Category Archives: Infamous March 32nd Issue
Special March 32nd edition of Ned’s Job of the Week Newsletter
Special edition.
JOTW March 32nd issue
———————————————————————— *** IABC/Reykjavik – mánaðarlega fundi Markaðssetning á demographically hreinu Íslendinga April 15, 2014 Nauthólsvegur room, Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura ———————————————————————— JOTW 13-2014 March 32, 2014 This is JOTW newsletter number 1,008 3/4 “It may be seem like its really hard for an egg to turn into a bird that can […]
JOTW 13-2013 Add 1 for March 32, 2013
–^———————————————————————————————- Men…Pick a Princeton Princess! The new on-line match service to make sure Princeton women get the man they deserve! No one else is worthy, so why look anywhere else? –^———————————————————————————————- JOTW 13-2013 Add 1 March 32, 2013 “Of all lovely days, this was the loveliest, with narcissi and […]
Special March 33rd edition of JOTW
———————————————————————— Networking! Enrichment! Development Its NED-Fest 2012. Connect. Cogitate. Communicate. Today, March 33rd, at the Rubber Duck Café, Ferns Country Store, Carlisle, Mass. ———————————————————————— JOTW 13-2012 Add 1 March 33, 2012 This is JOTW newsletter number 911.5 “Words do not cost much. Yet they can be a bit much.” – Blaise Pascal […]
JOTW 13-2011 Add 1
축출하고 독재자 추방 국제 대회
JOTW 13-2010 Add 1 – Special March 32nd issue of Ned's Job of the Week
Today – March 32nd – a day that will live in infamy.
JOTW 13-2009 Add 1
March 32, 2009
JOTW 13-2008 Add 1
March 32nd Issue
JOTW 13-2007 Add 1
JOTW for March 32, 2007
March 32nd issue 2006
JOTW 07-2006 March 32, 2006 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> “If lye-based toilet bowl disinfectant products are so poisonous, why do they make them taste so good?” – Anonymous Welcome to the totally free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators. JOTW is a cooperative service that relies […]