Here's a JOTW “Can't Wait” announcement from Eric Bergman, ABC, APR, MC

Here's a JOTW “Can't Wait” announcement from Eric Bergman, ABC, APR, MC

*** Introducing Effective Media Training … Online

It's like a teleseminar, only better. The online version of At Ease With the Media is now available at its own website (

This self-study program provides spokespeople with tools and insights to manage exchanges with reporters to win-win outcomes, while applying risk management strategies to protect their reputation and their organization's.

The program consists of 10 audio-visual modules that vary in length from four to 13 minutes and cover a range of topics. Each module is accompanied by a five-question quiz. Spokespeople view the modules and complete the quizzes. Those who earn a combined score of 45/50 receive a Certificate of Completion for the program.

“The quizzes serve two purposes,” says Eric Bergman, ABC, APR, who designed the program and is also author of the train-the-trainer guide Media Training With Excellence: A Balanced Approach ( “First, they force participants to listen to the information contained in the modules. Second, they help internalize the concepts taught. Testing has shown the program to be extremely effective at achieving both ends.”

The modules cover topic areas that include: Managing Polarization; Working With Reporters; Negotiating the Interview; Print vs Broadcast; and Managing Risk. “Participants have commented that the 'Managing Risk' module alone is worth the cost of the program,” Bergman says.

The program is extremely flexible and adaptable. Organizations can offer all modules to their spokespeople, or only offer specific modules. The online version can be used as stand-alone training, or offered in conjunction with “live” training — either in person or via teleconference.

“The original idea was to bring cost-effective media training to a wide geographic audience,” says Bergman. “And there is no better program available for doing that. But beyond that original aim, At Ease With the Media sets a new standard for media training that helps an organization's spokespeople create strategic outcomes from their exchanges with journalists.”

To arrange a “test drive” or live demonstration, or for more information, contact:

Eric Bergman, ABC, APR, MC


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