regular office hours M-F 8 am-5 pm, except Special Events and Fundraisers) :




The Living Traditions Educational Program provides the opportunity for volunteers and docents to assist in the school tour program through preparation of curriculum and materials for the outreach, and museum tour hands-on activities. Docents are trained to guide students through the museum exhibits, providing unique tours to the youth visitors. Docents and volunteers also work with students in the classroom and outdoors doing hands-on activities, as well as special educational yearly events such as Sun Mountain Gathering and Winter Feast. Volunteers are needed Tuesday through Fridays and occasionally weekends.


Contact Joyce Begay-Foss , Director of Education at 505-476-1272 or


Docent Training Program:


Docents are an essential and sustaining part of the Museum, and indeed serve as the public face of the Museum for our visitors from around the state and around the world. We rely on our docents to give guided tours, to help with our hands-on classroom activities and outreach visits, and to participate in our fundraising and special events for the public.


Please inquire for the next scheduled docent training class. Docent training classes will be led by the docent coordinator, other museum staff, guest artists and speakers, tribal representatives, with panel discussions, and studio tours as well as other fieldtrips. The class will take place at the Museum once a week on Monday mornings from 9 am to 12:30 pm. The training class is about seven months long. Docent training is considered similar in scope and commitment to a college level course. Following successful training as a docent, we ask that you be able to commit to serving two years as a docent. For more information please


Contact Dawn Kaufmann, Docent Coordinator and Educator, at 505-476-1271.


Museum Gift Shop:


The Colleen Cloney Duncan Museum Shop reflects the collections of the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture and is a unique shopping experience. The shop provides visitors with a wide array of contemporary Native arts—ceramics, sculpture, textiles, jewelry, kachina dolls, works on paper, and baskets—along with clothing and an extensive selection of popular and scholarly books on Native cultures.  Volunteers are needed to help with retail sales and general shop needs, volunteer needs include weekends.


Contact the Museum Gift  Shop at 505-982-5057.


Laboratory of Anthropology Library:


The Laboratory of Anthropology maintains an extensive research Library and Archives. The museum has a 25,000 volume non-circulating special research library, computer catalogued and available to the public and researchers in the library or on-line via OCLC. The library specializes in the southwestern American Indian cultures from earliest times to the contemporary. We are looking for people willing to shelve books (knowledge of Dewey Decimal system necessary) as well as repair books and periodicals, check-in journals, indexing projects and assist patrons. We also need volunteers to help organize and run the annual Book Sale Fundraiser held annually. Tasks include sorting donations and pricing books, cash handling, supervising booksale areas. Special projects may include placing leftover donated items on Ebay or other online listing ( or Abebooks, etc.), book weeding projects, or updating/cleaning up catalog database.


Volunteer hours are available from 8:30 am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday, except during the booksale weekend  when we will need volunteers Saturday and Sunday. Donations or inquiries to volunteer can be made by calling or e-mailing the Librarian Allison Colborne at (505) 476-1264 or


Finance Office and General Office Assistance:


Volunteers are needed for basic help in finance with Xeroxing, data entry, and filing, mailings.


Archaeological Research Collections (ARC):


The Museum of Indian Arts & Culture will be moving its archaeological collections to a new repository at the Center for New Mexico Archaeology in a couple of years, and the Archaeological Research Collections staff is looking for some individuals to lend a hand to prepare for this big move of approximately 10 million objects.


Volunteers are needed for various and sundry tasks such as compiling or checking inventories, and re-housing and re-boxing artifacts. These tasks will require attention to detail and a tolerance for repetitive tasks. They may also involve some heavy lifting of boxes of 30-40 lbs, and working in very dusty areas. Volunteers will be part of a team, working during one day per week, in either a morning or afternoon shift (9 am – Noon or 1 to 4 pm). Contact Julia Clifton , Curator of the Archaeological Research Collections at 505-476-1268 or


Archaeological Records Management Section (ARMS):


The Archaeological Records Management Section (ARMS) of the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Cultural Affairs maintains a statewide repository of archaeological records for purposes of cultural resource management and research. Working in conjunction with numerous state and federal land managing agencies such as the State Land Office, and Bureau of Land Management field offices, access to archaeological records and survey documentation, either in paper or electronic form through the New Mexico Cultural Resource Information System (NMCRIS) is determined by the registrar as mandated by law through the New Mexico Cultural Properties Review Committee (CPRC).


Volunteers are essential to the operation of ARMS due to chronic understaffing and the need to deal with massive amounts of new material received on a regular basis. Volunteers should have an interest in the archaeology of New Mexico, willing to process paper records, enjoy detail work, and have clear readable handwriting. A willingness to learn new software applications is a plus.


Tasks include:

•filing maps

•housing photographs

•record keeping

•record maintenance


Volunteers are preferred Tuesdays, a.m. or p.m. up until 4pm. Other possible days for volunteering are Monday, Thursday, and Friday. For more information please contact: Louanna (Lou) Haecker at 505-476-1280 or or drop by ARMS is located at the Laboratory of Anthropology on Museum Hill, Santa Fe.


MIAC Native Gardens and the Avanyu Trail


Outdoors work with replicas of Historic and Prehistoric structures and native plants


Volunteer Ranger Program Opportunities, San Gorgonio Wilderness Association, Mentone, CA


Whatever their primary activity, volunteers may be assigned to work  at one of our visitor centers up to four days each summer as needed. There is no enforcement work done by volunteers. Volunteers perform as always friendly hosts to provide information and assistance to visitors and to keep trails and camping areas clean and in good repair.


• Naturalist: Give nature walks and/or present programs.


•Information Specialist: Staff the Mill Creek, Barton Flats, Big Falls, and Horse Meadows Stations to provide permits, maps, and other information to forest visitors.


•Trail Crew: Improve trails throughout the San Bernardino National Forest.


•Recreation Maintenance Crew: Improve recreation facilities in the forest.


•Forest Patrol: Backpack overnight in the wilderness, ride your horse along trails and dirt roads, or perform day patrols along the upper Santa Ana River to assist visitors, protect the forest, and perform minor trail and camp maintenance.


Where:  In and around the San Gorgonio Wilderness and Big Bear Lake areas east of San Bernardino. The San Gorgonio Wilderness is located on the San Bernardino National Forest, approximately 75 miles east of Los Angeles.


*** Travel/Adventure/Outdoors/Conservation employment opportunities:

1.)  Philadelphia Community Conservation Crew Leaders, Student Conservation Association (SCA), Philadelphia, PA and Camden, NJ


The Student Conservation Association (SCA), America’s #1 conservation service organization seeks qualified applicants to lead, educate, and inspire youth crews in the Community Crew Program working in Philadelphia, PA and Camden, NJ, over an 8 week period of time in the summer of 2014.


Co-lead, mentor and coach a crew of 12 students, ages 15-19, while completing various conservation service projects designed to build an ethic of community and environmental stewardship. Projects include a range of activities such as trail and park maintenance, habitat restoration, revitalization of abandoned urban properties or to urban agriculture.


Program Dates: July 1 – August 8, 2014 and a mandatory Training from June 18 – June 27, 2014.


Primary Responsibilities:


-Follow all SCA policies & procedures as required for the position

-Manage budget and necessary purchasing for crew and project

-Manage relationship with agency partner

-Facilitate crew operations: tools & equipment, work schedule, etc.

-Manage all medical and first aid aspects

-Communicate with full time SCA field staff as required

-Supervise crew members during the work day

-Train & supervise Crew Members in safe and proper tool use

-Organize & lead recreation trip after completion of work project

-Complete required program reporting and documentation




-Be at least 21 years old

-Must have ability to legally work in the US

-Valid driver’s license

-Successful completion of criminal background check & MVR check within SCA guidelines

-Must possess current First Aid certification & CPR by the start of the orientation training.

-Documented experience working with urban youth or young adults (ages 14-18)

-Experience as a teacher or leader in an informal or formal educational environment

-Preferred experience with conservation work skills or related skills, i.e. trail maintenance, trail construction, chainsaw, carpentry, landscaping, and gardening.

-Ability to perform manual, physical labor for up to 8 hours per day, exposed to the elements. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move 40 pounds or more.

-Attend Mandatory Leader training June 4 – June 13, 2014.

-Must have personal housing arrangements in Philadelphia, Camden or the surrounding areas.




$575/week, depending on experience, for up to 8 weeks. Paid Crew Leader Training & Work Skills ($455/week, travel, food & lodging provided)


Contact Information:

Please visit the link below to view the full position description including application instructions.


Email with any questions. – See more at:


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


2.)  Facilities Coordinator, Special Events, National Audubon Society, Inc., Audubon, PA


Now in its second century, Audubon is dedicated to protecting birds and other wildlife and the habitat that supports them. Audubon’s mission is engaging people in bird conservation on a hemispheric scale through science, policy, education and on-the-ground conservation action.  By mobilizing and aligning its network of Chapters, Centers, State and Important Bird Area programs in the four major migratory flyways in the Americas, the organization will bring the full power of Audubon to bear on protecting common and threatened bird species and the critical habitat they need to survive.  And as part of BirdLife International, Audubon will join people in over 100 in-country organizations all working to protect a network of Important Bird Areas around the world, leveraging the impact of actions they take at a local level.  What defines Audubon’s unique value is a powerful grassroots network of nearly 500 local chapters, 23 state offices, 43 Audubon Centers, Important Bird Area Programs in 46 states, and 700 staff across the country.  Audubon is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE).


Position Summary:


Reporting to the Facilities Manager, the Facilities Coordinator will primarily be responsible supporting special events and rentals at the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove, including cleaning facilities, supervising the activities of rental parties, securing buildings, processing rental contracts, scheduling event staff, and providing other event related support as needed.  S/he will assist with general site maintenance and also help staff the Center’s gift shop during periods when rentals are not scheduled.


The Facilities Coordinator will be scheduled work no less than 20 hours per week, and may be scheduled for up to 30, at times, to accommodate event demands. The majority of events and rentals occur during evenings and weekends and scheduled hours will vary depending on the of events booked; however, the Facilities Coordinator should expect to work some part of every weekend. The Center will attempt to honor occasional requests for schedule changes, which are made at least two weeks in advance, in order to accommodate personal/family commitments.


Essential Functions:


•Act as Audubon’s representative to address guest and vendor needs before, during and after events.

•Clean restrooms, operate industrial floor cleaner, vacuum areas, and thoroughly clean facilities prior to and after events.

•Pick up litter and other debris, including apples and tree nuts, from event areas.

•Conduct inventory, receive and stock event supplies, and report low stock items.

•Assist with and monitor pre-event set-up, including but not limited to setting up tables, chairs, and audio visual equipment.

•Assist with and monitor proper installation and removal of event decorations.

•Oversee day-of events coordination, to include: monitoring noise levels, identifying and minimizing safety hazards, ensuring event users adhere to all rules established by Audubon and Montgomery County.

•Act as a key holder ensuring facilities are both opened and locked at appropriate times, ensure security protocol is strictly adhered to by all parties.

•Initiate and monitor fireplace usage on site; communicate safety instructions to guests.

•Inspect restrooms during events; restock supplies, clean areas, and empty waste baskets as needed.

•Operate the site’s golf cart to shuttle guests and equipment as needed.

•Notify the on-call manager of all major or unusual incidents; notify police, fire or other emergency services as needed.

•Complete nightly reports following events; document major incidents, including all injuries requiring medical attention and/or damage to property, on the Incident Report Form; provide additional information to the Facilities Manager, Director, Risk Manager or others as needed.

•Assist with scheduling, supervising and training other event staff.

•Perform rountine maintenance and janitorial tasks at the site, including but not limited to stocking supplies, weeding/mulching gardens, power washing, raking/blowing, painting, and cleaning.

•Provide staffing support in the gift shop/museum when assigned; process sales and other transactions in the gift shop following established policies and procedures.

•Participate in scheduled staff meetings and trainings.


Qualifications and Experience:


•Minimum high school diploma or equivalent; additional professional training or degree preferred.

•1-3 years’ experience interacting with facilities coordination or similar field in a fast-paced environment; ability to remain composed under pressure; experience working at a museum, historic site, and other sensitive properties highly desirable.

•Demonstrated ability to safely operate equipment commonly used for janitorial and maintenance tasks, such as ladders, vacuums, and floor cleaners.

•Ability to write and speak fluently in English.

•Valid driver’s license.

•Self-starter with the ability to organize/prioritize workload and complete assignments on time.

•Positive attitude and professional work ethic; prompt and dependable.

•Commitment to the Audubon mission.

•Must be able to engage in physical activity, such as lifting, bending, climbing stairs and ladders, and walking unpaved trails with steep hills, as well as have a willingness to work outdoors on a regular basis in all types of weather conditions.


3.)  Marketing Strategy Officer, Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, California


The Marine Mammal Center, an equal opportunity, non-profit employer, is seeking a Marketing Strategy Officer to join our team. The Marine Mammal Center’s mission is to expand knowledge about marine mammals—their health and that of their ocean environment—and to inspire their global conservation. Our core work is the rescue and rehabilitation of sick and injured marine mammals, supported by state-of-the-art animal care and research facilities, a corps of dedicated volunteers, and an engaged community.


Job Summary

The Marketing Strategy Officer is a full-time, exempt position with competitive benefits. This management position is responsible for setting and implementing the marketing, branding and communications strategy for the Center. The objectives of this position are to increase visibility and awareness of the Center and as a result increase the potential to raise critical operating funds through the creation and execution of targeted marketing initiatives. The overarching goal is to increase on-site and on-line visitation at the local level, and improve on-line visitation and awareness on the regional, national and global level. This position manages the Center’s two largest fundraising events, the annual Run For The Seals, and the Gala. The position reports to the Director of Development and Marketing but works across divisions in support of integrated programming and initiatives.


Reports To

Director of Development and Marketing






  • Ability to brand and market the Center, its varied programs and events
  • Vast understanding of marketing, branding and communications
  • Excellent project management skills – including the ability to create and implement complex marketing campaigns and meet tight deadlines
  • Excellent strategist with the ability to evaluate programs within all departments and advance the mission of the organization through targeted marketing
  • Ability to produce small to medium-sized fundraising events (30-3,000 people)
  • Ability to multi-task while being very efficient with time
  • Skill and ability with using marketing databases (Convio) and ability to record, manage, report and analyze data
  • Ability to be entrepreneurial – envision and create new programs and utilize mutually agreed decision making tools
  • Ability to take initiative and see projects through to completion with minimal supervision
  • Embodiment of the following leadership attributes sought by the Center for its personnel. These include:
  • An articulate person with creative and strong organizational skills
  • An initiator who functions effectively without being autocratic or political; a team player who is inclusive and flexible, creative, energetic and fair minded
  • A strong interpersonal and communication skill set and demonstrated ability to work effectively with, and gain the respect and support of, varied and changing constituencies including staff, board members, potential donors, volunteers and the like
  • An individual who is equally comfortable to lead and delegate, when appropriate, and who has the sense and humility to dive into and address the most mundane of details, as is warranted by the situation
  • A person who is decisive and resourceful, with the willingness to accept responsibility and take charge of results
  • Imagination, vision, leadership, integrity and an entrepreneurial “can do” attitude.
  • Ability to function well in a balanced culture that combines the richness and relevance of programs with the efficacy of best business practices, fiscal accountability, and institutional impact
  • A self-starter who is confident in expressing opinions, has the foresight to forge ahead when appropriate and alternatively hold back when necessary, employing either tactic with a sensitivity to the feelings and opinions of others
  • An energetic person who is emotionally mature and dependable; a collegial individual
  • Ability to manage contractors and key stakeholders and manage and mentor staff
  • Excellent communication, writing, inter-personal, and presentation skills
  • Ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary, integrated team to advance the mission of the Center



Lead the Marketing and Communications Team (70%)

  • Define, shape and execute the marketing/communications strategy for the Center
  • Ensure that marketing strategies and goals are incorporated into the Center’s visitor programs and on the Center’s website
  • Create strategy and implementation for increased visitation in conjunction with education team and other stakeholders
  • Set annual revenue goals and suggest annual long term revenue goals with input from the Director of Development and Marketing
  • Analyze metrics on a regular basis to determine ongoing progress of online activity
  • Oversee the creation and implementation of marketing content online
  • Work closely with the Direct Response Membership Officer to help manage the relationship with the web strategy consultant; communicate and disseminate data results and trends and utilize data to drive decision-making
  • Manage partnerships with key organizations to promote visitation
  • Manage advertising and agency relationships for the Center
  • Manage public relations consultant, and serve as liaison to appropriate staff
  • Oversee creation of long-lead PR strategy with agency and Event and Marketing Assistant
  • Serve as a center PR spokesperson or delegate to staff
  • Help Story and Communications Curator manage volunteer Social Media Manager (oversee relationship as necessary)
  • Work closely with the Website Specialist and the Direct Response Membership Officer to ensure membership campaigns and all web content is integrated into overall marketing strategy
  • Work closely with the Director of Development and Marketing to strategically create and implement new initiatives for the Center
  • Work closely with Education and Retail departments and other stakeholders to drive visitation and improve visitor experience, and provide advice and tactical ideas to help retail sales

Personnel Management (20%)

  • Manage the Event & Marketing Assistant, Story and Communications Curator, and volunteer Social Media Manager and set goals and metrics for each position
  • Measure success through assessment of duties on a routine basis

Major Event Management (10%)
Direct the annual Run for the Seals event:

  • Set gross and net revenue goals for the event
  • Manage and oversee the creation and implementation of all event logistics, budgeting and marketing elements i.e. event plans, staffing briefs, timelines, expense and revenue budgets, marketing plans, fundraising tactics etc.
  • Work with other departments, contractors and volunteers to ensure event success
  • Manage and work closely with Direct Response Membership Officer and other key staff to implement a sponsorship plan
  • Manage live event

Manage the gala:

  • Set gross and net revenue goals for the event
  • Devise a theme that threads through the entire event and all marketing
  • Create and implement a marketing plan and collateral tied to the theme
  • Serve as staff point person to the venue, AV, caterer and other logistics suppliers
  • Utilize other departmental staff as production back-up
  • Hire external events person if needed



  • Bachelor’s degree
  • 7+ years marketing/advertising/branding experience
  • Communications/PR experience a plus
  • Demonstrated experience with implementing a marketing plan
  • Ability to optimize automated systems; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), and experience with relational databases.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills


DOE and excellent benefit package

How to Apply

Please send a cover letter and resume attention Human Resources Director & I.T. Manager to Please put “Marketing Strategy Officer” in the subject line. Deadline for applications is March 28, 2014. We hope to hire this position as soon as possible. Please no phone calls or faxed submissions.

Marine Mammal Center



From Bridget Serchak:


4.)  The Manager, Federal Relations, National fish and wildlife foundation, Washington, DC


*** Send your job opportunities to share with the YVNS network to

*** Your Very Next Step is a service of the Job of the Week Network LLC
© 2014 The Job of the Week Network LLC
Edward Lundquist, ABC –
Editor and Publisher
Your Very Next Step
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
Home office phone: (703) 455-7661

To subscribe: 






DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 19, 2014


Coastal and Maritime Surveillance


March 17 – 20, 2014

Accra, Ghana



Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 19, 2014

Issue # 355


“When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him.”

– Ashanti Proverb


***  This issue of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Accra, Ghana.


***  You can also subscribe to this and my other two newsletters at .  The Job of the Week serves communication professionals.  Your Very Next Step is my travel/outdoors/adventure/conservation newsletter.  They’re all free!


***  Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by visiting and selecting DEFCON 1.


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  Lead Program Management Consultant, MCR, Washington, DC

2.)  Director, Military Affairs, First Command Educational Foundation, Fort Worth, Texas

3.)  Analyst for Military Space and Communication Systems, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC

4.)  Junior Project Scheduler, MCR, Albuquerque, NM

5.)  Mechanical Technician – CONUS, ManTech International Corporation, Fayetteville, NC

6.)  Cloud Engineer, ManTech International Corporation, McLean, VA

7.)  AERO-GA-AL-14:001: RCM Analyst, Wyle, Albany, GA

8.)  Engineer, MCR, Washington, DC

9.)  Junior Financial Analyst, USTRANSCOM, MCR, Scott AFB, IL

10.)  Acquisition Logistics Specialist, DCS Corporation, Fort Belvoir, VA

11.)  Systems Integration Lab Engineering Technician, DCS Corporation, Warren, MI


…and more!


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


March 25-26-27, Monterey, Calif.


April 11-13, Boston/Bath, Maine


June 9-10, Abu Dhabi, UAE


June 11-12, Bahrain


August 18-19-22, Tacoma, Wash.


August 22, 23, 24, San Diego, Calif.


November 3-6, Nassau, Bahamas


***  Upcoming events:


***  Coastal and Maritime Surveillance


March 17 – 20, 2014

Accra, Ghana


***  Maritime Security 2014 East

March 11-12, 2014

Boston, Mass.


Maritime Security 2014 East provides discussion and collaboration on strategies and technologies to counter maritime security threats encountered by governments, law enforcement, and port/terminal owners and operators. Interactive workshop sessions are designed to give all conference participants the actionable knowledge on how to better secure their maritime areas of responsibility, mainly by stressing the importance of collaboration, efficiency, and best practices. Each of the conference workshop topics will be addressed by relevant perspectives of those who have implemented successful strategies and technologies in their maritime security operations.  Exhibitors will display relevant solutions to conference participants, ensuring that all participants remain informed of the latest in trends and technologies.


***  The National Summit on Strategic Communications May 8-9 in Washington DC

Book online today or call 866-207-6528. Be sure to mention priority code C442JOTW to receive $100 off early-bird registration.

For more information, please visit


***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Lead Program Management Consultant, MCR, Washington, DC


MCR is the trusted leader in integrated program management solutions. For 36 years, we have provided objectivity, smart thinking and the highest levels of support to help our clients get the job done, and done right. Our vast experience and knowledgeable people are our greatest assets. Their subject matter expertise, commitment to excellence and the high quality of their work, combined with our full suite of services, allows our clients to accomplish their missions and support national priorities. Our corporate values are based on integrity, excellence, honesty, service and trust. It is through these values that we form long-term client partnerships, build expertise, and attract and retain talented employees. For more information about MCR, LLC career opportunities, please visit


Description of Duties:


If candidate does possess experience, desirable includes:

•Knowledge/understanding of the Federal acquisition lifecycle and budget process desirable (e.g., DHS, DoD, etc…):

•Work experience at Coast Guard with multiple assets, like the Fast Response Cutter (FRC)


Conduct a variety of program management, systems engineering, and acquisition support activities:

•Ability to lead a project. Deep understanding of the Federal acquisition, budget, program management, and/or system engineering lifecycle.

•Serves as the Contractor counterpart to the Government’s program manager and contracting officer for all program-wide contract technical issues, contract performance, and issue resolution.

•Provides oversight and executive level management for all of the contractor engagements under this contract. Represents the Contractor at all contract-level post-award meetings.

•Provides strategic direction, vision, leadership, and program management to the team.

•Possesses requisite knowledge and provides customized business-focused objective advice, expertise and specialist skills to create value and improve business strategy, internal processes and project performance.

•Supports development of acquisition documents and plans, policies and procedural documentation, briefings for senior Coast Guard and DHS leadership and other deliverables in support of executing decisions.

•Assists with devising and implementing performance measures and related processes and systems.

•Maintains responsibility for managing business solutions, delegating appropriate resources, and fostering quality assurance principles across deliverables and resolving issues.

•Organizes, directs and coordinates the planning and production of activities.

•Oversees process and productivity improvement, systems alignment, organizational assessments, and program audits and evaluations.

•Crafts and enforces quality control programs.


Requirements for the Position:

•Master’s degree in Project Management, Systems Engineering, or a related field, such as Economics, Statistics, Business, Finance, or Engineering.

•PMP designation or DHS/DOD Level I PM Certification

•10+ years of relevant experience in Federal acquisition, program management, and/or systems engineering. Solid understanding of the Federal budget, acquisition, and project lifecycles. DHS Coast Guard experience is desirable.

•Knowledge of MS Office applications – particularly MS Excel and PowerPoint. Project scheduling and cost estimating tools desirable.

•Ability to work independently and as a member of a team.

•US Citizenship is required. Applicants selected will be subject to a Government investigation and must meet eligibility requirements to obtain the designated Government clearance (DHS Suitability). An active Secret clearance is preferred

•Experience with the Coast Guard, Navy in Shipbuilding, or DHS is desired




MCR, LLC’s compensation and benefits package is very competitive. It is designed to help employees meet varying needs throughout their careers and to reward employee’s skills, experience, and potential.


Equal Opportunity Employer


MCR is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor.  In addition, MCR participates in the DHS E-Verify program. M/F/V/D


***  From Katherine Kirkpatrick:


Dear Mr. Lundquist,


Vic beck directed me to you. Please find attached a job description from the First Command Education Foundation.


Thank you!




Katherine Kirkpatrick

Director, Social Media

Parent of First Command Financial Planning

Fort Worth, TX


2.)  Director, Military Affairs, First Command Educational Foundation, Fort Worth, Texas


Position Summary


Reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of First Command Educational Foundation (FCEF), this individual will provide both strategic and tactical guidance to the FCEF Board, CEO, and FCEF managers in support of FCEF goals and initiatives. At the strategic level, the incumbent must use knowledge gained through interactions with First Command advisor force, military organizations, and other strategic partners, to make specific policy recommendations to continually enhance FCEF mission, vision, and strategic plan. The incumbent must be capable of demonstrating significant initiative and follow through in the pursuit, development, implementation, and sustained management of authorized projects and initiatives. The incumbent researches and establishes partnerships/collaborations with military units and organizations to increase awareness of FCEF programs and encourage usage of resources used to enhance individual and family financial skills and knowledge. The incumbent will develop, maintain and increase the quality of the volunteer program necessary to conduct FCEF’s educational programs for DoD, Guard, Reserve, Service Academies, and, U.S. Coast Guard target audiences. To that end, the incumbent will identify, recruit, train, and maintain volunteer speakers, working with them to facilitate logistical requirements for presentations. The incumbent will also facilitate and deliver outreach and basic financial education programs. As an FCEF ambassador, the incumbent will be required to promote the growth of both the reach and reputation of FCEF by interactively positively and professionally with executive-level employees across a wide range of military, government, civilian, business, and not-for profit entities. The incumbent will be required to travel both locally and on extended overnight trips all across the U.S. approximately 30% of the time to include weekends.


Essential Job Functions


1. Builds, updates, and implements plans for engagement of military community; analyzes and assesses opportunities.

2. Influences FCEF strategic activities that directly lead to increased interactions and educational opportunities with military.

3. Develops and operates programs that establish and sustain relationships among FCEF, strategic partners, military leaders and influencers, and First Command Financial Services.

4. Applies knowledge of FCEF programs and military operations to analyze, evaluate, and assesses opportunities for educational programs & volunteer recruitment.

5. Represents FCEF in discussion with external partners to inform, promote, and market program capability and support.

6. Anticipates educational and relationship-building opportunities; highlights problems and envisions potential solutions; advises FCEF executive-level leadership through resolution process.

7. Sensitizes the entire FCEF organization to military culture; anticipates and follows changes in the military community.

8. Collaborates with/coordinates efforts of FCEF’s cross functional programs to develop highest possible outreach to military community through education and scholarship programs; provides continual feedback to appropriate program manager.

9. Conducts speaking engagements on behalf of FCEF; represents FCEF at military events and promotional activities, volunteer recruitment fairs, seminars, and conferences as required.

10. Creates and oversees an effective educational volunteer program including development of a comprehensive written plan for internal staff and volunteer relation procedures and strategic written plan for volunteer recruitment and retention.

11. Establishes program & budget criteria, & volunteer selection criteria; recruits and trains a network of volunteer speakers.

12. Selects and coordinates volunteer speakers for presentations, serving as a liaison for the requesting organization and the speaker delivering the material; coordinates all logistics at location; arranges and/or facilitates volunteer travel.

13. Serves as instructor for volunteer-related training; conducts various focus groups with selected partners to ascertain course content materials and developmental needs and skills.

14. Conducts basic financial presentations to military audiences and volunteer training sessions.

15. Develops and conducts volunteer training and orientation sessions; keeps volunteers continually informed on FCEF policy, programs, changes, and advancements; ensures volunteers comply with FCEF policy and procedure.

16. Ensures accuracy, timeliness, applicability, and appropriate expense reporting for reimbursable volunteer expenses.

17. Drafts and recommends policies and procedures updates and requirements to ensure mission enhancement and sustainability of military outreach and educational programs.

18. Plans, organizes, and implements volunteer recognition program/events.

19. Utilizes social media avenues/new releases, etc. to highlight educational initiatives, volunteer activities, and FCEF outreach.

20. All other duties as assigned by CEO.


Note: The list of essential job functions is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by the supervisor as necessary.


Performance Measures


– Quantitative/qualitative results of community educational program’s outreach goals, programs, and initiatives, as assessed and evaluated by the CEO. Measures include anecdotal feedback from constituents, surveys of constituent groups, and the overall success of the FCEF outreach and educational programs utilization.

– Professional reputation, communicative skills, and mastery of presentation subject knowledge by volunteers.

– Depth and breadth of volunteers, availability at military locations, and understanding and adherence by volunteers to FCEF policy and procedures for volunteer programs.

– Clear, precise, and logical communication; effective verbal and writing skills; ability to produce final documents.

– Innovative outreach programs; creation of new education opportunities; recruitment and maintenance of volunteers.

– Timely and accurate reports on performance objectives and outcomes of volunteer management.

– Effective and efficient use of program budget; complete and separate accounting of individual and volunteer expenses.


Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (Competencies) Required


– Extensive knowledge of military service and the various branches of the DoD, US Coast Guard, National Guard, & Reserves

– Strong initiative and impeccable professional demeanor; be results-oriented, detail-oriented, and self-motivated.

– Must communicate successfully and proactively with others via both the spoken and written word.

– Must have a dynamic and charismatic personality and ability to conduct public speaking to a variety of audiences.

– The incumbent should have a familiarity of basic financial topics to include debt management, savings, insurance, investments, retirement accounts, and components of a financial plan.

– Requires experience in writing, editing, and speaking in English, including a demonstrated proficiency with proper grammar and syntax.


Working Conditions


  • Work is performed mostly while in a normal office or classroom environment. Incumbent will spend the majority of his/hertime working closely with the CEO in FCEF’s home office in Fort Worth, TX and must also work with all FCEF program managers.
  • Occasional visits to other offices accessible by stairs and elevators may be required. Extensive travel by air or surface required.
  • Some evening hours and weekend hours will be required as presentation scheduling requires. Incumbent must have color vision and eyesight adequate to view documents on computer monitor and to read printed/handwritten hard copy. Incumbent must have adequate hearing for varying classroom situations.


Minimum Qualifications




– Possesses current military ID (retired and US Army senior noncommissioned officer preferred).

– Staff or leadership experience at a major command level or higher in the Armed Forces preferred.

– Bachelor’s Degree or 6 years of relevant work experience (degree in communications or instructional field preferred).

– Demonstrates understanding of tactical, operational, and strategic planning.

– Demonstrates understanding of program development, project tracking, and business metrics.

– Demonstrates knowledge of volunteer recruitment, coordination, management, & retention.

– 1-2 years of industry experience in Finance, Business, or Training preferred.

– 1-2 years in training/facilitation experience to audiences of 5 – 100+ preferred.

– Solid computer skills competencies in the areas of PowerPoint, Microsoft Office, Excel, Word, and Publisher.

– Possesses leadership qualities and self-initiative; excellent oral and written communication skills.

– Ability to work independently, problem solve, and multi task effectively; strong interpersonal and team-building skills.


The contact for details is:

Amy McCullough

First Command

1 FirstComm Plaza

Fort Worth, Texas 76109 US



3.)  Analyst for Military Space and Communication Systems, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC


4.)  Junior Project Scheduler, MCR, Albuquerque, NM


5.)  Mechanical Technician – CONUS, ManTech International Corporation, Fayetteville, NC


6.)  Cloud Engineer, ManTech International Corporation, McLean, VA^3qbZeSvwS08jngzHh/sPGB6eUR4fkGnshBjWBIMDK_slp_rhc_g2BnsxehqUpw==&jobId=1154460


7.)  AERO-GA-AL-14:001: RCM Analyst, Wyle, Albany, GA


8.)  Engineer, MCR, Washington, DC


9.)  Junior Financial Analyst, USTRANSCOM, MCR, Scott AFB, IL


10.)  Acquisition Logistics Specialist, DCS Corporation, Fort Belvoir, VA


11.)  Systems Integration Lab Engineering Technician, DCS Corporation, Warren, MI


…and more!


***  Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities


Reach the defense industry professionals in the DEFCON 1 Network!

You can find qualified job candidates or motivated customers with DEFCON 1.


*** One-time “Can’t Wait Announcement”


A one-time job listing or announcement sent immediately to the entire DEFCON 1list.


Cost: $200


*** One-time “Top Job” announcement


If you want your job to run as one of the first five listings, you can be a “Top Job” for $100 per week. This is also the best way to have your job listed in consecutive or multiple newsletters.


Cost: $100


*** One time monthly sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1newsletter for that month; one free “Can’t Wait” announcement.


Cost: $600


*** Two-week sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for two issues, with 20-word text ad at top of the DEFCON 1newsletter for those two weeks. One free “Can’t Wait” announcement.

Cost: $500


*** Annual DEFCON 1 sponsorship


Two one-month DEFCON 1 sponsorship ad placement package, which includes banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month. ($1,200 value), plus: ad placement in side margin of for entire year (an $900 value); two free “Can’t Wait” postings ($400 value)


Cost: $1,800


*** Sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website:


175×350 pixel sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website


One month: $150

Three months: $400

One year: $900


Combination packages are available with and To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2014 Job of the Week Network, LLC




JOTW 11-2014


2014 Gold Quill Awards

Check out the Gold Quill website to learn about all 47 entry categories, find one that suits you, and to submit your entry. We can’t wait to see your submissions!



JOTW 11-2014

March 17, 2014

This is JOTW newsletter number 1,008


“When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled.”

– Swahili saying


***  Welcome to the JOTW network.



***  This edition of JOTW comes to you from Accra, Ghana..


***  To submit a job for sharing on JOTW, please provide the job title, organization or company, and location and send it to Ned at  Provide a link or contact info so people can check out your listing or follow up if interested.


JOTW is sent out on Mondays by email with a list the jobs posted in the full newsletter, which is posted online at  This is designed to keep the size of the emails to a more manageable length.


***  Posting a job is free.    The newsletter is posted at  Recruiters can submit up to three jobs for free.  Each job listing may be posted once in the newsletter for free


I request that you do not send pdf files that I have to copy and reformat.  I prefer you provide your very brief job description in an email rather than an enclosure.  I may limit the size of your position descriptions (generally to 500 words or less).

***  This is a cooperative service.  It relies on your participation and contribution.  As you receive the benefit of this free newsletter, you should also send in jobs you learn about.  This is especially the case when there are job listings in the companies that you work for.


***  To sign up for JOTW or Ned’s other newsletters, visit this site:



***  Top Jobs:  Stand above the rest.  Your job can be right here, at the top of the weekly JOTW newsletter.  Top job placement costs $100 per job per week.  To be on top, contact Ned at


***  If you find out about a job opportunity in communications, send it to me (, and I’ll share it with the JOTW network.


***  The JOTW network is built upon cooperative principles.  Share, and reap the benefits.  And it feels good to help others.  I call it selfish altruism.  But this also means you need to contribute.


***  In this issue:


(To view these jobs, visit


***  One Paragraph Pitch


1.)  Executive Director, Merliance, Cutchogue, NY

2.)  Director of Development & Communications, Maria Mitchell Association, Nantucket, Massachusetts

3.)  Director of Marketing and Communications; Tacoma Regional Convention & Visitor’s Bureau; Tacoma, WA

4.)  Vice President of Strategic Communications, Missouri Foundation for Health, St. Louis, Missouri

5.)  Intern Ball Aerospace Corporate Communications, Ball Aerospace, Boulder, CO

6.)  Media Relations Manager, FOLIOfn, Inc., McLean, VA

7.)  Executive Assistant – Corporate Communications, Russell Tobin & Associates, New York, NY

8.)  Director, Corporate Communications Walt Disney | Burbank, CA

9.)  Multimedia Manager, Department of Public Policy & Communications/Managing Editor, New York PhilanthroPost, Philanthropy New York, New York, New York

10.)  Corporate Communications Professional, Mohawk Industries, Dalton, GA


11.)  Senior Communications and Public Affairs Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools – Minneapolis, MN

12.)  Director of Public Relations & Enterprise Community Management, Deluxe Corporation, Shoreview, MN

13.)  Public Relations Manager, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Houston, Texas

14.)  Vice President of Corporate Communications, Drillinginfo, Austin, TX

15.)  Full Time Real Estate PR Administrative Assistant, Mynor and Associates, Bethesda, BD

16.)  Public Affairs Manager, Cruise Lines International Association, Arlington, VA

17.)  Creative Director/Copywriter, Revo Brand Group LLC, Minneapolis, MN

18.)  Marketing & Communications Manager (PT), Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkeley, CA

19.)  Marketing and Communications Manager, Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkeley, California

20.)  Digital Account / Project Manager, Centerline Digital, Raleigh, NC


21.)  Communications and Web Content Coordinator, University of Maryland School of Public Health in College Park, Maryland

22.)  Senior Counselor/VP, Jetstream PR, Plano, TX

23.)  Communications positions, Alley Cat Allies, Bethesda, MD

24.)  Public Affairs Manager, National Council on Aging (NCOA), Washington, DC

25.)  Director of Development and Communications, Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County PA, West Norriton, PA

26.)  Writer, Mkt  Communications – Content Publisher, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., Harleysville, Pennsylvania –

27.)  Public-Relations-Manager, Unisys, Blue Bell, PA

28.)  Communications Sr. Associate Job, Unisys, Bangalore, India

29.)  Communications trainee, Unisys, Mexico City, Mexico

30.)  Developer – News Development Team, News UK, London, UK


31.)  Public Relations Manager (Sr.), ING Financial Services, Windsor, CT

32.)  Marketing Communications Manager, Lubrizol, Brecksville, OH

33.)  Communications Specialist, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Bedford, Massachusetts

34.)  Account Coordinator, Racepoint Global, Washington, DC

35.)  Communications Intern, Office of  Communications, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC

36.)  Communications Director, National Association of State Foresters Industry, Washington, DC

37.)  Farm and Ranch Manager, Cassidy Turley, Indianapolis, IN

38.)  Agriculture Field Inspector I (Livestock Inspector), State of Oklahoma, Payne, OK

39.)  Laboratory Technician – Mars Fishcare, Mars, Pennsylvania

40.)  Breed-to-Wean Production Technician, The Maschhoffs, Eagleville, MO


41.)  Seafood Processor – Herring, Silver Bay Seafoods, Sitka, AK

42.)  Aquarist-Yawkey Gallery, New England Aquarium, Boston, MA


(You can find the jobs descriptions and/or links at


***  Weekly Piracy Report


…and more!  Scroll down and see them all!


***  One Paragraph Pitch:


Times are tough. Budgets are slimmer. Today, organizations are forced to do more with less. Marketing programs are no exception. Be smart about how you spend your marketing dollars. Hire a professional marketing copywriter to develop your message and get the best results.

With more than 10 years of experience in marketing communications, I can provide you with writing that’s concise, engaging and targeted to your customers — at rates lower than that it would cost to augment staff or hire an agency. I have developed and managed marketing communications programs for a variety of industries (education, health care, technology, defense, non-profit and government).

Specialties include:

Website content
News releases and other press materials
Brochures and marketing collateral
White papers and case studies
E-mail marketing campaigns
Technical writing
Proposal Writing
Sales sheets

Direct mail


Contact me to discuss your project needs and/or to request samples of my work.

Tangie Smith




***  Send your One Paragraph Pitch submissions to  You can pitch yourself or your business anyway you want, as long as it’s short and to the point.  There is no waiting list.  Submit yours today!


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


March 17-18-19, Accra, Ghana


March 25-26-27, Monterey, Calif.


April 11-13, Boston/Bath, Maine


June 9-10, Abu Dhabi, UAE


June 11-12, Bahrain


August 18-19-22, Tacoma, Wash.


August 22, 23, 24, San Diego, Calif.


November 3-6, Nassau, Bahamas


***  2014 Gold Quill Awards


With less than a month before the final deadline to enter the 2014 Gold Quill Awards, it’s time to get a move-on if you haven’t started your entry! Last year we recognized more than 275 communicators for their hard work and strategic thinking, and in 2014 we hope to give even more professionals the chance to show off their expertise.


Check out the Gold Quill website to learn about all 47 entry categories, find one that suits you, and to submit your entry. We can’t wait to see your submissions!


***  Your Very Next Step!


The February  2014 YVNS newsletter is posted at


***  From Paige Brown:


In August, 2013, I started conducting a wide online survey of science journalists and bloggers to better understand why and how science research is translated into news. Nearly 1,000 science journalists and bloggers participated in this survey last year. As a continuation of a science communication project for my PhD research at Louisiana State UniversityI am now introducing Part II of this survey – a follow-up to answer more questions and confirm some intriguing results from Part I. (But you needn’t have participated in Part I to participate in Part II now!)


If you are a journalist, blogger, freelance writer, magazine writer, TV producer, radio announcer, podcast producer, or anything in between, I’m asking you to participate in this online survey. By participating in this survey, which only takes 15 minutes to complete, journalists, bloggers and other communicators can help me understand when and why science makes its way from research publication to news story.

Once you’ve completed this survey, you will also have the chance to read an abstract and summary of the results from Part I, which have now been submitted for publication. I will also hopefully be blogging about the results of Part I and Part II soon at Scientific American blogs!

To participate, simply copy and paste the following URL into a new browser window:

***  Stand Out


“Stand Out” is available for those who want to stand out in job searches compared to the competition. Go to and look around. “Stand Out” is researched and written by Woody Goulart.


***  Toronto and IABC. World Conference is just around the corner.


8–11 June 2014

Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada


The 2014 IABC World Conference is full of opportunities for you to grow professionally. This year’s Employee Engagement track not only fosters personal growth, but encourages you to become the kind of leader who inspires others to greatness.


Our sessions include an exciting presentation on the neuroscience of employee engagement that provides all-new insights into the minds of your staff. You’ll learn why brains resist change and what to do about it when change is necessary, how our brains are wired to be social, and the five domains that can lead to employees being engaged or disengaged.


Learn more about all the sessions taking place at the 2014 IABC World Conference, June 8-11 in Toronto, Canada


Register Now!


***  Let’s get to the jobs:


From Donnell Brown:


Hi, Ned. Please include this job posting in your Job of the Week email. Thank you!


Donnell Brown

Executive Director, Merliance

When you think of Long Island, think of merlot!


1.)  Executive Director, Merliance, Cutchogue, NY


Merliance Seeks Executive Director


Merliance—the alliance of Long Island producers of quality merlot and merlot-based blends—seeks an Executive Director to run our nonprofit trade association. Our Executive Director will work from home on a part-time basis (approximately 16 hours/week), ensuring our organization runs smoothly, gains stature and new members, achieves our marketing and research goals, and annually produces our cooperative blend, also called Merliance. Our ideal candidate is a self-starter, capable of/comfortable with working independently from home, has good communication and people skills, and excellent organizational and project management skills. Please have at least 5 years’ prior experience in PR/marketing/communications, and Web and social media skills. Experience in the wine industry is preferred, and experience in grantwriting is a plus. To request a detailed job description and/or apply, please send resume and cover letter to Donnell Brown,  To learn more about Merliance, visit


2.)  Director of Development & Communications, Maria Mitchell Association, Nantucket, Massachusetts


***  From Sonja Johnson:


3.)  Director of Marketing and Communications; Tacoma Regional Convention & Visitor’s Bureau; Tacoma, WA


4.)  Vice President of Strategic Communications, Missouri Foundation for Health, St. Louis, Missouri


5.)  Intern Ball Aerospace Corporate Communications, Ball Aerospace, Boulder, CO


6.)  Media Relations Manager, FOLIOfn, Inc., McLean, VA


7.)  Executive Assistant – Corporate Communications, Russell Tobin & Associates, New York, NY


8.)  Director, Corporate Communications Walt Disney | Burbank, CA


9.)  Multimedia Manager, Department of Public Policy & Communications/Managing Editor, New York PhilanthroPost, Philanthropy New York, New York, New York


10.)  Corporate Communications Professional, Mohawk Industries, Dalton, GA


***  From Uma Thangaraj:


11.)  Senior Communications and Public Affairs Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools – Minneapolis, MN


12.)  Director of Public Relations & Enterprise Community Management, Deluxe Corporation, Shoreview, MN


13.)  Public Relations Manager, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Houston, Texas


***  From Mark Sofman:


14.)  Vice President of Corporate Communications, Drillinginfo, Austin, TX


***  From Sasanna Strozier:


Good evening,


I am sending this job posting for Mynor & Associates. We are looking for a Full Time Real Estate Administrative Assistant. The applicants can submit the information to the email in the post. I have attached the posting for submission.




Sasanna Strozier

Marketing ATL – Ishidos

Best Agent Business


15.)  Full Time Real Estate PR Administrative Assistant, Mynor and Associates, Bethesda, BD


Mynor and Associates, a small, but top producing real estate team, is looking for a detail-oriented, problem solving, tech savvy professional to join its growing team! We are looking for someone who wants to learn more about the real estate business and help us grow.


Are you a fast learner? Are you flexible and willing to do a bit of everything? Are you a problem solver? Do you have a positive attitude and and the ability to adapt in a fast-paced environment? Are you learning based? If this sounds like you, we would love to talk to you!


Marketing Functions to Include Blogging, Social Media and Email Marketing




Candidate must have a knack for writing, essentially breaking industry information down to the consumer level while sustaining the company’s voice across all blog content.


Key Responsibilities:


  • Writing (summarizing articles) and curating various types of articles on a wide range of topics for our blog.
  • Optimizing content for search engines and lead generation.
  • Conducting analytical projects to improve blog strategies/tactics.
  • Growing blog subscribers and expanding the overall blog’s reach.


Social Media


Candidate will manage, leverage, and grow our online social media accounts by creating and implementing strategies and tactics that improve our social media presence.


Key Responsibilities:


  • Managing all social media platforms for the business.
  • Creating and evaluating social media strategies.
  • Monitoring, responding to, and communicating with our online community.
  • Developing new methods to engage customers on social platforms.
  • Growing the company’s social media reach.


Email Marketing


Candidate will be expected to develop and track email campaigns to ultimately increase our business’ email marketing success.


Key Responsibilities:


  • Managing email campaigns from start to finish, including creation of pieces, planning, testing, evaluating, and reporting.
  • Developing and optimizing lead nurturing campaigns.
  • Segmenting contact lists and personalizing emails.
  • Keeping up to date with practices and standards in the email marketing industry.


Transaction Coordination


Exceptional organizational skills are essential. Candidate must be able to successfully manage his/her time, keep his/her workspace clutter-free, prioritize projects and stay on top of his/her schedule.


Key Responsibilities:


  • Preparing template real estate agreements and coordinating signing of said agreements.
  • Ensuring paperwork is compliant with the broker’s requirements.
  • Creating a time line of important dates for the different parties involved to follow, such as deadlines for loan and inspection contingency removal.
  • Scheduling appointments and inspections.
  • Entering listings on the MLS.
  • Creating advertisements online, posting photos and videos of available properties.


Client Communications


Candidate must be detail-oriented, self-motivated and possess excellent written and verbal communication skills.


Key Responsibilities:


  • Implementing marketing plans.
  • Assisting in establishment of long-term relationship with clients.
  • Organizing client-oriented events.
  • Individual and mass communication efforts.
  • Preparing and/or coordinating the production of collateral marketing materials.
  • Identifying sponsorship, speaking, award and PR opportunities.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.
  • Maintaining our database


Property Management*


Candidate will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of two beach rental properties; including advertising the properties, explaining advantages of location and services and ensuring the property is in good working order.


Key Responsibilities:


Promoting the rentals in various websites.

Responding to inquiries.

Filing and organizing lease agreements.

Collecting and recording rent payments.

Creating work orders for maintenance technicians and cleanings.

Paying properties’ expenses and reimbursing deposits.


* This portion of the job is very turn-key and easy to learn.


Our team takes pride in working hard, but having fun at what we do. We are very passionate about our work and want the person who takes this position to take ownership and feel the same way over their assigned areas.


We want to know more about you! We know time is valuable and we don’t want to waste yours or ours, please send us a resume and cover letter detailing your salary requirements and why you think you would rock this position! E-mail:


***  From Kemi Ijaola:


16.)  Public Affairs Manager, Cruise Lines International Association, Arlington, VA


17.)  Creative Director/Copywriter, Revo Brand Group LLC, Minneapolis, MN


18.)  Marketing & Communications Manager (PT), Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkeley, CA


19.)  Marketing and Communications Manager, Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkeley, California


***  From Emily Gamiel:




I am interested in posting a job to your board. Please let me know if you need any additional information.





Centerline Digital

Raleigh, NC

20.)  Digital Account / Project Manager, Centerline Digital, Raleigh, NC

We are looking for a motivated and experienced Digital Account / Project Manager to join our rapidly growing team. The ideal Project Manager has four or more years of work experience, with at least two years of direct project management experience. In this role, you will take ownership of several client relationships and manage multiple projects simultaneously.

You will be responsible for driving projects through the full lifecycle – from inception through completion – while ensuring that timelines, budgets, and client expectations are met. Attention to detail, exceptional organizational skills, critical thinking, and creative problem solving are keys to success in this role.

Centerline is a fast-paced and collaborative environment where no two days are the same. The ideal candidate has an entrepreneurial nature and has experience with managing digital marketing campaigns.

Required background and skills:

  • 4+ years of work experience, with 2+ years of direct project management experience.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Mastery of basic applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel, as well as proficiency with online research and Gmail.
  • Proven record of success within a deadline-driven environment.
  • Positive outlook, sense of humor and a solution-oriented approach.
  • Experience in an agency setting is a plus.
  • Bachelor’s Degree required.

Where to apply:


21.)  Health Communications Specialist, Food and Drug Administration, Department Of Health And Human Services, Silver Spring, Maryland


***  From Kelly E. Blake


The University of Maryland School of Public Health in College Park, Maryland is hiring a Communications and Web Content Coordinator.  Apply online at


The position will be open until filled.


Thank you for for posting this to the Job of the Week newsletter and website.


Best regards,



Kelly E. Blake

Director of Communications

University of Maryland School of Public Health

College Park, Maryland


21.)  Communications and Web Content Coordinator, University of Maryland School of Public Health in College Park, Maryland


The Communications and Web Content Coordinator for the School of Public Health (SPH) will assist with the implementation of the School’s communications and public relations programs in an effort to: strengthen and advance the School’s identity and reputation; promote and maintain a favorable perception of the School among general public, academic, public health and government audiences; and help ensure that the School’s recruitment, partnership and development goals are more efficiently achieved. The Communications and Web Content Coordinator will report to the Director of Communications and will also work closely with SPH leadership to build and maintain a strong marketing and communications program for the UMD School of Public Health. This position will play a significant role in managing the School’s online presence and serving as a liaison to the SPH community and to website hosting staff on issues related to the Drupal-based websites.


Essential Duties/Responsibilities:


1) Website Maintenance and Enhancement: Manage and contribute to the growing

online presence for the School of Public Health and its departments and centers,

including the new Drupal-based websites (launching in Spring 2014), social media

accounts, online advertising and multimedia (audio/video/photographic) content

production. The goal is to ensure timely, accurate, attractive, and highly usable sites with a consistent look and feel. Tasks will include analysis of web analytics and web marketing strategies. (35%)

2) Writing, Editing and Design: Plan, write, edit and produce communications (print, electronic, web, video, etc.) for the SPH and its departments and centers, including newsletters, recruitment materials and event-related content. (30%)

3) Training and Customer Service/Support: Serve as the liaison to School of Public

Health faculty and staff on issues related to website maintenance, troubleshooting and updates. Consult with clients about needed design updates and provide training

support for staff and faculty responsible for updating sites in Drupal environment.

Serve as the liaison to the university’s Division of IT office on technical website issues and to the website vendor who is building the new Drupal-based SPH website. (25%)

4) Administrative Coordination: Provide coordination for meetings of the SPH

communications committee to consist of key faculty and staff throughout the school.

Provide supervision for student workers supporting SPH communications. (10%)


Minimum Qualifications:


• Bachelor’s degree in related field – journalism, marketing, communications, English, graphic design, public relations, etc.

• Minimum two years of professional experience in communications, public relations

and/or web content management.

• Excellent written, verbal, editing, interpersonal, management and organizational skills.

• A proven ability to support successful communications programs utilizing writing,

graphic design, event production, web development and electronic communications.

• An ability to independently manage competing priorities in a complex and dynamic environment.


Preferred Qualifications:


• Previous experience with web content management, particularly in the Drupal opensource

environment, is highly desired, as well as experience with front-end website

development, including: HTML, CSS, JQuery, and Javascript. PHP and MySQL

experience a plus.

• Design skills and proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, especially Photoshop and


• Social media and video production and editing experience


About the School of Public Health:


The mission of the University of Maryland School of Public Health is to promote and protect the health and well-being of the diverse communities throughout Maryland, the nation and the world through interdisciplinary education, research, practice, leadership and public policy. Built on a foundation of disciplines that originated over 150 years ago with the formation of the University of Maryland, the School of Public Health was founded in 2007 and received full accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health in 2010. We are the only accredited school of public health at a public university in the Washington, DC/Maryland/Virginia region, offering an affordable education with outstanding professional development opportunities.  Our school is entering into a partnership with the University of Maryland, Baltimore campus to create a collaborative School of Public Health. Part of the “MPowering the State” initiative which seeks to strategically link programs on both campuses, the “collaborative school” will expand educational opportunities and facilitate collaboration in public health research and service by linking our School of Public Health with the Master of Public Health program in the School of Medicine’s Department of Epidemiology and Public Health.


Apply online at

Position open until filled. For best consideration, apply by March 31, 2014.


***  From Tony Katsulos:


Hey, Ned …. when you get a chance for an upcoming JOTW cycle, below is a position we’re posting at Jetstream PR. Thanks – Tony

Tony Katsulos

President & Founder

Jetstream Public Relations, Inc.

5068 West Plano Parkway, Suite 295

Plano, TX


22.)  Senior Counselor/VP, Jetstream PR, Plano, TX (DFW area)


Tired of the stressful, big-agency rat race? Looking for more latitude and the fulfillment that comes from building strong client relationships? Jetstream PR is seeking a driven, senior PR counselor to join our entrepreneurial firm that specializes in supporting B2B/technology clients, with an emphasis in healthcare IT, software and telecom. At least 10 years of public relations experience is required, with significant and recent PR agency experience preferred, including being the primary principal leading accounts and counseling client executives. Candidates who currently are in a PR agency supervisory or leadership role are desired. Knowledge of hospitals and healthcare technology is ideal, and all candidates must be self-motivated, take a personal interest in their client work, and have superior project management skills. The successful candidate will be an integral part of the agency, both in serving strategic clients and aiding in the firm’s ongoing business development efforts. Above all, Jetstream is looking for candidates who will take seriously the agency’s commitment to quality and delivering value to our clients, balanced by our focus on everyone at Jetstream having fun in our relaxed, decidedly un-corporate environment.


Skills required include:


  • Proven and highly flexible writing skills.
  • Strong knowledge and everyday use of AP Style.
  • Adept at developing a wide variety of content, from press releases to marketing collateral and website copy.
  • Experience supporting client trade shows from marketing content development to securing, coordinating and staffing onsite news media briefings.
  • Fanatic attention to detail.
  • Ability to advance multiple projects simultaneously.


Send resumes to Please, no phone calls or unscheduled visits.


***  From Nancy Horisk-Sherr:


Hello, Ned! I saw this job announcement from Alley Cat Allies and thought I’d share for JOTW…






23.)  Communications positions, Alley Cat Allies, Bethesda, MD


Alley Cat Allies is the only national advocacy organization dedicated to the protection and humane treatment of cats. An engine for social change, Alley Cat Allies was the first organization to introduce and advocate for humane methods of feral cat care, particularly Trap-Neuter-Return, in the American animal protection community. [More at]


***  From Ellen Greenwood:




I am hoping you will put this in Ned’s JOTW. Please let me know if you need additional information.

Thank you!




Ellen Greenwood

Operations Manager

Staffing Advisors


24.)  Public Affairs Manager, National Council on Aging (NCOA), Washington, DC



Under the direction of the Director of Communications, the Public Affairs Manager will lead media relations and outreach activities to position NCOA and NCOA-S as a trusted national voice and source of valuable information on aging. The Public Affairs Manager will identify and cultivate relationships with journalists in print, broadcast, and online media; spot news and story opportunities; and devise promotional strategies that call positive attention to the work of both NCOA and NCOA-S. The Manager will work closely with senior staff to support their efforts to promote websites, influence public policy and legislation affecting seniors, and spotlight innovative programs and solutions to the media. The Manager will be a confident self-starter and mission-motivated professional who will become a brand champion for NCOA’s values, programs, and expertise.




For over 60 years, the National Council on Aging (NCOA), a nonprofit service and advocacy organization, has worked to improve the lives of millions of older Americans, especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. NCOA’s social impact goal is to improve the health and economic security of 10 million older adults by 2020.


NCOA Services (NCOA-S) is a nonprofit subsidiary of NCOA, and its mission is to improve the health and economic security of millions of older adults and help make NCOA an enduring organization. NCOA-S is a social enterprise that partners with both for-profit and nonprofit organizations to develop creative solutions to address the challenges of aging in America and bring them to scale nationwide.

NCOA’s Operating Principles

All employees are expected to abide by the Operating Principles promulgated June 2008: (1) Striving for Excellence in all that we do, fostering critical thinking and creative action. Welcoming and embracing innovation every day, not afraid of taking risks, trying something new, or adapting to a changing world. (2) Have respect and care for all and good stewards of our resources and opportunities. (3) Achieve shared goals by building an environment of collaboration in which everyone is expected to contribute. (4) Committed to a trusting and respectful work environment that: values honest and open communication, recognizes individual differences and points of view, and ensures the fair treatment of everyone.


Under the guidance of the Director of Communications, and in support of NCOA’s strategic priority to improve the health and economic security of 10 million older adults by 2020, the Public Affairs Manager will plan and implement:

 Organizational News Promotion

  • Identify news opportunities to promote the work of NCOA      and NCOA-S.
  • Develop key messages for all external media      opportunities.
  • Write press releases, statements, blog posts, and      op-eds.
  • Develop additional creative content to promote      websites, programs, and advocacy positions to a diverse audience      nationwide.

 Media Relations

  • Leverage the expertise, signature services, and thought      leadership of NCOA and NCOA-S to develop story ideas for the media.
  • Distribute/pitch story ideas with the goal of raising      the profile of NCOA and NCOA-S and increasing public awareness of their      websites, programs, signature services, and advocacy efforts.
  • Cultivate relationships with key journalists in the      fields of aging, health, economic security, Medicare, and public policy.
  • Promptly respond to unsolicited media inquiries to tell      the story of NCOA and NCOA-S.
  • Arrange interviews for in-house thought leaders.
  • Create, manage, and execute in-person and online media      events.
  • Monitor and respond to relevant news online and      offline.
  • Develop and execute a plan for analyzing media coverage      to track results and identify emerging threats and opportunities.
  • Continuously work to improve public affairs efforts      based on results, metrics, and best practices.

Internal Communications

  • Work closely with NCOA’s Senior Director of Product Development      & Strategy to leverage media opportunities to promote signature      websites and programs for older adults and caregivers.
  • Work closely with NCOA Public Policy & Advocacy      staff to actively promote NCOA’s positions on federal policy and      legislation affecting older adults, position NCOA as a trusted national      voice on key issues, and engage constituents in advocacy actions.
  • Manage/protect the reputation of NCOA and NCOA-S in      case of inaccurate or critical reports.
  • Assist in preparation of talking points or written      answers and provide coaching or support during interviews.
  • Serve as spokesperson when needed.

Leadership Visibility

  • Support the Director of Communications in      creating/implementing visibility strategies for senior NCOA and      NCOA-S leadership that align with overarching communications strategies.      This could include facilitating interviews, developing blogs, and      researching/preparing talking points.


  • Demonstrated passion for NCOA’s mission of improving      the lives of millions of older adults.
  • At least five years of experience in public relations,      media relations, communications, and/or journalism, with      impeccable writing and reporting skills (samples will be      requested).
  • Strong written and oral communication skills, with      ability to serve as spokesperson.
  • Solid understanding of the current news media      landscape, with contacts in leading U.S. online, national, regional, and      local news outlets.
  • A passion and demonstrated success with proactive media      outreach, including effective story development/pitching to journalists      that resulted in positive coverage.
  • Experience with media relations/social media tracking      and measurement tools and working knowledge of best practices in      analytics.
  • Experience and appreciation for the role of social      media in public/media relations and its ability to drive mainstream media      attention and web traffic, as well as manage reputation.
  • Strong writing skills with ability to blog/write and/or      ghost write in support of NCOA thought leaders.
  • Collaborative, organized project management and work      style to support the needs and goals of NCOA and NCOA-S staff and      programs.
  • Ability to multitask and work under tight deadlines, as      well as creatively solve problems and look for efficiencies and ways to      improve NCOA’s communications and systems.
  • Solid understanding of advocacy, federal legislation,      and public policy and working knowledge of today’s biggest challenges      facing people aged 60 and older a plus.
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in journalism, public      relations, communications, marketing, or related field.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office required; knowledge of      Meltwater, Salesforce, Blackbaud Luminate, and/or KnowWho a plus.

ADA Specifications


Requires the ability to speak, hear, and use hands to operate standard business equipment, including computers and other relevant technology.

The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by the individual(s) assigned to this position. They are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, responsibilities, and skills required. Management reserves the right to modify, add, or remove duties and to assign other duties as necessary. In addition, responsible accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of this position.


To Apply for the Public Affairs Manager:

Simply email your resume to with “Public Affairs Manager – NCOA /2014-1763” in the subject line of the email. You can also visit us online at


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


25.)  Director of Development and Communications, Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County PA, West Norriton, PA


26.)  Writer, Mkt  Communications – Content Publisher, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., Harleysville, Pennsylvania –


27.)  Public-Relations-Manager, Unisys, Blue Bell, PA


28.)  Communications Sr. Associate Job, Unisys, Bangalore, India


29.)  Communications trainee, Unisys, Mexico City, Mexico


30.)  Developer – News Development Team, News UK, London, UK


***  From Mark Sofman:


31.)  Public Relations Manager (Sr.), ING Financial Services, Windsor, CT


32.)  Marketing Communications Manager, Lubrizol, Brecksville, OH


33.)  Communications Specialist, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Bedford, Massachusetts


***  From Alexandra Horowitch:

34.)  Account Coordinator, Racepoint Global, Washington, DC


Due to our exceptional growth, we are looking for a talented Account Coordinator to manage the daily needs and activities of our clients.  If you consider yourself one of the best in public relations, we would love to talk to you.

Racepoint Global Account Coordinators are responsible for working collaboratively with account team(s) to execute deliverables and tactics as specified within client programs.  ACs provide critical support to the account team(s) with overall administrative, accounting, organizational and presentation support.  This position requires pro-active, well organized individuals with enthusiasm and motivation to succeed in a fast pace environment.

The successful AC candidate will have strong written and oral communications skills, a dedication to consistently meeting deadlines, paying close attention to detail, be able to prioritize multiple tasks and deliver the highest quality work.


  • Bachelor’s degree plus 0-1 year of public relations, public affairs, advocacy or communications experience
  • Demonstrated social media expertise
  • Strong writing and proofreading skills, effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to take ownership of projects and execute effectively
  • Ability to manage client resource materials
  • Ability to manage time effectively and multi-task
  • Proficient in MSWord, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Hill and/or political campaign experience a plus
  • Interest in working on a variety of legislative and regulatory affairs, grassroots and issues-management campaigns

Please send resumes to


35.)  Communications Intern, Office of  Communications, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC


36.)  Communications Director, National Association of State Foresters Industry, Washington, DC


***  Weekly Alternative Selections:


***  From Mark Sofman:


37.)  Farm and Ranch Manager, Cassidy Turley, Indianapolis, IN


38.)  Agriculture Field Inspector I (Livestock Inspector), State of Oklahoma, Payne, OK


39.)  Laboratory Technician – Mars Fishcare, Mars, Pennsylvania


40.)  Breed-to-Wean Production Technician, The Maschhoffs, Eagleville, MO


41.)  Seafood Processor – Herring, Silver Bay Seafoods, Sitka, AK


42.)  Aquarist-Yawkey Gallery, New England Aquarium, Boston, MA


***  Weekly Piracy Report:


040-14  06.03.2014: 1912 UTC: Posn: 04:11N – 005:44E, around 30nm WxS of Brass, Nigeria.


Seven pirates in a speed boat approached a drifting supply vessel and hijacked it. They took the crew as hostage and used the vessel as a mother vessel to look for other vessels to hijack. After around 20 hours when no suitable vessel was found the pirates stole the crew and ship’s properties and escaped. Some crew who were beaten up during the hijack.


039-14  09.03.2014: 0135 LT: Posn: 09:56N – 076:09E, Kochi Anchorage, India.


Three robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored product tanker. D/O spotted the robbers stealing ship’s stores and raised the alarm resulting in the crew members approaching the location. Seeing the alert crew, the robbers jumped overboard with the stolen stores and escaped. Master reported the incident to the Port Control.


038-14  06.03.2014: 0130 UTC: Posn: 04:44.4S – 011:44.9E, Pointe Noire Anchorage, The Congo.


Two armed robbers boarded an anchored general cargo ship using a rope. They stole ship’s properties and escaped when the duty crew spotted them.


037-14  07.03.2014: 1630 UTC: Posn: 14:20N – 053:19E, Gulf of Aden.


Three skiffs chased and approached a Ro-Ro ship underway. Master raised the alarm, contacted the UKMTO and broadcast a Mayday message. All non-essential crewmembers mustered in the citadel, and vessel took anti-piracy preventive measures as per BMP4. The on board armed security team fired three red flares when the skiffs closed to the ship resulting in the skiffs aborting the approach. A military helicopter and a warship came to the location to assist.


036-14  06.03.2014: 0538 LT: Posn: 01:09N-103:30E, Nipa Transit, Singapore Straits.


While underway Master on board a crude oil tanker heard over the VHF a vessel reporting a robbery incident. Hearing this the Master ordered his crew to secure the accommodation. While locking the entrance to the steering gear room a crewmember was approached by three robbers with knives and threatened while two more robbers were seen exiting the steering gear room with stolen ships property. As the robbers escaped the crew reported to the bridge and the Master raised the alarm and informed the authorities. All crew safe.


***  Ball cap of the week:   MOAA (Thanks, Connie!)


***  Coffee Mug of the week:     Maidstone State Park – Vermont  Forests, Parks & Recreation


***  T- shirt of the week:   Old is Cool (Thanks, Connie…I mean, really.)


***  Musical guest artist of the week:   Hank Ballard and the Moonlighters


***  To subscribe: 


Your cooperation is requested.  Please send job opportunities to share with all JOTW members to


You are welcome to distribute this to fellow communicators.  You are welcome to look at the previous issues.  To read this list on the web, please visit


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield

Springfield, VA 22153


+1 703 455-7661 (home office)

+1 703 472-8629 (cell)


“Do not forget what is to be a sailor because of being a captain yourself.”

– Tanzanian proverb


The JOTW Network – A world in communication

For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2014 The Job of the Week Network, LLC



2014 Gold Quill Awards

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