A JOTW “Can't Wait” posting from Leigh Penn at SAIC

A JOTW “Can't Wait” posting from Leigh Penn at SAIC

Media Relations Specialist, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), McLean, Virginia

How to Apply: Please click on this link to apply to the job directly! http://tinyurl.com/2djqyp4

*** The Job of the Week newsletter, the Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter (DEFCON-1), www.nedsjotw.com and www.yourdefcon1.com are a service of The Job of the Week Network LLC. Ned Lundquist, ABC, is editor and publisher.

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To submit a job to share with the JOTW network, send to lundquist989@cs.com. Listing a job in the weekly newsletter is free.

“Can't Wait” postings have immediate impact and get immediate results.

There is a $300 fee for posting a “Can't Wait” announcement to the JOTW network.

To submit a “Can't Wait” announcement, contact Ned at lundquist989@cs.com.

The JOTW Network – A world in communication For your hospitality, thank you!

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The JOTW newsletter is published by:

Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153





(C) Copyright 2010 The Job of the Week Network, LLC

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